IACP Brochure: Public Recording of Police

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Public’s Fourth Key Points to Remember

Amendment Right
Nearly all seizures and searches of
XX In the majority of situations,
individuals have a First Amendment Public Recording
recording devices require a court
order or warrant in accordance with
right to audio and video record
police who are conducting of Police
business in public.
the Fourth Amendment.
XX Officers should always assume
XX Without exception, video recordings that they are being recorded when
may not be destroyed or deleted in a public space.
whether they are obtained with a
warrant or a bona fide exception XX Officers may not seize recording
to the warrant requirement. devices or recording media without
a warrant except in narrowly
XX In some unusual situations, probable defined exigent circumstances.
cause may exist to believe that a
recording device contains evidence XX Officers may not arrest individuals
of a serious crime. for the act of recording.
XX After consulting with a supervisor XX Officers should develop a suitable
if feasible, the officer can ask the response that will deflect any
recording person whether he or she negative reactions, such as
will consent to lend the recording acknowledging the individual’s
medium to the officer temporarily so First Amendment right to record
that it can be viewed. In addition, the and asking whether he or she
officer can ask whether the person will would like to speak to a supervisor.
e-mail the recording to the officer at his
or her government e-mail address.
XX If the recording party does not agree
to either of these options, he or she
may not be pressured, threatened,
or intimidated to gain compliance. For More Information
Contact IACP program staff at
XX If the person does not agree to the
PROP Project
foregoing options and there is International Association of Chiefs of Police
probable cause to believe that 44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 200
immediate seizure and search of Alexandria, VA 22314
the recording device is necessary to 800-843-4227
prevent death or serious bodily harm, prop@theiacp.org
the recording party may be detained
briefly and a supervisor summoned to
determine whether the search can be
conducted without a warrant.
Cover photo credit: Mickey H. Osterreicher
Public’s Right to Record Restrictions on
Recording the actions and activities of police Public Recordings
officers in the performance of their public
While the public has a broad-based right
duties is a form of speech, protected by the
to record police activities, that right is not
First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,
absolute. It is subject to some narrowly
through which individuals may gather and
defined limitations. For example, the
disseminate information of public concern.
public cannot
This right is extended to video and audio
XX trespass on private property;
recording of any police activity performed
in public or where an individual otherwise XX put themselves or others in
has a legal right to be present. In effect, the physical danger;
public has the same rights to record police
activities as the press. XX enter a private dwelling or similar private Appropriate Police
space without the owner’s permission;
Responses to Being
XX enter a marked crime scene;
What is “Public Space”? Recorded
XX enter any area not accessible XX Informing the recording party that he
Public space includes locations that are to the general public;
open and legally accessible to the public, or she has a right to record, but there
such as parks, beaches, and streets. XX materially interfere with police in the are some restrictions
It also includes buildings designated for performance of their duties. (This XX Advising the recording party if he
public use, such as libraries, the open interference may include tampering or she is doing something that is
and common areas of government buildings, with a witness, persistently engaging not permitted
and community shopping malls or other an officer with questions or interruptions,
places of business that are accessible and or impeding emergency responders or XX Directing the recording party to a
open to the general public. motor vehicle traffic. Verbal criticism does location at a reasonable distance
not of itself justify an officer ordering that where he or she can record
recording be stopped.) XX Designating a reasonable police
perimeter; this perimeter must be
applied to individuals equally and
the recording party should not be
singled out

Arrests of individuals who are recording police activities must be based on

factors that are unrelated to the act of recording. Recording the police does not,
of itself, establish legal grounds for arrest, issuance of citations, or taking other
actions to restrict such recordings.

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