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FPGA implemented reduced Ethernet MAC

Conference Paper · December 2013

DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom.2013.6719258

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2 authors:

Jozsef Suto Stefan Oniga

University of Debrecen Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca


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FPGA implemented reduced Ethernet MAC
József Sütő Stefan Oniga
University of Debrecen University of Debrecen
Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Informatics
Debrecen, Hungary Debrecen, Hungary

Abstract —This paper presents an implementation MAC (RMAC) can be useful when IP cores are not
of a reduced Ethernet MAC. The reduced MAC is applicable.
simple and not resource wasteful. Therefore it is
suitable to every project which includes network II. THE SOFT MAC
communication. It is especially useful to low
performance FPGAs. In practice the FPGA boards In our work we have made the implementation
are well applicable to implement network protocols, using a Digilent NEXYS_3 SPARTAN-6 FPGA
because the implemented protocols will work in board. Xilinx provides Ethernet IP core with
parallel. The main topics of the article cover the base evaluation license but it expire after a specific
concept of reduced MAC, the implemented network period of time. Moreover, the generated hardware is
protocols and characteristics. time limited. The RMAC includes the two essential
network protocols: DHCP and ARP. The
Keywords—FPGA; PHY; MAC; MII; Ethernet transmitter and receiver parts are detached from
other network units thus the interface between PHY
I. INTRODUCTION (Physical Layer device) and MAC influences only
this component. The whole MAC built from blocks
FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) therefore every block is portable.
provides a better solution to implement network We tested the RMAC in a medium-speed data
protocols than microcontrollers or other devices acquisition system. Figure 1 shows the test
with sequential instruction execution, because the environment and the structure of implemented
parts of the network will work independently and blocks.
do not have to wait for the end of the previous
Today, there are many device manufacturers, which
support C/C++ or other compilers and built-in
libraries to network communication. Thereby users
can create elementary network communication
simply. Obviously, programming in a high level
programming language is easier than in hardware
description language. Using built-functions we can
save time. On the other hand, in some cases the
built-functions not work well. For instance,
sometimes when a device want to use IP address
from DHCP, but DHCP server (or agent) isn’t
available on the network, the program in the device
will freezes or won’t work appropriately.
Usually device selection depends on the purpose. In
complex data acquisition systems where
information is transmitted on Ethernet, one of the
best decisions is to use FPGA based equipment.
FPGA provides well scalable, flexible and powerful
solution. Often FPGA manufacturers give IP
(Intellectual Property) cores to Ethernet but those
cores are not available to every FPGA type.
Furthermore, IP core is not modifiable while an
own module can be created according to the
purpose. Another important indicator is the FPGA
utilization. Sometimes in complex projects the
Fig. 1. Structure of implemented blocks
available sources are not enough. Thus a reduced
The dark grey components are the soft MAC while Actually RMAC uses UDP transport protocol. In
other components are parts of the test environment. some cases using UDP transport protocol is more
Every MAC component comprises little modules advantageous than TCP, for example when you
which made in HDL (Hardware Description want to use the maximum bandwidth for data
Language). acquisition. Otherwise TCP is the preferred
protocol. On figure 3 we can see the applied
III. OPERATION OF MAC outgoing packet structure.

A. MII interface

The NEXYS_3 has a 10/100 Mbit Ethernet

PHY with MII (Media Independent Interface)
interface between PHY and MAC. Currently the
reduced MAC is supported to MII interface only.
The PHY covers the physical layer of the network,
while FPGA controls the MAC. The MII interface
decomposes every byte into two nibbles (half byte).
A nibble transition requires one clock cycle. In this
interface the byte order and bit order are contrary.
The last four checksum bytes order are opposite
compared to packet byte order. Figure 2 shows how
to combine the two nibbles into one byte and the
bit-byte order organization.

Fig. 3. Packet structure

This is an IPv4 packet with UDP transport protocol.

C. IP address request from DHCP

First time when the client (FPGA board) is

attached to the network, the RMAC (DHCP
component) will require an IP address from DHCP
server (in most cases via DHCP relay agent). The
client broadcasts DHCP DISCOVER on the subnet
with source address. In the DHCP
Fig. 2. Byte disassembly and bit-byte order DISCOVER the client indicates that is capable for
autoconfiguration or not. If DHCP server is
B. Packet structure unavailable or it could not configure the node
(DHCP OFFER option 116 value is 0) RMAC will
In RMAC the packet sending includes the try to use a static IP address. A time-counter
packet editing which is a lengthy process, because measures the elapsed time from the sending
the packet builds up byte by byte. moment of the DHCP DISCOVER in order to avoid
Developers should treat some essential rules, like halt if DHCP is not available. When the counter
the maximum size that is 1500 bytes and the exceeds the time limit (some seconds) the reduced
minimum size is 46 bytes of the Ethernet frame MAC ignores DHCP module and restores a static IP
payload. If the payload of the frame is less than 46 from memory.
bytes the packet composer module fills the packet When DHCP server configures the client it
with dummy data (zeros). Consequently, outgoing broadcasts back DHCP OFFER which contains the
data packets include the header of layers with fixed offered IP address. The DHCP component in
length and a dynamic message part. RMAC takes out the offered IP and stores it in
registers. Later this address will be pasted into
source address of outgoing packets. Next the client
broadcasts DHCP REQUEST which signs that the step is the packet sending. The HDL modules create
offered IP was accepted. Finally, DHCP ACK different outgoing packets. For every packet
terminates the communication between DHCP composer there is a separated frame check sequence
server and client. It indicates that IP has been calculator. In the frame check sequence calculation
distributed. After a given period (option 58) the process the exact scheduling is very important,
client should renew the requested IP address. In the because the calculation will drift and the result will
ideal case this communication includes two be incorrect. If the frame check sequence is invalid
messages: DHCP REQUEST and DHCP ACK. the receiver node will discard the packet.
Differently from previous DHCP REQUEST it Continuously more processes operate parallel in
contains the actual IP address. A simple but not RMAC which will be concatenated at appropriate
elegant solution for this task is renewing the IP in time. One solution for this task is pipelining. In this
every hour. Thus the HDL code will be a little case processes shift relative one to each other.
simpler. In order to check the outgoing bitstream (packet),
simulation may provide a good option. From the
D. ARP component simulation we can find out mistakes. Figure 4
shows the simulation of the RMAC in ISim.
In order to communicate in subnet we have to
implement the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).
The node should know the MAC address of the
router or other nodes. The ARP module in RMAC
is responsible for ARP REQUEST, ARP REPLY
and gratuitous ARP sending. The Target Hardware
Address (THA) in the ARP REQUEST is zero.
When the node wants to know the MAC address to
IP address it activates the ARP module which
broadcasts the ARP REQUEST. When the target
node catches ARP REQUEST, it answers back with
ARP REPLY. The Sender Hardware Address
(SHA) contains the demanded MAC address. The
receiver module focuses on incoming ARP
messages and reads out useful information from
ARP packet. If the SHA of an incoming ARP
REPLY is equal with the ARP REQUEST’s THA, Fig. 4. Simulation
the ARP module delivers the target MAC address to
On figure 4 the two upper signals are the base 100
the outgoing packet composer which inserts it into
MHz clock signal of the board and the 25 MHz
Hardware Address of an outgoing message.
clock signal from PHY. The next four wires are
Gratuitous ARP is useful when the FPGA node
indicators. The first wire indicates the start of
wants to use static IP address. By this packet
packet transition. When this line is high a new
RMAC detects duplicate IP address on the subnet.
packet will be sent. The second wire indicates the
The Sender Protocol Address (SHA) of this packet
duration of packet transition. While this wire is
is zero because we should avoid overwriting the
high, the packet transition is in process. The third
cache table of nodes on the subnet. When RMAC
wire is the TXEN (TX enable) line of PHY. TXEN
detects IP address collision (our node is the
marks the validity of output data lines. This wire
offender) it will select an APIPA (Automatic
should be controled independently of clock signal.
Private IP Addressing) IP address or will wait for
Finally, the fourth wire signs the frame check
an available IP from DHCP server.
sequence calculation process. When the wire goes
to low the frame check sequence calculation ends
and the calculated value attaches to the end of
Actually the reduced MAC is capable of
The first bus is an address counter which points to
simplified Ethernet communication. Only the
the current byte in the packet. The second bus
essential network protocols have been
shows the current byte while the third is the current
nibble. The last bus is the calculated frame check
The first step in RMAC implementation is the reset
sequence. On figure 4 we can observe the
of PHY, because PHY sends clock signal after reset
disassembly of a byte into two nibble and
(it depends on PHY type). On the test board
additionally the byte and checksum order. In
(NEXYS 3) the main clock frequency is 100 MHz
addition, on figure 4 we can see pipelining between
therefore developers have to pay attention to
cooperation between two different clock
Since at the same time only one module can use the
frequencies. The second and the most important
data and control lines of the PHY therefore in the
TOP module of the HDL code there is a multiplexer Media Independent Interface) interface. Since the
which permits or suspends the outputs of a module. network protocols are independent of interface
Every implemented module built from logic gates between PHY and MAC, thus we have to modify
in FPGA. Generally the generated logic circuit is Ethernet component (figure 1) only if we want to
rather complex thus the regeneration of the project support other interfaces.
requires more and more time as the project is One of the main differences between GMII and MII
increasing. Since the reduced MAC is relatively is the byte format because in GMII a byte will be
small, the regeneration not requires much time. transmitted in one clock cycle.
Figure 5 presents the size of RMAC in SPARTAN-

The publication/poster was supported by the

TÁMOP - 4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0001 project.
The project has been supported by the European
Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.


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