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What is Fiction?

Literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes
imaginary events and people. Examples are novels, stories, creative writing,
imaginative writing, and works of the imagination, prose literature, narration,
and storytelling;

Example of a Poem: Howl (Alan Ginsberg)

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness,

starving hysterical naked,

dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking

for an angry fix,

angel headed hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly

connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,

who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking…

Howl by Alan Ginsberg is a good example of fiction. These are the first few
lines of Howl, one of the most famous examples of modern “free verse” poetry. It
has no rhyme, and no particular meter. But its words still have a distinct, rhythmic
quality, and the line breaks encapsulate the meaning of the poem. Notice how
the last word of each line contributes to the imagery of a corrupt, ravaged city
(“madness, naked, smoking”), with one exception: “heavenly.” This
powerful juxtaposition goes to the heart of Ginsburg’s intent in writing the poem
– though what that intent is, you’ll have to decide for yourself.

Example of a Story: Alice in Wonderland (By Lewis Carrol)

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is a good example of fiction. The

story narrates various adventures of the main character, Alice, in a fictitious land
full of incredible creatures and events. Alice has to go through certain magical
experiences in the wonderland. According to the story, one day, while reading
book, Alice grows bored, and notices a white rabbit. She follows the rabbit
when it goes into a hole in the ground.

When peeping through the hole, Alice loses her balance and falls in. She
floats down slowly into the hole, and observes everything around her. Then Alice
enters Wonderland, where she witnesses a number of weird things. This entire
magical tale is fabricated and imaginary, which makes it a good fiction to
Example of a Play: Hamlet (by William Shakespeare)

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is another apt example of fiction. The story

of the play moves around the main character, Prince Hamlet. He is informed by
the Ghost of his father that his uncle murdered his father, King Hamlet, and
married his wife and Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude. The Ghost elicits a
promise from Hamlet that he will avenge his murder by killing the murderer. This
becomes Hamlet’s dilemma. He vows to kill his uncle, but delays it on one
pretext or another. Overall, the story is all about the intrigues and plots of the
royal castle of Elsinore in Denmark. The story may have some connection with
the real life events and characters, yet it is completely a fabricated story
created by Shakespeare to entertain the Elizabeth audience of that time.

Example of a Novel: Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen)

Another ample example to portray fiction is, Pride and Prejudice by Jane
Austen. It is one of the most famous English novels. Unlike the previous example,
this story is set in a real-life-like setting. All characters are humans, and no
magical or strange events take place in this novel. All of the characters, and the
entire story is a made-up narrative, each element the product of Jane Austen’s
imagination. She not only presents the issues of the contemporary life faced by
middle class families, but also daily preoccupations of the common people. The
novel presents a good fiction of actual life of nineteenth century.
What is Non-Fiction?

Common literary examples of nonfiction include expository,

argumentative, functional, and opinion pieces; essays on art or literature;
biographies; memoirs; journalism; and historical, scientific, technical, or
economic writings (including electronic ones).

Example of a Newspaper:

War on drugs, mining clampdown, death penalty pushed in SONA 2017


Duterte vowed to go after the multi-billion mining industry, even as he admitted

some officials in the mining companies were his friends.

"You have to come up with a substitute, either spend to restore the virginity of
their source or I will tax you to death," said Duterte.

Read more: War on drugs, mining clampdown, death penalty pushed in SONA
2017War on drugs, mining clampdown, death penalty pushed in SONA 2017

Written by Regine Cabato, CNN Philippines

Published: 25 July 2017

Example of Editorial: Reality T.V. Creates an Alternate Reality

Some editorials, like 'Reality T.V. Creates an Alternate Reality,' use humor
and sarcasm mixed with facts to get a point across. With around 600 words, this
example is a bit longer and takes a stand against reality television. The whole
article is found in the cite below:

Example of a Personal Account: The Confessions of Saint Augustine

(Augustine of Hippo)

This is arguably the first creative nonfiction autobiography, although that is

far from the way most people read it. It is also one of the most influential. In a
single semester during college, I was expected to read this book for classes in
writing, church history, and world literature.

Apart from saving me a lot of time, studying it in three contexts underlined

for me how complex a work of CNF can be—a frank, crafted account of the self
can be read on many levels and stand among the classics of literature.

Example of a Journal: As defined (Thomas B. Connery)

"As defined by Thomas B. Connery, literary journalism is 'nonfiction printed
prose whose verifiable content is shaped and transformed into a story or
sketch by use of narrative and rhetorical techniques generally associated with
fiction.' Through these stories and sketches, authors 'make a statement, or
provide an interpretation, about the people and culture depicted.' Norman
Sims adds to this definition by suggesting the genre itself allows readers to
'behold others' lives, often set within far clearer contexts than we can bring to
our own.' He goes on to suggest, 'There is something intrinsically political—and
strongly democratic—about literary journalism—something pluralistic, pro-
individual, anti-cant, and anti-elite.' Further, as John E. Hartsock points out, the
bulk of work that has been considered literary journalism is composed 'largely by
professional journalists or those writers whose industrial means of production is to
be found in the newspaper and magazine press, thus making them at least for
the interim de facto journalists.' Common to many definitions of literary
journalism is that the work itself should contain some kind of higher truth; the
stories themselves may be said to be emblematic of a larger truth."

Example of an Article: Listen and Learn with Audio Books (Reading Rockets,
Rachael Walker (2017))

Audio books are a wonderful way to expose your child to complex

language, expressive reading, and fantastic stories. Listening to audio books also
gives kids the valuable and enjoyable experience of using their own
imaginations to visualize the people and places they’re hearing about. Here,
you’ll find guidance on what to look for in choosing audio books as well as
listening tips.

Example of legal Document: Space exploration (John M. Logsdon See

Article History)

Space exploration, the investigation, by means of crewed and

uncrewed spacecraft, of the reaches of the universe beyond Earth’s
atmosphere and the use of the information so gained to increase knowledge of
the cosmosand benefit humanity. A complete list of all crewed spaceflights,
with details on each mission’s accomplishments and crew, is available in the
section Chronology of crewed spaceflights.

Example of Historical Account: The Life and Legacy of José Rizal: National
Hero of The Philippines (RONICA VALDEAVILLA)

Dr. José Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, is not only admired for
possessing intellectual brilliance but also for taking a stand and resisting the
Spanish colonial government. While his death sparked a revolution to overthrow
the tyranny, Rizal will always be remembered for his compassion towards the
Filipino people and the country.
Mimbunga Elementary School

SY: 2019-2020

Project in English

Submitted by:

Reynald A. Baranggan

Submitted to:

Flordiliza A. Guanzon

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