Loan Disbursement Report of RBL 2016

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Annual Report 2016
Annual Report 2016

d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Head Office
Rupali Bhaban
34 Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-02-9551624-25, +88-02-9551525, +88-02-9552184
Fax: +88-02-9564148, +88-02-9552671, Help Desk: 9553799, PABX-1207
Annual Report
2 0 1 6
Rupali Bank Limited is one of the largest state-owned
commercial bank in Bangladesh, serving the million of people
in urban and rural areas across the country with its wider
branch network. It was emerged as one of the Bank in the
country with the spirit to provide services to the mass people.

The Bank's aspiration has truly expressed by the slogan
"Assures Better Service". We minimize any negative impact
on the environment that might be associated with our
operations or our services, searching for new ways to
conserve natural resurces. Our aim is not just to maximize
profit, but to ensure sustainable business for our
shareholders, customers and above all for the community we
operate in. Our vision, mission and core values articulate our
passion to bridge the people and businesses sustainably.
Annual Report 2016 expresses our best business endeavor

and long term commitment.


Rupali Bank Limited

Assures Better Service

Rationale of the Cover Illustration

The composition embodied in the cover 'writing with the pen',
'calculator', 'table clock' and 'computer' depicts a historical
progress from simple to complex one. Despite the
challenging environment among the financial institutions,
Rupali Bank Limited served strongly in the financial market,
registering a significant progress in the year 2016 in relation
to deposit, credit with sound capital adequacy and expansion
of new horizon of multi-dimensional businesses. Positive and
healthy trends of financial indicators were subsequently
reflected in the Annual Report 2016.
Letter of Transmittal 05 98 Report on CSR

Notice of the 31st Annual General Meeting 06 104 Report on Human Resources

Vision 07 109 Information Technology & Financial Services


Mission 07 114 Mobile Financial Services

Core values 08 117 Products and Services of RBL


Strategic Objectives 08 123 Directors' Report

141 Statement of the Chairman of RMC

Ethical Principles 09

145 Risk Management and Control Environment
Disclaimer 10
159 Market Disclosure
Corporate Profile 11
173 Report of the Audit Committee

A Retrospective of RBL 14
176 Directors' Responsibility for IC and FR
Awards & Recognition 18
177 MD & CEO and CFO's Declaration to the Board

Board of Directors 19
179 Independent Auditors’ Report to the Shareholders of RBL
Directors' Profile 21

182 Auditors' Report & Financial Statements


Board’s Committee 27 (RBL & Consolidated)

Management Team 29

271 Auditors' Report & Financial Statements (RIL)


Shareholders' Information 36 278 Auditors' Report & Financial Statements (RBSL)

Chairman's Message 53 284 Photo Gallery of RBL

Managing Director & CEO’s Round up 58 293 Remembrance


Report on Corporate Governance 71 296 Branch Network

Report on Sustainable Banking 86 300 List of Authorized Dealer Branches

Report on Green Banking 90 Proxy Forms

Report on Financial Inclusion 95 Notes

Letter of Transmittal

All Shareholders
Bangladesh Bank
Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd.
Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd.

Sub: Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2016.

Dear Sir(s)

We are pleased to enclose herewith a copy of the Annual Report-2016 together with the

Audited Financial Statements of Rupali Bank Limited for your kind information and record.

Yours Sincerely,
d .c

(Md. Mainuddin)
General Manager &
Company Secretary

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 05
iƒcvjx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
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34 w`jKzkv evwYwR¨K GjvKv
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mvaviY mfv (2016 mv‡ji) AbywôZ n‡e| mfvq wbgœwjwLZ Kvh©vejx m¤úbœ Kiv n‡e:

mvaviY Av‡jvP¨m~Px :
1| weMZ 30†k Ryb 2016 Zvwi‡L AbywôZ 30Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi Kvh©weeiYx (†Kv¤úvbx AvBb, 1994 Gi 89 (1)
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cwiPvjKgÛjxi cÖwZ‡e`b MÖnY I Aby‡gv`b;
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Lvevi/Ab¨ †Kv‡bv cÖKvi Kzcb cÖ`v‡bi e¨e¯’v _vK‡e bv|

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 06
Our vision is to expand our loyal customer base by being
known as the financial partner of choice that constantly
exceeds customer expectations.


.c n


Our mission is to
 Develop long-term relationships that help our
customers achieve financial success.
 Offer rewarding career opportunities and cultivate
staff commitments.
 Uphold ethical values and meet its customer's
financial needs in the fastest and most appropriate
way and continue innovative works in order to
achieve human resource with superior qualities,
technological infrastructure and service packages.
Rupali Bank Limited
Annual Report 2016 07




Core Values
Our Core Values are:
 Social Responsibility - we care for and contribute to our communities
 Performance - we measure results and reward achievements
 Integrity - we uphold trustworthiness and business ethics
 Respect - we cherish every individual
 Innovation - we encourage creativity
 Teamwork - we work together to succeed

The first letters of the initial words form "SPIRIT" and carry equal importance.

Strategic Objectives

 Develop a customer oriented service culture with special emphasis on


customer care and convenience.

 Increase our market share by following a disciplined growth strategy.
 Achieve a significant share of deposit and credits from the existing and
niche markets.
 Leverage our technology platform and pen scalable systems to
achieve cost-effective operations, efficient MIS, improved delivery
capability and high service standards.
 Develop innovative products and services that attract our targeted
customers and market segments.
 Maintain a high quality assets portfolio to achieve strong and
sustainable returns and to continuously build shareholders' value.
 Explore new avenues for growth and profitability, particularly by
diversifying loan portfolio through structured finance and expansion of
retail and SME financing.
 Strengthen the Bank's brand recognition.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 08
Ethical Principles
Customer Focus and Fairness
..................................................................... Teamwork
At RBL, our prime focus is to achieve We are a firm believer in team work and
perfection in our customer service. feel that loyal and motivated teams can
Customers are our first priority and produce extraordinary results. We are
driving force. We wish to gain customer driven by a performance culture where
confidence and be their trusted partner.

recognition and rewards are based on
We believe in fair treatment to all
individual merit and demonstrated track
customers, depositors, borrowers and
clients without any discrimination. co record.

.............. Good Corporate Governance
Quality service experience is a Effective corporate governance
paramount to our customers and we are procedures are essential to achieve

strongly committed to fulfilling this ideal.

and maintain public trust and
We have a culture of timely compliance
confidence in any company, more
of regulatory requirements.
so in a banking company. At RBL,

we are committed to following best

Honesty and Integrity
............................................. practices resulting in good corporate

We ensure the highest level of integrity to governance.

our customers, creating an ongoing
relationship of trust and confidence. We
treat our customers with honesty, Corporate Social Responsibility
fairness and respect.
As a responsible corporate citizen,
we consider it important to act in a
Belief in our people
.......................................... responsible manner towards the
environment and society. Our
We recognize that employees are our most
valuable asset and our competitive strength. commitment has always been to
We respect the worth and dignity of behave ethically and contribute
individual employees who devote their towards the improvement of quality
careers for the progress of the bank. We of life of our people, the community
trust in equal treatment to all shareholders and greatly the society, of which we
irrespective of their individual size of
are an integral part.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 09
A forward looking statement predicts projects or uses future events as expectations and
possibilities. Forward looking statements often use words such as 'anticipate', 'target',
'expect', 'estimate', 'intend', 'plan', 'goal', 'believe', 'will', 'may', 'should', 'would', 'could' or
other words of similar meaning. Annual Report 2016 contains some forward-looking
statements which do not necessarily guarantee future performance and involve risks
and uncertainties, and actual results may materially differ from those contained as a
result of various factors. Forward looking statements involve inherent risks and

Some of the factors that may affect the banking business environment are as follows:

Microenvironment Factors that may Affect the Business:

 General economic conditions in Bangladesh, USA, Europe and the other markets in
the world
 Rise in international prices of essentials result in volatility in foreign exchange

 Introduction of compliance issues raised by the international forums may affect the
export growth

 International political unrest and its consequence may adversely affect the smooth
flow of remittance

 Changes in country's economy due to natural calamities and political unrests


 Volatility in capital market arising from speculations

 Withdrawal of incentives given to some thrust sectors may make the projects slow

 Volatility in interest rates

 Increase in tax, VAT on banking services

 Increase in company tax rate

 Increase in CRR and SLR of the banks

 Increase in provisioning requirement is likely to reduce the ROA and ROE

Internal Factors that may Affect the Business:

 Any loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems
or from external events.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 10
Corporate Profile
Name of the Company Rupali Bank Limited
Registered Office Rupali Bhaban, 34, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000

Genesis Rupali Bank Limited (RBL) was incorporated as a Public

Limited Company on 14 December 1986 under the
Companies Act, 1913 and has taken over the business of
Rupali Bank (emerged as a Nationalised Commercial
Bank in 1972, pursuant to Bangladesh Bank
Nationalization Order 1972 (P.O.No. 26 of 1972) as a
going concern.

Legal Status Public Limited Company.

Date of incorporation No C-17063 of 1986 1987

co 467
Date of Commercement of Business 14.12.1986, Issue No. 6031-32
Vendor’s Agreement MF/Inv-I/CI-18/86/592, 14 December 1986
BB License No. BCD (D) 200/44-1781 (A)

Banking License obtained 14.12.1986

Authorized Capital 700 crore

Paid-up Capital 276.03 crore

Face Value per Share Tk. 10.00

Tax Identification No. (e-TIN) 637043541293

Vat Registration No. 9011039307
Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Monzur Hossain
Managing Director & CEO Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan
Chief Risk Officer (CRO) Deputy Managing Director
Head of Internal Control and Complince Mrs. Sultana Nasira

Chief Finacial Officer (CFO) Mr.Md. Shawkat Jahan Khan, FCMA

Company Secretary Mr. Md. Mainuddin

Domestic Network

Number of Branches 562

Number of Urban Branches 303

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 11
Number of Rural Branches 259
Number of Divisional Office 10
Number of Local Office 01
Number of Zonal Office 25
Number of AD Branches 30
Number of Corporate Branches 54
Number of Computerized Branches 562
Branches Operated Under CBS 510
Number of BEFTN Operated Branches 562
Number of BACH Operated Branches 289
Number of Head Office Divisions 34
Mobile Financial Services Operation Started on 20.04.2016

ATM Booth (Own Branded) 01
Number of Foreign Correspondence 444
Number of Employee 5438
Rupali Investment Limited (RIL) Sadharan Bima Tower (8th Floor), 37/A, Dilkusha C/A

Dhaka-100, Phone: 47112923

Rupali Bank Securities Limited (RBSL) Humayun Court (2nd Floor), 21, Motijheel, C/A
Dhaka-100, Phone: 9551680

Credit Rating of RBL Alpha Credit Rating Limited based on financials up to

December 31, 2015.

Rating 2015 2014

Long term A A
Short term AR-2 AR-2
National Support AAA AAA
Outlook Stable Stable

Phone PABX +88-02-9551624-25, +88-02-9551525, +88-02-9552184

Fax +88-02-9564148, +88-02-9552671




Help Desk 9553799, PABX-1207

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 12
Share Information
Shareholding Pattern Government: 90.19%, Public: 9.81%
Number of Shares 276038812
Number of Sharesholders 4897

Market Price of Share (DSE & CSE), During 2016

Highest : Tk 37.80 Highest : Tk 38.00
Lowest : Tk 23.20 Lowest : Tk 23.00

Legal Advisors of RBL

Mr. Md. Ismail Hossain

District and Sessions Judge (Retd.)
Legal Adviser, Law Division
Rupali Bank Ltd.

Head Office, Dhaka

Auditors of RBL
Mahfel Hoque & CO. A. Wahab & CO.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
BGIC Tower (4th Floor) Hotel Purbani, Annex-2 (4th Floor)
34, Topkhana Road 1, Dilkush C/A, Dhaka-1000.

Tax Advisor of RBL


Chartered Accountants
Hometown Aparment (8th and 9th Floor)

87 New Eskaton Road

Dhaka-1000, Bangkadesh

Chief Security Officer

Major ASM Alamgir (Retd.)

Medical Consultant
DR. Miah Md. Mahtabuzzaman
Dr. Kanika Rani Das

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 13
A Retrospective of RBL

List of Chairman of Rupali Bank Limited (1972-2016)

SI Name of Chairman & Managing Director/Chairman Tenure

1. Mr Mansur-Ul-Ameen 01-01-1972 - 01-01-1976

2. Mr Abdul Wahid 02-01-1976 - 16-05-1981
Name of Chairman
1. Mr Justice Mohammad T. H. Khan 27-04-1981 - 31-03-1982
2. Mr G. M. Chowdhurry 20-05-1982 - 30-04-1985
3. Mr M. Keramot Ali 08-05-1985 - 08-04-1986

4. Mr A.T.M . Amin 09-04-1986 - 13-12-1986
5. Chawdhury A. K. M. Aminul Haque 14-12-1986 - 24-01-1987
6. Mr A.F. M. Ehsanul Kabir 25-01-1987 - 21-02-1990
7. Mr A B M Shahjahan 22-02-1990 - 25-05-1990
8. Mr Nurul Islam Moni 26-05-1990 - 14-12-1990
9. Dr A K M Mosiur Rahman 15-12-1990 - 10-07-1991
10. Mr Azizul Haque 11-07-1991 - 16-04-1994

11. Mr Syed Amir-ul -Mulok 17-04-1994 - 07-08-1995

12. Mr Abu Hena 08-08-1995 - 08-04-1996

13. Brig. A.L.M Fazlur Rahman(psc) 09-04-1996 - 10-05-1996

14. Mr M A Sayed 11-05-1996 - 22-11-1997
15. Mr Afzalur Rahman 23-11-1997 - 25-06-2000

16. Al-Haz K. Rashiduzzaman Dudu 26-06-2000 - 19-08-2001

17. Prof. Dr Momtaj Uddin Ahmed 20-08-2001 - 17-12-2002
18. Mr Mufleh R Osmani 18-12-2002 - 28-04-2003
19. Mr K.M. Nazmul Alam Siddiqui 29-04-2003 - 09-01-2004
20. Mr Md. Shafiqul Islam 10-01-2004 - 05-11-2006
21. Dr. Mohammad Tareque 13-11-2006 - 13-02-2007
22. Mr A.T.M Fazlul Karim 27-02-2007 - 24-02-2009
23. Dr. Ahmed Al Kabir 06 -12-2009 - 05-12-2014
24. Mr Amalendu Mukherjee (Acting Chairman) 08.12.2014 - 05.04.2015
25. Mr Monzur Hossain 02.04.2015 - till date

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 14
List of Managing Directors of Rupali Bank Limited

SI Name of Managing Director Tenure

1. Mr Mansur-UL-Amin 01-01-1972 - 01-01-1976
2. Mr Abdul Wahid 02-01-1976 - 16 -05-1981
3. Mr Abul Hashem 17-05-1981 - 28-01-1983
4. Mr Nur Ahmed (Current Charge) 01-02-1983 - 24-02-1983
5. Mr M. A. Karim 25-02-1983 - 01-07-1983

6. Quazi Baharul Islam (Current Charge) 01-07-1983 - 21-02-1984
7. Mr S. Ahsanul Haque 22-02-1984 - 09-08-1986
8. Mr S M Afanoor 09-08-1986 - 06-09-1987
9. Mr Golam Mohammad (Current Charge) 06-09-1987 - 31-03-1988
10. Quazi Baharul Islam 31-09-1988 - 10-06-1990
11. Mr AKSM Taifur Hussain 10-06-1990 - 15-06-1992

12. Mr Mahbubur Rahman Khan 16-06-1992 - 01-11-1993

13. Mr S.M. Nizamuddin Ahmed 01-11-1993 - 2912-1994
14. Mr Rafiqul Karim Chowdhury 05-01-1995 - 08-01-1997

15. Mr A. K. M Nazmul Hoq 08-01-1997 - 31-05-1999

16. Mr Mohammad Hossain (Current Charge) 31-05-1999 - 16 -08-1999

17. Mr Robiul Hossain 01-01-2001 - 12-11-2001

18. Mr Md. Yasin Ali 13-11-2001 - 09-11-2002
19. Mr. A H Iqbal (Current Charge) 13-11-2002 - 05-04-2003
20. Mr Mohammad. Forhad Hossain 06 -04-2003 - 29-06-2003
21. Mr Md. Abdul Hamid Miah 30 -06-2003 - 08- 02 - 2010
22. Mr M. Farid Uddin 18-03-2010 - 30-06-2016
23. Mr. Debasish Chakrabarty (Acting) 10-07-2016 - 27-08-2016
24. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan 28-08-2016 - Till

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 15
Some indicators of RBL (1972-2016)
Year Author Paid - Deposit Loan & Import Export Invest Operating Empl Number
ised up Advance -ment Profit -oyee of
Capital Capital Branches

1972 5.00 1.00 62.47 52.76 2.06 9.12 10.01 0.70 2416 159

1973 5.00 2.00 89.95 67.17 30.00 18.30 13.41 2.02 3122 200

1974 5.00 2.00 105.29 72.78 63.35 34.44 25.94 2.59 3382 209

1975 5.00 2.00 111.00 81.68 67.57 51.51 26.11 5.01 3747 227

1976 5.00 2.00 134.44 96.97 105.69 81.07 30.50 4.47 3797 257

1977 5.00 2.00 178.60 124.86 115.59 75.27 37.26 4.17 5042 361

1978 5.00 2.00 226.71 159.66 225.96 83.50 44.06 4.21 5591 449

1979 5.00 2.00 288.70 221.37 193.11 79.10 38.32 4.38 6237 489

1980 5.00 2.00 357.83 284.95 218.81 100.87 54.24 7.18 6487 532
1981 5.00 2.00 397.61 326.41 293.91 114.55 66.51 8.40 5382 537
1982 5.00 2.00 453.68 338.27 166.10 180.03 87.32 9.50 5391 466

1983 5.00 2.00 627.63 410.16 221.36 155.05 145.19 12.31 6048 466

1984 10.00 2.00 462.46 627.00 570.16 235.60 159.60 16.47 6294 482

1985 10.00 2.50 968.25 702.91 595.16 199.22 193.54 24.86 6477 490

1986 100.00 20.40 1166.67 767.50 483.23 195.69 315.60 14.14 6483 499

1987 100.00 27.20 1385.13 921.43 724.09 266.30 232.72 16.76 6611 504

1988 100.00 27.20 1515.54 1026.10 560.62 310.99 328.07 1.22 6724 515

1989 100.00 27.20 1633.26 1198.08 985.10 321.82 224.36 (10.38) 6710 516

1990 100.00 35.20 1696.05 1109.11 1041.49 262.39 447.99 (72.72) 7061 516

1991 100.00 35.20 1904.28 1165.72 498.87 237.92 467.88 (40.70) 7027 516

1992 100.00 35.20 2076.97 1109.63 550.80 220.54 483.25 (176.71) 6902 516

1993 700.00 35.20 2234.93 1263.50 713.86 231.24 640.84 (34.68) 6790 517

1994 700.00 125.00 2418.27 1337.23 851.38 242.80 709.25 (43.18) 6287 518

1995 700.00 125.00 2733.58 1452.59 1442.64 325.91 803.66 39.14 6176 518

1996 700.00 125.00 3246.69 1732.65 1231.22 397.27 847.30 1.70 6185 518

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 16
Some indicators of RBL (1972-2016)

Year Author Paid - Deposit Loan & Import Export Invest Operating Empl- Number
ised up Advance -ment Profit oyee of
Capital Capital Branches

1997 700.00 125.00 3199.88 2030.04 1450.00 540.00 722.81 1.02 5999 516

1998 700.00 125.00 3521.74 2150.20 2135.00 691.00 803.99 (7.46) 6084 516

1999 700.00 125.00 3856.00 2381.98 1372.30 719.14 869.88 (30.81) 5885 514

2000 700.00 125.00 4327.82 2621.31 2112.00 720.00 970.44 10.23 5778 512

2001 700.00 125.00 4829.54 3833.95 2105.97 684.39 1064.34 28.69 5824 514

2002 700.00 125.00 5575.19 4167.86 1704.49 642.83 1249.05 44.27 5628 506

2003 700.00 125.00 5798.33 4211.02 1984.89 732.40 1399.73 55.28 5412 493

2004 700.00 125.00 6367.36 4534.49 2442.42 679.99 1320.31 51.34 5196 493

2005 700.00 125.00 6687.05 4492.07 2165.39 611.75 1290.28 81.08 5008 493
2006 700.00 125.00 6783.21 4570.95 1484.00 696.00 1206.82 25.47 4753 492
2007 700.00 125.00 7288.61 4708.03 1985.67 639.88 1409.06 281.38 4430 492

2008 700.00 125.00 7120.80 4903.00 2070.28 710.16 1254.57 114.51 4269 492

2009 700.00 125.00 7391.28 5234.42 1953.68 752.71 1430.30 209.87 4529 492

2010 700.00 125.00 9112.38 6604.90 6024.00 849.00 1571.72 244.69 4559 492

2011 700.00 137.50 7380.34 7652.49 6926.00 1351.31 2361.12 360.06 4982 503

2012 700.00 165.00 13659.88 9064.16 4510.82 1550.58 2657.23 367.46 5645 506

2013 700.00 181.50 17795.64 10742.63 6516.51 1817.08 3925.31 205.00 5669 528

2014 700.00 208.73 22165.68 12501.20 7798.49 1941.31 6822.00 232.70 5914 535

2015 700.00 240.03 25382.96 14251.50 11987.70 2162.78 8265.42 250.20 5646 554

2016 700.00 276.03 27911.60 17515.04 10801.36 2500.45 7965.12 (88.78) 5438 562

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 17
Awards and Recognition

01 02 03 04

05 06 07 08

09 10 11 12

01. SAFA Best Presented Annual Reports Award and SAARC Anniversary Award for Corporate Governance 2012- 1st Prize
02. 13th ICAB National Award for Best Presented Annual Reports 2012- 1st Prize (In the Public Sector Entities status)
03. ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2013-1st Prize
04. SAFA Best Presented Annual Reports Award and SAARC Anniversary Award for Corporate Governance 2011- 1st Prize
05. 12th ICAB National Awards for Best Published Accounts Reports 2011- 1st Prize
06. ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2012- 2nd Position
07. 11th ICAB National Awards for Best Published Accounts Reports 2010- 2nd Position
08. ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2011
09. 14th ICAB National Award for Best Presented Annual Reports 2013 - First Prize
10. The Bank received School Banking Conferance Award 2015 - First Prize
11. Award of Excellence for Innovative Banking services as well as lucrative stall decoration - First Prize
12. TRANSFAST Business Partners Excellence Award 2016.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2015 18
D i r e c t o r s

Chairman Directors (as on 31.12.2016)

Mr. Monzur Hossain Mr. Monzur Hossain
Mr. Arijit Chowdhury
Managing Director & CEO Mrs. Dina Ahsan
Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui
Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid
Company Secretary
Mr. Abu Sufian
Mr. Md. Mainuddin Mr. A. K. M. Delwer Hussain FCMA

Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader (Independent Director)
Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan
Director Re-appointed in 2017
Prof. Dr. Md. Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA,MBA
(Re-appointed on 02 January, 2017)

Director joined in 2017

Mr. Mohammad Abdul Baset Khan
o f

B o a r d
Mr. Monzur Hossain Mr. Arijit Chowdhury
Chairman Director
Qualification Qualification
Academic M.A, History, Dhaka university, MSc, Development
BSS (Hons), MSS in Economics (Dhaka University) FInance, Birmingham University.
Fellowship in Public Affairs in Woodrow Wilson Appointed to the Board of the Bank
school, Princeton University, USA He was appointed to the Board of Directors of the
Professional Experience Bank on 06 January 2016.

Mr Monzur Hossain is a former civil servant who
served as senior Secretary at Local Government Membership to the Committee of RBL
Division, Ministry of LGRD & Cooperatives. During Member, Audit Committee
his long span of administrative career he served in Professional Experience
different capacities at field level and in Bangladesh Mr. Chowdhury is a bureaucrat Who is serving as an
Secretariat. additional secretary at Bnak and Financial
Appointment to the Board of Directors Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh
Appointed Chairman to the Board of Directors of Secretariat. During his long span of administrative
Rupali Bank Limited on 2nd April, 2015. career he served in differrent capacities in tthe filed
Association with other Organizations level and in Bangladesh Secretariat.
Present Association Association with other Organizations or activities

Freelance Consultant, LGED, People's Republic of Present Associations:

Bangladesh Director, Social Development Foundation
Past Associations Director, Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund
Senior Secretary, Local Govt Division, Ministry of Member, General Body, SME fundation

LGRD & Cooperatives, Govt of Bangladesh Member, Bangladesh Adminidtrative Service Association
Secretary, Office of the President, People's Member, Dhaka University History Department Alumni.
Republic of Bangladesh Member, Sovereign wealth fund committee
Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt of Member, Neuro-Development Disabled protection trust

Bangladesh Member, British Alumni

Secretary, Ministry of Planning, Govt of Bangladesh Member, Financial Inclusion Stragegies peer Leraning Group
Member, Planning Commission, Govt of (FISPLG), Alliance for financial inclusion (AFI)
Bangladesh Past Association
Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of Director, IFIC Bank
Bangladesh DIrector, Ansar VDP Unnayan Bnak
Secretary, Local Government Division, Ministry of Director, Nepal Bnagladesh Bank
LGRD & Cooperatives Exceptional Achivement:
Additional Secretary, Local Government Division, Worked as a member of the Steering committee
Ministry of LGRD & Cooperatives for reviewing the MoU of Asian Infrastructure
Additional Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Investment Bank (ALLB)
Govt of Bangladesh Prepared the TPP and worked to monitor and
Additional Secretary, Ministry of Public implementatino enterprise Growth and Bank
Administration, Govt of Bangladesh Modernization project
Countries Visited Participated in international conference on
Australia, Brazil, Belarus, China, Denmark, France, conditoonal cash transfers in Urban Areas in
Germany, Italy, Indonesia, India, Japan, Malaysia, Columbia
Myanmar, Morocco, New Zealand, Russia, Countries Visited:
Singapore, South Korea, Tunisia, Turkey, Thailand, UK, USA, Australia, Newzealand, Malaysia,
USA, UK, Ukraine, Vietnam, UAE, etc. Thailan, Singapore, South Africa, Colombia
Pakistan, Nepal, India, Kazaksatn, China, South
Korea etc.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 21
Mrs. Dina Ahsan Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui
Director Director
Qualification Qualification
Masters of commerce (M.Com) degree in Academic
Accounting. M. A., M. Ed, LL. B.
Appointment to the Bank Professional
Appointed as Director at Rupali Bank Limited Business Specialist.
on 20 June 2016.

Professional Experience
Membership to the Committee of RBL
Over 30 years of banking experience in
Member, Executive Committee of the Board. co International Division specially in export &
Professional Experience import business.
Mrs Dina, a professional banker had been in Over 08 years of business experience
the banking industry for about 30 years. particularly export of knitwear garments.
During his long carrier he had served various
Appointment to the Board of the Bank
commercial, investment and specialized bank
in different capacities. On 10 July 2016 he was re-appointed Director
in the Board of Directors of RBL.

During her career as a banker she attended Membership to the Committee of RBL
numerous trainings, seminars and workshops at Member, Risk Management Committee
home and abroad. She has been in Office Member, Executive Committee.
Management for Lady Excutive (COTA) and
Association with other Organizations

Core Risk Management (BIBM). She had

completed a certificate course in Development Present Association
Finance Institution at Victoria University, U.K. Managing Director, Multifabs Limited (A
and attended a workshop on Treasury & Trade 100% export house of knitwear garments).

Sulution arranged by Citi NA, Malaysia.

Vice President, Bangladesh Knitwear
Past Association Manufacturers and Exporters Association
DMD, Bangladesh Development Bank Limited. (BKMEA).
CEO, ICB Asset Management Company Ltd. Past Association
GM, Investment Corporation of Bangladesh. General Manager, Janata Bank Limited
GM, Bangladesh Krishi Bank.
Exceptional Achievement
Countries Visited
As a successful business entrepreneur he was
India, U.K, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore etc.
selected as CIP for the year 2007, 2009, 2011
and 2013.
Received National Export Trophy (Gold) for the
year 2004-2005 by the company Multifabs
Countries Visited
China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
India, Japan, Russia, Sweden, Singapore and
Thailand, etc.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 22
Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Mr. Abu Sufian
Director Director
Qualification Qualification
B. Com & M. Com degree in Management (DU), Academic
MBA(USA), M. Phil (UK), Ph.D (Bangladesh) B. Com (Hons) in Management,
Professional M. Com (Marketing)
Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid is a professor of Department
of Management Information Systems (MIS) at the Professional

University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Journalist
Appointment to the Board of the Bank Appointment to the Board of the Bank
On 10 July 2016, he was re-appointed as a
Director on Board of Rupali Bank Limited. co On 10 July 2016 he was re-appointed Director
Membership to the Committee of RBL on Board of Rupali Bank Limited.
Member, Risk Management & Executive Committee. Membership to the Committee of RBL
Professional Experience Member, Executive Committee.
Over 34 years of hands -on professional experience of
teaching, research and administration. Member, Risk Management Committee.
Association with other Organizations Professional Experience
Present Association Over 20 year's professional experience in

Chairman, Rupali Investment ltd. print media as a journalist.

Elected Vice-President of Dhaka University
Teachers Association (DUTA-2015). Association with other Organizations
Member, Finance Committee, University of Dhaka Present Association

Elected Member of Senate, University of Dhaka Chief Editor, The Weekly Chattala
Convener, Online Admission Committee, University
of Dhaka, 2010-till to-date. Chairman, Mass Link
Life Member: American Alumni Association, President, Managing Committee, Dhemsha
(AAA) Dhaka, Bangladesh Association for American High School, Satkania, Chittagong.

Studies, (BAAS) Dhaka. Life Member, Chittagong Maa-o-Shishu

Member, European Operations Management Hospital, Chittagong. Bangladesh Red Crescent
Association. Society, Chittagong District Unit.
Past Association
Elected Treasurer, Dhaka University Teachers Past Association
Association (DUTA) 2013. President, Chittagong Press Club(06 preiods,
Chairman, Department of Management latest 2011-12).
Information Systems, University of Dhaka. Chairman, Chittagong Sangbadik
Dean, School of Business, University of Asia Co-operative Housing Society.
Pacific, Dhaka.
Provost, H. M. Mohsin Hall, University of Dhaka Member, Chittagong Port Advisory Council
Elected Member, Dhaka University Senate Elected Exceptional Achievement
Joint Secretary, Dhaka University Teachers Entourage member of the Prime Minister's visit
to New York on September, 2000 to attend UN
Elected Secretary, Dhaka University Club
Exceptional Achievement Successfully introduce Millennium Summit.
Online Admission process (2010) for Dhaka Publication
University in line with the Governments' vision of Author, Itihaser Prekshapote Samprotik Chin,
"Digital Bangladesh " as a Convener of the program. a book on the Prime Minister's visit to China.
Countries Visited
Countries Visited
USA, Canada, UK, India, Thailand, Brazil, Turkey and
Singapore. India, Thailand, UAE, USA, Singapore, Saudi
Arabia, and China.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 23
Prof. Dr. Md. Salim Uddin, FCA, FCMA, MBA Mr. A. K. M. Delwer Hussain FCMA
Director Director

Qualification Qualification
Academic Academic
B. Com (Hons) M. Com. degree in Accounting, MBA (Belgium) B. Com (Hons) M. Com., FCMA
Professional Professional
Mr Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA is a Profeesor of Accounting & Mr Delwer Hussain FCMA is a Chairman at Bangladesh Sugar
Information Systems at the University of Chittagong. and Food Industries Corporation

Mr. Salim qualified as a Chartered Accountant from ICAB in Mr. Delwer qualified as a Cost and Management Accountant from
1996 and qualified as a Cost and Management Accountant ICMAB in 1990. He has a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer
from ICMAB in 1995. Science (PGD) and took an Advance Course on Administration
co and Development (ACAD) from BPATC.
Appointment to the Board of the Bank Appointment to the Board of the Bank
On 02 January 2017 he was re-appointed Director on Board of
Re-appointed to the Board of Directors of RBL on
Rupali Bank Limited.
06 February 2017.
Membership to the Committee of RBL Membership to the Committee of RBL
Member, Audit Committee.
Chairman, Risk Management Committee.
Professional Experience Member, Audit Committee.
Mr. Salim is a leading consultant in accounting, designing Professional Experience

accounting system, tax, financial management, auditing, Mr. Delwer is an expert in dealing finance, budget, fund
project management, business negotiation and regulatory Management, taxation, insurance, accounting system, auditing,
compliance. His main areas of interest are International inspection, project management, business negotiation and
Accounting, IAS/IFRS, Forensic Accounting, Creative regulatory compliance. His main areas of interest are Cost
Accounting and Capital Market. Accounting, Management Accounting & Financial Management.

Besides, he participated as many as 20 professional training,

Association with other Organizations
workshops and seminar held at home and abroad.
Present Association
Association with other Organizations
Member, ARGUS Credit Rating Services Ltd. (ACRSL) Present Association

Adviser, TK Group of Industries Secretary General, Consultative Committee of State Owned

Past Association Enterprises (CONCOPE) (2012-2016).
Past Associations
Director, Premier Bank Limited
President, National Council of the Institute of Cost and
Director, Chittagong Stock Exchange Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB)
Corporate Financial Consultant, Mostafa Group of Director, Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market
Industries and other corporate sectors. Board Member, South Asian Federation of Accountants
Consultant, South Asia Capital Ltd.
Member, SME Foundation
Audit Manager, M.A. Mallik & Co. Chartered Accountant. Director, Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (2004)
Exceptional Achievement Director, Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC in 2008
More than fifty research publications published in national & 2009).
and international Journal. He is the author of Contemporary Director, Bangladesh Diesel Plant Ltd., Khulna Shipyard Ltd.
Auditing & Assurance Services and Doing Business in and Narayangonj Dockyard Ltd. (2004 & 2013).
Bangladesh and also author of Study Manuals on Management Member, Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants
Accounting and Financial Management for professional Exceptional Achievement
institutes. More than six research articles published in the Journals of
Countries Visited International repute.
USA, UK, Japan, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Countries Visited
Luxembourg, UAE, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Russia, Switzerland,
Thailand, India, Nepal. Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, UAE, South Korea, Malaysia,
Thailand, Singapore, India, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka, Nepal & Maldives.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 24
Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader Mr. Mohammad Abdul Baset Khan
Independent Director Director
Qualification Qualification
Academic Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Masters of Social Science (MSS) degree
B. A. & M. A. degree in Economics , Ph.D in Political Science.
Professional Appointment to the Bank
Development & Health Economist. Appointed as Director at Rupali Bank Limited on 11 January 2017.
Dr. S. R. Howlader is a professor and founder Director Professional Experience
of the Institute of Health Economics and formerly

He was a former bureaucrat who served as a Director General at
Professor of Economics at University of Dhaka. Railway, PT&T, Works, Local & Revenue and Defence Audit
Appointment to the Board of the Bank Directorates. He joined as Assistant Accountant General in 1986 in
BCS Audit and Accounts Cadre. During his long carrier in audit and
Re-appointed to the Board of Directors of RBL on co accounts he served in different capacities in different directorates
15 May 2016. and ministries. His field of interest extends to government financial
Membership to the Committee of RBL management, performance audit, compliance audit, internal control,
He is an independent director and Chairman of the internal audit etc.
Audit Committee of the Board. Training
Professional Experience During his career as a public accountant he attended numerous
trainings, seminars and workshops at home and abroad.
Over 20 year's professional experience in teaching,
research and consultancy. Fellowship

Association with other Organizations He is a fellow of GAO, USA and fellow of CCAF, Canada
Present Association Association with other Organizations
Present Association-
Member, Bangladesh Economic Association
Member, BCS Audit and Accounts Association
Member, International Studies Association,

Founder president, Narayangonj Officers Forum

President, Araihazer Upazilla Chakurijibi Samabay samity
Member, Bangladesh Freedom Fighters' Association
President, Binairchar Islamic centre complex, Araihazar,
Past Association Narayangonj
Director, Board of Directors, Past Association

Agrani Bank(1996-1998), Director General, Railway, PT&T,Works, Local& Revenue and

Director, Board of Directors, Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Defence Audit Directorates
(August, 1998- 2013), Senior Finance Controller (Navy), Defence Finance
Director, Bureau of Economic Research, Additional FA & CAO, Bangladesh Railway (West)
Dhaka University. Director, Local & Revenue Audit
Director of Projects, different projects on Presenter, C&AG’s Audit reports in the Public Accounts
population growth at some renowned organizations. Committee
Exceptional Achievement Trainer, Financial Management Academy (FIMA), PATC, BIAM
Hundreds of Articles published in national and Exceptional achievement
international Journal. Actively Participated as a freedom fighter in our liberation war of
Major Publications 1971 being trained at Agartala, India.
Authors/Co-authors, Agricultural Involution, Rural Author of six books up to now.Three poetry books, one memoirs on
Differentiation and Economic Impasse. liberation war,one memoirs story,and a research work on the Holy
Samastic Arthaniti Parichaya (An Introduction to Quran.
Macroeconomics), Bangla Academy. Achieved Certificate of Excellence for performance from the
Comtroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh.
The Impact of Development Interventions on
Population in Bangladesh, International Science and Countries visited
Technology Institute, Inc, Virginia, USA. India, USA, UK, Canada, Belgium, Russia, South Korea, Cambodia,
Countries Visited Japan, China, Sweden, Netherlands, Uzbekistan, Thailand,
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand, United Myanmar, Greece, Brazil, France, Luxemburg, Finland, Kuwait,
Kingdom, Uganda, Kenya, UAE, USA, Canada, Jordan, Iraq etc.
Netherlands and the Philippines.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 25
Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan
Managing Director & CEO
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) and Masters of Commerce (M.Com) degree in Management.

Appointment to the Bank

Appointed as Managing Director and CEO at Rupali Bank Limited on 28 August 2016.

Membership to the Committee of Rupali Bank Limited

Member, Executive Committee of the Board.
Chairman, MANCOM and ALCO.

Professional Experience
Mr. Prodhan, a professional banker has been in the banking industry for over 34 years. During his long
carrier he had served various state owned commercial bank in different capacities. His fields of service
were business development, marketing management, general banking, foreign trade and finance,
industrial credit, micro credit, branch management etc.


During his career as a banker he attended numerous trainings, seminars and workshops at home and
abroad. He was trained with prestigious and world famous institutions and visited UK, China, Malaysia,
India, Thailand, Australia, Netherlands, etc. The training covered the magnificent issues in banking
arena such as Corporate Governance, Money Laundering Awareness, Conduct of Business, Decision
Support System in Finance, Regulatory Environment, Fraud Prevention, Retail Banking, Factoring etc.

Association with other Organizations

Present Association
Chairman, Rupali Bank Securities Limited

Chairman, Rupli Investment Limited

Member, Dhaka Officers Club
Past Association
Managing Director, Probashi Kallyan Bank
Additional Charge of MD & CEO, Sonali Bank Limited
Deputy Managing Director, Sonali Bank Limited
Chief Executive Officer, Sonali Bank (UK) Ltd. London
General Manager, Sonali Bank Ltd.
President, Rotary Club

Exceptional Achievement
Completed Diplomaed Associate of Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh(DAIBB).
Earned the highest profit in three consecutive years and distributed two times dividend to the
Government of Bangladesh during the tenure as CEO in Sonali Bank (U.K) Limited.
Achieved highest level of profit during the period as General Manager at Local Office, Sonali Bank.
Awarded appreciation letter and prize money for excellent performance for highest deposit collection,
loan disbursement , loan recovery and promoting loss branch to profitable branch during holding the
position as head of region and branch manager at Sonali Bank Ltd.
Countries visited
India, U.K, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, USA, UAE,
Singapore, etc.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 26
Board's Committee
Executive Committee

6 co 2

Mr. Monzur Hossain

Barrister Zakir Ahammad
Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui
Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid
Mr. Abu Sufian
Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 27
Board's Committee
Audit Committee

5 2

4 3

Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader (Chairman)
co Mr. Arijit Chowdhury
Prof. Dr. Md. Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA, MBA
Mr. A. K. M. Delwer Hussain FCMA
Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui

Risk Management Committee


5 2

4 3
Mr. A. K. M. Delwer Hussain FCMA (Chairman)
Mrs. Dina Ahsan
Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui
Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid
Mr. Abu Sufian

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 28


Management Team

.c 1


1. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan, Managing Director & CEO

2. Mr. Debasish Chakrabarty, Deputy Managing Director

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 30
General Managers

Abdul Majid Sheikh

Hasne Alam 1
Mohammad Jahangir Alam 9 2
Md. Nuruzzaman 8 3
Bishnu Pada Choudhury
Md. Abnus Jahan
7 4
6 5

Md Main Uddin
Bisnu Chandra Saha
Md. Kaisul Haque
d .c

10 11 Arun Kanti Paul

Md. Abdul Matin
18 12
Waqar Ahmed Khan
17 13 Mohammad Altaf Hossain
16 15 14 S M Borhan Uddin
Md. Amir Hamza
Syed Abul Hossain
Sultana Nasira
Md. Nazrul Islam, Principal, RBTA
Md. Shawkat Jahan Khan, CFO

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 31
Deputy General Managers
Md. Mamunur Rashid Md. Maksudur Rahman
Md. Main Uddin Md. Ahsan Ullah
Md. Jahangir Rahman Akand Md. Sirazul Islam
Mridha Yousuf Ali Fakrul Alam
Syed Abul Monsur Md. Amirul Islam Bhuiya
Mst. Sayeda Khatun Md Joynal Abedin
Md. Abul Bashar Mohammed Shajahan Choudhury
K. M. Saidul Hassan Tahmina Akhter
Md. Abul Bashar Majumder Showkat Osman
Abu Jafor Mohammad Wali Ullah Mohammed Shahedur Rahman
Mohammad Jahangir Salma Banu

Md. Abul Kalam Azad Rezina Afroz
Md. Jahangir Shankar Kumar Shil
Md Showkat Ali
co Md. Rabiul Hasan
Md. Robiul Haque Bhuiyan
Md. Shawkat Ali Khan
Uttam Kumar Pal
Md. Mokbul Ahmed
Ashok Kumar Singh Roy Sarwar Jahan Shawkot Ahmed
Uzzal Kumar Dey

Md. Abdur Rahim

Md. Obaidul Haque
Md. Golam Mortuza
Yasmin Begum
Ms. Parsoma Alam

Khandakar Md.shamsul Alam

A K M Shamsuddin
Md. Iqbal Hossain Khan
Zakia Sultana
Kazi Abdur Rahman

Md Mazibur Rahman
Sikder Faruk A Azam
Md. Shofiqul Islam
Md. Shahidul Haque
Khan Iqbal Hossain
Md. Fokhrul Hasan
Sanchia Binte Ali
Md. Ismail Hussain Sheikh
Mrs. Habiba Akhter Jahan
Md. Mahbubur Rahman
Wahida Begum
Sardar Md. Habibur Rahman
Md. Shahidullah Sarker
Md. Abu Bakar Siddique
Md. Abul Khaye
Md. Fayaz Alam
Debal Kumar Das
Kabita Datta
Mohammad Ali
Md. Golam Mostafa
Shachindra Nath Samadder
Habibur Rahman Munshi
Kazi Md Wahidul Islam
Md. Shamsul Hoque
Md. Harunur Rashid
Md. Zakir Hossain

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 32
Assistant General Managers
Aynal Hossen Abu Yusuf Mohammad Jakaria
Md. Enamul Hoque Bhuiyan Md. Manir Hossain
Md. Ketab Ali Mondal Md. Safayet Hossain
Md. Noman Mia Md. Masudul Hasan
Sayed Md. Monjur Morshed Ali Abdullah Al Mahmud
Md. Abdur Rab Md. Mazharul Islam Khan
Matilal Fokir Md. Tajuddin Mahmud
Sheikh Monjur Karim Sk. Aminur Rahman
Md. Mahmudul Islam Jaya Chowdhury
Md. Zakir Hossain Khan S. M. Rokonuzzaman
Kazi Humayun Kabir S M Didarul Islam
Ajit Kumar Sarkar Kazi Mohibur Rahman

Md. Solaiman Md. Elias Hossen
S.M. Nur Islam Md. Afzal Hossain
Md. Mustafizur Rahman Ashim Kumar Sikdar
Hemanta Kumar Das Mohammad Najmul Hoda
Md. Rezaul Islam Utpal Kabiraj
Anowarul Azim Chowdhury Afroja Sultana
Md. Sirajul Hoque Mst Mahbuba Akter

Mr. Abdur Razzak Tanvir Hasnain Moin

Md. Torikul Islam Md. Eman Ali
Md. Fazlul Haque Md. Kamal Hossain

Tumpa Ahmed Md. Jakir Ibne Borak

Md Shahidul Islam Khan Md. Quddus Miah

Golam Morshed Md. Moniruzzaman

Kaniz Fatema Abu Naser Mohammed Masud
Khan Md Shahidul Islam Billkis Ara
Bhushan Chandra Sutradhar Md. Khaerul Hossen
Md. Humayun Ahmed Md. Ashraf Hussain
Md. Shariful Islam Md. Moniruddin Bhuyan
A.T.M. Saluddin Khan Zebu Sultana
Sarowar Hossain Mohammed Kawsar Mustafiz
Dolly Adhikary Mohammad Ameer Hossain
Tajuddin Ahamed Mr. N. M. Ali Imam
Md. Abul Hasan Kamal Bhattacharjo
Md. Nizam Uddin Begum Kamrun Nahar
Md. Aminul Islam Md. Habibur Rahman
Masuda Akter Md. Kamal Uddin

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 33
Assistant General Managers
Shakhaoyet Hosen Mohammad Abdul Quader Zilany
Monoara Parvin Md. Zakir Hossain Bablu
Shah Abdullah Md. Fazlur Rahman Chowdhury
Salamun Nessa Rupak Kumar Rakshit
Md. Mahbubul Eunuse Md. Mizanur Rahman Majumder
Ramesh Chandra Sikdar S.M. Burhan Uddin
Muhammed Millat Hossain Md. Monirul Haque
Md. Abdul Mannan Miah Tara Pada Roy
Md. Sarawar Hossain Abdul Barakat
Md. Anisur Rahman Debabrata Saha
Rokonuzzaman Md. Manjur Hossain
Md. Mobin-or-Rashid Md Farhad Hossain Khan

Md. Nizam Uddin Sk. Kamal Uddin Ahmed
Md. Mahabub-ul-Alam Md. Rashedul Islam
Mrs. Chinu Karmarker
co Md. Shafi Uddin
Bipul Krishna Sannamat
Prabir Kumar Chakraborty Kazi Mohammed Golam Mostofa
Mohammad Saiful Islam Md. Sahidur Rahman
Arshed Hosain Chowdhury Nisha Rani Datta

Md. Alamgir Hossain Md. Monoarul Islam

Md. Mostafa Hamid Md. Abdul Mannan
Md. Sowkat Hossain Md. Elius Hossain

G.M. Monjur Hossain S M Liakat Ali

Mr. Abdul Halim Md. Abdul Gofur
Md. Golam Noby Nazmun Naher

Maksudul Hasan Sanat Kumar Saha

Md. Moin Uddin (Masud) Md. Zahidur Rahman
Md Mukhter Hossain Md. Alam Hossain
Mohammad Shajahan Md. Abu Jamal Khan
Md. Haider Ali Md. Mahbur Rahman
A K M Zakir Hosain Mosharraf Hossain
Md. Motaleb Hossain Talukder Syed Md Forkan
A.S.M Morshed Ali Md. Jamal Abu Naser
S.M.Abul Hasan Md. Salim Uddin
Zahida Qumor Md. Kazi Amdadul Hoq
Bayazid Mollah S A K M Zakir Hossain
Prokash Kumar Saha Ajit Kumar Roy Chowdhury
Md. Shahjahan Sharif Md. Adiluzzaman
Md. Jahangir Md. Abu Zahed

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 34
Corporate Organogram of RBL
Head Office
Subsidiaries of RBL
Board's Executive

Chairman of the Board's Audit

Board of Directors Committee

Board's Risk
Managing Director Management Committee
Rupali Rupali Bank
Board's Secretariat Investment Securities
MD's Secretariat Ltd. Ltd.

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited

GM GM Principal
GM GM GM Head of Internal Control GM
Cheif Financial Officer & Compliance (GM) GM
Industrial Credit Central Accounts Recovery Division Foreign Trade Finance Audit & Inspection
Engineering Division
Division (CAD) & International Div. Division
Marketing Division Discipline Division RBTA ICT Operation Division
Treasury Division Law Division Monitoring Division ICT System Division
Share Division Planning & Research Division Reconciliation Division
Risk Management Div. Remittance Division Compliance Division Credit administration Div.
Public Relations Div. Rural Credit Division
Management Information Establishment, Welfare
Anti Money Appeal Division Mobile Banking Div.
System & Maintenance Division Laundering Division
Vigilance & Intelegence Div. Estate Division

Admin & HRD
General Credit &
SME Division

Financial Highlights of RBL in 2016

Deposits Loans & Advances Investment

2016 27911.60 2016 17515.04 2016 7965.12
2015 25382.96 2015 14251.50 2015 8265.42
2014 22165.68 2014 12501.20 2014 6822.00

Operating Profit Paid up Capital Total Assets

2016 (88.78) 2016 276.04 2016 33410.85

2015 250.20 2015 240.03 2015 30054.98
2014 232.70 2014 208.73 2014 26807.84
No. of CBS Branches Cost of Fund Cost of Deposit

2016 506 (563) 2016 7.62% 2016 5.49%

upto date

2015 209 2015 8.02% 2015 7.29%


2014 2 2014 8.21% 2014 7.61%


Total Capital Employees Rate of CL

2016 1183.65 2016 5438 2016 20.64%
2015 1487.49 2015 5646 2015 17.00%
2014 1448.46 2014 5914 2014 12.15%

Export Import Foreign Remittance

2016 2500.45 2016 10801.36 2016 1652.52
2015 2162.78 2015 11987.70 2015 1850.32
2014 1941.31 2014 7798.49 2014 1453.43

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 37
Distribution of Shares in 2015

Particulars Number of Shares

As on As on
31 December 2016 31 December 2015
General Public 27087098 23553998
Government 248951714 216479752
Total 276038812 240033750

Shares held by Directors as on 31 December 2016

The pattern of Shareholding along with name wise details of
01.Parent/Subsidiary/Associated Companies and other related parties : Nil
02. Shareholding of Directors as on 31. 12. 2016

SI . Percent of
Name of Directors Position Shareholding

as on 31-12-2016

01. Mr. Monzur Hossain Director & Chairman Nill

02 Mr. Arijit Chowdhury

co Director Nill

03 Mrs. Dina Ahsan Director Nill

04 Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui Director Nill

05 Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director Nill


06 Mr. Abu Sufian Director Nill

07 Mr. AKM Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director Nill


08 Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader Independent Director Nill

09 Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Managing Director & CEO Nill

03. Directors Upto Date

SI . Per cent of
No. Name of Directors Position Shareholding
as on 31-12-2016

01. Mr. Monzur Hossain Chairman Nil

02. Mr. A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director Nil
03. Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director Nil
04. Mrs. Dina Ahsan Director Nil
05. Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui Director Nil
06. Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director Nil
07. Mr. Abu Sufian Director Nil
08. Prof. Dr Md. Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA, MBA Director Nil
09. Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader Independent Director Nil
10. Mr. Md. Abdul Baset Khan Independent Director Nil
11. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Managing Director & CEO Nil

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 38
03. Distribution of Shareholders

Particulars No. of Shares % of Share

2016 2015 2016 2015
General Public 27087098 23553998 9.81 9.81
Government 248951714 216479752 90.19 90.19
Total 276038812 240033750 100.00 100.00

04. Shareholding of MD, CFO, Company Secretary & Head of Internal Control & Compliance

SL. % of Share holding

NO. Name of Executive & Others
as on 31-12-2016

01. Managing Director & CEO and his spouse and minor children Nil

02. CFO and his spouse and minor children Nil

03. Company secretary and his spouse and minor children Nil

04. Head of Internal Control & Compliance and his spouse and minor Children Nil
d .c
05. Top five salaried executives other than MD, CFO, Company Secretary & Head of
Internal Audit

SL. Name of Executives % of Share holding

NO. as on 31-12-2016

01. Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman Chowdhury, FCA, DMD Nil

02. Mr. Debasish Chakrabarty, DMD Nil


03. Mr. Syed Abu Asad, General Manager Nil

04. Mr. Abdul Majid Sheikh, General Manager Nil

05. Mr. Hasne Alam, General Manager Nil

06. Shareholders holding 10% or more voting right: Government of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 39
Annual General Meeting

30th Annual General Meeting of the Bank.

Signing of Accounts Glimpse of the 30th AGM of the Bank

d .c

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rupali


Bank Mr. Monzur Hossain, Managing Director

and other Honourable Directors of the Bank
were present during signing of accounts 2016.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 40
Five Years Performance of RBL at a Glance
Taka in crore
Particulars 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Income statement
Interest income 1350.91 1532.29 1449.52 1284.21 1171.51
Interest expenses 1526.34 1705.59 1571.14 1190.82 869.28
Net interest income (175.43) (173.30) (121.62) 93.39 302.23
Non-Interest income 809.27 898.11 752.76 451.20 370.71
Non-interest expenses 722.61 474.61 398.44 339.34 305.48
Net Non-interest income 86.65 423.50 374.32 111.87 65.23
Profit before provision and tax (88.78) 250.20 232.70 205.26 367.46
Provision for loans and others 0.00 144.12 153.79 99.19 240.06
Profit after provision before tax (88.78) 106.08 78.90 106.07 127.40
Provision for tax 37.08 82.58 36.86 65.69 6.83
Profit after tax (125.86) 23.50 42.05 40.38 120.57
Balance Sheet
Authorized capital 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00
Paid-up capital 276.04 240.03 208.73 181.50 165.00

Total shareholders' equity 1165.64 1270.65 1477.45 1181.97 1165.57
Deposits 27911.60 25382.96 22165.68 17795.58 13659.88
Borrowing 133.19 147.98 130.52 74.64 213.90
Other liabilities 4200.42 3253.38 3034.18 2566.39 2259.97
Total liabilities 32245.21 28784.33 25330.39 20436.62 16133.74
Investments 7965.12 8265.42 6822.00 3925.31 2657.23
Loans & advances 17515.04 14251.50 12501.20 10742.63 9064.16
Property, plant & equipment 1412.14 1419.40 1396.61 955.98 968.92
Other assets 1829.25 1589.49 1753.49 1770.07 2013.29

Net current assets 17450.08 12981.48 13044.52 10605.02 8468.94

Earning assets 25252.41 22058.06 21480.37 16120.46 11198.71
Total assets 33410.85 30054.98 26807.84 21618.58 17299.31

Capital Measures
Total risk weighted assest 17697.74 14964.72 13881.98 12556.40 11114.59
Core capital (Tier A) 890.81 1102.00 1073.88 430.97 780.48
Supplementary capital (Tier-II) 292.83 385.49 374.58 239.43 343.13

Total capital 1183.65 1487.49 1448.46 670.40 1123.61

Required capital 1769.77 1496.47 1388.20 1255.64 111.46
Capital excess/ (shortfall) (586.13) (226.66) 60.26 (585.24) 12.15
Foreign Exchange Business
Export 2500.45 2162.78 1941.31 1817.08 1550.58
Import 10801.36 11987.70 7798.49 6516.51 4510.82
Remittance 1652.52 1850.32 1453.43 1087.51 958.64
Other Information
Number of employee
Officers 3757 3969 4178 3941 4040
Staff 1681 1677 1736 1728 1605
Total 5438 5646 5914 5669 5645
Other information
No. of work stations 25 25 25 25 25
No. of corporate branches 55 55 55 55 55
No. of foreign correspondence 444 462 468 454 464
Number of branches 562 554 535 528 506
No. of shareholders 4897 5268 5248 5737 4849

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 41
Key Financial Ratios and Performance
Particulars 2016 2015
Capital Measures
Capital adequacy ratio 6.69% 8.49%
Tier-I capital 5.03% 6.20%
Tier-11 capital 1.65% 2.29%
Liquidity and Solvency Ratios
Current ratio 1.46: 1 0.98: 1
Return on capital employed (9.92) 1.66%
Debt equity ratio 27.66: 1 22.65: 1
Cash flow liquidity ratio (46.16) 0.77%
Liquid assets to Earning assets 69.10% 55.36%
Loans & advances to Deposit ratio 62.75% 56.15%
Loans & advances to Total asset ratio 52.42% 47.42%
Provision to Total loans & advances 5.72% 6.70%
Dividend Ratio
Stock dividend 10% 15%
Profitability and Performance Ratios
Earnings before provision & tax (88.78) 250.20
Price earning ratio (7.02) 32.99
Net interest income ratio (8.12) -7.13%

Net profit ratio (5.83) 0.97%
Cost to Income ratio 104.11 89.71%
Efficiency ratio (4.11) 10.29%
Assets utilization ratio 75.58 78.02%
Return on Assets (ROA) after tax (0.10)% 0.08%
Return on Equity (ROE) ( before provision & tax) (7.62)% 19.69%
Return on Equity (ROE) (after provision & tax) (2.58)% 2.52%
Return on Investment (ROI) 7.47% 8.32%
Non-interest expenses to Total assets 2.16% 1.58%
Interest margin to Total assets (0.53%) -0.58%

Interest margin to Earning assets (0.69%) -0.74%

Net asset value per share 42.23 52.94
Total classified loans to Total loans 20.64% 16.43%
Cost of fund 7.62% 8.02%

Operating Performance (Income statement)

Total revenue 2160.18 2430.40
Operating profit (88.78) 250.20

Profit before tax (88.78) 106.08

Profit after Tax (125.86) 23.50
Earning per share (EPS) (4.56) 0.85
Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
Shareholders' fund 1165.64 1270.65
Property, plant& equipment 1412.14 1419.40
Net current assets 17450.08 12981.48
Current liabilities 25467.08 13539.53
Long-term liability 6778.13 10438.49
Business Ratio/ Information
Operating cost-efficiency ratio (4.11)% 10.29%
Return on asset (0.10)% 0.08%
Cost/income ratio 104.11% 89.71%
Net asset value per Share 42.23% 52.91%
Profit per employee (0.02)% 0.04%
Capital adequacy ratio 6.69% 8.49%
Cash reserve ratio/ Liquid asset ratio 6.58% 6.75%
Lequidity coverage ratio (LCR) 792.99% 233.22%
Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) 94.36% 100.38%

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 42
Graphical Presentation
Operating profit Return on equity (%)
(Taka in crore)



2016 2016


2012 2013 2014 2015 2015

Earnings per share Net asset

(Taka) (Taka in crore)







2012 2013 2014 2015

2016 co

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


Stock performance (%) Return on shareholders' fund (%)






2015 2016

Net asset value per share Profit after tax

(Taka) (Taka in crore)




2012 2013 2014 2015





2013 2014 2015 2016

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 43
Graphical Presentation

Cost- Income ratio (%) Market price per share






2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2013 2014 2015 2016

Deposit Loans & advances

(Taka in crore) (Taka in crore)






2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Non-performing loans Non interest income

(Taka in crore) (Taka in crore)
nk 3484.85
la 2341.76





2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Operating revenue Profit before tax

(Taka in crore) (Taka in crore)







2012 2013 2014 2015

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 44
Economic Impact report
RBL is dedicated to deliver optimum value to the customers, employees, shareholders,
stakeholders and the nations. The business strategy of the bank is to achieve these goals.
The traditional concept of maximization of profit of the company is now become less important.
However, the intrinsic or extrinsic worth of a business measured by a combination of financial
success, usefulness to society, and satisfaction of employees, the priorities determined by the
make up of the individuals and entities that together own the shares and direct the company. This
is sometimes referred to as stakeholder value. Building sustainable value of all stakeholders is
our important corporate goal.
Some of the measures are unveiled as under for our valued stakeholders:
Maintaining Adequate Capital
Maintaining adequate capital is an indication of financial strength & stability of a bank. According
to Basel-III accord banks have to maintain adequate capital against the risks to absorb the
potential loss and ensure sustainability during adverse condition.
Rupali Bank Limited maintains adequate capital to ensure the safety of its stake holder's interest
as well as the soundness of its operation. RBL has segregated its capital into three tiers as per
Bangladesh Bank's instruction which is as follows:

Taka in crore
31 December 2016

Capital adequacy
Common Equity Tier-I Capital 890.81
Tier-II Capital 292.83
Total Regulatory Capital 1183.64
Required capital (10% of total risk w eighted asset Tk.14964.72crore) 1769.77
Capital excess / (short ) (586.13)

*Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio ( CRAR) 6.69%

Common Equity Tier-I Capital
Paid up capital 276.04
Share money deposit 280.00

Statutory reserve -
General reserve 287.20
Retained earnings 46.42

Sub Total 292.65

Deductions (Deffered Tax assets) (38.84)
Total Common Equity Tier-I Capital 890.82

Tier-II Capital
General provision (1% to 5% of UCL and OBI) 159.40
Asset revaluation reserve ( 50%) 155.42
Revaluation reserve for securities (HTM & HFT) (50%) 39.15
Revaluation reserves for equity instrument up to 10% 27.82

Less: 20% of Revaluation reserves for Fixed Assets, 88.96

Securities & Equity Securities (As per Basel-III)

Total 292.83
Required capital
Total assets including off-balance sheet items 41232.16
Total risk weighted assets 17697.74
Required capital being 10% of total risk weighted assets 1769.77

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 45
Value Added Statement
The value added statement for the Bank shows the value created and distributed among different
stakeholders of the bank. Value added by the Bank stood at Tk 397.25 crore as of 31 December
2016 as against Tk 365.66 crore as of 31 December 2015.
2016 2015
Particulars of Income In Percent (%) In Percent (%)
Amount Amount
(i) Income from banking service 2160.18 2430.40
(ii) Less: Cost of servics & supplies 1794.52 1910.02
(iii) Value added by the banking services; (i-ii) 365.66 520.38
(iv) Add. None banking income - .....
(v) Less: Amortization loan loss provision & 123.12
other provision except incentive bonus -

Total Valve added (iii+iv-v) 365.66 397.25

Particulars of Distribution
(a) Distribution of value addition

To Employees as salaries, allowances and 418.56 114.47% 243.24 61.23


To govt. as Income Tax 37.08 10.14% 82.58 20.79

To Statutory reserve co - 21.22 5.34

To General reserve - 0.00 0.00

(b)To expansion & Growth

Retained profit (125.85) (34.42%) 23.28 5.86

Depreciation 35.87 9.8% 26.93 6.78

Total Distribution (a+b) 365.66 100.00 397.25 100.00

Distribution of Value Addition 2016 Distribution of Value Addition 2015

500 418.56 243.24

200 37.08 82.58
35.87 100
100 -125.85
23.28 26.93
50 21.22
-100 0


Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 46
Economic Value Added Statement
Economic Value Added or EVA is the value created in excess of the required return of the
company's investors. Simply, EVA is the profit earned by the firm less the cost of financing the
firm's capital. The idea is that value is created when the return on the firm's economic capital
employed is greater than the cost of that capital.
Taka in million
2016 2015 2014
Shareholder’s equity at year end 1165.64 1270.65 1462.42
Add: Cumulative provision for loans & OBI 1018.18 1018.18 921.58
2183.82 2288.83 2384.00
Average shareholders' equity 2236.33 2336.42 2153.29
Cost of equity (%) 10% 15% 15%

Pofit after tax (125.86) 23.50 42.05
Add : Provisions for loans and other during the year - 144.12 153.79
Less : Written off loan recovered during the year 10.92 11.88 25.72
(136.78) 155.74 170.12

Average cost of equity 10% 15% 15%

Cost of average equity 27.60 36.00 31.31

EVA (164.38) 119.74 138.81

d .c

Economic Value Added

(Taka in million)
nk 138.81



2014 2015

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 47
Market Value Added Statement
Market Value Added (MVA) is the amount derived from the difference between market capitalization and
book value of the shares outstanding. It signifies the enhancement of financial solvency as perceived the
market. So increasing MVA or increasing shareholder wealth is the primary goal of any business and the
reason for its existence.
Market Value Added = Market Value - Capital Invested

Market Value Added Statement

Particulars 2016 2015 2014
Face Value per Share 10.00 10.00 10

Market value per Share 32.00 32.30 59.20

No. of Share outstanding 276,038,812 240,033,750 208,725,000

Total market capitalization 8,833,241,984 7,753,090,125 12,356,520,000

Book value of paid-up 2,760,388,120 2,400,337,500 2,087,250,000

Market Value Added 6,072,853,864 5,352,752,625 10,269,270,000

Market Value Added
(Taka in crore)


2014 2015 2016


Maintaining Liquidity
Taka in crore

Particulars Upto 01 Month 01 to 05 Year More than 05 Year Total



Non-Interest earning assets 3,374,090,966 51,721,676,207 26,488,590,458 81,584,357,631

Interest earning assets 62,512,995,200 11,267,9887,896 77,331,215,641 252,524,098,738

Total Asset 65,887,086,166 164,401,564,103 103,819,806,100 334,108,456,369


Interest bearing Liability 50,788,644,226 216,067,566,288 13,591,700,403 280,447,910,917

Non-Interest bearing Liability 4,212,346,206 37,791,816,941 - 42,004,163,147

Total Liability 55,000,990,432 253,859,383,229 13,591,700,403 322,452,074,064

Maturity Gap 10,866,095,734 (8,945,7819,126) 90,228,105,697 11,656,382,305

10,886,095,734 (78,571,723,392) 11,656,382,305 -

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 48
A partial view of the shareholders attending the 30th Annual General Meeting of
the Bank held on 30th June, 2016

The liquidity policy of the bank has always been to carry a positive mismatch in the interest
earning assets and interest bearing liabilities in the 1-30 days category. Our liquidity remained
at optimum levels during the year.
The assets and liabilities committee (ALCO) of the bank monitors the situation and maintains a
satisfactory trade-off between liquidity and profitability.
Payment of dividends

Dividend policy is concerned with taking a decision regarding paying cash dividend in the
present or paying an increased dividend at a later stage. The firm could also pay in the form of
stock dividends which unlike cash dividends do not provide liquidity to the investors; however, it
ensures capital gains to the stockholders.

Considering the performance of the Bank over the Bank the board has recommended stock
dividend of 10% for the year 2016.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 49
Market Price Information

Month Month
High Taka Low Taka Volume High Taka Low Taka Volume
January 16 37.80 31.50 2,410,323.00 January 16 38.00 31.80 104,787
February 16 34.50 30.70 563,004.00 February 16 35.50 31.00 20,858
March 16 31.80 26.60 587,257.00 March 16 31.80 28.80 28,373
April 16 30.80 27.70 466,216.00 April 16 31.70 27.10 33,065
May 16 29.00 25.50 628,220.00 May 16 30.30 25.60 76,705
June 16 29.20 23.20 449,039.00 June 16 30.80 23.00 36,460
July 16 27.60 23.90 1,161,174.00 July 16 27.50 24.50 60,575
August 16 29.50 24.10 2,099,366.00 August 16 28.00 24.00 127,439
September 16 29.70 25.30 1,241,175.00 September 16 30.30 25.10 256,414
October 16 35.20 24.40 3,214,759.00 October 16 35.00 24.80 420,571
November 16 27.40 24.50 1,119,251.00 November 16 27.80 23.20 138,977
December 16 27.90 25.00 1,437,627.00 December 16 27.90 25.20 52,541

co Closing Price

Price Eaning Ratio (times)

nk 33.80



2014 2015

Listing Status
Stock Exchange Symbol Listing Date

Market Price of Share (DSE & CSE)

During 2016
Highest : Tk 37.80 Highest : Tk 38.00
Lowest : Tk 23.20 Lowest : Tk 23.00

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 50
Financial Calendar
Quarterly Results
Audited consolidated results for the year ended 31 December 2016 Announced on 27 April 2017
Unaudited consolidated results for the 1st quarter ended 31 March 2016 Announced on 23 June 2016
Unaudited consolidated results for the half-year ended 30 June 2016 Announced on 28 July 2016
Unaudited consolidated results for the 3rd quarter ended 30 September 2016 Announced on 27 October 2016
Dividends for the year 2015
Distribution of share dividend of 15% in respect of financial year 31 December 2015 Entitlement date 25 July 2016
Notice of Annual General Meeting 12 May 2016
Annual General Meeting 30 June 2016
Other Information
Exchange controls and other limitations affecting equity security holders
Non-residents can buy and sell RBL's share and transfer the dividends after complying with Foreign
Exchange Transaction Guidelines 1996 and SEC Rules.
Stock Details

Particulars DSE CSE
Company Code 11107 22005
Listing Year 1986 1995
Market category A A
Electronic share Yes Yes

Market lot 100 100

Total number of securities 27,60,38,812 27,60,38,812
Availability of information about RBL

Annual Report 2016 and other information about RBL may be viewed on RBL website :
RBL provides copies of Annual Reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Bangladesh Bank,
Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange for their reference. Investors may read them at their

public reference room or library.

Investors' Inquiries and Communication
Any queries relating to shareholdings, for example, transfer of shares, changes of name and address and
payment of dividend should be sent to the following address:
Share Division
Rupali Bank Limited
Phone: 880-2-9559505

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 51
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 53
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 54
preferential status with the efficient
management along with sincere devotion and
hard labor of all officers/staff of the bank.
Despite different global and domestic
impediment our economic growth and social
development is enormous and envious worthy
to many people around the world. Country’s
Gross Domestic Production (GDP) is
continuously in up word trend, this year it is
expected to cross 7.2%. Our per capita
income, average life expectancy and literacy
rate are increasing every year. Though, still
Chairman's we are fighting against unemployment of a
large number of young and educated citizen;

Message and still a section of people are living under

poverty line. To address these problems, new
industries are being set up; export is growing
Dear shareholders, Honorable members of rapidly every year; business is expanding to
the Board, Managing Director & CEO and new heights; communication, especially in

other officials of the Bank. It’s my great infrastructure and IT sector have witnessed
pleasure to extend heartfelt greetings to all of revolutionary change. All these have been
you at the eve of 31st Annual General Meeting possible due to the government’s initiatives
of Rupali Bank Limited. At the beginning of my especially Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh
speech, I profoundly remember the greatest Hasina’s right vision and strong political
Bangalee of thousand years, the Father of the decisions. Rupali Bank Limited has definitely
Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur an important role and also a partner to this
Rahman. I also pay homage to the martyred successive progress of the country.
freedom fighters who sacrificed their valuable We have faced many challenges in our

lives to achieve our motherland, a sovereign journey, but we have always surpassed them.
country, Bangladesh. I also remember all Bank’s desired business targets was not
other freedom fighters as well as organizers of achieved in the year 2016 due to various
the liberation war.

reasons. The bank had to keep a large

Honorable shareholders, your generous amount of provision due to default of loans,
cooperation and continual inspiration have which created impact on profit. Highest
made us successful and for this, I would like emphasis has been given on recovery this

to express my humble gratitude and sincere year and at the same time prevention of new
thanks to you all on behalf of the Board. I am loan classification is also another priority to
delighted as well as feel proud to attend us. To make our investments safe and sound,
Rupali Bank’s Annual General Meeting for the we have to search potential borrowers; low
second time. I must confess that in spite of cost and no cost deposit collection can be
our hard endeavor, we could not reach our more effective for profit maximization. To
cherished goal yet, but I must say that our expand business, we have continued opening
achievements are also commendable. You new branches in 2016 and at commercially
know, the present government, specially important places we will open bank’s branch
Honorable Prime Minister is committed to in future also.
bring discipline in banking sector, and to do Present government is working with the vision
so necessary steps have been taken; as part to develop the country into a middle income
of these process Rupali Bank has appointed a level by 2021 and make it a developed
new dynamic Managing Director & CEO. In country by the year 2041. To make the vision
the meanwhile, we have established successful huge employment creation is a
transparency in all the activities of the bank challenge; and for that we have to modernize
with the combined efforts of management and our agriculture, new large industries will have
board. We hope, the bank will attain a to set up, we have to expand small and

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 55
cottage industries every corner of the country. completed its automation fully. At present all
Rupali Bank Limited is playing strong role for the 563 branches of Rupali Bank Limited are
the development of the country as well as under online banking system. We have
implementation of vision of the government. introduced our own ATM card; very soon
Our investment in all the sectors, especially in Rupali Bank ATM booth will be in operation,
large industries, small and medium industries which will be another mile stone for us. In
are increasing every year. As a result, Bangladesh, Rupali Bank is the first and only
country’s economy is growing significantly and example of opening one crore mother’s
a huge number of people are being employed accounts of Primary School students in
simultaneously. Rupali Bank’s thrust sector for collaboration with “Rupali Bank Sure Cash” by
investments are: garments, jute, leather, cold which 1.3 crore students will be receiving their
storage, food, shipbuilding, ceramics, plastic, stipend and this is the best instance of “Digital
dairy etc. I believe, Rupali Bank will continue Bangladesh”. We always pledges to render
its investment in agriculture and in industries our clients the modern banking facilities and
for the benefits of the country as well as its best service by technology based banking
own interest. system.
Export and foreign remittance are the main We must remember that as technology
source of earning foreign currency of provides enormous facilities, it is also risky
Bangladesh. Rupali Bank Limited has been and may be cause of disaster. Therefore, we

providing loan facilities to export oriented have to be more cautious and will have
industries and also providing different facilities preparation to face the IT related risks;
like packing credit, back to back L/C with low
co Endeavors have been made for internal
interest rate. We have signed new remittance control and compliance system of the bank in
agreements with different countries in Europe, order to reduce the internal risks as well.
Middle East and East Asia to collect foreign
Honorable shareholders, over the past years
remittance earned by the expatriates all
the bank has been giving dividends regularly
around the world. New products of deposits
to you. The board has recommended 10%
and loans are being introduced to extend the
stock dividends for the year 2016 from

existing bank business. Besides, necessary

Retained earnings, considering bank’s image
endeavor is being made to increase the ability
as well as your investment though the bank
of the bank to achieve targets against different
has incurred loss this year.
indicators under committed performance.

I would like to convey thanks and gratitude to

There is no alternative of the efficient and
the esteemed shareholders, Ministry of
skilled human resources to sustain in the
Finance, Bangladesh Bank, Securities and
business and to provide standard client

Exchange Commission, Register of Joint

service in the competitive banking sector.
Stock Companies of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Trained manpower is very much essential in
Stock Exchange Limited, Chittagong Stock
modern banking system. Rupali Bank Training
Exchange Limited, concerned different
Academy (RBTA) is conducting different
government organizations and to all those
training courses all the year with resourceful
whose guidance and cordial assistance has
speakers who are prominent in this sector.
rendered the bank to go ahead. As Chairman
The employees are also getting quality and
and on behalf of board of directors, I reiterate
rich training from other renowned training
our commitment to support the bank
institutes of Bangladesh namely BIBM, BBTA,
management with our ideas and time.
NAPD, BIM etc. Not only in country, but also
training is being organized outside the country
to orient world banking system and to acquire
exclusive knowledge on banking
Vision of “Digital Bangladesh” is not only a
dream of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, now it
is a reality. We feel proud of being a partner to
Monzur Hossain
implement this vision. Among the state-owned
commercial banks, Rupali Bank Limited has

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 56
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 58

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 59
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 60
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 61
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 62
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 63
Managing Director & CEO’s 25382.96 crore and Tk 27911.60 crore
respectively. The growth rate was 27.38% in
Round up 2012, 30.28% in 2013, 24.56% in 2014,
14.51% in 2015 and 9.96% in 2016.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Deposit

Distinguished Chairman of Board of Directors 27.38% 30.28%

of Rupali Bank Ltd, Mr Monzur Hossain, 14.51%

Honourable Members of the Board of Directors,

Shareholders, Executives of the Bank,
journalist friends of electronic and print media, I 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
welcome you all at the 31st Annual General Loans and Advances
Meeting (AGM) of the Bank. I also greet you for
your kind presence at the event. The loans and advances of the Bank from 2011
to 2016 were Tk 7652.49 crore, Tk 9064.16
Growing Economy of Bangladesh and crore, Tk 10742.63 crore, Tk 12501.19 crore,
Banking Sector Tk 14251.50 crore and Tk 17515.04 crore
Bangladesh economy has advanced as far as respectively. The growth rates of the Bank in
stability and progress are concerned in tandem this area between 2012 and 2016 were
with the growth of world economy in 2016. The 18.45%, 18.52%, 16.37%, 14.00% and 22.90%
GDP growth rate stood at 7.05 per cent in respectively. It was not possible to disburse

2015-2016 fiscal year which was 6.06 per cent additional loan crossing the limit as set by a
in 2013-2014 and 6.55 per cent in 2014-2015. compulsion under a MOU signed with the
Bangladesh Bank though Rupali Bank had the
The per capita national income rose by US
dollar 150 at 1466 us dollar in the current fiscal
which was US$ 1316 in 2014-2015 fiscal year. Loans and Advances
A growth-friendly cautious monetary policy has

been adopted keeping the inflationary pressure

18.45% 22.90%
at tolerable limit. The average inflation rate 16.37%

during the first ten months of July-April 2016
fiscal year was 6.04 per cent. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
In recent period, the interest rates against Investment

loans and deposits of the commercial banks

The total investment of the Bank under a stable
declined. Moreover the additional liquidity
investment climate between 2011 and 2016
created due to stalemate in investment put
were Tk 2361.12 crore, Tk 2657.23 crore, Tk
pressure on the banks’ profitability.
3925.31 crore, Tk 6822.01 crore, Tk 8265.42

Like other banks, Rupali Bank also operated its crore and Tk 7965.12 crore respectively.
business under the overall business climate of Investment
the country. The bank has been able to
continue its success in almost every index
Taka in crore

except a few in 2016.






Business Growth
Rupali Bank Ltd has been able to achieve
desired business success also in 2016 under 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

the prudent and time-worthy guidelines of the Classified Loan

Board of Directors. Effective planning and steps The classified loan of the Bank in 2016 stood at
of the Management along with concerted efforts Tk 3484.85 crore which accounts for 20.64% of
of staff of all level spurred the success. the total loan.
Classified Loan
The Bank achieved a stable deposit base in the
Classified Loan

past years. The deposit of the Bank in 2011, 26.07% 17.48%

2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 were Tk 17.00%

10723.40 crore, Tk 13659.88 crore, Tk

17795.58 crore, Tk 22165.68 crore, Tk 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 64
Foreign Exchange rise. However, the inflow of remittance declined
significantly due to volatility of global labour
An initiative to activate all 29 AD and 55
market in 2016. At present, The Bank has
corporate branches of the Bank into foreign
remittance transfer arrangement with world’s 38
exchange business has been taken. It is now
reputed exchange companies.
possible to transact foreign exchange business
with more efficiency and promptness with Operating Profit
different countries of the world through 29 Nostro

Taka in crore
accounts and 464 Foreign Correspondents. It
has spurred the Bank’s export-import business to




a significant height. Profit earned in foreign
exchange from the dealing room operation under
treasury department marked a consecutive rise. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Operating Profit
The import businesses of the Bank in 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 were Tk 4510.82 The operating profits of the Bank from 2012 to
crore, Tk 6516.51 crore, Tk 7798.49 crore, Tk 2015 were Tk 367.46 crore, Tk 205.26 crore,
11987.70 crore and Tk 10801.36 crore Tk 252.70 crore and Tk 250.20 crore
respectively. The import business of the Bank respectively. The Bank incurred a loss of Tk
88.78 crore in 2016.

between 2012 to 2015 rose significantly.
However, the import trade declined in 2016 in
compare with 2015. Operating Profit
co Taka in crore


Taka in crore


2012 2013 2014 2015




2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

About all the branches of Rupali Bank came
Export under Live Operation and BFFTN service to
The export businesses of the Bank between occupy a dignified status symbol of business

2012 and 2016 were Tk 1550.58 crore, Tk success in the competitive banking sector. A
1817.08 crore, Tk 1941.31 crore, Tk 2162.78 total of 508 branches out of 562 branches of
crore and Tk 2500.45 crore respectively. The the Bank are being operated under CBS. A
export business marked 14.77% rise in 2012, project is undergoing since 2013 to bring all the

17.19% in 2013, 6.84% in 2014, 11.41% in branches of the Bank under Centralised
2015 and 15.61% in 2016 against the previous Banking. Recently all the branches came under
years. CBS.
A Rationalised Input Template has been
installed at the branches concerned of the
Head Office to upload all the statements
Taka in crore

regularly on the fixed web portal of Bangladesh






Bank. The automated remittance facility has

been expanded at all the branches of the Bank
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
through remittance software. Under a
Bangladesh Bank directive, 152 branches of
Foreign Remittance Rupali Bank installed Truncation Point to bring
The inward foreign remittance of the Bank 289 branches under BACH. Recently Rupali
declined to Tk 1652.52 crore in 2016 against Tk Bank inked a deal with IT Consultants Ltd
1850.32 crore in 2015.Earning and distribution (ITCL) as consortium member of Q-cash.
of remittance from different countries especially Under this arrangement, Rupali Bank has
middle-east has become easier as number of developed its own ATM and POS Network
the Bank’s exchange companies rose. The which has allowed our clients to enjoy ATM
number of remittance senders also marked a facility from any location of the country. Clients

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 65
of the Bank are now allowed to withdraw capital is Tk 1183.65 crore, minimum capital
money through any branches of the Bank with requirement is Tk 1769.77 crore, capital
the issued own branded cards and buy any adequacy ratio is 6:69 and capital deficiency is
products from shops/markets. Already an Tk 586.13 crore.
own-branded ATM machine was installed at
Hatkhola branch in Dhaka.
After incurring losses in the previous years, the
Human Resource Management: Appoinment
Bank disbursed stock dividend (bonus shares)
and Promotion
among the honourable shareholders in 2011,
The human resource operation is being 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 at the rate of 20%,
conducted in compliance with Human 10%, 15%, 15%, 15% respectively. Rupali Bank
Resource Policy 2011. The total human shares are now traded in A-category. A 10%
resources of the Bank till December 31, 2016 stock dividend has been recommended as
were 5438. Of them, Class 1 and Class 2 dividend in 2016.
officers are 3757 and Class 3 and Class 4 are
Opening of new branches
1681. A total of 3289 officers, employees were
appointed in Rupali Bank during 2010 and Rupali Bank has been increasing the number of
2016. During the same period, a total of 5003 branches to extend its banking services after
officers, employees were promoted. getting approval of Bangladesh Bank. 11 new
branches were opened in 2011, 3 in 2012, 22 in
2013, 7 in 2014, 19 in 2015 and 8 in 2016 at

Rupali Bank Training Academy (RBTA) has different locations of the country considering
been strengthened to enhance the efficiency the business growth perspective of the areas
and banking knowledge of the officers and concerned. Till December, 2016, the number of
employees of the Bank considering them the branches of the Bank stood at 562 including
real asset. During 2011 to 2016, a total of 779 303 in urban areas and 259 in rural areas.
training courses were arranged, participated by
Subsidiary Company
22891 trainees. The courses were arranged
under the direct supervision of RBTA through Two subsidiary companies-Rupali Investment
BIBM, BBTA, BIM, NAPD, FinExcel, East West Limited and Rupali Bank Securities Ltd- are

University etc. Senior executives of the Bank operating in country’s capital market. Rupali
attended different training, seminar and Investment Ltd invested Tk 21.83 crore and Tk
workshops held in India, Phillipines, Japan, 68.26 crore respectively as margin loan and
own portfolio with the operating profit of Tk 4.75

Malaysia, Indonesia, UK, Australia, South

Africa and Turkey. crore in 2016.
Recast of Administrative Structure Rupali Bank Securities Ltd bought the
membership from Dhaka Stock Exchange

A total of 10 divisional offices were established

(DSE) on November 22, 2012. The
through decentralisation of authority aiming to
membership number is 246. Later Rupali Bank
ensure fair practices in management and
Securities Ltd was converted as a public limited
administrative functions. Now senior and
company on August 29,2013 under Registrar of
qualified officials are being promoted to
Joint Stock Companies and Firms with Tk 100
general manager-level from deputy general
crore as paid-up capital and Tk 500 crore as
manager-level. Already a total of 33 DGMs
authorised capital. The company formally
were promoted to GM. Previously such jobs
started its operation on January 8, 2015. Rupali
were performed by Ministry of Finance.
Bank Securities Ltd earned Tk 4.77 crore as
Capital Structure operating profit in 2016.
The Bank has been able to build a strong Infrastructure
capital base in the recent years. The paid-up
Two ten-floor building at the own land of the
capital of the Bank marked a steady rise since
Bank at Mymensingh and Comilla were
2010. The paid-up capital of the Bank stood at
inaugurated with completion of 5th floor in
Tk 137.50 crore, Tk 165.00 crore, Tk 181.50
Mymensingh and 6th floor in Comilla (including
crore, Tk 208.73 crore and Tk 240.03 crore
one each basement). In Chittagong, the
respectively from 2011 to 2015. Now the
construction upto 6th floor of a 17-floor building
paid-up capital of the Bank is Tk 276.03 crore,
is near completion with two basements. In
authorised capital is Tk 700.00 crore, regulatory

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 66
Cox’s Bazar the finishing work of a 6-floor Internal Control and Risk Management
building is continuing while in Patuakhali, great
The Bank formulated a domestic control
beam and piling of a 6-floor building is
guidelines in compliance with the guidelines of
complete. A total of 45 branches of the Bank
Bangladesh Bank. Under this guidelines, audit
came under decorative beautification equipped
and inspection department, compliance
with modern banking facilities. Under a
department and monitoring department are
Bangladesh Bank directive, five branches
performing through internal control and
installed money counting machines and
compliance unit. An efficient head of Internal
counterfeit note identification machines. CCTV
Control and Compliance is working to comply
System has been installed to ensure security in
with the rules. Necessary directives are being
all branches and offices including the head
issued through audit committee of the Board of
Directors to comply with internal control
Deposit and Loan Products guidelines.
Rupali Bank is operating deposit products like Risk Management Division and other
Rupali Monthly Saving Scheme, Rupali sub-committees are working relentlessly under
Quarterly Profit Scheme, Rupali Lacpati the Board advices to indentify different risks
Deposit Scheme, Rupali Kotipati Deposit and removing them.
Scheme, Rupali Students Saving Account,
Sustainable Banking
Pathaful and Rupali Festival Deposit Scheme.
The United Nations has declared Sustainable

Moreover, there are 4 loan products to facilitate
SMEs. Development Goals. Envirironment-friendly
banking, CSR, Financial Inclusion and financial
Rural Loan
support to education in the banks and FIs are
A total of Tk 199.96 crore was disbursed in included under core banking to ensure stability
2016 to eradicate poverty in rural areas and in the financial sector through sustainable
enhance national productivity as well. Besides, banking. Bangladesh Bank has asked the
Tk 3.45 crore was disbursed under Bangladesh financial and non-financial institutions to
Bank refinancing scheme in milk production comply with the policy and guidelines
and artificial reproductive sector. formulated by the central bank. Rupali Bank

has been playing significant role in green

SME business
banking, CSR and Financial Inclusion. Under
The Bank is disbursing SME loans since 2011 the directives of Bangladesh Bank (BB),
at both personal and institutional level to

Sustainable Finance Unit and Sustainable

achieve national sustainable economic growth Finance Committee have been formed with the
and also to eradicate unemployment. It is completion of its working framework.
creating SME entrepreneurs and on the other
Green Banking

hand, it is also creating permanent employment
opportunities. Besides, there remains a Environment disaster is a widely-talked topic in
previliged SME facility for women the present global context. Rupali Bank has
entrepreneurs. Rupali Bank is playing a included environment awareness in its regular
significant role in country’s economy and banking operations to mitigate environment
employment through disbursing loan in SME pollution created due to different reasons
portfolio. including industrialisation. It is now mandatory
to comply with the restrictions set by
SME Business of Bank : 2014-2016
Environment Directorate to finance
987.42 Crore

943.69 Crore

1079.10 Crore

industrialisation. The compliances included

installation of ETP or Effluent Treatment Plant.
275.07 Crore

240.56 Crore
214.74 Crore
11529 Persons

Six branches of the Bank have installed solar

Entrepreneurs 2022 Persons

panels. Automation has been strengthened to

1261 Persons
SME Loan Outstanding

SME Loan Outstanding

SME Loan Outstanding

369 Persons

285 Persons

reduce dependency on paper consumption.

Woman Entrepreneurs 186 Persons

Every departments of the Bank have been




asked to use all electronic appliances including

Woman Entrepreneurs

Woman Entrepreneurs

PC, printer, fan, AC properly avoiding misuse of



2014 2015 2016 Environment Risk has been included under

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 67
Core Risk Management to ensure green 6,67,215 accounts are operative in the Bank, of
banking. Different projects are being financed which 4,12,266 are owned by farmers, 64,298
in three categories-Low, Moderate and High-on are by schools, 1,72,503 are Tk ten
the basis of Environment Risk. The account-holders, 2,564 are freedom fighters
environment-friendly projects which are being and 15,584 are by other financial inclusion
financed by the Bank included bio-gas plant, accounts. A total of Tk 84.34 crore is deposited
renewable energy/installation of solar panel, under financial inclusion accounts in 2016.
HHK Brickfield, Zigzag Brickfield, Non-woven
Mobile Banking
cloth factory, green industry, pet bottle re-used
factory, LED bulb assembly plant, ETP, Rupali Bank is the first state-owned bank to
mushroom, tree plantation. Financing jute bag provide mobile financial service. The Bank is
manufacturing industry is being priviliged. providing the mobile banking service through
Surecash. Now the Bank has more than 80.00
Different training, workshops, seminar,
lac clients, 70,000 agents and 200 distributors
awareness raising campaign have been
across the country through Surecash. Under a
arranged on green banking where officials,
MoU signed between Rupali Bank Ltd and
employees and clients of Rupali Bank
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, 1
crore mothers of 1 crore 20 lac primary
The green financing project fund of Rupali students of 60,000 schools will receive about
Bank rose to Tk 421.00 crore in 2016 against Tk 1600 crore as stipend through Rupali Bank

Tk 230.00 crore in 2015. Some of the projects Surecash’ project across the country. Besides,
received re-financing funds from BB. 144 schools, colleges and universities are
getting the benefits in realising tuition fees and
allowances under the service which is also
Rupali Bank provides financial support to being used to settle the due of sugarcane
empower poor people as well as extending farmers under Bangladesh Sugar and Food
banking facility among the under-priviliged Industries Ltd. This service is operative among
people. Such facility also covers the areas like the clients of Grameen Bank to disburse loan
education, sports, culture, health, relief and realise installment of deposits. Different
operation among the victims, protection of companies like insurance, bank, service

environment, protection of heritage and providing entities have inked mobile banking
flourishing of liberation war spirit. The CSR agreement with the Rupali Bank.
activities of the Bank have consolidated its
Rupali Bank Surecash will perform duties to

position in the competitive banking activities in

realise bills under utility services of City
financial inclusion and also brightened the
Corporations, WASA, DESA, DPDC and BTCL.
image of the Bank. A total of Tk 1,16.84 lac was
The service will also include payment of
spent in CSR in 2016. Tk 50.96 lac was
allowance received by beneficiaries under the

disbursed to distribute winter clothes among

Social Welfare Ministry of the government. The
the victims in different areas of the country, Tk
government provides such facility to extend
12.60 lac for establishing a ‘day care centre’ for
banking facilities among the under-priviliged
children of working women at Motijheel of
section of the people. Our quality of service
Dhaka, Tk 50.00 lac for helping the flood
and area of service network will be widened
victims to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund and
through arranging the payment of foreign
Tk 3.28 lac in education and health.
remittance, buying of different types of
 Financial Inclusion tickets,government tax and VAT through mobile
Rupali Bank has brought the underpriviliged banking.
segment of the society like poor farmers, poor Future Outlook
people, unemployed youths, poor freedom
Information Technology
fighters, RMG workers, school students, street
children and working children who were outside • Introduction of demand-based credit card,
the banking channel under the network of gift card, utility payment service
banking operation through opening accounts in
• Reducing cash-payment counters,
the Bank. Students between the age of 6 to 18
installation of Bank POS for online payment
of more than 120 schools deposited Tk 54.63
crore in the bank account operated by RSSA. • Extending the financial inclusion service
Under financial inclusion banking, a total of through disbursing stipend to 3.30 crore

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 68
parents and students through mobile • Ensuring effective utilisation of HR
banking • All-out efforts to improve Bank’s status in
Capital CAMELS Rating
Following steps have been taken to maintain • Continuation of modern decoration in head
capital adequacy of Rupali Bank as the office, divisional offices, local offices,
Bank’s present capital lacks the adequacy corporate branches and important
as per Basel-3 : branches
1. Efforts are continued to receive • Increasing the foreign exchange and
re-capitalisation fund from Ministry of remittance business volume through raising
Finance and ensuring the availability of AD branches
such fund • Posting of own officials in exchange
2. Conversion of the government companies and raising drawing
re-capitalisation fund into paid-up capital of arrangement facilities with more
the bank companies/banks and also installation of
remittance software to ease distribution
3. Necessary steps are underway to issue
subordinate bond of Tk 500 crore
• Installation of ATMs at different branches on
4. Efforts to increase Bank’s capital through
the basis of demand and POS at shopping
profit raising

Deposit Collection • Extending the mobile banking business
• Minimum 50% achievement of depositing • Providing the maximum service to clients
low-cost/interest-free deposits in every through online banking services
branches in 2017
I extend my sincere gratitude to the
• Identifying 20-25 branches of the Bank as
Government of Bangladesh especially
big deposit collectors
Financial Institution Division of Finance
Disbursement of Loans and Advances Ministry, Bangladesh Bank and Bangladesh
• Diversification of loans instead of loan Securities and Exchange Commission for their

concentration continued support and advices.

• Massive widening of SME loan financing to The state-owned Rupali Bank will achieve an
increase employment image of a popular bank among the clients
• Raising the disbursement of agri-based among the existing banking and financial

loan and rural loan in rural branches institutions of Bangladesh through providing the
• Disbursement of loan among good maximum service to the clients. My dedicated
borrowers in major commercial cities after colleagues will perform with utmost sincerity,

Dhaka efficiency and commitment to achieve the

Bank’s mission and vision with a view to get the
Recovery of Classified Loan continued support from shareholders,
• All-out efforts to reduce the classified loan stakeholders and clients. It is my firm belief that
digit to single-digit through giving highest if we work sincerely imbued with a motherly
priority to realise the CL and also to increase ethos this Bank will be the best bank in the
quality loan disbursement at field level country very soon.
• Continuation of strong efforts to realise CL May Allah bless us all.
and written-off loans
• Raising the cash realisation of CL in 2017
and ensuring the checking of loan recovery
so that any new loans cannot become CL
• Strong recovery drive to realise loans from
top loan defaulters and bringing dynamism (Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan)
in the recovery drive Managing Director & CEO
• Reducing the risk and raising the profit
through proper management of core risk of
the Bank

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 69

Adequacy Transparency



1.3 Independent Director
Board has appointed 02 (Two) Independent
Directors in consonance with the latest
corporate governance notification of BSEC
Report on and Bank Company Act 1991, (ammended in
2013). The independent directors enjoy full
independence in terms of carrying out their
Corporate coveted responsibilities. Independent
Directors are well conversant in the field of
business and professional areas.
Governance 1.4 Chairman is Independent of CEO
As per Company Act 1994 the Chairman and
Rupali Bank Limited is committed to comply the Managing Director & CEO of the Bank are
with the every standards of corporate different individuals, so the Chairman does not
governance. Corporate governance is the interfere in day-to-day company matters. The
system by which companies are directed and non-executive Chairman's duties are typically
controlled. It involves a set of relationships limited to matters directly related to the board,
between a company's management, its board, such as- chairing the meetings of the board,
its shareholders and other stakeholders. It organizing and coordinating the board's

deals with prevention or mitigation of the activities, chairing the AGM and conducting
conflict of interests of stakeholders. However, the meeting as set in agenda, reviewing and
the principles of corporate governance include evaluating the performance of the managing
rights and equitable treatment of shareholders, director and the other senior excutives.
interests of other stakeholders, role and 1.5 Responsibilities of the Chairman of
responsibilities of the board, integrity and the Board
ethical behavior, disclosure and transparency
of a company. The responsibility of the Chairman is defined
in the BRPD Circular No. 11/2013 which is
fully complied by the bank. There is a clear

delineation of responsibilities between the

MANAGING DIRECTOR AND CEO board and management which the bank is
operating, the management is held
1.1 Company’s policy on appointment of
responsible for the execution of the policies

and accomplishment of bank's objectives. As

The Bank has appointed directors as per Bank per guidelines of Bangladesh Bank the
Company Act 1991,(amended in 2013), Chairman of a bank does not participate in or
Companies Act 1994, BRPD Circular No. interfere into the administrative or operational

11/2013, Dhaka & Chittagong stock exchange and routine affairs of the Bank.
(listing) regulation 2015 and Article of
Independence of Non-Executive Directors
Association of the Bank. The process of
appointment of a director starts with All the non-executive Directors of the Bank are
nomination made by the Financial Institution enjoying the autonomy and independence as
Division, Ministry of Finance. Board of explained in corporate governance guidelines
Directors of the Bank sends the proposal for of Bangladesh Bank and Securities Exchange
appointment of Director to Bangladesh Bank. Company.
Bangladesh Bank finally approves the 1.6 Annual Appraisal of the Board’s
appointment. The role of the board and its Performance
committees are clearly stated in BRPD
Circular No. 11/2013. To achieve the strategic objectives of RBL the
board of directors are responsible for setting
1.2 Non-executive Directors the yearly business plans, formulating all sorts
All directors of RBL are non-executive except of policy, confirming key aspects of the bank's
the Managing Director & CEO. There are 11 internal organization, making decisions on the
Directors including Managing Director & CEO. establishment of branches, evaluating and
The Managing Director & CEO is an Ex-officio assessing the key performance for managing
Director of the Board. director, reviewing operational and financial
performance, reviewing all sorts of risks and

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 71
management of internal control and performance is measured by the KPIs of the
complance, approving all the information Bank as MOU achievements as signed with
supplied to shareholders in the annual general the BIFD of Finance Ministry.
meeting, approving capital expenditure, setting 1.8 Policy on Training of Directors
the borrowing limit, reviewing bank's systems
of financial and budgetary control, approving The policy on training of directors embraces
the human resources policy, reviewing and the policy guidelines and circulars issued by
ratifying the decisions of the different the regulatory authority to be conveyed to the
sub-committees of the Board. directors through training, information,
discussion session and moral suasion to the
The Board members have always been corporate governance compliance issues.
appraised at the AGM and shareholders have Banks arranged sessions on different latest
been very supportive of the board's decision. issues circulated by the Bangladesh Bank to
1.7 Policy on annual evaluation of the raise awareness and to improve
CEO by the Board understanding regarding the rules and
The duties and responsibilities of the regulations to be applied in the banking
Managing Director and CEO are delineated in business. Training on Basel-3 and AML & CFT
the BRPD Circular No. 18/2013 . In terms of are worth mentionable.
the financial, business and administrative 1.9 Directors' Expertise in Finance and
authorities vested upon him by the board, the Accounting

CEO shall discharge his own responsibilities. There are two directors in the Board of the
He shall remain accountable for achievement Bank who are professionally qualified
of financial and other business targets by Chartered Accountants. They are highly
means of business plan, efficient efficient in the field of accounting and finance.
implementation thereof and prudent The other directors are well conversant in
administrative and financial management. The business related discipline.
CEO shall ensure compliance of the Bank
Company Act, 1991 and other relevant laws 1.10 Attendance of Directors
and regulations in discharging routine Director attendance has been given at the end
functions of the bank. At the time of presenting of this chapter.

any memorandum in the Board Meeting or

Board Committee Meeting, the CEO must 1.11 Corporate Governance Reviewed by
point out if there is any deviation from the the External Auditors
Bank Company Act, 1991 and other relevant A CG compliance certificate taken from

laws and regulations. The CEO shall report to external auditor is attached at the end of this
Bangladesh Bank any violation of the Bank chapter. The compliance of Corporate
Company Act, 1991 or of other governace is included in the directors’ report

laws/regulations. The recruitment and which is reviewed by Podder & Associates,

promotion of all staff of the bank except those Cost and Management Accountants.
in the two tiers below him shall rest on the
CEO. He shall act in such cases in 2. VISION / MISSION AND STRATEGY
accordance with the approved service rules on 2.1 Vision-Mission of RBL
the basis of the human resources policy and
sanctioned strength of employees as The vision and mission of RBL guided by the
approved by the board. The authority relating central bank's guidelines are approved by the
to transfer of and disciplinary measures Board. These are disclosed in the annual
against the staff, except those at two tiers report, bank's website and other publications.
below the CEO, shall rest on him, which he 2.2 Business Objectives and Areas of
shall apply in accordance with the approved Business
service rules. Besides, under the purview of Our business goals and objectives are set in
the human resources policy as approved by our vision and mission statements. The
the board, he shall nominate officers for business strategies are identified and our
training etc. strategic objectives are clearly stated in the
The performance evaluation of the MD is Annual Report. As the Board of Directors is
conducted by the Board through various the highest authority in relation to formulating
reports like performance report (KPIs) of the the policies of the Bank against the backdrop
Bank. Managing Director & CEO’s of the persisting laws and regulations, the

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 72
board of directors set the business target and number of board members is within the limit
work plan of the Bank. set by the Bangladesh Bank.
2.3 Strategies to Achieve the RBL 3.14 Qualification of members of the audit
Business Objectives committee
The strategies to achieve the business goals All the members of the audit committee are
are set by RBL in the begining of the year to adequate in financial literature. Three
align its business objectives for the year with Directors of the Board have expertise in
its strategies. Strategies set to achieve the finance and accounting knowledge. One board
business objectives can be found in the "Our member is qualified as a Chartered
Strategies Objectives" section of the Annual Accountant from ICAB and qualified as a Cost
Report. and Management Accountant from ICMAB.
His main areas of interest are International
3. AUDIT COMMITTEES Accounting, IAS/IFRS, Forensic Accounting,
3.1 Appointment and Composition Creative Accounting and Capital Market.
Another board member qualified as a Cost
The Board has appointed the members of the and Management Accountant from ICMAB and
executive committee, audit committee and a Board Member of South Asian Federation of
Risk Management Committee as per Accountants (SAFA).
Bangladesh Bank guidelines and BSEC
Notification No. 44/2012. 3.1.4 Head of Internal Control and

Compliance Direct Access to Audit
3.1.1 Chairman of The Audit Committee Committee
The Chairman of the audit committee is an Head of Internal Control and Compliance has
independent non-executive director. He direct access to the audit committee and he
performs his duties independently as puts up all the memos in the audit committee
determined in BRPD Circular No. 11/2013. meetings.
3.1.2 Terms of reference of Independent 3.1.5 Attendance of Audit Committee
The audit committee conducted 13 (Thirteen)
As per the status of compliance with the meetings in 2016. The attendance status of

conditions imposed by the Commission's the meetings is given at the end of this
Notification No.SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/ chapter.
134/Admin/44 dated 07 August 2012 issued
under section 2CC of the Securities and 3.2 Objectives & Activities

Exchange Ordinance, 1969: (Report under 3.2.2 Review by the Audit Committee
Condition No. 7.00) the audit committee plays
key role in finalization of the Financial The committee usually engaged in reviewing
Statements of the Bank, overseeing the all the quarterly, yearly financial statements

financial reporting process, monitoring choice with notes and disclosures of the Bank. The
of accounting policies & principle, monitoring committee review and examine whether the
internal control risk management process, Bank follows the International Accounting
overseeing hiring and performance of external Standard(IAS) and International Financial
auditors, reviewing along with the Reporting Standard (IFRS) adopted as
management the annual, quarterly & half Bangladesh Accounting Standard (BAS) and
yearly financial statements before submission Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standard
to the board for approval, reviewing the (IFRS) by the Institute of Chartered
adequacy of internal audit function etc. Accountant of Bangladesh (ICAB), Bank
Company Act 1991 (Amended 2013), the
The committee is empowered to investigate/ Companies Act 1994, the Securities and
question any employee of the Bank. It can Exchange Commission Rules, DSE & CSE
also take external expert counsel, if deem (Listing) Regulation 2015, Bangladesh Bank
necessary. guidelines and circulars and other laws and
3.1.3 Non-Executive Directors rules applicable in Bangladesh.
The Board of Directors of Rupali Bank Limited 3.2.3 Role of Audit Committee
has 10 (ten) non-executive directors including Internal Control:
two independent directors. Managing director
is an ex-officio member of the board. The
• Evaluate whether management is setting the
appropriate compliance culture by

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 73
communicating the importance of internal
control and the management of risk and
ensuring that all employees have clear
• Ensure independence of external auditors
The committee ensures independence of
understanding of their roles and external auditors as they can audit freely
responsibilities; and fairly.
• Review management’s actions in building
computerization of the bank and its
• Review the external auditors
The findings of the external auditors have
applications and bank's Management been taken seriously to meet the
Information System (MIS); irregularities if any. For this the committee
• Consider whether internal control strategies
recommended by internal and external
instructs the management on the findings of
the auditor.
auditors have been implemented by the
• Review and approve any non-audit work
assigned to the external auditor and ensure
• Consider reports relating to fraud, forgery,
deficiencies in internal control or other
that such work does not compromise the
independence of the external auditors.
similar issues detected by internal and External auditors were not assigned any
external auditors and inspectors of the work other than statutory audit. The
regulatory authority and place it before the independence of external auditors was not
board after reviewing whether necessary compromised.
corrective measures have been taken by
the management.
• Recommendation external auditor for
appointment/ reappointment

Financial Reporting: The audit committee recommends every
• Audit committee will check whether the
financial statements reflect the complete
year to appointment/ reappointment of
external auditor.
and concrete information and determine 3.2.5 Selection of appropriate accounting
whether the statements are prepared
according to existing rules & regulations The audit committee selects appropriate
and standards enforced in the country and accounting policies that are in line with IAS,
as per relevant prescribed accounting IFRS, BAS, BFRS and other regulatory
standards set by Bangladesh Bank; guidelines while reviewing the financial


Discuss with management and the external statements of the Bank for annual reports.
auditors to review the financial statements 3.2.6 Annual and interim financial releases
before its finalization.
The audit committee reviews the annual and
Internal Audit:

interim financial release and recommends
Audit committee will monitor whether these to the Board of Director (BOD) for
internal audit working independently from approval.
the management.
• 3.2.7 Reliability on the management

Review the activities of the internal audit

and the organizational structure and ensure information
that no unjustified restriction or limitation The audit committee makes certain on the
hinders the internal audit process; information placed in computation of financial
• Examine the efficiency and effectiveness of
internal audit function;
disclosures is realistic.

• Examine whether the findings and

recommendations made by the internal

auditors are duly considered by the The main objectives of the internal control
management or not. process can be categorized as follows:
3.2.4 External Audit Function 1. Efficiency and effectiveness of activities;

• Effective
coordination of external audit
2. Reliability, completeness and timeliness of
financial and management information; and
3. Compliance with applicable laws and
The committee provides coordination of
external auditors as they require. The
The Board of Directors of Rupali Bank
committee helps generally to prepare and
Limited is responsible to establish
finalise the financial statements during the
appropriate system of internal control. To
year. The progress of the audit by the external
ensure internal control system a guidelines
auditor is reviewed by the committee.
in this regard has been introduced.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 74
Structure of Internal Control & Compliance values that management displays in their
business dealings, both inside and outside the
Board of Directors
4.4 Disclosure of The Identification of
Managing Director Board’s Risk
Management Committee
Board’s Audit
Risks Internally & Externally
Head of Internal An effective internal control system requires
Control & Compliance
that the material risks that could adversely
affect the achievement of the bank's goals are
Head Office Audit and Head Office Head Office
Inspection Unit Monitoring Unit Compliance Unit being recognized and continually assessed.
This assessment should cover all risks like
credit risk, country and transfer risk, market
Divisional Office Local Office
ICC Unit ICC Unit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, operational
risk, legal risk and reputational risk, etc.
Work Station Corporate Branch (DGM Headed)
Internal controls may need to be revised to
ICC Unit ICC Unit appropriately address any new or previously
uncontrolled risks.
4.1 Director's Responsibility to Establish 4.5 Strategies Adopted to Mitigate the
Internal Control and Compliance Risks
The Board of Directors of RBL review the ICC A number of steps including Stress Testing has

Policy on yearly basis, give approval and take been introduced to manage and mitigate the
necessary step to adopt regulatory and other risks. The detail of risk management in RBL is
changes. The Board ensures the compliance given in the "Report on Risk Management &
of all laws, rules and regulations issued by the control environment" chapter.
regulatory authorities (Ministry of Finance,
Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh Securities & 5. ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE
Exchange Commission, etc.). An Audit
Committee formed by the board which assists The statement of core values and ethical
the board to monitor the effectiveness of the principles is approved by the Board of
performance. The Board of Directors also held Directors. Our core values include social

periodic review meeting with the senior responsibility, performance, integrity, respect,
management to evaluate the effectiveness of innovation and teamwork.
the internal control system of the bank. The The ethical principles focus on fairness,
Board of Directors has established a Risk quality, honesty and integrity, belief in our

Management Committee to evaluate and people, teamwork, good corporate governance

review the overall risk management system of and corporate social responsibility.
the Bank. All the ethical issues are adopted in the Core

4.2 Key Features of The Internal Control Values and Ethical Principles statement and
System are disclosed in the annual report.
Key features of Internal Control System are as 5.1 Statement of Ethics and Values
follows: The statement of core values and ethical
1. Management oversight and the control principles is approved by the Board of
culture Directors. Our core values include social
2. Risk recognition and assessment responsibility, performance, integrity, respect,
3. Control activities and segregation of duties innovation and teamwork.
4. Information and communication
5. Monitoring activities and correcting The ethical principles focus on fairness,
deficiencies quality, honesty and integrity, belief in our
people, teamwork, good corporate governance
4.3 Review of Adequacy of Internal and corporate social responsibility.
Control System
All the ethical issues are adopted in the
An essential element of an effective system of Core Values and Ethical Principles statement
internal control is a strong control culture. It is and are disclosed in the annual report.
the responsibility of the board of directors and
senior management to emphasize the 5.2 Communication of Statement of Ethics
importance of internal control through their The detail of our core values and ethical
actions and words. This includes the ethical statement is available in our website and

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 75
annual report. The statement on ethics is any other purpose. The Board members
communicated to our all employees and our received honorarium of Tk 8000.00 (Taka
shareholders, customers and stakeholders. Eight thousand) each for attending a board/
5.3 Board’s statement on Ethics committee meeting.

The Board of Directors of RBL is committed to 6.5 Disclosure of Remuneration

introduce high level of code of conduct and The honorarium drawn by the directors are
ethical principles. The Board of Directors also disclosed at the end of this chapter.
monitors the same very firmly.
5.4 Establishing effective anti-fraud
programs and controls 7.1 Human Resource Development and
• Compliance Division provides effective
training on anti-fraud and forgery conducted
Disclosure of general description of the
by RBTA as a part of raising awareness policies and practices codified and adopted by
among all tiers of employees.

RBL with respect to Human Resource
Vigilance and Intelligence Division usually Development and Management, including
makes instant visit to investigate if any succession planning, merit based recruitment,
serious misappropriation or irregularities performance appraisal system, promotion and

reward and motivation, training and
Anti-Money Laundering Division strictly development, grievance management,

adheres to comply with the regulatory counseling etc are discussed in report on
compliance such as anti money laundering Human Resources chapter.
and combating against terrorist financing.
As a part of this a large some officers have 7.2 Organizational Chart
been trained up to 2016. Corporate Structure of RBL is shown on the

Risk Management Division, HRD, Management Team chapter.
Compliance and Monitoring Division act as
6. REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 8.1 Policy on Communication with

6.1 Role of Remuneration Committee shareholders

As per Bangladesh Bank guidelines the Board Share Division of Rupali Bank Limited keeps
shall have no committees except the executive its shareholders and stakeholders always in

committee, the audit committee & Risk touch to serve and to inform related
management committee. So there is no such information. RBL provides updated investors’
a committee in the name of remuneration information on its website
committee. But the Board of Directors time to 8.2 Policy on Ensuring Participation of

time reviews and fixes up the remuneration Shareholders at AGM.

paid to all level of employees, directors and
others. To hold successful Annual General Meeting
(AGM) Rupali Bank declares date of AGM at a
6.2 Non-executive Directors in the stipulated time, send Annual Reports and
Committee other required documents, arranges AGM in a
The remuneration of the non-executive convenient place and time. The shareholders
Directors is decided by the Board. are completely free to speak in the meeting.
6.3 Key Policies on Remuneration The complaints, suggestions, proposals of the
shareholders are recorded in minutes for
Key policies on remuneration of the consideration and implementation.
employees of the Bank are determined as per
national pay scale. 9. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL
6.4 Attendance of meetings OBLIGATIONS

The non-executive directors (directors other 9.1 RBL Policies and Practices Relating
than Managing Director) of the Board to Social and Environmental
representing shareholders do not take any Responsibility
remuneration or reimbursement of any Sustainable Banking creates long-term
expenses for attending Board meeting or for resilient and sustainable economic, social and

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 76
environmental values having a green,
responsible and inclusive strategy through
transparent and efficient utilisation of
resources. This approach is based on certain
principles that not only consider profit but also
economic and social benefits. The main
objective of sustainable banking is to maintain
financial and social stability. Under the
guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR), RBL has been pursuing policy and
instructions in all possible areas of sustainable
banking. The sustainable banking initiatives of
RBL during 2016 have been undertaken under
three broad categories named green banking,
corporate social responsibility and financial
inclusion. The details are discussed in the
respective chapters.
9.2 Activities Undertaken by RBL
As per Bangladesh Bank guidelines RBL has
formed Sustainable Finance Unit and

Sustainable Finance Committee.
• RBL has financed in different green banking
projects for Tk. 240.80 core in 2016. Green
Finance Projects include ones in renewable
Energy, Energy Effcient Technology, Bricks
Manufacturing Project, Non Fire Block
Bricks, Solid Waste Management Project,
Liquid Waste Mangement Project,
Alternative Fuel-Fuel from Tyre by

Pyrolysis, ETP, Water Treatment Plant etc.

• Rupali Bank Limited spent limited amount of

money worth Tk 116.84 lac in 2016 under

CSR. The bank spent Tk 50.96 lac to

distribute blanket among the poor people to
mitigate their sufferings from cold wave. To
constitute a Day care center at Motijheel,

Dhaka for the children of working women,

Tk 12.60 lac was also donated. To help
flood victims Tk 50.00 lac was donated to
the Prime Ministers fund for flood victims. It
was donated Tk 3.28 lac for Education and
health care.

• Under financial inclusion the bank has

opened 6,67,215 savings accounts. Of
them, 4,12,266 are of farmers accounts,
64,298 are of school banking, 1,72,503 are
of Ten taka account, 2,564 are of Freedom
Fitters and 15,584 are of other financial
inclusion accounts.

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Annual Report 2016 77
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 78
BSEC Guidelines for Corporate Governance
Status of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Commission's Notification
No.SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44 dated 07 August 2012 issued under section 2CC of
the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969: (Report under Condition No. 7.00)
Compliance Status
Condition Title
(Put in the appropriate Remarks
Column) (if any)
Complied Not
1. Board of Directors (BOD)
1.1 Board's Size (Should not be less than 5 and more than 20)
1.2 Independent Directors (IDs)

1.2(i) IDs at least 1/5 of the total number of Directors ID has been appointment
on dated 28.07.2016
1.2(ii)a) Share held by the Independent Directors
1.2(ii)b) ID is not a sponsor of the company and is not connected with
his/her family members who hold 1% or more share.
1.2(ii)c) ID does not have any other relationship with the company or
with its subsidiary
1.2(ii)d) ID is not a member, director or officer of any stock exchange
1.2(ii)e) ID is not a shareholder, director or officer of any member of
stock exchange or an intermediary of the capital market

1.2(ii)f) ID is/was not a partner or executive during the preceding 3
years of the concerned company's statutory audit firm
1.2(ii)g) ID shall not an independent director in more than 3 listed
1.2(ii)h) ID has not been convicted as a loan defaulter
1.2(ii)i) ID has not been convicted for criminal offence
It shall be placed in the next
1.2(iii) Appointment of ID
AGM for Approval
1.2(iv) The vacancy period for the post of ID
1.2(v) Code of conduct of all Board members and record of its
annual compliance

1.2(vi) The tenure of office of an ID

1.3 Qualification of Independent Director (ID)
1.3 (i) ID shall be a knowledgeable individual to ensure compliance
1.3(ii) Corporate management/ professional experience of ID

1.3(iii) Relaxation of qualifications of an ID No such incident arose

1.4 Chairman of the Board and CEO
(The BOD shall clearly define respective roles and
responsibilities of the chairman and the CEO)
1.5 The Directors' Report to Shareholders

1.5 (i) Industry outlook and future development

1.5(ii) Segment-wise or product-wise performence
1.5 (iii) Risks and concerns
1.5 (iv) Discussions on cost of goods sold, gross profit margin and net
profit margin
1.5 (v) Discussion on continuity of any extra-ordinary gain or loss No such incident arose
1.5 (vi) Basis for related party transactions
1.5 (vii) Utilization of proceeds from public issues, rights issues etc No such matter to explain
1.5 (viii) Explanation if the financial results deteriorate for IPO,RPO,etc No such incident arose
1.5 (ix) Disclosure for significant financial variance No such matter to explain
1.5 (x) Remuneration to directors including independent directors
1.5 (xi) Fair presentation of financial statements of issuer company
1.5 (xii) Maintenance of proper books of account of the issuer company
1.5 (xiii) Appropriate accounting policies applied for financial statements
1.5 (xiv) Application of IAS/BAS/IFRS/BFRS and disclosure for any
departure thereof
1.5 (xv) Internal control compliance has been effectively implemented
and monitored
1.5 (xvi) Disclosure for issuer company as a going concern
1.5 (xvii) Explanation for significant deviations from the last year's No such matter to explain
operating results of the issuer company
1.5 (xviii) Summary of five years financial performance of the company
1.5 (xix) Reasons disclosed for not declaration of dividend (cash/stock) N/A

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 79
Compliance Status Remarks
Condition Title
(Put in the appropriate (if any)
Complied Not
1.5 (xx) Statement of attendance of the directors and number of Board
meetings held during the year
1.5 (xxi) a) Name-wise details of the pattern of shareholding of
Parent/Subsidiary/ Associated Companies and related parties
1.5 (xxi) b) Name-wise details of the pattern of shareholding of Directors,
Chief executive officer (CEO), Company Secretary (CS), Chief
Financial Officer (CFO),Head of Internal HoIA and their
spouses & minor children
1.5 (xxi) c) Name-wise details of the pattern of shareholding of top five
salaried employees of the company
1.5 (xxi) d) Name-wise details of shareholders holding 10% or more voting
interest in the company
1.5 (xxii) a) A brief resume of appointed/reappointed director
1.5 (xxii) b) Appointed director's expertise in specific functional areas
1.5 (xxii) c) Position held in the other companies
2.0 Cheif Financial Officer (CFO), Head of Internal Audit
and Company Secretary (CS)
2.1 Appointment of CFO, HoIA & CS
Requirement to attend Board meetings by the CFO and CS
3.0 Audit Committee

3 (i) Board shall have an Audit Committee as a sub-committee
3 (ii) The Audit Committee shall ensure the true and fair view of the
state of affairs of the company through the financial statements
3 (iii) The Audit Committee shall be responsible to the BOD as its
duties shall be clearly set forth in writing
3.1 Constitution of the Audit Committee
3.1 (i) The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least 3(Three) members
3.1 (ii) The BOD shall appoint at least 1(one) independent director in
audit committee
3.1 (iii) All members of the audit committee should be financially
literate and at least one member shall have accounting or

related financial management experience

3.1 (iv) The BOD shall appoint new committee member(s) to fill up No such
the vacancy (ies) not later than one month from the date of vacancy Incidence arose
3.1 (v) The CS shall act as the secretary of the committee
3.1 (vi) The quorum of the Audit Committee meeting shall not

constitute without at least one independent director

3.2 Chairman of the Audit Committee
3.2 (i) An independent director to be the Chairman of the audit
committee appointed by the BOD

3.2 (ii) Chairman of the audit committee shall remain present in the
Annual General Meeting
3.3 Role of Audit Committee
3.3 (i) Oversee the financial reporting process
3.3 (ii) Monitor choice of accounting policies & principles
3.3 (iii) Monitor internal control risk management process
3.3 (iv) Oversee hiring and performance of external auditors
3.3 (v) Review along with the management the annual financial
statements before submission to the board for approval
3.3 (vi) Review along with the management the quarterly & half yearly
financial for statements before submission to the board for approval
3.3 (vii) Review the adequacy of internal audit function
3.3 (viii) Review statement of significant related party transaction
submitted by the management
3.3 (ix) Review Management Letters/Letter of Internal Control
weakness issued by statutory auditors
3.3 (x) If raising money through IPO, RPO/Rights Issue on quarterly
basis the company shall disclose to the audit committee and
No such
on annual basis it shall prepare a statement of funds utilized Incidence arose
for purposes other than those stated in the offer
3.4 Reporting of the Audit Committee
3.4.1 Reporting to the Board of Directors
3.4.1 (i) The Audit Committee shall report on its activities to the BOD
3.4.1 (ii) a) Report on conflicts of interests No such Incidence arose

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 80
Compliance Status Remarks
Condition Title
No. (Put in the appropriate (if any)
Complied Not
3.4.1 (ii) b) Suspected or presumed fraud or irregularity or material defect
No such Incidence arose
in the internal control system
3.4.1 (ii) c) Suspected infringement of laws, including securities related
No such Incidence arose
laws, rules and regulations
3.4.1 (ii) d) Any other matter which shall be disclosed to the BOD immediately No such Incidence arose
3.4.2 Reporting to the Authorities
If the audit committee finds anything which has material
impact on the financial condition and results of operation
discussed with the BOD and management, such rectification
has been unreasonably ignored, the Audit Committee shall No such reportable
incidence arose
report such finding to the Commission upon reporting of such
matters to the BOD for three times or completion of a period
of six months from the date of first reporting to the BOD,
whichever is earlier.
3.5 Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors
Under condition 3.4.1 (ii) above during the year, the concerned
No such case
report shall be signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee
and disclosed in the annual report of the issuer company
4.0 External/Statutory Auditors

The issuer company should not engage its external/statutory
auditors to perform the following services of the company
4 (i) Appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions
4 (ii) Financial information systems design and implementation
4 (iii) Book-keeping or other services related to the accounting
records or financial statements
4 (iv) Broker-dealer services
4 (v) Actuarial services
4 (vi) Internal audit services
4 (vii) Any other service that the audit committee determines
4 (viii) No partner or employees of the external audit firms shall
possess any share of the company

5.0 Subsidiary Company

5 (i) Provision relating to the composition of the Board of Directors
of the holding company shall be made applicable to the
composition of the Board of Directors of the subsidiary company

5 (ii) At least one independent director on the BOD of the holding

company shall be a director on the BOD of the subsidiary company
5 (iii) The minutes of the Board meeting of the subsidiary company
shall be placed for review at the following Board meeting of
the holding company

5 (iv) The minutes of the respective Board meeting of the holding

company shall state that they have reviewed the affairs of the
subsidiary company also.
5 (V) The Audit Committee of the holding company shall also review
the financial statements, in particular the investments made
by the subsidiary company
6.0 Duties of CEO and CFO
6 (i) a) CEO and CFO shall certify to the Board about the financial
statements for the year which do not contain any materially
untrue statement or omit any material fact that might be misleading
6 (i) b) Financial statements with a true and fair view of the
company's affair are in compliance with existing accounting
standards and applicable laws
6 (ii) Financial statements during the year , to the best of knowledge
and belief, are free of fraudulent, illegal, or violation of the
company's code of conduct
7.0 Reporting and Compliance of Corporate Governance
7 (i) Certificate has obtained regarding compliance of conditions of
CG from Chartered Accountant/Cost and Management
Accountant/ Chartered Secretary. Compliance of conditions of
Corporate Governance Guidelines of the Commissions is
stipulated with the Annual Report for shareholders.
7 (ii) Compliance statement in director's report regarding the
conditions of CG of the company complied with the given annexure

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 81
Board Meeting : 2016
Number of Board Meetings and attendance of Directors during the year

SI . Name of Directors Position Date of Appointment/ Meetings Meetings

No. Retirement Held Attended
01. Mr. Monzur Hossain Director & 02-04-2015 29 28
02 Advocate Sattyendar Chandar Bhakta Director 11-02-2013 29 3
03 Mr. Mahiuddin faruqui Director 09-05-2013 29 18
04 Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director 28-05-2013 29 22
05 Mr. Abu Sufian Director 08-07-2013 29 23
06 Barriester Zakir Ahammad Director 10-11-2013 29 24
Prof. Md. Salim Uddin 22
07 Director 28-12-2013 29

08 Mr. A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director 01-01-2014 29 29
09 Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director 06-01-2016 29 27
10 Mrs. Dina Ahsan Director 20-06-2016 29 16
The Board of Directors in 99th
Independent Board meeting held on
11 Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader 29 27
Director 07-06-2016 with effect
from 15-05-2016.
12 Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Managing Director
28-08-2016 29 7
13 Mr. M Farid Uddin Managing Director 18-03-2010 29 16

14 Mr. Debasish Chakrabarty (DMD) Managing Director

30-06-2016 29 5

Number of Board Meetings and attendance of Directors as on 31 December 2016


SI . Name of Directors Position Date of Appointment/ Meetings Meetings

No. Retirement Held Attended
01. Mr. Monzur Hossain Chairman 02-04-2015 29 28

02. Mr. A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director 01-01-2014 29 29

03. Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director 16-01-16 29 27
04. Mrs. Dina Ahsan Director 20-06-16 29 16
05. Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui Director 09-05-2013 29 18
06. Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director 28-05-2013 29 22
07. Mr. Abu Sufian Director 08-07-2013 29 23
08. Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader Independent 15-05-2013 29 27
09. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Managing Director 28-08-2016 29 7

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 82
Shares held by Directors as on 31 December 2016
The pattern of shareholding is:

01. Parent/Subsidiary/associated companies and other related

parties : Nil
02. Directors as on 31 December 2016
SI . Per cent of
No. Name of Directors Position Shareholding
as on 31-12-2016

01. Mr. Monzur Hossain Chairman Nil

02. Mr. A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director Nil
03. Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director Nil
04. Mrs. Dina Ahsan Director Nil
05. Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui Director Nil
06. Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director Nil

07. Mr. Abu Sufian Director Nil
08. Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader Independent Director Nil
09. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Managing Director & CEO Nil
03. Directors Upto Date
SI . Per cent of
No. Name of Directors Position Shareholding
as on 31-12-2016

01. Mr. Monzur Hossain Chairman Nil

02. Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director Nil

03. Mrs. Dina Ahsan Director Nil

04. Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui Director Nil
05. Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director Nil

06. Mr. Abu Sufian Director Nil

07. Prof. Dr Md. Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA, MBA Director Nil
08. Mr. A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director Nil
09. Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader Independent Director Nil
10. Mr. Md. Abdul Baset Khan Independent Director Nil
11. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Managing Director & CEO Nil

04. Shareholding of MD, CFO, Company Secretary & Head of

Internal Control & Compliance
SL. % of Share holding
Particulars as on 31-12-2016
01. Managing Director and his spouse and minor children Nil

02. CFO and his spouse and minor children Nil

03. Company secretary and his spouse and minor children Nil

04 Head of Internal Control & Compliance and his spouse and minor Children Nil

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 83
05. Top five salaried executives other than MD, CFO, Company
Secretary & Head of Internal Internal Control & Compliance
SI. % of Share holding as
NO. Name of Directors
on 31-12-2016
01. Mr. Debasish Chakrabarty, DMD ...
02. Mr. Abdul Majid Sheikh, GM ...
03. Mr. Hasne Alam, GM ...
04. Mr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, GM ...
05. Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman, GM ...

06. Shareholders holding 10% or more voting right : Govt. of

the Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh

07. Executive Committee Meeting in 2016

SI . Name of Directors Meetings Meetings

No. Held Attended
01. Mr. Monzur Hossain Director & Chairman 1 1
02. Barriester Zakir Ahammad Director & Member 1 1
03. Mr. Mahiudduin Faruqi Director & Member 1 0
04. Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director & Member 1 1
05. Mr. Abu Sufian Director & Member 1 1
06. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan MD & CEO & Member 1 1

08. Audit Committee Meeting in 2016

Sl. Name of Directors Position Meetings Meetings

No. held Attended

01. Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranhan Howlader Independent Director 13 13
& Chairman

02. Mr. Mahiudduin Faruqi Director 13 4

03. Prof. Dr. Md. Salim Uddin, FCA, FCMA, MBA Director 13 11
04. Mr. A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director 13 13
05 Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director 13 8

09. Risk Management Committee Meeting in 2016

SI . Name of Directors Position Meetings Meetings
No. Held Attended
01. A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director & Chairman 4 4
02. Barriester Zakir Ahammad Director & Member 4 3
03. Mrs. Dina Ahsan Director & Member 4 4
04. Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director & Member 4 4
05. Mr. Abu Sufian Director & Member 4 2

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 84
Management Committees
• Disciplinary Cases Action Committee (DCAC)
• Interest Remission Committee (IRC)
• Asset Liability Committee (ALCO)
• Credit Risk Management (CRM) Committee
• Foreign Exchange Risk Management Committee
• Management Committee (MANCOM)
• Central Compliance Unit of AML Division
• Information & Communication Risk Management Committee
• Basel Unit Team

• Supervisory Review Process (SRP) Team
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 85
are fully aware of increasing the shareholders
value by optimizing financial performance at
least cost. Providing ATM service and online
banking in many of our branches, we are
enabling our customers in making easy and
seamless transaction.
Regulatory Authorities
Being a responsible corporate body, we conform
to all stringent regulations issued by the
Report on Government of Bangladesh and Bangladesh

Sustainable Human Resources

HR is our distinctive resource and true capital.

Banking We treat our officers and staffs as human

resources rather only the employees. Rupali
Bank Training Academy imparts huge trainings
The United Nations has declared Sustainable and workshops on different contemporary areas
Development Goals. Envirironment-friendly of banking for its employees.
banking, CSR, Financial Inclusion and
financial support to education in the banks and We encourage excellence in performance by
FIs are included under core banking to ensure reward and recognition. We ensure a level

stability in the financial sector through playing ground for our women workers in terms
sustainable banking. Bangladesh Bank has of promotion, placement and delegation of
asked the financial and non-financial power. Following the governmental rules and
institutions to comply with the policy and regulations, our women employees enjoy up to 6
(six) months of Maternity Leave with other
guidelines formulated by the central bank.
We operate a Death Relief Grant Scheme. The
scheme is applicable to all employees of the
Bank and payments out of this fund are made to

Bearable Equitable the successors of the employees on their death

Environment while in Bank's service. The quantum of payment
Economic is determined as per scale and grade of such
employees. We also operate two alternative

Retirement Benefit Schemes for our permanent

Rupali Bank has been playing significant role employees. They are Contributory Provident
in green banking, CSR and Financial Fund (CPF) and General Provident Fund (GPF).

Inclusion. Under the directives of Bangladesh  Green Banking

Bank (BB), Sustainable Finance Unit and Environment disaster is a widely-talked topic
Sustainable Finance Committee have been in the present global context. Rupali Bank has
formed with the completion of its working included environment awareness in its regular
framework. However, sustainability is a process banking operations to mitigate environment
which encompasses all aspects of human life -
pollution created due to different reasons
economic development, social development, and
including industrialisation. It is now mandatory
environmental protection-affecting sustenance
to comply with the restrictions set by
and is famously known as three dimensions.
Environment Directorate to finance
Social industrialisation. The compliances included
We do business for ours and world community. installation of ETP or Effluent Treatment Plant.
Business Partners Six branches of the Bank have installed solar
Customers and clients are our business panels. Automation has been strengthened to
partners. Our relationship with them is based on reduce dependency on paper consumption.
mutual trust and respect. We sincerely strive to Every departments of the Bank have been
improve business relationship with them for asked to use all electronic appliances
mutual benefits and proudly offer various including PC, printer, fan, AC properly
contemporary financial products and services to avoiding misuse of electricity.
meet their needs without any hidden cost. We Environment Risk has been included under

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 86
Core Risk Management to ensure green Mobile Banking
banking. Different projects are being financed
Rupali Bank is the first state-owned bank to
in three categories-Low, Moderate and
provide mobile financial service. The Bank is
High-on the basis of Environment Risk. The
providing the mobile banking service through
environment-friendly projects which are being
Surecash. Now the Bank has more than 80.00
financed by the Bank included bio-gas plant,
lac clients, 70,000 agents and 200 distributors
renewable energy/installation of solar panel,
across the country through Surecash. Under a
HHK Brickfield, Zigzag Brickfield, Non-woven
MoU signed between Rupali Bank Ltd and
cloth factory, green industry, pet bottle re-used
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, 1
factory, LED bulb assembly plant, ETP,
crore mothers of 1 crore 20 lac primary
mushroom, tree plantation. Financing jute bag
students of 60,000 schools will receive about
manufacturing industry is being priviliged.
Tk 1600 crore as stipend through Rupali Bank
Different training, workshops, seminar, Surecash’ project across the country. Besides,
awareness raising campaign have been 144 schools, colleges and universities are
arranged on green banking where officials, getting the benefits in realising tuition fees and
employees and clients of Rupali Bank allowances under the service which is also
attended. being used to settle the due of sugarcane
farmers under Bangladesh Sugar and Food
The green financing project fund of Rupali
Industries Ltd. This service is operative among
Bank rose to Tk 421.00 crore in 2016 against
the clients of Grameen Bank to disburse loan
Tk 230.00 crore in 2015. Some of the projects

and realise installment of deposits. Different
received re-financing funds from BB.
companies like insurance, bank, service
 CSR providing entities have inked mobile banking
Rupali Bank provides financial support to
empower poor people as well as extending
banking facility among the under-priviliged
co agreement with the Rupali Bank.
Rupali Bank Surecash will perform duties to
people. Such facility also covers the areas like realise bills under utility services of City
Corporations, WASA, DESA, DPDC and
education, sports, culture, health, relief
operation among the victims, protection of BTCL. The service will also include payment of
environment, protection of heritage and allowance received by beneficiaries under the

flourishing of liberation war spirit. The CSR Social Welfare Ministry of the government.
activities of the Bank have consolidated its The government provides such facility to
position in the competitive banking activities in extend banking facilities among the
financial inclusion and also brightened the under-priviliged section of the people. Our

image of the Bank. A total of Tk 1,16.84 lac quality of service and area of service network
was spent in CSR in 2016. It is shown details will be widened through arranging the
in CSR chapter. payment of foreign remittance, buying of
different types of tickets,government tax and

 Financial Inclusion VAT through mobile banking.

Rupali Bank has brought the underpriviliged Economic
segment of the society like poor farmers, poor We do business for achieving economic
people, unemployed youths, poor freedom sustainability of the country.
fighters, RMG workers, school students, street
children and working children who were As a scheduled Bank RBL is active in the
outside the banking channel under the banking arena towards serving the country's
network of banking operation through opening economy.
accounts in the Bank. Students between the Contribution to the National Exchequer
age of 6 to 18 of more than 120 schools In connection with government revenue
deposited Tk 54.63 crore in the bank account collection RBL has contributed to the process
operated by RSSA. Under financial inclusion in the form of staff income tax, tax and VAT
banking, a total of 6,67,215 accounts are deducted at source and deposited and excise
operative in the Bank, of which 4,12,266 are duty. The Bank deducts income tax; value
owned by farmers, 64,298 are by schools, added tax and excise duty at source as per
1,72,503 are Tk ten account-holders, 2,564 law from various payments and services. RBL
are freedom fighters and 15,584 are by other deposited the amount to the national
financial inclusion accounts. A total of Tk 84.34 exchequer. RBL paid tax on behalf of its
crore is deposited under financial inclusion employees. Total payment to the national
accounts in 2016.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 87
exchequer during the year 2016 and 2015 Future Outlook of Sustainability
were as follows: Social
Contribution to the National Economy 1. We will maintain strong relationship with our
partners, customers, stakeholders and
Commercial banks play an important and active
role in the economy of a country. Banks as
2. We will bring down the cost of our financial
intermediary take deposit from and provide
services accommodating the alternate
financial services to its customers. To put it
delivering channel.
simply, it helps extensively in capital formation,
3. We will conform to the guidelines, policy,
promotion of trade and growth of industry
circulars and directives of the regulatory
through financing, enhancing financial inclusion
body like Bangladesh Bank and
by increasing the geographical and
Government of Bangladesh.
demographic coverage, generation of
4. We enhance the CSR activities as the core
employment, augmenting the individual's
principles of our bank.
income etc. As a financial service provider, RBL
5. We contribute to the financial inclusion
contributes to the economic prosperity by
program/strategy as a current social ethos.
providing diversified financial products and
services among the market segments. Rupali
1. Environmental obligation will be filled up by
Bank envisages to achieve the government's
strong adhering with the philosophy of green
industrial policy goal through the credits
disbursement to the different industrial sectors

2. We are committed to stay with "Green
including jute, leather, Small& Cottage, cold
financing" as top ten bank of Bangladesh.
storage, textile, garments, engineering, food,
3. We will try to adopt GRI standards of
chemicals, shipping, shoe, ceramic, plastic,
reporting in our bank.
dairy printing and publications etc..
4. We will do a green bank as we think green.
Industrialization expands the horizon of the
Human resources
1. We will attract the qualified personnel for
Taka in Crore
long term career with the Bank.
Year wise contribution to national exchequer 2. We consider our human resources are our
main potential so that we will impart further

training to the employees for acquiring skills.

3. We uphold ethical principles of the Bank so
that we will strongly drive our people to
achieve the goal of the organization.


4. We encourage excellence in performance

by reward and recognition.
2014 2015 2016 1. The loan policy of the bank is shifted to

SME concentration from the large loan. So

small and medium enterprises will gain huge
Taka in crore
in number to contribute the economy.
Patrticulars 2016 2015 2. Traditional financing in large loan will be
Tax deducted at source 192.78 180.08 continued.
VAT deducted at source 19.25 19.61 3. Financial services will be multifaceted by
Excise duty deducted 32.56 18.45 introducing new products to meet the
Corporate Tax 189.88 41.32 current customers' need.
Tax paid by employee - 54.22 4. The traditional contribution in national
Total 434.47 313.68 exchequer as vat, tax, sources tax, other
government charges will be increased in
Market failure volume.
We do business efficaciously to establish an 1. We are committed to fair and ethical
ideal market environment. business environment so that new market
RBL is committed to do business ethically in opportunities will be revamped and become
banking industries to promote a fair and efficient sustainable.
market environment. 2. We encourage our people to do fair
business in the market so that our customer

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 88
Green Banking
concerned about welfare of the society. A
green banker is always green in his/her works
and mind. Green bank teaches us to be green

Report on both in mentally and physically. Green banking

can mitigate credit risk, legal risk and
reputation risk

Green Banking Bangladesh bank has issued a circular to

The world is concerned and worried about practice green banking activities in all
climate change, Global warming, environment schedule bank. Welcoming the initiatives, we
pollution and their bad impacts. The rapid have introduced green banking activities in our
change in climate have direct impacts on bank. The following activities are exercised in
biodiversity, agriculture, forest, land, water , our bank.
air, human health and so on. Urgent steps are Policy Formulation & Governance
needed to save the planet against climate
 As per BRPD Circular 02/2011, Green
change . Bangladesh is the most climate
banking unit under Industrial Credit division
change vulnerable country. Climate change
has formulated a Green Banking policy in the
has compelled us to think about protection of
bank which is approved by board of directors .
environment and conservation of energy. We
also think about renewable energy for our  A high powered committee comprising

existence. Banks hold a unique and vital directors from the board of RBL particularly
position in the arena of economy. Bankers can members from Audit Committee review and
contribute much to develop the country's supervise green banking activities.
economic system. When a bank does
 Headed by a Deputy managing director
something good its reputation goes up and
Green Banking unit (GBU) has been formed
when it does something bad or accused to do
consisting of core risk management heads/
so, its reputation goes down. Green banking is
competent officials from Industrial
a tool to acquire reputation.
Credit/SME/General & Rural Credit/ Alternate
Green banking is a simple word but its banking /Computer Division of the bank. A

magnitude is significantly wider covering Green banking officer coordinates over all
social, environment and economical aspects. green banking activities.
Green banking is a device that considers
In house Environment Management
social and ecological factors to protect

environment and conserve natural resources.  A general circular has issued for efficient
If we protect environment, we protect use of electricity, water, paper, Eco-font ink,
ourselves. Green bankers think to protect stationery, gas, fuel etc. Steps have taken for
environment and conserve power and energy using energy savings bulbs, duplex printer,

in order to ensure a safer world for the next pen drive, E-mail, E-statement, automated
generation. power switching, energy efficient cars( CNG
Green bankers are concerned about driven car). Instructions are given to ensure
sustainable development. Green banking is cleanliness in bank premises.
our special agenda to take care of Incorporation of ERM
environment of the earth. Green banking is a
proactive and effective step with a vision for  Bank has taken steps to assess
future sustainability. As a human being, we are environmental aspect along with existing credit
to maintain ethical standard. We cannot risk in its credit allocation. All projects will be
compromise with unethical tasks. Doing harm rated as high, moderate and low using EDD
to environment means doing harm to us as check list ( General & Sector specific).
well as our next generations. We should use  Bank will make data-base on the number
our resources with responsibility avoiding of projects applicable for environmental due
harm to mankind. We do green banking for diligence checks for environmental risk rating,
people, planet and profit. number of projects rated and status of rating,
We live in a society. We should work for the number and amount disbursed to rated
harmony of our society. To ensure congenial projects financed and status of loan
social environment we have to do something classification for rated projects financed.
good for our society. CSR activities are General and Sector specific environmental
due-diligence Checklists will be introduced

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 90
The Rashid Autobricks outside Dhaka Financed by RBL Green Planet Resort

covering poultry, Dairy, cement, chemicals, ii) Auto Claved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
pesticides, pharmaceuticals, engineering, 05.Solid Waste management Project-
housing, pulp & paper, sugar & distilleries,
i) Methane gas recovery
tannery, textile & apparels, ship-breaking etc.
ii) Electricity generation,
 RBL has incorporated ERM in existing
iii) Compost

04.Climate risk fund/ CSR Activities iv) Fecal sludge management
 RBL has involved CSR activities covering co 06. Liquid Waste Management Project
environmental, social, health, educational 07. Alternative fuel-Fuel from tyre by pyrolysis.
and cultural advancement .
05. Green financing 08. ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant).
 Green financing means environment 09. Water Treatment Plant.
friendly financing. The projects which are 10. PTE Bottle Manufacturing Plant.

not harmful for environment are called

green projects. According Bangladesh 11. Bio fertilizer/ Slurry Manufacturing Project.
bank circular there are 50 green products, 12. Photo Voltaic Cell Assembly Plant.
such as:
13. Recycling & Reprocessing Plant

01. Renewable Energy-

i) Biogas I. Used Paper
II. Used Plastic
ii) Solar energy III. Reusable Bag

iii) Wind power iv. Non Oven Tread & Bag.

iv) Biomass 14. Palm Oil By Energy Efficient Method.
02. Energy Efficient Technology -  The bank is sensible to existing
i) LED bulb/tube. environmental laws in Bangladesh. In the
ii) Auto sensor switching case of financing of projects which do not
iii) Electricity efficient equipment, confront to these laws are not acceptable
iv) Hybrid cook stove assembly plant to bank. The bank is closely monitoring the
03. Bricks Manufacturing Project : set of conditions imposed by the
i) Hybrid Hoffman Kiln (HHK) Department of Environment (DOE) to be
ii) Improved Zig-Zag Kiln ( Hebla). fulfilled by the business entrepreneurs in
operating the business.
iii) Bull's Trench Kiln
 RBL has allocated budget for green
iv) Horizontal/Vertical Shaft Brick kiln
finance 508.75 crore in 2015 which is
v) Tunnel Kiln
about 25% of total loan and advance
04. Non fire block bricks- budget.
i) Compressed block brick,

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 91
 Circulars has issued conducting green
banking activities in all branches.
 Bank has given priority to finance in
environment friendly jute bag manufacturing
RBL has already invested about 230.05 crore
in the following projects:
(Amount in Crore)

Name of Amount Refinabced

the project Sanctioned Amount
Stone bricks Ltd 78.08 38.87
An environt friendly auto bricks field project
(Tunnel kiln) financed by RBL
Rashid auto bricks 46.79 10.50
 Rupali Bank will arrange seminar, workshop
Arabi auto bricks 11.80 8.60 etc to raise awareness regarding green
banking activities.
Solar power & electric
31.12 -
industries Ltd. Online Banking

Green planet resort 129.00 -  RBL is keen to emphasize on the easiest
way to save environment by lessening paper
Green recycle energy 16.00 - waste, saving gas and fuel, reducing carbon
emission, reducing printing costs and postal
& disel Ltd.
JFK fashion Ltd. 105.05 -  Rupali Bank installed 44 ATM booths in the
3.50 - busy and preferred locations across the
OSM lighting solution country. The bank has installed 02 Own
421.34 57.97 Branded.

 Currently 563 branches of RBL are

LEED Certification project: operated under Core Banking Solution
JFK Fashion Ltd , a green industry of the
country. We have finance there about BDT

Bank’s ICT Status

44.00 Crore. The project is under consideration
Data Connectivity
of getting refinance from Bangladesh bank. 563 & 10 divisonal offces and 25 zonal offices
RTGS 563
Green marketing

BEFTN Branches 563

 RBL has been using the following slogans in BACH Branches 289
ATM Booth (Own Branded) 1
our envelops, gift box and baskets in raising
Remittance facility Branches 560
awareness among its shareholders and Live Branches Under CBS 563
stakeholders. Total Branches of the Bank 563

a) Plant tree, Save the environment,

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
b) Finance in environment friendly projects,
c) Bankers can not avoid social, environmental
and economical responsibilities,
d) We think about sustainable development  RBL started Mobile Banking Rupali Bank
SureCash covering with more than 80 Lac
without harming environment and profit is
our logical sequences,
 We have BACH facility in 289 branches.
e) Pay your bill online
 We have BEFTN facility in 562 branches.
f) Reduce, reuse and recycle.
 We have Data connectivity facility in 563
g) Be paperless. branches.
h) Digitize yourself.
i) Unplug electronic device while not in use.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 92
iii) All staff & officers are advised to use
car pool/ bus pool/ rickshaw pool/taxi
pool in order to reduce cost while on
the way of office.
iv) Video conference system has developed
to avoid travel.
v) Most of the cars and other transports of
the Bank have converted as CNG
vi) RBL has prepared a green office guide.
vii) RBL has posted a full timed and
dedicated officer who co-ordinates
An environt friendly auto bricks field project over all green banking activities and
(Stone Bricks Ltd.) financed by RBL take proper step for refinance from
Employee Training Bangladesh bank.
 RBL has trained its Executives / officers on viii) Steps have taken to introduce innovative
green banking through BIBM. green banking products.
 A mandatory session kept in every ix) Steps have taken to educate clients.
foundation course/ training. Future Plan of Green Banking Activities

 Two workshops arranged with resource
RBL has adopted some optimistic projection of
persons from Bangladesh Bank, BIBM and
enhancing green banking activities. It wants to
Rupali Bank's Executives/ Officers.
be a full compliance green bank. RBL has
Participants were branch managers and
taken initiatives to increase green banking
some clients of RBL .RBTA has done a
budget gradually. RBL generally allocates about
good job in arranging these workshops.
25% of total loans and advances in its green
Reporting financing budget every year. As directed by
 Regulatory reporting on green banking central bank about 5% of total disbursed loan
activities has been sending quarterly basis

must be distributed in green financing. RBL has

since 2011 maintained this.
Disclosure of Green Banking Activities About 20% of the project financed by RBL are
 Bank's green banking activities has been rated environmentally as Low, Moderate or

disclosing in Annual Report since 2010. High as indicated by central bank. It has taken
 Green banking activities has disclosed in steps to rate all projects considering
Bank's website. environmental hazards.

 Green banking activities are being In order to lessen paper work RBL has taken
published in RBL bulletin. initiative to ensure on line banking, Mobile
banking and Automation in its operation.
Other activities of green banking
i) RBL has set up solar system in 6
branches ( Powered by solar energy).
ii) RBL has designed two sector specific policy
such as Tannery and Jute sector.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 93
Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion Policy of RBL
Financial inclusion combats poverty by
unblocking advancement opportunities for the
disadvantaged poor, thereby fostering social

Report on inclusion and inclusive socio-economic growth.

The Bank aims at working with financial
inclusion considering as a major dimension of
Financial the broader notion of social inclusion, or
people's opportunity for contributing to and

Inclusion benefiting from social and economic

progress. With this backdrop the Bank has
included the following roadmaps to achieve
Financial inclusion is a key element of social
the goal of financial inclusions:
inclusion, roughly meaning the opportunity for
people to contribute to and gain benefit from  Supporting the poor segment of people by
tagging them with the bank's CSR policy;
the processes of social and economic
advancement. To describe the simple terms  Providing banking services to the unbanked
segment of population by implementing
deprivation in health, education, and asset
government and Bangladesh Bank inclusive
ownership are major causes of financial and program;
social exclusion, blocking or severely

 Access to small-sized loans for income
curtailing employment, income and borrowing generating self-employment people;
 Expansion of bank branches in rural areas;
Financial inclusion implies access to financial  Taking the refinance line from Bangladesh
products and services like, savings facility, Bank for running agricultural credit program
credit and debit cards, electronic fund for rural economic activities;
transfer, all kinds of commercial loans,  Extension of microfinance and SME
overdraft facility, cheque facility, payment and activities among the low income generating
remittance services, low cost financial people;

services, financial advice, pension for old age  Introduction of cost efficient financial
and investment schemes, micro credit during services among financially excluded section
emergency, entrepreneurial credit etc. The of the society.

financially excluded sections popularly known  Raising low cost deposit by opening school
as "unbanked" people, largely comprise banking account as an inclusion tools.
marginal farmers, landless laborers, oral Expansion of Bank Branches

lessees, self employed and unorganized

More than half of our population is out of
sector enterprises, urban slum dwellers, banking services, most of whom are in rural
migrants, ethnic minorities and socially areas. That is why the bank is continuously
excluded groups, senior citizens etc. increasing its branches taking the BB's
permission as per the banking services
Bangladesh Bank and concerned different
expansion program to provide banking
ministries are working to address the issues. service to people is out of banking services.
RBL is keen about the financial inclusion The total number of bank branches operating
program. As a part of the program the Bank has in country was 562 in 2016. Over the last 06
extended its services by opening bank accounts (six) years, about 70 new branches were
opened, out of which 41 are rural branches
for the unbanked disadvantaged people. and 29 are urban branches.




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Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 95
Financial Inclusion Program of RBL in 2016 : Bank Account Status under Financial Inclusion Program
(Taka in Core )
SI Particulars Number of accounts Total Deposits

1 Bank Account for Beneficiaries of social safety network program 5713 1.43
2 Bank Account for Freedom Fighters 2564 0.58
3 Bank Account for Small Life Insurance Policy holders 5203 2.10
4 Bank Account for Beneficiary of National Service Program 3611 4.36
5 Other BDT 10 Accounts 172503 10.27
6 Farmers Accounts 412266 10.87
7 School Banking Accounts 64298 54.63

8 Street Urchins and Working Children Accounts 1057 0.10

Total 6,67,215 84.34

Future outlook
Status of New branches from 2012 to 2016  Supporting the Government's inclusive
growth strategy, RBL will come forward to

implement any further steps taken to serve
the underserved/unserved economic
7 sector and population segments;
2 4 5
1 3 3
 Providing credit facilities to SME
6 entrepreneurs, agriculture and other rural
and urban farm and no farm productive
 Continue expansion of rural branches of bank;
Mobile Financial Services
 Agent banking services will be introduced
The rapid growth of mobile phone users and very soon for inclusion program;
country wide coverage of mobile operator's
network has made their delivery channel an  Own branded ATM services will be set up
important tool-of-the-trade for extending very soon in different areas;
banking services. For this reason Mobile  Work with mutually-owned co-operative
Financial Services 'Rupali Bank SureCash' societies offering financial and other
formally inaugurated in April 20, 2016 to specified services;
provide Mobile Financial Service to the  Continue CSR obligation to foster
unbanked/banked population. The total number financial inclusion;
of registered customers of Rupali Bank Sure
Cash up to December, 2016 was 3, 96,243.  IT based financial services like BACH,
BEFTN, RTGS will be enhanced.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 96
The bank sincerely strives to improve business
relationship with them for mutual benefits and
proudly offer various contemporary financial
products and services to meet their needs
without any hidden cost. Rupali Bank is fully
aware of increasing the shareholders value by
optimizing financial performance at least cost.
Providing some modern banking services like
ATM service, Automated Remittance System,
Report on Spot Cash Payment and online banking in
many of its branches, the bank is enabling its
customers in making easy and seamless
Corporate transaction.

Social Regulatory Authorities

Being a responsible corporate body, the bank

Responsibility conforms to all stringent regulations issued by

the Government of Bangladesh and
Bangladesh Bank.
Human Resources

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a
form of corporate self-regulation integrated into It is the distinctive resource and true capital of
a business model. CSR policy functions as a co RBL. The bank treats its officers and staff as
built-in, self regulating mechanism whereby a human resources rather only the employees.
business monitors and ensures its active Rupali Bank Human Resource Development
compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical Centre imparts huge training programs and
standards and international norms.
workshops on different contemporary issues of
It is gaining global acceptance rapidly as a banking for the employees.
standard to resume sustainable and socially Rupali Bank encourages excellence in

equitable business practice. The role of performance by reward and recognition. The
business worldwide and specifically in bank ensures a level playing ground for its
developed economies has evolved from women jobholders in terms of promotion,
classical ‘profit maximizing’ approach to a

placement and delegation of power. Following

‘socially responsible’ approach, where the governmental rules and regulations,
business is not only responsible to its women employees of the bank enjoy six
stockholders but also to all of its stakeholders months’ Maternity Leave with other facilities.

in a broader inclusive sense.

The bank operates a Death Relief Grant
CSR as a concept is being interwoven into the Scheme. The scheme is applicable to all its
psyche of local business. This is both internal employees and payments out of this fund are
and external. The corporate houses are trying made to the successors of the employees on
to integrate CSR within their own management their death while in Bank’s service. The
structure. quantum of payment is determined as per
Focus scale and grade of such employees. The bank
also operates two alternative Retirement
CSR initiatives of Rupali Bank Limited in fact Benefit Schemes for its permanent employees.
aim at responding to the huge unmet demand They are Contributory Provident Fund (CPF)
of the society. It tends to make business more and General Provident Fund (GPF).
committed towards social needs and national
development through legal and commercial A Staff Welfare Fund is being run by the bank
conduct. out of the employees’ regular contribution to
stand by them for their well-being. Children
Business Partners Education Allowance is provided to all the
Customers and Clients are the business employees of Rupali Bank Limited who have
partners of the bank. Their relationship with the children on study. Retired employees of the
bank is based on mutual trust and respect. bank receive medical allowance and half of

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 98
RBL Chairman Monzur Hossain, distributing blankets among the cold RBL Managing Director & CEO distributing Multi-media Projector to the students
wave hit distressed people. of Mass- communiation and Jurnalism Division of Chittagong University.

his/her last basic as festival bonus twice a year takes the effort of preserving the environment,
until his/her death. The bank ensures better the bank stays by their side. Besides, in the
healthcare of the employees with the help of field of tree plantation, green-belts, sanitation
Medical Consultant at Head Office. and pure drinking water etc, the bank provide
Rupali Bank Krira Parishad organizes sports assistance. Preferences is given on uses of

technology, solar energy etc for promoting
and cultural activities for its employees to
green banking.
shake off their monotony. They also operate a
library with huge number of books and co Financial Inclusion
magazines. Rupali Bank’s cricket team has The bank opens accounts with Tk. 10.00 for
regularly been participating in the Cricket the freedom fighters, extreme poor, insolvent
League. Rupali Bank Woman Cricket Team handicaps, donation receivers from Hindu
clinched the title in the Premier Division Religious Welfare Trust, allowance receivers
Champion Woman Cricket League in 2016 in under Social Safety Net Program and other
Bangladesh. It also became Runner-up in have-nots of rural and urban population

Premier Division Woman Cricket League 2015. segments. It also opens accounts with Tk.
Environment 50.00 and Tk. 100.00 for youth farmers and
school students respectively. These accounts
Rupali Bank’s CSR actions generously

are free of charges.

contribute to save the environment. Its lending
policies and practice are supportive in Rupali Bank also opens accounts with Tk.
nourishing the environment. Obtaining 10.00 for the street and working children with
the help of authorized NGO's by Bangladesh

clearance from the Department of Environment

has been made mandatory by the business Bank. This is the first example in Bangladesh
entity before applying for any credit facility to and perhaps the first instance in the world as
the bank. ETPs in manufacturing well. The objective is to bring the floating,
establishments especially in dyeing industries homeless, working children under banking
are made mandatory while financing by the channel and to establish their identity in the
bank. The bank is using a slogan “Plant tree, society. These accounts are also free of
nurse them and save the environment” in all its charges.
envelopes in building awareness among the Rupali Bank provides small scale credits as
people. fishery loan, shrimp cultivation loan,
A general instruction is being followed in all the goat/sheep rearing loan, poultry loan, dairy
branches of the bank for efficient use of loan, loan against crop storage in silos,
electricity, printed stationary etc and micro-credit for the handicapped, the tree
maintaining cleanliness as part of efficient plantation loan etc for socio-economic
in-house environment management. Ongoing development of the country under the policy
automation program will help reducing the pursued by the government. Bank-NGO
reliance on printed documents and postage Linkage Credit facility is also provided to
expenses or printing costs as well. different NGOs.
Any environment related organization that

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 99
Allocation and Utilization Budget of CSR approach, productivity, multiple effect of
Amount in Lac financial assistance will come into special
irrespective of caste, creed and color. Priority
Particulars 2016 2015 2014
lies on institutions rather for individuals for
Allocation of Budget 117.00 300.00 307.78 better outcome.
Utilization Budget 116.84 87.39 307.78

Rupali Bank's CSR initiatives in 2016 and 2015 are as below: Amount in Lac
Sl Area 2016 2015
1 Day Care Developement 12.60 40.07
2 Distributing Blankets among the Cold Wave Hit Distressed People 50.96 47.32
3 Education, Health & Research 0.50
4 Poverty reduction and rehabilitation 2.30
5 Institutions 0.43
6 Natural disaster 50.00

Total 116.80 87.39

Social Services & Awareness

co Personal/individual assistance is offered for
The bank is engaged in payment of portion of research, treatment, rehabilitation and
salaries paid by the government to the necessary supports to the affected people by
teachers and employees of registered natural disaster like cold wave, floods,
non-government educational institutions, droughts etc. consideration before making

scholarship and stipends to the girl students of any recommendation by the CSR committee.
primary levels, pension bill to the retired Insolvent/troubled freedom fighters and their
government, civil and military personnel and allies will gain preference in all cases.
receipt of Hajj Money and utility bills such as

PDB, DESA, DESCO, REB, WASA, gas, Areas to be capped for financial assistance
telephone etc. The bank also receives under CSR Policy of RBL include 4 sectors
Municipal and Land Development Tax, and many other sub-sectors. Humanitarian/

purchases and sells Prize Bonds. RBL is financial assistances are offered to both
facilitating banking service to the women
individuals and institutions under CSR policy
community through its six Ladies Branches in
five districts. Pursuant to the policy adopted by irrespective of caste, creed and color. Priority
the government, the bank is using some lies on institutions rather for individuals on
slogans on purchasing books, discouraging better outcome.
dowry, population control and green banking
Personal/individual assistance is offered for
on all its official envelopes.
research, treatment, rehabilitation and
CSR Policy of Rupali Bank Limited
necessary supports to the affected people by
The bank’s CSR initiatives are being stepped natural disaster like cold wave, floods,
under a well structured CSR policy approved droughts etc. It also includes distribution of
by the Board of Directors from its 905th rickshaw, van, weaving machine, boat,
assembly on 23rd February, 2013. bamboo/cane, pan/pot to fry rice etc to the
Applications for financial assistance under working people bordering on the edge of
CSR actions accompanying gender equality, poverty.
financial service for disadvantaged population Institutions working on Education and
segments, green banking, humanistic banking Research, Health, Medicare and Population,

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 100
Poverty Reduction and Rehabilitation, Natural CSR activities in 2016
Disaster, Environment Conservation,
There was a restriction from the Ministry of
Preservation of National history-heritage,
Finance and Bangladesh Bank on CSR
Nurturing Art and Culture, Patronizing Games
activities by the scheduled banks of
and Sports are receiving funds as the
Bangladesh in 2016. But there were two
sub-sectors of the bank.
exceptions by them as the regulatory authority.
Educational and other institutions working on
Rupali Bank provides financial support to
Technical and vocational training, street
empower poor people as well as extending
children, IT training, women’s right and
banking facility among the under-priviliged
prevention of dowry, pure water management,
people. Such facility also covers the areas like
population control, sanitation, old home,
education, sports, culture, health, relief
autism, forestation, waste management etc,
operation among the victims, protection of
are receiving funds under CSR policy from
environment, protection of heritage and
flourishing of liberation war spirit. The CSR
A five member CSR Committee supervises activities of the Bank have consolidated its
and monitors overall CSR activities of the bank position in the competitive banking activities in

including primary scrutiny of applications and financial inclusion and also brightened the
making recommendations in conformity with image of the Bank. A total of Tk 1,16.84 lac
the CSR policy of the bank. Board of Directors
co was spent in CSR in 2016. Tk 50.96 lac was
in this regard is the ultimate authority to disbursed to distribute winter clothes among
approve any CSR Initiative. the victims in different areas of the country, Tk
12.60 lac for establishing a ‘day care centre’
The bank has a CSR Desk comprised of two
officers to act as the focal point/contact centre for children of working women at Motijheel of
of the bank and to keep constant contact with Dhaka, Tk 50.00 lac for helping the flood

the concerned ministry and Bangladesh Bank victims to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund and
as well. Tk 3.28 lac in education and health.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 101
CSR Activities of Rupali Bank Limited

Rupali Bank Director A.K.M. Delwer Hussain Distributing Rupali Bank Director Barrister Zakir Ahammad Distributing blankets
blankets among the cold wave hit people at Pakundia, Kishorgonj. among the cold wave hit people at Fatehpur, Nabinagar, B. Baria.

CSR Financial help for Cancer Patient Primary School Head CSR for Mr Md. Sabir Uddin Sikder, SI (BP, No.6789008479)
Master Mst. Rabeya Khatun. Motijeel Thana (Donation for Open Heart Surgery).

Financial help as CSR to Patgram Mohila Degree College. Distributing blankets among the cold wave hit people at Chor Duar
Union, Pathorghata, Borguna.

Distributing blankets among the cold wave hit people at Chor FAD Deputy General Manager handing over a pay-order to help
Khayerbari, Birampur, Dinajpur. medical and livelihood.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 102

Human Resources
 Ensuring equal employment opportunity
irrespective of race, gender, religion etc.
 Adhering to the core values of the Bank
to meet the strategic objectives;
 Upholding the ethical principles of the
Bank in every banking service;
 Streamlining new ideas and innovation

Report on among the employees;

 Conforming to the organizational

Human customs to achieve

corporate culture;

Resources  Maintaining a spirit of ambition to comply

with the organizational goal;

Human capital is the stock of competence,  Ensuring compliance with employment

knowledge and other personal attributes and labour law.

embodied in an individual and manifest ability Human Resources Management
to perform labour so as to produce economic
RBL manages human capital through its
value. It is the attributes gained by a worker
Administration and Human Resources
through education and experience. However,
Division. For better HR management the
an individual can't be transformed into human
Board of Directors of the Bank has approved
capital without effective inputs of education,
Human Resource Policy 2011. It is
health and moral values.
implemented in accordance with Rupali Bank
The transformation with these inputs is the Employee's Service Regulations, 1981.

process of human capital formation. Human Further, the objectives of our human resource
Resource Management (HRM) is the strategies are to attract qualified personnel by
management of an organization's human creating a congenial workplace and

resources or workers. It is responsible for the encouraging employees to maintain

attraction, selection, training, assessment and professional skills and give them the
rewarding of employees, while also opportunity to develop and grow with the

overseeing organizational leadership and organization.

culture, and ensuring compliance with
Total human capital by No. of
employment No. of
employment and labour laws. Particulars Employees Employees
group and other related information:
as on as on
Human Resource Strategy 31-12-2016 31-12-2015
 Attracting qualified personnel for long Managing Director and 20 (19+1) 15 (14+1)
term career with the Bank; Senior Executives
Executives 229 (227+2*) 227 (226+1*)
 Retaining competent human capital
through creation of superior working Officers 3508 3727
environment; Staff 1681 1677

 Motivating the employees to add value Total 5438 5646

with superior services; Number of Branches 562 554
 Imparting training to the employees for Per Branch Employee 9.68 10.19
acquiring skills; Deposit Per Employee 51.33 44.96
(in million Taka)
 Encouraging excellence in performance Investment Per Employee 14.65 14.64
by rewards and recognition; (in million Taka)

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 104
Total human capital by designation wise acquaintance with professional knowledge
hierarchy: from the desk level reality and practice of
No. of No. of
Particulars Employees Employees Succession Planning
as on as on
31-12-2016 31-12-2015 Succession planning is a process for
identifying and developing internal people with
Managing Director 1 1
the potential to fill key business leadership
Deputy Managing Director 1 2
positions in the company. Succession planning
General Manager 18 (17+1*) (11+1*)
increases the availability of experienced and
Deputy General Manager 73 (71+2*) (85+1*)
capable employees who are prepared to
Assistant General Manager 156 141
resume those roles as and when required.
Senior Principal Officer 546 493
RBL has taken initiatives to develop
Principal Officer 796 816
succession planning.
Senior Officer 1238 1066
Officer 928 1352 Performance Appraisal
Other 1681 1677
A performance appraisal is a systematic and
Total 5438 5646
periodic process that assesses an individual
employee's job performance and productivity

Employee's Health, Safety and Other
Assistance in relation to certain pre-established criteria
and organizational objectives. RBL always
We promote our employees through our co strives to employ the right people at the right
pro-employee HR policy which bridges the
place, develop their capacities and reward
personal bearing and working life. To achieve
their performances.
long term HR goal RBL is providing different
facilities and benefits like other commercial Promotion, Reward & Motivation
organisations to its employees such as RBL goes after structured human resources

bonus, incentives, housing loan at a with the implementation of Human Resource

concessional rate of interest, lunch benefit, Policy 2011 for providing promotion, reward
subsidized food as lunch at bank's canteen, and motivation towards staff on different level.

transport to carry to and from the work place, Manpower structure has also been revised.
annual cultural and sports event for
Training and Development
rejuvenation, medical check-up and treatment
by bank's doctor, hospitalization benefit, The quality of employees and their

maternity leave, day care facility death relief development through training and education
grant scheme, pension fund etc. All are major factors in determining long-term
officials/employees of the Bank are getting profitability of business. RBL is keen to training
quality medical services at affordable cost due for achieving high quality of ethical and
to a deal signed between Rupali Bank Ltd and professional standard of employees of the
Ayesha Memorial Specialised Hospital Ltd. Bank. For achieving sustainable development
comprehensive training courses are provided
Training and Internship
round the year like in-house training and job
RBTA (Rupali Bank Training Academy) is rotation, constant improvement of training
working for appropriate training to maintain process, imparting need base training, training
professional skills with a view to familiarize at home and abroad, professional English
with the desk-oriented job, acquire diversified training etc.
knowledge in banking operations, attend the
assigned task with due diligence, courage and
confidence, change of attitude to offer
satisfactory services to the clients. RBL
facilitates students for internship to have

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 105
9000 2016 2015
Fig. : Training Programme Conducted for the RBL employees
8000 (RBTA & other organnizations) during 2012-16 Male 4468 4652
7000 6042 7097 Female 980 994
5645 5667 5914
6000 Ratio: 4.56 : 1 4.68 : 1

4000 Employees recruitment & Promotion Status

Employees recruited during 2012 - 2016

1000 Year 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Total
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2012 55 167 238 299 759

2013 21 0 65 91 177
Fig. : Training Programme Conducted for the RBL
employees during 2012-16 (Only RBTA)
2014 351 478 36 63 928

2015 91 0 13 24 128

2016 0 0 53 49 102

Total 518 645 405 526 2094





Employees promoted during 2012-2016

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class Total
Grievance Redress Management System 2012 321 0 27 33 381
Grievance Management and Counseling 2013 463 3 16 13 495
Both the employees and the customers have 2014 1193 6 22 47 1268
the right to complain at any issue they feel
2015 357 5 43 39 444
deprivation. Customers' complaints are taken
into serious consideration and are resolved by
2016 687 5 15 167 874
the authority consulted with the respective
Total 3021 19 123 299 3462

department. Employees have the right to

challenge any possible violation of their rights The Human Resources Division is committed
or any questionable practices by filing a to ensuring that the Bank attracts, recruits,
complaint or grievance. They have the right to develops, retains and sustains a high

have their complaint or grievance answered in performing, diverse work force by developing
writing, with reasons for the decision. They and implementing progressive human
have the right to appeal any decision. resource management policies and strategies.
The Bank has performed the following

Retirement and Resignation activities in 2016 :

All the policies and strategies on retirement
 11 Deputy General Managers have been
and resignation are well defined in Human
promoted to General Manager in 2016. 10
Resource Policy 2011 of the Bank which are
Assistant General Managers to Deputy
adopted by successive progress from basic
Rupali Bank Employees service Regulation, General Managers and 33 Senior Principal
1981. Officers to Assistant General Managers have
been promoted also in 2016; Besides 633
Male vs Female concentration mid-level Officers and 187 staffs have been
RBL is very keen to the equal job opprtunities promoted in different grades in 2016. Total
for both male and female employees. For this 874 employees have been promoted in 2016;
the female employees are increasing  102 new employees have been appointed in
significantly. The above table depicts the 2016 the technical and professional posts
shifting. The participation to focus on
where all of them bearing at 3rd & 4th class
productivity and earnings the women-folk
staff level;
concentration plays the role and erodes the
gender differences. It has been focused to  The Bank has continued reporting time to
address the issues by increasing female job time in Bangladesh Bank as a routine
opportunities in the recent years. compliance;

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 106
 Staff house building loan has been Bank. We have a tentative target of
sanctioned as per the policy in this regard recruiting 423 employees as Senior Officers
in 2016, following the previous trend; and 736 employees as Officer.
 The digitalization of human resources data  We have done data input on relevant official
of RBL has continued in Human Resources information of total employees in Human
Management System(HRMS) Software; Resources Management System (HRMS)
 Better work environment of the division has software as a primary stage. The most
been improved by air conditioning & interior important and final stage – “Data Validation”
decoration; is targeted to be done as soon as possible
in 2017.
 New version of inter branch signature (IBS)
and authorized signature (AS) books have  We have designed a separate online based
been prepared to publish for branch uses; “Employee transfer update module for field
level”, which will be inaugurated for
 The retirement benefits of the employees operation from all offices at field level in
have been settled and delivered at a 2017. That employee transfer posting
regular basis; module will run parallel to the main HRMS
 Advance against PF, adding annual software and those transfer information
increment, sanctioning leave for foreign posted frequently from field level would be

tour, issuing no objection certificate, incorporated at Head Office administrative
maternity leave, mandatory refreshment level as a continuous process.
leave etc have been performed according  Most of the employees would be tactically
to the rules; equipped and conceptually shaped up by
 The human resources need assessment has imparting professional trainings with
been done and appropriation the human modern competitive banking regulations,
resources through proper posting; norms and would be motivated on
upcoming compliance issues.

 The course design for delineating human

resources training assessment needs have  HR Policy/2011 would be revised with
been performed; incorporation of all the modifications those
had already been adopted, along with
The fixation for the employees who had got

recent features, regulations and issues,
promotion, selection grade and time scale
governed by assigned specific HR Policy
were done;
Review Committee.

 Annual confidential report of the employees

 We have a target of establishing a
are assembled regularly.
customized software based service file
HR plan in 2017 settlement and final payment calculation
platform called - “Service Benefit
 Recruiting fresh blood after two years Calculator”. Shifting from existing manual
interval under the common authority of slow process to software based automated
Bankers Selection Committee (BSC) that is process will be attempted for accuracy,
formed and patronized by Bangladesh easiness and shortest time disposal.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2015 107

Information Technology
Financial Services
Bank’s ICT Status
Data Connectivity 563 & 10 divisonal offces and 25 zonal offices
RTGS 563
BEFTN Branches 563
BACH Branches 289
ATM Booth (Own Branded) 1
Remittance facility Branches 560
Live Branches Under CBS 563
Total Branches of the Bank 563

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Report on Bank’s ICT Status

Date Center Live from April 2014

Information Data Recovery Center (DRC)

CIB online Software
Online TM form Monitoring System Software
Live from March 2016
Live from December 2010

Technology &
UAT completed
CBS Support System Live & up graded
Chittagong Shipping Booth Management System Live & up graded
Head office support system Software

Financial Services
Live from January 2016
Human Resources Management Web based Software Live from 9th December 2015
Online Export–Import Transaction Monitoring System Software Live & up graded

Court Case Movement System Software Completed & testing going on.
Mobile banking Customer more than 76,00,000
Ruapli Bank Limited, copping with the 37

customers’ need and competitive market

demand, is encompassing the IT-enabled Data Centre (DC)
services with a view to adapting with new and Like all other renowned world ranking institutes
challenging ICT environment emerging rapidly and to maintain International Standard, Rupali
in the banking industry. The Bank Management
Bank Limited has set up a developed Data
is very much keen on achieving the overall Centre (DC) at Dhaka. Thisachievement

organization goal by offering customers as well definitely has improved the quality and efficiency
as other stakeholders a promising and better of the service rendered to the Bank’s present
service through marching on with its ICT and potential customer as they are being offered
infrastructure. For this good reason, the bank’s innovated and developed services and through

previous IT related Divisions have been molded the CBS.

and reshaped into two big IT working unit Data Recovery Centre (DRC)
named ICT Operations Division and ICT

Systems Division from the middle of 2015. To protecta significant investment in information
Being at the stage of “take-off” both these technology and communications it is very
divisions are striving hard to uphold the bank’s important for a financial institutions to set up a
Disaster Recovery Center (DRC). Because
customer service and presently concentrating
depending on the nature of the disruption, the
on the following major area of working:
data center's overall integrity may be untouched
Core Banking Solution (CBS) or it could be totally destroyed. Rupali Bank has
set up a developed Disaster Recovery Center
After procuring its CBS named ‘Intellect Ver. 10
(DRC) at Narayangonj. This has real time data
supplied by SPFTL. Core Banking System’
synchronization with Data Center (DC).
Rupali Bank has successfully migrated 508 of its
branches in 2016 and now rest of the branches Main features of CBS
have been migrated within a short time after • Online and Real-time services
that. Now all of the Rupali Bank’s branches are • Faster and Accurate Reporting
being operated under CBS giving its customer
• Potentiality of 3600 View of Customers
true experience of real time on-line banking.
• Auto Bank Reconciliation
The true signature of real time on-line banking • Automated Provisioning
has enabled Rupali Bank to offer its customer
• Automated Loan Classification
with the full-fledged features of all banking
modules. • Consolidated Financial Reporting

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 109
SMS Message Alert Other benefits to the Customers
SMS message alert service provides instant A CBS branch is like a Sales & Service Delivery
notification about customer’s transactions as Center (SDC). Back office processes/activities
and when it happens. It helps customer to keep are handled through technology at some other
a watch on their account with a round the clock site, called Data Center. Branch, therefore, has
service. Every debit or credit in customers more time for serving customers. This improves
account over a limit desired by customers is the quality and efficiency of the services
intimated by SMS. Now, with SMS message rendered and the customer is directly benefited
alert service, customers are always in a position by way of satisfying and happy banking
to detect unauthorized access to their account. experience.
Additionally, SMS message alert also helps Since a CBS branch is essentially designed to
customers to know their balances and mini focus on customer-interface and customer
statements instantly by just sending an SMS. service, the special lay-out and ambience of the
Rupali Bank Limited has already started the branch is made to provide a convenient and
activities of SMS message alert service. delightful banking experience. The Customer
Service Representatives / Executives at the
How Will Core Banking System (CBS) help
branch are specially trained to understand,
facilitate and deliver banking services efficiently
All CBS branches are inter-connected with each and effectively. We wish our customers happy

other. Therefore, Customers of CBS branches banking.
can avail various banking facilities from any
Alternate Delivery Channel
other CBS branch located anywhere in
Bangladesh. These services are: With the transition in banking operation with
• To make enquiries about the balance; debit or online CBS, the bank has stepped one step
credit entries in the account. forward in developing its Alternate Delivery
• To obtain cash payment out of his account by Channel giving up its old channel. The bank has
tendering a cheque. deployed its modified channel of ATM and POS
• To deposit a cheque for credit into his

account. The bank with a view to offering the customer

• To deposit cash into the account. real experience of card service, signed an
• To deposit cheques/cash into account of agreement with the Q-Cash Consortium. As a

some other person who has account in a result the bank has successfully launched its
CBS branch. own-branded ATM and POS management
system. Conversion of banks Alternate Delivery
• To get statement of account.
Channel to Own-Branded network from

• To transfer funds from his account to some Co-Branded network has established the
other account – his own or of third party, following facilities and acquired the compliance
provided both accounts are in CBS branches. of Bangladesh Bank.
• To obtain Demand Drafts or Banker’s
Cheques from any branch on CBS – amount Connection to NPSB
shall be online debited to his account. By implementing own branded ATM & POS
• Customers can continue to use ATMs and network the bank has connected it ADC
other Delivery Channels, which are also (Alternate Delivery Channel) to the National
interfaced with CBS platform. Similarly. Bank Payment Switch of Bangladesh, a common
is in the process of launching Switching and payment gateway established by
Internet-banking facility shortly. Bangladesh Bank. With this integration the
bank’s customers are now able to withdraw
All these aim to provide convenient, efficient,
money from their account as well perform
and high quality banking experience to the
purchase at any ATM and POS using ATM and
customers, comparable to world class
POS terminals of other banks, those are
connected to NPSB.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 110
Payment of Utility and Others
Own branded ATM and POS service will
facilitate the customers to pay their different
utility bills like gas, electricity etc. as well as
mobile phone bills.
Bangladesh Automated Clearing House
In compliance of Bangladesh Bank’s instruction
to automate clearing of interbank instrument
(including cheques and instruments transfer)
namely Bangladesh Automated Clearing House
(BACH) Rupali Bank Limited developed the
following two separate systems:
PCI DSS compatibility
Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing
By deploying its own branded ATM & POS the
System (BACPS)
bank will become PCI DSS (Payment Card
Industry Data Security Standard) compatible to Being one of the members of BACH, Rupali
ensure the maximum security standard to its Bank Ltd. is providing automated clearing facility

card production and distribution system. to its 289 branches through 152 Truncation
Point (TP) over the country. Recently the Bank
Own Branded ATM and POS Network has developed CBS integrated Inward clearing
The bank is now very much keen on deploying Module to ease the clearing operation at CBS
its own branded ATM and POS at different branches. The Bank will take necessary step to
suitable location in order to acquire its own raise the number of BACH Truncation Point as
transaction as well as the transaction of other per the Branch’s request.
banks. This will bring the bank
Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer
transaction-acquiring income and uphold its
Network (BEFTN)

fame. Initially the bank has already set up an

ATM adjacent to Hatkhola Branch, Dhaka and Rupali Bank Ltd. is the largest acquirer of
has a plan to set up more ATM and POS by the BEFTN network. The bank has already
end of next year. At the same time the bank is established electronic fund transfer facility in all

working on replacement of its 44 co-branded its 562 branches. We have decided to launch all
ATM booths with Own Branded ATM. our new branches with the facility of BEFTN.
Proprietary Debit Card e-GP

Primarily the bank is offering Own Branded Rupali Bank has signed an agreement with
Debit Cards to all of its customers regardless of CPTU for providing service to the customer of
the branch location. All the customers of the e-GP system . CPTU has already provided TOT
bank round the country can get a debit card training of four employees of Rupali Bank for
issued in favor of him and do withdraw cash implementing e-GP system in bank end. The
from any bank’s ATM booths and as well get the trainer of the bank has trained 44 branches of
facility to make payment of purchasing bill to Mymensingh Divisional Office, Khulna Divisional
different merchants where POS facility is Office, Rangpur Divisional Office and Local
provided. At the same time customers are Office employee to implement the e-GP system.
getting facility to recharge their mobile phone The following branches have already
using Rupali Bank’s debit cards. implemented e-GP system-
• Netrokona
• Sherpur Town
• Chotto Bazar
• Tangail Corporate
• Khagdohor Bazar
• Jamalpur

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 111
• Kishoregonj Corporate • Remittance disbursement
• Thana Ghat • Ticket purchase
• C.K.Ghosh Road • Merchant payment
• Gafargaon • ATM withdrawal
• Local Office • Government payouts
Mobile Banking • Payment to government (Tax, VAT etc.)
• Loan repayment
In our country services in traditional branch
• E-commerce payment
banking system is very costly for mass people
especially for rural customers. It requires Mobile Banking Services will help RBL to
maintaining lot of formalities and extra charges. explore a huge market which has not yet been
RBL took initiative to introduce innovative reached. Besides it will facilitate opportunities
mobile banking services with an aim of financial opening new revenue stream through the
inclusion to bring a large number of unbanked following ways;
and unprivileged people to banking channel. • Various new services will increase customer
RBL accepted the Mobile Banking proposal of base.
Pragati Systems Limited and signed an • Reduce bank’s acquisition cost, operating
agreement for launching the services on the cost and transaction cost.
basis of partnership. RBL placed to Bangladesh • Reduce retail banking load to customer.

Bank for approval of the proposed mobile
• Create employment.
financial services.
• Take competitive advantage over the
The proposed mobile financial services of RBL competing banks.
will include the following features; • Accumulate micro savings of the poor people
• Cash deposit
to contribute to GDP.
• Cash withdrawal
e – Tendering
• Money transfer
• Bill payment In the recent past years Bangladesh Bank
introduced online e-tendering system for

• Fees payment (educational fees)

scheduled banks and financial institutions. RBL
• Balance enquiry
has signed a service level agreement (SLA) with
• Mini-statement Bangladesh Bank to participate in the system.
• Transaction notification & alert

Though joining this process the RBL will ensure

• Payroll (for garments and other businesses) transparency, accountability and security of its
• Mobile airtime top-up procurement policies.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 112
CBS Operation Activities

d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 113
Mobile Financial Services
iƒcvjx e¨vsK wkIiK¨vk Gi gva¨‡g cÖv_wgK wkÿv

The rapid growth of mobile phone users and countrywide coverage of mobile operator's network has
made their delivery channel an important tool-of-the-trade for extending banking services to the
unbanked/banked population, especially to expedite faster delivery of remittances across the country.
From legal and regulatory perspective, only the bank-led model is allowed to operate in Bangladesh.
RBL got permission for Mobile Financial services from Bangladesh Bank on 02 February 2016. The
Bank run the operation on 20 April 2016. Among the state-owned Banks Rupali Bank is being

pioneered providing the MFS among the people in this market segment. Rupali Bank MFS Status:
Agents Distributors General Customers
2016 Up to Date 2016 Up to Date 2016 Up to Date

59,290 70,000 157 200 3,96,243 80 Lacs

Distribution of primary school stipend to the mothers of the students using mobile banking

"Rupali BankSureCash".
Total No. of Accounts Total Students Beneficiary mothers No of Primary Schools Yearly Payment
1crore 1 crore 30 lac 1crore 60000 1400 crore (Year 2017)
Mobile Financial services provided by Rupali Bank Sure cash at a glance
Cash in /out (agents/branches) B2P Payments

 Country wide all sorts of customers.  Sugarcane cultivator receives the payment
 Disbursement of stipend primary school to from Bangladesh Sugar and Food corporation
the mothers of the students. through mobile.
 Payment of Tuition fees of High Schools and  Old aged people, freedom-fighter and husband
Colleges. discarded women allowances are paid.
 Disbursement of primary stipend.
B2P Collections  Salary paid in 340 educational institutions
 Fees collection and through Rupali Bank
SureCash. B2P Payments
 Collection of DESCO, DPDC, BTCL, Dhaka  Trainee of BASIS receiving stipend.
WASA, utility bill.
 School/College pay stipend to the student.
 Grameen Banks realizing installments and
disbursing loan to their customers.
Rupali Bank Limited
Annual Report 2016 114
A Snap short of Mobile Financial Services


Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 115

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 116
Products and Services in Rupali Bank Limited
 Current Deposit (CD)
 Call Deposit (CDR)
 Special Notice Deposit (SND)
 Savings Deposit (SB)
 Fixed Deposit (FDR)
 Rupali Monthly Savings Scheme (RMSS)- SHOPNO
 Rupali Kotipoti Deposit Scheme (RKDS)
 Rupali Lakhopoti Deposit Scheme (RLDS)
 Rupali Quarterly Profit Scheme (RQPS)
 Rupali Festival Deposit Scheme (RFDS)
School Banking Account
 Rupali Students’ Savings Account (RSSA)
Street and Working Children Account

 POTHFUL (Special Savings Account)

Loans and Advances

General Products
Industrial Project Loan/Term Loan

 Syndication/Consortium Loan
 Cash Credit (Hypothecation)
 PPP Loan
 Cash Credit (Pledge)
 General House Building Loan-
 Overdraft (OD) Residential/ Commercial

 Bank Guarantee  Loan against Deposit Schemes

 Loan under Equity Entrepreneurship Fund (EEF)  Loan against FDR
 Green Project Loan  Commercial Car Loan
 Renewable Energy Project Loan  Student Loan

Small and Medium Enterprise Loan (SME)

 Under the 4 (four) SME products, loan to Solar Installation, Bio-gas and Agro-based project and

Trained-Efficient professionals are provided as the specialized area.

 Woman Entrepreneur Financing Program  Cluster Financing
 Karma Bandhob Rin (PROYASH)
Small Enterprise Financing
 Fixed Assets Financing
 Working Capital Financing
 Working Capital Financing
Green Finance
Solar Energy, Bio Gas, Bio-Fertilizer, ETP, Water Purification Plant, Waste Management Plant &
HHK (Hybrid Hoffman Kiln) Brick Field, Forestation, Mashroom project, Horticulture and many other
under Bangladesh Bank’s guideline.
Rural and Agro Credit
 Youth/Farmers’ Loan
 Fishery Loan
Rupali Bank Limited
Annual Report 2016 117
 Goat/Sheep Rearing Loan
 Dairy Loan
 Poultry Loan
 Micro-Credit for the Handicapped
 Micro-Credit
 Solar-Energy and Bio-Gas Plant Installation Loan
 Shrimp Cultivation Loan
 Loan Against Crop Storage in Silos-SHAGARIP
 Loan Against Pulses seeds for edible oil, spices & maize cultivation
 Loan for Tree Plantation
 Bank-NGO Linkage Credit
 Socio-economic & poverty alleviation loan
Other Loans
 Loan Against Share/Debenture
 Transport/Car Loan-Commercial and Consumer
 Consumer Credit
Foreign Exchange Business
All sorts of Foreign Exchange Transactions are handled by Rupali Bank Limited under ‘Guidelines

for Foreign Exchange Transactions (GFET 2009)’, Bangladesh Bank and Latest Import and Export
Policy Order of the government.
Foreign Currency Accounts
 Foreign Currency Account
 Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Account
 Non-Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Account
 Private Non-Resident Taka Account
 Non-Resident Blocked Taka Account
x e x F Y

 Non-Resident Investor’s Taka Account (NITA)

Convertible and Non-Convertible Taka Account
Exporter’s Retention Quota (ERQ) Account †

Import Finance
 Letters of Credit
 Payment Against Document (PAD)

 Loan against Imported Merchandise (LIM)

 Loan against Trust Receipt (LTR)
Export Finance
Pre-shipment Credit
 Cash Credit Against Hypothecation of Raw Materials/Exportable Goods
 Cash Credit Against Pledge of Raw Materials/Exportable Goods
 Packing Credit (PC)
 Back to Back L/C
 Back to Back L/C under Export Development Fund (EDF)
Post-shipment Credit
 Negotiation/Purchase of Export Documents/Bill
 Collection of Export Documents/Bill
 Foreign Bill Purchase (FBP)
 Advance against Export Bill sent for collection
 Inland Bills Purchase (IBP)
 Export Bill Discounting
 Advance Against Cash Incentive/Cash Subsidy

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 118
 Wage Earners Development Bond
 Investment Bond
 Premium Bond
 Bid Bond
 Performance Guarantee
 Warranty Guarantee
 Shipping Guarantee
 Guarantee Against Foreign Bank’s Counter Guarantee
 Advance Payment Guarantee
 Customs and Excise Guarantee
 Foreign Currency Endorsement
 Issuance and Encashment of Traveler’s Cheque
 Foreign Currency Encashment
 Issuance and Encashment of Foreign Demand Drafts and Telegraphic Transfer
 Opening of Student File and remittance there against

 Releasing Foreign Exchange against Travel Quota, Medical Treatment and attending
seminar-symposium abroad.
 LC Advising, Confirmation and Transfer co
 Treasury Bills
Treasury Bonds

 Debenture

 Reverse REPO
 Money Market Operation
 TT Discount/TT Remittance
Commercial Paper

Forex and Fund Management

All sorts of Dealing Room Operation including Forward Buy-sell,

Spot Buy-sell, Corporate Buy-sell, Speculation, SWAP etc.

Fund Transfer 30,00,000/-
 Inter-Branch Money Transfer
 Telegraphic Transfer/Demand Draft/Mail Transfer
 Automated Inward Foreign Remittance
Modern Banking Services
 Core Banking Solution (CBS)- IntellectTM 10.0
 Online transaction facility (ABB)
 ATM Service
Mobile Financial Services
 Rupali Bank SureCash
Under Process
 Rupali Bank Agent Banking Services

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 119
 SMS Notification Service
 E-Tendering
Value Added Service
 Locker Service
New Products and Services
 Merchant Banking Services  Capital Market Services
Foreign Remittance
 Automated Remittance Management System
 Spot Cash Payment
 Customer Service Centre (CSC)
Services Paid to the common people as a state –owned Bank
Utility Bills Collection
 Electricity Bill
 Gas Bill
 Telephone Bill
 WASA Bill
 Land development tax

 City corporation/Municipal Holding and Sewerage tax
 Value–added tax and source tax
Service to Education Sector
 Primary Education Stipend Project
 Salary paid to the teachers of private school, colleage, Madrasha, Technical,
Ebtedayee madrasha,Tol, Pali, Sankskrit etc
Common Services to the Customers/ Stakeholders
Remittance Services to the NRB Pension payment to the retired army officers

 

 Endorsement Passport for the Travelers and staff

 Sale arrangement of Lottery of different
 Opening government L/C organization

 Issuing Saving Certificate  Collection of life insurance premium

 Prize bond Purchase and Sale  Changes of Split /soiled notes
 E-GP (e- government Procurement)

 Pension payment to the government  Web based e-mail complain services

employees  Old/aged allowances
Special Services  Rehabilitation allowances for acid survivors
 Online Deposit Collection Services for Hajj women
Pre-registration and Registration  Maternal allowances for poor women
 Zakat Fund Collection Services  Bank account for farmer
 Information Services to the Government  Bank account for hardcore poor
Organization  Bank services for physically handicapped
 Services to the non-privileged people
 Bank account for Unemployed Youth  Bank account for grants receiving under
 Bank account for freedom fighters hindu kallan trust
 Bank account for beneficiaries under social  Disability allowance
safety-net program  Bank account for farmers
 Loan disbursement in spices sector at a  Bank account for resident of former
concessional rate of interest enclaves
 Widows, divorcee and destitute women

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 120
d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 121
Directors’ Report
d .c

Directors’ Report

Outlook 2016
Global growth is projected to slow to 3.1
percent in 2016 before recovering to 3.4
percent in 2017. The forecast, revised down
Directors' by 0.1 percentage point for 2016 and 2017
relative to April, reflects a more subdued
Report outlook for advanced economies following the
June U.K. vote in favor of leaving the
2016 European Union (Brexit)
weaker-than-expected growth in the United

States. These developments have put further

downward pressure on global interest rates as
Directors' Report to the Shareholders monetary policy is now expected to remain
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim accommodative for longer. Although the
Respected Shareholders market reaction to the Brexit shock was
Assalamu Alaikum reassuringly orderly, the ultimate impact
remains very unclear, as the fate of
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Rupali institutional and trade arrangements between
Bank Ltd. I am delighted to welcome you to

the United Kingdom and the European Union
the 31st annual general meeting of
is uncertain. Financial market sentiment
shareholders of the Bank. I am presenting
towards emerging market economies has
before you, the audited financial statements
improved with expectations of lower interest
and the directors' report for the year ended as
rates in advanced economies, reduced
on 31 December 2016 for your kind
consideration and adoption. concern about China’s near-term prospects
following policy support to growth, and some
A brief overview of global economic trend with
firming of commodity prices. But prospects
the performance of Bangladesh economy has differ sharply across countries and regions,

also been provided in the report. A review of with emerging Asia in general and India in
this report reveals the performance of the
particular showing robust growth and
Bank in a competitive environment.
sub-Saharan Africa experiencing a sharp
Trends of Global Economy lowdown. In advanced economies, a subdued

Global GDP Growth outlook subject to sizable uncertainty and

downside risks may fuel further political
Global growth is expected to be tepid at 3.1
discontent, with antiintegration policy
percent in 2016, down from 3.2 percent in

platforms gaining more traction. Several

2015 (World Economic Outlook, October
emerging market and developing economies
2016). Growth, however, is projected to rise
up to 3.4 percent in 2017. Emerging markets still face daunting policy challenges in
and developing economies are projected to adjusting to weaker commodity prices. These
grow by 4.2 percent in 2016, 0.2 percentage worrisome prospects make the need for a
points higher than in 2015, rising further to 4.6 broad-based policy response to raise growth
percent in 2017. and manage vulnerabilities more urgent than
ever. Furthermore, world trade volume growth
Global Inflation Rate
is projected to decrease from 2.6 percent in
Consumer prices in advanced economies are 2015 to 2.3 percent in 2016 and then increase
expected to increase by 0.8 percent in 2016 to 3.8 percent in 2017. Trade balances in
from 0.3 percent in 2015 and then by 1.7 advanced economies are expected to
percent in 2017. On the other hand, consumer deteriorate in 2016 and 2017 since export
prices in emerging markets and developing growth is projected to be weaker than import
economies are expected to decrease to 4.5 growth; while those in emerging markets and
percent in 2016 from 4.7 percent in 2015 due developing economies now are expected to
to the declining oil and other commodity improve in 2016, but deteriorate in 2017.
prices. It is projected to further decline to 4.4
percent in 2017.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 123
Bangladesh Economy Monetary Policy
Bangladesh economy grew by 7.1 percent, Bangladesh Bank pursued cautious but
exceeding the 7.0 percent growth target and growth-supportive, inclusive and investment
the 6 percent growth trajectory. This strong friendly monetary policy stances in FY16 with
growth was mainly supported by industry and a view to achieving desired economic growth
services sectors. Annual average CPI inflation and maintaining inflation at a moderate level.
continued to decline to 5.9 percent in June Monetary and credit policies and programmes
2016, below the target of 6.2 percent. The were designed to contain average inflation at
declining trend in average CPI inflation is 6.2 percent and attain output growth of 7.0
mainly driven by favourable food inflation. percent as per aspiration of FY16 national
Agriculture Sector
Agriculture accounts for 15.4 percent of GDP Export, Import and Workers remittance
and grew by 2.8 percent in FY16, down from Exports grew faster than imports in recent
3.3 percent in FY15 and 4.4 percent in FY14, years. Exports stood at USD 33441 million in
due mainly to weaker growth in crops and FY16 from USD 30697 million in FY15.
horticulture sub-sector. Import payments as a percentage of GDP
Industry Sector decreased from 19.3 in FY15 to 17.9 in FY16
for the third consecutive year. Imports grew at

Industry accounts for 31.5 percent of GDP a rate of 5.5 percent in FY16 compared with
and grew by 11.1 percent in FY16, up from 9.7 the 3.0 percent growth in FY15.
percent in FY15, driven by manufacturing
sector (contributed 7.8 percentage points to Remittance inflows declined by 3.0 percent at
the growth of industry sector), particularly the end of FY16 compared with the positive
large and medium enterprises. growth of 7.5 percent in FY15.
Inflation Rate
Sectoral GDP Growth
Annual average CPI inflation in Bangladesh
FY15 R FY16 R

has continued its declining trend in FY16 as in

1. Agriculture 3.3 2.8 FY15. The headline inflation rate stood at 5.92
percent in June 2016 against the forecast of
2. Industry 9.7 11.1 6.07 percent reported in the Monetary Policy

Statement (JanuaryJune 2016) of Bangladesh

3. Services 5.8 6.3 Bank, while it was 6.40 percent in FY15.
Source: Bangladesh Bank, Annual 2015-2016. R = Revised

Service Sector
The services sector holding the largest share
(53.1 percent of GDP) grew by 6.3 percent in
FY16, compared to 5.8 percent in FY15. The
growth of two major services
components-wholesale and retail trade repair
of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and personal
and household goods; and transport, storage
and communication largely contributed (1.7
and 1.3 percentage points respectively) to the
overall service sector growth. Moreover, public
administration and defence; and education
sub-sectors grew markedly by 11.4 and 11.7
percent, respectively. In addition, health and
social works; hotel and restaurants; and real Bangladesh Bank, Annual 2015-2016.
estate, renting and other business activities
subsectors grew faster in FY16.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 124
Banking Sector of Bangladesh underwriter, portfolio manager and also carry out
The banking sector of Bangladesh showed other merchant banking operations under the
remarkable elasticity in 2015. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Merchant
Bank recommended a number of important Banker & Portfolio Manager) regulations, 1996.
policy measures and reforms throughout the
year to foster a sound, efficient and stable Rupali Investment Ltd. started business
financial system. operation at Sadharan Bima Tower (7th floor),
37/A, Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka with an
The banking sector of Bangladesh comprises
excellent working environment, adequate
four categories of scheduled banks. These are
State-owned Commercial Banks (SCBs), experts, professionals and fully automated
State-owned Development Financial merchant banking services ensuring innovative
Institutions (DFIs), Private Commercial Banks and quality services to the customers.
(PCBs) and Foreign Commercial Banks Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rupali
(FCBs). At the end of June 2016, the total Bank Ltd. is the Chairman of the Rupali
number of banks and their branches increased
to 56 and 9453 respectively due to opening of Investment Ltd.
new PCBs and bank branches during the year. Rupali Bank Securities Limited (RBSL)
Rupali Bank Securities Limited (RBSL) is a
Bank type Number of banks Number of branches subsidiary company of RBL. RBSL purchased its
SCBs 06 3700 membership from Dhaka Stock Exchange
Limited (DSE) on 22 November 2012 (member

DFIs 02 1407 no. 246). Subsequently the company got
PCBs 39 4271 incorporated as a public limited company on 29
FCBs 09 75 August 2013 with the Registrar of Joint Stock
Companies vide certificate of incorporation of
Total 56 9453 business on the same date with an authorized
Source: Bangladesh Bank Anual Report 2015-16 capital of Tk 500 crore and paid up capital of
Tk 100 crore.
Rupali Bank Limited in the banking sector
of Bangladesh The main objectives of the company are to act
Rupali Bank Limited has been playing a very and carry on the business of a stock broker and

important role in the making of the national stock dealer and to engage in all types of stock
economy of Bangladesh. As a banking brokerage business, including BO account
corporate body the Bank is contributing opening, buying and selling of securities with the
through its entire activities. In terms of permission of competent authority.

deposits and loans of the total bank market,

the Bank occupied more or less 4% . National Network
With a large geographical coverage RBL has a
Emergence of Rupali Bank Limited
well distributed network of branches in rural and
Rupali Bank Limited (RBL) was incorporated

as a Public Limited Company on 14 December urban areas of Bangladesh. It has 562 branches
1986 under the Companies Act, 1913 and has with the newly opened 8 branches in 2016. The
taken over the business of Rupali Bank Bank oversees the activities of the branches by
(emerged as a Nationalised Commercial Bank the 10 divisional offices with the 25 Zonal Offices.
in 1972, pursuant to Bangladesh Bank
Principal Activities of RBL
Nationalization Order 1972(P.O.No. 26 of
1972) as a going concern through a vendor The principal activities of the Bank are banking
agreement signed between the Ministry of and related activities such as accepting deposits,
Finance, People's Republic of Bangladesh on personal banking, trade financing, SME, trade
behalf of Rupali Bank and the Board of and services, cash management, treasury,
Directors on behalf of Rupali Bank Limited on securities and custody services, remittance
14 December 1986 with a retrospective effect services etc. The services are endowed with the
from 14 December1986. conventional and modern products.
Subsidiary Organizations of RBL
Capital Structure
Rupali Investment Limited (RIL) The shareholders' equity of the Bank as on 31
Rupali Investment Limited started its Merchant December 2016 stood at Tk 1165.64 crore as
Banking activities in 2010. The company against Tk. 1270.65 crore in 2015. The paid-up
obtained license from the Securities and capital of the Bank stood Tk 276.04 crore in
Exchange Commission to act as issue 2016.
manager, maintaining Investment account on
behalf of investors.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 125
The division-wise number of branches
Funding Structure 2016
(in percentage)
Division Urban Rural Total
Statutory reserve 0.99%

Local Office (Dhaka) 1 0 1 Paid-up capital Share money

deposit 0.97%
0.95% Deposits

Dhaka (North) 43 24 67 Borrowing

Retained surplus from Paid-up capital
Borrowing P/L account 0.30%
Dhaka (South) 42 5 47 0.46% Deposits Statutory reserve
Share money deposit
Chittagong 41 16 57
Retained surplus from
P/L account
Rajshahi 31 41 72

Khulna 31 28 59
Barishal 27 22 49
The asset portfolio of Rupali Bank Ltd.
Sylhet 19 32 51 constitutes loans and advances, investments,
fixed assets, money at call and short notice,
Rangpur 21 21 42 cash in hand and balance with other banks &
financial institutions and other assets. Asset
Comilla 24 46 70
portfolio of the Bank in 2016 and 2015

Mymensingh 23 24 47 comprised the following:

Total 303 259 562 Asset-Portfolio 2016

(Taka in crore)
Other Assets
Capital Structure
Tk 1829.25 crore
(Taka in crore)
Cash in Hand and balance
with other Banks & Fls
Tk 4446.29 crore


Fixed Assets
Tk 1412.14 crore

Money at call &


short notice
2015 2016 Tk 243.00 crore

Funding Structure Tk 7965.12 crore

The year-end funding structures of the Bank in

2016 and 2015 are given below : Loans & Advances
Tk 17515.04 crore

Taka in crore
Taka in crore
Sources of Fund 2016 2015
Particulars of assets 2016 2015
Deposits 27911.60 25382.96
Loans and advances 17515.04 14251.50
Borrowing 133.19 147.98
Investment 7965.12 8265.42
Paid-up capital 276.04 240.03
Fixed assets 1412.14 1419.40
Statutory reserve 287.20 287.20
Money at call and short notice 243.00 614.00
Share money deposit 280.00 280.00
Cash in hand and balance with 4446.29 3915.17
General reserve - 151.33
other bank's& Fls
Retained surplus from 86.42 143.44
Other assets 1829.25 1589.49
profit and loss account
Total 33410.85 30054.98
Total 28974.45 26801.59

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 126
Business Performance Deposits Investment
At the end of December 2016, the deposit of the The investment portfolio of the Bank at the end
Bank was Tk 27911.60 crore compared to Tk of year 2016 was Tk 7965.12 crore as against
25382.96 crore at the end of previous year Tk 8265.42 crore in the previous year,
leading to a year-over-year the growth in deposit registering a growth of (3.63)%. The Bank has
of 9.96%. always given emphasis on high yielding
investments and maintains statutory liquidity
In the prevailing situation, mobilizations of reserve (SLR). The portfolio of investment of the
deposits has become very competitive and as a Bank as on 31 December 2016 are shown
result the average cost of fund for the banks has below:
increased compared to that of the previous year. Taka in crore
The bank has laid particular emphasis on Types of securities 2016 2015
procurement of low cost fund. The deposit mix
of the Bank as on 31 December 2016 was as Treasury bills 549.51 826.41
follows: Treasury & other bonds 3,144.04 2,768.81
Bangladesh Bank Bill 2148.98 2,797.31
Taka in crore Inter Bank REPO - -
Types of Deposit 2016 2015 Prize bonds 0.80 1.04
Current and other deposits 1,604.65 1,724.08 Sub total (A) 5,843.33 6,393.56

Savings bank deposits 6,031.22 4,764.00 Non-government securities 1,235.25 925.30
Fixed deposits 20,031.42 18,707.62 Debenture 1.34 1.34
Bills payable 244.31 187.27 Shares 739.21 739.21
Investment in Bangladesh Fund 146.00 146.00
Total 27,911.60 25,382.96
Commercial Paper - 60.00
Sub total (B) 2,121.80 1,871.85
Deposit Growth Total (A+B) 7,965.12 8,265.41
(Taka in crore)

Credit portfolio of RBL includes loans and
advances provided under conventional terms.
Credit covers corporate, SME and retail areas.
nk 25382.96



The Bank has four divisions to deal all types of

credits of RBL. The divisions are namely (i)
Industrial Credit Division (ii) Foreign Trade
Finance & International Division (iii) SME and

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 General Credit Division (iv) Rural Credit

Growth of Loans & advances

Deposit-mix 2016 (Taka in crore)

(in percentage)
Savings Bank Deposits

Current & other deposits






Bills payable

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Total loans & advances of the Bank as on 31

Fixed and scheme
December 2016 was Tk 17515.04 crore as
71.77% against Tk 14251.50 in the year 2015, showing
an increase by almost 22.90% over the
preceding year. The loans and advances

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 127
comprise the loans, cash credits, overdrafts and
bills purchased and discounted. Loans cover a
wide variety of products.
The colourful broad spectrum of advance
includes business and industries such as jute,
tannery, leather, cottage, cold storage, textile,
garments, construction, engineering, food,
chemical, shipping, transport, shoe, ceramic,
plastic, dairy, printing and publication etc. Loans
including SME, various trading business,
professional, student, staff and other loans.
Following is the sector-wise position of loans ABS Garments financed by RBL
and advances as on 31 December 2016: 9.46%
Taka in crore 0.84%
Sector-wise loans 2016 2015 4.83%
Jute 1657.73 1295.87 2.25%
Tannery 445.44 364.68 1.56%
Service 217.22 215.26 1.24%
Cold storage 147.09 121.89

Textile 3958.63 3319.74 0.62%
0.55% Bircks
Garments 846.03 739.48 45.07%

Engineering 696.77 709.51

Food 393.60 383.82
Chemical 711.52 674.06
Shipping 273.35 265.19
sustainable industrialization in both developed
Shoe 21.39 21.39 and developing countries of the world. In the

Ceramic 16.26 17.49 context of Bangladesh there is no alternative to

Plastic 24.02 24.57 small and medium enterprises for rapid
Dairy 6.84 6.25 industrialization and national economic growth
Printing & publication 108.80 110.81 through lower capital investment and

employment generation.
Bricks 95.56 90.63
Rupali Bank Ltd. has undertaken the SME
Other 7894.79 5890.86
funding activities through expansion of credit to
Total 17,515.04 14,251.50

the sector emphasizing the policy of inclusion of

Industrial Credit the excluded and rejuvenating the 45 cluster
Corporate credit is the largest section of the industries in the remote area around the country.
Bank in entire credit management and it is The Bank in its SME financing scheme has
managed by the Industrial Credit Division. The been providing loan upto Tk 10.00 lac under
large loans are disbursed in line with the loan refinancing run by woman entrepreneurs.
policy of the Bank. Besides, installation of bio-gas, solar energy run
projects, professional loan under SME has been
In 2016 the Bank disbursed industrial credit in extended on priority basis.
many different sectors including textile,
garments, engineering, frozen food, chemical, RBL introduced four products for SME
transportation, footwear, hotel, medical college, financing
hospital, ceramics, plastic, dairy, poultry, cold
storage, power plant, information technology Shohoj Rin up to 2.00 lac
and ship building. The Bank always gives Peshajibi Rin up to 5.00 lac
priority to the thrust sectors to support the
national economy. Baboshayee Rin up to 3.00 crore
Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Majhari Rin up to 20.00 crore
SMEs are recognized as engine of economic
growth and employment generation for

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 128
SME loan disbursement target in the year 2017
 A newly master circular covering the broad
spectrum of SME business will be issued so
that the woman entrepreneurs may avail
SME loans.
 Target of SME loan disbursement in 2017 is
Tk 600.00 crore.
 To create opportunity for more female
 To identify 45 cluster sectors and to
strengthen those sectors to direct the
JFK Fashion financed by RBL cluster based project, export base project,
IT and tech base initiatives, cottage micro
and small enterprise, village
SME business and women entrepreneur
entrepreneurship, developing labour
financing during 2015 - 2016
intensive initiatives, woman
Taka in crore entrepreneurship as a priority basis.
Particulars 2016 2015  To impart special training Program on SME.
Target: SME loan will be disbursed among the


SME 400.00 208.50 women entrepreneurs upto Tk 10.00 lac
Women entrepreneur financing 40.00 40.00 (under refinacing project upto 50.00 lac @
Disbursement: 9% and above 50.00 lac @ 12.50%) interest
SME 240.56 214.74 rate under the new SME guidelines.
Women entrepreneur financing 10.10 22.88
Agriculture & Rural Credit
SME 1737 2641 Rupali Bank continues its financing support to
Women 285 623 rural people giving importance to the agriculture
as a priority sector. As a part of practice of

Activities and achievements of SME in 2016 sustainable banking, the Bank is very keen to
issues like green banking, green energy, green
 Amended SME circular issued for enhancing
industry, etc. As the environment in Bangladesh
of SME;
is rapidly deteriorating, environment friendly

 Publishing loan policy guideline, brochures agriculture practices gain momentum to attain
and booklet encompassing the procedure the recent ethos of green revolution. Upholding
for entrepreneurs seeking loan, loan the spirit of the green financing RBL has been
proposal preparation, sanction & providing loan facility to millions of poor in rural

disbursement of SME loan; areas.

 Field level executives and officers have Under the standing instruction of the
been empowered for loan approval; government and Bangladesh Bank, Rural Credit
 Young officers are trained in SME program Division of RBL has extended loan facility to the
for accelerating services to the middle income people, poor and ultra-poor
entrepreneurs; people for socio-economic development,
 Formation of SME monitoring cell in the all fisheries, shrimp, rearing goat, poultry, dairies,
Divisional, zonal office and corporate beef fattening, poverty alleviation, handicrafts,
branches for running SME activities; solar pannel installation, bio-gas and
 In 2016 Tk 240.56 crore has been disbursed agro-based projects, peas-bean-maize-spices
among 2022 clients/ entrepreneurs and tree plantation programmes, etc. The Bank has
Tk 10.10 crore was disbursed among 285 disbursed Tk 3.45 crore (at a concessional 5%
women entrepreneurs; rate of interest) in 2016 in Milk Production &
 Women entrepreneurs dedicated desk has Arificial Insemination Scheme refinanced by
been established in branch level; Bangladesh Bank. During the year 2016
(2016-17 FY) Tk 150 crore has been approved
 SME help desk and woman entrepreneurs
by the Board of Directors for allowing
unit has been set up at head office;
agrilcutural & rural credit credit under the
 The bank participats in SME fair and SME mentioned schemes. In this connection a total of
Woman entrepreneurs product fair. Tk 199.96 crore was disbursed in 2016.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 129
BD Thai Aluminiun Limited financed by RBL Bengal Leather Complex financed by RBL

Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade

In foreign exchange and foreign trade business Import, Export and Remitance Business
the Bank has performed significantly in 2016 in 2015 and 2016
despite the volatility in competitive foreign Taka in crore

exchange market. Division has aptly interpreted

market direction in dealing foreign exchange

Due to soaring depreciation and volatility in
foreign exchange market the Bank faced severe


challenges. By prudently managing the foreign


exchange market risk the LC settlement and
bank's currency position are properly



Import Trade 2015 2016
The Bank has made import business of BDT

10801.36 crore in 2016 from Tk 11987.70 crore Foreign Remittance

in 2015. The major import items were capital
machinery, industrial raw materials, yarn and The Bank has been active in operation of both
fabrics for the RMG industry, food items, crude inward and outward remittance. Rupali Bank's

petroleam oil, scrap ship, different consumer inward remittance covers draft drawing
items, etc. arrangement, account credit service under EFT
arrangement and cash pay out service. To
Export Trade increase inward foreign remittance the Bank has

The Bank has facilitated export based industries given special attention to establishment of
such as garment, jute and others to earn drawing arrangement with more exchange
substantial amount of foreign exchange for the companies and banks abroad. The Bank has
country. Total export business handled by the given importance to establish EFT arrangement
bank was BDT 2500.45 crore in 2016 compared with many more exchange houses and banks
to BDT 2162.78 crore in 2015 registering a abroad.
growth of 15.61%.
The total foreign remittance business stood at
Currency Trading Tk 1652.52 crore in 2016 compared to Tk
RBL trades foreign currency in the international 1850.35 crore in 2015.
currency market. Dealing room of RBL has In order to increase remittance business, the
earned Tk 57.23 lac and Tk 34.08 lac from the bank sign more drawing arrangement with
speculative deal in 2016 and 2015 respectively. exchange companies. It is anticipated that inflow
Currency Trading is done by different platforms of the remittance through the bank will increase
provided in by a number of world famous banks remarkably in the coming years. To facilitate the
who are correspondent with the Bank. For the remittance of money of expatriate Bangladeshi
purpose of currency trading, Reuters Dealing workers the Bank has a plan to open its own
System (Code: RBBD) has newly introduced at exchange house abroad. For convenience of the
the Dealing Room including Voice Recorder and expatriate Bangladeshi the Bank will post skilled
all other highly sophisticated logistic supports. human resources in the exchange house so that

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 130
the remitted money can easily and quickly be Proactively review and manage potential liquidity
deposited to the beneficiaries account. To and interest rate risks which may arise from
achieve the goal, the Bank has automated its market movements, regulatory changes
remittance system so that the beneficiary can and/changes in the economic/political
receive the payment as spot cash immediately environment.
with the help of Web-based Remittance The Bank is maintaining a diversified and stable
Management Software (RMS). In order to funding. Management of liquidity and funding is
ensure, improved remittance services to the carried out by the treasury division under
beneficiaries the Bank has established approved policy guidelines.
Remittance Division.
Creating an optimal capital structure that
Treasury Operation maximises equity returns while meeting the
The role of treasury division extends from requirements of regulators and markets.
day-to-day cash management, short-term and Investment Management team has a long
long-term liquidity planning and protection, short experience and is able to leverage their
and mid-term investments, driving ALCO and expertise to advise and manage institutional
taking up equity capital planning for the portfolio.
Future outlook
Rupali Bank Limited has an approved Asset Cautious fiscal and monetary policy adjustments
Liability Management (ALM) policy, the key adopted by the central bank helped the

responsibility of which lies with the Asset Liability economy and macro-economic stability extent
Management Committee (ALCO) comprising and this approach is widely expected to be
senior management of the organisation. ALCO embraced through 2016. Though in the
holds the responsibilities of post-elections regime, key political risks have
become subdued to some extent, interest rates
Investment Position as on 31 December 2016
will critically hinge on liquidity in the banking
Particulars Amount network, the Government's bank borrowings
target as well as the Bangladesh Bank's stance
A. Government Securities on money supply and inflation control. RBL will
a) Treasury Bill 549.51 continue to accelerate its deposit base, look to

b) Treasury Bond 3144.04 diversify its funding sources and enhance

i) Interest Bearing 2466.11 participation in avenues that will help the bank
ii) Non Interest Bearing 677.93 lower the cost of credit, including tapping the
Bangladesh Bank's refinancing window towards

c) Bangladesh Bank Bill 2148.98

ensuring a comfortable liquidity position at an
d) Reverse Repo (BB) - optimum cost.
e) Prize Bond 0.80
Asset Quality

Sub Total 5,843.33 Loan quality and asset quality are two terms
B. Other Investment basically bear the same meaning. A bad quality
a) Debenture 1.34 loan has a higher probability of becoming a
b) Mutual Fund 146.00 non-performing loan with no return. Quality of
c) Share asset is a major area of attention of RBL. Credit
i) Ordinary Share 189.21 facilities will be extended to the customers who
will comply with the credit policy of the Bank. The
ii) Preference Share 550.00
non-performing loan ratio of the Bank in 2016
d) Subordinated Bond 1235.24 was 20.64% at Tk 3484.85 crore as compaired to
e) Commercial Paper - 17.00% at Tk 2341.76 crore in 2015.
Sub Total 2,121.80
Loan Classification and Provisioning
Total Investment in Securities (A+B) 7,965.13 As per Bangladesh Bank circular, the bank has
C. Running Investment identified to calculate the total amount of
i) Money at Call 243.00 classified loan for the year 2016 is Tk 3484.85
ii) Fixed Deposit Receipt 2279.89 crore compared to Tk 2341.76 crore at the end
of 2015. The Bank has kept provision both for
Grand Total (A+B+C) 10,488.02 classified and unclassified loan Tk 1001.24
ensuring a systematic management process for crore.
tracking Balance Sheet risks in a timely manner;

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 131
A hundred percent export-based jute thread Beautiful Jackets Limited 100% export oriented
producing mill financed by RBL Garments financed by RBL

Recovery of NPL children, females, old aged persons,

RBL has strengthened the efforts to reduce the businessmen etc. RBL has added seven new
classified loans and advances through intensive products with distinctive features in its deposit
monitoring, reviewing and taking other scheme product line. The newly launched seven
appropriate mesures. Classified loans amounting products are- Rupali Monthly Savings Scheme
Tk 294.80 crore was recovered in cash in 2016. (RMSS), Rupali Quarterly Profit Scheme

A comparative position of recovery of RBL is as (RQPS), Rupali Lakhopati Deposit Scheme
(RLDS), Rupali Kotipati Deposit Scheme
(RKDS), Rupali students' Savings Account
Particulars 2016 2015 (RSSA), Pathophul and Rupali Festival Deposit
Target 830.00 310.00 Scheme (RFDS).
Recovery (Cash+Adjustment) 954.72 354.88 Alternate Delivery Channels
Recovery (%) 115.03 114.48 For having a sustainable banking system and
expediting the convenience of the customers,
Branch Expansion

RBL has opened Alternate Banking Division in

Rupali Bank is committed to expanding its branch
March 2011 for effectively monitoring the
network across the country with a vision to
functioning of the alternate delivery channels
increase financial inclusion though the Bank has
such as Own Branded ATM, BEFTN, BACH

a substantial network in the rural as well as urban

programme, Data Connectivity support for
areas. We are increasing our more presence in
smooth operation of CBS, CIB online system,
local communities across the country. There had
been no branch added in branch network in web-based remittance management system and

RBL since 1980. It is surprising enough that after Rupali Bank Human Resource Management
30 years 11 branches were supplemented in the System. The division also provide redundant
exsisting branch network in 2011. Three connection to head office and branches for
branches were opened in 2012. Further, 22 new business benefit. The major acheivments in
branches were opend in 2013, 7 branches in 2016 are given in "Information Technology and
2014, 19 branches in 2015 and 8 branches in Financial Services" chapter of this annual report.
2016 at different business potential areas around Core Banking Solution (CBS)
the country. The total number of branches has Rupali Bank has selected the Core Banking
now increased to 562 in 2016.
Solution (CBS) branded 'IntelecTM 10' of Sonali
Deposit Products Polaris FT Limited (SPFTL) in the heart of its
Product marketing is directed at providing operation.
service to satisfy customer's financial needs and Under CBS project recently all branches of the
wants. Some saleable products with effective bank are in live operation.
branding meet customer's immediate financial
needs and others meet the long-term needs. For Implementation of Basel-III
this a bank product may include deposit scheme, The Bank has given emphasis in implementation
an account offering more flexibilities, technically of Basel-III in line with Bangladesh Bank
sound banking, and innovative schemes guidelines that deals with three distinct areas,
targeted to special group of customers like commonly known as pillars. The phase-in

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 132
arrangement for Basel-III implementation for
minimum capital requirment against risk
weighted asset (RWA) will be as follows:
Phase-in Arragement : Minimum total capital
plus capital conservation buffer

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

10.00% 10.625% 11.25% 11.875% 12.50% 12.50%

Barrister Zakir Ahamad College Branch, B. Baria

Capital Adequacy of RBL as on 31 December Taka in core
2016 Particulars 2016
Regulatory Capital : 1183.65
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR) Tk. 1769.77
Tier-1 Capital (2+3) 890.81
Regulatory Capital of RBL Tk. 1183.65 Common Equity Tier-1 Capital (CET-1) 890.81
Capital to risk weighted asset Ratio (CRAR) 6.69% Additional Tier-1 Capital (AT-1) -
Tier-2 Capital 292.83
The Bank Board is strictly monitoring three

Total Regulatory Capital (1+4) 1183.65
directives-minimum capital reserve, supervisory Total Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) 17697.73
review process and market discipline in line with Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ration (CRAR) (A5/B0*100 6.69%
Basel-III as framed by Basel Committee on Common Equity Tier-1 to RWA (A2/B)*100 5.03 %
Banking Supervision (BCBS). Till December 31, Tier-2 Capital to RWA (A1/B)*100 5.03 %
2016, the risk-based asset of the bank stood at Tier-2 Capital to RWA (A4/B)*100 1.66 %
Tk 17697.73 crore and as per Basel-III at the Minimum Capital Requirment (MCR) 1769.77
rate of 10 per cent, the Minimum Capital
Internal Control and Risk Management
Requirement is Tk 1769.77 crore. At the same
A system of effective internal controls is a

time the total capital of the Bank stood at Tk critical component of bank management and a
1183.65 crore. That means, there is capital foundation for the safe and sound operation of
short-fall of the Bank against the risk-based the organization. A system of strong internal
controls can help to ensure that the goals and

assets till December 31, 2016.

objectives of a banking organization will be
Capital to risk weighted asset Ratio (CRAR) met, that the bank will achieve long-term
As per the provisions of Section 13(2) of the profitability targets, and maintain reliable

Bank Companies Act 1991 and BRPD circulars financial and managerial reporting. Such a
no. 18 December 21, 2014 issued by system can also help to ensure that the bank
will comply with laws and regulations as well
Bangladesh Bank, adequate capital needs to be
as policies, plans, internal rules and
maintained by all commercial banks to operate procedures, and decrease the risk of
the banking activities smoothly. Rupali Bank unexpected losses or damage to the bank's
Limited needs to be maintained adequate capital reputation.
to ensure the safety of its stakeholders' interest Internal control is a process conducted
as well as the soundness its operation. The monitored by the board of directors, senior
Bank maintained total capital of Tk 1183.65 crore management and all levels of personnel. It is
as against required Tk 1769.77 crore (10% of not solely a procedure or policy that is
performed at a certain point of time, rather it is
RWA of Tk 1769.77 crore). The CRAR is 6.69% at
continually operating at all levels within the
the same time there is a capital short-fall of Tk bank. The board of directors and senior
586.13 crore. Minimum Capital Requirment management are responsible for establishing
(MCR) Under Risk Based Capital Adequacy in the appropriate culture to facilitate an effective
line of Basel-III. internal control process and for monitoring its
effectiveness on an ongoing basis; however,
each individual within an organization must
participate in the process.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 133
Key features of Internal Control System are as 07 August 2012 has provided "Report on
follows: Corporate Governance" section.
 Management oversight and the control Sustainable Banking
culture Rupali Bank Limited has been integrating
 Risk recognition and assessment 'sustainability' into core banking practices
 Control activities and segregation of duties through green banking, corporate social
responsibility, financial inclusion and financial
 Information and communication education. The society and environment oriented
 Monitoring activities and correcting banking practices gradually created the concept
deficiencies of sustainable banking.
The Board of Directors of the Bank has formed Coporate Social Resposibility
Audit Committee and Risk Management Our CSR initiatives aim at responding to the
Committee to properly perform ICC related huge unmet demand of the society. We
activities with the help of Compliance Division, contribute generously to the nourishment of
Monitoring Division and Audit & Inspection education, art, crafts, culture, health, sports,
Division and Risk Management Division. In literature, publication etc in the country
addition the Bank sends reports to Bangladesh irrespective of caste, creed and color. Rupali
Bank on implemention of ICC policy and Bank Ltd. has contributed Tk 1.17 crore to meet
self-assesment of anti-fraud internal control the CSR obligation in 2016. For detail a separate

quarterly with recommendation of bank’s Board report is attached under the title "Report on
audit committee. Corporate Social Responsibility".
Human Resource Management Green Banking
RBL manages human resources through its Rupali Bank is playing a big role to combat the
Administration and Human Resource Division. challenges of climate disaster created due to
For better HR management the board of industrial havoc. Different conferences put the
directors of the bank has approved Human thrust for compensation to the poor countries to
Resource Policy-2011. The objectives of our mitigate the losses created due to global
human resource strategies are to attract warming. The Bank remains very serious to

qualified personnel by creating a motivated make the bank operations environment-friendly

workplace and encourage employees to
and that's why the Bank discourages financing
maintain professional skills and give them the
any project which pollutes the environment.
opportunity to develop and grow, create a strong

Financing in green project ensures paperless

management team.
banking by establishing full automation and
Rupali Bank Training Academy (RBTA) is online banking. The bank is interested to install
working for appropriate training to maintain solar panel and biogas plants. Solar panel is

professional skills with a view to familiarize with partially installed in six branches of the Bank.
the desk oriented job, acquire versatile Details of green banking is discussed in the
knowledge and emerging issues in banking "Report on Green Banking".
operations, attend the assigned task with due
caution, courage and confidence, change of Financial Inclusion
attitude to offer satisfactory services to the Financial inclusion combats poverty by
clients. The detail of HR management in RBL unblocking advancement opportunities for the
has attached "Report on Human Resources." disadvantaged poor, thereby fostering social
inclusion and inclusive socio-economic
Corporate Governance growth.
Rupali Bank Limited is committed to comply with
the standards of corporate governance. The The Bank aims at working with financial
bank has amended its Memorandum and Articles
inclusion considering as a major dimension of
the broader notion of social inclusion, or
of Association in the EGM held on 17 February
people's opportunity for contributing to and
2010 following which all the legal formalities
benefiting from social and economic progress.
have been completed. Thus Rupali Bank Ltd.
With this backdrop the Bank has included the
has been enjoying the status of a corporate following roadmaps to achieve the goal of
entity. The detail of corporate governance financial inclusions:
practices in RBL and compliance report as per
SEC ordinance 1969 stated in notification no  Supporting the poor segment of people by
SEC/OMRRCD/2006- 158/134/Admin/44 dated
tagging them with the bank's CSR policy;

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 134
 Providing banking services to the grown regional cluster based small industries
unbanked segment of population by across the country and these have now become
implementing government and a loan focus of the Bank. The bank is contunuing
Bangladesh Bank inclusive program; financing in SME business. The bank extended
 Access to small-sized loans for income loan to the small medium enterprenuers and
generating self-employment people; women enterprenuers. The bank has disbursed
 Expansion of bank branches in rural Tk 240.56 crore for SME business in 2016. In
areas; addition, working capital financing is an
important credit focus of Rupali Bank and this
 Taking the refinance line from Bangladesh works as a driving force of many small trade and
Bank for running agricultural credit businesses. Through export and import business
program for rural economic bank contributes a lot to foreign currency
activities; reserve.
 Extension of microfinance and The Bank has been active in receiving
SME activities among the low remittances from Bangladeshi workers working
income generating people; abroad. Inward foreign remittance plays a
 Introduction of cost efficient significant role in reducing the bank's
financial services like mobile dependency on interbank market for payment of
banking & ATM among financially import bills in foreign currency. In 2016 the total
excluded section of the society; remittance stood at Tk 1652.52 crore as against

Tk 1850.35 crore in 2015.
 Raising low cost deposit by
opening school banking accounts We make an economic impact by creating
as a sort of financial inclusion. employment and a well-trained workforce. RBL
A detail report on the financial with its increasing trends of workforce signaling
inclusion unveiled financial inclusion employment generation in banking sectors
enforces the sectors on strong footings.
activities in RBL is discribed later in
this report. Under the central bank's directives the financial
inclusion program is implemented through
Contribution to the National Economy

opening accounts of "unbanked" people so that

Commercial banks play an important and active it can generate waves in the mainstream
role in the economy of a country. Banks as economy.
intermediary take deposit and provide financial
As a part of its social responsibility Rupali Bank

services to its customers. To put it simply, it

helps extensively in capital formation, promotion responds to different financing issues of social,
of trade and growth of industry through educational, health, culture and environment
financing, enhancing financial inclusion by areas.

increasing the geographical and demographic Rupali Bank with its two subsidiaries are
coverage, generation of employment, conducting capital market operations.
augmenting the individual's income, etc. As a
Rupali Bank contributes to the economy paying
financial service provider, Rupali Bank Limited
out fair share of taxes to the government. The
contributes to the economic prosperity by
Bank paid Tk 189.88 crore for tax in 2016.
providing diversified financial products and
services among the market segments. Rupali We strongly believe that sustainable economic
Bank envisages to achieve the government's growth attaches due importance to
industrial policy goal through the credits environmental factors; RBL, therefore, gives
disbursement to the different industrial sectors priority in financing green projects.
including jute, leather, small & cottage, cold Contribution to the National Exchequer
storage, textile, garments, engineering, food,
chemicals, shipping, shoe, ceramic, plastic, dairy In connection with government revenue collection
printing and publications etc. Industrialization RBL has contributed to the process in the form of
expands the horizon of the economy. Based on
staff income tax, corporate tax, VAT and excise
the income year as on 31 December 2016,
Rupali Bank has a total credit exposure of Tk duty. RBL deposits the amount to the national
17515.04 crore. Besides, Rupali Bank by sells exchequer.
four significant products augment to the small
and medium industries projects as traditionally

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 135
Total payment to the national exchequer during  Authorised Dealer branches of the Bank will
the year 2015 and 2016 are: be increased;
 Mobile Banking business will be expanded
Taka in crore for greater coverage of the target market
Patrticulars 2016 2015 segment;
Tax deducted at source 192.78 180.08
VAT deducted at source 19.25 19.61  The Bank will give more emphasis on green
Excise duty deducted 32.56 18.45 banking, corporate social responsibility,
Corporate Tax 189.88 41.32 financial inclusion, etc.;
Tax paid by employee - 54.22  Continued to develop the employees'
Total 434.47 313.68 database and borrower's database;
Future Outlook  Shifting of branches, branch up-gradation
and renovation will be continued at
The global financial meltdown caused a spillover
commercially important locations.
effect in the economy around the world. The
efficacy of policy tools and their applications in  CBS will be developed in all its modules in
managing systemic crises were challenged. relation to online banking services.
These almost inevitably compelled the policy Financial Analysis
makers and financial sectors supervisors to
Total Assets
revisit their policy choices.
Total asset of RBL stood at Tk 33410.85 crore in
Bangladesh, though, suffered little from the 2016 from Tk 30054.98 crore in 2015 registering

crisis, but in no way can it remain complacent, a growth of 11.17%. The increase in asset of
as the chance of future vulnerabilities can never RBL was mainly driven by growth of customer
be ignored. With financial systems becoming deposits. The growth of deposits was used for
more and more complex and the global financial funding growth in credit and holding of securities
system being more interconnected, such
for SLR purpose.
apprehension is plausible and understandable.
As the major trends in banking industry with Growth of Balance Sheet Items
respect to their impact on their financial stability, Outstanding Tk in crore Growth
the banks are at the hub of the credit 2016 2015 of RBL%

intermediation process between savers and Assets 33,410.85 30,054.98 11.17%

investors and provide critical services to different Deposits 27,911.60 25,382.96 9.96%
stakeholders and the strength and resilience of Loans & Advances 17,515.04 14,251.50 22.90%
the industry is the foundation for sustainable

economic growth.
RBL's investment decreased during the year by
The Bank is completely prepared to meet the Tk 285.12 crore and stood at Tk 7965.12 crore
challenges it may face in its pursuit for growth on 31 December 2016.
and development.

Loans and Advances

Against the backdrop for achieving the short and
long term goals, RBL will concentrate the focus Loans and advances of RBL comprised
on the following: Tk 17515.04 crore in 2016 showing a growth of
22.90% during the year. Yield on loans and
 RBL is well placed to meet the challenges of
advances of RBL is 9.48% due to reduction of
2016 and will strive to arrest the opportunity
lending rates on corporate and medium scale
for growth;
financing as imposed by Bangladesh Bank.
 The Bank will maintain to fasten the budding
sectors such as retail, SME, remittance and Borrowings from Financial Institutions and
financial inclusive programmes; Agents
 RBL will bring the SME under the The borrowing represents RBL's borrowing
mainstream of its loan portfolio to absorb a against refinance from Bangladesh Bank.
huge section of people for employment; Refinance was taken for rural financing and
 Continued to launch new deposit, loan and against nostro accounts abroad.
remittance products and innovative services; Deposits
 kept on expansion of branch network in rural The deposits of RBL grew by 9.96% in 2016.
and urban area; The growth was supported by branch network
 The alternate delivery channels will be and improvement in quality services provided to
expanded for sustainable banking; customers. Retail liability team has carried out
campaign for mobilization of no cost and low

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 136
cost deposits. No cost and low cost deposits Non-interest Income
comprised 44.42% of the deposits as against The non-interest income of RBL stood at 214.03
37.01% in the previous year. However, fixed crore in 2016 compared to 210.73 crore in 2015.
deposits remained the main component of
deposits contributing about 55.58% of the total Tk. in crore
deposits. The clientele group of the bank was Particulars 2016 2015
individuals, corporation, NGO, NBFI, Commission 8.49 13.03
government and private bodies etc.
Exchange 148.07 141.85
Deposit-mix 2016
(in percentage) Service Charge 37.74 39.00
Other Deposit
1.43% Current & Miscellaneous 19.31 14.80
Contingent current & Contingent
Scheme Deposit 4.32% Bills payable Other operating income 0.42 2.06
12.08% savings
Bills payable
Short term deposit Total 214.03 210.73
Scheme Deposit

Other Deposit Non-interest Income
Short term deposit Savings
11.19% 21.61%

Types of Outstanding Growth
deposits (Taka in crore) 2016
2016 2015 (%) 2015
Current & Contingent 1205.00 1134.89 4.32
Bills payable 244.31 187.27 0.88
Savings 6031.22 4764.00 21.61
Short term deposits 4517.66 2719.46 16.19
FDR 12137.47 13942.99 43.49
Total Operating Expenses

Scheme Deposits 3376.29 2045.16 12.08 Total operating expenses increased by Tk 68.77
Other deposits 399.65 589.19 1.43 crore during the year mainly due to increase in
personnel and other operating expenses. To
Total Deposits 27911.60 25382.96 100.00
match with the growth of SME and retail

business and branch expansion substantial

Shareholders' Fund number of manpower was recruited especially in
RBL shareholders' fund position was Tk 1165.64 SME and retail segments will benefit the bank in

crore at the close of 2016. Paid-up capital of the broad spectrum. RBL also made CSR activities
bank stood Tk 276.04 crore on 31 December amounting to Tk 1.17 crore. RBL also focused on
2016. The statutory reserve stood at Tk 287.20 developing brand image and increased
crore. Distributable profit was Tk 86.42 crore promotional and advertisement expenses. This
during the year. The strong growth in strategy added value to the business. The
shareholders' fund will help the bank to expand Bank's cost-income ratio is 104.11% in 2016
its business. from 89.71% in 2015. Considering these factors,
Net Interest Income the ratio indicates the satisfactory operating
RBL's net interest income stood at Tk (175.43) efficiency of the Bank.
crore in 2016. Interest earned from loans and The productivity of the employee continued to
advances and profit earned on investment grow which is evident from the following ratio:
remained the principal component of interest
income. The interest cost of deposits was the Taka in crore
main component of interest expenses. Particulars 2016 2015
Income per employee 0.40 0.43
Investment Income
RBL's investment income consists of interest Profit before tax per employee (0.02) 0.02
earned on treasury bills and bonds and dividend Asset per employee (excluding
6.14 5.32
received on shares. Investment income contingent)
decreased by Tk 92.14 crore and stood at Tk
595.24 crore during the year.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 137
Appropriation of Profit Particulars 2016 2015
In 2016 the Bank earned operating profit of NPL ratio 20.64% 17.00%
Tk (88.78) crore before provision and tax which has Provision 100.00% 100.00%
been appropriated as follows:
Recovery against Classified and Written-off
Taka in crore
Particulars 2016 2015 Loans
Profit before Provision & Tax (88.78) 250.20 RBL was able to recover Tk 294.80 crore in cash
Provision for Loans & Advances & off Balance Sheet Items - 96.60 against classified loans and Tk 10.92 crore cash
Other Provisin - 47.52
Total Provision - 144.12
against witten-off loans in 2016.
Net Profit before Tax (88.78) 106.08 Net Profit before Tax
Current Tax 12.96 18.85
Deferred Tax 24.11 63.73 After making provision, net profit before tax of
Total Provision for Tax 37.07 82.58 RBL stood at Tk (88.78) crore.
Net Profit after Tax (125.86) 23.50
Add: Income Transferred from Revaluation Reserve - - Provision for Income Tax
Add: Retained Surplus from Previous Year 60.94 135.74
Appropiation of Profit: - Provision against current year income tax of RBL
Statutory Reserve - 21.22 was Tk 12.96 crore and net deferred tax asset
General Reserve - - was Tk 24.11 crore for the year 2016.
Retained Surplus 86.42 143.44
Net Profit after Tax
Analysis of Income Statement of RBL Net Profit after tax stood at Tk (125.86) crore in

Taka in crore 2016. The calculated earning per share (EPS) is
SL Tk (4.56) in December 2016. Average ROA and
No Particulars 2016 2015
ROE stood at (0.10)% and (2.58)% respectively.
1 Net interest income (175.43) (173.30)
2 Investment income 595.24 687.38 Statutory Reserve
3 Non interest income 214.03 210.73 As per Bank Company Act 1991, 20 per cent of
operating profit before tax is required to be
4 Total operating income 633.83 724.81
transferred to statutory reserve.
5 Total operating expenses 722.61 474.61
General Reserve
6 Profit before tax and (88.78) 250.20

General reserve stood at Tk 151.33 transfer to

retained earning as on 31 December 2016.
7 General Provision on loans - 5.00
Preparation of Financial and other
8 Provision for classified - 72.30
Non-financial Statements

9 General provision on
The financial statements are prepared by the
- 19.30 Bank in line with the Bangladesh Accounting
Off - Balance Sheet Item
10 Other provisions
Standards (BASs), Bangladesh Financial
- 47.52

Reporting Standards (BFRSs) and the format

11 Net profit before tax (88.78) 106.08 prescribed by Bangladesh Bank vide BRPD
12 Provision for tax 37.08 82.58 Circular No. 14 dated 25 June 2003. All the
13 Net profit after tax financial statements provide a true and fair
(125.86) 23.50
observation of the position of the bank affairs as
on 31 December 2016. The results of operation
Provision for Classified Loans and the enclosed disclosures are prepared in
Total provision against classified loan was accordance with the applicable sections of the
Tk 848.91 crore in 2016 as against Tk 848.91 Bank Company Act, 1991 and other applicable
crore of previous year. Provision against laws and regulations. The financial statements
unclassified loans was made to Tk 142.46 crore are duly certified by the statutory auditors with
as against Tk 106.32 crore of previous year. an unqualified report.
General provision requirement on off-balance Other non-financial reports such as those on
sheet outstanding had to be provided Tk 16.94 management review and analysis, corporate
crore in 2016 as against Tk 62.92 crore of governance, risk management, CSR,
previous year. It is to be noted that general sustainability, human resource management,
provision is regarded as Tier-II capital of the green banking, financial inclusion, etc. have
bank and provides safeguard against future been prepared in line with regulatory
default and supports business growth by requirement and for transparency to the
strengthening the capital base. stakeholders.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 138
Dividends Annual General Meeting
In order to achieve a regulatory capital adequacy Annual General Meeting will be held on 11 June,
ratio of the Bank, the Board of Directors 2017. The Directors' Report and financial
recommended 10% stock dividend for the statements were approved at 1023th Board
esteemed shareholders for the year 2016. As a meeting held on 27 April, 2017 for presentation
result the new paid-up capital of the Bank will to the shareholders.
stand at Tk 303.64 crore in 2016 as against Tk
276.04 crore in 2015. Increased capital fund will
enable the Bank to expedite business activities. The Board of Directors of Rupali Bank Ltd.
expresses profound gratitude to the Ministry of
Shareholders' Value Finance of the Government. of the People's
RBL remains fully committed to delivery of higher Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Securities
shareholder value. The high profitability track and Exchange Commission, Dhaka Stock
record underpins the value the shareholders Exchange Ltd, Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd,
derived from investing in the shares of Rupali Bangladesh Bank, Registrar of Joint Stock
Bank Limited. The earning per share (EPS) stood Companies of Bangladesh, Central Depository
at Tk (4.56) in 2016. Bangladesh Limited (CDBL) and other regulatory
organizations for their extending co-operation
Meetings of the Board of Directors:
through cordial effort, proper guidance and
During the year 29 meetings of the Board of valuable counsel time to time. Besides this, I
Directors, 13 meetings of the Audit Committee convey hearty thanks to the Executives, Officers

01 meeting of the Executive Committee and 04 and Staff of the Bank for holding the trend of
meetings of Risk Management Committee were success high successively through untiring
held in 2016. Discussions were made and diligence, earnest effort, profound cordiality and
decisions were taken on various financial, improved service. The Board of Directors also
operational, administrative and policy making
offers appreciation and recognition to the
matters of the Bank in these meetings. external Auditors engaged in auditing the
Rotation of Directors accounts of the bank as well as all officers/staff
In accordance with in provision of section 91 (2) involved in this work by dint of whose labour the
of the Companies Act, 1994, regulation 79 & 80 Annual Report of the Bank has been prepared.

of schedule 1 of that Act and Article No 131, 132 In fine, I, on behalf of the Board of Directors
and 133 of the Articles of Association of the express gratitude to the esteemed customers,
Bank, one third of the senior directors from patrons, well-wishers and valued shareholders
among the existing directors of the Board of for extending their relentless support and

Directors will retire each year in the Annual co-operation for leading the activities of the bank
General Meeting. At present, the number of ahead successively. I hope, the bank will
existing nominated director except the Managing succeed in attaining its continued progress in the
Director and the Independent Director is 08

days to come through co-operation and

(Eight). It is mentioned that the senior directors concerted efforts of all levels.
who will retire in the meeting, will be
re-appointed by the government and they will be I wish you all overall welfare and prosperity.
holding their position for the period as fixed by
the Government. With this backdrop three senior On behalf of the Board of Directors
Directors of the Board will come in rotation in the
Appointment of Auditor
According to provision of section 210 of the (Monzur Hossain)
Companies Act, 1994, external auditor farms Chairman
were engaged for conducting the audit of
accounts for the year in question i.e. 2016. As
per policy issued in 1991 by Bangladesh Bank,
the same external auditor farm is eligible for
appointment as external auditor for consecutive
3 (three) years. So the external auditor farms
who audited the bank’s accounts in 2016 will be
reappointed in the 31th Annual General Meeting
of the Bank.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 139
A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA

Chairman, Risk Management Committee


Report of the
Risk Management Committee
Organizational Structure of RMC:
1. Members of the committee were
nominated by the board of directors from
2. The Risk Management Committee
comprises of 05 (five) board members;
3. Members are appointed for a 03 (three)
years term of office;
Report of the 4. Company secretary of the bank is the
secretary of the Risk Management

Risk Committee.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Risk
Management Committee:
Management i) Risk identification & control policy :
Formulation and implementation of
Committee appropriate strategies for risk assessment
and its control is the responsibility of Risk
In compliance with the Bank Company Act

Management Committee. Risk
(Amended 2013) and BRPD Circular 11 dated Management Committee will monitor risk
27 October 2013, the Board Risk management policies & methods and
Management Committee has been formed. co amend it if necessary. The committee will
Board Risk Management Committee has been
review the risk management process to
functioning as a sub-committee of the Board
of Directors. The Risk Management ensure effective prevention and control
Committee was formed to play an effective
role in mitigating impending risks arising out ii) Construction of organizational
from the various activities of the bank. structure:
Strategies and policies formulated by the

Board with a view to carry out the The responsibility of Risk Management
responsibilities efficiently entrusted on the Committee is to ensure an adequate
committee. After addressing and assessing organizational structure for managing risk
various risk areas like credit risks, foreign within the bank. The Risk Management

exchange risks, internal control and Committee will supervise formation of

compliance risks, money laundering risks, separate management level committees
information and communication risks, and monitor their activities for the

management risks, interest risks, liquidity risks compliance of instructions of lending risk,
etc.; the risk management committee foreign exchange transaction risk, internal
scrutinizes whether appropriate risk control & compliance risk, money
management measures are being put in place laundering risk, information &
and applied and whether adequate capital and
communication risk including other risk
provision is being maintained against the risks
identified. related guidelines.
iii) Analysis and approval of Risk
Composition of Risk Management
Management policy:
Committee (RMC)
Risk management policies & guidelines of
The Board Risk Management committee (31
the bank should be reviewed annually by
December 2016) comprises of the following
members: the committee. The committee will
propose amendments if necessary and
Sl. Status in the
Name of Members Status in Bank
Committee send it to the Board of Directors for their
01 A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Directorof the Board Chairman approval. Besides, other limits including
02 Barrister Zakir Ahammad Director of the Board Member lending limit should be reviewed at least
03 Dina Ahsan Director of the Board Member once annually and should be amended, if
04 Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director of the Board Member necessary.
05 Abu Sufian Director of the Board Member

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 141
iv) Storage of data & Reporting system: Activities and deliberations during the year
Adequate record keeping & reporting 2016
system developed by the Bank The Board Risk Management Committee
management will be approved by the risk carried out its regular functions on areas
management committee. The committee pertaining to its responsibilities duteously
will ensure proper use of the system. The throughout the year. Activities and major
committee will minute its proposal, decisions have been made during the year are
suggestions & summary in a specific as follows:
format & inform the Board of Directors. • Reviewed all the reports such as
v) Monitoring the implementation of Basel-III, Stress testing, ICAAP, Risk
overall Risk Management Policy: Management Papers etc & the functions
Risk Management Committee will monitor of core risks management committee of
proper implementation of overall risk RBL;
management policies. They will monitor • Reviewed risk management policy,
whether proper steps have been taken to guideline & limits.
mitigate all risks including lending risk, • Measured & monitor risk involved in
market risk, and management risk. different areas of RBL;
vi) Other responsibilities: • Conveyed meeting with each core risks

1. Committee’s decision and suggestions management committee for reviewing &
should be submitted to the Board of monitoring the implementation of CRM
Directors quarterly in short form; guidelines quarterly;
2. Comply instructions issued time to time by • Monitored compliance issues regarding
the controlling body; risk management of RBL;
3. Internal & external auditor will submit • Established proper organizational
respective evaluation report whenever structure of core risk management
required by the committee. committee.
• Initiatives have been taken for the

1. The risk management committee should implementation of Core risk management
hold at least 4 meetings in a year and it guidelines;
can sit any time as it may deem fit; • Conveyed monthly/quarterly or necessity

2. The committee may invite Chief Executive based meeting with the different
Officer, Chief Risk Officer and any other stakeholder of risk management process;
Officer to its meetings, if it deems • Recommended & suggested the

necessary; management to improve the risk

3. To ensure active participation and management rating, CAMELS rating etc;
contribution by the members, a detailed • Submitted summery of decisions and
memorandum should be distributed to recommendation of the committee
committee members well in advance quarterly to board of directors;
before each meeting; • Arranged meeting as and when required
4. All decisions/ observations of the on various issues to determine strategies
committee should be noted in minutes. in consistency with risk management
policy, which can measure, monitor and
Meeting of the Board Risk Management
Committee during the year 2016 maintain acceptable risk level of the bank.
Minutes of each meeting has been
Sl .
No . Name Of Directors Position
Date of
held Attended submitted to Bangladesh Bank on
A K M Delwer Hussain, Director &
27-07-2015 4 4
quarterly basis;
FCMA Chairman
Barrister Zakir Director &
10-11-2013 4 3 • Communicated with Ministry of Finance as
Ahammad Member
03 Dina Ahsan
Director &
20-06-2016 4 4
well as Bangladesh Bank, prepare the
Director & papers & submit to them as per their
04 Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid 28-05-2013 4 4
Director &
instructions to receiving the
05 Abu Sufian 08-07-2013 4 2
Member recapitalization fund from Government of

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 142
People’s Republic of Bangladesh; • To create awareness among the officers of
• Committee instructed to take proper steps the bank regarding Core Risks & ICAAP;
for reducing the gap between Risk • To coordinate the respective divisions for
Sensitive Assets & Risk Sensitive complying risk management issues of
Liabilities. MOU-2017;
• Committee advised, proper Collateral • To formulate Action Plan to upgrade RBL’s
Securities will have to be taken against resilience capacity, CAMELS Rating, Core
every loan and force sale value will have Risk Management rating as well as Bank’s
to be reported correctly. own Credit rating in line with the
• New corporate loans must be evaluated instructions of senior management;
properly before disbursement and unrated • To develop a separate Basel unit for
loan accounts should be rated. implementing Basel accord.
• To reduce NPL and monitoring new loans Acknowledgements
from being classified and maintain due The Board Risk Management Committee
diligence regarding new clients. Bilateral expresses its sincere thanks and gratitude
discussion with defaulted borrowers is to the respected members of the Board,
also held by the honorable directors of management and authorities, in particular
Risk Management Committee. The and Bangladesh Bank for their excellent

committee gives valuable guidelines to the support. The Bank is performing its due
borrowers which play a vital role in role as per Bangladesh Bank’s guidelines.
recovery of defaulted loans. Conveyed special thanks to the officials
• A new organogram has been developed
for Risk Management Division according
who are directly dealing with the risk
management of the Bank and prepare the
to Bangladesh Bank guideline for piece of writing on Risk Management and
strengthening Risk Management. Control Environment and Market
• Risk Management Committee at disclosures under Pillar III of Basel III for
management level is formed to review risk the year 2016.

profile of the bank regularly, to ensure For and on behalf of the Board Risk
effectiveness of internal control system Management Committee.
and computation of adequate capital.

Future Plan of Risk Management Division in

• Implementation of Basel-III;
• To ensure implementation of Core Risks

Management Guideline in RBL with a view

to managing risks as well as increasing
profit; (A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA)
• To prepare Internal Capital Adequacy Chairman, Risk Management Committee
Assessment Process (ICAAP) for the

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 143

Risk Management
Control Environment
A. Risk Management in RBL
The prime objective of the risk management by
RBL is taking calculative business risks while
safeguarding the bank's capital, its financial
resources and profitability from various risks.
Risk management in RBL is conducted by high
Report of the officials who are able to analyze and manage
banking risk efficiently and create positive
Risk Management business environment. A number of techniques
are applied to efficiently manage the

and Control operational risk in RBL’s business.

Management Organization

Environment The following chart provides a schematic

overview of the risk management governance
structure of Rupali Bank Ltd.
Risk Management Framework.
The process of identification, analysis and

either acceptance or mitigation of uncertainty
in investment decision-making is risk
management. Risk is the likelihood of an co
undesirable event to occur or the effect of an
adverse outcome. Banking risk is the
potentiality of losing asset. Banks face several
types of risks. Risk is not just about threats and
challenges; it is also about taking advantage of

Risk management is the process of

measuring or assessing the actual or potential
dangers of a particular situation. It focuses on

reporting, oversight and segregation of duties

within the organization.
The overall focus of risk management of Rupali

Bank Ltd. (RBL) in 2016 was on maintaining

Fig: Related risk management committees in RBL
bank’s risk profile in line with bank’s risk
strategy, strengthening its capital base and The Deputy Managing Director is given the
supporting the bank’s strategic goals. responsibility of the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of
RBL. The CRO is accountable for the overall
risk management function.
B. Core Risk Management Committees of
Rupali Bank Ltd.
Rupali bank ltd. has six core risk management
committees related to each core risk. As per
core risk management guideline of Bangladesh
Bank six core risk management guideline is
formulated by RBL. The main objectives of the
core risk management committee is to
implement the core risk management
Fig: Risk Management Process guideline. Periodically meeting are conducted
by risk management committee. The six risk
management committees are as follows-

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 145
a) Credit Risk Management Committee D. Implementation of Basel III Framework
by Rupali Bank Ltd.
Credit risk management committee is
concerned regarding the issues like credit The Basel Accord is the cornerstone of
concentration, Non-performing loan, provision, international risk-based banking regulation
asset quality, Collateral, Credit Rating, introduced by the Basel Committee on banking
documentation etc. supervision. Basel-III is a banking risk and
b) Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) capital management framework dealing with
three distinct areas commonly known as
As per asset liability risk management pillars, where-
guideline, RBL has formed ALCO. Decisions
regarding asset-liability risk, liquidity risk, Pillar-1 : Minimum Capital Requirement
investment, market risk, deposit mix, interest Pillar-2 : Supervisory Review Process
rate, asset-liability mismatch etc are analyzed
Pillar-3 : Market Discipline through
in the ALCO meeting.
disclosure of material information
c) Foreign Exchange Risk Management
RBL started to implement revised regulatory
capital framework “Risk Based Capital
Foreign exchange risk management Adequacy for Banks” from January 2009.
committee of RBL works as per foreign Regular reporting is ensured by Risk

exchange risk management guideline. This Management Division (RMD) to the
committee is concerned regarding foreign Department of Offsite Supervision (DOS) of
exchange risk, import, export etc. Bangladesh Bank by the end of each quarter.
d) Money Laundering Risk Management D.1 Pillar-1: Maintaining Minimum Capital
Committee Requirement (MCR) by RBL
Money laundering risk management committee The first pillar deals with maintenance of
oversees money laundering activities of RBL regulatory capital calculated for three major
including CTR, STR, KYC and TP. Statement is components of risk that a bank faces: credit

collected from the all branches and periodically risk, operational risk and market risk. Other
meeting is organized on findings of statement. risks are not considered fully quantifiable at
e) Internal control and compliance Risk this stage.

Management Committee Comparative scenario of Minimum Capital

Internal control and compliance risk Requirement (MCR) as per Risk Based Capital
management guideline is formulated as per Adequacy Statement (Basel III) is as follows:

instructions of Bangladesh Bank. Setting rules Fig in crore Tk

for bank, compliance regulatory requirement, Regulatory Capital December December
checking internal system, fraud, forgeries etc 2016 2015
Common Equity Tier-1 Capital 890.83 928.81
are supervised by this committee.
Additional Tier-1 Capital 0.00 0.00
f) Information & Communication Technology Tier – 1 Capital 890.83 928.81
Risk Management Committee Tier – 2 Capital 292.83 341.01
Total Regulatory Capital 1183.66 1269.82
Information and communication technology
related risk like- data security, physical Total Risk Weighted Assets(RWA) 17697.74 14964.72
security, disaster recovery, network security Capital to Risk Weighted
6.69% 8.49%
Assets Ratio (CRAR)
business continuity are looked after by this Tier-1 capital to RWA 5.03% 6.21%
Tier-2 capital to RWA 1.65% 2.28%
C. Board Risk Management Committee Minimum Capital Requirement
(MCR) 10% of RWA 1769.77 1496.47
Board Risk Management Committee of Rupali
Capital Surplus/Shortfall (586.11) (226.65)
Bank Limited formed as per Bank Company
MCR (With Capital
Act 1991(Amended 2013) and BRPD Circular Conservation Buffer) 1881.27 -
11 dated 27 October 2013. Shortfall (With Capital
Conservation Buffer) (697.61) -

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 146
Comparative scenario of Risk Weighted Assets D.1.2 Market Risk
as per Statement of Risk based Capital
Market risk is defined as the risk of losses in on
Adequacy (Basel III) is as follows:
and off-balance sheet positions arising from
Fig in crore Tk
Risk Weighted December December
movements in market prices i.e. interest rate
Assets (RWA) for 2016 2015 and equities in the trading book; commodity
Credit Risk 15659.28 13048.18 price and foreign exchange position (both in
Market Risk 545.56 623.19 the banking and trading book).
Operational Risk 1492.90 1293.35
Comparative Position of Capital Charges
Total RWA 17697.74 14964.72
for Market Risk
Fig in crore Tk
Details Dec 2016 Dec 2015
Interest Rate Related
26.00 22.23
Equities 35.47 35.47
Foreign Exchange Position -6.95 4.62
Commodities 0.00 0.00
Total 54.55 62.32

D.1.1 Credit Risk D.1.2.1 Interest Rate Risk
For credit risk mitigation, loan provided against Interest rate risk in trading book can be general
financial securities and rating of some large and specific risk based on its effect. To
borrowers has been used. Rating of some minimize general interest rate risk, RBL
other large borrowers is on the process. emphasizes investment in government
Capital requirement can be reduced if some treasury bonds and quality financial
good large borrowers are rated. instruments, which are less volatile in nature.
Some comparative scenarios of Loans and
Advances are as follows: Investment in Interest Rate Related

• Sector wise Loan
Fig in crore Tk
Fig in crore Tk
December December
December December Particulars
2016 2015

Particulars 2016 2015

UC CL UC CL Held to Govt.T.Bill & Bond 1693.44 1621.01
Government 0.00 21.49 0.00 21.49 Maturity Private Bond 677.93 677.93
Other Public 699.10 27.80 591.83 27.80 Held for Govt. T Bond 772.66 619.19
Private 13331.08 3435.57 11317.91 2292.47 Trading Private Bond 0.00 0.00

Total Loan 14030.18 3484.86 11909.74 2341.76

• Rating Position of Corporate Loans D.1.2.2 Equity Price Risk

Fig in crore Tk Equity risk is defined as losses due to change
December December in market price of equity held. To measure and
Particulars 2016 2015 identify the risk mark to market valuation of the
Rated Amount 7591.01 6930.54
share investment portfolios are done. To
Unrated Amount 3292.99 2679.46
Total Corporate Loans 10884.00 9610.00 minimize equity price risk diversification is
enforced as per bank’s own policy.
• Risk Weighted Asset & Capital
Charge for Credit Risk as per Basel Statement of Share Position
III Accord
Fig in crore Tk Fig in crore Tk
Risk Weighted December 2016 December 2015
December December
Asset for Credit RWA Capital RWA Capital
Particulars 2016 2015
Risk Amount Charge Amount Charge Cost Market Cost Market
On-Balance Sheet 15581.39 1558.14 12940.31 1294.03 Price Value Price Value
Unquoted Shares 561.85 561.85 561.85 561.85
Off-Balance Sheet 77.89 7.79 107.87 10.79
Quoted Shares 177.36 386.12 177.36 384.39
Total RWA for
15659.28 1565.93 13048.18 1304.82
Credit Risk

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 147
D.1.2.3 Foreign Exchange Risk To reduce operational risk, RBL emphasizes
HR development and proper distribution of
As per Basel III the risk weighted amount for
human resources to ensure placement of right
foreign exchange risk is the 100% of open
man at the right place. RBL has provided
short or long position whichever is higher.
different training to employees through
Capital requirement can be reduced by
different training institutions including Rupali
keeping net open position of foreign exchange
Bank Training Academy. Information on
at a possible minimum level.
external events occurring in the banking
Measuring Bank Exposure to Foreign industry is systematically utilized to ensure that
Exchange Risk as on 31 December 2016 similar incidents will not happen to RBL.
Amount Exchange Net Long Taka The Audit and Inspection Division makes a
(in Rate (+)/ Short(-) Equiv year wise risk based audit plan to carry out
Million) position in alent
USD (in comprehensive audits and inspections of the
equivalent Crore) banking operations in approved procedures. To
manage operational risk in the best way,
USD (9.6469) 1.0000 -9.6469 -76.2010 intensive compliance and follow up is very
JPY 14.0012 116.6200 0.1201 0.9483
e Yen
D.2 Pillar-2: Supervisory Review Process

GBP 0.0767 1.2247 0.0940 0.7422
Sterling The key principle of the Supervisory Review
Euro EUR 1.0953 1.0447 1.1443 9.0387 Process (SRP) as per Bangladesh Bank
0.6403 1.0000 0.6403 5.0575 Guidelines is that “banks have a process for
Currencies assessing overall capital adequacy in relation
Sum of the net
-8.7926 -69.4529 to their risk profile and a strategy for
Long Position
Sum of the net maintaining their capital at an adequate level”.
Short Position 1.1443 9.0387
Overall net As per BB instructions RBL has formulated its
-8.7926 -69.4529
Risk weight
process document. RBL has an exclusive body
called SRP team where RMD is an integral

Capital Charge for Foreign Exchange Exposure

part. RMD under direct supervision of SRP
*The overall net position shall be greater one of the absolute team of RBL prepared ICAAP (Internal Capital
value of the sum of net long or the sum of short position.
Current spot market exchange rate is Tk =78.99 per US $ Adequacy Assessment Process) for assessing

the bank’s overall risk profile and a strategy for

maintaining adequate capital. RBL has a
D.1.3 Operational Risk capital plan to raise its capital against risks to
Operational risk is the potential for incurring fulfill Bangladesh Bank’s requirement.

losses in relation to employees, contractual D.2.1 Risks covered under SRP of RBL
specifications and documentation, technology,
infrastructure failure and disasters, external Residual risks
influences and customer relationships. This RBL has proper risk management procedures
definition includes legal and regulatory risk, but in place to control the risks that result from the
excludes business and reputation risk. use of credit risk mitigating techniques,
The bank uses the basic indicator approach including residual operational and legal risks.
(BIA) to calculate its operational risk. Under The following factors are considered under
BIA, the capital charge for operational risk is a residual risk while preparing ICAAP-
fixed percentage, denoted by α (alpha) of
a) The liquidation procedure of the collateral is
average positive annual gross income of the
difficult and time consuming (Error in
bank over the past three years. Capital Charge
for Operational Risk is determined in following
way: b) The valuation of the collateral is
Fig in crore Tk inappropriate (e.g. overvaluation).
Capital RBL has appropriate governing and control
Year 2015 2014 2013
Charge 15%
systems, valuation procedures, internal
1255.56 949.37 780.86 149.29 regulations and responsible individuals

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 148
assigned for the prudent handling of these the counterparty fails or defaults to do the
risks. same.
Evaluation of Core Risk Management Reputation risk
RBL during the SRP linked management of Reputation risk is the current or prospective
core risks and its rating with the additional indirect risk to earnings and capital arising from
capital requirement. RBL assesses the adverse perception of the image of the
potential deficiencies of the applied methods financial institution on the part of customers,
and take them into consideration to ensure counterparties, shareholders, investors or
proper implementation of core risk regulators. RBL provides training to the
management guidelines. manpower, applies modern technology,
performs corporate social responsibilities etc.
Concentration risk
to ensure quality customer service.
Concentration risk arises when bank invests its
Strategic risk
most or all of the assets to single or few
individuals or entities or sectors or instruments. Strategic risk means the current or prospective
That means when bank fails to diversify its loan risk to earnings and capital arising from
and investment portfolios, concentration risk imperfection in business strategy formulation,
emerges. The following concentration is inefficiencies in implementing business
considered under SRP of RBL: strategy, non-adaptability/less adaptability with

the changes in the business environment and
a) Credit concentration risk
from adverse business decisions. RBL
b) Market concentration risk co
To assess the credit concentration risk, Sector,
regularly revise its strategy in line with clearly
articulated requirements of regulators and
trends of the economic environment to manage
Division, Group, Single borrower and Top
strategic risk.
borrower wise exposure aspects of bank’s loan
portfolio are considered. Environmental risk
Interest rate risk in the banking book Environmental risk has been taken into

account by RBL under SRP as environmental

RBL has taken Interest rate risk in the banking
and climate change risk which refers to the
book also as a potential risk. The susceptibility
uncertainty or probability of losses that
of banks to Interest rate risk in the banking

originates from any adverse environmental or

book are estimated through simple sensitivity
climate change events (natural or man-made)
analysis and duration gap analysis.
and/or the non-compliance of the prevailing
Liquidity risk national environmental regulations.

Liquidity risk is the risk that a given security or Environmental and climate change risk can
asset cannot be traded quickly enough in the hamper the business stability of the borrowers
market to prevent a loss or when a bank is in respect of both- (i) profitability and (ii)
unable to fulfill its commitments in time when reputation. Consequentially, the extent of risk
payment falls due. RBL estimates liquidity risk for the bank will be higher.
by comparing liquid assets to short-term Other material risks
liabilities. RBL analyzes the expected changes
SRP of RBL also covers risk if any, not been
of its liquidity by comparing the maturity of its
identified earlier but are material for the bank’s
receivables and payables. RBL has
internal capital allocation process.
contingency plans approved by the Board for
handling potential liquidity crisis. D.3 Pillar-3: Market Discipline
Settlement risk RBL has its own disclosure framework for
disclosure of its material information which is
Settlement risk arises when an executed
the requirement of Pillar-3 of Basel-III. It
transaction is not settled as the standard
includes both qualitative and quantitative
settlement system suggests or within
information that are important for the
predetermined method. The banks pose to the
stakeholders. The disclosure framework of
risk when it fulfills its contractual obligations but
RBL is approved by the bank’s Board of

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Annual Report 2016 149
Directors and it describes the bank’s risk Calibration of Shocks for Credit Risk
management objectives and policies for each
 Performing loan directly downgraded to
separate risk area (credit, market, operational,
B/L( sectoral concentration 1& 2)
banking book interest rate risk, equity),
including: The most concentrated sector in RBL is textile
sector and the second one is trade service.
• strategies and processes;
The impact of downgrading 3%, 9% & 15% of
• the structure and organization of the total performing loan of textile sector and trade
relevant risk management function; service directly to B/L category having 100%
• the scope and nature of risk reporting provisioning requirement is calculated by
and/or measurement systems; stress testing.

• policies for mitigating risk with strategies  Increase in NPL due to default of top
and processes. large borrowers

The following components set out in tabular The impact of increasing NPL due to default of
form have disclosed in the disclosure of RBL: top 3 (three), top 7 ( seven) & top 10 (ten)
borrowers at minor, moderate and major level
• Scope of application of shock is calculated assuming that the
• Capital structure performing loan of the respective borrowers
are directly downgraded to Bad & Loss

• Capital Adequacy category creating a requirement of 100 %
• Credit Risk provision.
• Equities: disclosure for banking book  Negative shift in NPL categories
This includes 5%, 10% & 15% downward shift
• Interest rate risk in the banking book of the SMA to substandard, the substandard to
(IRRBB) doubtful and doubtful to bad and loss at minor,
moderate and major level of shock
• Market risk

• Operational risk
 Decrease in the FSV of Collateral
• Liquidity Ratio
It includes decrease in forced sale value of
• Leverage Ratio mortgage collateral by 10%, 20% and 40% at

• Remuneration minor, moderate and major level of shock

The disclosure of RBL based on audited
F. Risk Mitigation Methodology

balance sheet is available in the bank’s

website. Risk Appetite Framework (RAF)
E. Stress Testing Risk appetite is the level and type of risk a bank
Stress testing is a series of tests to quantify the is able and willing to assume in its exposures
impact of changes in a number of risk factors and business activities. Risk appetite is the
on the assets and liabilities using a set of cornerstone of a successful risk management
exceptional but plausible events in abnormal framework.
market condition. RBL adopts some fundamentals for an
Stress Testing is performed by RMD on effective RAF as mentioned below:
quarterly basis for managing risk proactively in  Desired business mix, composition of the
an adverse economic condition. RMD ensures balance sheet, risk preferences, the
regular reporting to the senior management of acceptable trade‐off between risk and
RBL as well as the Financial Stability reward, tolerances for volatility, capital
Department (FSD) of Bangladesh Bank by the thresholds, tolerance for post‐stress loss,
end of each quarter. As per Stress Testing of optimum liquidity ratios, and others;
December 2016 the most adverse effect
comes from shock relating to interest rate.  Focus on the bank’s key strengths and
competitive advantages;

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Annual Report 2016 150
 Enable the Board to challenge business The duties of the executives & officers working
proposals outside of the bank’s traditional in the credit areas like credit approval,
product and service lines; administration, monitoring and recovery
 Make forward looking discussions of risk functions, have been segregated for smooth
easier; functioning.
 What types of risk the bank is willing to bear Prior Approval of CRM Activities in RBL
and under what conditions, as well as which
risks the bank is unwilling to assume. The following principles underpin RBL’s
approach to credit risk management:
F.1 Managing Core Risks in RBL
• Client due diligence, which is aligned with
Core risks management guidelines have been
our country and industry portfolio strategies
formulated in RBL for sound and prudent
also emphasizes on the size & type,
operation of the bank as well as for compliance
with Bangladesh Bank’s instructions. The purpose, structure (term, conditions,
activities to update the guidelines repayment schedule & interest rate) and
consecutively are under process. There are securities of the loan proposed.
separate risk management committees for • Prevent undue concentration and large
each core risk in related division. unexpected losses by ensuring a diversified

Different steps have already been taken to and marketable credit portfolio.
improve the rating like workshop on core risks
• Assess and manage client, industry and
management, assessing the bank’s position
product-specific concentrations actively
against Bangladesh Bank’s inspection
checklist and establishing separate Treasury against RBL’s risk appetite.
Division. Several meetings with six core risk • Initiate and review the assessment process
management committees were convened by periodically at branch/credit division which
RBL’s Managing Director & CEO for ensuring is placed before Management Credit
proper implementation of guidelines and

Committee (MCC) or Board for approval.

upgrading of the rating of core risks
The process includes borrower analysis,
management. Thus implementation of risk
industrial analysis, historical financial
management has improved in several aspects.
analysis, repayment sources analysis,

F.1.1 Credit Risk Management mitigating factors etc.

Credit risk is one of the prime risks of a bank. It • Strictly follow the conditions of Bangladesh
indicates the potential loss arising from Bank to set up single borrower exposure

contractual failure of the borrower with the

limit which is 15% (funded and non-funded,
bank. The failure may be resulted from
funded will not exceed 10% ) of total banks
unwillingness of the borrower or due to decline
of the financial conditions. capital.

RBL emphasizes to manage credit risk in the Any credit approval is subject to the banking
entire range as well as the risk in individual regulations in force or to be imposed by the
credits or transactions. The effective regulatory body and to the changes in the
management of credit risk is a critical banking policy. Data collection check list and
component of a comprehensive approach to limit utilization form are being prepared for
risk management and essential to the regular assessment.
long-term success of RBL.
Credit risk grading (CRG) system has been
On the basis of Bangladesh Bank's credit risk adopted by RBL as per Bangladesh Bank's
management policies, a manual of Credit Risk instruction. The system defines the risk profile
Management (CRM) has been formulated and of borrowers to ensure that account
approved by RBL's Board of Directors. The
management, structure and pricing are
organizational structure of RBL's Head Office
commensurate with the risk involved. CRG by
level has been designed in line with CRM
RBL considers the following criteria:

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Annual Report 2016 151
Credit Concentration by Region (Division)
Fig in crore Tk
Region December 2016 December 2015
Amount % of Total Amount % of Total
Dhaka 11910.65 68.01 9680.56 67.93
Chittagong 1756.75 10 .03 1444.16 10.13
Khulna 2269.28 12.95 1894.69 13.29
Sylhet 137.59 0.79 122.05 0.86
Rajshahi 342.16 1.95 235.09 1.65
Rangpur 569.77 3.2 5 459.12 3.22
Barisal 528.84 3.02 415.83 2.92
Total 17515.04 100 14251.50 100

To mitigate the credit risk RBL follows

guideline. As per credit risk management
guideline of RBL, credit division is divided as
Credit Approval, Credit Administration and
Recovery division. Approval authority approves
the loan then credit administration division

confirms proper documentation. If loans
become classified then recovery division
monitors and takes initiatives to recover the
F.1.2 Asset Liability Risk Management
Asset and liability management (ALM) is one of
the key essentials of managing a bank’s
balance sheet efficiently. The main objectives

of ALM are to manage balance sheet risk i.e.

liquidity risk & interest rate risk and to maintain
adequate capital.
RBL has its own guideline for asset liability

management which is approved by RBL’s

Board of Directors. Considering all risk factors
the bank has established an effective ALM

process for assessing, analyzing and

Fig: Credit Risk Grading reviewing various kinds of risk exposures
RBL also follows Bangladesh Bank guidelines arising from composition and dynamics of the
regarding CIB reporting, provisioning, write off balance sheet. Asset Liability Committee
of bad and doubtful debts, and suspension of (ALCO) of RBL regularly reviews these risk
interest. exposures in the following manner:

Total Loans and Advances of RBL • It advises for both the opportunities and
Fig in crore Tk threats to its liquidity and balance sheet
December December positions as well as positions of maturing
2016 2015 assets and liquidity contingency plan.
Total Loans & Advances 17515.04 14251.50
• It monitors the liquidity management of
Classified amount (Opening) 2341.76 1519.42 treasury by-
Less Total recovery i) Setting tolerance for cumulative cash flow
adjustment during the year 954.72 341.76
mismatches (maximum cumulative outflow
Add newly classified
during the year
2097.81 1164.10 limit 20% of balance sheet assets),
Classified amount (Closing) 3484.85 2341.76 ii) Setting limit on loan to deposit ratio (81%
% of classified loans 20.64% 17.00%
expected,110% maximum),

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 152
iii)setting limit on dependence on Particulars December Ideal Scenario
institutional deposits that are volatile in 2016
nature. MTF Ratio 46.53 % 45%
MCO 19.63 % 20%
• ALCO also monitors the rate sensitive
Loan Deposit Ratio 62.75 % 80% -85%
assets and liabilities of the bank.
ALM desk plays vital role in managing liquidity, Interest Rate Risk
interest sensitive assets and interest sensitive According to Duration Gap Analysis, the fall in
liabilities. ALCO paper is the main support for market value of equity due to 1% change in
ALCO meeting in taking decision. This paper is interest rate for 31 December 2016 is Tk.42.89
prepared by the ALM desk. In RBL, ALCO crore.
paper contains all the information regarding
liquidity based on historical requirements, Interest Earning Assets
current liquidity position, anticipated future Fig in crore Tk
funding requirement, sources of fund and Particulars December December
options for reducing funding needs, present 2016 2015
Balance with other Banks 2299.40 1945.95
and anticipated asset quality, present and & FIs
future earning capacity along with capital Investments 7140.40 7440.45
position. Thus all the decisions are made
Money at Call & Short 243.00 614.00

based on practical scenario. Notice
RBL has established a separate Treasury Loans and Advances 14030.19 11909.74
Division to strengthen its asset liability
co Others 523.33 385.63
management, implement the Asset Liability Total 24236.32 22295.77
Manual of RBL as well as managing risk
proactively. Interest Bearing Liabilities
Liquidity Position Fig in crore Tk
Particulars December December
RBL maintains its regulatory requirement of 2016 2015

SLR and CRR. Liquidity position of RBL is Borrowings 133.19 147.98

comparatively better in 2016 than 2015 as the Deposits and Other A/Cs 26306.95 23658.88
bank was in lending position in 2016. Total 26440.14 23806.86

Maintaining Statutory Liquidity in RBL Net Interest Income

Fig in crore Tk Fig in crore Tk
Particulars December December Particulars December December

2016 2015 2016 2015

Cash Reserve Required 1870.17 1646.12 Total Interest Income 1350.91 1532.29
Requirement Maintained 1875.58 1710.45 Total Interest Expense 1526.34 1705.59
Net Interest Income (175.43) (173.30)
Rest of Required 3740.33 3292.24
Statutory Maintained 6056.09 6869.36 F.1.3 Foreign Exchange Risk Management
Liquidity Ratio Excess 2315.76 3577.12 Foreign Exchange risk is the risk of declines in
cash flows and asset values of a bank due to
change in exchange rate. The responsibility of
Lending and Borrowing from Call Money Market
Foreign Exchange Risk Management of RBL is
Fig in crore Tk on the Foreign Trade Finance & International
Particulars December 2016 December 2015
In compliance with the Bangladesh Bank
Lending 243.00 614.00 Guidelines, RBL has prepared Foreign
Borrowing - - Exchange Risk Management Manual. Treasury
As per the structural liquidity profile of RBL, Front Office, Back Office and Mid Office have
Medium Term Funding Ratio (MTF) and been established and are functioning through
Maximum Cumulative Outflow (MCO) as on an independent organizational chain in
December 2016 accordance with the terms and conditions of
the manual.

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Annual Report 2016 153
The dealers of the bank are responsible for risk transaction report) to CCU (Central
management of its overall balance sheet and Compliance Unit). CCU examines the report
managing the capital. It is a highly responsible properly and sends to Bangladesh Bank with
function where the best possible decisions are comments of the CAMLCO if it is reportable.
expected to be made in split-second to
F.1.5 Internal Control and Compliance Risk
determine the extent of risk in this area.
Internal control structure and system are very
essential to the capital assessment process.
The process includes an independent review
and, where appropriate, the involvement of
internal or external audits. RBL has its own ICC

Fig: Process flow chart of dealing in RBL

These limits includes intra-day limit, monthly

stop loss limit, intra-day stop loss limit,
overnight holding limit and counter party limit.
Fig: Internal control structure of ICC
To facilitate the treasury functions, individual
limits for the dealers and limit for dealing room The functions of three divisions of ICC
have been fixed up. (Monitoring, Audit & Inspection, Compliance)
are to manage the cross divisional and cross
F.1.4 Money Laundering Risk Management
regional operational risk as well as risk
RBL has its own guideline, approved by the
concentrations at branch level. These divisions
Board of Directors, for prevention of money
ensure a consistent application of the
laundering in line with Anti Money Laundering

operational risk management strategy across

(AML) Law and Bangladesh Bank guidelines.
the bank.
Anti Money Laundering Division of RBL is
responsible for Money Laundering Risk Audit & Inspection division performs
Management of RBL. risk-oriented reviews of the design and

operating effectiveness of RBL’s system of

RBL has a Central Compliance Unit (CCU)
internal controls. Internal audit is conducted at
headed by the Chief Anti Money Laundering
periodical interval to ensure compliance of the
Compliance Officer (General Manager) and

policies of the bank and regulatory bodies.

Money Laundering Prevention Committee
(MLPC) headed by CAMLCO to supervise the The following activities are undertaken to
overall AML and CFT activities. ensure internal control and compliance in RBL:
Each branch of RBL has an Anti Money i) Risk based Departmental Control
Laundering Compliance Officer (BAMLCO) Function Checklist (DCFCL), a risk
who is responsible for compliance of verification checklist has been introduced
Bangladesh Bank instructions relating to to declare the status of performance of the
AML/CFT (Anti Money Laundering/ Combating branches.
financing of Terrorism) activities in the branch. ii) Self-Assessment of Anti-fraud internal
Risk is identified by the branch through control checklist has been introduced to
analyzing the KYC (know your customer) and assess the performance of RBL.
TP (transaction profile). CTR (cash transaction
iii) ICC unit in each workstations of RBL to
report) is sent to the Head Office on monthly
ensure control and compliance is under
basis for cash transaction of 10 (ten) lac or
above in a day (w.e.f. August, 2012). All these
reports are sent to Bangladesh Bank through iv) Management Reporting System (MRS)
special software within 21st of every month. Committee has been formed with a
General Manager as its head.
When any unusual/suspicious transaction
v) Health report of the bank is prepared
occurs it is reported as STR (suspicious

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Annual Report 2016 154
annually and placed to the audit a) Reputational Risk
committee as well as to the Board of b) Compliance Risk
Directors. c) Environmental Risk
F.1.6 Information Communication d) Money Laundering Risk
Technology (ICT) Risk Management
H. Risk Management Division (RMD)
RBL has its IT Policy prepared in line with the
The Risk Management Division (RMD) in a
ICT Guidelines of Bangladesh Bank.
commercial bank can play a vital role in
Physical security of RBL ensures managing and mitigating risk by critical risk
environmental safeguards as well as controlling assessment and management as well as
physical access to equipment and data regular monitoring. According to Bangladesh
depending on IT set up. The risk management Bank instruction, the RMD of RBL has been
of physical security involves three tiers: Tier-1 formed with the vision to establish a
for data centre including disaster recovery site, comprehensive risk management process in
Tier-2 for server room and Tier-3 for standalone the bank and to ensure a continuous sound
computers or ATM. Information security banking practice. The main objective of RMD is
measures is applicable to all functional tiers, to prevent bank from taking excessive risk.
include password control, user ID maintenance,
H.1 Organogram of Risk Management in
input control, network security, data encryption,
virus protection, internet and e-mail.

The data centre of RBL as well as automation
are on the process, IT policy regarding physical
security and information security for risk
management is yet to be fully implemented.
Risk is identified by the branch. Internal IT
Audit is conducted by Audit & Inspection
Division-2 on half yearly basis. IT professionals
are recruited and several trainings are
provided to the related employees.

G. Comprehensive Risk Management

Report (CRMR)
Banks have to prepare a Comprehensive Risk

Management Report (CRMR) and must place

the same in the Risk Management Committee
Meeting at management level as per guideline
of Bangladesh Bank.

CRMR is prepared according to the prescribed H.2 Role of RMD

format of Bangladesh Bank DOS circular letter The RMD is concerned with providing
no.13 dated 09.09.2015 by the RMD of RBL. comprehensive and effective framework for
Monthly Risk Management Committee meeting measuring, monitoring and mitigating risk
of RMD is conducted on the basis of analysis exposures in the context of business strategy
and recommendations made in the CRMR. of RBL. The functions of RMD are:
CRMR is submitted to the Department of
Off-site Supervision, Bangladesh Bank along • To ensure compliance with six core risks
with the minutes of the Risk Management management guidelines at the
Committee meeting at management level half department level, sub department level
yearly (June & December) within 10 days of and desk level.
second consecutive month including following • To analyze data/information through
analysis: preparation of Comprehensive Risk
• Credit Risk Management Report.
• Market Risk • To analyze the bank’s own resilience
a) Interest Rate Risk capacity towards facing financial
b) Foreign Exchange Risk difficulties of the bank.
c) Equity Price Risk • To conduct periodic stress tests so that no
• Operational Risk

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Annual Report 2016 155
inexplicable error exists in operations of I. Basel III
the bank.
Basel III is a global regulatory framework for
• To oversee the capital management more resilient banks and banking systems. The
function of the bank in line with the objective of the reforms is to improve the
Basel-III Accord. banking sector’s ability to absorb shocks
arising from financial and economic stress.
• To review market conditions and take
precautionary measures towards facing It mainly focuses on Strengthening Capital
abnormal market situation and Base and Maintaining Liquidity Standard. It is a
vulnerability of investments of the bank. risk based capital management framework.
• To highlight risky portfolios in the monthly I.1 Strengthening Capital Base
meeting based on the reports of risk
For the resilience of the banking sector
management committees on timely
regulatory capital framework has been
manner to the senior management.
strengthened. The quality and quantity of the
Initiatives taken by Risk Management capital base reformed and enhanced the risk
Division (RMD) of RBL coverage of the capital. Tier-1 capital is divided
into Common Equity Tier 1 and Additional Tier
• The RMD of RBL is engaged in coordinating
1. Tier2 capital structure is also reformed. Limit
the risk management activities, Basel-III
has been set for the general provision. Tier 3
implementation and Stress Testing by
capital has been eliminated.

providing regular report regarding various risk
position to the senior management as well as I.2 Leverage Ratio
to Bangladesh Bank.
The leverage ratio is calibrated to act as a
• The RMD convenes monthly meeting on credible supplementary measure to the risk
various issues to determine strategies in based capital requirements. The leverage ratio
consistency with risk management policy, is intended to achieve the following objectives:
which can measure, monitor, and maintain
a) Constrain the build-up of leverage in
acceptable risk level of the bank. Minutes of
the banking sector which can damage
each meeting are submitted to Bangladesh
the broader financial system and the

Bank on quarterly basis.

• In addition Comprehensive Risk Management
b) Reinforce the risk based requirements
Report is prepared on half yearly (June &
with an easy to understand and a
December) basis by the members of RMD

non-risk based measure.

addressing different areas of risk and their
mitigating tools and techniques and submitted I.3 Maintaining Liquidity Standard
to Bangladesh Bank as well as to Board Risk For maintaining liquidity, Basel III introduced

Management Committee. two global liquidity standards called Liquidity

• To create awareness and establish risk Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding
management culture at branch level a daylong Ratio (NSFR).
workshop on core risk management was I.3.1 Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
arranged by the RMD for the zonal heads and
corporate branch heads. The resource persons The LCR is intended to promote resilience to
were invited from Bangladesh Bank to conduct potential liquidity disruptions over a thirty day
knowledge sharing session on six core risks horizon. It will help ensure that global banks
and their management. have sufficient unencumbered, high quality
liquid assets to offset the net cash outflows it
• RMD, as an integral part of Supervisory could encounter under an acute short term
Review Process (SRP) team is also engaged stress scenario.
in preparing Internal Capital Adequacy
Assessment Process (ICAAP) for RBL. I.3.2 Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)
• To perform the risk management function The NSFR requires a minimum amount of
smoothly, all the operational divisions have stable sources of funding at a bank relative to
revived internal risk management committees the liquidity profiles of the assets, as well as the
due to continuous and successful persuasion potential for contingent liquidity needs arising
by RMD. from off-balance sheet commitments, over a
one-year horizon.

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Annual Report 2016 156
I.4 RBL’s Preparation for Basel III Bangladesh Bank as per their
requirement. RBL is calculating and
i) Tier 1 capital of the RBL includes paid-up
maintaining the Statutory Liquidity Ratio
capital, statutory reserve, general reserve,
(SLR) and Cash Reserve Requirement
retained earnings and share deposit
(CRR) regularly. RBL’s position in call
whereas Tier 2 capital consists of general
money market is satisfactory. The bank
provision, revaluation reserves for fixed
was in lending position in 2016.
assets, securities and equity instruments.
Tier 2 capital is already harmonized in iv) RBL performs scenario analysis,
RBL as per guidelines of Bangladesh sensitivity analysis and stress testing as
Bank. per the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank.
ii) RBL can raise its capital through v) RBL reports Liquidity Profile to
increasing its operating profit. The bank Bangladesh Bank on monthly basis within
has a five years capital plan for fattening the first five working days of the following
capital through earning retention. month.
iii) RBL is now preparing itself for maintaining RBL continuously strives to improve its risk and
its LCR & NSFR at an adequate level. capital management and needs to anticipate all
Statements regarding LCR and NSFR market developments, in particular those of an
have been prepared and sent to extreme nature.

Action Plan/Roadmap for Basel-III as per Bangladesh Bank BRPD Circular No. 18 dated 21 December
2014 are given below:

Action Deadline
Issuance of Guidelines on Risk Based Capital Adequacy December 2014
Commencement of Basel-III Implementation process January 2015
Capacity Building of bank and BB officials January 2015 - December 2019
Initiation of full Implementation of Basel-III January 2020

Phase-in Arrangements
The phase-in arrangements for Basel-III implementation will be as follows:

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Minimum Common Equity Tier-1(CET) 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50%
Capital Ratio
Capital Conservation Buffer - 0.625% 1.25% 1.875% 2.50% 2.50%

Minimum CET-1 plus Capital Conservation 4.50% 5.125% 5.75% 6.375% 7.00% 7.00%
Minimum T-1 Capital Ratio 5.50% 5.50% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00%
Minimum Total Capital Ratio 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
Minimum Total Capital plus Capital 10.00% 10.625% 11.25% 11.875% 12.50% 12.50%
Conservation Buffer
Phase-in of deductions from CET1
Excess investment over 10% of a bank’s 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 100%
equity in the equity of banking, financial and
insurance entities.
Phase-in of deductions from Tier-2 Revaluation Reserves (RR)
RR for Fixed Assets, Securities and 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 100%
Equity Securities
Leverage Ratio 3% 3% 3% Migration to Pillar 1
Liquidity Coverage Ratio ≥100% ≥100% ≥100% ≥100% ≥100% ≥100%
Net Stable Funding Ratio ≥100% ≥100% ≥100% ≥100% ≥100% ≥100%

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Annual Report 2016 157
Compliance of Basel III in RBL

Component Basel III Requirement Compliance

A. Minimum i) Minimum Capital Requirement is 10% RBL cannot meet its Minimum Capital
Capital of Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) in Requirement (MCR) as per Basel III
Requirement December 2016. Minimum required Framework. Capital Adequacy Ratio of RBL
leverage ratio is 3%.
on 31 December 2016 is 6.69% and 6.76%
in solo and consolidated basis respectively.
As on 31 December 2016 leverage ratio is
2.65% and 2.70% in solo and consolidated
basis respectively.
ii) Banks have to maintain at least Tk. As on December 2016 Paid up Capital of
400.00 cr. as paid up capital from August Rupali Bank Ltd is Tk. 276.04 Crore.
11, 2011 as per BRPD Circular Letter Besides, Ministry of Finance approved TK.
No. 11 dated 14 August, 2008 of 62.50 crore Through the letter No.
Bangladesh Bank. dated 10-
10-2012 and Tk. 210.00 crore vide letter
No. dated
26-12-2013 in favour of RBL for increasing

paid-up capital and RBL received this
amount by Govt. cheque on 23.10.2012 and
29.12.2013.. This amount has been kept as
iii) Banks have to maintain at least 6.00%
of the total RWA as Tier 1 capital.
share money deposit.
As on 31 December 2016 Tier-1 Capital is
Tk.890.82 crore that means 5.03 % of
iv) The amount of Tier 2 capital can be As on 31 December 2016 Tier 2 capital is
admitted maximum up to 4.00% of the Tk.292.83 crore that means 1.65 % of
total RWA or 88.89% of CET 1 whichever RWA.

is higher.
B. Supervisory i) Banks should have an exclusive body RBL has formed a Supervisory Review
Review (called SRP team) where risk process (SRP) team as per decision of
Process management unit is an integral part. Board Meeting No.1010 dated: 05.10.2016.

ii) Banks should have a process RMD under direct supervision of SRP team of
document (called Internal Capital RBL prepared an Internal Capital Adequacy
Adequacy Assessment Process-ICAAP) Assessment Process (ICAAP) document for
for assessing its overall risk profile, and
2016 based on MCR of December 2016 for

a strategy for maintaining adequate

capital. assessing the bank’s overall risk profile and a
strategy for maintaining adequate capital and
will be submitted it to Bangladesh Bank up to
31 May 2017 .
C. Market Banks should have a formal disclosure RBL has its own disclosure framework,
Disclosure framework approved by the Board of approved by the Board of Directors, for
Directors. disclosure of its material information.
Bank should provide all required The disclosures of RBL based on audited
disclosures in both qualitative and balance sheet of 2016 are available in the
quantitative form, as at end March of bank’s website in both qualitative and
each year along with the annual financial
quantitative form since 03 May 2017.
Banks have to submit a copy of their RMD of RBL has submitted a copy of their
disclosures to the Department of Off-site disclosures to the Department of Off-site
Supervision of Bangladesh Bank. Supervision of Bangladesh Bank.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 158
Disclosures on Risk Based Capital (Basel-III)
as on December 2016
The purpose of market disclosure is to complement the operation of minimum capital requirement
(Pillar-1) and the supervisory review process (Pillar 2) in the Revised Capital Adequacy Framework
(Basel-III). It allows market participants to assess key pieces of information on the scope of application,
capital adequacy, risk exposures, risk assessment and its management processes. Market disclosures
have the potential to reinforce capital regulation & other supervisory efforts to promote safety &
soundness in bank.
The qualitative and quantitative disclosures of the bank under Basel-III requirements based on the
audited financial position as of 31 December 2016 are prepared as per the guidelines of Bangladesh
Bank on “Risk Based Capital Adequacy for Banks” to establish more transparent and more disciplined
financial market.
1. Scope of Application
Qualitative Disclosures
(a) The name of the top corporate entity in the Rupali Bank Limited
group to which this guidelines applies
(b) An outline of differences in the basis of Rupali Bank Limited (RBL) is a state-owned commercial bank.
consolidation for accounting and regulatory Basel-III is applied by the bank on “solo” & “consolidated”

purposes, with a brief description of the basis. Rupali Investment Limited (RIL) a fully owned subsidiary
entities within the group company of RBL, incorporated as a public limited company on
(i) that are fully consolidated; August 27, 2010 with the registrar of Joint Stock Companies &
(ii) that are given a deduction treatment approved by Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission
and on August 09, 2011 to perform full-fledged merchant banking
(iii) that are neither consolidated nor activities like portfolio management, underwriting, stock trading
business etc. Investment in the subsidiary company RIL is risk
deducted (e.g. where the investment is
weighted in the bank’s exposures. Rupali Bank Securities Ltd.
(RBSL) is also a subsidiary company of RBL which was
incorporated as a Private Limited Company on 29th August,

2013 vide registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms,

Dhaka certificate of incorporation No. C-110969/13 under
Companies Act 1994. The main objective of the Company is to
act as, and carry on the business of a stock broker & stock

dealer and to engage in all types of stock broking business.

(c) Any restrictions, or other major impediments,
on transfer of funds or regulatory capital Not applicable

within the group.

Quantitative Disclosures
(d) The aggregate amount of surplus capital of
insurance (whether deducted or subjected Not applicable
to an alternative method) included in the
capital of the consolidated group.

2. Capital Structure
Qualitative Disclosures
(a) Summary information on the terms and Common Equity Tier 1 capital, also called as
conditions of the main features of all capital going-concern capital of RBL consists of paid-up capital,
instruments, especially in the case of statutory reserve, general reserve, retained earnings and
capital instruments eligible for inclusion in share money deposit. Tier 2 capital, also called as
CET 1, Additional Tier 1 or Tier 2. gone-concern capital of RBL consists of general provision
(against unclassified loans, SMA and Off-Balance Sheet
exposures), revaluation reserves for fixed assets (50%),
securities (50%) and equity instruments (10%).

Total Regulatory Capital =

(Common Equity Tier 1 capital + Additional
Tier 1 capital+ Tier 2 Capital)

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 159
Capital Structure contd.
Quantitative Disclosures
Particulars Solo Consolidated
Amount in BDT Crore
Paid-up capital 276.04 276.04
(b) Amount of regulatory Statutory reserve 287.20 287.20
capital, with separate General reserve - -
disclosure of: Retained earnings 86.42 104.03
Share money deposit 280.00 280.00
Sub Total 929.66 947.27
Regulatory Adjustment
Deferred Tax Assets (DTA) 38.84 38.84
(c) Regulatory Adjustments/
Deductions from capital Common Equity Tier 1 capital 890.82 908.43

Additional Tier 1 Capital 0.00 0.00

Total Tier 1 Capital 890.82 908.43
Tier 2 Capital 292.83 292.83
(d) Total Regulatory capital Total Regulatory capital 1183.65 1201.26


3. Capital Adequacy
Qualitative Disclosures
(a) A summary discussion i) The bank has adopted Standardized Approach (SA) for computation of

of the bank’s approach capital charge for credit risk and market risk and Basic Indicator
to assessing the Approach (BIA) for operational risk. Assessment of capital adequacy is
adequacy of its capital to carried out in conjunction with the capital adequacy reporting to
support current and Bangladesh Bank.
future activities
The bank has maintained Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR)
on the solo & consolidated at 6.69 percent & 6.76 percent against the
minimum regulatory requirement of 10 percent. Tier-I capital to Risk
Weighted Assets ratio for solo & consolidated are 5.03 percent & 5.11
percent against the minimum regulatory requirement of 6 percent.
The bank’s policy is to manage and maintain its future capital considering
all material risks that are covered under pillar-2 of Basel III as well as the
result of Stress Tests. The primary objective of the capital management is
to optimize the balance between return and risk, while maintaining
economic regulatory capital in accordance with risk appetite.
ii) RBL determines its risk weighted assets (RWA) by multiplying the
exposure amount of assets with their respective risk weight given in
Basel III guidelines by Bangladesh Bank. RWA for market & operational
risks are calculated by multiplying the capital charge for these risks by
the reciprocal of minimum capital adequacy ratio (10%).

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 160
Capital Adequacy contd.
Quantitative Disclosures
Solo Consolidated
Particulars Taka in BDT crore
(b) Capital Requirement For Credit Risk 1565.93 1571.27
(c) Capital Requirement For Market Risk 54.56 54.56
(d) Capital Requirement For Operational Risk 149.29 150.94
(e) Capital ratio :
Capital To Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) % 6.69% 6.76%
CET-1 to RWA Ratio 5.03% 5.11%
Tier-1 capital to RWA ratio 5.03% 5.11%
Tier -2 capital to RWA Ratio 1.65% 1.65%
(f) Capital Conservation Buffer N/A N/A
(g) Available Capital under Pillar 2 Requirement (For the Year 2015) 465.73 465.73

4. Credit Risk
Qualitative Disclosures

a(i) Definitions Rupali Bank Ltd. follows Bangladesh Bank’s BRPD Circular No.14 Dated 23 September
of past due and 2012 for classification of loans & advances
impaired (for Classification Types of Loans Classification Period for
Continuous Loan
(Overdraft, Cash credit-Hypo,
2 Months
Cash credit-pledge etc) DF 6M
2 Demand Loan SMA 2M
(Forced Loan, PAD, LIM, FBP,

IBP etc.)
3 Term Loan SMA 2M

(which are repayable under a SS 3M

specific repayment schedule-
within 5 years.) DF 6M

4 Term Loan SMA 2M

(which are repayable under a SS 3M
specific repayment schedule-
above 5 years.) DF 6M
5 Short term Agriculture & SMA -
Micro credit SS 12M
DF 36M
BL 60M
Short Term Consumer Financing BHs/ All
a(ii) Provisioning Particulars Agriculture Other HF LP SMEF MBs other
depending on the & Micro than /SDs Credit
group: Credit HF,LP
Standard 2.5% 5% 2% 2% 0.25% 2% 1%
UC - 5% 2% 2% 0.25% 2% 1%
SS 5% 20% 20% 20% 20 % 20% 20%
Classified DF 5% 50% 50% 50% 50 % 50% 50%
BL 100% 100% 100% 100% 100 % 100% 100%
HF=Housing Finance, LP=Loans for professionals to setup business, SMEF=Small & Medium
Enterprise Financing, BHs= Loans to Brokerage House, MBs= Loans to Merchant Bank, SDs =
Loans to Stock Dealers.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 161
Credit Risk contd.
a(iii) Discussion On the basis of Bangladesh Bank’s credit risk management policies, a manual of Credit
of the bank’s Risk Management (CRM) has been formulated and approved by RBL’s Board of Directors.
credit risk The key principle of credit risk management is client due diligence, which is aligned with
management our country and industry portfolio strategies before sanction of any credit facility as per
policy: CRM policies which emphasizes on the size & type, purpose, structure (term, conditions,
repayment schedule& interest rate) and securities of the loan proposed.
For actively aiming to prevent concentration (Single borrower/group borrower/
geographical/ sectoral concentration) and long tail-risks (large unexpected losses; RBL
follows different prudential guidelines of its own and Bangladesh Bank. In all market
conditions, the bank’s capital is effectively protected by ensuring a diversified and
marketable credit portfolio.
Risk appetite for credit risk of RBL is determined by its Board of Directors desiring
optimum business mix, risk preferences, the acceptable trade-off between risk & reward
etc as per Bangladesh Bank’s Department of Off-site Supervision circular no-13.
The assessment process is initiated at branch/credit division and placed before
Management Credit Committee (MCC) or Board for approval. This process includes
borrower analysis, industrial analysis, historical financial analysis, repayment sources
analysis, mitigating factors etc. Credit risk grading system has been adopted by RBL as

per Bangladesh Bank’s instruction that defines the risk profile of borrower’s to ensure that
account management, structure and pricing are commensurate with the risk involved.
RBL is very much concerned in managing non-performing loan. RBL follows Bangladesh
Bank’s BRPD Circular for classification of loans & advances and provisioning. Targets to
recover classified loans & advances are determined for the branch, zonal Office and
divisional office at the beginning of the year. Continuous contact with the borrowers,
special meeting with the defaulter, recruitment of recovery specialist, formation of special
task forces, announcement of special program are emphasized.
Amount in BDT Crore

Risk Weighted Assets(RWA) for Credit Risk Solo Consolidated

On-Balance Sheet 15581.39 15634.77
Off-Balance Sheet 77.89 77.89
Total Credit Risk 15659.28 15712.65

Amount in BDT Crore
(b) Gross credit Loan General 9944.70
risk exposures

Cash Credit 5192.43

Overdrafts 480.15
Other Loans 1754.82
Bills Purchased
and Discounted 142.94

Total 17515.04

(c) Geographical Amount in BDT Crore

distribution of
Dhaka 11910.65
Chittagong 1756.75
Khulna 2269.28
Rangpur 569.77
Rajshahi 342.16
Barisal 528.84
Sylhet 137.59
Total 17515.04

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 162
Credit Risk contd.
(d) Industry or Sector Amount in BDT Crore
counterparty type Jute Industry (Govt. & Private) 1006.83
distribution of exposures Tannery Industry 445.44
Jute Business 650.90
Bricks 95.56
Cold Storage/Ice plant 147.09
Textile 3958.63
Garments 846.03
Engineering 696.77
Food 393.60
Chemicals 711.52
Shipping/ Transport 273.35
Shoe 21.39
Services 217.22
Ceramic 16.26
Plastic 24.02
Dairy 6.84
Printing & Publications 108.80
Other 7894.79

Total 17515.04
(e) Residual contractual Particulars Amount in BDT Crore
maturity breakdown of the Payable on Demand 350.30
whole portfolio, broken Over 1 month but not more than 3 months 4001.27
down by major types of Over 3 months but not more than 1 year 5342.54
credit exposure. Over 1 year but not more than 5 years 4032.90
Over 5 years 3788.03
Total 17515.04

(f) Major counterparty Unclassified: Amount in BDT Crore

wise amount of impaired Standard -
loans : Special Mention Account(SMA) -

Bad & Loss 21.49
Sub Total 21.49

Standard 699.10
Special Mention Account (SMA)
Sub total 699.10
Other Public
Bad & Loss 27.80
Sub total 27.80
Standard 12331.61
SMA 999.47
Sub Total 13331.08
Private Classified:
Substandard 80.29
Doubtful 257.18
Bad & Loss 3098.10
Sub total 3435.57
Grand Total 17515.04

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 163
Credit Risk contd.
Amount in BDT Crore
Standard 13030.72
SMA 999.47
Sub Total 14030.19
Substandard 80.29
Doubtful 257.18
Bad & Loss 3147.38
Sub Total 3484.85
Grand Total 17515.04

Total Loans And Advance

(g) Movement of NPAs & Particulars

om Amount in BDT Crore
Gross Non Performing Assets(NPAs) 3484.85
specific provisions for NPAs
Non Performing Assets (NPAs) to outstanding Loans & advance 19.90%
Movement of NPAs (Gross)
Opening balance 2341.76
Additions during the year 2097.81

Reductions (Cash Recovery during the year) (305.72)

Reductions (Adjustment during the year) (649.00)
Closing balance 3484.85
Movement of specific provisions for NPAs

Opening balance 848.91

Provisions made during the period -
Recovered from previously written off loans
Fully Provided debts Write-off

Transferred from off-balance sheet exposure

Closing Balance 848.91

5. Equities: Disclosures for banking book positions

Qualitative Disclosures
a(i) Differentiation between holdings on Investment in equity securities are broadly categorized into two
which capital gains are expected and parts:
those taken under other objectives i. Quoted Securities (Common or Preference Shares & Mutual Fund)
including for relationship and strategic that are traded in the secondary market (Trading Book Assets).
ii. Unquoted securities include shares of Central Depository
Bangladesh Limited (CDBL), investment in SWIFT and Market
Stabilization Fund (MSF).
a(ii) Discussion of important policies The primary aim is to invest in these equity securities for the
covering the valuation and accounting purpose of capital gain by selling them in future or held for
of equity holdings in the banking book. dividend income. Dividends received from these equity securities
This includes the accounting techniques are accounted for as and when received. Both Quoted and
and valuation methodologies used, Un-Quoted equity securities are valued at cost and necessary
including key assumptions and provisions are maintained if the prices fall below the cost price.
practices affecting valuation as well as
significant changes in these practices.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 164
Quantitative Disclosures
b) Value disclosed in the balance Particulars Solo Consolidated
Amount in BDT Crore
sheet of investments, as well as the Cost Price Fair Value Cost Price Fair Value
fair value of those investments; for Unquoted Shares 561.85 561.85 561.85 561.85
quoted securities, a comparison to Quoted Shares 177.36 386.12 282.79 476.26
publicly quoted share values where Total 739.21 947.97 844.64 1038.11
the share price is materially different
from fair value.

c) The cumulative realized gains (losses)

arising from sales and liquidations in the Nil
reporting period.

d(i) Total unrealized gains(losses) 208.76
d(ii) Total latent revaluation gains (losses) Nil
d(iii) Any amounts of the above included
in Tier 2 capital
e) Capital requirements broken down by Required Capital Charge on Equities
appropriate equity groupings, consistent
with the bank’s methodology, as well as Solo Consolidated
the aggregate amounts and the type of Amount in BDT Crore
equity investments subject to any Specific Risk 17.74 17.74

supervisory provisions regarding General Market Risk 17.74 17.74

regulatory capital requirements.

6. Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB)


Qualitative Disclosures
(a)The general qualitative disclosure To manage this risk in the banking book, bank considers the impact
requirement including the nature of of interest rate changes on both assets and liabilities, and its

IRRBB and key assumptions, including particular features including, among other things, terms and timing.
assumptions regarding loan prepayments Changes in interest rates affect both the current earnings (earning
and behavior of non-maturity deposits, perspective) as well as the net worth of the bank (economic value
and frequency of IRRBB measurement. perspective). RBL periodically computes the interest rate risk on the
banking book that arises due to re-pricing mismatches in interest rate
sensitive assets and liabilities. For computation of the interest rate
mismatches the guidelines of Bangladesh bank are followed. Details
relating to re-pricing mismatches and the interest rate risk thereon are
placed to the ALCO regularly. Following techniques for managing the
IRRBB in Rupali Bank Ltd. are applied:
Re-pricing Schedules: It is the simplest techniques for measuring a
bank's interest rate risk exposure and that is generating a
maturity/re-pricing schedule that distributes interest-sensitive assets,
liabilities, and OBS positions into a certain number of predefined time
bands according to their maturity (if fixed-rate) or time remaining to
their next re-pricing (if floating-rate). Those assets and liabilities
lacking definitive re-pricing intervals (e.g. sight deposits or savings
accounts) or actual maturities that could vary from contractual
maturities are assigned to re-pricing time bands according to the
judgment and past experience of the bank.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 165
Gap Analysis: It helps to assess the interest rate risk of current
earnings. To evaluate earnings exposure, interest rate-sensitive
liabilities in each time band are subtracted from the corresponding
interest rate-sensitive assets to produce a re-pricing “gap” for that time
band. This gap is then multiplied by an assumed change in interest rates
to yield an approximation of the change in net interest income that would
result from such an interest rate movement.
i. Duration: A maturity/re-pricing schedule is also used to evaluate the
effects of changing interest rates on a bank's economic value by
applying sensitivity weights to each time band. Typically, such weights
are based on estimates of the duration of assets and liabilities that fall
into each time band.
ii. Quarterly Stress Testing: It is conducted on quarterly basis as per
the directives of Bangladesh Bank to gain better insight into the
vulnerable issue of IRRBB.
Quantitative Disclosures
(b)The increase (decline) in Particulars Amount in BDT Crore
earnings or economic value Market Value of Assets 33366.47
(or relevant measure used by Market Value of Liabilities 32243.72

management) for upward Weighted Average of Duration of 1.45
and downward rate shocks Assets (DA)
Weighted Average of Duration of 0.98
according to management’s
Liabilities (DL)
method for measuring Duration GAP (DA-DL) 0.50
IRRBB, broken down by Yield to Maturity (YTM -Assets) 9.99%
currency (as relevant). Yield to maturity (Y TM -Liabilities) 5.47%
Magnitude of Interest Rate Change 1% 2% 3%
Change in market value of equity due -152.63 -305.27 -457.90
to and increase in interest rate
Stress Testing Minor Moderate Major

Regulatory Capital (after shock) 1031.03 878.39 727.76

RWA (after shock) 17654.85 17654.85 17654.85
CRAR (after shock) 5.84% 4.98% 4.11%

7. Market Risk
Qualitative Disclosures
a(i) Views of BOD on The Board of Directors approves all policies related to market risk, sets limits
and reviews compliance on a regular basis. The objective is to obtain

trading/investment activities
maximum returns (without taking undue risks) by reducing the negative effect
of the risk.
Standardized Approach (SA) is used for calculating capital charge against
a(ii) Methods used to market risk (interest rate risk, equity position & foreign exchange risk) which
measure Market risk is determined separately. The total capital requirement in respect of market
risk is the sum of capital requirement measured in terms of two separately
calculated capital charges for specific market risk and general market risk for
each of these market risk sub-categories.
a(iii) Market Risk RBL makes investment decision based on historical data of market
Management system movements of all comparable financial instruments to avoid general market
risk. For managing specific risk RBL emphasizes on investment in
Government treasury bonds and quality financial instruments, which are less
volatile in nature. Treasury Front Office, Back Office & Mid Office have been
established and functioning through an independent organizational chain in
line with the manual.
a(iv) Policies and There are approved limits for credit deposit ratio, liquid assets to total assets
processes for mitigating ratio, maturity mismatch, commitments for both on-balance sheet and
market risk off-balance sheet items, borrowing from money market and foreign exchange
position. The limits are monitored and enforced regularly to protect against
market risks. These limits are reviewed based on prevailing market and
economic conditions to minimize risk caused by market fluctuation.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 166
Market Risk Contd.
Quantitative Disclosures
The capital requirements for Solo Consolidated
Amount in BDT Crore
Interest rate risk 26.03 26.03
Equity position risk 35.47 35.47
Foreign Exchange risk -6.95 -6.95
Commodity risk Nil Nil

8. Operational Risk
Qualitative Disclosures
• Views of BOD on system Internal control & compliance (ICC) is the main tool in managing operational risk

to reduce Operational Risk Management which through three units of ICC i.e. monitoring, compliance and
Audit & Inspection; controls overall operation of the bank. Board audit committee
directly oversees the functions of ICC to prevent operational risks.
• Performance gap of RBL has a Human Resource Policy with the formal rules and guidelines to recruit,
executives and staffs train, assess and reward employees. This policy is applied consistently and fairly
across the bank. RBL ensures posting of right persons in the right places identifying
ideal performers and rewarding them with desired promotion and posting.
Extensive training programs are also taken for every level of employees ensuring
to build professionals with a blend of technical, business and leadership skills.
• Potential external events External events may affect business operations directly or indirectly. These
external events may stem from the socio-economic and political environment

within which the bank is operating. In order to minimize effects of unexpected

external events RBL aims at and relies on collecting and analyzing information on
a continuous and timely manner.
• Policies and processes for RBL has formed MANCOM (Management Committee) to identify measure,

mitigating operational risk monitor and control the risks through framing required policies and procedures.
The policy of managing operational risk through Internal Control and Compliance
is approved by the Board of Directors taking into account the relevant guidelines
of Bangladesh Bank. DCFCL (departmental control function check list) and QOR

(quarterly operation report) are applied for evaluation of the branches operational
performance. Manuals related to Credit, Human Resources, Finance & Accounts,
Treasury, Audit and Inspection etc. have been prepared for continuous
recognition and assessment of all material risk that could adversely affect the
achievement of RBL’s goal. The audit & inspection division makes a year wise
risk based audit plan to carry out comprehensive audits & inspections on the
banking operations to ensure procedures are in place & complied with.

• Approach for calculating RBL uses the basic indicator approach (BIA) to calculate its operational risk.
capital charge for opera- Under BIA, the capital charge for operational risk is a fixed percentage denoted by
α (alpha) of average positive annual gross income (GI) of the bank over the past
tional risk
three years. The capital charge may be expressed as follows:
K=[(GI1 + GI2 + GI3) x α] /n
K = Capital charge under the basic indicator approach
GI= Only Positive annual gross income over the previous three years
α = 15%
N = Number of the previous three years of which gross income is positive
Quantitative Disclosures
•The capital requirements Solo Consolidated
for operational risk Amount in BDT Crore
149.29 150.93

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Annual Report 2016 167
9. Liquidity Ratio
Qualitative Disclosures
• Views of BOD on system Liquidity risk is a financial risk that for a certain period of time a given financial
to reduce liquidity risk asset, security or commodity cannot be traded quickly enough in the market
without impacting the market price. RBL is blessed with a prudent Board of
Directors that has always been giving utmost importance to minimize the liquidity
risk of the bank. The prime responsibility of the liquidity risk management of the
bank rests with Treasury Division under the supervision of ALCO Committee,
which maintains liquidity based on current liquidity position, anticipated future
requirement, sources of fund, options for reducing funding needs, present and
anticipated asset quality, present and future earning capacity, present and
planned capital position, etc.

• Methods used to measure To identify and monitor the driving factors of liquidity risk, it is viewed from the
liquidity risk following aspects:
 Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
 Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
 Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
 Net Stable Funding Raito (NSFR)
 Structural Liquidity Profile (SLP)
 Advance Deposit Ratio (ADR)
 Medium Term Funding Ratio (MTFR)
 Maximum Cumulative Outflow (MCO)

RBL’s own liquidity monitoring tools:
 Wholesale Borrowing and Funding Guidelines
 Liquidity Contingency Plan
 Management Action Trigger
• Liquidity risk management
According to liquidity contingency plan we have incorporated all the strategic
system decision to tackle any sort of liquidity crisis. The Asset Liability Committee (ALCO),
which meets at least once in a month, is responsible for managing and controlling
liquidity of the bank. Treasury front office closely monitors and controls liquidity
requirements on a daily basis by appropriate coordination of funding activities and

they are primarily responsible for management of liquidity in the bank. A monthly
projection of fund flows is reviewed in ALCO meeting regularly.
• Policies and processes for Asset-Liability Committee (ALCO) is responsible for monitoring liquidity measures
mitigating liquidity risk and limits in RBL. Liquidity is maintained in excess of the maximum cumulative

outflows calculated within these stress tests. Board Risk Management Committee
set policies and process to mitigate all risks including liquidity risk.
Quantitative Disclosures

Particulars Amount in BDT Crore

Liquidity Coverage Ratio 792.99%
Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) 86.13%
Stock of High quality liquid assets 7921.75
Total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar days 998.97
Available amount of stable funding 24616.29
Required amount of stable funding 28580.49

10. Leverage Ratio

Qualitative Disclosures
• Views of BOD on system to In order to avoid building-up excessive on and off-balance sheet leverage
reduce excessive leverage in the banking system, a simple, transparent, non-risk based leverage
ratio has been introduced by Bangladesh Bank. The leverage ratio is
calibrated to act as a credible supplementary measure to the risk based
capital requirements. Banks are highly leveraged organizations which
facilitate leverage for others.
The responsibility of monitoring excessive leverage of the bank lies with
the concerned divisions under the guidance of the Board of Directors of
RBL. Policies and processes for keeping the bank’s leverage ratio up to
the mark are reviewed by the Board of Directors on a regular basis.

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Annual Report 2016 168
Leverage Ratio Contd.
• Policies and processes for The bank reviews its leverage position as per the Guidelines on Risk Based
managing excessive on Capital Adequacy (Basel III). To manage excessive leverage, the bank follows all
and off balance sheet regulatory requirements for capital, liquidity, commitment, Advance Deposit Ratio
leverage (ADR), Maximum Cumulative Outflow (MCO), large exposures which are
eventually reinforcing different standards set by Bangladesh Bank. The aim is to
ensure that the high leverage inherent in banking business models is carefully
and prudently managed.
• Approach for calculating A minimum Tier 1 leverage ratio of 3% is being prescribed both at solo and
exposure consolidated level. Accordingly RBL maintains leverage ratio on quarterly basis.
Leverage Ratio = Tier 1 Capital (after related deductions)/Total Exposure (after
related deductions)
The exposure measure for the leverage ratio generally follows the accounting
measure of exposure. In order to measure the exposure consistently with financial
accounts, the following is applied by the bank:
i. On balance sheet, non-derivative exposures are net of specific provisions
and valuation adjustments (e.g. surplus/ deficit on Available for sale (AFS)/
Held-for-trading (HFT) positions).
ii. Physical or financial collateral, guarantee or credit risk mitigation purchased
is not allowed to reduce on balance sheet exposure.
iii. Netting of loans and deposits is not allowed.
Quantitative Disclosures

Solo Consolidated
Amount in BDT Crore
Leverage Ratio 2.65% 2.70%
On balance sheet exposure 32561.93 32607.45
Off balance sheet exposure 1055.33 1055.33
Total Deduction From On and Off-Balance Sheet Exposure 38.84 38.84
Total exposure 33578.42 33623.94

11. Remuneration
The disclosure requirement on remuneration allows market participants to assess the quality of the
bank’s compensation practices and the incentives towards risk taking the supports. The overall objective
of the Bank’s remuneration policy is to establish a framework for attracting, retaining and motivating

employees and creating incentives for delivering long-term performance within established risk limits.
Performance is judged on both the achievement and values of the bank.
Qualitative Disclosure

Sl. No. Name, composition and mandate of the main The human resource division of the bank oversees the
body overseeing remuneration. remuneration in line with its human resource policy
under direct guidance of Board of Directors of the bank.
External consultants whose advice has been The bank does not have any external consultant in
sought, the body by which they were commissioned, preparing and implementation of remuneration
and in what areas of the remuneration process. process.
A description of the scope of the bank’s RBL follows National Pay Scale. The bank follows a
remuneration policy (eg by regions, business non-discriminatory policy in respect of remuneration
lines), including the extent to which it is applicable and benefits for head quarter and regions. RBL has
to foreign subsidiaries and branches. no foreign subsidiaries and branches.
a. A description of the types of employees Types of employees considered as material risk takers:
considered as material risk takers and as senior Employees No.
managers, including the number of employees in
Managing Director and CEO 01
each group.
Deputy Managing Director 01
General Manager 08
CFO 01
Divisional & Local Office Head ( GM) 11
Divisional Head of Head Office 36
Zonal Managers 25
Branch M anagers 562

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 169
Remuneration Contd.
An overview of the key features and objectives of There is no separate remuneration structure in
remuneration policy. RBL. RBL follows the national pay scale
introduced by The Government of The Peoples’
Republic of Bangladesh.

Whether the remuneration committee reviewed RBL followed National Pay Scale-2009 from 1st
the firm’s remuneration policy during the past July 2009 to 30 June 2015. The Government of the
year, and if so, an overview of any changes that Peoples Republic of Bangladesh introduced
was made. national pay scale-2015. The same has been
approved in 987th board meeting held on
December 27, 2015 and confirmed in 988th board
b. meeting held on December 30, 2015. A circular
has been issued on January 7, 2015 July 01, 2015
on December 15, 2015 effective from 1st July,
2015 in this regard.

A discussion of how the bank ensures that risk

and compliance employees are remunerated RBL follows National Pay Scale.
independently of the businesses they oversee.

An overview of the key risks that the bank takes
into account when implementing remuneration RBL follows National Pay Scale.

An overview of the nature and type of the key

measures used to take account of these risks, Not applicable.
including risks difficult to measure (values need
not be disclosed).
A discussion of the ways in which these
Not applicable.

measures affect remuneration.

A discussion of how the nature and type of these

measures has changed over the past year and Not applicable.
reasons for the change, as well as the impact of

changes on remuneration.

An overview of main performance metrics for

bank, top-level business lines and individuals. Not applicable.

A discussion of how amounts of individual

d. remuneration are linked to bank-wide and Not applicable.
individual performance

A discussion of the measures the bank will in

general implement to adjust remuneration in the Not applicable.
event that performance metrics are weak.

A discussion of the bank’s policy on deferral and The pay scale describes short time and long term
vesting of variable remuneration and, if the benefits. Short time benefits include salary,
fraction of variable remuneration that is deferred
festival bonus and incentive bonus. Long term
differs across employees or groups of
employees, a description of the factors that benefits include gratuity and pension, provident
e. determine the fraction and their relative fund and leave encashment.
A discussion of the bank’s policy and criteria for
adjusting deferred remuneration before vesting
and (if permitted by national law) after vesting Not applicable.
through claw back arrangements.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 170
An overview of the forms of variable
remuneration offered (ie cash, shares and Not applicable.
share-linked instruments and other forms.

f. A discussion of the use of the different forms of

variable remuneration and, if the mix of
different forms of variable remuneration differs Not applicable.
across employees or groups of employees), a
description the factors that determine the mix
and their relative importance.

Quantitative Disclosures
Number of meetings held by the main body
Not applicable
g. overseeing remuneration during the financial
year and remuneration paid to its member.
Number of employees having received a
variable remuneration award during the Not applicable.
financial year.

Number and total amount of guaranteed
Not applicable.
h bonuses awarded during the financial year.

Number and total amount of sign-on awards

Not applicable.
made during the financial year.
Number and total amount of severance
Not applicable.
payments made during the financial year.
Total amount of outstanding deferred
remuneration, split into cash, shares and Not applicable.
i. share-linked instruments and other forms.

Total amount of deferred remuneration paid

Not applicable.
out in the financial year
Breakdown of amount of remuneration

awards for the financial year to show: Particulars Amount in BDT Crore
j. - fixed and variable. Fixed 386.62
- deferred and non-deferred. Variable 31.46
- different forms used (cash, shares

and share linked instruments, other

Total amount of outstanding deferred
remuneration and retained remuneration
Not applicable.
exposed to ex post explicit and/or implicit
k. Total amount of reductions during the
financial year due to ex post explicit Not applicable.
Total amount of reductions during the
financial year due to ex post implicit Not applicable.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 171
Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader
Chairman, Audit Committee

Report of the
Audit Committee
the Board Audit Committee (AC)
In compliance with the guidelines of Bank Companies Act, Bangladesh Securities & Exchange
Commision (BSEC), and Bangladesh Bank directives, the Audit Committee of the Board of Rupali
Bank Limited has been functioning as a sub-committee of the Board of Directors. It has been
assisting the board in ensuring that financial statements reflect true and fair view of the state of
affairs of the bank. It also carries out the overseeing responsibilities for implementation of
different policies formulated by the Board and the Regulators.
Compoistion of Committee

The audit committee (As on 31 December 2016) comprises of the following members:
Sl. Name of Members Status in the
Status in Bank
No. Committee
01 Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader Independent Director of the Board Chairman
02 Mr. Mahiudduin Faruqi Director of the Board Member
03 Prof. Dr. Md. Salim Uddin, FCA, FCMA Director of the Board Member
04 Mr. A.K.M. Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director of the Board Member
05 Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director of the Board Member

Roles and Functions of AC

Broadly the roles and functions of the Audit Committee as determined by BRPD Circular No.
11/2013 of Bangladesh Bank are as follows:

Internal Control
 Evaluate the competence of the management in relation to developing a right

compliance culture and whether clear guidelines have been set by the management for
the employees to carry out the duties and responsibilities, and also assess whether the
management has adequate control over the performances of the employees of the Bank.
 Converse on the establishment of computerized banking and effective management
System (MIS) in the bank.
 Assess whether the management compes with the recommendations made by the
internal and external auditors.
 Report to the board of the bank the frauds or irregularities of material defects and
conduct regural detection of fraud, irregularities and lapses of persons in charge,
suggest corrective measures, and also recommend for tasking appropriate action
against the guilty and monitor the compliamce of the recommendations marked with
corrective measures suggested by the internal and external auditors.
Publishing Annual Financial Statements
 Review the vivid and appropriate data and information of the bank that has been fairly
reflected in the financial statements as per the existing laws and standards formulated
by the Bangladesh Bank.
 Ensure exchange of views between the external/ auditors/ authority and the
management of the bank before finalizing the financial statements.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 173
Internal Audit

 Evaluate whether the internal audit activities of the bank are performed independent of the
 Discuss the differently activities and organizational structure of the internal audit and
ensure that no difficulties acts as hindrance towards the audit activities.
 Evaluate the efficiency and effect of the internal audit.
External Audit
 Evaluate the audit report and audited statements of the external auditors.
Evaluate defects marked with corrective measures as suggested by the external auditors

for removing the irregularities, and assess whether the management/ authority considered
the suggestions thereof.
 Put forward recommendation for appointment of the external auditors.

Complying with the existing laws and regulations

 Discuss whether the rules and regulations formulated by the regulatory authorities
including the Bangladesh Bank, and the board of the bank are practised and complied by

the Bank management.

 Report to the Board of Directors quarterly about the measures adopted to regularize the
frauds or irregularities in the internal control system as indentified by the internal auditors,
external auditors and Bangladesh Bank.
 Produce the evaluation reports perpared by the internal and external authorites on the
related matters.
Meetings of the Audit Committee during the year 2016

Sl. Name of Directors Position Meetings Meetings

No. held Attended
01. Prof. Dr. Sushil Ranhan Howlader Independent Director 13 13
& Chairman
02. Mr. Mahiudduin Faruqi Director & Member 4 4
03. Prof. Dr. Md. Salim Uddin, FCA, FCMA, MBA Director 13 11
04. A K M Delwer Hussain, FCMA Director 13 13
05. Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director 13 8

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 174
Main Activities and deliberations during the year 2016
The Audit committee carried out all of its regular functions in the areas pertaining to its
responsibilities during the year. Activities and major decisions made during the year are as follows:
i. Reviewed the execution report on Internal Control & Compliance (ICC) Policy and the draft
Audit and Inspection Manual of the Bank.
ii. Reviewed the risk grading policy and approved the audit calendar 2016 of the Bank.
iii. Instructed to reconcile long outstanding entries within the year ended on 31st December
iv. Reviewed the compliance status of the bank by way of using the checklist of self-assessment
of antifraud internal controls for the quarters of 2016;
v. Reviewed all the quarterly financial statements (unaudited) of the bank;
vi. Reviewed on regular basis the time limit of the memos to be placed to the Audit Committee
from different departments of Head Office;
vii. Evaluated performances of the external auditors and made recommendations regarding
external auditors’ appointment and their remuneration for the year 2016;
viii. Assessed and made recommendations about the classified and the written-off loans and the
recovery position from the defaulted loan, and made instructions to reduce the classified

loan of the bank;
ix. Reviewed all the quarterly financial statements (unaudited) of the bank;
x. Reviewed the Bangladesh Bank inspection reports, internal inspection reports and external
audit reports and recommended to take corrective measures case by case for lapses and
xi Reviewed Bank’s Health Report 2015.
xii. Reviewed the audit report made by respective divisions as per bank’s risk based audit plan

that graded by using the prescribed method all branches into the formulated method into
extreme risk, high risk, medium risk and low risk categories.

The Audit Committee expresses its sincere thanks to the respected members of the Board,
management and authorities, in particular, Bangladesh Bank and the Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission for their excellent support.

For and on behalf of the Audit Committee of the board of RBL.

(Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader)

Chairman, Audit Committee

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 175
general oversight and supervision.

Directors' • Audit Committee of the Board is fully

independent of executive management.
Responsibility for • The Committee regularly reviews reports
prepared by Monitoring, compliance, Audit &
Internal Control and Inspection and RMD division covering all the
business operations of the Bank with particular
Financial Reporting focus on core risks.
The Board of Directors of RBL is responsible to Monitoring, Compliance, Audit & Inspection and
cause preparation and true & fair presentation of RMD division of the Bank work under close
the annual financial statements of 2016 and other coordination with Audit Committee of the Board
financial information and reports contained in this for ensuring better internal control, effective
annual report by the management. The operational procedure and reliable financial
accompanying financial statements have been reporting. Internal control & compliance related
prepared in accordance with Bangladesh divisions undertake details audit of the activities
Accounting Standards as adopted by institute of of branches and head office on a regular basis.
Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh and The reports are presented directly to Audit
Companies Act 1994, Banking Companies Act Committee of the Board. Audit & Inspection

1991 (Latest Amended 2013) and Securities and division has also direct access to the Audit
Exchange Rules 1987 as considered relevant Committee of the Board to discuss any matter
and appropriate under the circumstances. In co related to their audit, adequacy of internal control
cases where amounts are stated based on procedure and compliance as well as overall risk
estimate those are based on informed judgment management of the Bank.
and estimate made by the management and
agreed by Board of Directors. The financial A. WAHAB & CO AND MAHFEL HOQUE & CO,
information and data provided in this annual Chartered Accountants are external auditors of
report is fully consistent with financial statements. the Bank for auditing annual financial statements
of 2016. They keep an understanding of RBL's

The Board is responsible for ensuring Adequate internal control system for preparation of financial
Internal Control. statements and financial reporting and
The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring undertakes such auditing tests and other
adequate internal control on financial transactions auditing procedures as may be considered

and reporting. In order to ensure effective risk appropriate under the circumstances to express
management, the Board also ensures that its independent opinion on the financial
adequate internal control system is in place and it statements that follow. They have full access to

is consistently complied with to provide the Audit Committee to discuss any matter
reasonable assurance that financial records are related to its audit to ensure reliability of financial
reliable for preparation of financial statements, reporting and effectiveness of internal control
that quality of financial reporting is maintained, procedure.
that assets of the bank are safeguarded against The Board understands that despite taking all
unauthorized use or disposition and that cares, any internal control system may have
accountability for assets and business limitations in its effectiveness. However, the
transactions are maintained. The Board monitors Board believes that effective control was
and updates internal control procedure on a maintained over preparation of financial
continuous basis. statements for the year ended December 31,
Internal control, accounting policies and financial 2016.
reporting under direct supervision of Audit With best regards
Committee of the Board that is fully comprised of
non-executive members of the Board and On behalf of the Board of the Directors
independent of executive management.
• Internal control, accounting policies and
financial reporting are under direct supervision (Monzur Hossain)
of the Audit Committee of the Board that in
turn report to the Board of Directors for Chairman

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 176
Managing Director & CEO’s and CFO's
Declaration to the Board
27 April, 2017

Board of Directors
Rupali Bank Limited
Rupali Bhaban
34 Dilkusha Commercial Area,

Subject: Managing Director and CFO's declaration to the Board.

In terms of the Notification of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
(BSEC) bearing No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44 dated 07 August 2012, we,
the undersigned Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) do hereby certify
that for the year ended 31 December 2016:
i) We have reviewed the financial statements for the year and that to the best of
our knowledge and belief:

a) These statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any
material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;

b) These statements together present a true and fair view of the company's
affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards and
applicable laws;

ii) There are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no transaction entered into by
the Bank during the year which is fraudulent, illegal or violation of the bank's
code of conduct.

(Md. Shawkat Jahan Khan FCMA) (Md Ataur Rahman Prodhan)

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Managing Director & CEO

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 177
Auditors’ Report
Financial Statements

o rt
a l
a nci
Fi n

Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Rupali Bank Limited and
its subsidiaries (the “Group”) as well as the separate financial statements of Rupali Bank Limited
(the “Bank”), which comprise the consolidated and separate statement of financial position as at 31
December 2016, and the consolidated and separate statement of comprehensive income, consoli-
dated and separate statements of changes in equity and consolidated and separate cash flow state-
ments for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explana-
tory information.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements and Internal Controls

Management is responsible for the preparation of consolidated financial statements of the Group

and separate financial statements of the Bank that give a true and fair view in accordance with
Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards as explained in note 2.01 and for such internal control
as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial state-
ments of the Group and separate financial statements of the Bank that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Bank Company Act, 1991 as amended and the
Bangladesh Bank regulations require the management to ensure effective internal audit, internal

control and risk management functions of the Bank. The Management is also required to make a
self-assessment on the effectiveness of anti-fraud internal controls and report to Bangladesh Bank
on instances of fraud and forgeries.

Auditors’ Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements of the Group

and separate financial statements of the Bank based on our audit. We conducted our audit in
accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with
ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
the consolidated financial statements of the Group and separate financial statements of the Bank
are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclo-
sures in the consolidated financial statements of the Group and separate financial statements of the
Bank. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the
risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements of the Group and separate
financial statements of the Bank, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments,
the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of consolidated financial
statements of the Group and separate financial statements of the Bank that give a true and fair view
in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 179
purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also
includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the
consolidated financial statements of the Group and separate financial statements of the Bank.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis
for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements of the Group and separate financial statements
of the Bank is prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BASs) and Bangla-
desh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRSs) give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial
position of the Group and separate financial position of the Bank as at 31 December 2016, and of
its consolidated and separate financial performance and its consolidated and separate cash flows
for the year then ended in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards as explained
in note 2.01

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
In accordance with the Companies Act 1994, the Securities and Exchange Rules 1987, the Bank
Company Act 1991 as amended and the rules and regulations issued by Bangladesh Bank, we also
report the following:
(a) we have obtained all the information and explanation which to the best of our knowledge and

belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof;

(b) to the extent noted during the course of our audit work performed on the basis stated under
the Auditors’ Responsibility section in forming the above opinion on the consolidated financial

statements of the Group and separate financial statements of the Bank and considering the
reports of the management to Bangladesh Bank on anti-fraud internal controls and instances

of fraud and forgeries as stated under the Management’s Responsibility for the Financial
Statements and Internal Control:

i) internal audit, internal control and risk management arrangements of the Group and the Bank
as disclosed in note 2.29 of the financial statements appeared to be materially adequate;

ii) nothing has come to our attention regarding material instances of forgery or irregularity or
administrative error and exception or anything detrimental committed by employees of the
Bank and its related entities.

(c) the financial statements of subsidiaries of the Bank Rupali Investment Limited and Rupali
Bank Securities Limited have been audited by G. KIBRIA & CO. Chartered Accountants and
ACNABIN, Chartered Accountants respectively and have been properly reflected in the
consolidated financial statements;

(d) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Group and
the Bank so far as it appeared from our examination of those books;

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 180
(e) the consolidated statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income of
the Group and the separate balance of financial position and statement of comprehensive
income of the Bank dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account;

(f) the expenditure incurred was for the purposes of the Bank’s business;

(g) the consolidated financial statements of the Group and separate financial statements of the
Bank have been drawn up in conformity with prevailing rules, regulations and accounting
standards as well as with related guidance issued by Bangladesh Bank;

(h) with particular reference to note 7.10 adequate provisions have not been made as per the
BRPD circular no. 12 dated 23/09/12. Instead, the provision was fixed Tk. 1,018.18 crore as
per Bangladesh Bank’s instruction through letter no. BRPD(P1)/661/13/2017-2247 dated 18
April 2017 in response to the letter no. HO/FAD/171 dated 04 April 2017 issued by Rupali
Bank Ltd. Hence, the provision shortfall stood Tk. 1,684.03 which is to be kept by the Bank in
the next 3 years.

(i) the records and statements submitted by the branches have been properly maintained and
consolidated in the financial statements;

the information and explanation required by us have been received and found satisfactory;

(k) the amount of capital shortfall of the Bank, as per risk based capital (Basel-III) is Tk. 586.13
crore (note-14.04); and

(l) we have reviewed over 80% of the risk weighted assets of the Bank and we have spent

around 7,980 person hours for the audit of the books and accounts of the Bank.

A. Wahab & Co. Mahfel Huq & Co.

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants

Dated, Dhaka
27 April, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 181
Rupali Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
as at 31 December 2016
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015
Property and assets
Cash 3(a)
Cash in hand (including foreign currencies) 2,029,132,196 2,005,861,674
Balance with Bangladesh Bank & Sonali Bank (including foreign
19,884,036,334 17,819,213,143
21,913,168,530 19,825,074,817
Balance with other banks and financial institutions 4(a)
In Bangladesh 22,798,900,000 19,293,465,255
Outside Bangladesh 195,123,688 281,067,401
22,994,023,688 19,574,532,656
Money at call and short notice 5(a) 2,430,000,000 6,140,000,000
Investments 6(a)
Government 58,433,267,950 63,935,607,931

Others 22,296,310,187 19,364,664,412
80,729,578,137 83,300,272,344
Loans and advances
Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc.
co 7(a)
173,939,298,062 140,915,255,805
Bills purchased and discounted 1,429,372,943 1,793,181,104
175,368,671,005 142,708,436,908
Fixed assets including land, building, furniture and fixtures 8(a) 14,139,028,031 14,215,611,577
Other assets 9(a) 16,989,180,518 15,526,169,643

Non-banking assets 10(a) - -

Total assets 334,563,649,909 301,290,097,945
Liabilities and capital

Borrowing from other banks, financial institutions and agents 11(a) 1,331,897,409 1,479,806,614

Deposits and other accounts 12(a)


Current and other accounts, etc. 16,046,484,890 17,240,777,027

Bills payable 2,443,125,020 1,872,657,761
Savings deposits 60,312,187,428 47,640,023,066
Fixed deposits 200,314,216,170 187,076,176,162
Other deposits - -
279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017
Other liabilities 13(a) 42,283,248,653 33,144,932,354
Total liabilities 322,731,159,570 288,454,372,985
Capital and shareholders' equity
Paid up capital 14 2,760,388,120 2,400,337,500
Share money deposit 15 2,799,953,800 2,799,953,800
Statutory reserve 16 2,872,008,168 2,872,008,168
General reserve 17 - 1,513,298,170
Assets revaluation reserve 18 631,858,882 636,251,422
Revaluation reserve for securities 19 1,728,012,057 1,050,226,225
Retained earnings 20(a) 1,040,269,311 1,563,649,675
Total shareholders' equity 11,832,490,339 12,835,724,960
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 334,563,649,909 301,290,097,945

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 182
Rupali Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
as at 31 December 2016
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

Off - balance sheet exposure 21(a)

Contingent liabilities
Acceptance and endorsements
Letter of guarantee 2,595,086,631 2,467,887,464
Irrevocable letters of credit 70,607,668,687 69,208,147,011
Bills for collection 5,009,041,540 3,974,889,249
Other contingent liability (DC Notes) 1,318,135 1,263,561
Total contingent liabilities 78,213,114,993 75,652,187,285

Other commitments

Documentary credits and short term trade-related transaction - -

Forward assets purchased and forward deposit placed - -
Undrawn note issuance and revolving underwriting facilities - -
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments
co - -
Liabilities against forward purchase and sale - -
Total off balance sheet exposure including contingent liabilities 78,213,114,993 75,652,187,285
Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS) (Restated) 42.87 46.50

The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants

Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 183
Rupali Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015
Interest income 23(a) 13,554,954,093 15,352,030,588
Less: Interest paid on deposits, borrowings etc. 24(a) 15,263,447,311 17,055,875,968
Net interest income (1,708,493,218) (1,703,845,380)
Investment income 25(a) 6,019,614,037 6,881,398,863
Commission, exchange, brokerage etc. 26(a) 1,588,708,153 1,560,241,703
Other operating income 27(a) 579,682,827 578,241,016
Total operating income 6,479,511,800 7,316,036,201
Salary and allowances 28(a) 4,200,079,400 2,445,490,470
Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 29(a) 473,225,457 416,694,450
Legal and professional expenses 26,332,393 20,683,520
Postage, stamp, telecommunication etc. 30(a) 21,712,256 26,024,377
Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. 31(a) 149,858,786 127,821,321
Managing Director's salary and fees 28.01(a) 2,372,896 825,960
Directors' fees and expenses 28.02(a) 3,857,900 2,541,000

Auditors' fees 32(a) 2,745,000 1,557,500
Depreciation and repairs of bank's assets 33(a) 569,986,915 488,022,030
Other expenses 34(a) 1,822,010,203 1,257,171,760
Total operating expenses co 7,272,181,206 4,786,832,388
Profit/(loss) before provision (792,669,406) 2,529,203,814
Provision for loans and advances 35(a) - 773,034,202
Provision for off-balance sheet exposures 36(a) - 193,000,000
Provision for diminution in value of investments 37(a) 31,006,440 15,519,953
Other provisions 38(a) 2,000,000 475,171,293
Total provisions 33,006,440 1,456,725,448

Total profit / (loss) before tax (825,675,846) 1,072,478,366

Provision for taxation 39(a) 386,024,543 836,033,311
Current tax 145,283,891 198,859,650
Deferred tax 240,740,652 637,173,661

Net profit / (loss) after tax for the year (1,211,700,389) 236,445,055
Other comprehensive income - -
Total comprehensive income (1,211,700,389) 236,445,055
Retained earnings brought forward from previous year (restated) 20(a) - 1,485,228,201

(1,211,700,389) 1,721,673,255
Statutory reserve - 212,165,833
General reserve - -
Other reserve - -
- 212,165,833
Retained earnings surplus/ Deficit (1,211,700,389) 1,509,507,423
Basic earning per share (EPS) (restated) 40(a) (4.39) 0.86

The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Rupali Bank Limited
Annual Report 2016 184
Rupali Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

Cash flows from operating activities

Interest receipts in cash 17,725,381,951 21,974,144,877

Interest payments (15,419,402,232) (18,387,413,739)
Dividend receipts 275,395,640 240,579,667
Fees, commissions, brokerage etc. 1,565,584,915 1,549,013,135
Recoveries of loans previously written off 109,200,000 118,800,000
Cash payments to employees (4,215,590,529) (2,462,107,018)
Cash payments to suppliers (616,516,881) (605,018,722)
Income taxes paid (812,677,318) (2,141,595)
Receipts from other operating activities 1,342,833,059 1,043,916,969
Payments for other operating activities (2,861,752,005) (1,828,912,037)

Cash generated from operating activities before changes in
(2,907,543,399) 1,640,861,536
operating assets and liabilities

Increase / (decrease) in operating assets and liabilities

Statutory deposit
Purchase/ sales trading securities
co -
Loans and advances to other banks - -
Loans and advances to customers (32,635,417,147) (17,502,978,347)
Other assets 473,851,594 2,227,158,950
Deposits from others banks - -
Deposits from customers 25,286,379,491 32,172,815,505

Other liabilities accounts of customers - -

Trading liabilities - -
Other liabilities 9,497,433,341 (2,016,565,205)
2,622,247,279 14,880,430,903

Net Cash flows from operating activities (285,296,120) 16,521,292,439

Cash flows from investing activities


Proceeds from sale of securities 849,216,798,249 61,184,596

Payments for purchases of securities (846,590,701,259) (14,557,186,358)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (408,308,656) (271,218,134)
Payments against lease obligation /FDR 121,078,656 (15,647,705)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 6,983,015 1,220,779
Investment in subsidiary (600,034,680) 4,214,623
Net cash used in investing activities 1,745,815,325 (14,777,432,199)

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 185
Rupali Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

Cash flows from financing activities

Payment of long term borrowings (147,909,204) 174,564,719
Borrowing from other banks and financial institutions and agents - -
Receipts from issue of loan capital and debt securities 600,000,000 -
Dividend paid - -
Cash flows from financing activities 452,090,796 174,564,719
Net increase / (decrease) in cash 1,912,610,000 1,918,424,959
Effect on cash & cash equivalent due to changes in exch. rate
Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the year 45,424,582,218 43,506,157,261
Cash and cash equivalent at the year end 41(a) 47,337,192,218 45,424,582,218

Net cash operating inflow per share (Restated) (1.03) 59.85

The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.



Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants

Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 186
Rupali Bank Limited
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Paid Up Share Money Statutory General Revaluation Reserve/gain/loss Retained
Particulars Total
Capital Deposit Reserve Reserves Properties Investments Earnings
Balance as at 01 January 2016 2,400,337,500 2,799,953,800 2,872,008,168 1,513,298,170 636,251,422 1,050,226,225 1,563,649,675 12,835,724,960
Dividends (Bonus share) 360,050,620 - - - - (360,050,620) -
Restated Balance as at 01 January 2016 2,760,388,120 2,799,953,800 2,872,008,168 1,513,298,170 636,251,422 1,050,226,225 1,203,599,055 12,835,724,960
Revaluation reserve - - - - (4,392,540) - - (4,392,540)
Surplus / (deficit) on revaluation of investments
- - - - 677,785,832 - 677,785,832
Net profit during the year - - - - - - (1,211,700,389) (1,211,700,389)
Wrongly posted to machanical appliance - - - - - - (3,198,810) (3,198,810)
Excess Profit charged by branches to PL
- - - - - - (24,931,330) (24,931,330)
Divident Received of 2014 & 2015 - - - - - - 18,112,300 18,112,300
Wrongly posted to PPE Accounts (Motor
- - - - - - (6,163,684) (6,163,684)
Interest Income (Excess Charge) - (448,746,000) (448,746,000)

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Transferred from general reserve - - - (1,513,298,170) - - 1,513,298,170 -
Issue of share capital - - - - - - - -

Balance as at 31 December 2016 2,760,388,120 2,799,953,800 2,872,008,168 - 631,858,882 1,728,012,057 1,040,269,311 11,832,490,339
Balance as at 31 December 2015 2,400,337,500 2,799,953,800 2,872,008,168 1,513,298,170 636,251,422 1,050,226,225 1,563,649,675 12,835,724,960
The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Rupali Bank Limited
Statement of Financial Position
as at 31 December 2016
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

Property and assets

Cash 3
Cash in hand (including foreign currencies) 2,029,106,367 2,005,830,934
Balance with Bangladesh Bank & Sonali Bank
(including foreign currencies) 19,439,820,604 17,686,353,493
21,468,926,971 19,692,184,427
Balance with other banks and financial institutions 4
In Bangladesh 22,798,900,000 19,178,440,000
Outside Bangladesh 195,123,688 281,067,401
22,994,023,688 19,459,507,401
Money at call and short notice 5 2,430,000,000 6,140,000,000
Investments 6
Government 58,433,267,950 63,935,607,931

Others 21,217,954,960 18,718,554,960
79,651,222,910 82,654,162,892
Loans and advances 7
Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc.
Bills purchased and discounted
co 173,721,007,704
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500
Fixed assets including land, building, furniture and fixtures 8 14,121,395,181 14,194,037,748
Other assets 9 18,292,506,972 15,894,896,618
Non-banking assets 10 - -
Total assets 334,108,456,369 300,549,752,586

Liabilities and capital


Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents 11 1,331,897,409 1,479,806,614
Deposits and other accounts 12
Current and other accounts, etc. 16,046,484,890 17,240,777,027
Bills payable 2,443,125,020 1,872,657,761

Savings deposits 60,312,187,428 47,640,023,066

Fixed deposits 200,314,216,170 187,076,176,162
Other deposits - -
279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017
Other liabilities 13 42,004,163,147 32,533,840,742
Total liabilities 322,452,074,064 287,843,281,373
Capital and shareholders' equity
Paid up capital 14 2,760,388,120 2,400,337,500
Share money deposit 15 2,799,953,800 2,799,953,800
Statutory reserve 16 2,872,008,168 2,872,008,168
General reserve 17 - 1,513,298,170
Assets revaluation reserve 18 631,858,882 636,251,422
Revaluation reserve for securities 19 1,728,012,057 1,050,226,225
Retained earnings 20 864,161,277 1,434,395,928
Total shareholders' equity 11,656,382,305 12,706,471,213
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 334,108,456,369 300,549,752,586

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 188
Rupali Bank Limited
Statement of Financial Position
as at 31 December 2016
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

Off-balance sheet exposure 21

Contingent liabilities
Acceptance and endorsements - -
Letter of guarantee 2,595,086,631 2,467,887,464
Irrevocable letters of credit 70,607,668,687 69,208,147,011
Bills for collection 5,009,041,540 3,974,889,249
Other contingent liability (DC Notes) 1,318,135 1,263,561
Total contingent liabilities 78,213,114,993 75,652,187,285

Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS) (restated)
co 42.23 46.03

The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 189
Rupali Bank Limited
Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

Interest income 23 13,509,116,565 15,322,894,234

Less: Interest paid on deposits, borrowings etc. 24 15,263,447,311 17,055,875,968
Net interest income (1,754,330,746) (1,732,981,734)
Investment income 25 5,952,395,287 6,873,751,915
Commission, exchange, brokerage etc. 26 1,565,584,915 1,548,791,564
Other operating income 27 574,671,378 558,542,335
Total operating income 6,338,320,835 7,248,104,079
Salary and allowances 28 4,180,802,420 2,429,578,078
Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 29 462,102,310 406,037,252
Legal and professional expenses 26,332,393 20,683,520
Postage, stamp, telecommunication etc. 30 20,988,154 25,337,764
Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. 31 149,692,009 127,408,946
Managing Director's salary and fees 28 2,372,896 825,960
Directors' fees and expenses 28 2,456,000 1,989,000

Auditors' fees 32 2,630,000 1,500,000
Depreciation and repairs of bank's assets 33 565,879,721 482,798,037
Other expenses 34 1,812,863,519 1,249,910,864
Total operating expenses
Profit/(loss) before provision
Provision for loans and advances
co 35
Provision for off-balance sheet exposures 36 - 193,000,000
Provision for diminution in value of investments 37 - -
Other provisions 38 - 475,171,293
Total provision - 1,441,205,495

Total profit / (loss) before tax (887,798,587) 1,060,829,164

Provision for taxation 39 370,756,089 825,827,303
Current tax 129,610,609 188,482,637
Deferred tax 241,145,480 637,344,666

Net profit after tax for the year (1,258,554,676) 235,001,861

Other comprehensive income - -
Total comprehensive income (1,258,554,676) 235,001,861
Retained earnings brought forward from previous year 20 609,417,783 1,357,417,648

(649,136,893) 1,592,419,508
Statutory reserve - 212,165,833
- 212,165,833
Retained earnings surplus/ Deficit (649,136,893) 1,380,253,676

Basic earning per share (EPS) (restated) 40 (4.56) 0.85

The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 190
Rupali Bank Limited
Statement of cash flows
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015
Cash flows from operating activities

Interest receipts in cash 17,709,986,432 21,969,223,226

Interest payments (15,419,402,232) (18,387,413,739)
Dividend receipts 252,590,323 228,225,509
Fees, commissions, brokerage etc. 1,565,584,915 1,548,791,564
Recoveries of loans previously written off 109,200,000 118,800,000
Cash payments to employees (4,183,175,316) (2,430,404,038)
Cash payments to suppliers (632,782,473) (557,783,962)
Income taxes paid (800,000,000) -
Receipts from other operating activities 574,671,378 558,542,335
Payments for other operating activities (2,051,430,705) (1,488,554,899)

Cash generated from operating activities before
(2,874,757,677) 1,559,425,995
changes in operating assets and liabilities
Increase / (decrease) in operating assets and liabilities
Statutory deposit - -
Purchase/ sales trading securities - -
Loans and advances to other banks - -
Loans and advances to customers (32,635,417,147) (17,502,978,347)

Other assets 473,851,594 2,231,658,950

Deposits from others banks - -
Deposits from customers 25,286,379,491 32,172,815,505
Other liabilities accounts of customers - -

Trading liabilities - -
Other liabilities 9,497,433,341 (2,016,565,204)
2,622,247,279 14,884,930,904
Net Cash flows from operating activities (252,510,398) 16,444,356,899

Cash flows from investing activities

Proceeds from sale of securities 849,264,617,696 -
Payments for purchases of securities (846,261,668,724) (14,434,142,383)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (408,218,873) (254,812,299)
Payments against lease obligation - -
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 6,983,015 1,220,779
Investment in subsidiaries (600,034,680) 4,214,623
Net cash used in investing activities 2,001,678,434 (14,683,519,280)

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 191
Rupali Bank Limited
Statement of cash flows
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

Cash flows from financing activities

Payment of long term borrowings (147,909,204) 174,564,719
Borrowing from other banks and financial institutions - -
Receipts from issue of loan capital and debt securities - -
Dividend paid - -
Cash flows from financing activities (147,909,204) 174,564,719
Net increase / (decrease) in cash 1,601,258,831 1,935,402,338
Effect on cash & cash equivalent due to changes in exch. rate - -
Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the year 45,291,691,828 43,356,289,492
Cash and cash equivalent at the year end 41 46,892,950,659 45,291,691,828

Net cash operating inflow per share (restated) co (0.91) 59.57
The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 192
Rupali Bank Limited
Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Share Money Statutory General Revaluation Reserve/gain/loss Retained
Particulars Paid Up Capital Total
Deposit Reserve Reserves Properties Investments Earnings
Balance as at 1st January-16 2,400,337,500 2,799,953,800 2,872,008,168 1,513,298,170 636,251,422 1,050,226,225 1,434,395,928 12,706,471,213
Dividends (Bonus share) 360,050,620 - - - - (360,050,620) -
Restated Balance as at 1st January-16 2,760,388,120 2,799,953,800 2,872,008,168 1,513,298,170 636,251,422 1,050,226,225 1,074,345,308 12,706,471,213
Revaluation reserve - - - - (4,392,540) - - (4,392,540)
Surplus / (deficit) on revaluation of
- - - - 677,785,832 - 677,785,832
investments (HTM&HFT)
Net profit during the year - - - - - - (1,258,554,676) (1,258,554,676)
Under charged Depreciation on machanical
appliance - - - - - - (3,198,810) (3,198,810)
Excess Profit charged by branches to PL
- - - - - - (24,931,330) (24,931,330)
Divident Received of 2014 & 2015 18,112,300 18,112,300
Wrongly posted to PPE Accounts (Motor
- - - - - - (6,163,684) (6,163,684)

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Interest Income (Excess Charge) - (448,746,000) (448,746,000)
Transferred from general reserve - - - (1,513,298,170) - - 1,513,298,170 -

Issue of share capital - - - - - - - -
Balance as at 31 December - 2016 2,760,388,120 2,799,953,800 2,872,008,168 - 631,858,882 1,728,012,057 864,161,277 11,656,382,305
Balance as at 31 December - 2015 2,400,337,500 2,799,953,800 2,872,008,168 1,513,298,170 636,251,422 1,050,226,225 1,434,395,928 12,706,471,213
The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Rupali Bank Limited
Liquidity Statement
(Maturity Analysis of Assets & Libilities)
For the year ended 31 December,2016

Particulars Upto 01 Month 01 to 03 Months 03 to12 Months 01 to 05 Years More than 05 years Total

Cash in hand 3,374,090,966 - - - 18,094,836,005 21,468,926,971
Balance with other banks and financial institutions 2,638,902,719 12,800,013,186 7,555,107,783 - - 22,994,023,688
Money at call and short notice 2,430,000,000 - - - - 2,430,000,000
Investments 33,032,038,102 24,000,026 5,939,806,488 8,351,414,226 32,303,964,068 79,651,222,910
Loans and advances 24,412,054,379 19,103,666,091 53,425,358,345 40,329,021,751 37,880,280,081 175,150,380,647
Fixed assets (including premises, furniture and
- - - - 14,121,395,181 14,121,395,181
Other assets - 4,087,345,024 5,678,408,381 7,107,422,802 1,419,330,765 18,292,506,972
Non banking assets - - - - - -
Total assets 65,887,086,166 36,015,024,327 72,598,680,997 55,787,858,779 103,819,806,100 334,108,456,369
Borrowing from Bangladesh bank, other banks,
302,762,839 386,919,140 642,215,430 - - 1,331,897,409
Financial institutions and agents

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Deposit accounts 50,485,881,387 92,214,244,124 75,169,009,547 47,655,178,047 13,591,700,403 279,116,013,508
Other accounts - - - - -

Provision & Other Liabilities 4,212,346,206 9,621,497,210 21,635,926,213 6,534,393,518 - 42,004,163,147
Total Liablities 55,000,990,432 102,222,660,474 97,447,151,190 54,189,571,565 13,591,700,403 322,452,074,064
Net Liquidity difference 10,886,095,734 (66,207,636,147) (24,848,470,193) 1,598,287,214 90,228,105,697 11,656,382,305
The annexed accounting policies and other notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Managing Director Director Director Chairman

As per our separate report of even date annexed.


Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Dated, Dhaka
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2016
Corporate Profile and Significant Accounting Policies

1.00 The bank and its activities

1.01 Legal form of Rupali Bank Limited

Rupali Bank Limited was incorporated as public limited company on the 14th day of December, 1986,
vide Certificate of Incorporation No.C-17063, 467 of 1986-1987 under the Companies Act, 1913 (as
adopted in Companies Act, 1994). The bank has taken over the business of Rupali Bank (emerged
as a nationalized commercial bank in 1972), pursuant to Bangladesh Bank Nationalization Order No.
1972 (P. O. No. 26 of 1972) on a going concern basis through a vendor agreement signed between
the Ministry of Finance, of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on behalf of Rupali Bank and board
of directors on 14 December 1986 with a retrospective effect from 14 December 1986. Shares of the
bank are listed in the Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange. The bank has 562
branches as on 31 December 2016.The registered office of the company is located at 34 Dilkusha
C/A, Dhaka-1000.

1.02 Principal activities and nature of operation of Rupali Bank Limited

The principal activities of the bank are to provide all kinds of commercial banking and related services
such as accepting deposits, lending loans to customers, trade and services, treasury functions, cash

1.03 Subsidiary
management, securities and custody services, remittance services etc.
Rupali Investment Limited
Rupali Investment Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary company of Rupali Bank Limited, was
incorporated on 31 March 2011 as a public limited company bearing registration No-27899 under

Companies Act 1994 with an authorized share capital of Tk. 500.00 (five hundred) crore. The
company is formed to carry out the business of full-fledged merchant banking activities like issue
management, portfolio management, underwriting, corporate advisory services, etc. Rupali

Investment Limited has started its commercial operation from February 2012. Financial statements of
the company are shown in annexure “S”

Rupali Bank Securities Limited


Rupali Bank Securities Limited, a subsidiary company of Rupali bank limited, was incorporated as a
private limited company on 29th August, 2013 vide registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms,
Dhaka certificate of incorporation No. C-110969/13 under Companies Act 1994. The main objective of
the Company is to act as, and carry on the business of a stock broker & stock dealer and to engage in
all types of stock broking business.Financial statements of the company are shown in annexure “T”

2.0 Significant accounting policies and basis of preparation of financial statements

2.01 Statement of Compliance

The consolidated financial statements of the group and the financial statements of the Bank and its
subsidiaries as at and for the year ended 31 December 2016 have been prepared under the historical
cost basis, except for certain investments which are stated at fair/market value and freehold land and
building are measured at revalued amount in accordance with the First Schedule (section-38) of the
Bank Companies Act 1991(as amended up to 2013), BRPD Circular no. # 14 dated 25 June 2003 and
DFIM Circular # 11, dated December 23, 2009, other Bangladesh Bank circulars, Bangladesh
Accounting Standards (BASs) and Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRSs) adopted by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), the Companies Act 1994, Securities
and Exchange Rules 1987, Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges’ listing regulations and other
laws and rules applicable in Bangladesh. Where the requirements of Bangladesh Bank differ with

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 195
those of BAS/BFRS, the requirements of Bangladesh Bank are applied.
As such the group and the Bank have departed from those contradictory requirements of BASs in
order to comply with the rules and regulations of Bangladesh Bank which are disclosed below:

2.01.01 Investment in shares and securities

BAS: As per requirements of BAS 39 investments in shares and securities generally fall either under
‘at fair value through profit and loss accounts’ or under ‘available for sale’ where any change in the
fair value (measured in accordance with BFRS-13) at the year ended is taken to profit and loss
account or revaluation reserve account, as the case may be.
Bangladesh Bank: As per Banking Regulation & Policy Department (BRPD) Circular no. 14 dated
25 June 2003 of Bangladesh Bank, investments in quoted shares and unquoted shares are revalued
at the year end at market price and as per book value of last audited Statement of Financial Position
respectively. Provision should be made for any loss arising from diminution in value of investments.
As such Rupali Bank Limited measures and recognizes Investment in quoted and unquoted shares
at cost.

2.01.02 Revaluation gain/loss on Government securities:

BAS: As per requirement of BAS 39, T-bills and T-bonds fall under the category of “held for trading”
and “held to maturity” where any change in the fair value of held for trading is recognized in profit and

loss accounts, and amortized cost method is applicable for held to maturity using an effective interest
Bangladesh Bank: According to Department of Offsite Supervision (DOS) Circular no. 05 dated 26
May 2008 and subsequent clarification in DOS Circular no. 05 dated 28 January 2009 of Bangladesh
Bank, loss on revaluation of government securities (T-bill/T-bond) which are categorized as held for
trading will be charged through Income accounts, but any gain on such revaluation should be
recorded under revaluation reserve accounts. However, at the year end if there is any revaluation
gain for any particular held for trading T-bill /T- bonds, such gain can be used to the extent of any

revaluation loss for that particular held for trading T-bills/T-bonds. T-bills designated as held to
maturity are measured at amortized cost method but interest income / gain should be recognized
through revaluation reserve.

2.01.03 Provision on loans and advances

BAS: As per Bangladesh Accounting Standard (BAS)-39, an entity should start the impairment
assessment by considering whether objective evidence of impairment exists for financial assets that

are individually significant. For financial assets which are not individually significant, the assessment
can be performed on an individual or collective (portfolio) basis.
Bangladesh Bank: As per BRPD Circular no. 14 dated 23 September 2012 and BRPD Circular no.
19 dated 27 December 2012, a general provision at 0.25% to 5% under different categories of
unclassified loans (standard and SMA loans) has to be maintained regardless of objective evidence
of impairment. Also provision for sub-standard loan, doubtful loans and bad losses, should be
provided at 20%, 50% and 100% respectively for loans and advances depending on the duration of
overdue. Again as per BRPD Circular no. 10 dated 18 September 2007, a general provision at 1%
should be provided for all off-Statement of Financial Position exposures. Such provision policies are
not specifically in line with those prescribed by BAS 39.

2.01.04 Recognition of Interest Suspense

BAS: Loans and advances to customer are generally classified as loans and receivables as per BAS
39 and Interest income is recognized through effective interest rate method over the term of the loan.
Once a loan is impaired, interest income is recognized in profit and loss account on the same basis
based on revised carrying amount.
Bangladesh Bank: As per BRPD Circular no 14 dated 23 September 2012, once a loan is classified,
interest on such loans are not allowed to be recognized as income, rather the corresponding amount

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 196
needs to be credited to an interest in suspense account, which is presented as liability in the
Statement of Financial Position.

2.01.05 Financial instruments - presentation and disclosure:

Bangladesh Bank guidelines categories, recognize, measure and present financial instruments
differently from those prescribed in BAS 39. As per requirement of BAS 39, T-bills and T-bonds fall
under the category of “held for trading” and “held to maturity” where any change in the fair value of
held for trading is recognized in profit and loss accounts, and amortized cost method is applicable for
held to maturity using an effective interest rate. But According to Department of Offsite Supervision
(DOS) Circular no. 05 dated 26 May 2008 and subsequent clarification in DOS Circular no. 05 dated
28 January 2009 of Bangladesh Bank, loss on revaluation of government securities (T-bill/T-bond)
which are categorized as held for trading will be charged through Income accounts, but any gain on
such revaluation should be recorded under revaluation reserve accounts As such some disclosure
and presentation requirements of BFRS 7 and BAS 32 cannot be made in the accounts.

2.01.06 REPO Transactions

BAS: When an entity sells a financial asset and simultaneously enters into an agreement to
repurchase the asset (or a similar asset) at a fixed price on a future date (REPO or stock lending), the
arrangement is accounted for as a deposit, and the underlying asset continues to be recognized in

the entity’s financial statements. This transaction will be treated as loan and the difference between
selling price and repurchase price will be treated as interest expense.
Bangladesh Bank: As per BRPD guidelines, when a bank sells a financial asset and simultaneously
enters into an agreement to repurchase the same (or a similar asset) at a fixed price on a future date
(REPO or stock lending), the arrangement is accounted for as normal sales transactions and the
financial assets are derecognized in the seller’s book and recognized in the buyer’s book.
2.01.07 Financial guarantees
BAS: As per BAS-39 financial guarantees are contracts that require an entity to make specified

payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make
payment when due in accordance with the terms of a debt instrument. Financial guarantee liabilities
are recognized initially at their fair value, and the initial fair value is amortized over the life of the

financial guarantee. The financial guarantee liability is subsequently carried at the higher of this
amortized amount and the present value of any expected payment when a payment under the
guarantee has become probable. Financial guarantees are included within other liabilities.

Bangladesh Bank: As per BRPD circular # 14 dated 25 June 2003, financial guarantees such as
L/C, L/G will be treated as off Statement of Financial Position items. No liability is recognized for the
guarantee except the cash margin.

2.01.08 Cash and cash equivalents

BAS: Cash and cash equivalent items should be reported as cash item as per BAS 7 Statement of
Cash Flows.
Bangladesh Bank: Some cash and cash equivalent items such as Money at Call and on Short
Notice, Treasury Bill, Prize Bond are not shown as cash and cash equivalent. Money at call and on
short notice are presented on the face of the Statement of Financial Position, and Treasury Bill, Prize
Bond are shown in Investments.

2.01.09 Cash flow statement

BAS: Cash Flow Statement can be prepared either in direct method or in indirect method. The
presentation is selected to present these cash flows in a manner that is most appropriate for the
business or industry. The method selected is applied consistently.
Bangladesh Bank: As per BRPD circular # 14 dated 25 June 2003, cash flow should be a mixture of
direct and indirect method.

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2.01.10 Balance with Bangladesh Bank: (CRR)
BAS: Balance with Bangladesh Bank should be treated as other assets as it is not available for use
in day to day operations as per BAS 7.
Bangladesh Bank: Balance with Bangladesh Bank should be treated as Cash and Cash

2.01.11 Loans and Advance Net of Provision

BAS: Loans and Advances should be presented net of provisions.
Bangladesh Bank: As per BRPD circular # 14 dated 25 June 2003, Provision on Loans and
Advances should be presented separately as liability and cannot be netted off against Loans and
[Also refer to Note 2.21 Compliance of Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BASs) and Bangladesh
Financial Reporting Standards (BFRSs)]

2.01.12 Off- Balance Sheet items

BAS. There is no concept of off Balance Sheet items in any BFRSs; hence there is no requirement
of disclosure of off- Balance Sheet items on the face of the Statement of Financial Position.
Bangladesh Bank: As per BRPD circular # 14 dated 25 June 2003, off-Balance Sheet items (e,g

Letter of credit, letter of guarantee, bill purchase and discounted etc.) must be disclosed separately
on the face of Statement of Financial Position.

2.01.13 Recovery of Written Off Loans co

BAS. As per BAS 1, an entity shall not offset assets and liabilities or incomes and expenses unless
permitted by BFRSs. Recovery of Written-off Loans should be charged to profit and loss account as
per BAS-18.
Bangladesh Bank: As per BRPD circular # 14 recoveries of amount previously written off should be
adjusted with the specific provision for loans and advances.

2.02 Basis of Consolidation of Operations of Subsidiaries

The financial statements of the company and its subsidiary, as mentioned in note No.1.03 has been
consolidated in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standard 27 ‘Consolidated and Separate

Financial Statements’. The consolidation of the financial statement has been made after eliminating
all material inter-company balances, incomes and expenses arising from inter-company transactions.
The total profit of the company and its subsidiary is shown in the Consolidated Statement of

Comprehensive Income with the proportion of profit after taxation. All assets and liabilities of the
company and of its subsidiary are shown in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. The
Consolidated Financial Statements prepared to a common financial year ended 31 December 2016.

2.03 Basis of Measurement

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for the following
material items:
a) Government treasury bills and bonds designated as 'Held for Trading (HFT)' at present value
using marking to market concept with gain credited to revaluation reserve but loss charged to
Statement of Comprehensive and Other Income.
b) Government treasury bills and bonds designated as 'Held to Maturity (HTM)' at present value
using amortization concept.
c) Land & Buildings is recognized at cost at the time of acquisition and subsequently measured at
fair value as per BAS-16 : Property, Plant & Equipment.
The accounting policies, unless otherwise stated have been consistently applied by the company and
consistent with those of the previous years.

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2.04 Going Concern
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which
contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of
business. The accompanying financial statements do not include any adjustments which the bank
should be unable to continue as a going concern.

2.05 Functional and Presentation Currency

The financial statements are presented in Bangladesh Taka (BDT) currency, which is the Bank’s
functional currency. All financial information presented in BDT has been rounded to the nearest BDT.

2.06 Use of Estimates and Judgments

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS)
and Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS) requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses. It also
requires disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the financial statement date.
The most critical estimates and judgments are applied to the Provision for Impairment of Loans &
Investments and Employee Benefits.
The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other
factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the result of which form the basis

of making the judgments about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent
from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates. However, the estimates and
underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis and the revision is recognized in the
period in which the estimates are revised.

2.07 Materiality, Aggregation and Offsetting

Each material item as considered significant by management has been displayed separately in the
financial statements. No amount has been set off unless the bank has a legal right to set off the

amounts and intends to settle on net basis. Income and expenses are presented on a net basis only
when permitted by the relevant accounting standards.
The values of any asset or liability as shown in the Statement of Financial Position are not off-set by
way of deduction from another liability or asset unless there exists a legal right therefore. No such

incident existed during the year.

2.08 Comparative Information


The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the bank and are consistent with those
used in the previous year. Comparative information is reclassified and rearranged wherever
necessary to conform to the current presentation.

2.09 Foreign Currency Transaction and Commitments

a) Foreign currency transaction
Foreign currency transactions are converted into equivalent Taka using the ruling exchange rates on
the dates of respective transactions as per BAS-21 ‘The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange
Rates’. Foreign currency balances held in US Dollar are converted into Taka at weighted average rate
of inter-bank market as determined by Bangladesh Bank on the closing date of every month.
Balances held in foreign currencies other than US Dollar are converted into equivalent US Dollar at
buying rates of New York on closing of the previous day and converted into equivalent BDT. The
resulting exchange transaction gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account.
b) Commitments
Contingent liabilities / commitments for letters of credit and letters of guarantee denominated in
foreign currencies are expressed in Taka terms at the rates of exchange ruling on the Statement of
Financial Position date.

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2.10 Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of cash flows has been prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standard-7:
Statement of Cash Flows and under the guideline of Bangladesh Bank BRPD Circular No. 14 dated
25 June 2003. The Statement shows the structure of changes in cash and cash equivalents during
the financial year.

2.11 Statement of Changes in Equity

The statement of changes in equity reflects information about the increase or decrease in net assets
or wealth. Statement of changes in equity has been prepared in accordance with Bangladesh
Accounting Standard-1: Presentation of Financial Statements and relevant guidelines of Bangladesh

2.12 Liquidity Statement

The liquidity statement has been prepared in accordance with remaining maturity grouping of assets
and liabilities as of the close of the year as per following basis.
a) Balance with other banks and financial institutions, money at call and short notice, etc. are on
the basis of their maturity term;
b) Investments are on the basis of their residual maturity term;
c) Loans and advances are on the basis of their repayment/maturity schedule;

d) Fixed assets are on the basis of their useful lives;
e) Other assets are on the basis of their adjustment;
f) Borrowing from other banks and financial institutions are as per their maturity/repayment term;
g) Deposits and other accounts are on the basis of their maturity term and behavioral past trend;
h) Other long term liabilities are on the basis of their maturity term;
i) Provisions and other liabilities are on the basis of their settlement.
2.13 Accounting for Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
The bank recognizes provisions only when it has a present obligation as a result of a past event and
it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the

obligation and when a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made. No provision is recognized for:
a) Any possible obligation that arises from past events and the existence of which will be confirmed
only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future event not wholly within

the control of the bank; or

b) Any present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognized because
• It is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to
settle the obligation; or

• A reliable estimate of the amount of obligation cannot be made.

2.14 Assets and Basis of Their Valuation

2.14.01 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include notes and coins in hand held with Bangladesh Bank and its agent
bank, ATM balance with other banks and financial institutions, Money at call and on short notice and
prize bond.

2.14.02 Investments
All investment in securities is initially recognized at cost, being fair value of the consideration given,
including acquisition charges associated with the investment. Premiums are amortized and discounts
accredited, using the effective yield method and are taken to discount income. The valuation methods
of investments used are:
a) Held to maturity (HTM)
Investments which have ‘fixed or determinable payments’ and are intended to be ‘held to maturity’
other than those that meet the definition of ‘held at amortized cost’, are classified as held to maturity
(HTM). These investments are subsequently measured at present value as per Bangladesh Bank

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guidelines. Investments in securities have been revalued as marking to market as at 28 January
2009, the gain of revaluation from the held to maturity securities has been shown in the statement in
changes in equity of 31 December 2015.
b) Held for trading (HFT)
Investments classified in this category are acquired principally for the purpose of selling or
repurchasing in short trading or if designated as such by the management. After initial recognition,
investments are measured at fair value and any change in the fair value is recognized in the
statement of income for the period in which it arises.
c) Revaluation
As per the DOS Circular letter no. 05, dated 26 May 2008 & subsequent amendment circular no.05,
dated 28 January 2010, HFT securities are revalued on weekly basis and HTM securities are
amortized on yearly basis. The HTM securities are also revalued if they are reclassified to HFT
category with the Board’s approval. Any gain or loss on revaluation of HTM securities is recognized
in the Statement of Changes in Equity. Gain/ loss on revaluation of HFT securities is recognized in
the Statement of Comprehensive and Other Income on weekly basis and gain on revaluation is
transferred to Statement of Changes in Equity on monthly basis.
Valuation of investments has been shown under government treasury bills and bonds (HTM) at
present value (using amortization concept), government treasury bills and bonds (HFT) at present

value (using marking to market concept).
d) Value of investments has been shown as under:

Investment class Initial

after recognition Recording of change
Government treasury bills (HFT)/ Cost Marking to market/ fair Revaluation gain transferred to
Bangladesh Bank Bill (HFT) value revaluation reserve account and
revaluation loss transferred to
profit and loss account.
Discounting/ Amortization income
transferred to income account.

Government treasury bills (HTM)/ Cost Amortized cost Amortization gain transferred to
Bangladesh Bank Bill (HTM) Revaluation Reserve account and
loss transferred to the Statement
of Comprehensive Income.
Discounting/amortization income

transferred to income account at

yearly basis.
Government treasury bonds (HTM) Cost Amortized cost Amortization gain transferred to
Revaluation Reserve account and

loss transferred to the Statement

of Comprehensive Income
Government treasury bonds (HFT) Cost Marking to market/ fair Revaluation gain transferred to
value revaluation reserve account
and revaluation loss transferred
to profit and loss account.
Prize bond Cost None None
Un quoted shares and debenture Cost None -
Quoted shares Cost Cost Net off loss transferred to profit
and loss account but no unreal-
ized gain recorded.

2.14.03 Loans, Advances and Provisions

Loans and advances are stated at gross amount. General provisions on unclassified loans & off
balance sheet exposures, specific provisions for classified loans and Interest Suspense account
thereon are shown under Other Liabilities. Provision against classified loans and advances is made
on the basis of quarter end review by the management and instruction contained in BRPD Circular
no. 14, 19 & 5 dated 23 September 2012, 27 December 2012 , 29 May 2013, BRPD Circular no 16,
dated 18 November 2014 and BRPD circular no-16 dated 30 December 2015.

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Interest on loans and advances
Interest is calculated on daily product basis but debited to the party’s loan account quarterly. No
interest is charged on loans and advances which are classified as bad & loss. Interest is calculated
on unclassified loans and advances (only standard) and recognized as income during the year.
Interest calculated on classified loans and advances (including special mention accounts) as per
Bangladesh Bank circulars is kept in Interest Suspense Account and credited to Income on
realization. Interest Suspense and penal interest (if any) calculated on classified loans and advances
are taken into income in the year of its receipt from the defaulting borrowers.
Commission and discounts on bills purchased and discounted are recognized at the time of
realization. Recovery of written off loans and advances are taken into income in the year of its
receipts from the defaulting borrowers.
Provision for loans and advances
Provision for loans and advances are made on the basis of quarter as well as year-end review by the
management following instructions contained in BRPD Circular no. 14 dated 23 September 2012 of
Bangladesh Bank. The percentage of provision on loans and advance are given below:
Rate of provision
Short Consumer financing Loans

term Other to
Particulars SMEF other
Agri. than HF HF LP BHs/SDs
Credit & LP

co 2%
SS 5% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
DF 5% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
B/L 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Presentation of loans and advances

Loans and advances are shown as assets at gross amount while interest suspense and loan loss
provision against classified advances are shown as liabilities in the statement of financial position.

Written off loans and advances

Loans and advances are written off to the extent that
(i) there is no realistic prospect of recovery,

(ii) against which legal cases are filed and classified as bad/loss for more than five years as per
guidelines of Bangladesh Bank and
(iii) Special permission of Bangladesh Bank. These write off however, will not undermine/ affect that
claim amount against the borrowers. Detailed memorandum records for all such write off accounts
are meticulously maintained and followed up.

2.14.04 Property, Plant and Equipment

a) Recognition
The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be recognized as an asset, if and only if it
is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity and the cost
of the item can be measured reliably.
Property, plant and equipment have been accounted for at cost or revalued amount less accumulated
depreciation (except land) as per BAS-16: Property, plant and equipment. Cost includes expenditure
that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the items. Subsequent cost of enhancement of an
existing asset is recognized as a separate asset, only when it is probable that future economic
benefits associated with the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and maintenance are
charged to the Statement of Comprehensive and Other Income during the financial periods on which
they are incurred.

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b) Depreciation
Reducing balance method of depreciation applied on Building and Furniture and fixture from the
following month of acquisition and straight line method applied on Mechanical Appliance and Motor
vehicle. Depreciation has been charged from the following month of acquisition, whereas no
depreciation on assets which are disposed off has been charged from the month of disposal. Assets
category wise depreciation rates are as follows:

Category of fixed assets Rate

Land Nil
Building 2.50%
Furniture and fixture 10.00%
Mechanical appliance 20.00%
Motor vehicle 20.00%

c) Disposal of fixed assets

On disposal of fixed assets, the cost and accumulated depreciation are eliminated from the fixed
assets schedule and gains or losses on such disposal are reflected in the Statement of
Comprehensive and Other Income as per provision of BAS-16: Property, Plant and Equipment.

2.14.05 Other assets
Other assets include all assets not covered specifically in other areas of the supervisory activity and
such accounts may be quite insignificant in the overall financial condition of the bank.
Provision for other assets
Other assets have been classified as per BRPD Circular No. 14 dated June 25, 2001 of Bangladesh
Bank and necessary provisions have been made thereon accordingly and for items not covered
under the circular adequate provisions have been made considering their reliability.

2.14.06 Non-Banking Assets

Non-banking assets are acquired on account of the failure of a borrower to repay the loan in time after
receiving the decree from the court regarding the right and title of the mortgaged property. The bank

was awarded absolute ownership on few mortgaged properties (mostly land) through the verdict of
honorable court under section 33(7) of the ‘Arthorin Adalat Act 2003’. No such assets are acquired in
exchange for loans and advances during the year ended 31 December 2016.

2.14.07 Reconciliation of inter-bank/inter-branch account

Books of accounts with regard to inter-bank are reconciled on monthly basis and there are no material
differences which may affect the financial statements significantly. Provision has been made in
respect of un-reconciled entries in case of inter-branch transactions as on the reporting date as
considered prudent by the management. Details of un-reconciled entries of inter branch transaction
accounts as at 31 December 2016 are given in Annexure-E

2.15 Liabilities and Provision

2.15.01 Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents

Borrowing from other banks, financial institutions and agents include interest bearing borrowing
redeemable at call, on-demand and short term deposits lodged for periods of less than 6 months.
These items are brought to account at the gross value of the outstanding balance. Interest paid or
payable on these borrowings is charged to the Statement of Comprehensive and Other Income.

2.15.02 Deposits and other accounts

Deposits and other accounts include non interest bearing current deposit redeemable at call,
interests bearing on demand and short term deposits, savings deposit, term deposit, margin, bills
payable etc. These items are brought to account at the gross value of the outstanding balances.

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2.15.03 Other liabilities
Other liabilities comprise of items such as provision for loans and advances; provision for taxes, pension fund,
interest payable, interest suspense, accrued expenses etc. Other liability is recognized in the Statement of
Financial Position according to the guideline of Bangladesh Bank and Income-tax Ordinance, 1984, BAS-37 and
internal policies of the bank. Provisions and accrued expenses are recognized in the financial statements when
the bank has a legal or constructive obligation as a result of past event, it is probable that an outflow of economic
benefit will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made on the amount of the
2.15.04 Employee benefit scheme
The bank operates two alternative retirement benefit schemes for its permanent employees, elements of which
are as under:
a) Contributory provident fund (CPF) scheme
(i) Employees’ contribution 10%
(ii) Bank’s contribution 10%
(iii) This fund is operated by a board comprising of 5 trustees
Gratuity scheme

The provision for the gratuity fund has been made in the books of account of the bank. The amount of provision
is transferred to the trustee board of the fund on requirement basis. Employees enjoying contributory provident
fund facilities are entitled to get gratuity for 2 months last basic pay drawn for each completed year of services
subject to completion of minimum 10 years of services. Provision made for this purpose during the year under
audit is adequate to settle the claims of the outgoing /retiring employees.
b) General provident fund scheme
Employees opted for pensions are also contributing minimum 10% of basic salary (maximum 25%) as per their
desire to GPF. The bank does not contribute any amount against these employees to the GPF. The employees

also enjoy 13% rate of interest on the deposit of GPF amount.

c) Provision for Pension & Gratuity scheme
A decision was taken in the Board Meeting No-970 dated 05/05/2015 that required provision for pension &

gratuity of the bank will have to be calculated by an actuary firm and shortfall, if any, would have to be built up in
the bank accounts over the next 10 (ten) years. As per board decision an actuary firm already has been
appointed, as on 05 January, 2016 and the firm is doing that work. After completion of calculating required

provision by the actuary firm, shortfall, if any, would be built up in the bank accounts over the next 9 (Nine) Years.
2.15.05 Taxation
Income tax assessment has been finalized up to 2002 and case pending for the year 2003 to 2014. Income tax
return of 2015 (AY 2016-17) has been submitted but assessment is yet to be completed.
a. Current tax
The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from profit as reported in
the Statement of Comprehensive and Other Income because it excludes items of income or expense that are
taxable or deductible in other years or are never taxable or deductible. Bank’s liability for current tax is calculated
using tax rates that have been enacted the reporting period.
b. Deferred tax
The Bank recognizes the current and deferred tax in the financial statements using the provisions of the
prevailing tax laws applicable in Bangladesh and as per BAS-12 (Income Taxes). Deferred tax liabilities are
generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are generally recognized for all
deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against
which such differences can be utilized. Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates, which are expected to apply in
the period when the liability is settled or the asset is realized. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when

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there is a legally enforceable right to set off deferred tax assets against deferred tax liabilities and the bank
intends to settle its deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities on net basis.
2.16 Capital and Share Holders Equity
2.16.01 Capital management
The bank has a capital management process in place to measure, deploy and monitor its available capital and
assess its adequacy. This capital management process aims to achieve four major objectives; exceed regulatory
thresholds and meet longer-term internal capital targets, maintain strong credit rating, manage capital levels
commensurate with the risk profile of the bank and provide the bank’s shareholders with acceptable returns.
Capital is managed in accordance with the board approved capital management planning from time to time.
Senior management develops the capital strategy and oversees the capital management planning of the bank.
The bank’s finance and risk management department are key to implementing the bank’s capital strategy and
managing capital. Capital is managed using both regulatory control measure and internal matrix.
2.16.02 Paid-up share capital
Paid-up share capital represents total amount of shareholder capital that has been paid in full by the ordinary
shareholders. Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are
entitled to vote at shareholders meetings. In the event of a winding-up of the company ordinary shareholders
rank after all other shareholders and creditors and are fully entitled to any residual proceeds of liquidation.

2.16.03 Statutory reserve
The statutory reserve has been maintained @20% of profit before tax in accordance with provisions of section
24 of the Bank Companies Act, 1991 as amended up to 2013.
2.16.04 Revaluation surplus
When an assets’ carrying amount is increased as a result of a revaluation, the increased amount should be
credited directly to equity under the heading of revaluation surplus/ reserve as per BAS-16: Property, Plant and
Equipment. The bank revalued the assets of land and buildings during the year 2010 which are absolutely owned
by the bank and the increased amount has been transferred to revaluation reserve. It also includes revaluation

reserve on treasury bond- HFT & HTM in accordance with the DOS Circular no. 05, dated 26 May 2008 and
subsequent changes.
2.17 Off Balance Sheet Items

Under general banking transactions, liabilities against acceptance, endorsements and other obligations and bills
against which acceptance has been given and claims exist there against, have been shown as Off Balance
Sheet Items. Provision for off Balance Sheet items is made as per BRPD circular no. 08 of 7 August 2007 and

10 of 18 September 2007.
As per Bangladesh Bank letter No-BRPD (P-1)/661/13/2017-1288, dated 02 March, 2017, maintaining 1%
General Provision on Off Balance Sheet Items against government and Multilateral Development Bank payment
guarantee has been withdrawn. The increased amount of net profit was instructed to keep as provision amount
in Retained Earnings.
2.18 Revenue recognition
The revenue during the year has been recognized according to the provision of BAS-18: Revenue as well as
Bangladesh Bank guidelines.
2.18.01 Interest Income
In terms of the provisions of the BAS-18 : Revenue, the interest income is recognized on accrual basis. Interest
on loans and advances ceases to be taken into income when such items are classified.
a) Interest on unclassified loans and advances has been accounted for as income on accrual
basis and calculated on daily product basis but charged and accounted for quarterly and in some cases
b) Interest on classified loans and advances has been credited to interest suspense account with actual
receipt of interest there from having credited to income as and when received as per Instruction of Bangla-
desh Bank;

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c) No interest is charged on loans and advances on classified as bad/loss;
d) Commission and discount on bills purchased and discounted are recognized at the time of realization.
e) Recovery of written off loans and advances are taken into income in the year of its receipts from the default-
ing borrowers.
2.18.02 Investment income
Interest income on investments is recognized on accrual basis. Capital gain on investments in shares is also
included in investment income. Capital gain is recognized when it is realized.
• Income on investment in treasury bills, bonds, preference shares and debenture, etc. other than equity
shares has been accounted for on accrual basis.
• Govt. securities (HTM) are revalued on accrual basis and effect of such revaluation gain has been credited
to Asset Revaluation Reserve account.
• Dividend on equity shares is recognized during the period in which it is declared and duly approved.
• Net increase in securities held to maturity during the period due to the valuation at market to market basis
has been credited to Asset Revaluation Reserve account.
• Discounting income on Government treasury bills (HFT)/Bangladesh Bank Bill (HFT) transferred to income

2.18.03 Fees and commission income
• Commission charged to customers on letters of credit and letters of guarantee are credited to income at the
time of effecting the transactions.
• Fees and Commission on bills discounted, purchased & others are recognized at the time of realization.
• Foreign currency transactions are converted into BDT at prevailing rates on the dates of such transactions
and exchange gains or losses arising out of such transactions are recognized as income or expense for the
year and dealt with exchange account.

2.18.04 Other operating income

Other operating income is recognized at the time when it is realized except rent of properties.

2.18.05 Interest paid on deposits and borrowings

Interest paid on deposits, borrowing and other expenses are recognized on accrual basis.
2.18.06 Other expenses

Expenses incurred by the bank are recognized on accrual basis.

2.18.07 Other comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income is presented in financial statements in accordance with BAS-1: Presentation of
Financial Statements. No other comprehensive income is recognized during the year.
2.19 Earnings Per Share
Basic earnings per share
Basic earnings per share have been calculated in accordance with BAS 33: Earnings per Share which has been
shown on the face of statement of comprehensive Income. This has been calculated by dividing the basic
earnings by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.
Diluted earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share have been calculated in accordance with BAS 33.
2.20 Reporting Period
These financial statements of the bank and its subsidiary cover one calendar year form 01 January to 31
December 2016.

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2.21 Compliance report on Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BASs) and Bangladesh Financial Reporting
Standards (BFRS)
The institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) is the sole authority for adoption of International
Accounting Standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Rupali Bank Limited has
applied all the applicable IAS and IFRS as adopted by ICAB while preparing the financial statements. Details are
given below:

Name of the Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BASs) BAS No. Status

Presentation of Financial Statements 1 Applied*

Inventories 2 N/A
Statement of Cash Flows 7 Applied
Accounting policies, Changes in accounting Estimates & Errors 8 Applied
Events after the Reporting Period 10 Applied
Construction Contracts 11 N/A
Income Taxes 12 Applied
Property, Plant and Equipment 16 Applied
Leases 17 N/A
Revenue 18 Applied

Employee Benefits 19 Applied
Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance 20 N/A
The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
Borrowing Costs
co 21
Related Party Disclosures 24 Applied
Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans 26 Applied
Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements 27 Applied
Interest in Joint Ventures 31 N/A

Financial Instruments: Presentation 32 Applied*

Earning per share 33 Applied
Interim Financial Reporting 34 Applied

Impairment of Assets 36 Applied

Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 37 Applied*
Intangible Assets 38 Applied
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement 39 Applied*

Investment Property 40 Applied

Agriculture 41 N/A
Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standard (BFRSs) BFRS No. Status
First-time Adoption of Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standard 1 N/A
Shares Based Payment 2 N/A
Business Combination 3 N/A
Insurance Contracts 4 N/A
Non current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operation 5 N/A
Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources 6 N/A
Financial Instruments: Disclosures 7 Applied*
Operating Segments 8 Applied
Consolidated Financial Statements 10 Applied
Joint Arrangements 11 N/A
Disclosures of Interest in Other Entries 12 N/A
Fair Value Measurements 13 Applied
N/A= Not Applied

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• Bangladesh Bank is the prime regulatory body for banks in Bangladesh. Some requirements of Bangladesh
Bank’s rules and regulations contradict with the provision of BAS / BFRS as marked above. As such the bank
has departed from those contradictory requirements of BAS/BFRS in order to comply with the rules and
regulations of Bangladesh Bank.
2.22 Regulatory & Legal Compliance
The bank has complied with the requirements of following regulatory & legal authority:
a) The Bank Companies Act, 1991(as amended up to 2013)
b) The Companies Act, 1994
c) Rules & regulations issued by Bangladesh Bank
d) Securities & Exchange Rules, 1987
e) Securities & Exchange Ordinance, 1969
f) Securities & Exchange Act, 1993
g) IPO Rules, 1998
h) The Income-tax Ordinance, 1984
i) VAT Act, 1991. j) Labor Act, 2006
2.23 Approval of Financial Statements

The financial statements were approved by the board of directors on 27 April, 2017.
2.24 Proposed Dividend
Proposed dividend has not been recognized as a liability in the statement of financial position in accordance with
Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS) 10 “Events after the reporting period”.
2.25 Events after the Reporting Period
Where necessary, all the material events after the reporting period have been considered and appropriate
adjustment/disclosures have been made in the financial statements.
2.26 Credit Rating of the Bank

Rating 2015 2014 2013 2012

Long term A A A A
Short term AR-2 AR-2 AR-2 AR-2

National Support AAA AAA AAA AAA

National support Stable Stable Stable Stable

2.27 Litigation
The bank is not a party to any lawsuits except those arising in the normal course of business, which were filed
against the default clients for non-performance in loans repayment and against various level of tax authority
regarding some disputed tax issues. The bank, however, provides adequate provisions as per guidelines of BAS
2.28 Written Off
Write-off describes a reduction in recognized value. It refers to recognition of the reduced or zero value of an
asset. Generally, it refers to loan for which a return on the loan is now impossible or unlikely. The item’s potential
return is thus canceled and removed from (written off) the bank’s statement of financial position. Recovery
against debts written off /provided for is credited to revenue. Income is recognized where amounts are either
recovered and/or adjusted against securities/properties or advances there-against or are considered
2.29 Risk Management
The bank has established effective risk management for steady and stable growth of the bank in accordance with
the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank. The risk management of the bank covers following six core risks areas of
banking sector:

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 208
i. Credit risk
ii. Foreign exchange risk
iii. Asset-liability management risk
iv. Money laundering & terrorist financing risk
v. Internal control and compliance risk
vi. Information and communication technology risk
Risk is the likelihood of an undesirable event to occur or the effect of an adverse outcome. Banking risk is the
potentiality of losing asset. Banks face several types of risks. Risk is not just about threats and challenges; it is
also about taking advantage of opportunities.
Risk management is the process of measuring or assessing the actual or potential dangers of a particular
situation. It focuses on reporting, oversight and segregation of duties within the organization.
The overall focus of risk management of Rupali Bank Ltd. (RBL) in 2016 was on maintaining bank’s risk profile
in line with bank’s risk strategy, strengthening its capital base and supporting the bank’s strategic goals. The
activity of the risk management is given below:

Board of Approves policies and

processes of Risk
Directors Management (RM)

Board Audit Reviews internal control
Commitee system, internal audit of

Board Risk
co the Bank

Reviews risk management

Management policies & aciviies of the
Commitee Bank

Commitee at Monitor & review

adequacy & efficacy of

control systems through
level (MAC & related RM commitees

RM Commitees
Manage various risks at
(ALCO, MCC, FEx, different levels

As per BRPD circular no. 11 dated October 2013 Risk management Committee of the Board has been formed
and the committee has already started its operation.
a) Credit Risk Management
Credit risk is one of the prime risks of a bank. It indicates the potential loss arising from any credit approval
subject to the banking regulations in force or to be imposed by the regulatory body and to the changes in the
banking policy. Data collection check list and limit utilization form are being prepared for regular assessment.
Credit risk grading (CRG) system has been adopted by RBL as per Bangladesh Bank's instruction. The system
defines the risk profile of borrowers to ensure that account management, structure and pricing are
commensurate with the risk involved. CRG by RBL considers the following criteria:

1. Financial Risk: 2. Business Risk 3. Management Risk

a) Leverage a) Size of business a) Experience
b) Liquidity b) Age of business b) Succession
c) Profitability c) Business outlook c) Team work
d) Coverage d) Industry growth
e) Market competition

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 209
4. Security Risk 5. Relationship Risk
a) Security coverage a) Account conduct
b) Collateral b) Utilization of work
c) Support c) Compliance of covenants
d) Personal deposits

b) Foreign Exchange Risk Management

Foreign Exchange risk is the risk of declines in cash flows and asset values of a bank due to change in exchange
rate. The responsibility of Foreign Exchange Risk Management of RBL is on the Foreign Trade Finance &
International Division.
In compliance with the Bangladesh Bank Guidelines, RBL has prepared Foreign Exchange Risk Management
Manual. Treasury front office, back office and mid office have been established and are functioning through an
independent organizational chain in accordance with the terms and conditions of the manual.
The dealers of the bank are responsible for risk management of its overall Statement of Financial Position and
when any unusual/suspicious transaction occurs it is reported as STR (suspicious transaction report) to CCU
(Central Compliance Unit). CCU examines the report properly and sends to Bangladesh Bank with Comments

of the CAMLCO if it is reportable.
c) Asset Liability Risk Management
Asset and liability management (ALM) is one of the key essentials of managing a bank’s Statement of Financial
Position efficiently. The main objectives of ALM are to manage Statement of Financial Position risk i.e. liquidity
risk & interest rate risk and to maintain adequate capital.
RBL has its own guideline for asset liability management which is approved by RBL’s Board of Directors.
Considering all risk factors the bank has established an effective ALM process for assessing, analyzing and
reviewing various kinds of risk exposures arising from composition and dynamics of the Statement of Financial

Position. Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) of RBL regularly reviews these risk exposures in the following
• It advises for both the opportunities and threats to its liquidity and Statement of Financial Position as well as
positions of maturing assets and liquidity contingency plan.

• It monitors the liquidity management of treasury by-

 Setting tolerance for cumulative cash flow mismatches (maximum cumulative outflow limit 20% of
Statement of Financial Position assets),

 Setting limit on loan to deposit ratio (81% expected,110% maximum),

 Setting limit on dependence on institutional deposits that are volatile in nature.
• ALCO also monitors the rate sensitive assets and liabilities of the bank.
ALM desk plays vital role in managing liquidity, interest sensitive assets and interest sensitive liabilities. ALCO
paper is the main support for ALCO meeting in taking decision. This paper is prepared by the ALM desk. In RBL,
ALCO paper contains all the information regarding liquidity based on historical requirements, current liquidity
position, anticipated future funding requirement, sources of fund and options for reducing funding needs, present
and anticipated asset quality, present and future earning capacity along with capital position. Thus all the
decisions are made based on practical scenario.
RBL has established a separate Treasury Division to strengthen its asset liability management, implement the
Asset Liability Manual of RBL as well as managing risk proactively.
Basel III Liquidity Ratios:
Bangladesh Bank issued separate note on LCR and NSFR under Basel III. These ratios represent the way
forward in ALM through Liquidity measurement and management. These ratios along with the liquidity gap
should be central to liquidity measurement and management.
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR):

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 210
Liquidity Coverage Ratio is a new liquidity standard. This standard is built on the methodology of traditional
liquidity coverage ratio used by banks to assess expose to contingent liquidity events.
Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR):
Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) is another new standard. The NSFR aims to limit over-reliance on short term
wholesale funding during times of abundant market liquidity and encourage better assessment of liquidity risk
across all on and off- Statement of Financial Position items.

Leverage Ratio:
ALM Committee of RBL has to maintain Leverage ratio with the instruction of Bangladesh Bank both at solo and
consolidate basis.
d) Money Laundering & terrorist financing risk Risk Management
RBL has its own guideline, approved by the Board of Directors, for prevention of money laundering in line with
Anti Money Laundering (AML) Law and Bangladesh Bank guidelines. Anti Money Laundering Division of RBL is
responsible for Money Laundering Risk Management of RBL.
RBL has a Central Compliance Unit (CCU) headed by the Chief Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer
(General Manager) and Money Laundering Prevention Committee (MLPC) headed by Deputy Managing Director
to supervise the overall AML and CFT activities.

Each branch of RBL has an Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer (BAMLCO) who is responsible for
compliance with Bangladesh Bank instructions relating to AML/CFT (Anti Money Laundering/ Combating
financing of Terrorism) activities in the branch. Risk is identified by the branch through analyzing the KYC (know
your customer) and TP (Transaction profile). CTR (cash transaction report) is sent to the Head Office on monthly
basis for cash transaction of 10 (ten) lac or above in a day. All these reports are sent to Bangladesh Bank through
special software within 21st of every month.
 Customers are graded on the basis of risk and high risk customers are closely monitored and enhanced due
diligence is applied.
 Self assessment is done by the branches and summary report is prepared and submitted to the

management and Bangladesh Bank on half yearly basis.

 Independent testing procedure is done while conducting audit in the branches .The same is summarized
and placed before the management and Bangladesh Bank on half yearly basis.

 As per Bangladesh Bank’s AML circular no.24 dated 03 march 2010 branches have been instructed to apply
enhanced due diligence (EDD) in opening & maintaining accounts of politically exposed persons, their
family members & close associates.

 As a part of core risk inspection system check on money laundering has been introduced by CCU at branch
 Monthly meeting of central compliance unit (CCU) and Branch compliance unit (BCU) are arranged and the
decisions are gradually implemented.
 Before establishing correspondent banking relationship, status on money laundering prevention and
combating terrorist financing of the respondent banks are obtained through a questionnaire developed by
the Bangladesh Bank. Correspondent banking relationship with any bank is established on receipt of the
desired information and subject to our satisfaction.
 Management Reporting System (MRS) Committee has been formed with a General Manager as its head.
 Health report of the bank is prepared annually and placed to the audit committee as well as to the Board of
e) Internal Control and Compliance Risk
Internal control structure and system are essential to the capital assessment process. The process includes an
independent review and, where appropriate, the involvement of internal or external audits. RBL has its own ICC

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 211
Managing Director Board of Directors

Head of Internal Control &


Head of
Head of Head of
Audit &
Monitoring Compliance

Fig: Internal control structure of ICC

The functions of three divisions of ICC (Monitoring, Audit & Inspection and Compliance) are to
manage the cross divisional and cross regional operational risk as well as risk concentrations at
branch level. These divisions ensure a consistent application of the operational risk management

strategy across the bank.
Audit & Inspection division performs risk-oriented reviews of the design and operating effectiveness
of RBL’s system of internal controls. Internal audit is conducted on periodical intervals to ensure
compliance with the policies of the bank and regulatory bodies.
The management Committee (MANCOM) headed by honorable managing director reviews overall
control system of the bank and a certificate is provided to the board of directors (BOD) in this regard.
As per instruction of audit committee of the Board, compliance division places the quarterly position
of internal control and compliance of the bank before the committee on regular basis. As a part of

internal control and compliance and as per instruction of Bangladesh Bank, risk management unit
was formed headed by deputy managing director where all the divisional heads are the members and
division head, Compliance division is the member secretary. The committee is responsible to the
managing director for implementation of the decisions. Monthly meeting of risk management unit is

arranged on regular basis where different risk areas are discussed, minutes and decision are
implemented. Minutes of risk management unit meeting along with risk management papers are
submitted to Bangladesh Banks Departments of Off-Site supervision (DOS) on quarterly basis.

Stress testing is conducted on quarterly basis to assess the impact of different risk associated with
banking business on asset liability. As per Bangladesh Bank ICC guideline, management reporting
system committee was formed headed by deputy managing director. In the meeting of management
reporting system committee banks MIS affairs are discussed, minutes and decisions are gradually
implemented. The committee is responsible to the managing director for implementation of the
f) Information Communication Technology (ICT) Risk Management
RBL has its IT Policy prepared in line with the ICT Guidelines of Bangladesh Bank.
Physical security of RBL ensures environmental safeguards as well as controlling physical access to
equipment and data depending on IT setup. The risk management of physical security involves three
Tier-1 for data centre including disaster recovery site,
Tier-2 for server room and
Tier-3 for standalone computers or ATM.
At the moment, Rupali Bank Ltd. does not have the proper infrastructure for all these. Information
security measures is applicable to all functional tiers, includes password control, user ID

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 212
maintenance, input control, network security, data encryption, virus protection, internet and e-mail.
The data centre of RBL as well as automation is on the process. IT policy regarding physical security
and information security for risk management is yet to be fully implemented. Risk is identified by the
branch. Internal IT Audit is conducted by Computer and Audit Inspection Division on half yearly basis.
A limited number of IT professionals are recruited and several trainings are provided to the related
2.30 Director’s Responsibility on Statements
The board of directors takes the responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the financial
2.31 Related Party Transactions
As per Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS) 24 : Related Party Disclosures, parties are
considered to be related if one of the parties has the ability to control the other party or exercise
significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating decisions. The bank
carried out transactions in the ordinary course of business on an arm’s length basis at commercial
rates with its related parties.
During the year the bank has some transactions with the government (majority share holder of the
bank) in respect of banking business like loans and advances, guarantees and commitments as
mentioned below:

Related party relationship disclosure transaction during the year 2016 as per BAS-24

Sl. Name of Related Party Related Transaction Nature

No. party co Amount

1 Government (Note-7.07) Majority share holder 748.39 Loans and Advances

2 Government (Note-9.04.02) Majority share holder 357.97 Advance Income Tax

3 Government (Note-6.01) Majority share holder 5843.33 Government Securities


4 Government (Note-12.06) Majority share holder 10927.44 Deposit

5 Government (Note- 21) Majority share holder 2,259.66 L/C


6 Government (Note- 21.01) Majority share holder 11.62 Guarantee

2.32 Audit committee


A) An audit committee was revised by the board of directors of Rupali bank Ltd. in its 1004th meeting
held on 28/07/2016.

Sl. Status in
No. Name of the member Position the Status
Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader , PHD Selected by the board
1 Indepen Chairman
dent in 995th board
Director meeting on 07-04-
2016 with effect from
Mr. Mohiuddin Faruqui, Re-Appointed as on
2 Director Member
LLB, MA (Accounting) 10.07.2016

Professore Md. Salim Uddin, Appointed as on

3 Director Member
FCA, FCMA,MBA 28.12.2013

A K M Delwer Hossain, FCMA Appointed as on

4 Director Member 01.01.2014

Appointed as on
5 Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director Member

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 213
B) Duties & Responsibilities of the Audit Committee
The main duties & responsibilities of the audit committee are as under:
 To evaluate internal control, risk management, computerization and system of MIS of the bank.
 To review annual financial statements of the bank and exchange views with external auditors and
bank management in the regard.
 To consider recommendations, if any, made by internal and external auditors in order to develop
internal control strategy by the bank management.
 To review as to whether the rules and regulations made by controlling authorities like Bangladesh
Bank and other regulatory bodies are duly followed.
 To appraise the bank’s board of directors regarding lapses and errors/frauds & forgeries / other
irregularities detected by internal auditors, external auditors & Bangladesh Bank inspection team
and corrective measures taken for the purpose of effective control.
C) Number of Audit committee meetings held during the year 2016 and the issues discussed
in those meetings
During the year under review 9 (Nine) meetings of the audit committee of the board were held in
which, among others.
 Fact discussed

 Review of the internal control system of the Bank to ensure that an effective risk management
system is in place to manage core risk of the Bank;

Review of the efficiency and effectiveness of internal control system;
Consideration of the recommendations made by the internal and external auditors ;
 Ensuring fair presentation of financial statements in compliance with the Bangladesh Accounting
Standards/ Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards;
 Review of the internal audit procedure;

 Review of compliance with the applicable rules and regulations of Bangladesh Bank, Bank
Companies Act. 1991, Companies Act 1994;
 Reporting immediately to the board of directors on conflict of interest;

 Reporting to the board of directors on frauds or irregularities or material defects in the internal
control system.
2.33 List of Directors and Their Interest in Rupali Bank Ltd. as on 31 December 2016.

Sl. Name of the Directors Designation Status

1 Mr. Monzur Hossain Chairman Appointed as on 02.04.2015

2 Advocate Sattyendra Chandra Bhakta Director Retired as on 10.02.2016
Retired as on 27.05.2016 &
3 Mr. Mohiuddin Faruqui Director Re-Appointed as on 10.07.16
Retired as on 27.05.2016 &
4 Professor Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director
Re-Appointed as on 10.07.16
Retired as on 07.07.2016 &
5 Mr. Abu Sufian Director
Re-Appointed as on 10.07.16
6 Barrister Zakir Ahammad Director Retired as on 09.11.2016
7 Professor Dr. Md. Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA, MBA Director Retired as on 27.12.2016
8 A K M Delwer Hossain , FCMA Director Retired as on 31.12.2016

9 Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director Appointed as on 06.01.2016

10 Mr. Dina Ahsan Director Appointed as on 20.06.2016
Retired as on 14.05.2016 &
11 Professor Dr. Sushil Ranjan Howlader Director
Re-Appointed as on 15.05.16
12 Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Managing Director Appointed as on 28.08.2016

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 214
Name of the Board members & attendance of Board Meeting as on January -2016 to December-2016:

Attendance in Bard meeting of the Bank

Sl. Name of the Directors Designation No. of meetings No. of Comm

held from meeting ents
January to s
December-2016 attended

Director &
1 Mr. Monzur Hossain 29 28 _
Advocate Sattyendra Chandra
2 Director 3 3 _
3 Mr. Mohiuddin Faruqui Director 29 18 _

4 Professor Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director 29 22 _

5 Mr. Abu Sufian Director 29 23 _

6 Barrister Zakir Ahammad Director 26 24 _

Professor . Dr. Md. Salim Uddin
7 Director 28 22 _

Mr. A K M Delwer Hossain , Director 29 _

9 Mr. Arijit Chowdhury Director

co 29 27 _

10 Mr. Dina Ahsan Director 16 16 _

Professor Dr. Sushil Ranjan Independe
11 29 27 _
Howlader nt Director
12 Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan 7 7 _

13 Mr. M. Farid Uddin 16 16 _

14 Mr. Debasish Chakrabarty (DMD) Director 6 _

2.34 List of Executive committee in Rupali Bank Ltd. As on 31 December 2016.


Name of the Directors Designation Status

1 Mr. Monzur Hossain Director & Chairman Chairman

2 Barrister Zakir Ahammad Director Member
3 Mr. Mahiuddin Faruqui Director Member
4 Prof. Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid Director Member
5 Mr. Abu Sufian Direct or Member
6 Md. Ataur Rahman Prodhan Managing Director & CEO Member

2.35 List of Risk management committee in Rupali Bank Ltd. As on 31 December 2016.

Sl. Name of the member Position Status in the committee Status

1 Mr. A K M Delwer Hossain, FCMA Director Chairman
2 Mr. Barrister Zakir Ahmmad Director Member

3 Mr. Dina Ahsan Director Member ---

Professor Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid ---

4 Director Member
5 Mr. Abu Sufian Director Member

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 215
Rupali Bank Limited
Notes to the financial statements
For the year ended 31 December 2016
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

3.00 Cash
Cash in hand (including foreign currencies) 3.01 2,029,106,367 2,005,830,934
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and it's agent banks
3.02 19,439,820,604 17,686,353,493
(including foreign currencies)
21,468,926,971 19,692,184,427
3.01 Cash in hand
Local currency 2,020,674,082 1,990,225,427
Foreign currency 8,432,285 15,605,506
2,029,106,367 2,005,830,934
3.02 Balance with Bangladesh Bank and it's agent banks

Balance with Bangladesh Bank

Local currency 18,974,956,114 17,032,289,116

Foreign currency 3.02.01 115,250,054 75,711,596
19,090,206,169 17,108,000,712
Balance with Sonali Bank as agent of Bangladesh Bank
co 349,614,435 578,352,781
19,439,820,604 17,686,353,493
21,468,926,971 19,692,184,427
3.02.01 Balance with Bangladesh Bank (Foreign currencies)
USD 115,250,054 71,235,449
Pound - 2,914,046

EURO - 1,562,102
115,250,054 75,711,596

3(a) Consolidated Cash in Hand


Cash in hand
Rupali Bank Limited (Note - 3.01) 2,029,106,367 2,005,830,934
Rupali Investment Limited 25,000 25,000

Rupali Bank Securities Limited 829 5,740

2,029,132,196 2,005,861,674

Rupali Bank Limited (Note - 3.02) 19,439,820,604 17,686,353,493

Rupali Investment Limited 204,514,467 120,287,742
Rupali Bank Securities Limited (Local Office RBL) 239,701,263 12,571,908
19,884,036,334 17,819,213,143
21,913,168,530 19,825,074,817

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 216
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015
3.03 Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR)
Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR) has been calculated and maintained as per section -33 of the 'evsK-†Kv¤úvbx AvBb,
1991 (2013 ch©šÍ ms‡kvwaZ)' and as per MPD circular No.04 and 05 dated 01 December 2010 of Bangladesh Bank
(effective from 15 December, 2010), DOS Circular No. 01 Dated 19/01/2014 & MPD circular No.- 01 dated 23
June 2014 of Bangladesh Bank (effective from 24 June, 2014). All scheduled banks have to maintain a Cash
Reserve Requirement (CRR) of 6% on daily basis and 6.5% on bi-weekly basis on weekly average of demand
and time liabilities of the base month which is two months back of reporting month (i.e. CRR of December, 2016
was based on weekly average balance of October, 2016), RBL has maintained it on bi-weekly basis.

Average demand and time liabilities 287,717,932,500 253,249,381,400

Required reserve 6.5% of demand and time liabilities 18,701,665,613 16,461,209,791
Actual reserve held with Bangladesh Bank (bi-weekly basis)* 18,934,525,760 17,104,520,470
Surplus/(shortfall) 232,860,148 643,310,679
*(As per Bangladesh Bank statement, actual balance as of 31 December, 2016 was Tk.
18,571,616,862.08 which is more than minimum requirement of 6.00% on daily basis.)

3.04 Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
The Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) has been calculated and maintained as per section 33 'evsK-†Kv¤úvbx AvBb, 1991
(2013 ch©šÍ ms‡kvwaZ)' and as per MPD circular No.04 and 05 dated 01 December 2010 of Bangladesh Bank (effective
from 15 December, 2010), DOS Circular No.01 Dated 19/01/2014 & MPD circular No. 01 dated 23 June, 2014
of Bangladesh Bank (effective from 24 June, 2014). All scheduled banks have to maintain an SLR of minimum
19.5% (including CRR) based on weekly average of demand and time liabilities of the base month which is two
months back of the reporting month (i.e. SLR of December, 2016 was based on weekly average balance of

October, 2016). RBL has been maintaining the minimum SLR 19.5% as per said circulars.
Average demand and time liabilities 287,717,932,500 253,249,381,400
Required reserve (13%) 37,403,331,225 32,922,419,582

Actual reserve held 3.04.01 60,849,688,287 68,693,623,838

Surplus/(shortfall) 23,446,357,062 35,771,204,256

3.04.01 Actual reserve held


Cash in hand 3.01 2,020,674,082 1,990,225,427

Excess of CRR 54,136,000 706,556,000
Balance with agent of Bangladesh Bank (Sonali Bank Ltd.) 3.02 349,614,435 578,352,781
Unencumbered approved securities (HFT) 6.01.03 34,711,541,151 42,429,122,313
Unencumbered approved securities (HTM) 6.01.03 23,713,722,619 22,989,367,317
60,849,688,287 68,693,623,838
4.00 Balance with other banks and financial institutions
In Bangladesh 4.01 22,798,900,000 19,178,440,000
Outside Bangladesh 4.02 195,123,688 281,067,401
22,994,023,688 19,459,507,401
4.01 In Bangladesh
Current accounts - -
Short-term deposit accounts - -
Savings accounts - -
Fixed deposits 4.01.01 22,798,900,000 19,178,440,000
22,798,900,000 19,178,440,000

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 217
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015
4.01.01 Fixed deposit accounts
With Banks
Basic Bank Ltd. 1,500,000,000 3,000,000,000
Bangladesh Development Bank Limited - 1,000,000,000
RAKUB 1,000,000,000 -
Farmers Bank Ltd. 1,150,000,000 -
Midland Bank 500,000,000 800,000,000
NRB Global Bank Ltd. 500,000,000 -
N R B Commercial Bank Ltd. 700,000,000 -
Ansar VDP Unnayan Bank 500,000,000 -
National Bank Ltd. 2,000,000,000 -
Standard Bank Ltd. 1,000,000,000 -
Union Bank 100,000,000
Meghna Bank Ltd. - 200,000,000
ICB Islamic Bank Ltd. (Oriental Bank Ltd.) 198,900,000 210,900,000
9,148,900,000 5,210,900,000
With Non Banking Financial Institutions
Peoples Leasing 1,350,000,000 1,100,000,000

FAS Finance and Investment Ltd. 1,200,000,000 800,000,000
DBH 500,000,000 -
International Leasing & Finance 1,000,000,000 700,000,000
BD Finance
First Lease Finance Limited
Hajj Finance company Ltd.
co 400,000,000
Fareast Finance 600,000,000 700,000,000
Premier Leasing 600,000,000 750,000,000
Phoenix Finance and Investment Ltd. - 200,000,000
IIDFC - 100,000,000

Investment Corp. (ICB) 4,500,000,000 5,000,000,000

Reliance Finance Ltd. 2,700,000,000 3,067,540,000
BFIC 500,000,000 250,000,000
13,650,000,000 13,967,540,000

22,798,900,000 19,178,440,000
4.02 Outside Bangladesh
USD - 641,610

Pound 4,338,084 5,561,592

4,338,084 6,203,202
Pound 21,488,040 919,106
USD 34,639,922 132,937,906
ACU 73,932,528 55,971,618
EURO 23,082,759 63,720,494
JPY 24,786,528 3,353,838
SR 1,739,769 7,174,213
DKK 597,709 650,711
AUD 8,192,526 2,785,733
SGD - 890,445
CHF 1,836,279 864,072
ACUEURO 489,544 5,596,063
190,785,604 274,864,199
195,123,688 281,067,401

For details of foreign currency's amounts and rates thereof please see 'Schedule -A'

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 218
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

4.03 Maturity grouping of balance with other banks

Payable on demand 195,123,688 281,067,401

Up to 1 month 2,443,779,031 2,393,519,410
Over 1 month but not more than 3 months 9,695,819,988 4,281,091,628
Over 3 months but not more than 6 months 3,104,193,198 2,627,033,499
Over 6 months but not more than 1 year 7,555,107,783 5,351,364,535
Over 1 year but not more than 5 years - 4,525,430,928
More than 5 years - -
22,994,023,688 19,459,507,401

4(a) Consolidated Balance with other banks and financial institutions

In Bangladesh
Rupali Bank Limited (Note - 4.01) 22,798,900,000 19,178,440,000
Rupali Investment Limited - 115,025,255
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -

22,798,900,000 19,293,465,255

Outside Bangladesh
Rupali Bank Limited (Note - 4.02)
co 195,123,688 281,067,401
Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
195,123,688 281,067,401
22,994,023,688 19,574,532,656

5.00 Money at call and short notice

With banking companies 5.01 2,030,000,000 5,850,000,000

With financial institutions 5.02 400,000,000 290,000,000

2,430,000,000 6,140,000,000
5.01 With banking companies
The City Bank Ltd. - 2,400,000,000
BRAC Bank Ltd. - 500,000,000

Dhaka Bank Ltd. - 200,000,000

Midland Bank Ltd. 450,000,000 -
ICB Islamic Bank Ltd. - 2,550,000,000
NRB Global Bank Ltd. 180,000,000 -
N R B Commercial Bank Ltd. 200,000,000 -
Standard Bank Ltd. 200,000,000 -
NRB Bank Ltd. - 200,000,000
Modhumoti Bank Ltd. 600,000,000 -
The Farmers Bank Ltd. 400,000,000 -
2,030,000,000 5,850,000,000
5.02 With financial institutions
Delta Brac Housing Ltd. 50,000,000 100,000,000
First Finance ltd. 100,000,000 -
Peoples Leasing and Financial Services Ltd. 250,000,000 190,000,000
400,000,000 290,000,000
2,430,000,000 6,140,000,000

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 219
Amount inTaka
Particulars Notes
2016 2015

5(a) Consolidated Money at call and short notice

Rupali Bank Limited 5.00 2,430,000,000 6,140,000,000

Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
2,430,000,000 6,140,000,000

6.00 Investment

Government securities 6.01 58,433,267,950 63,935,607,931

Other investment 6.02 21,217,954,960 18,718,554,960
79,651,222,910 82,654,162,892
6.01 Government (Investment in government securities)

Treasury bill 6.01.01 5,495,074,200 8,264,066,271

Bonds 6.01.02 31,440,369,520 27,688,059,054
Bangladesh Bank Bill 21,489,820,050 27,973,114,206

Prize bonds 8,004,180 10,368,400
58,433,267,950 63,935,607,931
6.01.01 Treasury bill co
91 Days Treasury Bill - 4,763,479,867
182 Days Treasury Bill 5,495,074,200 -
364 Days Treasury Bill - 3,500,586,404
5,495,074,200 8,264,066,271
6.01.02 Bonds

2 years Treasury Bonds 1,208,154,000 118,404,900

5 years Treasury Bonds 2,650,229,519 1,983,469,019
6 Years Bond-BTMC/BGMC 3,389,300,000 3,389,300,000
7 Years Bond-BTMC/BGMC 1,350,000,000 1,350,000,000

10 years Treasury Bond 12,145,166,018 10,270,322,810

15 years Treasury Bonds 5,175,762,400 5,047,507,503
20 years Treasury Bond 5,476,087,584 5,456,752,823

25 years Treasury Bond 45,670,000 72,302,000

31,440,369,520 27,688,059,054

6.01.03 Investment in Government securities classified as per

Bangladesh Bank circular No. DOS-05,dated 26.05.2008.

Held to maturity (HTM)

Treasury bill
91 Days Treasury Bill - 1,493,250,098
- 1,493,250,098

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2016 2015
Held for trading (HFT)
Treasury bill
91 Days Treasury Bill - 3,270,229,769
182 Days Treasury Bill 5,495,074,200 -
364 Days Treasury Bill - 3,500,586,404
5,495,074,200 6,770,816,173
Bangladesh Bank Bill 21,489,820,050 27,973,114,206
26,984,894,250 36,237,180,477
Details in Schedule- 'B'

Held to maturity (HTM)

2 years Treasury Bonds 1,208,154,000 118,404,900
5 years Treasury Bonds 2,650,229,519 1,983,469,019
10 years Treasury Bond 5,740,234,400 5,742,806,500
15 years Treasury Bonds 2,838,385,000 2,346,761,400
20 years Treasury Bond 4,451,749,700 4,453,073,400

25 years Treasury Bond 45,670,000 72,302,000
16,934,422,619 14,716,817,219
6 Years Private Bond-BTMC/BGMC co 3,389,300,000 3,389,300,000
7 Years Private Bond-BTMC/BGMC 1,350,000,000 1,350,000,000
10 Years Private Bond-BTMC/BGMC 2,040,000,000 2,040,000,000
6,779,300,000 6,779,300,000
Details in Schedule- 'B-1' 3.04.01 23,713,722,619 21,496,117,219

Held for trading (HFT)


10 years Treasury Bond 4,364,931,618 2,487,516,310

15 year Treasury Bond 2,337,377,400 2,700,746,103
20 year Treasury Bond 1,024,337,884 1,003,679,423
7,726,646,901 6,191,941,836

31,440,369,520 27,688,059,054
Details in Schedule- 'B-2'

6.02 Others
Ordinary shares 6.02.01 1,892,121,130 1,892,121,130
Preference shares 6.02.02 5,500,000,000 5,500,000,000
Debenture 6.02.03 13,433,830 13,433,830
Subordinated Bond 6.02.04 12,352,400,000 9,253,000,000
Mutual Fund 6.02.05 1,460,000,000 1,460,000,000
Commercial Paper 6.02.06 - 600,000,000
21,217,954,960 18,718,554,960
6.02.01 Ordinary Shares

Quoted 1,773,579,490 1,773,579,490

Unquoted 118,541,640 118,541,640
1,892,121,130 1,892,121,130

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Particulars Notes
2016 2015
Share cost price and market price
Cost price
Quoted 1,773,579,490 1,773,579,490
Unquoted 5,618,541,640 5,618,541,640
7,392,121,130 7,392,121,130
Market price
Quoted 3,861,224,635 3,843,880,638
Unquoted 5,618,541,640 5,618,541,640
9,479,766,275 9,462,422,278
As per Bangladesh Bank DOS Circular No.-04 dated 24 November 2011, provision for diminution value of
investment will be made on the difference of average cost and market price. During the year, average
market price is higher than cost price, so no provision has been made during this year. Details are in
Schedule- 'B-3'

6.02.02 Preference shares

Orion Infrastructure Ltd.
Redeemable preference share 5,000,000,000 5,000,000,000
Convertible preference share 500,000,000 500,000,000

5,500,000,000 5,500,000,000
6.02.03 Debentures
Approved co 2,583,200 2,583,200
Un-approved 10,850,630 10,850,630
13,433,830 13,433,830
Details in Schedule- 'B-4'
6.02.04 Subordinated Bond
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 100,000,000 150,000,000
Dhaka Bank Ltd. 100,000,000 175,000,000

National Bank Ltd. 102,400,000 128,000,000

United Commercial Bank Ltd. (01) 400,000,000 500,000,000
One Bank Ltd. 500,000,000 500,000,000
Southeast Bank Ltd. 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

Prime Bank Limited 600,000,000 600,000,000

Bank Asia Limited 600,000,000 600,000,000
Eastern Bank Limited 600,000,000 600,000,000
EXIM Bank Limited 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

Social Islami Bank Limited 500,000,000 500,000,000

Jamuna Bank Ltd 500,000,000 500,000,000
United Commercial Bank Ltd. (02) 500,000,000 500,000,000
Al Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
AB Bank Ltd. 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000
Standard Bank Limited 500,000,000 500,000,000
Dhaka Bank Ltd. 2nd sub. Debt 1,000,000,000 -
IFIC Bank Ltd. 1,000,000,000 -
Trust Bank Ltd. III 900,000,000 -
One Bank Ltd. Bond-II 200,000,000 -
Southeast Bank Ltd. Bond-II 250,000,000 -
12,352,400,000 9,253,000,000
Details in Schedule- 'B-5'
6.02.05 Mutual Fund

Investment in Bangladesh Fund 1,060,000,000 1,060,000,000

Vanguard AML Rupali Bank Balanced fund 400,000,000 400,000,000
Details in Schedule- 'B-5' 1,460,000,000 1,460,000,000
As per instruction of regulatory authorities (Bangladesh Bank and BSEC) board of directors of Rupali Bank
Limited invested TK.100 crore according to the decision of the board meeting No. 852 dated 22 March
2011 and invested Tk. 60,000,000 as per board meeting No. 910 dated 15 May 2013.

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2016 2015

6.02.06 Commercial Paper

RFL Plastics Ltd. - 600,000,000.00

6.07 Maturity grouping of investments

Payable on demand 8,004,180 10,368,400
Below 3 months 33,048,033,948 -
Over 3 months but below 1 year 5,939,806,488 1,493,250,098
Over 1 Year but below 5 years 8,351,414,226 2,101,675,958
Over 5 Years 32,303,964,068 79,048,868,435
79,651,222,910 82,654,162,892
6(a) Consolidated Investments
Rupali Bank Limited 6.01 58,433,267,950 63,935,607,931
Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
58,433,267,950 63,935,607,931

Rupali Bank Limited 6.02 21,217,954,960 18,718,554,960
Rupali Investment Limited 682,630,848 518,157,455
Rupali Bank Securities Limited
co 395,724,379
80,729,578,137 83,300,272,344
7.00 Loans and advances
Loans, cash credits and overdrafts etc. 7.01 173,721,007,704 140,721,782,397

Bills purchased and discounted 7.02 1,429,372,943 1,793,181,104

175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500
7.01 Loans, cash credit, overdrafts, etc.

In Bangladesh
Loan- general 99,447,069,722 72,280,915,791
Cash credit 51,924,307,976 45,331,372,106
Overdrafts 4,801,460,400 3,430,702,848

Other loans 7.01.01 17,548,169,606 19,678,791,652

173,721,007,704 140,721,782,397
Outside Bangladesh: - -
173,721,007,704 140,721,782,397
7.01.01 Other loans
Loan payment against documents (PAD) 4,114,706,436 2,732,053,806
Loan against imported merchandise (LIM) 1,442,087,088 1,505,901,828
Packing credit 482,083,623 3,825,907,533
Loans against trust receipt (LTR) 4,987,639,195 2,137,787,041
Rural credit 2,025,167,205 1,518,391,524
Bridge finance 8,587,275 8,815,275
Counter bridge finance - 587,000
A.D.B loans 7,263,870 764,010,539
Forced loan 4,480,634,914 7,185,337,105
17,548,169,606 19,678,791,652

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2016 2015

7.02 Bills purchased and discounted

Payable in Bangladesh
Inland bill purchased and discounted 327,873,334 258,161,428
Payable outside Bangladesh
Foreign bill purchased and discounted 1,101,499,609 1,535,019,676
1,429,372,943 1,793,181,104
7.02.01 Maturity grouping of bills purchased and discounted

Repayable within 1 month 142,937,294 179,318,110

Over 1 month but less than 3 months 285,874,589 358,636,221
Over 3 months but less than 6 months 314,462,047 394,499,843
6 months or more 686,099,013 860,726,930
1,429,372,943 1,793,181,104

7.03 Maturity grouping of loans and advances

including bill purchased and discounted

Repayable on demand 3,503,007,613 2,850,299,270
Not more than 3 months 40,012,712,857 35,628,740,875
More than 3 months but not more than 1 year 53,425,358,345 38,479,040,145
More than 1year but not more than 5 years
More than 5 years
co 40,329,021,751
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500
7.04 Loans and advances on the basis of significant customer
concentration including bills purchased and discounted
Advance to allied concerns of directors - -

Advance to Managing Director and others senior executives - -

Advance to customer group (amounting more than 10% of 55,070,000,000 42,909,100,000
banks total capital .) 7.04.01

Other customer group 113,740,855,777 94,802,070,369

Advances to staff 6,339,524,870 4,803,793,131
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500

7.04.01 Details of large loan (loans and advances allowed to

each customer exceed 10% or more of bank's capital

Number of client 14 13
Amount of outstanding advances 55,070,000,000 42,909,100,000
Measures taken for recovery of classified loan
Bank as a whole takes following steps to recover its classified loans and advances.
ì) Sending letters and reminder to customers ;
ii) Special assets management department holds discussion with the clients to recover the loans;
iii) Disposal of security through auction;
iv) Appointing recovery specialist;
v) Legal proceedings and settlement.

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Particulars Notes
2016 2015

Name of the borrower Status Outstanding Balance Outstanding Balance

M/s Mother Textile Mills Ltd. UC 10,785,000,000 7,438,700,000
M/s Beximco Ltd. (Group) BL 8,536,700,000 -
M/S BEXTEX (Padma Textile Mills) Ltd. UC - 7,278,500,000
M/s Madaripur Spinning Mills Ltd. UC 6,055,600,000 5,073,200,000
M/s Green Planet Resort UC 2,152,600,000 2,076,700,000
M/s Jute Textile Mills Ltd. UC 2,839,600,000 -
M/s Uttara Pat Sangstha UC 2,193,300,000 3,162,300,000
M/s Khan Brothers Ship Builders Ltd. BL 1,619,800,000 1,606,400,000
M/s Ibrahim Consortium Ltd. UC 1,924,300,000 -
M/s Orion Group UC 3,035,800,000 2,967,000,000
M/s S. Virgo Media Ltd. UC 1,839,500,000 1,695,300,000
M/s S. Alam Cold Rolled Steel Mills Ltd. UC - 1,439,200,000
M/s S. Alam Group Ltd. UC 2,970,600,000 -
M/s Abonti Colour Tex Ltd. UC 2,060,800,000 1,790,200,000
M/s Bador Spinning Mills Ltd. UC 4,296,900,000 4,039,500,000
M/s Benetex Ltd UC 2,122,100,000 1,848,500,000

M/s Crescent Jute Mills UC 2,637,400,000 2,493,600,000
55,070,000,000 42,909,100,000

7.05 Industry wise loans and advances

Jute industry (Govt. & Private)

co 10,068,300,000 7,997,800,000
Tannery industry 4,454,400,000 3,646,800,000
Jute business 6,509,000,000 4,960,900,000
Bricks 955,600,000 906,300,000
Cold storage / Ice plant 1,470,900,000 1,218,900,000

Textile 39,586,300,000 33,197,400,000

Garments 8,460,300,000 7,394,800,000
Engineering 6,967,700,000 7,095,100,000
Food 3,936,000,000 3,838,200,000

Chemicals 7,115,200,000 6,740,600,000

Shipping / Transport 2,733,500,000 2,651,900,000
Shoe 213,900,000 213,900,000
Services 2,172,200,000 2,152,600,000

Ceramic 162,600,000 174,900,000

Plastic 240,200,000 245,700,000
Dairy 68,400,000 62,500,000
Printing and publications 1,088,000,000 1,108,100,000
Other 78,947,880,647 58,908,563,500
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500
7.06 Geographical area basis distribution of loans and
advances including bill purchased and discounted

In Bangladesh
Divisions Name
Dhaka region 116,425,040,647 94,804,968,578
Chittagong region 16,482,594,000 13,574,757,708
Khulna region 20,293,951,000 17,092,323,942
Rangpur region 4,462,221,000 3,556,043,451
Rajshahi region 1,979,111,000 1,466,256,924
Barisal region 3,332,761,000 2,618,058,245
Sylhet region 974,393,000 862,652,395
163,950,071,647 133,975,061,243

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2016 2015

Dhaka region 2,681,508,000 2,000,694,794
Chittagong region 1,084,880,000 866,813,421
Khulna region 2,398,840,000 1,854,552,327
Rangpur region 1,235,547,000 1,035,236,279
Rajshahi region 1,442,474,000 884,568,941
Barisal region 1,955,634,000 1,540,255,971
Sylhet region 401,426,000 357,780,524
11,200,309,000 8,539,902,257
Out side Bangladesh - -
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500
7.07 Sector-wise loans and advances
Government sector 214,873,000 214,873,000
Other public sector 7,269,067,000 6,196,304,000
Private sector 167,666,440,647 136,103,786,500
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500
7.08 Sector-wise classified loans and advances

Standard - -
SMA co - -
Sub-standard - -
Bad/Loss 214,873,000 214,873,000
214,873,000 214,873,000
Other public
Standard 6,991,031,000 5,918,268,000
SMA - -
Sub-Standard - -

Doubtful - -
Bad/Loss 278,036,000 278,036,000
7,269,067,000 6,196,304,000

Standard 123,316,128,912 103,106,062,500

SMA 9,994,720,735 10,073,000,000
Sub-standard 802,868,494 1,248,457,536
Doubtful 2,571,774,856 253,567,947

Bad/Loss 30,980,947,650 21,422,698,517

167,666,440,647 136,103,786,500
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500
7.09 Classification of loans and advances including bill
purchased and discounted

Standard (including staff loan) 130,307,159,912 109,024,330,500
Special mention account (SMA) 9,994,720,735 10,073,000,000
140,301,880,647 119,097,330,500
Su-bstandard 802,868,494 1,248,457,536
Doubtful 2,571,774,856 253,567,947
Bad/Loss 31,473,856,650 21,915,607,517
34,848,500,000 23,417,633,000
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500
Percentages of classified loans and advances 20.64% 17.00%

Details in Schedule- 'C'

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2016 2015
7.10 Particulars of required provision for loans and advances
Required provision for loans and advances:
For unclassified
Standard 1,257,738,621 761,873,236
Special mention account (SMA) 166,889,454 301,333,214
1,424,628,075 1,063,206,450
For classified
Substandard 36,749,641 69,668,630
Doubtful 916,557,832 118,929,386
Bad/Loss 24,474,875,772 8,300,541,841
25,428,183,245 8,489,139,856
Required provision for loans and advances 26,852,811,319 9,552,346,306
Off balance sheet Item
Required provision for Off-balance sheet item 169,358,150 629,180,465

Total Required provision for loans and advances

27,022,169,469 10,181,526,771
& Off Balance Sheet item

Provision maintained ( General & Specific)
Previous balance as provision 9,552,626,579 8,779,592,377
Write off adjustment
Add: Transferred from unreconciled entries
Transferred from off balance sheet item
co -
10,012,448,894 8,779,592,377
Provision made during this year 35.00 - 773,034,202
Provision maintained 10,012,448,894 9,552,626,579
Provision maintained (Off Balance Sheet Item)

Previous balance as provision 629,180,465 436,180,465

Adjustment with classified loan (Transferred to
13.06 (459,822,315) -
provision for loans and advances)
- 193,000,000

Provision made during this year (transferred from note. 13.07 )

Provision maintained 169,358,150 629,180,465

Total Provision maintained (loans and advances

10,181,807,044 10,181,807,044
& Off Balance Sheet item)

Total Provision surplus / (shortfall) (provision for

loans and advances & Off Balance Sheet item) (16,840,362,425) 280,273
As per Bangladesh Bank Instruction povision shortfall
will be maintained within next three years 16,840,362,425 -
Provision surplus / (shortfall) this year - 280,273
Bangladesh Bank classified some loans and advances based on qualitative and objective criteria. As a
result, total required provision against loans & advance and off balance sheet item stood at Taka 2,702.22
crore (including Tk.10.85 crores additional requirement determined by the external auditors), before
closing of 31 December, 2016 bank maintained provision for loans and advance amounting to Taka
1,018.18 crores. As per bank’s application, Bangladesh Bank allowed the bank through letter no. BRPD(P-
1)/661/13/2017-2247 dated April 18, 2017 will be maintained remaining shortfall Tk-1,684.03 crores within
next three years such as December, 2017, 2018 & 2019 @ 40%, 30% and 30% respectively.
7.11 Movement of classified loan/ Non performing loan
Balance at the beginning of the year 23,417,633,000 15,194,234,868
Addition during the year 20,978,067,000 11,640,998,132
Cash recovery during the year (3,057,200,000) (1,123,300,000)
Adjustment during the year (6,490,000,000) (2,294,300,000)
Written off loan - -
34,848,500,000 23,417,633,000

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2016 2015

7.12 Particulars of loans and advances

i) Loans considered good in respect of which the bank is fully
164,378,632,237 133,750,293,245
ii) Loans considered good against which the bank holds no other
5,955,112,942 4,845,508,759
security other than the debtors personal guarantee.
iii) Loans considered good secured by the personal undertaking
of one or more parties in addition to the personal guarantee of 4,816,635,468 3,919,161,496
the debtors.
iv) Loans adversely classified ; provision not maintained
175,150,380,647 142,514,963,500

v) Loans due by directors or officers of the bank or any of them

6,339,524,870 4,803,793,131
either jointly or separately with any other person

vi) Loans due by companies and firms in which the directors of

the bank have interests as directors, partners or managing agent - -
or in case of private companies as members
vii) Maximum total amount of advances, including temporary
advances made at any time during the period to the directors or
6,339,524,870 4,803,793,131
manager or officers of the bank or any of them either separately
or jointly with any other persons
viii) Maximum total amount of advances including temporary
advances granted during the period to the company or firms in

which the directors of the bank have interest as directors, - -

partners or managing agents or in case of private companies as

ix) Due from other banking companies - -

x) Information in respect of classified loans and advances
a) Classified loans for which interest not credited to income 31,473,856,650 21,915,607,517

(i) Decrease / (Increase) of provision (bad and loss) 16,174,333,931 944,734,142

(ii) Amount of written off debt 10,191,900,000 10,191,900,000
(iii) Amount of debt recovered against the debt which was
109,200,000 118,800,000
previously written off
b)Amount of provision kept against loans classified as bad/ loss
24,474,875,772 8,300,541,841
as at the reporting date
c) Interest creditable to the interest suspense account 9,462,882,637 2,125,102,826
d) Interest credited to the interest suspense account 14,770,383,098 5,307,500,461
xi) Cumulative amount of written off loans: 8,465,097,974 8,465,097,974
Amount written off during the year - -
The amount of written off loan for which lawsuit has been filed. 8,465,097,974 8,465,097,974

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Particulars Notes
2016 2015

7(a) Consolidated loans and advances

Loans, cash credits and overdrafts etc.
Rupali Bank Limited 7.01 173,721,007,704 140,721,782,397
Rupali Investment Limited 218,290,358 193,473,408
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
173,939,298,062 140,915,255,805

Bills purchased and discounted

Rupali Bank Limited 1,429,372,943 1,793,181,104
Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
1,429,372,943 1,793,181,104
175,368,671,005 142,708,436,908

8.00 Fixed assets including land, building, furniture and fixtures

Land 10,011,039,466 10,011,039,466
Building 3,666,334,399 3,781,981,896
Furniture and fixture
Mechanical equipment (including computer & network equipment)
Vehicles 479,508,705 478,268,799
16,352,768,681 16,066,680,320
Accumulated depreciation 2,231,373,500 1,872,642,572
Written down value at 31 December 14,121,395,181 14,194,037,748

Details in schedule- 'D'

The fixed asset recognition and measurement policy are described in note No.2.14.04

8(a) Consolidated Fixed assets including land, building,

Rupali Bank Limited 8.00 14,121,395,181 14,194,037,748

Rupali Investment Limited 6,861,641 8,437,544

Rupali Bank Securities Limited 10,771,209 13,136,285

14,139,028,031 14,215,611,577

9.00 Other assets

Investment in shares of subsidiary company 9.01 1,800,000,000 1,200,000,000
Stationary and stores 77,903,794 56,247,926
Stock, stamps and forms 6,740,266 6,055,293
Advance rent and advertisement 89,302,109 213,979,482
Interest accrued on investment 9.02 4,542,044,746 3,621,354,851
Interest receivable 691,267,011 228,610,185
Accured income on property 4,907,003 4,907,003
Security deposits 651,520 871,125
Branch adjustment account 9.03 1,016,374,935 2,050,404,514
Suspense accounts 9.04 2,924,064,784 1,799,186,914
Others 9.05 7,139,250,805 6,713,279,325
18,292,506,972 15,894,896,618

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Particulars Notes
2016 2015

9.01 Investment in share in subsidiary company

Rupali investment limited 800,000,000 700,000,000
Rupali Bank Securities limited 1,000,000,000 500,000,000
1,800,000,000 1,200,000,000
9.02 Interest accrued on investment
FDR ( treasury) 515,487,156 488,593,156
Call money 826,667 688,333
Government treasury bonds 1,063,391,603 1,095,293,322
Accrued income Inv. (redemable bond of orion) 9.02.01 387,592,094 148,527,089
Accrued income from preference share 1,084,200,702 1,888,252,951
Receivable from Orion Infrastructure Ltd. 9.02.01 1,319,400,000 -
Interest accrued others 171,146,526 -
4,542,044,746 3,621,354,851

9.02.01 Income has been accrued as per decisions taken on board meeting # 962 dated 09/02/15 on redeemable
bond of Tk. 131.94 crore which has not yet been issued by Orion Infrastructure Ltd.
9.03 Branch adjustment accounts

Debit balance
Head office account 257,491,861,728 192,023,265,505
Branch account co 244,035,941 613,771,520
257,735,897,669 192,637,037,025
Credit balance
Head office account 256,682,451,757 190,586,632,511
Branch account 37,070,977 -
256,719,522,734 190,586,632,511
1,016,374,935 2,050,404,514

9.04 Suspense account

Demand drafts paid without advice 21,403,923 56,671,570
Foreign drafts paid from suspense account 35,396,764 23,155,514
Advance paid to Rupali Securities Ltd. 119,995 85,315

WES fund purchased 82,045,593 17,818,915

Suspense A/c Sanchaypatra 690,986,804 832,441,642
Sundry debtors 2,094,111,704 869,013,958

2,924,064,784 1,799,186,914
9.05 Others
Pension paid to Rupali Bank Ltd. employees 3,739,191 4,760,538
Pension paid to retired Govt. servants 18,876,500 15,893,492
Jute, sector corp, agri. credit and others 1,454,042,946 1,454,042,946
Protested bills 152,095,688 151,957,114
Agricultural loan transferred to BKB & RAKUB 302,446,917 302,976,695
Excise duty on deposits - 1,200,680
Remission of rural house building loan 731,181 731,181
Remission of agri loans 236,612,891 236,556,832
Exchange equalization 42,893,697 42,893,697
Dividend Receivable 1,500,000 89,125,330
Brac bank (ATM) 45,677,933 193,918,964
Deferred tax assets 9.05.01 1,294,578,894 1,731,976,583
Advance tax 9.05.02 3,586,054,966 2,487,245,273
7,139,250,805 6,713,279,325

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9.05.01 Deferred tax assets

Opening balance on 01 January 1,731,976,583 2,092,936,911
Add: Addition during the year 39.02.02 (437,397,690) (360,960,327)
Less: Adjustment during the year - -
Balance on 31st December 1,294,578,894 1,731,976,583
Income taxes based on temporary difference in the carrying
amount of the assets and liabilities and it's tax base.

9.05.02 Advance tax

Balance of advance income tax on 1 January 2,487,245,273 2,067,650,723

Paid during the year 1,098,809,693 419,594,550
3,586,054,966 2,487,245,273
Source Tax Deducted for the year
2003 223,304,594 223,304,594
2004 107,614,028 107,614,028
2005 93,376,676 93,376,676
2006 88,693,685 88,693,685
2007 384,428,714 384,428,714

2008 243,303,526 243,303,526
2009 57,388,938 57,388,938
2010 34,846,322 34,846,322
2011 co 39,054,194 39,054,194
2012 79,421,075 79,421,075
2013 180,342,761 180,342,761
2014 535,876,210 535,876,210
2015 419,594,550
2016 1,098,809,693 -
Total 3,586,054,966 2,487,245,273

9.06 Classification of other assets

Unclassified 15,623,200,177 13,196,189,823

Doubtful - -
Bad / Loss 2,669,306,795 2,698,706,795

18,292,506,972 15,894,896,618
9.07 Other assets classified by generating of income
Income generating 1,800,000,000 1,200,000,000

Non-income generating 16,492,506,972 14,694,896,618

18,292,506,972 15,894,896,618
9(a) Consolidated other assets

Rupali Bank Limited 9.00 18,292,506,972 15,894,896,618

Rupali Investment Limited 67,804,874 467,587,317
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 428,868,672 363,685,708
18,789,180,518 16,726,169,643
Less: Investment in subsidiary company 1,800,000,000 1,200,000,000
16,989,180,518 15,526,169,643
10.00 Non banking assets: - -

11.00 Borrowing from other banks, financial institutions and agents

In Bangladesh 11.01 1,028,018,601 1,463,201,637
Outside Bangladesh 11.02 303,878,808 16,604,977
1,331,897,409 1,479,806,614

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11.01 In Bangladesh

Refinance in solar power & electric Industries against jute scheme - 139,897,722
Refinance against rural housing scheme 855,315 1,403,915
Refinance against jute scheme 441,700,000 742,150,000
Refinance against Brick 552,464,286 579,750,000
Refinance in Milk Production & Artificial Insemination 32,999,000 -
1,028,018,601 1,463,201,637
11.02 Outside Bangladesh ( NOSTRO accounts )
USD 289,750,418 15,423,477
JPY 14,128,390 1,181,500
303,878,808 16,604,977
Details in schedule- 'A'
11.03 Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents

Secured by demand promissory (DP) notes and agreement 1,028,018,601 1,463,201,637

Unsecured borrowing 303,878,808 16,604,977
1,331,897,409 1,479,806,614
11.04 Term grouping co
11.04.01 Short term borrowing
T.T sold (with Sonali Bank Limited) - -
Borrowing from other banks and agents 303,878,808 16,604,977
303,878,808 16,604,977

11.04.02 Long term borrowing

Refinance against rural housing scheme 855,315 1,403,915
Refinance in solar power & electric industries against jute scheme - 139,897,722

Borrowing from other bank agent 552,464,286 579,750,000

Refinance in Milk Production & Artificial Insemination 32,999,000 -
Refinance against jute scheme 441,700,000 742,150,000
1,028,018,601 1,463,201,637

1,331,897,409 1,479,806,614
11.05 Maturity wise grouping
Repayable on demand - -
Payable within one month 302,762,839 16,604,977
Over 1 month but within 3 months 386,919,140 -
Over 3 months but within 1 year 642,215,430 29,892,094
Over 1 year but within 5 years - 134,810,382
Over 5 year but within 10 years - 1,298,499,161
1,331,897,409 1,479,806,614

11(a) Consolidated borrowing from other banks, financial institutions and agents:

Rupali Bank Limited 11.00 1,331,897,409 1,479,806,614

Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
1,331,897,409 1,479,806,614

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12.00 Deposit and other accounts of the Bank

Current and other accounts 12.01 16,046,484,890 17,240,777,027
Bills payable 12.02 2,443,125,020 1,872,657,761
Saving deposits 60,312,187,428 47,640,023,066
Term / Fixed deposits 12.03 200,314,216,170 187,076,176,162
Other deposits - -
279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017
12.01 Current and other accounts
Current deposits 11,913,886,543 11,262,711,573
Call deposits 136,109,808 86,193,645
Other accounts 12.01.01 3,996,488,540 5,891,871,809
16,046,484,890 17,240,777,027
12.01.01 Other deposit accounts
Hajj deposits 2,585,348 5,259,587
Margin on LC 543,648,090 1,629,946,361
Margin on guarantee 223,144,853 170,829,258
Special margin WES 2,735,619 2,926,964

Other margin 73,542,642 166,563,052
Key deposit 887,720 1,072,801
Staff security deposit 10,482,988 10,494,795
Interest suspense (jute)
Security deposit (general)
Special exchange adjustment
co 688,173
Sundry creditor 958,388,752 1,606,915,559
Overdue fixed deposit 40,381,445 336,277,893
Cash credit (Hypo) 10,261,801 3,991,833
Staff contributory provident fund 10,732,059 -
Staff general provident fund 1,696,555,179 1,503,800,616

Foreign bank accounts Taka (WES) 240,519,974 389,772,259

Foreign currency accounts 134,102,166 29,321,019
3,996,488,540 5,891,871,809

12.02 Bills payable

Pay order payable 1,713,483,455 843,565,746
Home remittance payable - 15,000

Fertilizer pay order 249 2,390,170

Foreign draft payable 3,240,697 447,595
Local draft payable 490,604,271 364,565,633
Mail transfer payable 302,037 701,142
Telegrapic transfer payable 113,500 123,400
Foreign bill receivable (BTOB) 235,380,811 660,849,075
2,443,125,020 1,872,657,761
12.03 Term / fixed deposit

Fixed deposits 121,374,745,915 139,429,999,950

Special notice deposit (SND) 45,176,564,421 27,194,555,622
Deposit pension scheme (DPS) 3,167,121 12,474,633
Festival deposit scheme (FDS) 1,241,062 926,911,736
Rupali deposit scheme etc. 33,758,497,651 19,512,234,222
200,314,216,170 187,076,176,162
12.04 Deposit and other accounts

Deposit from bank - -

Other organization / clients deposits 279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017
279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017

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12.05 Geographical location - wise deposit

Dhaka region 138,248,061,389 143,656,222,524
Chittagong region 45,700,451,923 26,489,468,594
Khulna region 4,783,035,652 8,127,417,864
Rangpur region 3,780,722,954 3,133,577,819
Rajshahi region 7,216,276,721 5,706,802,972
Barisal region 8,935,993,382 4,748,162,174
Sylhet region 8,755,122,645 4,969,374,921
217,419,664,666 196,831,026,868
Geographical location - wise deposit
Dhaka region 18,764,564,241 17,067,049,467
Chittagong region 16,314,893,928 14,302,889,934
Khulna region 5,494,253,853 5,251,887,714
Rangpur region 2,754,146,613 2,415,493,494

Rajshahi region 5,798,152,172 6,566,267,913
Barisal region 6,057,104,523 6,102,479,281
Sylhet region 6,513,233,512 5,292,539,346
co 61,696,348,842
12.06 Sector wise deposit including bills payable
Presidency, prime minister office and judiciary 8,379,632,000 6,762,631,000
Autonomous and semi-autonomous bodies 6,513,009,000 6,380,994,000
Other public sector 94,381,754,000 67,092,185,000

Bank and financial institutions (public) 1,691,905,000 6,187,206,000

Private sector 168,149,713,508 167,406,618,017
279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017

12.07 Maturity grouping of deposits


Payable on demand 5,582,320,270 5,076,592,680

Payable within one month 44,903,561,117 25,382,963,402
Over 1 month but within 3 months 92,214,244,124 38,074,445,103
Over 3 months but within 1 years 75,169,009,547 102,801,001,777
Over 01 Year but within 5 years 47,655,178,047 44,420,185,953
Over 5 years but within 10 year 13,591,700,403 38,074,445,103
279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017
12(a) Consolidated Deposit and other accounts
Rupali Bank Limited 12.00 279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017
Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017
Categoriwise Deposit
Current and other accounts 16,046,484,890 17,240,777,027
Bills payable 2,443,125,020 1,872,657,761
Saving deposits 60,312,187,428 47,640,023,066
Term / Fixed deposit 200,314,216,170 187,076,176,162
Other deposit - -
279,116,013,508 253,829,634,017

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13.00 Other liabilities

Guarantee cover banking reserve 33,798,151 33,034,636
Net foreign currency adjustment 86,416,929 86,416,929
Agriculture loan - 78,679
Levy realization accounts 143,942 385,107
Unpaid dividend 50,993 50,993
Pension fund 6,350 -
Interest payable 13.01 4,708,617,744 4,864,572,665
Other accounts 13.02 2,986,114,440 930,961,766
Provision for other assets 13.03 2,669,306,795 2,698,706,795
Provision for current tax 13.04 2,459,308,441 3,129,697,832
Deferred tax liabilities 13.05 454,145,324 650,397,533
Provision for off-balance sheet exposure 13.06 169,358,150 629,180,465
Provision for loans and advances 13.07 10,012,448,894 9,552,626,579
Interest suspense accounts 13.08 14,770,383,098 5,307,500,461
Other provision 13.09 3,654,063,897 4,650,230,303
42,004,163,147 32,533,840,742
13.01 Interest payable
Int. payable on FDR 3,072,248,938 4,339,234,227
Int. payable on SB 993,776 I 7,681,092
Int. payable on SND 86,755 I 2,774,990

Int. payable on DPS 1,101,632 I 76,912
Int. payable on GPF 192,119,392 I 217,128,884
Int.payable on all scheme co 168,989,576 I 287,951,295
Int. payable on FDS - I 9,541,990
Int. payable on Branch Accounts 1,273,077,674 I -
Int.payable on REPO - I 183,275
4,708,617,744 I 4,864,572,665
13.02 Other accounts
Excess pay recovery 121,106 121,106

Excise duty (Adv. & Investment) 14,232,037 20,732,745

Excise duty payable 30,006 3,010,672
Source tax deduct from depositor and other 817,551,758 535,047,597
Dev. surcharge payable A/C - 10,000

WES fund purchase (Dollar & pound ) 769,367,205 93,578,854

Withheld salary 619,051 619,051
Excise duty on deposits 434,100,905 261,556,693
Tran tahabeel 967,208 139,164

4% Relief and rehabilitation - 828,044

VAT 494,824,670 -
Others 454,300,494 15,317,841
2,986,114,440 930,961,766
13.03 Provision for other assets
Provision for unforeseen losses (protested bill) 13.03.01 152,095,688 151,957,114
Provision for rural credit fund 13.03.02 231,890,537 231,890,537
Provision for sundry debtors 13.03.03 360,111,472 360,111,472
Provision for unreconciled entries 13.03.04 65,714,424 95,252,998
Provision for demand draft paid without advice 13.03.05 56,671,570 56,671,570
Provision for rural house building 731,181 731,181
Provision for exchange adjustment 42,893,697 42,893,697
Provision for transfer of BKB & RAKUB 305,155,280 305,155,280
Provision for jute, sector corp. and Agri. Cr. 1,454,042,946 1,454,042,946
2,669,306,795 2,698,706,795
13.03.01 Provision for unforeseen losses (protested bill)
Balance at the beginning of the year 151,957,114 147,821,817
Add: Transferred from unreconciled entries 138,574
Add: Made during the year 38.00 - 4,135,297
152,095,688 151,957,114

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13.03.02 Provision for rural credit fund

Balance at the beginning of the year 231,890,537 232,622,324
Less: adjustment during the year - (731,787)
231,890,537 231,890,537

13.03.03 Provision for sundry debtors

Balance at the beginning of the year 360,111,472 58,211,472

Add: Made during the year (securty deposit & W.F.purchased) - 301,900,000
360,111,472 360,111,472
13.03.04 Provision for unreconciled entries

Balance at the beginning of the year 95,252,998 106,736,837

Add: Made during the year 38.00 - 46,016,161
Less: Transferred to protested bill (138,574)
Less: Transferred to Debenture & share investment (29,400,000)
Less: Additional provision transferred to provision for Incentive Bonus - (57,500,000)

65,714,424 95,252,998
Details in Schedule- 'E'

13.03.05 Provision for demand draft paid without advice

Balance at the beginning of the year
co 56,671,570 53,551,735
Add: Made during the year 38.00 - 3,119,835
56,671,570 56,671,570
13.04 Provision for current tax

Opening balance on 01 January 3,129,697,832 3,091,215,195


Add: Addition during the year 39.01 129,610,609 188,482,637

Less: Adjustment during the year (800,000,000) (150,000,000)
Balance on 31st December 2,459,308,441 3,129,697,832

13.05 Deferred tax liabilities

Opening balance on 01 January 650,397,533 374,013,195

Add: Addition during the year 39.02.01 (196,252,210) 276,384,339

Balance on 31st December 454,145,324 650,397,533

13.06 Provision for off balance sheet items

Provision at the beginning of the year 629,180,465 436,180,465
Less: Transferred to provision for loans and advances (General) (459,822,315) -
Add: Made during the year - 193,000,000
Provision held at the end of the year 169,358,150 629,180,465

13.07 Provision for loans and advances

Specific 13.07.01 8,489,121,810 8,489,121,810
General 13.07.02 1,523,327,084 1,063,504,769
10,012,448,894 9,552,626,579

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13.07.01 Specific provision

Provision held at the beginning of the year 8,489,121,810 7,766,087,608

Add: Provision made during the year 35.00 - 723,034,202
Provision held at the end of the year 8,489,121,810 8,489,121,810

13.07.02 General provision

Provision held at the beginning of the year 1,063,504,769 1,013,504,769

Add: Made during the year - 50,000,000
Add: Transferred from provision for off balance sheet items 13.06 459,822,315 -
Provision held at the end of the year 1,523,327,084 1,063,504,769

13.08 Interest suspense accounts

Balance at the beginning of the year 5,307,500,461 3,182,397,635

Add: Amount transferred to interest suspense A/C 10,464,873,637 3,519,131,826
Less: Amount recovered from "Interest suspense A/C (952,711,000) (1,389,091,000)

Less: Interest suspense written off during the year (49,280,000) (4,938,000)
Balance at the end of the year 14,770,383,098 5,307,500,461

13.09 Other provision

Provision for auditors fee 13.09.01 2,725,750 2,103,750
Provision for employee's pension 3,163,417,393 4,220,997,504
Provision for employee's gratuity 13.09.03 73,029,841 108,943,955
Provision for share investment (market value and face value) 13.09.04 49,971,480 20,571,480

Provision for incentive/performance bonus 13.09.05 314,559,522 182,426,369

Provision for BCCI Bank London 1,177,245 1,177,245
Provision for workers profit participation fund (WPPF) 13.09.06 - -
Provision for Good Borrower 13.09.07 10,000,000 10,000,000

Provision for expenses 13.09.08 39,182,666 104,010,000

3,654,063,897 4,650,230,303
13.09.01 Provision for auditors fee

Balance at the beginning of the year 2,103,750 2,014,000

Less: Paid during the year (1,978,000) (1,410,250)
Add: Made during the year 2,600,000 1,500,000
2,725,750 2,103,750

13.09.02 Provision for employee's pension fund

Balance at the beginning of the year 4,220,997,504 4,757,066,058
Add: Made during the year 150,000,000 100,000,000
Less: Balance transferred to gratuity fund (50,000,000) -
Add: Addition during the year 154,904,097 75,887,279
Less: Paid during the year (1,312,484,207) (711,955,833)
3,163,417,393 4,220,997,504
As per board meeting no. 1018 dated 31/01/17, decision has been taken on keeping provision for required
shortfall of pension and gratuity, the recommendation of actuarial firm to be implemented from 01 January

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13.09.03 Provision for employee's gratuity:

Balance at the beginning of the year 108,943,955 167,491,379
Add: Made during the year 50,000,000 10,000,000
Add: Balance transferred from pension fund 50,000,000 -
Less: Paid during the year (135,914,114) (68,547,424)
73,029,841 108,943,955
13.09.04 Provision for investment in shares and Debenture
Balance at the beginning of the year 20,571,480 20,571,480
Add: Balance transferred from unreconciled entries 29,400,000 -
49,971,480 20,571,480
13.09.05 Provision against expenses (performance bonus)
Balance at the beginning of the year 182,426,369 204,041,930
Add: Made during the year 350,000,000 210,000,000
Add: Balance transferred from unreconciled entries - 57,500,000
Add: Balance transferred from (WPPF) - 23,000,000
Add: Balance transferred from Salary 100,000,000
Less: Paid during the year (317,866,847) (312,115,561)

314,559,522 182,426,369
13.09.06 Provision for workers profit participation fund (WPPF)
Balance at the beginning of the year
Add: Made during the year
Less: Balance transferred to employees' performance
bonus - -
13.09.07 Provision for Good Borrower
Balance at the beginning of the year 10,000,000 -
Add: Made during the year 38 - 10,000,000

10,000,000 10,000,000
Note: We have kept provision amounting Tk. 1.00 crore in 2015 to provide incentive to good borrowers in the form of
interest rebate as per instruction laid down in BRPD circular letter no. 03 dated February 19,2015.

13.09.08 Provision for expenses

Balance at the beginning of the year 104,010,000 1,093,369
Add: Made during the year salary - 100,000,000

Add: Made during the year others 39,182,666 4,010,000

Less: Paid during the year (104,010,000) (1,093,369)
39,182,666 104,010,000
13(a) Consolidated Other liabilities
Rupali Bank Limited 13.00 42,004,163,147 32,533,840,742
Rupali Investment Limited 221,646,968 580,956,943
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 57,438,538 30,134,669
42,283,248,653 33,144,932,354
14.00 Share capital
14.01 Authorized capital
7,000,000,000 7,000,000,000
700,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each

14.02 Issued, subscribed and paid up capital

The issued share capital of the bank is the total nominal value of the shares of the bank which have been
issued to shareholders and remain outstanding.

Opening balance 2,400,337,500 2,087,250,000

Bonus issue during the year 360,050,620 313,087,500
Balance at the end of the year 2,760,388,120 2,400,337,500

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14.03 Issued, subscribed and fully paid up capital

This represent shares issued as on 31 December 2016 and made up as follows:

% No. of Share No. of Share

Government 90.19% 248,959,405 216,486,439

General public 9.81% 27,079,407 23,547,311
Total 276,038,812 240,033,750

Face value (Tk.) Face value (Tk.)

Government 2,489,594,045 2,164,864,391
General public 270,794,075 235,473,109
Total 2,760,388,120 2,400,337,500
Details shown in Annexure-I

14.04 Capital adequacy (Solo)

Common Equity Tier-I Capital 8,908,137,697 9,288,016,982
Tier-II Capital 2,928,315,061 3,410,127,303
Total Regulatory Capital 11,836,452,758 12,698,144,285

Capital excess / (short )

Required capital (10% of total risk weighted asset Tk.17,697.73 crore) 17,697,737,600

*Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio ( CRAR) 6.69% 8.49%

Common Equity Tier-I Capital
Paid up capital 2,760,388,120 2,400,337,500

Share money deposit 2,799,953,800 2,799,953,800

Statutory reserve 2,872,008,168 2,872,008,168
General reserve - 1,513,298,170

Retained earnings 864,161,277 1,434,395,928

Sub Total 9,296,511,366 11,019,993,566
Deductions (30% of Total Deffered Tax assets) (388,373,668) (1,731,976,583)
Total Common Equity Tier-I Capital 8,908,137,697 9,288,016,982

Tier-II Capital
General provision (1% to 5% of UCL and OBI) 1,593,986,225 1,631,022,188
Asset revaluation reserve ( 50%) 1,554,171,127 1,554,171,127
Revaluation reserve for securities (HTM & HFT) (50%) 391,481,414 391,481,414
Revaluation reserves for equity instrument up to 10% 6.02.01 278,228,854 278,228,854
3,817,867,619 3,854,903,582
Less: 40% of revaluation reserves for PPE, securities
889,552,558 444,776,279
& equity securities (as per Basel-III)
Total 2,928,315,061 3,410,127,303
11,836,452,758 12,698,144,285
Required capital
Total assets including off-balance sheet items 412,321,571,363 376,201,939,871
Total risk weighted assets 176,977,376,000 149,647,152,000
Required capital being 10% of total risk weighted assets 17,697,737,600 14,964,715,200

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15.00 Share money deposits

Balance at the beginning of the year 2,799,953,800 2,799,953,800

Add: for the year - -
2,799,953,800 2,799,953,800
16.00 Statutory reserve

Balance at the beginning of the year 2,872,008,168 2,659,842,336

Made during the year ( 20%) - 212,165,833
2,872,008,168 2,872,008,168
17.00 General reserve

Balance at the beginning of the year 1,513,298,170 1,513,298,170

Made during the year - -
Less: Transferred to retained earnings (1,513,298,170)
- 1,513,298,170
18.00 Assets revaluation reserve

Asset revaluation reserve (Land) 504,862,808 504,862,808
Asset revaluation reserve (Building) 126,996,074 131,388,614
631,858,882 636,251,422
18.01 Asset revaluation reserve (Land)

Balance at the beginning of the year

co 504,862,808 2,922,209,654
Made during the year - -
Adjustment with Goodwill - (2,417,346,846)
504,862,808 504,862,808
18.02 Asset revaluation reserve (Building)

Balance at the beginning of the year 131,388,614 186,132,599

Made during the year - -
Adjustment * - (54,743,985)

Adjustment for sale of Building* (4,392,540) -

126,996,074 131,388,614
19.00 Revaluation reserve of securities

Revaluation reserve of securities (HTM) 19.01 4,485,458 8,386,455

Revaluation reserve of securities (HFT) 19.02 1,723,526,600 1,041,839,770
1,728,012,057 1,050,226,225

19.01 Revaluation reserve of securities (HTM)

Balance at the beginning of the year 8,386,455 807,132

Add. Made during the year 789,601 7,846,070
Less: Adjustment during the year (4,690,598) (266,747)
4,485,458 8,386,455

19.02 Revaluation reserve of securities (HFT)

Balance at the beginning of the year 1,041,839,770 782,155,695

Add. Made during the year 1,411,986,994 2,716,978,997
Less: Adjustment during the year (730,300,165) (2,457,294,922)
1,723,526,600 1,041,839,770

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2016 2015
19.00(a) Consolidated Revaluation reserve of securities
Rupali Bank Limited 1,728,012,057 1,050,226,225
Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
1,728,012,057 1,050,226,225
20.00 Retained earnings balance from statement of comprehensive Income
Balance at the beginning of the year 1,434,395,928 1,672,504,858
1,434,395,928 1,672,504,858
Less: Interest adjusted refinance rural housing scheme - (1,999,710)
Less: Interest Income (Excess Charge) 20.01 (448,746,000) -
Less: Wrongly posted to Machanical Appliance (3,198,810) -
Add: Divident Income of 2014 & 2015 received in 2016 18,112,300 -
Less: Excess Profit charged by branches to PL accounts (24,931,330) -
Less: Wrongly posted to PPE Accounts (Motor Vehicle) (6,163,684) -
969,468,403 1,670,505,148
Bonus share issue (360,050,620) (313,087,500)
Retained earning at beganing of the year (restated) 609,417,783 1,357,417,648

Profit after tax during the year (1,258,554,676) 235,001,861
Add: Transferred from general reserve 1,513,298,170 -
Less:Transfer to statutory reserve - (212,165,833)

Transfer from revaluation reserve Restated

Retained earning at end of the year
co 18.00
20.01 This is charged for the year 2012 & 2013 and transferred to Interest Suspanse Bad & Doubtfull Accounts
as per Bangladesh Bank letter ref. DBI-2 (UB-4)/202/2016-4098 .

20(a) Consolidated Retained earning balance from statement of comprehensive income


Balance at the begaining of the year 1,563,649,675 1,800,315,861

1,563,649,675 1,800,315,861
Less: Interest adjusted refinance Rural Housing Scheme - (1,999,710)

Less: Interest Income (Excess Charge) 20.01 (448,746,000) -

Less: Wrongly posted to Machanical Appliance (3,198,810) -
Add: Divident Income of 2014 & 2015 received in 2016 18,112,300 -
Less: Excess Profit charged by branches to PL accounts (24,931,330) (450)

Less: Wrongly posted to PPE Accounts (Motor Vehicle) (6,163,684) -

1,098,722,150 1,798,315,701
Bonus share issue (360,050,620) (313,087,500)
Retained earning at the beginning of the year (restated) 738,671,530 1,485,228,201
Profit after tax during the year (1,211,700,389) 236,445,055
Add: Transferred from general reserve 1,513,298,170 -
Less:Transfer to statutory reserve - (212,165,833)
1,040,269,311 1,509,507,423
Transfer from revaluation reserve 18.00 - 54,142,252
Retained earning at end of the year 1,040,269,311 1,563,649,675
20.01 This is charged for the year 2012 & 2013 and transferred to Interest Suspanse Bad & Doubtful Accounts
as per Bangladesh Bank letter ref. DBI-2 (UB-4)/202/2016-4098 .
21.00 Off balance sheet items
Contingent liabilities
A. Acceptance and endorsements - -
B. Letter of guarantee 21.01 2,595,086,631 2,467,887,464
C. Irrevocable letter of credit 70,607,668,687 69,208,147,011
D. Bills for collection 5,009,041,540 3,974,889,249
E. Other contingent liability (D. C. Notes) 1,318,135 1,263,561
78,213,114,993 75,652,187,285

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21.01 Bank liability for guarantee

The bank is contingently liable in respect of issuing guarantee in favor of the following:
Directors - -
Government 116,198,354 2,240,348,240
Bank and other financial Institution 1,152,792 14,807,325
Others 2,477,735,485 212,731,899
2,595,086,631 2,467,887,464
21.00(a) Consolidated Off balance sheet items
Rupali Bank Limited 21.00 78,213,114,993 75,652,187,285
Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
78,213,114,993 75,652,187,285
22.00 Income statement
Interest, discount and similar income 22.01 17,906,488,167 19,754,364,574
Dividend income ordinary shares 25.00 252,590,323 228,225,509

Dividend income preference shares 25.00 650,000,000 654,503,335
Fees, commission and brokerage 26.00 1,565,584,915 1,548,791,564
Gain less Losses arising from investment securities 22.01 652,433,362 1,559,552,731
Other operating income

co 27.00 574,671,378

Interest paid 24.00 15,263,447,311 17,055,875,968

Administrative expenses 22.03 4,847,376,182 3,013,360,520
Other operating expenses 34.00 1,812,863,519 1,249,910,864
Depreciation on banking assets including amortization 33.00 565,879,721 482,798,037

22,489,566,733 21,801,945,389
(887,798,587) 2,502,034,659
22.01 Interest, discount and similar income

Income from loans and advances 23.00 11,751,807,540 13,047,158,626

Income from balance with other banks and financial
23.00 1,547,734,927 1,889,679,969
Income on money at call and short notice 23.00 209,574,097 386,055,639

Interest on treasury bills and bond 25.00 3,175,050,997 3,700,780,171

Interest on subordinate bond 1,099,564,771 710,249,544
Interest on others (Treasury) 122,755,834 1,579,752,731
Gain or (loss) on securities 25.00 652,433,362 -
Interest on debentures 25.00 - 240,625
18,558,921,529 21,313,917,305
22.02 Interest, fee and commission
Interest paid on deposits 24.01 15,197,195,916 17,016,355,191
Interest paid on borrowing 24.02 66,251,394 39,520,777
15,263,447,311 17,055,875,968
22.03 Administrative expenses

Salary and allowances 28 4,180,802,420 2,429,578,078

Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 29 462,102,310 406,037,252
Legal and professional expenses 26,332,393 20,683,520
Postage, stamp, telecommunication etc. 30 20,988,154 25,337,764
Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. 31 149,692,009 127,408,946
Managing Director's salary and fees 2,372,896 825,960
Directors' fees and expenses 2,456,000 1,989,000
Auditors' fees 32 2,630,000 1,500,000
4,847,376,182 3,013,360,520

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2016 2015

23.00 Interest income

Income from loans and advances 11,751,807,540 13,047,158,626
Income on money at call and short notice 209,574,097 386,055,639
Income from balance with other banks and financial
1,547,734,927 1,889,679,969
13,509,116,565 15,322,894,234
Recovery of written off loan amounting to Tk.10,92,00,000
included in Interest Income.

23(a) Consolidated Interest income

Rupali Bank Limited 23.00 13,509,116,565 15,322,894,234

Rupali Investment Limited 23,001,662 26,468,679
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 22,835,866 2,667,675
13,554,954,093 15,352,030,588

24.00 Interest paid on deposits and borrowing etc.

Interest paid on deposits 24.01 15,197,195,916 17,016,355,191

Interest paid on borrowing 24.02 66,251,394 39,520,777
15,263,447,311 17,055,875,968
24.01 Interest paid on deposits

Fixed deposit
co 13,524
Saving deposit 1,481,978,174 1,409,216,014
Deposit pension scheme 1,014,371 710,617
Special notice deposits 1,035,458,162 586,839,318
Rupali deposit scheme (all scheme) 3,625,687,358 2,092,952,606

Festival deposit scheme 25,503 94,574,032

General provident fund 161,524,166 20,008,303
Staff security deposit 1,070,094 960,012
15,197,195,916 17,016,355,191

24.02 Interest paid on borrowings

Borrowing from other banks - -
Borrowing from Bangladesh Bank 66,248,744 39,478,982
Letter of credit 2,650 41,795

66,251,394 39,520,777

24(a) Consolidated Interest paid on deposits and borrowing etc.

Rupali Bank Limited 24.00 15,263,447,311 17,055,875,968

Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
15,263,447,311 17,055,875,968

25.00 Investment income

Interest on treasury bond 2,514,152,886 2,295,863,717

Interest on treasury bills 499,394,771 1,238,246,448
Interest on subordinate bond 1,099,564,771 710,249,544
Income from redeemable bond 118,753,340 118,753,339
Interest on commercial paper 42,750,000 47,916,667
Interest on debentures - 240,625
Dividend on shares (ordinary shares) 252,590,323 228,225,509
Dividend on shares (preference shares) 650,000,000 654,503,335
Gain or (loss) on securities 652,433,362 1,559,552,731
Other Income (Treasury) 122,755,834 20,200,000
5,952,395,287 6,873,751,915

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2016 2015

25(a) Consolidated Investment income

Rupali Bank Limited 25.00 5,952,395,287 6,873,751,915
Rupali Investment Limited 30,846,236 -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 36,372,514 7,646,948
6,019,614,037 6,881,398,863
26.00 Commission, exchange, brokerage etc.

Commission 84,897,092 130,252,753

Exchange 1,480,687,823 1,418,538,811
1,565,584,915 1,548,791,564

26(a) Consolidated Commission, exchange, brokerage

Rupali Bank Limited 26.00 1,565,584,915 1,548,791,564
Rupali Investment Limited 7,149,492 6,216,332
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 15,973,746 5,233,807
1,588,708,153 1,560,241,703
27.00 Other operating income
Rent (general) 2,284,493 18,698,327

Rent from locker 1,844,772 1,859,303
Gain on sale of assets 60,000 -
Service charge (agri. credit A/C) co 377,379,375 389,972,719
Miscellaneous 193,102,738 148,011,986
574,671,378 558,542,335
27(a) Consolidated Other operating income
Rupali Bank Limited 27.00 574,671,378 558,542,335
Rupali Investment Limited 5,011,449 19,698,681
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -

579,682,827 578,241,016
28.00 Salary and allowances
Pay (officers) 1,959,909,128 1,005,769,488

Pay (other employees) 327,950,269 165,254,484

Personal pay 363,375 504,545
Benefits - 206,459
Evening banking allowance 601,342 840,532

Conveyance allowance 2,981,506 2,941,983

Overtime 33,614,607 25,430,454
Special allowance 1,957,644 1,660,785
Dearness allowance 33,492,990 196,054,811
Children education allowance 15,347,292 8,345,383
Bank contribution to provident fund (gratuity) 50,000,000 23,973,130
Bank contribution to pension fund 311,781,431 75,887,279
House rent allowance 622,064,229 446,819,654
Medical allowance 100,640,274 74,969,748
Medical charges 282,541 1,323,141
Bonus (festival) 344,101,255 184,836,039
Performance bonus /exgratia 352,808,415 210,000,000
Extra duty charge 2,155,699 2,590,147
Compensation allowance 18,600 368,262
Executive car allowance 44,400 -
Entertainment allowance 1,415,839 -
Bangla nababorsho allowance 19,109,114 -
Qualification allowance 2,535,368 2,627,712
4,183,175,316 2,430,404,038
Less: Honorium for managing director & CEO 28.01 2,372,896 825,960
4,180,802,420 2,429,578,078

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2016 2015

28.01 Managing Director's salary and fees

Basic 1,474,129 494,400

Others 898,767 331,560
2,372,896 825,960
28.00(a) Consolidated Salary and allowances

Rupali Bank Limited 28.00 4,180,802,420 2,429,578,078

Rupali Investment Limited 7,459,759 7,625,864
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 11,817,221 8,286,528
4,200,079,400 2,445,490,470

28.01(a) Consolidated Managing Director's salary and fees

Rupali Bank Limited 28.01 2,372,896 825,960
Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
2,372,896 825,960
28.02 Directors' fees

Board meeting 1,904,000 1,422,000
Audit committee 384,000 356,000
Risk management committee
Executive committee
co 136,000
28.02(a) Consolidated Directors' fees
Rupali Bank Limited 28.02 2,456,000 1,989,000
Rupali Investment Limited 832,350 161,000

Rupali Bank Securities Limited 569,550 391,000

3,857,900 2,541,000
29.00 Rent, taxes, insurance , electricity, etc.

Rent 244,157,021 212,145,373

Rates and taxes 26,666,970 18,855,305
Premium (deposit insurance scheme) 123,693,956 113,406,230
Insurance 6,322,908 7,331,210

Electricity 61,261,457 54,299,134

462,102,310 406,037,252

29(a) Consolidated Rent, taxes, insurance , electricity, etc.

Rupali Bank Limited 29.00 462,102,310 406,037,252
Rupali Investment Limited 5,407,457 5,713,648
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 5,715,690 4,943,550
473,225,457 416,694,450
30.00 Postage, stamp, telegram and telephone
Postage 4,442,501 10,453,275
Telegram 1,709,339 1,155,291
Telephone 13,922,104 13,729,198
Internet expense 914,209 -
20,988,154 25,337,764
30(a) Consolidated Postage, stamp, telegram and telephone
Rupali Bank Limited 30.00 20,988,154 25,337,764
Rupali Investment Limited 140,594 148,475
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 583,508 538,138
21,712,256 26,024,377

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2016 2015
31.00 Stationary printing and advertisement
Stationary and printing 53,487,648 50,754,336
Advertisement and publicity 96,204,361 76,654,610
149,692,009 127,408,946
31a) Consolidated Stationary printing and advertisement
Rupali Bank Limited 31.00 149,692,009 127,408,946
Rupali Investment Limited 73,226 70,788
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 93,551 341,587
149,858,786 127,821,321
32.00 Audit fees
Audit fee for the year including VAT (statutory audit) 1,500,000 1,500,000
Audit consultancy and others 1,130,000 -
2,630,000 1,500,000
32(a) Consolidated Audit fees
Rupali Bank Limited 32.00 2,630,000 1,500,000
Rupali Investment Limited 57,500 -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 57,500 57,500
2,745,000 1,557,500
33.00 Depreciation and repairs of bank's property

Depreciation of bank's property
Building 76,339,661 78,692,246
Furniture and fixture 41,551,916 29,437,062
Mechanical appliance
Motor vehicle
co 183,426,122
Repairs of bank's property
Repairs to premises (Building) 3,679,893 5,159,118
Repairs and maintenance (Furniture, Machinery etc.) 22,033,146 23,543,917
Repairs and maintenance (Vehicles) 22,753,005 15,983,541
Computer service charges 158,682,749 168,784,940

207,148,793 213,471,516
565,879,721 482,798,037
33(a) Consolidated Depreciation and repairs of property
Rupali Bank Limited 33.00 565,879,721 482,798,037

Rupali Investment Limited 1,586,980 1,976,665

Rupali Bank Securities Limited 2,520,214 3,247,328
569,986,915 488,022,030
34.00 Other expenses
Washing charge 1,434,121 1,342,991

Welfare and recreation 288,975,702 286,740,909

Liveries and uniforms 8,554,278 13,480,502
Conveyance 53,728,228 51,731,375
Petrol, oil and lubricants (POL) 64,181,664 52,687,202
Traveling 72,995,169 61,866,604
Remittance charges 31,016,330 30,968,173
Honorarium 3,034,550 2,334,053
Books and periodicals 344,521 1,066,579
Carriage and cartage 928,556 2,193,074
Entertainment 37,027,674 41,240,296
Business development 18,488,225 35,290,957
Donation 25,942,827 33,106,412
CSR 11,684,020 8,738,576
Training institute 18,140,320 14,372,796
Deployment cost of ansar 140,332,548 102,697,644
Loss on revaluation reserve for securities 836,670,683 386,890,887
Amortization on securities - -
ATM service 4,203,205 -
Mobile banking 9,496,464 -
Risk fund 19,100,000 -
Computer printing accessories 5,639,516 -
Miscellaneous 160,944,920 123,161,834
1,812,863,519 1,249,910,864

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34(a) Consolidated Other expenses

Rupali Bank Limited 34.00 1,812,863,519 1,249,910,864

Rupali Investment Limited 2,990,749 3,536,812
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 6,155,935 3,724,084
1,822,010,203 1,257,171,760
35.00 Provision for loans and advances

Provision for unclassified loans and advances ( General) - 50,000,000

Provision for classified loans and advances ( Specific) - 723,034,202
- 773,034,202

Rupali Bank Limited - 773,034,202

Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
- 773,034,202
36.00 Provision for off balance sheet item
Opening Balance - -

Made during the year - 193,000,000
Less: Adjustment during the year - -
- 193,000,000
36(a) Consolidated Provision for off balance sheet item
Rupali Bank Limited
co - 193,000,000
Rupali Investment Limited - -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
- 193,000,000
37.00 Provision for diminution in value of investment
No provision has been made during the year as the market value of shares are higher than average cost

price of shares.

37(a) Consolidated Provision for investment


Rupali Bank Limited - -

Rupali Investment Limited 18,407,414 12,164,895
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 12,599,026 3,355,058
31,006,440 15,519,953

38.00 Other provisions

Provision for unforeseen losses fund (protested bill) - 4,135,297
Provision for demand draft paid without advice - 3,119,835
Provision for Inter branch unreconciled entries - 46,016,161
Provision for good borrower - 10,000,000
Provision for sundry debtors Including Int. Receivable - 301,900,000
Provision for employee's pension fund - 100,000,000
Provision for gratuity - 10,000,000
- 475,171,293
38(a) Consolidated other Provision
Rupali Bank Limited - 475,171,293
Rupali Investment Limited 2,000,000 -
Rupali Bank Securities Limited - -
2,000,000 475,171,293
Provision for loans and advances 35.00 - 773,034,202
Provision for off balance sheet item - 193,000,000
Provision for diminution in value of investment 31,006,440 15,519,953
Other provisions 38.00 - 475,171,293
31,006,440 1,456,725,448

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2016 2015

39.00 Provision for income tax

Current tax 39.01 129,610,609 188,482,637
Deferred tax liabilities / (assets) 39.02 241,145,480 637,344,666
370,756,089 825,827,303
39(a) Consolidated Provision for income tax
Rupali Bank Limited
Current tax 129,610,609 188,482,637
Deferred tax liabilities / (assets) 241,145,480 637,344,666
370,756,089 825,827,303
Rupali Investment Limited
Current tax 11,027,825 9,850,854
Deferred tax liabilities / (assets) (418,455) (164,661)
10,609,370 9,686,193
Rupali Bank Securities Limited
Current tax 4,645,457 526,159
Deferred tax liabilities / (assets) 13,627 (6,344)
4,659,084 519,815

386,024,543 836,033,311
39.01 Provision for current tax
Provision for current tax for current year co 13.04 129,610,609 188,482,637
Provision for current tax for previous years - -
129,610,609 188,482,637

39.01(a) Consolidated Provision for current tax

Rupali Bank Limited 129,610,609 188,482,637
Rupali Investment Limited 11,027,825 9,850,854
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 4,645,457 526,159

145,283,891 198,859,650
39.02 Deferred tax liabilities/(assets)
Deferred tax liabilities/(assets) recognized during the period 39.02.01 (196,252,210) 276,384,339
Deferred tax assets recognized during the period

39.02.02 (437,397,690) (360,960,327)

241,145,480 637,344,666
39.02(a) Consolidated Provision for Deferred tax liabilities/(assets)
Rupali Bank Limited 241,145,480 637,344,666

Rupali Investment Limited (unrealised loss) (418,455) (164,661)

Rupali Bank Securities Limited 13,627 (6,344)
240,740,652 637,173,661
39.02.01 Deferred tax liabilities recognized during the period
Taxable temporary differences
Fixed assets
Accounting base 4,110,355,715 4,182,998,282
Tax base (2,974,992,406) (2,557,004,449)
1,135,363,309 1,625,993,833
Corporate tax rate 40.00% 40.00%
Deferred tax liabilities: at the end of the period 454,145,324 650,397,533
Less: At the beginning of the period 650,397,533 374,013,195
Deferred tax liabilities recognized during the period 13.05 (196,252,210) 276,384,339

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39.02.02 Deferred tax assets recognized during the period

Deductible temporary differences
Provision for gratuity
Accounting base 73,029,841 108,943,955
Tax base - -
73,029,841 108,943,955
Provision for pension
Accounting base (partial) 3,163,417,393 4,220,997,504
Tax base - -
3,163,417,393 4,220,997,504
3,236,447,234 4,329,941,459
Corporate tax rate 40.00% 40.00%
Deferred tax assets: at the end of the period 1,294,578,894 1,731,976,583
Less: At the beginning of the Period 1,731,976,583 2,092,936,911
Deferred tax assets recognized during the period (437,397,690) (360,960,327)

40.00 Earning per share (EPS)
Net Profit during the year (numerator) (1,258,554,676) 235,001,861
Total number of shares outstanding during the year co 276,038,812 240,033,750
Basic earning per share (EPS) restated ( face valueTk, 10.00 per share) (4.56) 0.85

40(a) Consolidated earning per share (CEPS)

Net Profit during the year (numerator) (1,211,700,389) 236,445,055
Total number of shares outstanding during the year 276,038,812 240,033,750

Basic earning per share (EPS) restated ( face valueTk, 10.00 per share) (4.39) 0.86

41.00 Closing cash and cash equivalent

Cash in hand 2,029,106,367 2,005,830,934

Balance with Bangladesh Bank and Sonali Bank 19,439,820,604 17,686,353,493

Balance with other bank 22,994,023,688 19,459,507,401
Money at call and short notice 2,430,000,000 6,140,000,000

Closing cash and cash equivalent 46,892,950,659 45,291,691,828

41(a) Consolidated Closing cash and cash equivalent

Rupali Bank Limited 46,892,950,659 45,291,691,828
Rupali Investment Limited 204,539,467 120,312,742
Rupali Bank Securities Limited 239,702,092 12,577,648
47,337,192,218 45,424,582,218

42.00 Events after reporting period

The board of Director in its 1023 th meeting dated 27 April, 2017 decided to recommend payment of 10%
stock dividend for the year 2016. The total amount of dividend is Tk.27.60 crore only.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 249
Rupali Bank Limited
Highlights on the Overall activities of the Bank
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Figure in Crore (Except %)

SL. 2016 2015

No. Taka Taka
1 Authorized Capital 700.00 700.00
2 Paid up capital 276.04 240.03
3 Total capital (Tier-I + Tier-II) 1183.65 1269.81
4 Required capital (Under BASEL-III) 1769.77 1496.47
5 Surplus / (shortage) of capital (586.13) (226.66)
6 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio ( CRAR) 6.69% 8.49%
7 Total assets 33410.85 30054.98
8 Total deposits 27911.60 25382.96
9 Total loans and advances 17515.04 14251.50
10 Total contingent liabilities and commitments 7821.31 7565.22

11 Credit deposit ratio 62.75% 56.15%
12 Total classified loans 3484.85 2341.76
13 Export 2,500.45 2,162.78
Foreign remittance
co 10,801.36
16 Income from investment 595.24 687.38
17 Operating profit (88.78) 250.20
18 Profit after tax and provision (125.86) 23.50
19 Percentage of classified loans against total loans and advances 20.64% 17.00%

20 Provision kept against classified loans 848.91 848.91

21 Provision kept against loans and advances(G+S) including OBS. Item 1018.18 1018.18
22 Provision Surplus / (deficit) against loans and advances (1,684.04) 0.06
23 Cost of fund % 7.62% 8.02%

24 Cost of deposit % 5.49% 7.29%

25 Weighted average rate of deposit 5.89% 7.56%
26 Weighted average rate of advance 10.85% 12.52%
27 Spread 4.96% 4.96%

28 Earning assets 25,252.41 23,448.47

29 Non earning assets 8,158.44 6,606.50
30 Return on investment (ROI) 7.34% 9.14%
31 Return on assets (ROA) after tax (0.10%) 0.08%
32 Return on equity (ROE) (2.58%) 2.52%
33 Earning Per Share (EPS) (4.56) 0.85
34 Net operating income per share (3.22) 10.42
35 Net income per share (after tax) (4.56) 0.98
36 Price earning ratio (Times) (7.02) 37.94
37 Market price per share 32.00 32.30
38 Income from Investment 595.24 687.38
39 Leverage Ratio 2.65% 3.10%
40 Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) 792.99% 233.22%
41 Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) 94.36% 100.38%

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 250
Details shown in Annexure-I

Rupali Bank Limited

Classification of shareholding by shareholders
as on 31 December 2016

2016 2015
Limit of holding of share No. of No. of
% No. of Share % No. of Share
Shareholder Shareholder
Under 5000 shares 1.02% 4,477 2,828,720 1.16% 4,881 2,789,450
5001 to 50000 1.79% 336 4,940,028 1.88% 313 4,514,793
50001 to 100000 0.71% 29 1,965,064 0.55% 20 1,323,896
100001 to 200000 1.42% 28 3,929,873 2.07% 35 4,956,726
200001 to 300000 0.88% 11 2,418,470 0.38% 4 915,971
300001 to 400000 0.39% 3 1,071,448 0.85% 6 2,031,462
400001 to 500000 0.44% 3 1,220,741 0.20% 1 473,084
500001 to 1000000 0.99% 5 2,739,295 0.55% 3 1,317,343
1000001 to 10000000 2.16% 4 5,973,459 2.18% 4 5,231,273
Over 10000000 shares 90.19% 1 248,951,714 90.19% 1 216,479,752
100.00% 4,897 276,038,812 100.00% 5,268 240,033,750

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited

Rupali Bank Limited

Balance with other Bank -Outside Bangladesh (Nostro Account)
As at 31 December 2016

2016 2015
Curren Curren
Amount in Conversion Amount in Conversion
Name of the Bank cy cy
Foreign rate per unit Amount in BDT Foreign rate per unit Amount in BDT
Name Name
Currency F.C. Currency F.C.
NOSTRO Accounts Debit
Foreign Bank A/c (WES)
Bank of America NY /Bank WES USD USD
BCCI " " 15276.44 41.9999817 641,610.20
HSBC London GBP GBP 732.33 60.0000000 43,939.80
Commerz " 46,499.27 83.60218064 3,887,440.37 " 47269.18 116.7283285 5517652.37
Sonali London " 4,657.64 96.75354686 450,643.19 "
Sub Total 4,338,083.56 6,203,202.37

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Barclays Bank PLC London (Pound Sterling) Pound Pound
HSBC London Pound Sterling) " "

National WMB London Pound Sterling) " "
Commerz " 392,101.20 54.80227987 21,488,039.70 "
Sonali Bank London " " 7873.04 116.7409527 919106.19
Total 21,488,039.70
m 7,873.04 116.74 919,106.19
Standard Chartered Bank, Kolkata (ACU) ACU 98,565.04 78.98113286 7,784,778.52 ACU 161436.3 78.56510909 12683260.52
Sonali Bank ,Kolkata (ACU) " 135,499.20 78.98999662 10,703,081.35 " 15184.8 78.5899946 1193373.35
Arif Habib Bank Ltd. Karachi, Pakistan (ACU) " " -
AB Bank, Mumbai, India (ACU) " 552,036.94 78.99119751 43,606,058.96 " 318291.07 78.60022495 25017749.7
United Bank of India " 56395.62 78.98999621 4,454,689.81 " 72555.17 78.59 5702110.81
Summit Bank " 84,055.71 78.74247353 6,618,754.52 " 100134.06 78.38214609 7848722.52
Peoples Bank Comloboo (ACU) " 9,896.86 77.31388238 765,164.67 " 44870.86 78.58999515 3526400.67
Total 73,932,527.83 55,971,617.57
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule-A

Balance with other Bank -Outside Bangladesh (Nostro Account)

As at 31 December 2016
2016 2015
Curren Curren
Amount in Conversion Amount in Conversion
Name of the Bank cy cy
Foreign rate per unit Amount in BDT Foreign rate per unit Amount in BDT
Name Name
Currency F.C. Currency F.C.
Sonali Bank ,Kolkata (ACU EURO) 5,983.18 81.8200355 489,544.00 65068.38 86.00280198 5596063
Commerce Bank AG, Frankfort Germany
EURO - - - EURO 400967.18 85.43232883 34255559.97
BHF Bank AG, Frankfort Germany (EURO) " 6,233.29 81.27397731 506,604.27 " 6233.29 84.63608624 527561.27
Hypoverin " 36,307.20 81.83919829 2,971,352.14 " 1214.87 86.99357956 105685.89
ING Bank, Belgium (EURO) " 33,050.55 82.64071248 2,731,321.00 " 1469.82 86.03706576 126459
Sonali Bank London " 119,125.14 83.29548943 9,922,586.84 " 4545.99 87.51071604 397822.84
S.C.B Germany " 84,109.82 82.64070034 6,950,894.43 " 329141.57 86.00373596 28307404.68
Total 23,082,758.68 63,720,493.65
Bank Al Zajirah SR 82,731.89 21.02900454 1,739,769.29 SR 342689.89 20.93500129 7174213.29

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Danske Bank DKK 52,078.24 11.47713978 597,709.24 DKK 54825.24 11.86882611 650711.24
Bank of Novaskosia Canada CAD - CAD

West pack Banking Corporation, Australia AUD - AUD
Commerz AUD 132,153.41 61.99254594 8,192,526.34 AUD 49708.63 56.04124153 2785733.34
J.P. Morgan Change Bank , Singapore SGD - SGD 15932.92 55.88710042 890444.70
Commerz (CHF) CHF 22,483.35 81.67282011 1,836,278.60 CHF 10698.89 80.76275389 864071.82
Union Bank Swizerland CHF CHF
Total 12,366,283.47 12,365,174.39

Sonali Bank London USD 123039.31 78.96929087 9,716,327.06 USD 11797.51 78.58090902 927059.06
S.C.B NY " 0 " 193169.69 78.49268123 15162406.90
Commerz " 228309.38 78.99032182 18,034,231.40 " -
ICICI " 87218.18 78.98999532 6,889,363.63 " 101402.88 78.5892238 7969173.63
HSBC NY USA " - " -
Masrek Bank PSC NY " - " 1393933.07 78.10939338 108879266.51
Total 34,639,922.09 132,937,906.10

Rupali Bank Limited

Balance with other Bank -Outside Bangladesh (Nostro Account)
As at 31 December 2016

2016 2015
Curren Curren
Amount in Conversion Amount in Conversion
Name of the Bank cy cy
Foreign rate per unit Amount in BDT Foreign rate per unit Amount in BDT
Name Name
Currency F.C. Currency F.C.
Standard Chartered Bank,Tokyo JPY JPY
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Japan (JPY) " 29,434,273.00 0.719091181 21,165,926.14 " 1448798 0.652700128 945630.64
Commerz " 4,901,997.00 0.738597396 3,620,602.22 " 3689595 0.652702264 2408207.01
Total 24,786,528.36 3,353,837.65
G.Total 190,785,604.13 274,864,198.55
NOSTRO Accounts Credit

Annual Report 2016


Rupali Bank Limited

Bank of American NY USA

JP Morgan Chase NY " "
Citi Bank NY " "
Commerz " 194,481.30 86.4709633 16,816,985.36 " 196253.07 78.58973416 15,423,476.60
Mashreq Bank PSC NY " 2,963,807.64 78.9460449 233,980,890.99 "
Standard Chartered Bank, NY " 493,513.16 78.9290848
38,952,542.08 "
Total 289,750,418.43 15,423,476.60

Standard Chartered Bank,Tokyo JPY 19146129.18 0.7379241 14,128,389.95 JPY 1,810,174.00 0.652699658 1,181,499.95
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Japan (JPY) " "
Amex Japan " "
Total 14,128,389.95 1181499.95
G.Total 303,878,808.38 16,604,976.55
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - "B-1"
Investment against Government Treasury Bonds (HTM)
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Sl. Amount of Value as on . Increase / Coupon Date of

Nature of Investment Status Present Value Date of Issue
No. Investment 01.01.2016 Decrease Rate % Maturity

17,815,000.00 32,067,000 (14,252,000.00) 17,815,000.00 5.00% 11/1/1993 11/1/2018

1 25 years Special Treasury Bond -2018 HTM
27,855,000.00 40,235,000 (12,380,000.00) 27,855,000.00 5.00% 6/30/1994 6/30/2019
2 25 years Special Treasury Bond -2019 HTM
3 2 years BGTB-2016 HTM 23,982,696.00 23,989,400 8,700.00 23,998,100 8.50% 3/4/2015 3/4/2017
4 2 years BGTB-2017 HTM 1,198,559,283.60 1,198,559,283.60 (14,403,383.60) 1,184,155,900 7.20% 8/5/2015 8/5/2017
5 3 years Treasury Bond -2014 HTM - - - -
Total - A 1,268,211,979.60 1,294,850,683.60 (41,026,683.60) 1,253,824,000
1 5 years Treasury Bond -2017 HTM 173,400,000.00 173,400,000.00 - 173,400,000.00 11.50% 8/8/2012 8/8/2017
2 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2017 HTM 176,500,000.00 176,500,000.00 - 176,500,000.00 11.55% 9/5/2012 9/5/2017
3 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2017 HTM 139,600,000.00 139,600,000.00 - 139,600,000.00 11.55% 10/3/2012 10/3/2017
83,937,466.16 83,971,700.00 13,500.00 83,985,200.00 11.50% 11/7/2012 11/7/2017

Annual Report 2016

4 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2017 HTM

Rupali Bank Limited

5 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2017 HTM 149,767,174.17 149,678,400.00 (35,900.00) 149,642,500.00 11.52% 12/5/2012 12/5/2017
168,024,755.29 167,960,700.00 (26,500.00) 167,934,200.00 11.62% 1/2/2013 1/2/2018

6 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2017 HTM
7 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 172,027,423.90 171,964,400.00 (26,800.00) 171,937,600.00 11.72% 2/6/2013 2/6/2018
8 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 154,700,018.50 154,700,018.50 - 154,700,018.50 11.82% 3/6/2013 3/6/2018
9 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 82,846,367.00 82,915,000.00 31,500.00 82,946,500.00 11.70% 5/8/2013 5/8/2018
10 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 106,781,363.50 106,830,500.00 23,900.00 106,854,400.00 11.75% 7/10/2013 7/10/2018
11 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 116,970,136.20 117,021,500.00
25,900.00 117,047,400.00 11.78% 8/14/2013 8/14/2018
12 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 145,331,010.64 145,433,400.00 53,100.00 145,486,500.00 11.78% 9/11/2013 9/11/2018
13 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 151,563,325.93 151,686,500.00 65,900.00 151,752,400.00 11.84% 10/9/2013 10/9/2018
14 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 85,199,652.10 85,180,000.00 (17,900.00) 85,162,100.00 9.59% 10/15/2014 10/15/2019
15 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 HTM 76,610,491.10 76,626,900.00 15,900.00 76,642,800.00 9.66% 11/12/2014 11/12/2019
16 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 544,512,581.80 544,512,581.80 (21,100,981.80) 523,411,600.00 11.70% 6/5/2013 6/5/2018
17 5 years BGTB Treasury Bond -2018 149,238,736.80 149,238,736.80 (6,012,436.80) 143,226,300.00 11.72% 2/6/2013 2/6/2018
Total -B 2,677,010,503.09 2,677,220,337.10 (26,990,818.60) 2,650,229,518.50
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - "B-1"
Investment against Government Treasury Bonds (HTM)
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Sl. Amount of Value as on . Increase / Coupon Date of
Nature of Investment Status Present Value Date of Issue
No. Investment 01.01.2016 Decrease Rate % Maturity
1 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2017 HTM 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 - 500,000,000.00 11.95% 9/5/2007 9/5/2017
2 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2017 HTM 2,000,000,000.00 2,000,000,000.00 - 2,000,000,000.00 11.74% 12/5/2007 12/5/2017
3 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 112,900,000.00 112,900,000.00 - 112,900,000.00 11.75% 8/22/2012 8/22/2022
4 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 161,300,000.00 161,300,000.00 - 161,300,000.00 11.75% 9/12/2012 9/12/2022
5 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 143,200,000.00 143,200,000.00 - 143,200,000.00 11.80% 10/10/2012 10/10/2022
6 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 168,509,221.68 168,585,400.00 30,500.00 168,615,900.00 11.75% 11/14/2012 11/14/2022
7 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 193,288,225.00 193,309,300.00 8,600.00 193,317,900.00 11.80% 12/12/2012 12/12/2022
8 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 106,900,000.00 106,900,000.00 - 106,900,000.00 11.90% 1/9/2013 1/9/2023
9 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 92,200,000.00 92,200,000.00 - 92,200,000.00 12.00% 2/13/2013 2/13/2023
10 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 105,537,955.42 105,597,200.00 26,700.00 105,623,900.00 12.10% 4/10/2013 4/10/2023
11 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 124,912,088.80 124,997,200.00 39,600.00 125,036,800.00 12.10% 3/13/2013 3/13/2023
12 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 133,660,531.20 133,747,400.00 41,400.00 133,788,800.00 12.10% 3/13/2013 3/13/2023
13 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 76,968,686.01 76,925,300.00 (21,400.00) 76,903,900.00 12.22% 7/17/2013 7/17/2023
14 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 74,782,565.91 74,817,500.00 17,900.00 74,835,400.00 12.22% 7/17/2013 7/17/2023
15 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 87,866,604.00 87,896,300.00 15,600.00 87,911,900.00 12.22% 7/17/2013 7/17/2023
16 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 72,522,413.55 72,545,400.00 12,400.00 72,557,800.00 12.22% 7/17/2013 7/17/2023
17 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 65,037,000.00 65,051,000.00 7,900.00 65,058,900.00 12.16% 11/20/2013 11/20/2023
18 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 - 1,000,000,000.00 12.16% 11/20/2013 11/20/2023
19 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 317,603,700.00 315,886,800.00 (1,705,300.00) 314,181,500.00 11.75% 9/12/2012 9/12/2022

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
20 10 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 208,000,415.00 206,947,700.00 (1,046,000.00) 205,901,700.00 11.75% 11/14/2012 11/14/2022

Total -C 5,745,189,406.57 5,742,806,500.00 (2,572,100.00) 5,740,234,400.00

1 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 - 500,000,000.00 14.00% 7/11/2007 7/11/2022
2 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 - 300,000,000.00 13.48% 9/12/2007 9/12/2022
3 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2022 HTM 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 - 200,000,000.00 12.94% 11/14/2007 11/14/2022
4 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2023 HTM 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 - 500,000,000.00 12.14% 10/15/2008 10/15/2023
5 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2027 HTM 71,400,000.00 71,400,000.00 - 71,400,000.00 11.88% 9/19/2012 9/19/2027
6 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2027 HTM 19,659,237.73 19,663,000.00 1,500.00 19,664,500.00 11.93% 10/17/2012 10/17/2027
7 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2027 HTM 18,024,671.00 18,022,500.00
(900.00) 18,021,600.00 12.10% 12/19/2012 12/19/2027
8 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2028 HTM 16,100,000.00 16,100,000.00 - 16,100,000.00 12.20% 1/16/2013 1/16/2028
9 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2028 HTM 9,193,798.13 9,194,300.00 200.00 9,194,500.00 12.38% 3/20/2013 3/20/2028
10 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2028 HTM 47,109,391.41 47,122,400.00 6,300.00 47,128,700.00 12.40% 6/19/2013 6/19/2028
11 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2028 HTM 19,010,250.40 19,016,100.00 2,900.00 19,019,000.00 12.40% 7/24/2013 7/24/2028
12 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2028 HTM 44,151,312.37 44,160,200.00 4,700.00 44,164,900.00 12.42% 9/25/2013 9/25/2028
13 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2028 HTM 28,963,405.12 28,971,200.00 4,300.00 28,975,500.00 12.42% 10/23/2013 10/23/2028
14 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2029 HTM 29,537,218.40 29,539,100.00 1,900.00 29,541,000.00 11.47% 11/26/2014 11/26/2029
15 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2029 HTM 43,582,207.90 43,589,500.00 8,000.00 43,597,500.00 11.47% 11/26/2014 11/26/2029
16 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2029 HTM 500,006,000.00 499,983,100.00 (26,900.00) 499,956,200.00 11.47% 11/26/2014 11/26/2029
17 15 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2029 491,315,500.00 491,315,500.00 306,100.00 491,621,600.00 7.79% 4/27/2016 4/27/2031
Total -D 2,838,052,992 2,346,761,400 308,100 2,838,385,000
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - "B-1"
Investment against Government Treasury Bonds (HTM)
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Sl. Amount of Value as on . Increase / Coupon Date of
Nature of Investment Status Present Value Date of Issue
No. Investment 01.01.2016 Decrease Rate % Maturity

1 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2027 HTM 349,000,000.00 349,000,000.00 - 349,000,000.00 15.95% 7/25/2007 7/25/2027
2 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2027 HTM 245,100,000.00 245,100,000.00 - 245,100,000.00 14.23% 9/26/2007 7/26/2027
3 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2027 HTM 97,000,000.00 97,000,000.00 - 97,000,000.00 13.49% 11/28/2007 11/28/2027
4 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2028 HTM 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 - 500,000,000.00 13.07% 7/23/2008 7/23/2028
5 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2032 HTM 60,900,000.00 60,900,000.00 - 60,900,000.00 12.16% 8/29/2012 8/29/2032
6 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2032 HTM 30,400,000.00 30,400,000.00 - 30,400,000.00 12.16% 9/26/2012 9/26/2032
7 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2032 HTM 21,168,460.29 21,169,900.00 600.00 21,170,500.00 12.16% 10/25/2012 10/25/2032
8 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2032 HTM
la 9,770,913.45 9,772,200.00 500.00 9,772,700.00 12.18% 11/28/2012 11/28/2032
9 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2032 HTM 20,600,000.00 20,600,000.00 - 20,600,000.00 12.28% 12/26/2012 12/26/2032
10 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2033 HTM 15,466,112.36 15,467,400.00 600.00 15,468,000.00 12.48% 3/27/2013 3/27/2033
11 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2033 HTM 22,584,484.22 22,588,400.00 1,900.00 22,590,300.00 12.48% 6/26/2013 6/26/2033
12 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2033 HTM 21,987,537.50 21,990,900.00 1,800.00 21,992,700.00 12.48% 9/25/2013 9/25/2033
13 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2033 HTM 28,474,011.96 28,477,300.00 2,000.00 28,479,300.00 12.33% 12/26/2013 12/26/2033
14 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2034 HTM 50,509,672.20 50,512,600.00 2,800.00 50,515,400.00 11.98% 10/29/2014 10/29/2034
15 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2034 HTM 22,663,291.20 22,665,200.00 2,000.00 22,667,200.00 11.98% 11/26/2014 11/26/2034
16 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2034 HTM 37,536,798.60 37,539,100.00 2,500.00 37,541,600.00 11.98% 11/26/2014 11/26/2034
17 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2034 HTM 1,842,666,600.00 1,842,662,000.00 (5,700.00) 1,842,656,300.00 11.98% 11/26/2014 11/26/2034
18 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2034 HTM 318,365,100.00 318,226,700.00 (311,100.00) 317,915,600.00 12.10% 7/23/2014 7/23/2034

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
19 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2034 HTM 266,341,500.00 266,212,400.00 (290,100.00) 265,922,300.00 12.14% 5/28/2014 5/28/2034
20 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2033 HTM 120,065,428.40 119,989,700.00 (170,100.00) 119,819,600.00 12.33% 12/26/2013 12/26/2033
21 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2032 HTM 148,607,217.00 148,497,700.00 (245,900.00) 148,251,800.00 12.12% 6/27/2012 6/27/2032

22 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2032 HTM 114,212,299.90 114,127,100.00 (191,300.00) 113,935,800.00 12.07% 4/25/2012 4/25/2032
23 20 years BGTB Treasury Bond-2034 HTM 110,230,087.00 110,174,800.00 (124,200.00) 110,050,600.00 12.14% 4/23/2014 4/23/2034
Total -E 4,453,649,514.08 4,453,073,400.00 (1,323,700.00) 4,451,749,700.00
Total Investment (Bond) = (A + B + C+D+E) 16,982,114,395.80 16,514,712,320.70 (71,605,202.20) 16,934,422,618.50
Asset Revaluation Reserve(HTM) - - - -

Total (F) 16,982,114,395.80 16,514,712,320.70 (71,605,202.20) 1,693,442,618.50

1 6 years BGMC/BTMC Bond-2017 HTM 3,389,300,000.00 3,389,300,000.00 0.00% 16/01/2011 16/01/2017

2 7 years BGMC/BTMC Bond-2018 HTM 1,350,000,000.00 1,350,000,000.00 0.00% 16/1/2011 16/1/2018
3 10 years BGMC/BTMC Bond-2021 HTM 2,040,000,000.00 2,040,000,000.00 0.00% 16/1/2011 16/1/2021

Total(G) 6,779,300,000.00 - 6,779,300,000

G.Total (F+G) 23,761,414,395.80 16,514,712,321 - 23,713,722,618.50

Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - "B-2"
Investment against Government Treasury Bond (HFT)
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Sl. Amount of Value as on . Increase / Interest Date of

Nature of Investment Status Present Value Date of Issue
No. Investment 01.01.2016 Decrease Rate % Maturity
10 years Treasury Bond -2018 100,000,000 114,162,833.49 (3,420,255) 110,742,578.59 11.72% 7/2/2008 7/2/2018
10 years Treasury Bond -2019 1,350,000,000 1,507,035,440.64 (9,127,072) 1,497,908,368.68 9.45% 7/8/2009 7/8/2019
3 10 years Treasury Bond-2022 HFT 721,575,735 866,318,035.42 (12,728,372) 853,589,663.05 11.56% 5/16/2012 5/16/2022
4 10 years Treasury Bond-2018 314,985,900 314,985,900 76,709,242 391,695,141.56 10.75% 3/19/2014 3/19/2024
5 10 years Treasury Bond-2018 428,946,000 428,946,000 84,692,484 513,638,483.84 11.90% 1/9/2013 1/9/2023
6 10 years Treasury Bond-2022 450,431,709 450,431,709 82,210,339 532,642,048.35 1.60% 6/13/2012 6/3/2022
11 10 years Treasury Bond-2022 387,630,205 387,630,205 77,085,128 464,715,333.51 11.80% 10/10/2012 10/10/2022
8 Total (A) 3,753,569,548.70 3,231,448,209.55 136,126,026 4,364,931,618

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
15 years Treasury Bond -2023 250,000,000 330,201,396.15 (374,080) 329,827,316.16 12.14% 11/12/2008 11/12/2023

10 15 years Treasury Bond -2023 205,853,800 205,853,800 64,383,245 270,237,044.72 11.75% 5/23/2012 5/23/2027
15 years Treasury Bond -2024 600,000,000 793,649,029.74 627,244 794,276,273.75 12.14% 14/01/2009 14/01/2024
11 HFT
12 15 years Treasury Bond-2027 HFT 207,265,000 265,574,382.28 6,444,345 272,018,727.46 11.85% 7/18/2012 7/18/2027
13 15 years Treasury Bond-2029 HFT 500,118,000.00 655,660,647.29 15,357,390 671,018,037.44 11.47% 11/26/2014 11/26/2029
Total (B) 1,763,236,800 2250939255 86,438,144 2,337,377,400
20 years Treasury Bond -2028 700,000,000 702,575,596.28 321,762,288 1,024,337,883.90 13.02% 24/12/2008 24/12/2028
11 HFT
Total (C) 700,000,000 702,575,596 321,762,288 1,024,337,884
G.Total (A+B+C) 6,216,806,349 6,184,963,061 544,326,458 7,726,646,901
Rupali Bank Limited
Investment against Government Treasury Bill (HFT)
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Sl. Amount of Value as on . Increase / Interest Date of

Nature of Investment Status Present Value Date of Issue
No. Investment 01.01.2016 Decrease Rate % Maturity

1 182 Days Treasury Bill HFT 2,928,926,000 68,787,400 2,997,713,400 4.87% 10-Jul-16 8-Jan-17
2 182 Days Treasury Bill HFT 1,461,505,000 37,236,400 1,498,741,400 5.28% 11-Jul-16 9-Jan-17
3 182 Days Treasury Bill HFT
la 973,546,000 25,073,400 998,619,400 5.45% 18-Jul-16 16-Jan-17
5,363,977,000 - 131,097,200 5,495,074,200

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Investment against Government Bangladesh Bank Bill (HFT)
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Nature of Investment Status
Amount of Value as on .
Increase /
Present Value
Date of Issue
Date of
No. Investment 01.01.2016 Decrease Rate % Maturity

1 Bangladesh Bank Bill HFT 7,995,448,000.00 1,940,300 7,997,388,300.00 2.9686 26-Dec-2016 2-Jan-2017
2 Bangladesh Bank Bill HFT 1,749,004,250.00 138,950 1,749,143,200.00 2.9686 28-Dec-2016 4-Jan-2017
3 Bangladesh Bank Bill HFT 11,743,314,250.00 (25,700) 11,743,288,550.00 2.9686 29-Dec-2016 5-Jan-2017

21,487,766,500 - 2,053,550 21,489,820,050

Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - 'B-3'
Summary of Investment against Quoted Share
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Face Increase/
Purchase Market value
Sl. Date of value Total Market
Name of Company No. of Share Price of Purchase Value of Each share (Decrease) value
No. Purchase of Each value 31-12-16
Each share 31-12-16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5x7=8 9 5 X 9 = 10 10 - 8 = 11
Investment in Bangladesh
A . Government Organization
1 Investment Corporation of 02.12.77 25,464,380 10 23.33 594,169,000 104.50 2,661,027,710 2,066,858,710
Bangladesh ( ICB)
A Total 25,464,380 594,169,000 2,661,027,710 2,066,858,710

B . Others Organization
1 National Tea Co. Ltd. 4,540 10 10.01 45,440 728.60 3,307,844 3,262,404
2 Bangladesh Shipping Corp. 20.07.77 364 100 100 36,400 470.20 171,153 134,753

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
3 Paper Converting and Packaging 23.06.80 839 100 100 83,900 10.00 8,390 (75,510)

4 Padma Printers andColour Ltd. 18.10.79 16,710 10 10 167,100 17.70 295,767 128,667
5 Standard Ceramics Ltd 28.09.96 390 10 15 5,850 51.60 20,124 14,274
6 S.T.M Ltd 09.11.85 563 100 100 56,362 - - (56,362)
7 Swan Textile Mills Ltd 10.11.85 578 100 100 57,800 - - (57,800)
8 IDLC Ltd 20.01.93 100,546 10 5.07 510,000 57.00 5,731,122 5,221,122
9 Heidelberg Cement 16.08.89 4,860 10 19
m 90,728 562.10 2,731,806 2,641,078
10 Bangladesh chemical ind. ltd 27.05.95 4,170 10 10 41,700 53.00 221,010 179,310
11 Eastern Bank ltd 05.10.92 762,939 10 6.36 4,850,210 29.00 22,125,231 17,275,021
12 Apex weaving finishing mills ltd 09.02.95 480 10 10 4,800 6.10 2,928 (1,872)
13 Beximco 17-06-95 8,412 10 17.30 145,550 26.00 218,712 73,162
Bangladesh Electricity Meter Co. 22.08.95 18,530 10 10 185,300 61.50 1,139,595 954,295
14 Ltd
15 7th ICB Mutual Fund 15.07.95 4,771 10 0.65 3,100 10.00 47,710 44,610
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - 'B-3'
Summary of Investment against Quoted Share
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Purchase Market value Increase/
Sl. Date of value Total Market
Name of Company No. of Share Price of Purchase Value of Each share (Decrease) value
No. Purchase of Each value 31-12-16
Each share 31-12-16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5x7=8 9 5 X 9 = 10 10 - 8 = 11
Specialized Jute Yarn Manufac. 22.07.86 19,880 10 10 198,800 - - (198,800)
16 Co. Ltd
17 Azadi Printers Ltd 17.01.92 756 100 100 75,600 60.00 45,360 (30,240)
18 Bengal Fine Ceramic Ltd. 18.07.92 2,572 10 100 257,200 67.00 172,324 (84,876)
19 8th ICB Mutual Fund 10.08.96 210 10 10 2,100 60.00 12,600 10,500
20 Wonder Land Toys Ltd 24.08.96 41,730 10 10 417,300 4.00 166,920 (250,380)
21 Excel Sure Shoe Ltd 28.11.96 3,277 10 100 327,700 25.00 81,925 (245,775)
22 Niloy Cement Industries Ltd 26.06.97 2,162 10 100 216,200 25.90 55,996 (160,204)
23 Uttara Finance & Investment Ltd 14.07.97 159,204 10 8.71 1,387,420 61.30 9,759,205 8,371,785
24 Square Textile Ltd 11.08.02 34,276 10 6.53 223,940 69.20 2,371,899 2,147,959
25 ICB Islamic Bank Ltd 01.07.08 8,056,700 10 10 80,567,000 5.10 41,089,170 (39,477,830)
Grameen Phone Ltd 04.12.08 1,283,800 10 74 95,001,200 284.10 364,727,580 269,726,380
27 Summit Power 26.09.10 1,835,994 10 59 109,067,938 37.00 67,931,778 (41,136,160)

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
28 Orion Pharma Ltd. 10.11.10 4,800,000 10 83 400,000,000 42.10 202,080,000 (197,920,000)
29 Singer bangladesh 30/03/97 24,666 10 80.68 1,990,173 192.50 4,748,205 2,758,033

30 Monno Ceramics 30/03/97 8,050 10 92.93 748,098 40.30 324,415 (423,683)
31 Square Pharma 1/1/2005 109,430 10 5.41 591,500 249.1 27,259,013 26,667,513
32 Appex Tanary Ltd. 30/03/97 18,400 10 65.79 1,210,603 135.6 2,495,040 1,284,437
33 Appex Foot wear Ltd. 30/03/97 4,500 10 36.95 166,253 330.3 1,486,350 1,320,098
34 BD Lamps 30/03/97 5,460 10 169.33 924,550 174.5 952,770 28,221
35 Green Delta Insurance 30/03/97 7,199 10 11.33
m 81,584 49.7 357,790 276,206
36 Delta Life Insurance 12/5/1999 35,062 10 0.24 8,500 100.6 3,527,237 3,518,737
37 Progoti Insurance 27/07/2009 753 10 8.47 6,380 27.1 20,406 14,026
38 Beximco Pharma 5/3/1999 3,853 10 7.52 28,960 80.8 311,322 282,362
39 Atlas Bangladesh 30/03/97 1,302 10 22.18 28,880 109.4 142,439 113,559
40 Bata Shoe 30/03/97 1,500 10 132.83 199,238 1142 1,713,000 1,513,762
41 BGIC Ltd. 16.11.09 17,721 10 13.87 245,710 19.2 340,243 94,533
43 National Bank Ltd. 11.1-2.3.11 299,883 10 36.41 10919127.53 10.2 3,058,807 (7,860,321)
44 Pubali Bank Ltd. 11.1-28.2.11 64,506 10 47.67 3074856.20 24 1,548,144 (1,526,712)
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - 'B-3'
Summary of Investment against Quoted Share
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Purchase Market value Increase/
Sl. Date of value Total Market
Name of Company No. of Share Price of Purchase Value of Each share (Decrease) value
No. Purchase of Each value 31-12-16
Each share 31-12-16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5x7=8 9 5 X 9 = 10 10 - 8 = 11
45 AB Bank 12.1-2.3.11 340,404 10 60.03 20432779.27 22.3 7,591,009 (12,841,770)
46 Exim Bank 12.1-2.3.11 71,309 10 28.03 1999121.13 11.7 834,315 (1,164,806)
47 Prime Bank 12.1-2.3.11 110,352 10 36.44 4021543.41 17.7 1,953,230 (2,068,313)
48 Shajalal Bank 12.1-2.3.11 70,785 10 33.52 2372655.63 15 1,061,775 (1,310,881)
49 Southest Bank 12.1-22.9.11 464,152 10 38.44 17842499.74 18.7 8,679,642 (9,162,857)
50 Trust bank 12.1-2.3.11 130,523 10 27.96 3649873.06 23.8 3,106,447 (543,426)
51 Uttara Bank 12.1-27.2.11 117,649 10 56.14 6605149.82 24.7 2,905,930 (3,699,220)
52 Heidelberg Cement 12.1-2.2.11 19,300 10 254.04 4903044.99 552.3 10,659,390 5,756,345
53 Summit Power 12.1-27.2.11 37,436 10 54.33 2033844.87 37 1,385,132 (648,713)
54 Brac Bank 16.1-27.2.11 22,770 10 37.31 849489.00 64.1 1,459,557 610,068
55 ICB 16/01/11 12,640 10 154.42 1,951,868 104.5 1,320,880 (630,988)
56 IDLC 16.1-2.3.11 142,946 10 79.51 11366190.95 57 8,147,922 (3,218,269)

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
57 Islami Bank 16.1-27.2.11 79,632 10 34.91 2779816.01 29.7 2,365,070 (414,746)
25.51 (217,961)

58 Mutual trust Bank 16.1-6.2.11 86,770 10 2213670.95 23 1,995,710
59 Power Grid 16.1-6.2.11 88,000 10 83.82 7376434.01 54 4,752,000 (2,624,434)
60 Standard Bank 16.1-1.2.11 111,182 10 18.39 2044684.60 11.9 1,323,066 (721,619)
61 PLFSL 16.1-30.1.11 1,570 10 104.21 163614.20 9.5 14,915 (148,699)
62 Beximco 17.1-27.2.11 57,384 10 91.76 5265535.88 26 1,491,984 (3,773,552)
63 ICB 3rd NRB 17.1-1.2.11 20,000 10 12.80
m 256011.00 5.6 112,000 (144,011)
64 One Bank Ltd 1.2-2.3.11 127,860 10 20.45 2614923.30 18.3 2,339,838 (275,085)
65 Titas Gas 12,600 10 90.74 1143351.72 49.4 622,440 (520,912)
B Total 19,896,812 816,137,150 836,923,585 20,786,435
A+B Sub Total 45,361,192 1,410,306,150 3,497,951,295 2,087,645,145
C. Foreign Investment
66 Samait S Bank (Ex. Arif Habib Bank) 30.12.2007 32,777,450 10.00 11.08 363,273,340 0.00 363,273,340 -
Total 32,777,450 363,273,340 363,273,340 -
A+B+C G.Total 78,138,642 1,773,579,490 3,861,224,635 2,087,645,145
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - 'B-3.01'
Summary of Investment against Unquoted Share
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Purchase Purchase Market value Increase/
Sl. Date of value Total Market
Name of Company No. of Share Price of Value of Each share (Decrease)
No. Purchase of Each value 31-12-16
Each share 31-12-16 value
1 Karmasangsthan Bank 01.04.99 800,000 100 100 80,000,000 100 80,000,000 -
2 CDBL 03.02.05 8,567,705 10 4.50 38,541,640 4.50 38,541,640

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Redeemable Preference share
(Orion Infrastructure Ltd.)

4 03.05.12 500,000,000 10 10 5,000,000,000 10 5,000,000,000 -
Convertible equity share (Orion
5 Infrastructure Ltd.) 03.05.12 50,000,000 10 10 500,000,000 10 500,000,000
Total 559,367,705 5,618,541,640 5,618,541,640
Schedule - "B-4"

Rupali Bank Limited

Statement of Investment in Debenture
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Sl. Interest Outstanding book Date of Date of Outstanding

Particulars Total Investment Due Interest
No. Rate value up to 31-12-16 Issue Maturity upto 31-12-2016
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A) Debenture (Approved):
Bangladesh Steel & Eng. Corp:
Bangladesh Mechine Tools Ltd. 11.75% 4,000,000 69,350 11,350,000 26.06.1980 30.12.1989 11,419,350
Sub Total (1) 4,000,000 69,350 11,350,000 - - 11,419,350

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Bangladesh Textiles Mills Corp. 11.75% 24,900,000 2,513,850 6,203,310 06.05.1978 06.05.1993 8,717,160
Sub Total (2) 24,900,000 2,513,850 6,203,310 8,717,160

Total (A) (1+2) 28,900,000 2,583,200 17,553,310 - - 20,136,510
B) Debenture (Unapproved): - - - - -
Beximco Synthetics Ltd. 14.00% 50,000,000 10,850,630 9,241,560 30.09.1993 01.09.2003 20,092,190
50,000,000 10,850,630 9,241,560 - - 20,092,190
G.Total (A+B) 78,900,000 13,433,830 26,794,870 - - 40,228,700
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - "B-5"
Investment against corporate bonds
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Sl. Amount of Increase / Interest Date of
Nature of Investment Status Present Value Date of Issue
No. Investment Decrease Rate(%) Maturity

1 Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Ltd. - - - 13.50% 16.04.2010 16.04.2015

15 5 years Ansar VDP Bond - 2013 - - - 11.70% 08.04.2013 08.04.2018
1 Subordinated bond of Mitual Trust Bank Ltd. 7 Yrs. 100,000,000.00 - 100,000,000.00 12.00% 23.09.2010 23.09.2017
2 Subordinated bond of Dhaka Bank Bond- 7 Yrs. 100,000,000.00 - 100,000,000.00 11.65% 12.02.2010 12.02.2017
3 Subordinated bond of National Bank Bond 7 Yrs. 102,400,000.00 - 102,400,000.00 11.50% 12.02.2010 12.02.2017
4 Subordinated bond of UCBL Bond 7Yrs. 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 Floating 16.05.2013 16.05.2020
5 Subordinated bond of One Bank Ltd. Bond 7Yrs. 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 Floating 26.12.2013 31.12.2020
6 Subordinated bond of Southeast Bank Ltd. Bond 7Yrs. 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 Floating 18.12.2014 17.12.2021
7 Subordinated bond of Prime Bank Limited 7Yrs. 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 Floating 2/19/2015 2/18/2022
8 Subordinated bond of Bank Asia Limited 7 Yrs. 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 Floating 2/19/2015 2/18/2022
9 Subordinated bond of Eastern Bank Limited 7 Yrs. 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 Floating 2/19/2015 2/18/2022
10 Subordinated bond of EXIM Bank Limited 7 Yrs. 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 Floating 3/25/2015 3/25/2022
11 Subordinated bond of Social Islami Bank Limited 6 Yrs. 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 Floating 12/31/2015 3/31/2021
12 Subordinated bond of JAMUNA BANK LTD 7-Yrs 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 11.50% 7/28/2015 7/27/2022
Subordinated bond of UNITED COMMERCIAL BANK LTD(02)

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
13 7-Yrs 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 Floating 7/29/2015 7/28/2022
14 Subordinated bond of Al Arafah Islami Bank 7-Yrs 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 Floating 9/20/2015 9/19/2022

15 Subordinated bond of AB Bank Limietd 7-Yrs 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 Floating 9/29/2015 9/28/2022
16 Subordinated bond of Standard Bank Limited 6-Yrs 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 Floating 12/1/2015 11/30/2021
17 Subordinated bond of Dhaka Bank Ltd. 2nd sub. Debt 7 Yrs. 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 Floating 5/15/2016 5/15/2023
18 Subordinated bond of IFIC Bank Ltd. 7 Yrs. 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 Floating 5/29/2016 5/29/2023
19 Subordinated bond of Trust Bank Ltd. III 7 Yrs. 900,000,000.00 900,000,000.00 Floating 10/27/2016 10/27/2023
20 Subordinated bond of One Bank Ltd. Bond-II 7 Yrs. 200,000,000.00
m 200,000,000.00 Floating 10/27/2016 10/27/2023
21 Subordinated bond of Southeast Bank Ltd. Bond-II 7 Yrs. 250,000,000.00 250,000,000.00 Floating 10/27/2016 10/27/2023
Total 12,352,400,000.00 - 12,352,400,000.00

Investment against Mutual fund for the year ended 31 December 2016
Sl. Amount of Increase / Interest
Name of mutual fund Status Present Value Date of Issue Tenor
No. Investment Decrease Rate
1 Bangladesh Fund 1,060,000,000.00 - 1,060,000,000.00 Dividend 2010 10 years
15 Vanguard AML Rupali Bank Balnced Fund 400,000,000.00 (44,000,000.00) 356,000,000.00 Dividend 2013 10 years
Total 1,460,000,000.00 (44,000,000.00) 1,416,000,000.00
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - "C"
Classification and provisioning of loans and advances including bill purchased and discounted
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Fig. in Tk.
Amount of
Outstanding Provision
Base for e (%)
Status Continous Demand Fixed Term Loan Staff loan Stag & MC Amount as of 31 Required as of
Provision of 31 December
December 2016
Provision 2016
Off Balance sheet Items 16,935,814,993 16,935,814,993 16,935,814,993 1% 169,358,150
Sub- Total (A) 16,935,814,993 - - - - 16,935,814,993 16,935,814,993 169,358,150
Standard 5,637,077,101 1,850,089 2,723,164,288 - - 8,362,091,478 8,362,091,478 0.25% 20,905,229
Standard 36,276,157,780 6,835,675,526 68,260,109,138 - 111,371,942,444 111,371,942,444 1% 1,113,719,424
Standard 35,917,992 11,227,726 1,453,542,271 - 1,500,687,989 1,500,687,989 2% 30,013,760
Standard 97,202,350 38,029,792 855,863,035 - 991,095,177 991,095,177 5% 49,554,759

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Standard (Micro Credit) - - - - 1,741,817,954 1,741,817,954 1,741,817,954 2.50% 43,545,449
SMA 52,840,572 4,955,680 9,936,873,609 - 50,874 9,994,720,735 8,369,818,482 5,2,0.25,1% 166,889,454

Sub- Total (B) 42,099,195,795 6,891,738,813 83,229,552,341 - 1,741,868,828 133,962,355,777 132,337,453,524 1,424,628,075
Staff Loan (C) - - - 6,339,524,870 - 6,339,524,870 - -
Sub- Total 42,099,195,795 6,891,738,813 83,229,552,341 6,339,524,870 1,741,868,828 140,301,880,647 132,337,453,524 1,424,628,075
Substandard (Micro Credit) - - 24,548,136 24,548,136 20,610,133 5% 1,030,507
Doubtful (Micro Credit) - -
38,377,180 38,377,180 26,388,456 5% 1,319,423
Substandard 417,419,848 1,234,740 1,330,365,770 - 1,749,020,358 178,595,672 20% 35,719,134
Doubtful 1,185,393,154 2,831,971 3,004,472,551 - 4,192,697,676 1,830,476,818 50% 915,238,409
Bad/ Loss 8,689,362,674 2,797,828,281 17,135,898,754 220,766,941 28,843,856,650 24,474,875,772 100% 24,474,875,772
Sub- Total (D) 10,292,175,676 2,801,894,992 21,470,737,075 - 283,692,257 34,848,500,000 26,530,946,851 25,428,183,245
G.Total (A+B+C+D) 52,391,371,471 9,693,633,805 104,700,289,416 6,339,524,870 2,025,561,085 175,150,380,647 158,868,400,375 27,022,169,469
Schedule - "C-1"
Rupali Bank Limited
Classification and provisioning of loans and
advances including bill purchased and discounted
for the year ended 31 December 2016

Amount of
Outstanding Percentage
Status Amount as of Base for Provision
Required as of 31
31 December 2016 of Provision December 2016
Off Balance sheet Items 16,935,814,993 16,935,814,993 1% 169,358,150
Sub- Total (A) 169,358,150

Standard 8,362,091,478 8,362,091,478 0.25% 20,905,229

Standard 111,371,942,444 111,371,942,444 1% 1,113,719,424
Standard 1,500,687,989 1,500,687,989 2% 30,013,760

Standard 991,095,177 991,095,177 5% 49,554,759
Standard (Micro Credit) 1,741,817,954 1,741,817,954 2.50% 43,545,449
SMA 9,994,720,735co 8,369,818,482 166,889,454
Sub- Total (B) 133,962,355,777 132,337,453,524 1,424,628,075
Staff Loan (C) 6,339,524,870 - -
Sub- Total 140,301,880,647 132,337,453,524 1,424,628,075
Substandard (Micro Credit) 24,548,136 20,610,133 5% 1,030,507
Doubtful (Micro Credit) 38,377,180 26,388,456 5% 1,319,423

Substandard 1,749,020,358 178,595,672 20% 35,719,134

Doubtful 4,192,697,676 1,830,476,818 50% 915,238,409
Bad/ Loss 28,843,856,650 24,474,875,772 100% 24,474,875,772
Sub- Total (D) 34,848,500,000 26,530,946,851 25,428,183,245

G.Total (A+B+C+D) 175,150,380,647 158,868,400,375 27,022,169,469


Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 267
Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - "D"
Schedule of Fixed Asset's
As at 31 December 2016

la W.D.V. as on
Revalued/Addi Charges
Particulars Balance as on Sale/Disposal/ Balance as on Rate Balance as on Balance as on
tion during the during the 31.12.2016
01.01.2016 year Adjustment 31.12.2016 (%) 01.01.2016 year 31.12.2016
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Land 10,011,039,466 - - 10,011,039,466 - - - 10,011,039,466
Building 3,781,981,896 - 115,647,497 3,666,334,399 2.50 603,838,640 76,339,661 680,178,301 2,986,156,098
Furniture & Fixture 486,453,839 101,800,788 3,015,008 585,239,619 10.00 215,030,741 41,551,916 256,582,657 328,656,962
Mechanical Appliance(including computer etc.) 1,308,936,320 304,978,171 3,267,999 1,610,646,492 20.00 738,155,254 183,426,122 921,581,376 689,065,116
Motor Vehicle 478,268,799 1,439,914 200,008 479,508,705 20.00 315,617,937 57,413,229 373,031,166 106,477,539

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Total 16,066,680,320 408,218,873 122,130,512 16,352,768,681 1,872,642,572 358,730,928 2,231,373,500 14,121,395,181

Rupali Bank Limited Schedule - "E"
Statement of inter branch adjustment of unreconciled entries
As on December 31 2016

Original Entries Responding Entry Summary Amount

Year Total Total Grand Balance
Debit Credit Total Debit Credit Total Debit Credit
Debit Credit Total

2011 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 50,000 - 50,000

2013 14 - 14 - - - 14 - 14 3,192,219 - 3,192,219
Total 3,242,219 - 3,242,219

2015 93 133 226 53 52 105 146 185 331 27,648,714 30,742,322 (3,093,609)
Total 108 133 241 53 52 105 161 185 346 30,890,933 30,742,322 148,611
2016 4,573 9,936 14,509 2,633 1,362 3,995 7,206 11,298 18,504 15,336,300,038 14,214,763,002 1,121,537,036
Total 4,681 10,069 14,750 2,686 1,414 4,100 7,367 11,483 18,850 15,367,190,971 14,245,505,324 1,121,685,647
Base of provision (1984-2013)

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
A. Total Debit 161 30,890,933
B. Total Credit 185 30,742,322 148,611

Un-reconciled (Dr.) amount (24) 148,611

Above 12 months (50%) 13,824,357

Above 24 months (100%) 3,242,219
Provision Required 17,066,576
Provision exists 65,714,424
Provision made during the year -
Provision Surplus / (Shortfall) 48,647,848



Assures Capital Growth
A Subsidiary (Full Fledged Merchant Bank) Owned by Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report
Independent Auditors' Report
The Shareholders of Rupali Investment Limited
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Rupali Investment Limited, which
comprises the Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2016, the Statement of
Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity and State-
ment of Cash Flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies
and other explanatory information.
Management’s responsibility for the financial statement

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial state-
ments in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BASs) and Bangladesh Finan-
cial Reporting Standards (BFRSs), The Companies Act 1994 ,the Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission (Merchant Banker and Portfolio Manager) Rules, 1996 and other
applicable laws and regulations and for such internal control as management determines is

necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material mis-
statement, whether due to fraud or error. co
Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSAs). Those
standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirement and plan and perform the

audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from
material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence

about the amount and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected
depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstate-
ment of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assess-

ments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair pres-
entation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in
the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
company’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of account-
ing policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as
well as evaluating the presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respect, the financial posi-
tion of Rupali Investment Limited as at 31 December 2016 and its financial performance and
its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting
Standards (BFRSs) and other applicable laws.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 271
Compliance of Matter

We draw attention to the following matters, though our opinion is not qualified in respect of the
As disclosed in note # 18 to the financial statements, the subscription clause of the Memoran-
dum of Association of the Company states that the paid up share capital is Tk. 1,000,000,000
only an amount of Tk. 800,000,000 has been received till 31 December 2016 against the paid
up capital. In this connection, during the subsequent period dated 15th January 2017 the
Company has received residual amount of Tk. 200, 000,000 against paid up share capital.
We also report that

a) we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowl-
edge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification
b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Com-

pany so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; and
c) the Company's statement of financial position, statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of
accounts and returns.


Dated: Dhaka Chartered Accountants
06 March, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 272
Rupali Investment Limited
Statement of Financial Position
As at 31 December 2016
Amount in Taka Amount in Taka
Particulars Notes
31.12.2016 31.12.2015

Property And Assets

Current Assets
Cash and bank balance 204,539,467 120,312,742
Investment in FDR - 115,025,255
Accrued interest on FDR - 95,854
Accrued interest on Margin Loan 80,315 42,414
Margin loan (Portfolio loan) 218,290,358 193,473,408
Investment in shares (own portfolio) 682,630,848 518,157,455
Advances, deposits and prepayments 16,731,996 12,288,613
Accounts receivable 50,737,564 454,731,483
Total current assets (A) 1,173,010,547 1,414,127,225

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 6,116,166 7,496,678
Intangible assets 745,475 940,866
Other Assets 255,000 428,952
Total non-current assets (B)
Total Assets (A+B)
co 7,116,641
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable 75,869,504 450,377,950
Provision for expenses 5,674,972 4,344,039

Provision for diminution in value of investment 70,833,756 52,426,342

Provision for negative equity 7,000,000 5,000,000
Current tax liabilities 45,063,656 45,969,077

Deferred tax 342,304 760,759

Other liabilities 16,862,777 22,078,776
Total current liabilities .(C) 221,646,968 580,956,943
Non Current Liabilities - -

Total non-current liabilities (D) - -

Total Liabilities (E=C+D) 221,646,968 580,956,943
Capital/Shareholders' Equity
Share capital 800,000,000 700,000,000
Retained earnings 158,480,219 142,036,778
Total shareholders' equity (F) 958,480,219 842,036,778

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity (E+F) 1,180,127,188 1,422,993,721

Chief Executive Officer Director Chairman

Dated: Dhaka
06 March, 2017 Chartered Accountants

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 273
Rupali Investment Limited
Statement of Profit or Loss & other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended on 31 December 2016

Particulars Notes 2016 2015

Interest on margin loan /Interest income 16,354,849 18,084,172
Realized Gain 14,480,870 3,806,996
Dividend Income 16,365,366 10,585,685
Interest from investment in FDR 6,646,813 8,384,507
Fees and commission income 7,149,492 6,216,332
Other operating income 5,011,449 5,306,000
Total operating income (A) 66,008,839 52,383,692

Salary and allowances 7,459,759 7,625,864
Rent, taxes, Insurance, electricity etc. 5,407,457 5,713,648
Postage, stamp, telegram and telephone 140,594 148,475
Printing and stationery 73,226 70,788

CDBL & other expenses 868,624 729,940
Director remuneration 832,350 161,000
Depreciation and Amortization co 1,586,979 1,976,665
Others expenses 2,179,626 2,806,872
Total operating expenditure (B) 18,548,615 19,233,252
Profit/(loss) before provision and Tax(C=A-B) 47,460,224 33,150,440
Provision for diminution in value of investment (D) 18,407,414 12,164,895
Provision against negative equity (E) 2,000,000 -

Profit/(loss) before Tax(F=C-D-E) 27,052,810 20,985,545

Provision for taxation 10,609,369 9,686,193
Current tax 11,027,825 9,850,854
Deferred tax (418,455) (164,661)

Net profit after tax and provision 16,443,441 11,299,352

Other comprehensive income - -
Total comprehensive income 16,443,441 11,299,352

Retained earnings brought forward from previous year 142,036,779 130,737,426

Retained earnings surplus 158,480,219 142,036,778
Earning per share (EPS) 0.21 0.16

Chief Executive Officer Director Chairman


Dated: Dhaka Chartered Accountants

06 March, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 274
Rupali Investment Limited
Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended on 31 December 2016

Particulars Notes 31.12.2016 31.12.2015

A. Cash flows from operating activities:

Interest receipts 4,391,275 3,373,566
Advance income tax paid (12,385,394) (494,272)
Management expenses (16,644,657) (17,196,923)
Clients Received/(Payments) Net 16,265,592 (47,234,760)
Broker Received/(Payments) Net (1,258,941) 172,633,554
Payment for other operating activities (34,300) (9,312,139)
Net cash from operating activities(A) (9,666,425) 101,769,026

B. Cash flows from investing activities:

Purchase of Non Current Assets Annex-A (11,075) (943,076)
Purchase of Intangible Assets Annex-A - -
Dividend receipts 13,213,861 10,025,599
Investment in FDR (Net) 121,078,656 (7,552,261)

Investment in share (Net) (140,388,292) (61,218,999)
Other assets - -
Other Liabilities co - -
Net cash from investing activities(B) (6,106,851) (59,688,737)

C. Cash flows from financing activities:

Share capital from Rupali Bank Limited 100,000,000 -
Loans and advances - -
Net cash used in financing activitie (C) 100,000,000 -

D. Net cash outflow for the period (A+B+C) 84,226,724 42,080,290

Opening cash and bank balance 120,312,743 78,232,453


Closing cash and bank balance 204,539,467 120,312,743


Chief Executive Officer Director Chairman


Dated: Dhaka Chartered Accountants
06 March, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 275
Rupali Investment Limited
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended on 31 December 2016

Paid up Capital Retained earnings

Particulars Balance
Taka Taka

Balance as at 01 January 2016 700,000,000 142,036,778 842,036,778

Addition during the period 100,000,000 - 100,000,000
Net profit during the year 16,443,441 16,443,441
Balance as at 31 December 2016 800,000,000 158,480,219 958,480,219
Balance as at 01 January 2015 700,000,000 130,737,426 830,737,426

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Addition during the period - -

Net profit during the period 11,299,352 11,299,352
Balance as at 31 December 2015 700,000,000 142,036,778 842,036,778
Chief Executive Officer Director Chairman

Dated: Dhaka G. KIBRIA & CO.

06 March, 2017 Chartered Accountants

Auditor’s Report
Financial Statements


Rupali Bank Securities Limited


We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Rupali Bank Securities Limited
which comprises the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2016 and statement
of Profit or Loss and Other comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and
statement of cash flows for the year then ended and a summary of significant accounting
policies and explanatory notes thereto.

Management’s responsibility for the financial statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial
statements in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRSs), the

Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations and for such internal
control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of these
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud and

Auditors’ responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our

audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing

(BSAs). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’

judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor
considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the
financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide
a basis for our audit opinion.

Other Matter

The financial statements of the company for the year ended 31 December 2015 were
audited ACNABIN Chartered Accountants, who through their report dated 19 April 2016
expressed an unqualified opinion on those statement.

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 278

In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of Rupali Bank Securities Limited as at 31 December 2016, and its financial
performance and its Cash Flows for the year then ended in accordance with Bangladesh
Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS).

We further report that:

1. We have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of our
knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purpose our audit and made due
verification thereof;
2. In our opinion, proper books of accounts as required by law have been kept by the
company so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; and
3. The company’s statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive
income dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account.


M J Abedin & Co.

Dated: April 23, 2017

Chartered Accountants
Place: Dhaka

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 279
Rupali Bank Securities Limited
Statement of Financial Position
As on 31st December 2016

Amount in Taka
Particulars Notes
31 December 2016 31 December 2015

Non-Current Assets
Property, plant and equipment 10,646,209 12,872,655
Intangible assets 125,000 263,630
Investment in DSE Shares 320,200,000 320,200,000
Other assets - 1,500,000
Total non-current assets (A) 330,971,209 334,836,285

Current Assets
Cash and bank balance 239,702,092 12,577,648
Investment in shares (own portfolio) 395,724,379 127,951,997
Advances, deposits and prepayments 10,840,176 6,534,952
Receivables 97,828,496 35,450,756

Total current assets (B) 744,095,145 182,515,353
Total Assets (A+B) 1,075,066,354 517,351,638


Capital/Shareholders' Equity
Share capital 1,000,000,000 500,000,000
Retained earnings 17,627,816 (12,783,031)
Total shareholders' equity (C) 1,017,627,816 487,216,969

Total non-current liabilities (D) - -


Current Liabilities
Accounts payable 18,403,601 11,465,535
Provision for diminution in value of investment 27,599,026 15,000,000
Other provisions 4,380,541 1,272,849

Provision for Tax 7,055,371 2,396,286

Total current liabilities (E) 57,438,538 30,134,669
Total liabilities (F=D+E) 57,438,538 30,134,669

Total shareholders' equity & liabilities (C+F) 1,075,066,354 517,351,638

Chief Executive Officer Director Director

M.J Abedin & Co.

Place: Dhaka Cahrtered Accountants
Dated: 23 April, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 280
Rupali Bank Securities Limited
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
For the Year ended on 31st December 2016

Amount in Taka
Particulars Notes
Jan to 31 Dec 2016 Jan to Dec 2015

Fees & commission income 15,973,746 5,233,807
Interest & financial income 22,835,866 2,667,675
Cash dividend income 10,082,055 2,385,359
Capital Gain 26,290,459 5,261,589
Total Operating Income (A) 75,182,126 15,548,430

Salary and allowances 11,817,221 8,286,528
Printing, stationery & advertisement 93,551 341,587

Directors remuneration 569,550 391,000
Depreciation and amortization 2,430,154 3,072,828
DSE expenses co 3,233,885 447,602
CDBL & other expenses 1,069,256 578,763
Rent, Taxes, Insurance, Electricity etc 5,715,690 5,309,444
Others expenses 2,583,863 3,101,963
Total Expenditure (B) 27,513,170 21,529,715
Profit/(loss) before provision and Tax(C=A-B) 47,668,957 (5,981,285)

Provision for diminution in value of investment(D) 12,599,026 3,355,058

Profit/(loss) before tax (E=C-D) 35,069,931 (9,336,343)
Provision for Taxation 4,659,084 519,815

Current Tax 4,645,457 526,159

Deferred Tax Expense/(Income) 13,627 (6,344)
Net profit after tax and provision 30,410,847 (9,856,158)

Other comprehensive income - -

Total comprehensive income 30,410,847 (9,856,158)
Retained earnings brought forward from previous year (12,783,031) (2,926,423)
Adjustment during the year - (450)
Retained earnings surplus 17,627,816 (12,783,031)
Earnings per share (EPS) 0.30 (0.20)

Chief Executive Officer Director Director

M.J Abedin & Co.

Place: Dhaka Cahrtered Accountants
Dated: 23 April, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 281
Rupali Bank Securities Limited
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Year ended on 31st December 2016

Amount in Tk.
Particulars Notes 01 January 2016 to 01 January 2015 to
31 December 2016 31 December 2015
Cash flows from operating activities
Received from customer 133,967,894 122,879,118
Customer Dividend Received 1,525,810 -
Paid to customer (59,731,011) (20,316,450)
Received from DSE 463,603,616 173,259,362
Paid to DSE (713,903,409) (295,309,931)
Received from Merchant Bank 171,849,112 16,595,750
Interest Received on FDR & STD 11,004,244 1,548,085
Paid to Merchant Bank (35,037,502) (14,609,373)
Paid for IPO (602,700) (263,400)
General & administrative expenses paid (15,770,556) (14,284,486)
Advance Income Tax (291,924) (1,647,323)

Payment of Accounts & VAT Payable (1,012,378) (554,345)
Received from CDBL & suspense account - 15,350
Net cash used in operating activities (A)
co (44,398,804) (32,687,643)

Cash flows from investing activities

Purchase of assets (78,708) (15,462,759)
Advances - (4,500,000)
Investment in FDR (200,000,000) -

Encashment of FDR 200,000,000 -

Investment in Shares (329,032,535) (61,824,976)
Sale of investment in shares 92,568,844 61,184,596

Net Cash dividend Received 8,065,646 2,328,559

Margin loan paid/received - Rupali Investment Ltd. - (8,095,444)
Net cash used in investing activities (B) (228,476,753) (26,370,024)

Cash flows from financing activities

Received from Rupali Bank Ltd. (Share Capital) 500,000,000 -
Net cash from financing activities (C) 500,000,000 -
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 227,124,443 (59,057,667)
Add: cash & cash equivalents at beginning of the year 12,577,648 71,635,315
Cash & cash equivalents at the end of the year 239,702,092 12,577,648

Chief Executive Officer Director Director

M.J Abedin & Co.

Place: Dhaka Cahrtered Accountants
Dated: 23 April, 2017

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 282
Rupali Bank Securities Limited
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Year ended on 31st December 2016

Retained earnings
Particulars Paid up Capital Taka Balance
Balance as at 01 January 2015 500,000,000 (2,926,423) 497,073,577
Adjustment during the year - (450) (450)
Received arrear paid up capital - - -
Net profit during the Period - (9,856,158) (9,856,158)
Balance as at 31st December 2015 500,000,000 (12,783,031) 487,216,969
Balance as at 01 January 2016 500,000,000 (12,783,031) 487,216,969
Adjustment during the year - - -
Received arrear paid up capital 500,000,000 - 500,000,000

Annual Report 2016

Rupali Bank Limited
Net profit during the Period - 30,410,847 30,410,847
Balance as at 31st December 2016 1,000,000,000 17,627,816 1,017,627,816

Chief Executive Officer Director Director

M.J Abedin & Co.

Place: Dhaka Cahrtered Accountants
Dated: 23 April, 2017
Inauguration of 8 New Branches

in 2016

555th Branch

556th Branch

Kaliganj Branch, Jhenaidah

Kachua Branch, Chandpur

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 284
557th Branch 558th Branch

Shailokopa Branch, Jhenaidah Rahuthar Bazar Branch, Gopalgonj

559th Branch 560th Branch
d .c

Miahar Hat Branch, Noakhali Phultala Branch, Khulna


561th Branch 562th Branch

Barrister Zakir Ahamad College Branch, B. Baria Nazir Hat Branch, Chittagonj

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 285
Business Conferance

d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 286
d .c
Remittance Activities

Annual General Meeting of RIL & RBSL

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 287
Signing Ceremony


Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 288

d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 289
Other Events

d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 290
Some Industrial Projects Financed by RBL

JFK Fashion Bashundhara Food and Beverage (Sundicated)

Jute Product of Cresent Jute Mills Glory Spinning Mills Limited 100% export oriented Textile

Bengal Leather Complex Glory Spinning Mills Limited 100% export oriented Textile

Chowdhury Leather BG Block Tiger Limited_Modern Shrimp Project

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 291

d .c

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 292
We remember and deeply mourn for our best collegues
whom we lost in 2016

Late A K M Farhad Late Kazi Anamul Haq

DGM, Reg : 8418 AGM, Reg : 9866

Late Sheikh Faridul Islam Late Ashok Kumar Banarjee
SPO, Reg : 5787 SPO, Reg : 6995

Late Shah Mosleh Uddin Late Mazed Mia


PO, Reg : 5940 PO, Reg : 7265

Late Harun-or-Rashid Late Mrs. Gita Shaha

PO, Reg : 8104 SO, Reg : 3203

Late Abdul Ahad Late A M Kamal

SO, Reg : 2860 SO, Reg : 3066

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 293
Late Nizam Uddin Late Sultana Razia
SO, Reg : 2559 Officer, Reg : 13039

Late Abul Kashem Late Aklasur Rahman

Officer, Reg : 9253 Officer, Reg : 3689

Late Dinesh Barua
Office Asst, Reg : 8814
co Late Amena Begum
Office Asst, Reg : 7316

Late Abu Yusuf Late Asar Uddin

Office Asst, Reg : 4276 Office Asst, Reg : 12902

Late Abul Kashem Late Ayub Ali

Office Asst, Reg : 9278 Office Asst, Reg : 4557

Late Sheikh Habibur Rahman Late Al-Amin

Office Asst, Reg : 12382 Office Asst, Reg : 4595

Late Sharif Sobhan Late Abu Siddiq

Office Asst, Reg : 12516 Office Asst, Reg : 4220

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 294
RBL Branch in Bangladesh Map


Rangpur West East


47 om Sylhet
Dhaka North


Dhaka South

Khulna 70



Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 295
RBL Branch Network
(as on 31.12.2016)

Barisal Divisional Office Pathargatha
co Iqbal Road
Agarpur Patuakhali Corp. Bidyut Bhaban
Alipur Patuakhali Science & Technology Jubilee Road
Amtoli University Kerani Hat
Baherchar Pirojpur Kalurghat
Bakergonj Putiakhali Bandar Khan's Hat
Banaripara Rahmatpur Korbanigonj
Bangla Bazar Sadar Road Corp. Ladies

Barguna Sagordi Bazar Khatungonj

Bazar Road Shikarpur Lichu Bagan
Betagi Swarupkathi Nazir Hat
Bhabanipur Tazumuddin New Market Corp.

Bhandaria Zia Nagar Nur Ali Bari

Bhola Corp. Omar Ali Market
Central Bus Terminal Chittagong Divisional Office Pahartali
Daulat Khan Abu Torab Bazar Panchlaish
Agrabad Corp.

Dibuapur Patherhat
Galachipa Amir Market Corp. Patiya
Hemayetuddin Road O. R. Nizam Road Corp. Ramgarh
Hularhat Anwara Ramu
Ilisa Jangson Bazar Banarupa Rangamati
Inderhat Bandarban Rawjan (Fakir Hat)
Jhalakathi Bazarghata Rupali Sadan, Crop. Chittagong
Jinnahgarh Bibirhat Corp. Rupali Sadan, Crop. Cox's Bazar
Kalisuri Bandar Boxirhat Sadarghat
Kathalia Chaitanna Goli Sagarika Road
Kawkhali Chaktai Saltgola Corp.
Kawria Bazar Chandgaon Corp. Santrihat
Khepupara Chawk Bazar Shakpura Chowmohani
Kowrikhara Chiringa Station Road Corp.
Kunjerthat (Dawri Bandar) Commercial Area Strand Road
Kutba Courtbazar Tabalchari
Lalmohan Dewan Bazar Terri Bazar Corp.
Mahajan Patty Dhanialapara Urkirchar
Mathbaria Enayetpur
Eidgaon Comilla Divisional Office
CUET Amiruddin Munshir Hat
Muladi Bandar
New Town Gomdandi

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 296
Bagmara Bazar Sharshadi Bazar Shariatpur
Balua Chowmuhani Sonapur (Ramgonj) Shibchar
Bangla Bazar (Bagumgonj) Tal Mohammad Hat Shyamoli
Bangla Bazar (Companygonj) T.C.B Bhaban Corp.
Barera Bazar Tan Bazar Corp.
Bashurhat Divisional Office, Dhaka North Tongi
Barrister Zakir Ahamad College Alfadanga Tungipara
Bibirhat Babur Hat Uttara Model Town Corp.
Bipulashar Badarpur Uttar Khan
Birampur Bazar Baira Bazar
Brahman Baria Corp. Baitul Mokaddam Mosque Divisional Office, Dhaka, South
Bushci Bazar Banga Bandhu Road Badamtali
Cantonment Corp. Bangla Bazar Bandura
Chatkhil Banibaha Bazar Bangabandhu Avenue
Chitoshi Bazar Benodpur Bangshal Road
Chowara Bazar Borpa Chawk Bazar
Companigonj Bashair Bazar Dhaka Ladies
Chowmuhoni Boalmari Bazar Dhanmondi Corp.
Dalta Bazar Char Hajigonj Bazar Elephant Road
Dattapara Dhaka Cantonment Corp. Fakirapool Bazar
Daulatgonj Bazar Dhankura Foreign Exchange Corp.
Darbesher Hat Doulatpur Bazar Gandaria
Deliyai Bazar Faridpur Corp. Hat Khola

Dhalia Bazar Fatullah Hatirpool
Eklashpur Bazar Gabtoli Hat Hazaribagh
Fazilpur Ghagar Bazar
co Imamgonj
Feni Corp. Ghior Bazar Islampur Road
Gangchar Timber Market Goalanda Mor Johnson Road Corp.
Gazirhat Gopalgonj Kaptan Bazar
Golabaria Goshairhat Mogh Bazar
Hajigonj Gulshan Corp. Science laboratory
Islampur Road Green Road Malibagh
Kabirhat Indira Road
Karaiya Bazar\ Khilgaon

Jhitka Bazar Mitford Road Corp.

Karambox Bazar Joydevpur Corp.
Karihati Bazar Moulavibazar
Joynagar Motijheel Corp.
Kachua Kanai Nagar
Krishna Majumdar Hat Mugda

Kushura Muksudpur
Kuthirhat Lowhajong
Laxmipur Nawabgonj
Madhaiya Bazar Nawabpur Road
Manikgonj Corp.
Maijdee Court Naya Paltan Corp.

Mainamati Bazar Nayatola
Mirpur Corp.
Mandari Bazar New Market
Miayer Hat North South Road
Mohamaya Bazar Mohammadpur
Mohammadpur Ladies Patuatully
Monohargonj Postagola
Monoharpur Corp. Munshigonj
Narsingdi Corp. Purana Paltan Corp.
Motigonj Rajarbagh
Mudaffargonj Naopara
Netaiganj Ramna Corp.
Natun Bazar Nikunja Rampura
Nazirpara Pallabi Rathkhola
New Ranir Hat Pangsha Rupali Sadan Corp.
Palla Bazar Polash Sadarghat
Poddar Bazar Pourasava Market Shikari Para
Pourashava Market Rajbari Shyam Bazar
Babur Hat Ramdia College Tutail
Rajgonj Rahuthar Bazar Urdu Road
Rajgonj Bazar Rokeya Sarani Yusuf Market
Ramgati Bazar S. K. Road Corp. Zinzira
Rampur Bazar Saturia
Shoshair Char Savar Bus Stand Rajshahi Divisional Office
Shahtali Bazar Savar Cantonment Abdulpur

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 297
Ataikula Bazar Shibgonj Chowmohana Corp.
Autapara Sialkole Dattarail
Akkelpur Singra Bazar Dayamir
Badalgachi Sirajgonj Dolar Bazar
Bagbatihat Sukhanpukur Enayetgonj
Baliadanga Tanore Gobindapur Bazar
Belkuchi Thana Road Corp. Habigonj
Bera TMSS Habra Bazar
Betil Tomaltola Bazar Islampur Corp.
Bhaierpukur Jagannathpur
Rangpur Divisional Office Kaliganj
Aditmari Kanaighat
Annada Nagar Kazir Bazar
Bogra Cantonment Kalarai Bazar
Bonogram Kenbari Bazar
Bonwari Nagar Keramat Nagar
Bus-Stand Khadimpur
Chapai Nababgonj Khalomukh
Colony Bazar Kulaura
Dariapur Bazar Birgonj Kurar Bazar
Dhunot Birol Kurua
Debottar Birampur Ladies
Dogachi Central Road Laldighirpar Corp.

Dupchanchia Chehelgazi Madar Bazar
Gabtali Dalia (Tista Barage) Market
Golabari Daudpurco Mira Bazar Corp.
Gopalpur Dhaperhat Madina Market
Gopinathpur Dimla Madabpur
Goshaibari G.L.Roy Road Corp. Naluar Mukh
Hatfulbari Gaibandha Natun Bazar
Hospital Road Haragacha Rakhalgonj
Ishwardi Hazi Md. Danesh Science & Rajagonj
Jahangirabad Cantonment Technology University Corp. Rekabi Bazar

Kabirajhat Shyamrar Bazar

Kishorigonj Sreemongal
Kadirabad Cantonment
Kurigram Station Road
Kahaloo Sultanpur
Kakonhat Ladies

Ladies Sunamgonj
Kazi Nazrul Islam Road Sherpur Bazar
Khetlal Syedpur
Kichok Maidandighi Sylhet Agri. University

Maldahpatty Taltola
Laxmipur Nilphamari Tengra Bazar
Mahasthan Nimtala
Mathurahat Khulna Divisional Office
Panchagarh Alamdanga
Mokamtola Patgram Bagerhat
Molamgarihat R.K. Road Baraikhali
Nakalia Railway Crossing Baro Bazar
Naldangarhat Ranirbandar Batiaghata
Namosankarbati Shikderhat Betaga Bazar
Natore Syedpur Bheramara
Niamatpur Taragonj Budhata Bazar
Nicha Bazar Tetultala Bagarchra
Pabna Thakurgaon Chalna Bazar
Pabna Cadet College Sylhet Divisional Office Chaulia Bus Stand
Rajshahi Cantonment Aushkandi Chuadanga
Rajshahi Engineering & Azimgonj Damurhuda
Technology University (RUET) Bandar Bazar Daulatpur Corp.
Rohanpur Bhober Bazar Fakirhat
Sadar Road Babu Bazar Fultala
Santhia Chandnighat Garaikhalihat
Shabekpara Charkhai Bazar Hatkhalishpur
Shaheb Bazar Corp. Chhatak Hossinabad

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 298
I.W.T.A.(Terminal) Kalihati
Jhaudanga Kendua
Jhenaidah Khagdohar Bazar
K.D.A.New Market Kishoregonj Corp.
Kachua Bazar Koira Bazar
Kalaroa Mallik Bari
Kaligonj Melandah Bazar
Khajura Muktagacha
Khalishpur Natiapara
Kotchandpur Nandail
Kushtia Netrokona
Kumarkhali Nilgonj
Lohagara Bazar Pakulla
M.K Road Corp. Pathrail Bazar
Magura Corp. Patuabhanga Dargah Bazar
Manasha Bazar Porabari
Meherpur Ratangonj Bazar
Mollahat Royer Bazar
Mominpur Sharishabari
Monglaport Sherpur Town
Monirampur Shyamgonj
Moshan Sakhipur
Mujib Nagar Tangail Corp.

Nager Bazar Thana Ghat
Nalta Mobarak Nagar Trishal
Narail Corp. co
Navaran Local Office
Nowabenki Local Office, Dhaka
Nutan Bazar
Panjia Bazar
Raipur Bazar

Rupali Sadan
S.M.R Road

Shams Bhaban Corp.

Shailakupa Bazar
Mymensingh Divisional Office

Balla Bazar
Bhairab Bazar
Boira Bazar
C. K. Ghosh Road
Choto Bazar Corp.
Dapunia Bazar
Dhara Bazar
Dharmakura Bazar
Durmut Bazar
Elenga Bus Stand
Fatema Nagar
Jamuna Sar Karkhana Complex

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 299
List of Authorized Dealer Branches

Name & Address of Branches Cable Address Name & Address of Branches Cable Address

Dhaka 16. Agrabad Corporate Branch 031 723959

1. Local Office Sewan House, 9 Agrabad C/A 724571
34, Dilkusha C/A 9558610 Chittagong
P.O. Box No. 719 Fax-88 2 9554225
Dhaka-1000 17. Amir Market Corporate Branch 031 611240
Khatungonj, Chittagong-4000
2. Foreign Exchange Corporate Branch 9567034 031 613886
9-G, Motijheel C/A 18. Station Road Corporate Branch
113, Station Road (1st floor) 619259
3. Motijheel Corporate Branch 9566073
9566071-2 19. Terri Bazar Corporate Branch 031 611106
59, Motijheel C/A 386, Terri Bazar,
Dhaka-1000 Chittagong-4000
4. Purana Paltan Corporate Branch Comilla
21/2, Purana Paltan, (1st Floor) 9512532
20. Monoharpur Corporate Branch 081 76021
Monishing Fahrad Smirity Bhaban, A.K. Fazlul Hoque Road
Dhaka-1000 Rajgonj, Comilla
5. Ramna Corporate Branch

13, Bangabandhu Avenue Mymensingh
9563093 091-66838
Ramna, G.P.O. Box No. 95 21. Choto Bazar Corporate Branch
Dhaka-1000 Choto Bazar 67264
6. Rupali Sadan Corporate Branch Mymensingh
156-157, Motijheel C/A
Dhaka-1000 Jessore
22. Mistrikhana Road Corporate 0421-68583
7. T.C.B Bhaban Corporate Branch 8120409 Branch
1-2, Karwan Bazar, Tejgaon, 9141422 P.O. Mistrikhana Road
Dhaka-1215 Jessore
8. Mitford Road Corporate Branch 7317644 Sylhet
94, Mughaltuli, Dhaka-1213 23. Mira Bazar Corporate Branch 0821-716119

P.O. Box No. 1061 Sylhet

9. Johnson Road Corporate Branch Khulna

9533140 24. Shams Building Corporate 041-722064
51, North Brook Hall Road
Branch FAX 880-41-721590
(1st Floor) Dhaka-1100

14, Sir Iqbal Road, Khulna

10. Gulshan Corporate Branch 041-760973
Landmark 12-14 9880106 25. Daulatpur Corporate Branch
Jessore Road FAX 880-41-762451
Gulshan North Circle, Dhaka
P.O. Daulatpur, Khulna

11. Nikunja Branch Barisal

Plot-1 & 3 (2nd Floor, Road 21/C, 8900267 26. Sadar Road Corporate Branch 043-163839
Ward-17, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229 R.C. Das Gupta Building 61429
Sadar Road, Barisal
Narayan Gonj
12. S.K. Road Corporate Branch 7633692 Bogra
32, Shaesta Khan Road 7632580 27. Thana Road Corporate Branch 051-66543
Narayangonj-1400 Satmatha, Bogra 63592
Chittagong Rangpur
13. O. R. Nizam Road Corporate Branch 031-630960 28. G.L. Roy Road Corporate Branch 0521-62328
O. R. Nizam Road, PO- Chittagong 634953 Rangpur-5400
Medical College, PS- Panchalish
Dist.-Chittagong Rajshahi
29. Shaheb Bazar Corporate Branch 0721-772730
14. Rupali Sadan Corporate Brnach 031 619426 Fahmida Bhaban 774150
320, Laldighi East 630397 P.O. Ghoramara, Rajshahi
Chittagong 611130
30. Foreign Trade, Finance and 88-02-956140
International Division FAX :
15. New Market Corporate Branch
34, Dilkushia Commercial Area 88-02-9564148
24-D.M Market 031 616276
Hossain Shahid Shohrawardy Road 613065 Dhaka-1000
P.O. Box No. 144, Chittagong

Rupali Bank Limited

Annual Report 2016 300
11 Ryb 2017 iweevi, Bbw÷wUDkb Ae wW‡cøvgv BwÄwbqvm©,
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