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Earth Science Reviewer most prominent feature of Saturn is its system

The Solar System Size is the most obvious of rings.

difference between the terrestrial and the
Jovian planets. Touring Our Solar System

• The terrestrial planets—Mercury, Venus, • Saturn’s atmosphere is very active with winds
Earth, and Mars—are relatively small and rocky. of 1500 kilometers per hour. It has 56 moons,
the largest of which, Titan, has its own
• The Jovian planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, atmosphere.
and Neptune—are huge gas giants. Density, Instead of being generally perpendicular to the
chemical makeup, and rate of rotation are other plane of its orbit like the other planets, Uranus’s
ways in which the two groups of planets differ. axis of rotation lies nearly parallel with the
According to the nebular theory, the sun and plane of its orbit.
planets formed from a rotating disk of dust and Winds exceeding 1000 kilometers per hour
gases. encircle Neptune, making it one of the windiest
• A cloud of dust and gas in space is called a places in the solar system. Pluto is considered a
nebula. dwarf planet because it has not cleared the
neighborhood around its orbit.
• As solid bits of matter began to clump
together, they formed small, irregularly shaped • A dwarf planet is a round object that orbits
bodies called planetesimals. 23.2 The Terrestrial the sun but has not cleared the neighborhood
Planets Mercury has the greatest temperature around its orbit. 23.4 Minor Members of the
extremes of any planet. Solar System Most asteroids lie in the asteroid
belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
• Mercury is only slightly larger than our moon, They have orbital periods of three to six years.
has cratered highlands and smooth terrains like
maria. It’s very dense, with a large iron core. • Asteroids are small rocky bodies that orbit
Data have confirmed that basaltic volcanism the sun.
and tectonic activity shape Venus’s surface. • Comets are pieces of rocky and metallic
materials held together by frozen water,
• Venus is similar to Earth in size, mass, and ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide, and carbon
density. It is covered by thick clouds, and has a monoxide.
surface temperature of 475° C. Although the
atmosphere of Mars is very thin, extensive dust • The glowing head of a comet, called a coma, is
storms occur and may cause the color changes caused by vaporized frozen gases. A small
observed from Earth. glowing nucleus with a diameter of only a few
kilometers can sometimes be detected within a
• The surface features on Mars, including coma. As comets approach the sun, some, but
volcanoes and canyons, are 1–4.5 billion years not all, develop a tail that extends for millions
old. Recent evidence points to the possibility of kilometers.
that liquid water once existed on the surface.
23.3 The Outer Planets (and Pluto) Jupiter has a • Comets originate in two regions of the outer
mass that is 2 times greater than the mass of all solar system. Those with short orbital periods
the other planets and moons combined. come from the Kuiper belt, and those with long
orbital periods come from the Oort cloud. Most
• Although called a gas giant, Jupiter is believed meteoroids originate from any one of the
to be an ocean of liquid hydrogen. Jupiter has a following three sources: (1) interplanetary
ring system, large storms, and 63 moons. The debris that was not gravitationally swept up by
the planets during the formation of the solar
system, (2) material from the asteroid belt, or Astronomy
(3) the solid remains of comets that once the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets,
traveled near Earth’s orbit. comets, gas, galaxies, gas, dust and other non-
Earthly bodies and phenomena.
• A meteoroid is a small solid particle that
travels through space. Cosmology
the branch of astronomy involving the origin
• Meteoroids that enter Earth’s atmosphere and evolution of the universe, from the Big
and burn up are called meteors. Bang to today and on into the future.

• A meteoroid that actually reaches Earth’s Planetary astronomers

surface is called a meteorite. focus on the growth, evolution, and death of
• Scientists used evidence from meteorites,
moon rocks, and Earth rocks to determine the Solar astronomers
age of the solar system. spend their time analyzing the sun
The Universe The Milky Way is a large spiral
galaxy whose disk is about 100,000 light-years Galactic astronomers
wide and about 10,000 light-years thick at the study our galaxy, the Milky Way
• Galaxies are large groups of stars, dust, and Extragalactic astronomers-
gases held together by gravity. peer outside of it to determine how these
collections of stars form, change, and die
• There are three types of galaxies. Spiral
galaxies are disk shaped with arms extending Cosmologists
from the center. Most galaxies are elliptical focus on the universe in its entirety, from its
galaxies, which range in shape from round to violent birth in the Big Bang to its present
oval. A small percent of galaxies have irregular evolution, all the way to its eventual death.
shapes, and are called irregular galaxies. In
addition to shape and size, one of the major Eratosthenes (276 BCE- 195 BCE)
differences among different types of galaxies is used the sun to measure the size of the round
the age of their stars. Earth.
Claudius Ptolemy (AD 90- 168)
• A galaxy cluster is a group of galaxies. The red set up a model of the solar system in which the
shifts of distant galaxies indicate that the sun, stars, and other planets revolved around
universe is expanding. Earth, known as the Ptolemaic system.
• Hubble’s law states that galaxies are
retreating from us at a speed that is Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
proportional to their distance. The big bang proposed a model of the solar system that
theory states that at one time, the entire involved the Earth revolving around the sun.
universe was confined to a dense, hot,
supermassive ball. Then, about 13.7 billion Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
years ago, a violent explosion occurred, hurling determined that planets traveled around the
this material in all directions. sun not in circles but in ellipses.

• According to the big bang theory, the universe Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
began as a violent explosion from which the is often credited with the creation of the optical
universe continues to expand, evolve, and cool. telescope, though in truth he improved on
existing models. The astronomer (also
mathematician, physicist and philosopher) world as he broke down complicated subjects in
turned the new observational tool toward the a way that interested television viewers even as
heavens, where he discovered the four primary he educated them.
moons of Jupiter (now known as the Galilean
moons), as well as the rings of Saturn. Though a STANDARD MODEL
model of the Earth circling the sun was first Everything in the universe is found to be made
proposed by Copernicus, it took some time from a few basic building blocks called
before it became widely accepted. Galileo is fundamental particles, governed by four
most widely known for defending the idea fundamental forces.
several years after Kepler had already
calculated the path of planets, and Galileo Fundamental Particles
wound up under house arrest at the end of his Made up of elementary particles known as
lifetime because of it.. QUARKS and LEPTONS

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Fundamental Forces

is most famous for his work on forces, - Strong Force
specifically gravity. He calculated three laws - Weak Force
describing the motion of forces between - Electromagnetic Force
objects, known today as Newton's laws. - Gravity/ Gravitational Force

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) BIG BANG THEORY

became of the most famous scientists ever after Talks about the universe as starting with a small
proposing a new way of looking at the universe singularity, and then inflating over the next 13.8
that went beyond current understanding. billion years to the cosmos that we know today.
Einstein suggested that the laws of physics are
the same throughout the universe, that the EXPANDING UNIVERSE THEORY
speed of light in a vacuum is constant, and that - The universe was born with the Big Bang as an
space and time are linked in an entity known as unimaginably hot, dense point.
space-time, which is distorted by gravity. - When the universe was just 10-34 of a second
or so old — that is, a hundredth of a billionth of
Edwin Hubble (1899-1953) a trillionth of a trillionth of a second in age — it
calculated that a small blob in the sky existed experienced an incredible burst of expansion
outside of the Milky Way. Prior to his known as inflation, in which space itself
observations, the discussion over the size of the expanded faster than the speed of light.
universe was divided as to whether or not only - During this period, the universe doubled in size
a single galaxy existed. Hubble went on to at least 90 times, going from subatomic-sized to
determine that the universe itself was golf-ball-sized almost instantaneously.
expanding, a calculation which later came to be
known as Hubble's law. Hubble's observations NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS
of the various galaxies allowed him to create a suggests that bodies in our solar system evolved
standard system of classification still used from an enormous rotating cloud called the
today. solar nebula, which is composed of mostly
hydrogen and helium, with some heavier
Carl Sagan (1934-1996) elements.
made important scientific studies in the fields of
planetary science. He also managed to MULTIVERSE THEORY
popularized astronomy more than any other The universe could be just one of an infinite
individual. His charismatic teaching and number of universes making up a "multiverse.”
boundless energy impacted people around the
Infinite universes motion of Earth. Parallax is the most basic way
The shape of space-time is flat (as opposed to to measure star distance.
spherical or even donut-shape) and stretches • The light-year is the distance light travels in
out infinitely. one year—about 9.5 trillion kilometers. Three
factors control the apparent brightness of a star
Bubble universes as seen from Earth: how big it is, how hot it is,
Suggests that some pockets of space stop and how far away it is.
inflating, while other regions continue to inflate, • A star’s brightness as it appears form Earth is
thus giving rise to many isolated "bubble called its apparent magnitude.
universes.” • Astronomers are also interested in how bright
a star actually is, or its absolute magnitude. A
Parallel universes Hertzsprung-Russell diagram shows the
Our universe may live on one membrane, or relationship between the absolute magnitude
"brane" that is parallel to many others and temperature of stars.
containing their own universes, all floating in a • A main sequence star is a star that falls into
higher-dimensional space. the main sequence category on the
Hertzsprung-Russel diagram. This category
Mathematical Universes contains 90 percent of stars.
In physics and cosmology, the mathematical
universe hypothesis, also known as the Ultimate • Red giants are very bright stars that lie above
Ensemble, is a speculative "theory of and to the right of the main sequence in the H-R
everything". diagram.
• Supergiants are very large, very bright red
Steady state theory giants.
A cosmological theory stating that the universe • Cepheid variables are stars that get brighter
has always expanded at a uniform rate with no and fainter in a regular pattern.
beginning or end, that it will continue to expand
and have constant density, and that the • A nova is a sudden brightening of a star.
distribution of old and new objects in the • Nebulae are clouds of dust and gases found in
universe is basically even. “the vacuum of space.” 25.2 Stellar Evolution
• A medium-mass star like the sun goes
Beyond Our Solar System Summary through several stages of development. It starts
1 Properties of Stars Color is a clue to a star’s as a nebula, which contracts into a protostar—a
temperature. developing star not yet hots enough for nuclear
Binary stars are used to determine the star fusion to occur.
property most difficult to calculate—its mass.
When the core of a protostar has reached about
• The word constellation is used to designate 10 million K, pressure within is so great that
an area of the sky that contains a specific nuclear fusion of hydrogen begins, and a star is
pattern of stars. born.
• At some point after fusion begins, a star
• Two stars that orbit each other, pulled toward becomes a balanced, mainsequence star. For an
each other by gravity, are called binary stars. average star, this stage lasts 90 percent of the
The nearest stars have the largest parallax star’s life.
angles, while those of distant stars are too small • Once all of the hydrogen in a star’s core is
to measure. consumed, the star expands and cools,
• Parallax is the slight shifting in the apparent becoming a red giant. All stars, regardless of
position of a nearby star due to the orbital their size, eventually run out of fuel and
collapse due to gravity.
• The final stage of a star’s life cycle depends on • Shortly after the Earth formed, melting
the star’s mass. Lowmass stars go from being a occurred in the Earth’s interior. Gravity caused
main-sequence star to becoming a white dwarf. denser elements to sink to Earth’s center.
Medium-mass stars become planetary nebulae.
Massive stars end in a supernova. Less dense elements floated toward the
surface. As a result, Earth is made up of layers
• A supernova is a brilliant explosion that causes of materials that have different properties.
a star to become millions of times brighter than
its prenova stage. 1.2 A View of Earth Earth can be thought of as
• The process that produces chemical elements consisting of four major spheres/ Subsystem:
inside stars is called nucleosynthesis. The sun
began as a nebula, will spend much of its life as The hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and
a mainsequence star, and then will become a biosphere.
red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf, and • The hydrosphere is the water portion of
finally, a black dwarf. Earth.
• White dwarfs are the remains of low-mass • The atmosphere is an envelope of gases that
and medium-mass stars. surrounds Earth.
• Neutron stars, which are smaller and more • The geosphere is the layer of Earth under
massive than white dwarfs, are thought to be both the atmosphere and the oceans. It
the remnants of supernova events. includes the core, the mantle, and the crust.
• A spinning neutron star that appears to give • The biosphere is made up of all life on Earth.
off pulses of radio waves is called a pulsar. Because the geosphere is not uniform,
• Dense objects with gravity so strong that not
even light can escape their surface are called it is divided into three main parts based on
black holes. differences in composition—the core, the
mantle, and the crust.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science
Summary • The core, Earth’s innermost layer, is located
1.1 What Is Earth Science? just below the mantle.
Earth science is the name for the group of • The mantle is 2890 kilometers thick. It is
sciences that deals with Earth and its neighbors located below the Earth’s crust and above the
in space. Earth’s core.
• Geology means “study of Earth.” Geology is • The crust is the thin, rocky, outer layer of
divided into physical geology and historical Earth. The theory of plate tectonics provided
geology. geologists with a model to explain how
• Oceanography is the study of the Earth’s earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur and
oceans, as well as coastal processes, seafloor how continents move.
topography, and marine life. • Destructive forces wear away Earth’s surface.
• Meteorology is the study of atmosphere and • Constructive forces build up the Earth’s
the processes that produce weather and surface.
climate. • Tectonic plates move constantly over the
• Astronomy is the study of the universe. The Earth’s mantle.
nebular hypothesis suggests that the bodies of
our solar system evolved from an enormous Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science
rotating cloud called the solar nebula. It was
made up mostly of hydrogen and helium, with a 1.3 Representing Earth’s Surface Latitude is the
small percentage of heavier elements. distance north or south of the equator,
measured in degrees. Longitude is the distance
east or west of the prime meridian, measured in Minerals A mineral is a naturally occurring,
degrees. inorganic solid with an orderly crystalline
• The equator divides Earth into two structure and a definite chemical composition.
hemispheres—the northern and the southern. • Minerals form by natural processes.
• The prime meridian and the 180º meridian
divide Earth into eastern and western • Minerals are solids in normal temperature
hemispheres. No matter what kind of map is ranges on Earth.
made, some portion of the surface will always • Minerals are crystalline. Their atoms or ions
look either too small, too big, or out of place. are arranged in an orderly and repetitive way.
Mapmakers have, however, found ways to limit • Minerals have definite chemical composition.
the distortion of shape, size, distance, and They usually are compounds formed of two or
direction. more elements.
Topographic maps show elevation using • Most minerals are inorganic chemical
contour lines. compounds. There are four major processes by
•A topographic map represents Earth’s three- which minerals form: crystallization from
dimensional surface in two dimensions. magma, precipitation, changes in pressure and
•A contour line indicates the elevation of the temperature, and formation from hydrothermal
land. solutions.
•A contour interval tells the difference in • Magma is molten rock from deep in the Earth.
elevation between adjacent contour lines. As it cools, it forms minerals.
• A scale helps to determine distances on a • Substances dissolved in water may react to
map. A geologic map shows the type and age of form minerals.
exposed rocks. • Changes in temperature and pressure can
Today’s technology provides us with the ability make new minerals form.
to more precisely analyze Earth’s physical • When hot solutions touch exisiting minerals,
properties. chemical reactions take place and form new
• Satellites and computers provide more minerals. Common minerals, together with the
accurate maps. thousands of others that form on Earth, can be
classified into groups based on their
1.4 Earth System Science Earth system science composition. Silicon and oxygen combine to
aims to understand Earth as a system made up form a structure called the siliconoxygen
of interacting parts, or subsystems. tetrahedron.
A system can be any size group of interacting • Silicates are made of silicon and oxygen. They
parts that form a complex whole. are the most common group of minerals on
• In a closed system, matter does not enter or Earth.
leave the system. • Most silicate minerals crystallize from cooling
• In an open system, energy and matter flow magma. Carbonates are minerals that contain
into and out of the system. the elements carbon, oxygen, and one or more
• Most natural systems are open systems. other metallic elements. Oxides are minerals
• The Earth system is powered by energy from that contain oxygen and one or more other
two sources. One source of energy for Earth elements, which are usually metals. Sulfates
systems is the sun, which drives external and sulfides are minerals that contain the
processes that occur in the atmosphere, element sulfur. Halides are minerals that
hydrosphere, and at Earth’s surface. contain a halogen ion plus one or more other
• The sun’s energy drives weather, climate, elements. Native elements are minerals that
ocean circulation, and erosion. only contain one element or type of atom.

Properties of Minerals
Small amounts of different elements can give • Sediment is made up of weathered pieces of
the same mineral different colors. Streak is the earth materials. Eventually, sediment is
color of a mineral in its powdered form. Luster compacted and cemented to form sedimentary
is used to describe how light is reflected from rock.
the surface of a mineral. Crystal form is the • Sedimentary rocks buried deep within Earth’s
visible expression of a mineral’s internal surface are subjected to great pressure and high
arrangement of atoms. The Mohs scale consists temperatures. Under extreme pressure and
of 10 minerals arranged from 10 (hardest) to 1 temperature conditions, sedimentary rock will
(softest). change in metamorphic rock.

• Hardness is a measure of the resistance of a Processes driven by heat from Earth’s interior
mineral to being scratched. Diamond is the are responsible for forming both igneous and
hardest mineral and talc is a softest mineral metamorphic rocks.
Weathering and the movement of weathered
• You can test hardness by rubbing a mineral materials are external processes powered by
against another mineral of known hardness. energy from the sun and by gravity.
One will scratch the other, unless they have the
same hardness. Cleavage is the tendency of a Processes on and near Earth’s surface produce
mineral to cleave, or break, along flat, even sedimentary rocks. 3.2 Igneous Rocks Rocks that
surfaces. form when magma hardens beneath Earth’s
• Minerals may have cleavage in one or more surface are called intrusive igneous rocks.
directions. Minerals that do not show cleavage
when broken are said to fracture. • The root word of igneous means “fire.” When
lava hardens, the rocks that form are called
• Fracture is the uneven breakage of a mineral. extrusive igneous rocks. Texture and
Density is a property of all matter that is the composition are two characteristics used to
ratio of an object’s mass to its volume. Some classify igneous rocks.
minerals can be recognized by other distinctive
properties. • Texture is determined by the size, shape, and
the arrangement of crystals.
The Rock Cycle A rock is any solid mass of
mineral or mineral-like matter that occurs • Composition is determined by the proportions
naturally as part of our planet. The three major of light and dark minerals. Slow cooling results
types of rocks are igneous rocks, sedimentary in the formation of large crystals. Rapid cooling
rocks, and metamorphic rocks. Interactions of magma or lava results in rocks with small,
among Earth’s water, air, and land can cause interconnected mineral grains.
rocks to change from one type to another. The
continuous processes that cause rocks to • Porphyritic texture occurs in rocks with
change make up the rock cycle. When magma different-size minerals that cool at different
cools and hardens beneath the surface or as the rates.
result of a volcanic eruption, igneous rock • Granitic composition occurs when igneous
forms. rocks contain mostly quartz and feldspar.
• Magma is molten material that forms deep • Basaltic composition occurs when rocks
beneath Earth’s surface. contain many dark silicate materials.
• Lava is magma that reaches the surface. • Andesitic composition occurs in rocks with a
combination of granitic and basaltic rocks.
• Weathering is a process in which rocks are • Ultramafic rocks are composed almost
physically and chemically broken down by entirely of dark silicate minerals. 3.3
water, air, and living things. Sedimentary Rocks Erosion involves weathering
and the removal of rock. When an agent of
erosion—water, wind, ice, or gravity—loses • Hydrothermal solutions occur when hot,
energy, it drops the sediments. This process is water-based solutions escape from a mass of
called deposition. magma. The texture of metamorphic rocks can
• Sediments form when solids settle out of a be foliated or nonfoliated.
fluid, such as water or air.
• Compaction and cementation change • Foliated metamorphic rocks have a layered or
sediments into sedimentary rock. Compaction is banded appearance.
a process that squeezes, or compacts,
sediments. Cementation takes place when • Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks do not have a
dissolved minerals are deposited in the tiny banded texture and usually contain only one
spaces among the sediments. Just like igneous mineral.
rocks, sedimentary rocks can be classified into
two main groups according to the way they RESOURCES
• Clastic sedimentary rocks are made of Earth’s Resources Summary
weathered bits of rocks and minerals.
• The size of the sediments in clastic Energy and Mineral Resources
sedimentary rocks determines their grouping. A renewable resource can be replenished over
• Chemical sedimentary rocks form when fairly short time spans such as months, years, or
dissolved minerals separate from water decades. By contrast,
solutions. The many unique features of a nonrenewable resource takes millions of years
sedimentary rocks are clues to how, when, and to form and accumulate.
where the rocks formed.
• The oldest layers in sedimentary rock • Population growth and a higher standard of
formations are at the bottom. living are depleting existing resources. Fossil
• Fossils are found in sedimentary rocks and can fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas.
provide much information about the rocks that • A fossil fuel is any hydrocarbon used as a
contain them source of energy. Some energy experts believe
that fuels derived from tar sands and oil shales
Metamorphic Rocks Most metamorphic could become good substitutes for dwindling
changes occur at elevated temperatures and petroleum supplies.
pressures. These conditions are found a few • Mining tar sand has significant environmental
kilometers below Earth’s surface and extend drawbacks.
into the upper mantle. • Oil shale has less heat energy than crude oil
and is costly to process. Some of the most
• Metamorphism refers to the changes in important mineral deposits form through
mineral composition and texture of a rock igneous processes and from hydrothermal
subjected to high temperature and pressure solutions.
within Earth. During contact metamorphism, • Ore is a useful metallic mineral that can be
hot magma moves into rock. mined at a profit.
• This usually results in minor changes in rocks. • Gold, silver, copper, mercury, lead, platinum,
Regional metamorphism results in large-scale and nickel are examples of metallic minerals
deformation and highgrade metamorphism. produced by igneous processes.
• Most hydrothermal deposits are formed by
• This usually results in intense changes such as hot, metal-rich fluids left by magma.
mountain building. The agents of • Placer deposits are formed when eroded
metamorphism are heat, pressure, and heavy minerals settle quickly from moving
hydrothermal solutions. water. Nonmetallic mineral resources are
extracted and processed either for the • Geothermal energy is harnessed by tapping
nonmetallic elements they contain or for their natural underground reservoirs of steam and
physical and chemical properties. hot water.
• Geothermal power is nonpolluting but
• Nonmetallic mineral resources are useful for reservoirs are easily depleted. Tidal power is
building materials, industrial minerals, and harnessed by constructing a dam across the
manufacturing chemicals and fertilizers. 4.2 mouth of a bay or an estuary in coastal areas
Alternate Energy Sources Solar energy has two with a large tidal range. The strong inand-out
advantages: the “fuel” is free, and it’s flow that results drives turbines and electric
nonpolluting. In nuclear fission, the nuclei of generators. 4.3 Water, Air, and Land Resources
heavy atoms such as uranium-235 are Each day, people use fresh water for drinking,
bombarded with neutrons. The uranium nuclei cooking, bathing, and growing food.
then split into smaller nuclei and emit neutrons
and heat energy. • Less than one percent of Earth’s water is
usable fresh water.
• About 7% of U.S. energy needs are met by • Point source pollution is pollution that comes
nuclear power. from a known and specific location.

Earth’s Resources • Nonpoint source pollution is pollution that

does not have a specific point of origin.
• Although it was once believed that nuclear
power would be a safe and clean energy source, • Runoff is the water that flows over the land
cost and safety are obstacles to expanded rather than seeping into the ground. It often
nuclear power. carries nonpoint pollution.

• Fears about radioactive materials were • Water pollution can have serious health
realized in 1986, when a reactor at Chernobyl effects for humans. The chemical composition
caused two explosions. Some experts estimate of the atmosphere helps maintain life on Earth.
that in the next 50 to 60 years, wind power
could meet between 5 to 10 percent of the • Pollution can change the chemical
country’s demand for electricity. composition of the atmosphere and disrupt its
natural cycles and functions.
• Wind energy is a promising source of energy,
but technological advances are needed to fully • Global warming, caused by increased carbon
realize its potential. The water held in a dioxide in the atmosphere, is the unnatural
reservoir behind a dam is a form of stored warming of the lower atmosphere. Earth’s land
energy that can be released through the dam to provides soil and forests, as well as mineral and
produce electric power. energy resources.

• Hydroelectric power, which is generated by • Removing and using resources from Earth’s
falling water, drives turbines that produce crust can damage the environment. 4.4
electricity. Protecting Resources Starting in the 1970s, the
• About 5% of the country’s electricity comes federal government passed several laws to
from hydroelectric power. prevent or decrease pollution and protect
• Limited usable sites and the finite lifetime of resources.
hydroelectric dams are both obstacles to
further expansion. Hot water is used directly for • Although they comprise only 6% of the
heating and to turn turbines to generate electric world’s population, Americans use about one
power. third of the world’s resources.
important factors in soil formation are parent
• Conservation is the careful use of resources. material, time, climate, organisms, and slope.
In 1970, Congress passed the Clean Air Act, the
nation’s most important air pollution law. • Parent material is the source of the mineral
matter in soil.
• The Clean Air Act limited the amount of • Temperature and precipitation, or climate,
pollutants allowed in the air, resulting in has the greatest effect on soil formation.
improved air quality. Protecting land resources • In the nitrogen cycle, bacteria convert
involves preventing pollution and managing nitrogen gas into nitrogen compounds that
land resources wisely. plants can use. Soil varies in composition,
texture, structure, and color at different depths.
• Farmers are using new soil conservation
practices to prevent the loss of topsoil. • These variations divide the soil into zones
known as soil horizons.
• Some farmers and gardeners use fewer
pesticides and inorganic fertilizers. • A vertical section through all of the soil
horizons is called a soil profile.
• Compost is partly decomposed organic
material that is used as fertilizer. • Mature soils often have three distinct soil
horizons—the A horizon or topsoil, the B
• Better landfill management and disposal horizon or subsoil, and the C horizon, which
techniques prevent waste seepage. contains partially weathered parent material.
Three common types of soil are pedalfer,
• Recycling is the collecting and processing of pedocal, and laterite.
used items so they can be made into new
products. • Pedalfers usually form in temperate areas that
receive more than 63 cm of rain each year. They
Soil Soil is the part of the regolith that supports contain large amounts of iron oxide and
the growth of plants. aluminum-rich clay.
• Regolith is the layer of rocks and mineral
fragments that covers nearly all of Earth’s land • Pedocals are found in the drier western
surface. United States in areas that have grasses and
• Composition, texture, and structure are three brush vegetation. They contain abundant calcite
important characteristics of soil. and are a light gray-brown.

Soil has four major components: mineral • Laterites form in hot, wet tropical areas where
matter, or broken-down rock; organic matter, chemical weathering is intense. These are rich
or humus, which is the decayed remains of in iron oxide and aluminum oxide. Laterites
organisms; water; and air. contains almost no organic matter and few
nutrients. Human activities that remove natural
• The amount of these components in soil vegetation, such as farming, logging, and
varies depending on the type of soil. construction, have greatly accelerated soil
• Soil texture is the proportions of different • Soils are one of the most abused resources on
particle sizes in soil. Texture strongly affects a Earth.
soil’s ability to support plant life.
• Water, wind, and other forces such as climate,
• Plant cultivation, erosion, and water solubility soil characteristics, and slope all affect the rate
are all affected by soil structure. The most of erosion.
2. in suspension (suspended load)
• Erosion can be controlled through planting 3. scooting or rolling along the bottom (bed
windbreaks, terracing hillsides, plowing in load)
contours, and rotating crops.
Running Water and Groundwater
Running Water Water constantly moves among
the oceans, the atmosphere, the solid Earth, • Bed load is the sediment that is carried by a
and the biosphere. This unending circulation of stream along the bottom of its channel.
Earth’s water supply is the water cycle. • The capacity of a stream is the maximum load
it can carry. Deposition occurs as streamflow
• Energy from the sun and gravity power the drops below the critical settling velocity of a
water cycle. certain particle size. The sediment in that
• Infiltration is the movement of surface water category begins to settle out.
into rock or soil through cracks and pore spaces. • The sorted material deposited by a stream is
called alluvium.
• Plants also absorb water and release it into • A delta is an accumulation of sediment
the atmosphere through transpiration. Balance formed where a stream enters a lake or ocean.
in the water cycle means the average annual • A natural levee is a ridge made up mostly of
precipitation over Earth equals the amount of coarse sediments that parallels some streams. A
water that evaporates. The ability of a stream to narrow V-shaped valley shows that the stream’s
erode and transport materials depends largely primary work has been downcutting toward
on its velocity. base level.
• Gradient is the slope or steepness of a stream
channel. • A floodplain is the flat, low-lying portion of a
• A stream channel is the course the water in a stream valley subject to periodic flooding. It is
stream follows. caused by the side-to-side cutting of a stream
• The discharge of a stream is the volume of close to base level. Most floods are caused by
water flowing past a certain point in a given unit rapid spring snow melt or storms that bring
of time. While gradient decreases between a heavy rains over a large region.
stream’s headwaters and mouth, discharge
increases. • A flood occurs when the discharge of a
• A tributary is a stream that empties into stream becomes so great that it exceeds the
another stream. Base level is the lowest point to capacity of its channel and overflows its banks.
which a stream can erode its channel. Measures to control flooding include artificial
• There are two types of base level—ultimate levees, flood control dams, and placing limits on
base level and temporary base level. Sea level is floodplain development. A drainage basin is the
the ultimate base level. Temporary base levels land area that contributes water to a stream.
include lakes and main streams that act as base
level for their tributaries. • An imaginary line called a divide separates the
• A stream in a broad, flat-bottomed valley that drainage basins of one stream from another.
is near its base level often develops a course
with many bends called meanders.
The Work of Streams Streams generally erode Water Beneath the Surface Much of the water
their channels lifting loose particles by abrasion, in soil seeps downward until it reaches the zone
grinding, and by dissolving soluble material. of saturation. The zone of saturation is the area
where water fills all of the open spaces in
• Increased turbulence equals greater erosion. sediment and rock. Groundwater is the water
Streams transport sediment in three ways. within this zone.
1. in solution (dissolved load)
• The upper limit of the zone of saturation is the • Karst topography an area that has been
water table. Groundwater moves by twisting shaped largely by the dissolving power of
and turning through interconnected small groundwater, and has a land surface with
openings. The groundwater moves more slowly numerous depressions called sinkholes.
when the pore spaces are smaller.
• A sinkhole is a depression made in a region
• Porosity is the volume of open spaces in rock where groundwater has removed soluble rock.
or soil.
Glaciers, Deserts, and Wind Summary
• The permeability of a material is its ability to
release a fluid. Glaciers A valley glacier is a stream of ice that
flows between steep rock walls from a place
• Permeable rock layers or sediments that near the top of the mountain valley.
transmit groundwater freely are aquifers.
Aquifers are the source of well water. • An ice age is a period of time when much of
Earth’s land is covered in glaciers.
Running Water and Groundwater
• A glacier is a thick ice mass that moves slowly
A spring forms whenever the water table over the land surface. • The snowline is the
intersects the ground surface. lowest elevation in a particular area that
remains covered in snow all year.
• A spring is a flow of groundwater that
emerges naturally at the ground surface. • Valley glaciers are ice masses that slowly
advance down valleys that were originally
• A geyser is a hot spring in which a column of occupied by streams. Ice sheets are sometimes
water shoots up with great force at various called continental ice sheets because they cover
intervals. large regions where the climate is extremely
• A well is a hole bored into the zone of cold. They are huge compared to valley glaciers.
• Ice sheets are enormous ice masses that flow
• In an artesian well, groundwater rises on its in all directions and cover everything but the
own under pressure. Overuse and highest land.
contamination threatens groundwater supplies
in some areas. • The Antarctic Ice Sheet holds nearly two-
thirds of Earth’s fresh water. The movement of
• Supplies of groundwater are finite. glaciers is referred to as flow. Glacial flow
Groundwater erosion forms most caverns at or happens two ways: plastic flow and basal slip.
below the water table in the zone of saturation.
• Plastic flow occurs when brittle ice begins to
• A cavern is a naturally formed underground distort and change shape.
• Gravity causes basal slip, where the ice mass
• Travertine is a type of limestone formed over slips and slides downhill. The glacial budget is
great spans of time from dripping water the balance or lack of balance between
containing calcium carbonate. The resulting accumulation at the upper end of a glacier and
cave deposits are known as dripstone. Karst loss, or wastage, at the lower end.
areas typically have irregular terrain, with many
depressions called sinkholes. • When a glacier loses ice faster than it gains
ice, it retreats.
wastes, food wastes, paper, food processing by
• When a glacier gains ice faster than it loses products, manure, yard wastes etc. The non-
ice, it advances. Many landscapes were changed biodegradable wastes include plastics, metals,
by the widespread glaciers of the recent ice age. synthetic materials, polythene, radioactive
wastes etc.
• Glaciers erode the land by plucking and
abrasion. Glaciers are responsible for a variety The solid waste management involves disposal
of erosional landscape features, such as glacial of solid waste to land (or ocean) or recovering
troughs, hanging valleys, cirques, arêtes, and and reproducing useful substances from the
horns. waste through recycling.

• After glaciation, alpine valleys are no longer The entire methodology of solid waste
narrow. management is based on:
(A) Collection of Waste,
• As a glacier moves down a valley once
occupied by a stream, the glacier widens, (B) Disposal,
deepens, and straightens the valley. The once
narrow V-shaped valley is changed into a U- (C) Resource recovery.
shaped glacial trough.
(A) Collection of Waste:
• A glacier carves cirques, arêtes, and horns by The solid wastes are usually collected by a
plucking and removing rocks. covered truck.

The waste may be defined as material for which (B) Disposal of Waste:
no use or reuse is intended. The wastes After the collection of wastes, the wastes are
generated from the natural Processes and disposed of by any one of the methods
anthropogenic activities which pollute the described below
environment and make the earth an unhealthy
planet, is termed as environmental wastes, (i) Dumping:
depending upon the physical states of wastes, It is a process of controlled and final disposal of
these are of three types: waste at land fill sties which must be done using
(1) Solid waste, state of the art methods, {base sealing,
(2) Liquid waste treatment of percolated water, landfill gas
(3) Gaseous waste. disposal/utilisation etc.)
The accumulation of wastes in different forms
causes serious environmental hazards. So it’s
high time for the present society to take
appropriate steps for the management of
(ii) Sanitary land fill:
waste, possibly through its recycling. The
It is a method of disposing of the waste without
management of waste is another way of
creating nuisances or hazards to public health
conservation of resources.
by using the principles of engineering. In the
1. Management of Solid Waste:
process, the waste is confined to smallest
practical volume by covering it with a layer of
Solid wastes include solid portions of the
earth, at the conclusion of each day’s operation.
discarded material such as glass bottles,
crockeries, plastic containers, metals and
(iii) Incineration:
radioactive wastes. The solid wastes may be
It is a method of converting the volume of
biodegradable or non-biodegradable. The
waste to ashes by burning. This method is
biodegradable solid wastes are agricultural
adopted when the cost of land filling is very 4. Metals can be recycled from the industrial
high. scrap.

(iv) Pyrolysis: 5. Ethyl alcohol can be produced from

It is a method of burning waste in absence of agricultural wastes.
oxygen or air. The process reduces volume of
the waste and produces stable end products. 6. Heavy metals can be extracted by bioleaching
(v) Composting:
This process involves preparation of refuse and 7. Waste glasses can be used for the
degrading the organic matter in waste in to bio- preparation of new glass bottle.
fertilizer by aerobic micro-organisms. After
about 3 to 4 weeks of the operation, the 8. Bricks and concretes can be prepared by
composting product becomes ready for curing, using ash generated by power plants, slit from
blending with additives, bagging and marketing. water works and red mud from aluminum
(vi) Biogas technology:
2. Management of Liquid Wastes:
The organic matter present in solid waste is
decomposed by putrefactive bacteria in
absence of air (anaerobic condition) to biogases Liquid wastes are the liquid part of the waste
in a biogas digestor. The approximate material. Liquid waste includes effluents of
composition of biogas is 60% methane (CH4) industries, fertiliser and pesticide solutions from
agricultural fields, leachate from landfills, urban
and 40% C02 For better yield of biogas, the
runoff of untreated waste water and garbage,
organic solid waste may be mixed with poultry
mining wastes etc. The liquid waste may contain
waste, grass, leaves, straw, kitchen waste etc. nontoxic inorganic substances or toxic organic
(C) Resource recovery (Recycling):
Some important liquid waste management
By the process of recycling a number of useful
methods are described below:
products can be obtained from the solid wastes. 1. Sewage treatment:
The process of sewage treatment involves the
Some important products obtainable from
following methodology:
solid wastes are described below: (a) Dilution:
In this method, the sewage is subjected to
1. Electricity can be generated from incinerated
perfect dilution so that the dissolved oxygen in
plastics. natural water decomposes the organic wastes
completely, thereby reducing the turbidity. The
reduction of turbidity favours easier
penetration of sun light and natural ecosystem
2. Synthetic oil can be produced from plastic
is restored.
(b) Mechanical treatments:
3. Waste papers and cardboards from sugar
The sewage is allowed to pass through different
cane bagasse can be used for the preparation of
screens, filters, grit chambers, sedimentation
unbreakable dolls, packing cardboards etc.
basins etc. At first the sewage is filtered to
remove suspended Particles. Then the sewage is
subjected to grinding followed by some (iii) Osmosis:
chemical treatment. The dissolved organic and inorganic substances
can also be separated by the process of
By this operation, the minute solid Particles osmosis.
present within the sewage get coagulated and
settle at the bottom. The precipitates are (iv) Chemical oxidation:
separated either by filtration or by gravity The effluent may be subjected to oxidation in
settling. The sediments obtained above are then presence of ozone or hydrogen peroxide to
put in sludge digester where it is digested in remove dissolved organic compounds.
absence of air to release biogas.
(v) Removal of ammonia:
(c) Biological treatments: After the first operation, the waste water is
In this method, the sewage is passed through introduced into a metal tower from which it
trickling filters where aerobic bacteria degrade trickles down over a series of plastic baffles
the sewages as it seeps through large vat beds plates and air is forced upwards which removes
filled with crossed stones covered with bacterial ammonia gas.
growth. Alternatively, the sewage is pumped
into a large tank, mixed with bacteria rich 2. Removal of ammonia:
sludge and agitated heavily in presence of The treatment of industrial effluents in ‘Effluent
sufficient amount of oxygen for several hours Treatment involves chemical or primary
which causes bacterial degradation of organic treatment (by methods of neutralization,
waste. sedimentation, coagulation, precipitation etc.)
followed by biological or secondary treatment
The waste is then pumped into sedimentation (by activated sludge and trickling filter method)
tank where the suspended solids settle as and tertiary treatment (by methods of ion
sludge. The entire solution is filtered to exchange, reverse osmosis, chemical oxidation).
separate sludge and effluent. The sludge is
taken in an anaerobic digester and broken 3. Effluent water can be used to grow algae and
down. After suitable treatment, the sludge can aquatic plants to produce biomass for biogas
be used as fetiliser. The effluent may be plants.
chlorinated to kill the pathogenic microbes and 4. The effluents containing heavy metals like
discharged in to water -bodies. cadmium, mercury, lead etc. can be purified by
growing water hyacinth plants.
(d) Chemical treatments: 5. The sewage with organic nutrients is stored
The sewage obtained after mechanical or in specially constructed shallow ponds called as
biological treatments is subjected to specific oxidising or stabilizing pond. In the pond, green
chemical treatment followed by some physical algae and bacteria grow in presence of sun light,
operation: consuming organic nutrients. This water
(i) Precipitation: contains enough nitrogen, phosphorous and
The sewage may be treated with calcium oxide potassium and is highly helpful for the growth
to precipitate up to 90% of phosphates and of plants.
suspended particles. The precipitate separates
and settles at the bottom. 3. Management of Gaseous Wastes:

(ii) Adsorption:
The effluent is treated with activated charcoal The gaseous wastes are generated in to
which adsorbs colour, odour and dissolved environment mainly due to anthropogenic
organic compounds. activities. The gaseous wastes include carbon
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), oxides of nitrogen
(NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of sulphur
(SOx) etc. These gaseous wastes can cause
serious environmental hazards. Therefore, it is
highly essential to take appropriate steps for
the proper management and control of gaseous
wastes in the environment.

Some important control measures are

described below:
(i) The gaseous pollutant like SO2, H2S, HC1, Cl2,
NH3, ec. can be removed by absorption in (using
appropriate liquid) wet scrubbers.
(ii) The use of smokeless chulhas, solar cookers
and biogas can reduce the production of smoke.

(iii) The industries should use precipitators,

scrubbers and filters to check production of
particulate matter.

(iv) The emission of hydrocarbons from vehicles

can be checked by the use of unleaded petrol.
(v) There should be large scale of plantation
which will reduce CO2 level and increase O2level
of atmosphere.
(vi) There should be large chimneys in
(vii) The automobile emission can be controlled
(a) Control of exhaust emission,
(b) Control of evaporation emission,
(c) Control of crank case emission,
(d) Using engine alternative to gasoline engine,
(e) Use of CNG instead of diesel.
(viii) Air cleaning devices like gravity settlers,
cyclone separators, wet collectors, electrostatic
precipitators etc. should be used for the
cleaning of air before their discharge into

(ix) Public awareness should be created

regarding hazards of air pollutant accumulation
in environment.

(x) Adequate legislation (Air act) should compel

to control air pollution. Severe punishment
should be specified for the defaulters

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