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The Handmaid’s Tale Chapter 3

Group Worldspace: how is it evoked Identify the How the writer uses language How tension is created? Find
for the reader here? Find crisis/complication for this to convey the perspective of specific examples
specific examples character. What is at stake for the outsider character? Find
them? specific examples.

Group 1 This world space is evoked as a Offred who is a handmaid is “As for my husband, she said, “This garden is the domain of
Kaisu, very rigid and structured Only treated as an object for he’s just that. My husband” the commander’s wife. Looking
Maloney,, society. It is a very controlled this household. Serena Joy has - The way she talks about through my shattered window”
Grack, society, as something as simple no respect for Offred, and her husband is very Handmaidens are treated far
Leha as cigarettes have to be bought seems to have no emotional protective and there is a worse than a commander's wife
from the black market. Serena connection with her. Serena hint of jealousy towards
Joy, the Commander’s wife is makes it very clear that if Offred Offred because of what “From a distance, it looks like
an extremely powerful woman does not bear a child, she will she has to do. peace” The Handmaid’s society
so she can get away with this. be in trouble. Serena Joy also - Matter of fact tone of is created to be some sort of
The society of Gilead is based seems to be very overprotective voice. utopian society creating a
on a heavy division in a of her husband and emphasises dramatic irony
hierarchy, and it seems to be that she is quite jealous. “Aunt Lydia said it was best not
always surveilled. to speak unless they asked you There is always a recurring
- Commander wife a direct question” symbol of an eye, it refers to the
“Shatterproof windows” - No respect for the - The idea that the fact that they are always being
A sense of danger and that they handmaiden should be seen and not watched and controlled. The
need to be protected - If Offred does not heard, assessing the symbol of the guardian is an
produce a child she’ll be idea that they are just eye so it relates.
in trouble objects to the society of
- Offred has no identity Gilead The interaction between Serena
Joy and Offred is very bland
and dry, so it is clear that
Serena’s intentions with Offred
are to only use her as though
she is an object, and not create
some sort of motherly bond as
Offred was yearning for.
The Handmaid’s Tale Chapter 3

“She probably longed to slap my

Even Offred can tell that Serena
Joy hates her, so this further
signifies that they’re not off to a
very good start.

Group 2 The world space is shown as a The complication for Offred is The writer uses phrases like Tension is created between the
Maddie, prison like place that confines that she is forced into a situation maid and the wife by the lack of
Megan, Ella the protagonist in a foreign where she has very little control “I want to see as little of you as communication between them.
and LILY world. The environment is over how she is treated as her possible…” It is also created by the lack of
controlled and maintained by rights are removed. In this - This shows the level of respect that Serena shows
the commander and her wife. instance she is objectified and separation between the towards Offred, viewing her as
The main character is in a world used as a “baby giver”. two characters an object. Tension and friction is
that moves around her, as she Compared to the Commander’s - It reveals the difference also created through the envy
is a person who is stripped of wife, Offred is at an advantage between the two classes Serena Joy has against Offred,
her identity and is now used as as she is able to conceive and how one is inferior as she is able to conceive
an object. babies while Serena Joy can’t. to the other babies and the commander's
The risk of that is at anytime, - It also explores the wife isn’t.
she could lose her job or place control that the wife has
to stay. As Offred is so low in over the maid, and that
The Handmaid’s Tale Chapter 3

the hierarchy, the commander she is basically Serena’s

and his wife can fully control property and a
her. possession of hers

“It isn’t easy for them”

- This shows that even
though the maids are
being viewed as objects
and treated poorly, they
pity the wives of the

Group 3 The worldspace is presented as The crisis in chapter three is Atwood uses language that The main way that Atwood
Lauren a prison-like setting. Readers Offred’s lack of freedom and depicts Offred as a vulnerable creates tension in the
are given the sense that it is an inequality within her society. In women, and this helps to Handmaid’s tale is through the
oppressed society, through the this chapter, Offred is sent to portray her as the outside narrative structure. In Chapter
physical setting “shatterproof another home, where she is character. As the reader we Three, the events are not
windows” and the interactions immediately put under know that Offred is the ‘other’ is
recounted in chronological
amongst the characters, for surveillance from the minute she is the main protagonist but order, for example Atwood
example “I want to see as little she walks in “I could not come starts off with a recount on “I go
also is seen has not fitting into
of you as possible.” in, unless she said so.” In this society’s norms; being out by the back door, into the
scene though we begin to garden” but it then quickly
physically trapped in her current
experience the dangers of being society because of her ability to
transitions to Offred describing
a handmaid, for example procreate. The other is also the Commander's wife in her
Offred’s only purpose in her seen as fighting back against garden “I’ve often seen her in it,
society is to procreate, and she the unrealistic way of life, andher knees on a cushion,” but
has not yet, and we can infer we see this in Offred as she is then it jumps to the first time
that the punishment for this is constantly looking for a way outshe met the commander's wife
execution, this is depicted in “so of her new home, ““the ”we stood face to face for the
what’s-his-face didn’t work…no cigarettes must have come from first time five weeks ago.” This
ma’am…she gave what might the black market…this gave me technique is a useful way of
have been a laugh…tough luck creating tension as it makes the
on him…this is my third…not so hope.” Atwood does this so that reader question what is going to
good for you either” the reader is forced to happen next, as the reader
sympathise Offred. cannot anticipate the events.
The Handmaid’s Tale Chapter 3

Group 4 The worldspace is presented The crisis/complication of the “Aunt Lydia said it was best not Tension is created through
Maddie and with a very structured hierarchy main protagonist, Offred, is her to speak unless they asked you Offred description of Serena
Natalie controlled by the varying power lack of freedom. Within the a direct question” Joy’s face. An example of this
of certain roles. These roles can society handmaids, like Offred, This quote shows the audience can be seen in the quote “eyes
be distinguished by certain have little to no power as they how handmaids should be seen which were flat, hostile blue of a
colour clothing that defines their are controlled by the and not heard and how they midsummer sky. This implies
position in society. The commanders and their wives. In shouldn’t have their own free the lack of connection between
worldspace also has very strict Chapter 3 the audience is thought. Offred and Serena.
rules like not being allowed to introduced to Serena Joy, Her “A business transaction”
have such simple everyday new commanders wife, who has This shows audiences that the
items such as cigarettes, coffee very little respect for Offred. handmaids are seen and
and liquor. Being this is her third new treated as an object/form of
commander means that if she payment.
doesn’t conceive a child in this
house, She’ll have severe

Group 5 The worldspace is presented The complication/crisis is that The author uses words such as Tension is created between
Anika, with a hierarchy. The setting Offred has to serve the new “I am a reproach to her, and a Offred and Serena by showing
Liana, Bree conveys a prison-like situation family and is looking to establish necessity”, “ a position of their first interaction and the
and Vincy. which different classes need to a good relationship with the wife honour” and “ a business lack of emotion in it. Serena
obey specific rules. of Fred, who happened to be a transaction” to convey the lack clearly establishes her intent not
singer that Offred used to watch of emotional connection to talk to Offred, for example ‘As
“She just stood there in the on TV. Much to Offred’s dismay, between Offred and other far as I’m concerned, this is like
doorway, blocking the entrance, the wife, Serena Joy, is characters in the novel. She is a business transaction’, and
She wanted me to feel that I unwillingly to form a positive treated like an object/ property. ‘Don’t call me Ma’am’. This
could not come into the house relationship with her and only conflict is further developed
unless she said so.” speaks to her when it is when the reader gets learn
absolutely necessary. Offred’s feelings about Serena,
“Aunt Lydia said it was best not ‘I could see that she’d hoped I’d
to speak unless they ask you a If Offred does not fall pregnant never have the occasion to call
direct question.” (which happened in the last 2 her anything at all.’
houses) she could be accused
of being infertile and sent away.
Offred’s only bargaining power
is her body.
The Handmaid’s Tale Chapter 3

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