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Change the verbs in brackets into the most appropriate form of the conditional.

1. What you (do) if you (be) in my situation?

2. Behave yourself, Lucy. If you (do) that again, you (have) to go to bed.
3. Their marriage only lasted three months. If he (be) less mean, she (not leave) him.
4. Good, everybody’s ready. If we (leave) now, we (miss) the rush hour traffic.
5. If you (smoke) less, you (have) much more money. But I don’t think you ever will.
6. If we (lock) the car window, we (not give) them the opportunity to break in.
7. When Alice (get) here, you (show) her to her room
8. I know it’s a delicate situation, Inspector, but what you do (say) if I (give) you a little present?
9. If you (press) that button, a recepcionist (come) to help you.
10. The film was marvellous. If you (come) with us, you (enjoy) it too.
11. Imagine, darling. What we (do) if your husband (have) an accident?
12. If I (be) the prime minister, I (bring back) capital pusnishment.
13. If you (find)...........a skeleton in the cellar don’t mention it to anyone.
14. If you pass your examination we (have).............a celebration.
15. If you go to Paris where you (stay).......................?
16. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)........................?
17. You would play better bridge if you(not talk) much.
18. If you (read).......................the instructions carefully you wouldn’t have answered the wrong
19. I could repair the roof myself if I (have)..................a long ladder.
20. Unless they turn that radio off I (go)..............mad
21. You (not have) many accidents if you drove more slowly.
22. If you (wear)........................a false beard nobody would have recognized you.
23. If I had known that you couldn’t eat octopus I (not buy)
24. If anyone attacks me, my dog (jump) his throat.
25. If the story hadn’t been true the newspaper (not print)
26. She (be able) walk faster if her shoes hadn’t such high heels.
27. I (bring) some beer if I had known that you were thirsty.
28. I (not buy).......................things on the installment plan if I were you.
29. You (not be)..........................any use to me unless you learn to type.
30. You’ll get pneumonia if you (not change)............................your wet clothes.
31. You (spend) less money if you had gone to the supermarket.
32. The policeman (tell) you the way if you ask him nicely.
33. If it (rain) tomorrow, we (stay) at home instead of going to the beach.
34. If I (win) a lot of money in a lottery, I (go) to Honolulu for my holiday next year.
35. The bell (ring) if you press that button.
36. If you (look) before crossing the road you (see) the lorry coming.

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