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Indian Judiciary system is longevity for the Indian Democracy, but judiciary
system in Indian not giving the justice to the common man in time so that the
common man suffering a lot. Even though judicial system is playing tremendous
role for maintain the typical democracy in India.

There is lot of pending cases in Indian judiciary because of various reasons

to overcome these problems judiciary system may introduced this ADR, it is not a
latest mechanism, off course it is old system in Ancient Society, like Nyaya
Panchyats, Village Panchayats. The Acts which deal with Alternative Dispute
Resolution are Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the Legal Services
Authorities Act, 1987.

The ADR is friendly method to solve the litigation within in the time.
The litigation will solve within a short time and with minimum cost only. The
disputes may settle in Friendly environment. If women involved in disputes there is
no need to step in to courts for all the time, but ADR solve the litigation and give
justice for the victims. In most of the litigations victims are women and children,
for this ADR is the shortcut to get an appropriate award.

The ADR is getting popular in Indian judicial system because of victim can
get the justice within a short period and with low cost, it is not only for the small
and family but also includes recovery cases filed by banks or Financial Institutions.

ADR can be classified in to two ways one is court-annexed options

i.e Mediation, Conciliation and community based dispute resolution mechanism
Lok Adalat. The ADR is implemented in several modes in India they are

1. Arbitration
2. Conciliation
3. Mediation
4. Negotiation and
5. Lok Adalat

With less number of courts and high back log of cases, Justice in time will
be very difficult. Therefore, the ADR would be conscious for effective alternative
for getting Justice in time.

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