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Equality Scheme

2019– 2022
(3 year plan)

Signed …………………………………………………………..

(on behalf of the Governing Body)

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Equality Scheme

To cover Race, Disability, Gender (including Gender Identity), Religion or Belief and Sexual

Overarching Statement

 In accordance with our vision statement, mission statement and school aims, we
pledge through our school ethos, curriculum, employment practice and
management of incidents to;
- respect the equal human rights of all our learners / students
- educate them about equality
- respect the rights of our staff and other members of the school

 In an appropriate manner, we will use relevant equality information and work

towards the equality objectives we identify, in relation to;
- race
- religion or belief
- gender,
- gender identity
- gender reassignment
- pregnancy and maternity
- disability
- sexual orientation

Statutory Requirements

We recognise our general responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 to avoid direct and
indirect discrimination on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics listed above.

As a public body, we are also required by the public sector equality duty under Section
149 of the Act to pay due regard to the need to:

a) eliminate unlawful discrimination

b) advance equality of opportunity
c) foster good relations

The equality information we publish annually, and the equality objectives below, show
how we address this duty.

The access plan below addresses our duty under section 88 of the Act.


One named Governor, Pamela Hough takes the lead, but the governors as a whole are
responsible for;

 In general, making sure the school complies with the anti-discrimination provisions
of the Equality Act 2010, including as an employer
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 In general, making sure the school complies with the public sector equality duty
under s.149 of the Equality Act 2010
 In particular, making sure the school complies with the Equality Act 2010 (Statutory
Duties) Regulations 2011 by:

- gathering and publishing the required equality information annually

- drawing up, publishing and implementing the school’s equality objectives
on a regular cycle

The Headteacher is responsible for :

 Making sure measurable steps are taken to address the school’s stated equality
objectives, integrated with the other school improvement priorities
 Making sure the governors, staff, learners/students and their parents and carers
are aware of equality issues as relevant
 Making sure all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support to
carry these out
 Taking appropriate objective in cases of harassment and discrimination, including
identity-related incidents
 Enabling reasonable adjustments to be made, in relation to disability, in regard to
learners / students, staff, parents and carers and visitors to the school

All staff are responsible for:

 Avoiding unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation

 Promoting equal opportunity in their work
 Fostering good relations between groups
 Dealing with identity related incidents, whether or not they amount to bullying
 Being able to recognise and tackle bias and stereotyping
 Taking up relevant professional development opportunities

The Headteacher is responsible overall for:

 Dealing with reports of hate-incidents

Visitors and contractors are responsible for:

 Following relevant school policy

Staff Development

Staff to attend relevant and appropriate professional training as and when necessary.

 Staff training related to the specific identified needs of the current pupil population
 Rolling programme of generic training
 Provision of mapping of staff
 Governor Training needs

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How are policies to be monitored?

Reviewing, monitoring and evaluating tools are:

 Policy review as part of Governor responsibility
 Review of equality objectives
 Review of Individual Pupil Targets
 Review of individual health care plans
 Talking / observing / consulting with all stakeholders
 Analysis of Pupil Progress Data

Equality Information

Under the Equality Act 2010 (Statutory Duties) Regulations 2011, we will gather
information on pupils and others, including staff, with protected characteristics that are
affected by school policies and practices. The purpose of gathering this information is to
ensure that we are furthering the three aims of the public sector equality duty

The information relates to the protected characteristics of learners / students and others
e.g. parents who are affected by school practice. The source of this information is both
 Internal data
 Local data
 National data

And qualitative (comments resulting from engagement with relevant people);

 Surveys
 Complaints
 Focus groups
 Interviews
 Learner / student voice

How information gathered is used:

 To inform future planning

 To adapt practice
 To inform / consult with the wider community / governors
 To identify future staff training needs
 To review policies

Equality Reporting

At a regular and appropriate time in each school year under the Equality Act 2010
(Statutory Duties) Regulations 2011, we will publish information to demonstrate how we
are furthering the three aims of the public sector equality duty. This information will be
published in a manner and formats that are reasonably accessible to the public e.g.
website, prospectus, newsletter etc.

From the information published in this report, parents and others will be able to judge
how well our school meets the three aims of the public sector equality duty under the
Equality Act 2010;
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 Eliminating discrimination and harassment
 Advancing equality of opportunity
 Fostering good relations between people from different groups

Possible Headings about which to make judgements are:

 Access
 Attendance
 Attainment
 Identity-related bullying
 Behaviour sanctions
 Exclusions
 Home/school links

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Equality Objectives

(i) Advance equality of opportunity

Objective By Whom Start Finish Evidence of objectives achieved

1. Policies and procedures Staff & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Amended policies, dates when reviewed recorded
reviewed and amended with with due regard to the Equality Act 2010.
reference to the promotion of
equality opportunity
2. Support services are fully HT, SLT, Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Record of involvement of support services
used effectively
3. Staff provided with HT, SLT, Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Evidence of training opportunities
opportunities to attend
appropriate and relevant CPD
4. Analyse learners / students Assessment Sept 2019 August 2022 School Data Analysis
achievement and attainment Coordinator, SLT and
5. Use opportunities to discuss HT & All Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 School Meeting Minutes e.g. Annual Reviews, Records
with parents and guardians, of Home visits,
issues relating to equal
6. Contact Governor Services Clerk to Governors Sept 2019 August 2022 Governors Minutes
to promote the recruitment of
Governors from BAME groups
7. Consider the recruitment of HT & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Governor Minutes
a member of staff who has an
additional language or is from
an ethnic minority
8. Use school budgets HT & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Cluster Minutes
(directly or jointly as a
cluster) to provide a member
of staff who has an additional

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9. Ensure that the School DHT / Pastoral Sept 2019 August 2022 School Council Minutes
Council is involved in the Support Worker
promotion of equality of responsible for
opportunity School Council
10. As part of the ongoing HT, HLTA Sept 2019 August 2022 Attendance Data Analysis
monitoring of attendance
monitor the attendance of
ethnic minorities
11. Identify and support underAssessment Sept 2019 August 2022 Attainment Data Analysis
achieving learners Coordinator, SLT and
12. Improve access to all HT Sept 2019 August 2022 Parents Survey
school information
13. To ensure the curriculum DHT Curriculum Co- Sept 2019 August 2022 PSHE & C Policy amended as necessary and presented
material is appropriate and ordinator, All Staff to Governors
does not reinforce prejudices Governor Minutes
14. Ensure appropriate Health HT , Learning Mentor, Sept 2019 August 2022 Records are in place and regularly monitored
Care Plans are established and class teams
and adhered to / initial risk
assessment on entry into
school for pupil takes place
15. Multi agency consultation HT & Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Records are in place and regularly monitored
are in place as appropriate
16. Improve access to the All staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Relevant resources purchased – ICT, age
curriculum for all learners appropriateness, sensory materials, staff training e.g.

17. To ensure that robust HT & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Amended policies state
policies and practices are that the policy has been
in place which promote reviewed with due regard
equality and inclusion. to the Equality Act 2006.
(Accessibility Plan / SEN /
School Visits Policies etc.)

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18. Ensure home / school HT, SLT and Class staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Evidence of
correspondence is correspondence
19. Appropriate Staff HT & Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Training Records
Training by Lead
20. Review curriculum HT, Subject leaders Sept 2019 August 2022 Amended policies state
areas to ensure that they that the policy has been
promote equality of reviewed with due regard
opportunity, with to the Equality Act 2010
particular regard to sex
and relationships Governor Minutes
education, sexist
attitudes and language,
stereotypical career
choices, sexual
exploitation and domestic
21. Provide opportunities HT/DHT Sept 2019 August 2022 CPD Records
for staff to attend
appropriate and relevant
23. Ensure that the School HT, learning mentor & Sept 2019 August 2022 School Council Minutes
Council is involved in the Govs
promotion of equality of
24. Recruitment, HT, Governors Sept 2019 August 2022 Amended policies state
appointment and pay that the policy has been
policies that have been reviewed with due regard
adopted by the Governors to the Equality Act 2010
are strictly adhered to Governor Minutes

(ii) Eliminate discrimination and harassment

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Objective By Whom Start Finish Evidence of completion
1. To use reporting HT, SLT Sept 2019 August 2022 Logs and Reporting system
system, training & actively in use in school
reporting procedures for
staff and learners
2. Address acceptable HT & SLT, Staff, Sept 2019 August 2022 Training available to staff
behaviour and Governors
unacceptable behaviour
3. Ensure current bullying HT & Staff, Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Bullying Policy amended
policy and procedures,
specifically address racial
4. Ensure all visitors are Administration Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Evidence that visitors are
aware of School Policies / made aware of School
Protocols e.g. signing in Policies / Protocols
5. Raising general HT & SLT Sept 2019 August 2022 Training available to staff
equality awareness
through internal
reviewing structures,
training, consultation
6. Use reporting system, HT, SLT Sept 2019 August 2022 Logs and reporting system
training & reporting actively in use in school
procedures for staff and and shows decrease in
learners incidents
7. Ensure relevant HT, Govs & SLT Sept 2019 August 2022 Amended policies state
Policies / Protocols are that the policy has been
adhered to i.e. Anti- reviewed with due regard
Bullying Policy, Behaviour to the Equality Act 2006.
Policy Monitoring of policies
shows compliance

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8. Appropriate Staff HT & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Training Records
Training by Lead
9. Impact assessment HT & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Amended policies state
carried out on all current that the policy has been
policies reviewed with due regard
to the Equality Act 2010
10. Review curriculum HT, Govs, Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Curriculum Plan adapted
areas to ensure that they
promote equality of
11. Recruitment, HT & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Amended policies state
appointment and pay that the policy has been
policies that have been reviewed with due regard
adopted by the Governors to the Equality Act 2010
are strictly adhered to Governors Minutes
12. The school ethos is HT & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 School ethos
very clearly understood Minimal recorded
by everyone incidents of gender
related harassment on
13. Use of reporting HT, SLT Sept 2019 August 2022 School ethos
system, training and Minimal recorded
reporting procedures for incidents of gender
staff and pupil related harassment
14. Training to address HT , SLT Sept 2019 August 2022 Training available to staff
acceptable behaviour and
unacceptable behaviour
15. To actively pursue HT & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Learners / students show
the promotion of positive mutual respect to each
role models within other and adults of both
policies, resources, visits, sexes

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(iii) Foster good relations between different groups

Objective By Whom Start Finish Evidence of completion

1. Use PSHE & Citizenship Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Planning shows that good
lesson time relations between
different ethnic groups
are actively promoted in
2. Promote multi cross HT & Staff, Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 Evidence of multi cultural
links in equality links in policies
procedures and practices
3. Encourage and HT, Staff & Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Evidence of visit taking
positively invite into place
school, visitors from
different cultures,
communities and
disability groups
4. Ensure the provision of HT & Literacy Co- Sept 2019 August 2022 Curriculum materials are
a diverse range of stories ordinator available and in use for
/ curriculum materials all learners / students
featuring disabled people
(not focussing on their
5. Inviting disabled HT, Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Record of visits. Reports
people / charities into to Govs (Governor
school Minutes)
6. The use of inclusive HT & Govs, Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Posters available and on
posters e.g. PSHCE display in school
7. Promotion of respect All Staff & Govs Sept 2019 August 2022 School ethos .
and moral values Reports to Governors
including British Values Governor’s Minutes
School Planning records
8. Invite disabled people HT & Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 All people have regard to
into school disabled parking spaces

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Disability access and
facilities available
9. Sharing good practice All Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Record of meetings /
within the disability field Events / Reports to
Governors / Governor
10. Ensuring school trips HT & Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 Amended after school
including residential policies state that the
visits, after school clubs / policy has been reviewed
activities are inclusive with due regard to the
and accessible Equality Act 2006
11. Positively promote HT & Staff Sept 2019 August 2022 School Council
pupils onto the school Membership
council with a range of

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