Life Below The Water Paper

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Purposive Communication | BSITTM HT-128
Purposive Communication | Prelim Exam

I. Introduction

Oceans cover more than 71% of the planet Earth’s surface surrounded by water and 29%
consist of continents and islands. About 97% of the earth’s water is ocean which provides food,
oxygen, water, and livelihood for more than billions of people (Oceanic Institute, n.d). Ocean
provides more oxygen than Amazones, people always thought that rainforest are the number one
(1) source of oxygen from a specific place or country, but in reality, only 30% of the oxygen came
from rainforest, the remaining 70% is from ocean which is also responsible for regulating the
climate change. For example the countries in middle east does not have trees or even forest,
because it has the ocean that can supply oxygen around that are and the phytoplankton covered it,
a microscopic plant, which spends its life being carried by oceanic currents (Suzanne, n.d). Ocean
comprises of plants, underwater animals (fishes) and other organisms which over 3 billion people
depend on marine ecosystem to make their livings. Ocean is the number one (1) source of food
and protein that came from the fishes. Fishing is one of the sources of employment or livelihood
for people/families (e.g. communities in the Philippines) who are not able to work on large
companies or they are considered as the lower class but still want to strive hard to earn money
even though they receive a low income. Without the proper way of fishing or conservation of
species it can harm the thousands of people’s livelihood and food security. Oceans contain nearly
200,000 species that we know of (there may actually millions). It is the home of the whales, sharks,
turtles, fishes and sea plants, but the oxygen was lessen due to over fishing, over mining and
climate change. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the species
living below the water was less and less. Roughly 1,414 species of fish, or 5% of known species,
are endangered.

II. Body

Our oceans, coasts, and estuaries are home to diverse living things. These organisms
take many forms, from the tiniest single-cell plankton to the largest animal on Earth, the
blue whale. Understanding the life cycles, habits, habitats, and inter -relationships of
marine life contributes to our understanding of the planet as a whole.
Purposive Communication | Prelim Exam

Human influences and reliance on these species, as well as changing environmental

conditions, will determine the future health of these marine inhabitants. (National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, n.d.) Although many people agrees to take care of the marine
life, not all are participating in the movement. Which is why there are a few circumstances where
it may seem a bit alarming since some could cause extinction of species if it is not acted upon soon.
Ocean water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth, and only in recent decades have we begun
to understand how humans impact this watery habitat. Marine pollution, as distinct from overall
water pollution, focuses on human-created products that enter the ocean. (National Geographic
, 2019) We know that the oceans play a very important role as a stabilizer of our climate as it
absorbs and circulates heat around the globe. Melting glaciers and warming oceans are causing sea
levels to rise, and we know that already many islands will have an increasingly precarious
existence. We also know that as carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere it is making the
seawater gradually more acidic. Many marine animals have a calcium carbonate skeleton and
studies have shown that in some cases these have been thinning and weakening. As the basis of
many marine food chains, the consequent loss of so many shelled animals are extremely serious
indeed. (Seas Life, n.d.) The unsustainable anthropogenic pressures emanating from various
activities are proving to be detrimental to the ecosystem, which are compounded by other factors
namely climate change, increased incidences of natural disasters etc. This calls for an immediate
focus on the protection and better management of this critical ecosystem. (Indo-German
Biodiversity Program, n.d.). That is why, applying some sense of research and technology into
saving the marine life/marine ecosystems should be encouraged as well as providing proper
education on how to take care of the marine life as a regular citizen.

III. Conclusion

Marine Life contributes a big portion to our way of living. To further explain, it contributes as
it creates job opportunities, food, business opportunities, and also helps to promote tourism across
different countries around the world. Marine life also plays a big role into our lives as it helps with
the quality of air that circulates around the planet. All that it needs is to be taken care of. As well
as trying different ways and educating people on how to continuously conserve all bodies of water
including the species who are living in it.
Purposive Communication | Prelim Exam

Band, T. ((n.d)). Retrieved from

Fund, W. W. (n.d). Whether our homes are near or far from the oceans, our lives depend on them.
Retrieved from

Indo-German Biodiversity Program. (n.d.). Retrieved from Indo-German Biodiversity Program:

Institute, P. U. (n.d). Aqua Facts. Retrieved from

National Geographic . (2019, August 2). Retrieved from National Geogrpahic:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration:

Seas Life. (n.d.). Retrieved from Seas Life:

Suzanne. (n.d). 7 Reasons why the ocean is so important. Retrieved from

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