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Statistical Treatment Applied

The data that have been acquired through pre test, post test and tests in

accordance to the statement of the problem were statistically analyzed. In this study,

the statistical treatment will be Pearson Product-Moment of Correlation, wherein it is

used to investigate the relationship between quantitative variables and continuous

variables and it also measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship of

the variables and of the association between interval and ordinal variables. The

Bivariate Pearson Product-Moment of Correlation is commonly used in two or more

variables and pairing variables.

In order to know if there is a correlation between the independent and dependent

variables, Pearson Product-Moment of correlation Coefficient was utilized. The

values range between -1.0 and +1.0. If the calculated number is greater than 0.1 and is

lesser than -0.1 then there is an error in the correlation measurement. And if the

significance value is lesser than .05 then there is a statistically significant correlations

between the two variables which means that the increase or decrease in one variable

do significantly relate to the increase or decrease of the other. Meanwhile a significant

value that is lesser than .05 have no statistically significant correlations between the

two variables, this then shows that the increase or decrease in one variable do not

significantly relate to the increase or the decrease of the other variable.

When Pearson’s r is closed to 1 then it means that there is a strong relationship

between the variables, which means that a change in one variable are strongly
correlated to the changes of the other variable. But if the Pearson’s r is close to 0 then

there is a weak relationship.

Category Amounts of volts Duration

Dc motor to Batteries Treatment 1 Treatment 2

Batteries to Mobile Phones Treatment 3 Treatment 4

Treatments for all kinds of tests are under descriptive statistics which is simply

calculating the Mean, Medium, Mode and Standard Deviation. It tells about the

position and relation of data in accordance to the other data and if they are in

correlation to one another.

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