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Method for Cleansing Energizing and Programming of Crystals


Take a bowl of glass or ceramic, Not plastic or metal.

Fill it with water and 2-3 tablespoons of Sea salt or Rock salt.

Rinse the crystal and then insert the crystal into the bowl with the intention to remove all negativity.

Keep the crystal overnight in the bowl. Crystal Not to cleanse in water – Selenite , Lapis Lazuli, Malachite
and Turquoise and Not in salt water – Calcite , Carnelian, Labradorite and Opal.

Cleanse these crystals with incense.


Place the bowl the following morning for a minimum of three hours or more in direct sunlight , with the
intention to re-energize the crystal. The three hours should be complete before 11 am. ( This is because
some crystals fade in sunlight).

Remove the crystal from the bowl and rinse under running tap water.


Place the crystal in your left palm & cover with the right palm. Close your eyes and concentrate on the
crystal and imagine white divine light passing through it , or it is sitting on a bed of divine white light.
Ask that they will be attuned to your own unique frequency and be blessed by the highest energies in
the universe and be dedicated to yourself – healing and that of the environment around you. Give the
crystal the message / instructions of how you want it to help you, according to its properities. Start by
saying “I dedicate you to ….” . Repeat your intention several times to anchor it into the crystal.
Avoid your crystals being touched by others. In ase it has been touched or handled by others make sure
you’re – cleanse, energize and programme your crystals.

Cleanse and energize the crystal once a month and programme it everyday. If at anytime you wnt to
change the programme, cleanse and re-energize the crystal before rededicating it.

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