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14ú lá de

NUACHTLITIR Dheireadh Fómhair

Gaelscoil an Eiscir Riada 2019

Cash for Clobber CÚRSAÍ SPÓIRT

Peil na gCailíní
Beidh tréanáil ag na cailíní don pheil ar an
Tá Cumann na dTuistí ag eagrú “Cash for Clobber” faoi Déardaoin idir 3 agus 4 in. Iarrtar ar an
láthar. Déanann siad é seo chun cabhrú leis an timpeallacht cailíní a bhí ag imirt sna cluichí go dtí seo
agus ar son fiundriú. Iarrtar ar thuistí éadaí, brailliní, tuáillí a bheith i láthar ag an tréanáil sin.
agus bróga nach bhfuil ag teastáil níos mó a thabhairt Beidh an cluiche ceannas ar siúl ar an
isteach chuig na scoile i málaí dubha nó i málaí speisialta gCéadaoin an 23ú lá de Dheireadh
ata tugtha leis an Nuachtlitir seo. Faigheann Cumann an Fómhair. Guímíd gach rath ar an cailíní.
dTuistí airgead ar gach mála. Úsáideann Cumann an dTuistí There will be training for the girl’s football
an t-airgead sin chun íoc as imeachtaí ar son daltaí na team on Thursday after school between 3
scoile. Is féidir na málaí a thabhairt isteach ar scoil anois go
and 4pm. We ask all the gilrs who have
dtí an Mháirt, an 12ú lá de Samhain. Míle buíochas as ucht
been playing in matches so far this year to
do chomhoibriú.
Cumann na dTuistí are organising “Cash for Clobber” for please come to the training session.
collection on Tuesday, the 12th of November. This is a good The final will be held on Wednesday the
way to help the environment and also to help raise funds 23rd of October. Our girls will be in the
for the school, as the PA receive a certain amount of money final. Further details will be in Nuachtlitir
for each bag donated. You can help by putting old as soon as they are available.
clothes/clothes that are no longer needed, sheets, towels,
shoes, etc into bags ( either the plastic bags provided with Briseadh lár Téarma/Midterm
this Nuchtlitir or any plastic bags you have at home).
Please bring the bags into the school before Tuesday the Break
12th of November. The money raised by your donations of
clothes will be used by the PA to pay for activities Beidh an scoil ag dúnadh ar an Aoine, an
organised for the pupils by the PA. Thank you for your 25ú lá de Dheireadh Fómhar ag 2in do na
cooperation. Naíonáin agus ag 3.00in do gach rang eile
don bhriseadh lár-téarma. Beidh sí ag
Féinmheastóireacht Scoile athoscialt ar an Luan, an 4ú lá de Samhain
School Self-Evaluation ag 9.20.
Bíonn ar gach scoil gné áirid den múineadh agus foghlaim sa The school will close on Friday, the 25th of
scoil a phiocadh chun diriú air agus chun feabhsú sa scoil October at 2pm for the infant classes and
gach blain. Sa scoil seo I mbliana phiocamar teanga ó bhéil at 3pm for all other classes for the
Béarla agus Gaeilge. Sa phróiséis seo fiarann muid ar thusití midterm break. It will reopen on Monday,
agus ar dhalatí a dtuairmí a thabhairt ar nithe a bhaineann the 4th of November at 9.20am.
le teanga ó bhéil. Faoi láthar táimid ag cur ceistnéoirí le lllllll
chéile chun tuairmí tuistí agus daltaí a fháil. Nuair atá an Scoil ag dúnadh/School Closure
ceistneóir réidh cuirfimid nóta sa Nauchtlitir agus fiaróidh
Beidh na múinteóirí sa scoil ag freastal ar
muid do thusití an ceistnéoirí a líonadh ar line. Tá súil
seimineár don curaclam teanga nua, ar an
againn go mbeidh an ceistnéoir seo réidh go luath.
Each year each school must pick an aspect of teaching and Luan, an 11ú lá de Samhain, dá bhrí sin beidh
learning to improve throughout the year. Our focus this an scoil dúnta ar an lá sin.
year will be Oral Language both English and Irish. As part of The teachers will be attending a seminar for the
this process we will be seeking parents and pupils views. New Language Curriculum on Monday, the 11th
We are currently putting together a questionnaire and we of November. Therefore the school will be
hope to have it ready shortly for parents to complete. As closed on that day.
soon as it is ready we will put a note in the Nuachtlitir and
you will be asked to complete the questionnaire online.

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