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St George Wharf Case Study Reinforcement rationalisation and supply


The European Concrete Building Project

at Cardington was a joint initiative aimed
at improving the performance of the
concrete frame industry. It led to the
preparation of a series of Best Practice
Guides, giving recommendations for
Figure 1: Loose bars laid around starter bars for column, where shear heads are in position.
improving the process of constructing in-
situ concrete frame buildings.

Novel approaches to reinforcement supply and rationalisation

can help optimize flat slab construction.

Key points
This Case Study discusses experiences and benefits
As part of a programme to disseminate of using electronic exchange of reinforcement information,
and apply what has been learnt from prefabricated punching shear reinforcement systems
Cardington, BRE has subsequently
worked directly with those involved in and rationalisation of main reinforcement.
St George Wharf, a high-profile, 100,000 m2
mixed-use phased development on the • Electronic data interchange (EDI) compatibility in the supply chain for
River Thames. reinforcement is essential if the efficiency of this process is to be improved.
BRE worked jointly with the developers, • Interoperable software for the automated supply of reinforcement is more
St George (South London), their
engineers, White Young Green,
suited to situations where schedules are generated automatically
and specialist concrete contractors, (i.e. as a result of using a computer detailing package).
Stephenson, to develop and implement
process improvements tailored to the • It is difficult to generalise about the benefits of varying degrees of
St George Wharf site. rationalisation of reinforcement in terms of cost versus construction time
This work has led to a series of savings as they are project specific and are influenced by market forces.
innovations being trialled, the results of
• The time savings generated by using alternative punching shear
which are summarised in this series of
Best Practice Case Studies. reinforcement systems need to be sufficient to warrant the additional
material costs.

Electronic exchange of
reinforcement Information
The Best Practice guide, Improving rebar
information and supply (see back cover),
highlighted the benefits if all parties in the
reinforcement supply chain adopted a
common data exchange format to permit
electronic data interchange (EDI). This has
now become a commercial reality with the
availability of proprietary products. Figure 2
illustrates a reinforcing schedule generated
using SteelPac ( which
was the software chosen for the St George
Wharf project. In addition to the basic
platform for transfer of the information
between parties this can provide added
value in terms of intelligent call-off and Figure 2: Reinforcing schedule generated using SteelPac
revision control.
It is understood that the proprietary
software used on the St George Wharf Time
Slow Fast
project is compatible with the systems of
most of the reinforcement suppliers in the High
UK. However some suppliers (e.g. Express
Reinforcement who supplied the reinforce-
ment on this project) are developing their

own products. Depending on the pricing Finance

structure associated with software,
different specialist concrete contractors
are opting for different systems; Labour, plant & preliminaries
unfortunately it would seem that these
are not always compatible with one Low Material
another. It should be noted that Express
reinforcement can and do receive and use Highly Usual Rationalised Highly
detailed rationalised
schedules generated by SteelPac.
Level of rationalisation of reinforcement
If the additional functionality provided by
such proprietary software is not considered Figure 3: The diagrammatic relationship between rationalisation of reinforcement,
time and minimum overall cost.
advantageous by the contractor, manually
generated schedules can still be produced
and sent electronically; it is likely that
many organisations have developed their used on the St George Wharf project is trusted methods but he has since
own in-house spreadsheets for this compatible with all such systems recognised the wider advantages of moving
purpose. The spreadsheet available at currently available on the UK market. over to electronic systems and is actively taking this forward on the next phase. The
As with any new software there will be a
is believed to have the advantage as it has detailers are also being pressed to provide
learning curve and the detailers
been modified to export to a SteelPac file this information in a compatible form.
experienced some teething problems.
format, which may then be imported Since the detailed reinforcement drawings The steel suppliers were initially
by reinforcement suppliers who have the were produced by hand the detailers saw perceived as the greatest potential
relevant EDI module. little advantage to them of using such beneficiaries of receiving the information
For the St George Wharf project the proprietary software. The view of the electronically, although there are clearly
detailed drawings and the production of software supplier, however, is that they benefits to others in the supply chain.
schedules were generally undertaken by did not take full advantage of the facilities
The advantages for the contractor of using
hand. It is difficult to say how common offered by their product such as auto-
proprietary software on site include more
this is across the industry as a whole, but validation of bar marks, auto calculation
accurate calling-off of reinforcement with
the strong likelihood is that this practice of cut lengths, weights, etc.
less wastage on site, together with
is declining with the increasing use of At the stage when electronic schedules traceability. Certainty of supply is
computer detailing software. The most were coming on stream, concern about enhanced because the software can more
sophisticated software is capable of availability of steel meant that there was a easily establish the location of a
generating schedules automatically and sudden requirement to deliver as much particular consignment of steel in the
transferring them electronically. It is steel to site as possible. This prompted the procurement and supply process.
understood that the proprietary software frame contractor to revert to tried and
Rationalisation of main specified the pour layouts, which in turn At St George Wharf the primary approach
longitudinal reinforcement had a significant impact on the detailing in adopted was both to reduce the number
terms of lengths of bars to suit positions of of columns requiring punching shear
The Best Practice guide, Rationalisation of construction joints. Tailoring of the reinforcement and to reduce the amount
flat slab reinforcement, highlighted the schedules around the pour layouts also of punching shear reinforcement where it
benefits that can be achieved by adopting a simplified the call-off of the reinforcement is required. This was achieved simply by
rationalised approach*. At St George Wharf, as all the bars required for a particular pour increasing the amount of main hogging
reinforcement in later phases was highly could be called off together. steel provided over columns, which has
rationalised compared with earlier phases. In practice it proved very difficult to the effect of increasing the allowable
Historical information is available for a non- extract meaningful information from the shear force that may be carried by the
rationalised solution on very early blocks (B St George Wharf project to assess the level concrete (this may not be the most
to D) against which comparisons have been of reinforcement rationalisation adopted. effective method for all cases). Site
made. These indicate a 21% saving in man- The types of information identified as being diaries indicate that as a result the time
hours for reinforcement where it had been suitable measures were: spent fixing punching shear reinforcement
rationalised. was minimal.
• Comparison of reinforcement weights
The placing of the main slab reinforcement which, with information on cost per An attempt was made to systematically
is invariably on the critical path for the tonne, could be used to calculate compare costs and benefits of adopting
construction of the frame as a whole. material costs. alternative punching shear reinforcement
Provided it is feasible to bring forward the • Comparison of fixing time (both elapsed systems. The systems that it was
next pour date, time saved in placing time and man hours per unit area) originally planned to consider were:
reinforcement will therefore result directly which, coupled with information on
in time savings in the overall programme. labour rates and total areas, could be DEHA stud rail system
used to assess total cost and time. BRC shear rail system
At an early stage, however, it was decided
that the benefits of rationalisation at St Successful reinforcement rationalisation ROM shear ladders
George Wharf on the blocks investigated involves optimisation of the reinforcement Bespoke cruciform sections.
(F and G) would be assessed only in terms content and economies in the man hours In this instance only the first two systems
of savings to the contractor in overall to fix it. Very simple reinforcement layouts
were compared with traditional links.
construction costs. can be fixed very quickly. The small cost
premium in terms of weight of steel can be The shear rail system uses shear studs
Various options for rationalising the main
more than recovered in time savings both placed on rectangular perimeters
reinforcement were considered: the use of
in terms of man hours and overall whereas the stud rail system has the
stock length reinforcement emerged as
programme time. For example the studs projecting radially from the face
the favoured solution.
contractor quoted typical total of the column.
The approach to rationalisation of the reinforcement costs to be 10% – 15% less,
reinforcement is likely to vary from job to provided a rationalised solution is Both the stud rail and shear rail systems
job, so it can be difficult to draw general adopted. To examine this cost vs. time were found to be quicker to fix than
conclusions. In most cases, rationalisation of relationship, the project specific conditions traditional links (about four times faster).
reinforcement should have significant have to be considered. At the time the
work was done, the cost of steel was about Depending on the amount of punching
knock-on benefits in terms of simplified
£250/tonne, and the cost of employing a shear reinforcement to be fixed it was
detailing, checking and scheduling.
steel fixer was around £15 – £20/hour. * concluded that the practical time saving
Use of stock length reinforcement on this generated needed to be sufficient to merit
project meant the provision of a uniform Another factor may be the skill level of the
use of the systems (i.e. the number of
top and bottom mat, typically T12 at 150 operatives. Greater use can be made of
days by which the next pour date could be
centres, for both top and bottom semi-skilled labour if the reinforcement
layout chosen is very straightforward. brought forward and thus reduce floor
reinforcement in both directions. These
cycle time).
stock length bars (12 m) were included in
the schedule but had a single bar mark. Punching shear reinforcement The value of this saving to the programme
This basic mat was then supplemented as a whole should be assessed as well as
with extra steel as required to meet The Best Practice guide Prefabricated the direct balance between reduction in
additional ultimate moment and shear punching shear reinforcement systems man hours offset against the additional
requirements (e.g. over columns) and for flat slabs highlighted the benefits
material cost of such systems. The Best
deflection needs. Cutting on site was that can be achieved in terms of
Practice guide, Rationalisation of flat slab
minimised by specifying make-up pieces speeding up the provision of punching
to suit the pour layouts. reinforcement discusses this in more
shear reinforcement.
detail; the issues are presented
Detailing was undertaken by White Young diagrammatically in Figure 3.
Green who were also the engineers for the
* Since this work was completed there have been Other factors to be considered are lead
project. They were able to respond to the significant increases in the cost of reinforcement.
contractor’s (Stephensons) requirements in This has skewed the balance between labour and times, and approval both by the
relation to the detailing. The contractor materials, encouraging the use of less material. Permanent Works designer and Building
Recently there have been significant fluctuations Control. On the St George Wharf phases
(circa £250 - £600/tonne) in material prices over short
* Rationalisation is the elimination of periods, increasing the difficulty in assessing the investigated, these issues were not
redundant variation appropriate balance between materials versus labour. resolved early enough to allow the

systems to be used as a replacement for 7. Choice of punching shear system Acknowledgements

traditional links. For this particular remains with the contractor, who will
project, based on very limited data, stud have his own preferences. These may The support of the DTI for this project
rails arranged on an orthogonal grid and vary from project to project under the Partners in Innovation scheme
fixed from the top appeared to be the depending on the tightness of the is gratefully acknowledged.
most cost-effective option. The contractor programme and the extent of punching
perceived advantages in minimising shear reinforcement required.
clashes with main reinforcement and the 8. From the designer’s point of view, in
designer was more comfortable with an The following Best Practice guides
the absence of the frame contractor
arrangement involving more shear summarise work carried out on
already being involved, the best
reinforcement, which resembled a more reinforcement issues during the
approach is to specify the parameters
conventional rectangular layout. construction of the in-situ concrete
for the punching shear design and
building at Cardington. These can be
A steel fixer might prefer simply fixing allow the contractor to formulate
downloaded free from the Downloads
additional main bars. However, if this is proposals.
judged not to be cost effective and the section of The Concrete Centre’s website
9. There are still issues to be resolved at and at
steel fixer is required to fix some form of regarding responsibility for alternative
shear system, a system that can be fixed
shear designs, certainty of supply of
quickly is likely to be preferred. concrete%20frame/default.htm
alternative systems, and, if approval is
required from the engineer, whether • Improving rebar information and supply
this can be secured in time. • Rationalisation of flat slab
1. EDI compatible bending schedules
10. Until a successful track record is reinforcement
generated automatically can be
appropriate if suitable computer software established with a particular shear • Prefabricated punching shear
is being used to carry out the detailing. reinforcement system, many designers reinforcement for reinforced concrete
However if the schedules need to be are likely to favour those which deviate flat slabs
generated manually then the advantages least from Code provisions and do not
to the detailer will be more limited. require extensive information from the
supplier before gaining approval from
2. There is still a need for greater Case Studies in this series of applying
the building control authorities.
compatibility between different EDI best practice:
software products, although current 11. The overall conclusion is that use of
alternative punching shear systems is • St George Wharf project overview
market trends suggest that the format
more suited to areas where very large • Early age concrete strength
used by the proprietary system used on
numbers of shear links would assessment
this project is moving towards
otherwise be required. • Early age construction loading
becoming the industry standard.
• Reinforcement rationalisation and
3. Software such as SteelPac offers
additional functionality over simple
Recommendations supply
1. For greatest efficiency in the • Slab deflections
spreadsheets in terms of control of call-
reinforcement supply chain all parties • Special concretes
off of reinforcement. It is understood to
have been adopted by most of the involved should move towards adopting
major specialist concrete contractors electronic interchange of schedule
on at least one project. information. Ref TCC/03/05
First published 2004
4. It proved difficult to extract information 2. Ultimately steel suppliers should be
Price group A
to assess the level of rationalisation pushing for standardised systems as ISBN 1-904818-05-06
adopted on Blocks F and G at St George they have the most to gain from
receiving information in an industry © The Concrete Centre 2004
Wharf. However it seems likely that the
level of rationalisation was very similar standard, interoperable format from as Published by The Concrete Centre on
to the previous phases as a similar many sources as possible. behalf of the project partners.
solution in terms of using stock length The work undertaken and the conclusions
reinforcement was adopted. reached in relation to the innovations For further copies of these Best Practice
5. Use of highly rationalised layouts has described above should be viewed in the Case Studies contact
potential advantages to all of the context of the particular project on which
parties involved. The detailing and the innovations have been trialled. All advice or information from The Concrete
scheduling is greatly simplified, and so This Case Study is underpinned by a full Centre is intended for those who will
is the calling-off, supply and checking evaluate the significance and limitations of
report [1] giving the background and
its contents and take responsibility for its
on site. Owing to simplicity, fixing time further information on the innovations. use and application. No liability (including
is reduced with savings in both time that for negligence) for any loss resulting
overall and man hours; these can References from such advice or information is accepted.
outweigh the additional material costs. Readers should note that all Centre
1. Best Practice in concrete frame
publications are subject to revision from time
6. If steel fixers are paid by the tonne they construction: practical application at to time and should therefore ensure that
usually find the use of rationalised St George Wharf, by R Moss. BRE Report they are in possession of the latest version.
layouts attractive. 462, 2003.

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