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Introductory Information for Students

What is a religion?

Begin by asking students to define the term "religion." Record students' responses on chart paper, or
have them share their ideas verbally with the class. Alternately or additionally, you may wish to have
students record their answers in a personal journal.

Compare their ideas to sociologist Emil Durkheim's classical definition:

"[Religion is] a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say,
things set apart and forbidden--beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral

The United Religions Initiative also offers a thorough definition of religion that's geared toward
younger students.

Remember that students may tend to provide definitions that reflect the scope of their personal
beliefs. Through discussion, ensure that you arrive at a definition that's inclusive enough to
cover monotheistic, polytheistic and nontheistic religions.

If students have written their initial definition as a journal entry, after teaching about world religions,
have them go back and determine whether they want to revise or expand their definitions.

What do we know about world religions?

Introduce the names of nine world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism,
Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism and Baha'i.

Ask students: Are any of these familiar? Have students use a journal or KWL chart to indicate what
they know about these religions.

Try administering a pre-quiz to assess prior knowledge. One quiz might involve putting the nine
faiths in order of their number of adherents worldwide. The correct answer, as indicated
on, is:

1. Christianity: 2.1 billion

2. Islam: 1.5 billion
3. Hinduism: 900 million
4. Chinese traditional religion (includes Taoism): 394 million
5. Buddhism: 376 million
6. Sikhism: 23 million
7. Judaism: 14 million
8. Baha'i: 7 million
9. Shintoism: 4 million
Another quiz might involve matching a key concept or term with its corresponding religion. Here's an
example (the term is followed by the answer in parentheses):

 Torah (Judaism)
 Muhammad (Islam)
 Crucifixion (Christianity)
 Kami (Shintoism)
 Diwali (Hinduism)
 Karma (Buddhism)
 Amrit (Sikhism)
 Chi (Taoism)
 Naw-Ruz (Baha'i)

Define the terms monotheism, polytheism and nontheism. Students should remember these terms,
as they will be used later to describe various faiths.

Have students identify particular faiths that are least familiar to them. What do they want to learn
about them? Ask them to record answers in their journals or in the 'W" column of a KWL chart.

Discussion Points and Activities

Before you begin, remind students of any "ground rules" that will apply to discussions. Assure them
that no one will have to share personal information or beliefs, and that discussion should explore
each faith without positive or negative judgment.

Start by giving an overview of the distribution of religions worldwide. The site rank-
orders faiths in terms of the number of worldwide adherents for each. To put things in visual
perspective, you may wish to present this screenshot of the site's world-religions pie chart:

How does the above global distribution of religions compare to that within the United States? To
answer that question, try sharing the following screenshot from

Ask students: Do these pie charts show what you would have predicted? What was surprising? What
was something new that you learned? How does the U.S. differ from the rest of the world? How is it

Students may notice that Christianity is the largest faith both in the United States (79%) and
worldwide (33%). And while the U.S. is more diverse than most countries in terms of the number of
faiths it represents, in America the non-Christian faiths are present in much smaller percentages
than they are elsewhere around the globe. For example, less than 1% of Americans are Muslims,
compared to 21% worldwide. For more in-depth information on religions in America, see this Pew
Forum report.

Next, present the information on each religion using the nine mini articles (links to these articles also
appear in the "Religious Observances" table above):

 Christianity
 Islam
 Judaism
 Hinduism
 Sikhism
 Buddhism
 Taoism
 Shintoism
 Baha'i

For each religion, cover the following:

 Origins of the faith (When was it founded? Was there an identifiable founder?) Find detailed
information about the founding of various religions here.
 Whether it is monotheistic, polytheistic or nontheistic
 Where in the world most of the faith's adherents are located (the mini-articles have limited
information on this; in addition, provides a breakdown by country, and Encyclopedia
Britannica provides a breakdown by continent)
 Major beliefs or emphases
 Variations among followers of each religion (information on subgroups of each religion can
be found here). You'll want to make the point that we need to be careful not to stereotype
members of faith groups; religion is a public as well as a private affair.
 Scriptures or holy texts/books
 Key figures or individuals
 Major values or rules for human behavior
 Key holidays/holy days/religious observances
 What is unique about the religion (relative to others in the list of nine)
 What is similar about the religion (relative to others in the list of nine)

Ask students to take notes and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams or fact tables
(see Example 1 and Example 2) to help them process the information.

To extend the lesson, try one of the following:

1. Invite a class speaker who is a member of a faith that may be less familiar to students. Have
students prepare questions for the speaker ahead of time. If an in-person visit is not
possible, use online tools such as, Skype or Google+ Hangouts to hold a virtual
2. Individually or in groups, have students conduct further research and document their learning
with a Web tool such as, a cloud-based platform that allows for collaborative
research, highlighting/annotation, saving of images and more.

Wrap-Up/Assessment Options

 Ask students to go back to their journals or class chart paper to determine whether their
definition of religion needs revision. Reflect upon what changed in terms of students' conceptions
of religion.
 Have kids fill in the 'L" (what I learned) column of a KWL chart or make a concluding journal
entry that reflects knowledge gained about world religions.
 Administer a post-quiz that involves (1) rank-ordering religions by number of worldwide
adherents or (2) matching concepts with the corresponding religion. (See Introductory
Information for Students section above for quiz answers.)
 Ask students to create world-religion trivia quizzes and administer them to each other, or
facilitate a "Jeopardy!"-style class competition.
 Invite each student to share a new word, new practice/belief or new holiday/religious
observance with which s/he was previously unfamiliar. What was the most interesting or
surprising thing learned?
 Have students plan to share additional information about one of the 18 covered holidays (or
additional ones of their choice) at an appropriate future time during the school year. Consult the
BBC's interfaith calendar for ideas. Students should select holidays with which they are not
currently familiar. Suggestions for student sharing include: a PowerPoint presentation, poster,
photo essay, paper scrapbook, set of online bookmarks, or transcript of an interview with a faith
leader or person of a particular faith that is different from one's own.
 Challenge students to practice delivering two- to three-minute "nutshell reports" (brief
explanations of each religion for an audience that knows nothing about the faith)

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