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SIEMENS {22K Baha Encave Grid Station 132 KVSWITCH YARD Te ci nna ‘OPERATION CHECK LIST Fag tart ceo = Saunas Tare eae Electrical Function Test 2 tt oc ntl tEnekerg sah 2, wai Grannis nag a a iaeaaouatenag ag = 4 tune ini ox ‘breaker(), eae eae rose eee & Eula hieto ee ‘Manual Function Test 1, Opening ‘closing of breaker() OR. 4H; peal aby inh waked on 2. opening ig erthing ve) es 4 fag a Co Bsn = 5 ping is tir oar imimt ‘ fot . - nae. Sandal A Shas vee tedomad Zale stoma. NST. Sire Telit Bahra Town: name: Akire dT fsase Signoture:.... Bee Unrestricted ‘SIEMENS 152 Bata Erctave Gri Station —————SEE Test Certificate Boy: Line Bay.04 Seva No, 64025 “Tost Sot Model. CRIS XIAN, Ccatraton Vata: 1e1U:2078 Test Perormed On: 160-2018 Temperate: 30 CONTACT RESISTANCE TEST OF 432KV Line-1 ISOLATOR ‘Applied Current | R—Phase (yu) | Y-Phaseqia) | B-Phase (un) | 100 A 32.6 314 32.2 Romans, Siemens: tesco Tal Name: .Stadak Ads habe —_ Mubernsaedl Prloia Saure. Att snare Flere Bahria Town: ME Consult: fine sind TAsan nei liheet Pip Signature ‘Signature A “ff Unrestoted ‘SIEMENS 182K Bahria Enclave Grid Station — aor Test Certificate ay: Une Bay 01 SerlNo 35145602 Test SetModel Pury Test: GASOWIKA _—_Cataton Val: 0-08-2018 “Test Set Mode uePont Test SADP-GSHAW Calibration Vay, 09-03-2019 Temperate: 27°C “TestPertored On-06:1.2018 ‘SF-6 Purity Test of 132kV CB SF-6 Purity SF-6 Due Point i 99.9% BBC Renate IEScO Tal Sadat... vame-Alrarenand Eatenia space. ACA. saree ht vane Meet Basen pon eT hanno Pi Signat: aie ‘Slant: ai Unresited ‘SIEMENS: 432KV Bahia Enclave Grid Station Feta Test Certificate Bay: Line Bayt Sevial No 85145602 Test Set Mode! CRIB XIAN Caltrain Vaidiy: 6-0-2018 Test Performed On: 1610-2018 Tempectie:20°6 CONTACT RESISTANCE TESTS OF CB Applied Current R—Phase (pQ) Y—Phase (ua) B Phase (uQ) 100A 19.4 18.4 19.2 Remar, ‘Siemens: TESCO Tal name: Senda... Sha named ntiarr onan, Zileri sire. Basel, sora Atoll Bahra Town ME Copsutt Noms: name allt: ithawsmedt Ree ‘Stonature:, ‘Signature:..... ie rested {824 Bata Enclave Grid Station Test rtificate Boy: Line Bay 01 ‘Test Set Model: Megger (EGIL) “Test Performed on:16-10-2018 ‘Sera No 5148602 Calibration Vakty: 16:102018 Phase ‘pening Tro sy lacing Time fms) waa 33 ca Yaw aE a ie 3 35 ara, se Siemens: Iesco Tal name: Sadat Ahab name Adaleentonad ative siormine..fehe 7, sorannr Stile Batyia Town ME,consuit, wins a Dhsen name Ly Nicharmnead -Kefli- sia BA senate ‘SIEMENS ay Line Bay04 Test Set Model: CRI6 XIAN Test Peciormed On: 16-40-2018 ‘Seri No, 64018 CColtration Vatity: 16-10-2018 Temperature: 20°C CONTACT RESISTANCE TEST OF ISOLATOR (BUSBAR) [ | | Appliea current | R-Phase quay | y-Pnase qm) | B-Phase un) 400A 335 344 338 ont. Siemens: lESco Tal ane: Saadad. A Shab nave luhornmiad Zoho c arma... aed: se Fle ne ened Ese Unresticted Enclave Grd Station = aaa Bay: Line Bayt Seve No, 64018 Tost Set Model: CR XIAN CCalration vatisy: 16-10-2018 “Test Performed On: 16-10.2018 Temperature: 30°C CONTACT RESISTANCE TEST OF ISOLATOR (BUSBAR) pated Curent | R-Phase yar | Y-Phase ia) | B-Phave un) 100A 33.5 34.4 33.8 Remar. Unresticted tesco Tal . ame: Muhasrernech, elena span Alit———d wt Tanned RSH ‘Sionatur: ‘ ca [SIEMENS st ificate Bay Line Bayt Test Set Model: BIODLE -Av0220070 “est Peromed On: 1910-208 132K Batwa Enclave Grid Station | = PaRTaA Sera Ne, 35148602 ‘Caltration Vay: 28.06-20°0 Temperature: 32°C Hipot Test of 132kV CB [Applied Voltage: 70 kV , Leakage Gurrent | Leakage Cu Leakage Current Postion | 'Ruphace ia)’ | “YoPhase(ua)’ | “B=Phase (ut) on oa 08 03 on 44 18 12 a Siemens: lescoTal, name: Seaeled. A, Shah name aboeronted Pabeoder Sire... eat coneee Belts Bapyia we coneuz Dog ane Alan same elif. Madame IL, Siratre Sos: Unresteted “ SIEMENS. 132K Bahrla Enclave Gri Staton ‘CT MAGNETIZATION TEST | ‘est Gerficate —— Bay Line Bay.01 ‘Sena No, Protection CT 30132810-11-12 ‘eat Set Model: 1SA T 2,000 (Caated) “Test Performed On) 1810-2018 “Temperature: 28°C ‘STMAGNETIZATIONTEST —— VOLTAGE] euRRENT Core No | (vours) | 20 fa | mH cot ian ma 1200516 VA 08 | | | Core 2 ae ‘osama 12 (___265ma fsa am = 2a wazimA . a ‘30.23mA | Sores 186.0 63.76mA ; es a Unvented 2008, 56VR, OPES 30 tesco Ta! Nome: Muliraneicl, Baler ood Signature “7 sent be Mokorrmed kw Signature: Uncesticted — re |, SIEMENS aa {13240 Bahria Encla C& DF of Protection CT Bay Line Bay-01 Serial No, Prote Test Set Model: Wuhan HTIS-V Caliration Vac | Test Performed On: 15-'0-2018 \ | 8 DF OF 432KV CT | Protection CT ye ‘Aevied T Curent | Power | Power | Tee Selected Mode | Connection | Votage Factor aw | | m fo] c R aw | 1 | oom [ore]: ost y sw [18 | 0% | 02a £ ® sv | 1 | 00% | oass| 3 ema Siemer Name: Sedat Alt, Shel name:Aduharmonad Zelerba sare. ee sion Zeta Ban Tos ME Consult: ned icon: om! thane By Unrestricted [SIEMENs a ea Test Certificate 7 - Line Bay-1 CTs Ratio/Circuit Verification oy: Line Boy 04 Sei No, Protectan GF 90492010-11-12 Primary Test Curent: (4) ‘Secondary Ccrent 0.5 (A) Test Performs On: 26-10-2018 Test Set Model NIEKE (CT Rato.s2001600/3005 8 Cltration Vatity. 28-06-2019 crPas CT Ratio ‘Gore | Connections | Marshaling | Control Panel P Box ‘Ampere Distance 0 Meters Relay “0 “ coreot RN [os os rr 5 (coqs00a00'A) va [os os i : 15VA, 0.5810 r | BN fos 0s os 5 é | ay [os os 0s |= ve [os as 08 BR [os 0s rr 5 7 ‘oreo? RN [os 5 5 : 05 00/2001 (azoaie va [os ss és 05 ova, 10020 au fos 5 Ss 0s Ry [os 5 : 05 ve [os 5 : ws ae fos 5 cs rr Core RN fos - ow tx007e00/30018A, va [os 5 5 ro Unestited ‘30VA, 1020 Bx | os yes RY os T os Ys os 0s oR [os 7 FRemscks name: Saadad..ACl grab sere. AG. Bahria Town: Name: Angel Ld sate Ure voneduherrnnd Pabst SIEMENS “BAAV Babvia Enclave Grd Station ‘CT's Winding Resistonce Test PamTart ‘Test Gertficate Bay: Line Bay-01 Serial No. Protection CT 30132610-11-12 Test Sat Model: Fluke Muti Meter “Test Pesormed On: 18-10-2018, Temperate: 31°C ‘ST's Secondary Winding Resistence Test Phase Core Winding Resistence (2) astas2 030 aa 21282 040 351382 040 ss1as2 050 Yalow 21282 06a astase 060 sst-4s2 or Be 2si282 06a sstasz 050 Romans 7 Siemens: Name: Seaeled. AL Shab struc. Ne Bahria Town; Name: fee, Unrestricted | SIEMENS (Tinsulation Test Test Certificate Bay: Line Bay. 04 {02KV Bahra Enclave Grid Station | Protection CT Insulation Test Sera No Projection CT 20132810411-12 Test Set Mode: Kyra KEW 3128 Temperature: 29°C ea Calibration vatisy: 28-08-2019 “Tet Perormed Gn 190-2098 cries cones Tarmweuse | class BURDEN wae TE oF oy rae 257-282, 720015, T0P20, ‘COVA Set387 ‘amu 6 VR ree a0 i VR Protection CF sulation Test Tenia Heda ea (6a) | Yotow | Bue EG Pinan 6 ee 0 a} 3 Bina Cot 7 ia | atv Finan Coa a7 7H =| a} Fina Soe fs 7 Tl zaw | Cais 2 a iz zany cones 2 @ = Bak cas-8 a 7 rn ema. : . mens: IEScO Tal nave Sala hah name Miler, Patera, sit... AIP Sion Feld ml PR . ame: phrase Aten nad - efe, Signature: “SIEMENS 1S2AV Bali Enclave Test Certificate Bay: Line Bay-ot ‘Serial No, 64019 “Test Set Model: BIDDLE -AVO220070 Calibration Vetiy: 28-06-2018 “Test Performed On: 20-10-2018 Temperature: 30°C Hipot Test of 132kV Isolator(Busbar) ( Applied: 7 Leakage Current ‘Leakage Current Leakage Current Voltage R— Phase (yA) Y-Phase (yA) B-Phase (yA) roKv os os os as. Siemens: tesco Ts! name: Sead. Chale None Malracrmatad Balers log sone. ee sonar htt Batiip Town megaeut. Dy: ane: fia Namen fino Mehl « Nef ‘Signatures, - ‘Signature: ‘Urrestided

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