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Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements


Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity

ZACHARY T. BLOOMGARDEN, MD years of 9,439 children from this study
showed that abnormal maternal glucose
tolerance increased the likelihood of the
child’s weight being ⬎95th percentile,

his is the sixth of a series of articles signed to treatment with dietary advice,
based on presentations at the Amer- self-monitoring, and insulin as required suggesting GDM to be a modifiable risk
ican Diabetes Association (ADA) or to routine care (2). There was gesta- factor, particularly in nonmacrosomic-at-
Scientific Sessions held 5–9 June 2009 in tional weight gain of 8.1 vs. 9.8 kg, and birth children (9). Thus, excess weight
New Orleans, Louisiana. adverse fetal outcomes occurred in 7 of gain increases LGA risk, risk of preterm
506 infants in the intervention group ver- delivery, and risk of childhood metabolic
Gestational diabetes mellitus sus 23 of 524 infants in the routine care syndrome and obesity, and excessive ma-
In a symposium on advances in the un- group; incidences of large for gestational ternal weight gain is a risk factor across all
derstanding of obesity and weight gain age (LGA) status and macrosomia were ranges of glucose intolerance; one cannot
during pregnancy, Teresa A. Hillier (Port- reduced, and those was no increased risk “just think about the glucose.”
land, OR) discussed the implications that of small for gestational age (SGA) status. Ellen A. Nohr (Aarhus, Denmark)
pregnancy weight gain in gestational dia- Similar findings were reported in the Na- discussed risks associated with pregnancy
betes mellitus (GDM) has for the fetus. tional Institute of Child Health and Hu- weight gain in terms of outcomes for the
Much of the discussion following her lec- man Development (NICHD) maternal mother and child. An issue with the IOM
ture and those of the other speakers con- fetal study (3). (I have criticized what I guidelines is the assessment of whether
cerned the May 2009 guidelines of the consider lack of “clinical equipoise” in the optimal weight gain for the infant is opti-
Institute of Medicine (IOM) for weight design of this study, in which the women mal for the mother. She addressed this in
gain during pregnancy ( in the control group [and their caregivers] an analysis of 60,892 pregnancies in the
pregnancyweightgain), which suggest were deliberately not informed of the re- Danish National Birth Cohort (10). Moth-
that recommendations to patients be sults of their OGTTs [4], despite our ex- ers were categorized by prepregnancy
based on prepregnancy BMI. For BMI lev- tensive knowledge of benefit of treatment BMI, and gestational weight gain was sub-
els ⬍18.5, 18.5–24.9, 25–29.9, and ⬎30 of GDM summarized above and else- divided at ⬍10 kg (13%), 10 –15 kg
kg/m2, weight gain ranges are suggested where [5].) Hillier also pointed out that (45%), 16 –19 kg (21%), and ⬎20 kg
at 28 – 40, 25–35, 15–25, and 11–20 macrosomia increases the risk of meta- (21%). Outcomes studied included in-
pounds, respectively, and the recom- bolic syndrome developing in the chil- fants who were SGA and LGA, delivered
mended rates of weight gain are 1–1.3, dren at age 6 –11 years (6). by Caesarean section, and maternal
0.8 –1, 0.5– 0.7, and 0.4 – 0.6 pounds/ In an observational study of outcomes weight retention of ⱖ5 kg 6 months post-
week. associated with gestational weight gain partum. SGA risk was markedly increased
GDM is defined as any degree of glu- among ⬃30,000 women with GDM, with low weight gain only in the under-
cose intolerance with onset or first recog- greater weight gain increased the likeli- weight group, although its frequency was
nition during pregnancy. Hillier noted the hood of need for insulin, of preterm de- somewhat greater with low gain in all
lack of consensus on screening and diag- livery, and of macrosomia, although it baseline weight groups. LGA and Caesar-
nostic criteria for GDM. In the U.S. two reduced the likelihood of low birth ean section risks showed similar patterns,
steps are used, a 1-h 50-g glucose chal- weight (7). When stratified by weight gain occurring most often in the overweight
lenge followed by a 75- or 100-g oral glu- before versus after diagnosis of GDM, and obese groups with greatest weight
cose tolerance test (OGTT); outside the both were associated with an increase in gain. The weight retention 6 months post-
U.S., a 2-h 75-g OGTT is recommended. the need for insulin, while preterm deliv- partum was greatest with greater preg-
The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Preg- ery rates increased only with weight gain nancy weight gain in all groups, but was
nancy Outcome (HAPO) study of provid- that occurred prior to GDM diagnosis. of greatest consequence in those with
ers blinded to GDM status reported Thus, weight gain prior to onset of GDM greater baseline weight. Nohr concluded
correlations between fasting, 1-h, and 2-h is important. (Studies presented at the that ideal weight gain varies with baseline
glucose levels and adverse outcomes, in- ADA meeting further addressing this weight and appears to be 20 kg in under-
cluding Caesarian section (1). The Aus- topic are discussed below.) Hillier de- weight, 16 –19 kg in normal weight,
tralian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in scribed her study of ⬃40,000 mother- 10 –15 kg in overweight, and ⬍10 kg in
Pregnant Women (ACHOIS) was a ran- child pairs, in which women with obese women.
domized controlled trial of 1,000 women increasingly abnormal levels of glucose A follow-up study (11) compared
with normal fasting glucose not having tolerance had greater risk of adverse out- findings among ⬃27,000 primiparous
GDM by World Health Organization cri- come with greater weight gain (8). Fol- and ⬃32,000 multiparous women in the
teria (2-h glucose 140 –199 mg/dl) as- low-up observations of weight at age 5–7 overall dataset. Among the latter, the risk
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● of SGA was lower, perhaps justifying
Zachary T. Bloomgarden, MD, is a practicing endocrinologist in New York, New York, and is affiliated with lower weight gain recommendations in
the Division of Endocrinology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York. this group of 10 –15 kg for underweight,
DOI: 10.2337/dc10-zb05
© 2010 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly
5–9 kg for normal weight, and, perhaps,
cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons. ⬍5 kg both for overweight and obese
org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. multiparous women. “These suggestions



[…] are meant to start a good discussion,” pathologic distension of myometrium. Ges- of cases. (Abstract numbers refer to the
she noted, rather than be definitive. Re- tational weight gain is also associated with Abstracts of the 69th Scientific Sessions of
gardless of parity, the risk of postpartum childhood obesity (14,15), as well as with the American Diabetes Association, Dia-
weight retention was greater with increas- higher blood pressure (16). betes, Vol. 58, Supplement 1, 2009.) Hed-
ing weight gain, and the highest risk of Lu explained that the new IOM derson and Ferrara (abstract 83)
LGA was in obese women. guidelines suggest new different cutoffs compared 345 women with GDM with
Michael C. Lu (Los Angeles, CA), who for prepregnancy BMI, a new weight rec- 800 control subjects, and found that
participated in the committee to reexam- ommendation of 5–9 kg (11–20 pounds) women who gained 0.27– 0.4 and ⬎0.4
ine IOM pregnancy weight guidelines, re- weight gain for obese women, raising the kg/week had a 1.5- and 1.6-fold increase
viewed the rationale for reexamining possibility that ⬍5 kg weight gain might in the likelihood of GDM, thus offering a
weight gain recommendations. In 1990, be associated with even more favorable way of identifying and intervening for
he explained, the primary concern was outcomes, particularly in those with a women at particular risk. Yeung et al. (ab-
preventing low birth weight, but now the BMI ⬎35 kg/m2. He noted, however, that stract 84) analyzed 21,632 women from
obesity epidemic has become a much there is an obligatory weight gain of 5–9 the Nurses’ Health Study II with at least
greater concern (12), not only in the gen- kg based on fetal and placental weight and one singleton pregnancy between 1989
eral population, but also, in particular, that restrictive weight guidelines could and 2001, 1,405 with GDM, with weight
among women prior to pregnancy (13). lead to ketonemia, which in turn might gain from age 18 years, and prepregnancy
Excessive weight gain during pregnancy lead to an adverse outcome. waist circumference associated with in-
has become more common over the past Naomi E. Stotland (San Francisco, creased risk; particularly high risk was
four decades, particularly among women CA) further reviewed the new IOM guide- seen in women with a birth weight ⬍5.5
who are overweight and obese, and “the lines, from the perspective that existing pounds and high prepregnancy BMI.
more weight gain during pregnancy, the interventions are insufficient in helping Qvigstad et al. (abstract 99-LB) per-
more weight retained after pregnancy,” so women gain appropriate amounts of formed OGTTs in 1,032 pregnant Scan-
that women who gain excessive weight weight during pregnancy. Certainly, dinavian women, comparing 2002–2005
during pregnancy “never get back to their women should be informed of the impor- versus 2005–2008. Although BMI at
prepregnancy weight,” while obese tance of optimizing preconception BMI, weeks 14 –16 was lower, at 24.9 vs. 24.1
women who gain weight within the and prenatal care should include counsel- kg/m2, there was similar weight gain of
guidelines often are able to maintain ing on diet and physical activities. 10.6 vs. 10.4 kg during pregnancy, and
lower weight after the pregnancy, sug- In a population-based sample in the prevalence of GDM at weeks 30 –32
gesting that pregnancy weight gain may 2004 –2005, 45.9% of obese women actually increased somewhat, from 10.6
be a driver of the obesity epidemic. gained ⬎25 pounds during pregnancy; to 12.5%.
Consequences of gestational weight weight gain for overweight and obese Owens et al. (abstract 320) studied
gain, as discussed by the previous speak- women is above the new guidelines for 1,441 women with normal glucose toler-
ers, include increased risk of Caesarean more than half (17). Pregnancy might be ance at 24 –28 weeks of pregnancy, find-
delivery and increased risk of postpartum considered “a teachable moment” for ing that overweight women had greater
weight retention, with maternal prepreg- women to learn appropriate lifestyle be- rates of macrosomia and were more likely
nancy weight status an important predic- haviors, and studies of prenatal advice do to have miscarriage and Caesarian section
tor of health outcomes. The IOM group show benefit (18,19), although approxi- and had higher birth weight. Crume et al.
identified 11 studies of gestational weight mately one-third of women state they are (abstract 259) studied 250 children age
gain. Four reported that weight gain not given such advice during pregnancy. 6 –13 years, 46 of whom were exposed to
above guideline levels was associated with Studies have shown that interventions are maternal diabetes in utero. After adjust-
abnormal glucose tolerance, but three re- effective when applied. A study of 160 ment for age, sex, and race/ethnicity,
ported that less weight gain was associ- obese pregnant women showed 2.6 kg Owens et al. found that abdominal sub-
ated with higher rates of GDM, and four less weight gain during pregnancy in par- cutaneous adipose tissue was greater in
studies reported no association, so that ticipants (20), with evidence that exercise the latter group, while there was no dif-
the direction of causality of negative stud- plus diet advice may be particularly help- ference in BMI or visceral fat. Gunderson
ies was uncertain. The group found no ful (21). Such interventions may also im- et al. (abstract 314) presented informa-
studies of the effect of gestational weight prove glucose tolerance (22). Additional tion on 1,390 initially nulliparous women
gain on development of metabolic disor- approaches include giving women scales, aged 18 –30 years without metabolic syn-
ders later in the woman’s life. Studies of pedometers, and graphic tools to follow drome in 1985–1986, and reexamined 7,
the relationship between gestational their ongoing progress. 10, 15, and/or 20 years later with 9,993
weight gain and hypertensive disorders of A number of studies presented at the person-years of observation. A total of
pregnancy also reported inconsistent ADA meetings discussed other aspects of 704 had one or more singleton pregnan-
findings. There is definite evidence of as- GDM. Kim et al. (abstract 82) analyzed cies; 120 developed metabolic syndrome,
sociation of gestational weight gain with birth certificate data from seven states, with incidence rates (independent of
LGA, and there is weaker evidence of an finding GDM in 4%; for BMI 25.1–29.9, weight gain and lifestyle) decreasing as
increased likelihood of preterm birth, with 30 –34.9, and ⬎35 kg/m2, the risk was lactation duration increased from 0 to 1
potential mechanisms including activation 2.2-, 2.4-, and 4.5-fold greater than that month to ⬎9 months. The protective ef-
of the maternal-fetal hypothalamic- with normal weight, with these groups ac- fect was particularly noteworthy among
pituitary-adrenal axis, amniochorionic- counting for 15.7, 9.7, and 18.7% of the 84 women who had had GDM.
decidual or systemic inflammation, GDM, respectively, so that lifestyle inter- Chen et al. (abstract 939) reported
uteroplacental ischemia or thrombosis, and vention could in principle eliminate 44% that, among 13,475 women who reported DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 5, MAY 2010 e61

Perspectives on the News

at least one singleton pregnancy between ipose tissue in proportion to the adipose be transitory, but Leibel’s studies have
1991 and 2001 in the Nurses’ Health tissue mass, acting as a signal primarily in demonstrated it to remain after 3–5 years
Study II, cumulative average intake of the arcuate nucleus of the brainstem to (29).
sugar-sweetened beverages was associ- regulate energy intake and expenditure, The hypothalamus must have up-
ated with risk of GDM. Those who con- with neuropeptide (NP) Y/Aguoti-related ward signaling actions to change learning
sumed ⬎4 servings per month had a 22% protein (AgRP) neurons orexogenic, driv- and behavior, and indeed effects of leptin
greater risk than those who consumed ⬍1 ing food intake, while pro-opiomelano- are seen at such levels (30). In persons
serving per month. Sugar-sweetened cola, cortin (POMC)-containing neurons with congenital leptin deficiency, func-
but not other sugar-sweetened carbon- produce ␣-melanocyte stimulating hor- tional magnetic resonance imaging
ated beverages or fruit punch, was associ- mone (MSH) to reduce food intake (24). (fMRI) shows reduction in the activity of
ated with particular risk. Retnakaran et al. Leptin suppresses NPY/AgRP and in- specific brain regions that increase food
(abstract 1,007) found that adiponectin creases POMC, while its withdrawal has intake behavior with leptin treatment
levels among 487 women tested in the the opposite effects. Leptin action may be (31). In such studies, the medial and lat-
second and third trimesters of pregnancy considered as exhibiting threshold ef- eral hippocampus and caudate nucleus,
were associated not only with GDM, but fects, with the setting of the thresholds which dampen the hedonic impact of
also with postpartum levels of fasting glu- related to genetic, developmental, and food, show decreased fMRI activity with
cose and with insulin sensitivity and other influences, so that obese individuals weight loss, and the insular cortex, which
␤-cell function. Chamarthi et al. (abstract have higher set-points than do lean indi- mediates food/taste sensibility, shows in-
321) reported that among 56 pregnancies viduals. When the leptin concentration creased activity with weight loss; these
with pregestational diabetes, maternal exceeds the threshold, food intake de- changes are reversed by administration of
microalbuminuria was associated with creases, while at lower levels the individ- leptin. Hunger increases and satiety de-
lower birth weight. ual behaves as though leptin-deficient. In creases with weight loss, and leptin nor-
A number of studies addressed ethnic studies of persons maintained on liquid malizes these effects.
and genetic factors associated with GDM. diets, initially at a stable basal weight and Leibel described the compensatory
Lawrence et al. (abstract 87) found that, then reducing body weight by 10%, total process as “the perfect storm for weight
among women of Asian ancestry, com- energy expenditure decreased by 450 regain” after weight loss, since energy in-
pared to those born outside North Amer- kcal, of which 350 was from nonresting take is not adjusted to maintain lower
ica, GDM occurred more commonly with and 100 from resting energy expenditure, weight, but, by reducing leptin levels,
Japanese and Southeast Asian and less without change in the thermic effect of there is both increased food intake and
commonly with Chinese and Filipina an- food. Examining these persons on a bicy- decreased energy expenditure. The
cestry. Freathy et al. (abstract 80) studied cle ergometer, at low energy expenditure threshold idea has a number of implica-
5,528 Asian and Europid women at 28 a large fraction of the change in nonrest- tions. In rat models, ventromedial hypo-
weeks of pregnancy. Allelic variants in ing energy expenditure was accounted for thalamus lesions lead to chronic weight
GCK were associated with elevated fasting by an increase in the mechanical effi- increase, which may mimic effects of neu-
and 1-h glucose level, as well as with ele- ciency of exercising skeletal muscle (25). ronal loss of aging, while lateral hypotha-
vated cord C-peptide levels and birth In animal studies, starvation causes NPY lamic lesions lead to chronic reduction in
weight, while variants in TCF7L2 were and AgRP to increase and POMC to de- body weight, as seen in anorexia nervosa
more strongly associated with 1- and 2-h crease, with reversal by administration of and in cachectic illness. The defense
than with fasting glucose elevations, and leptin (26). When low-dose leptin was against gain of body fat appears to be
not with fetal differences. Sathananthan et administered to persons weight-stabilized much weaker than that against weight
al. (abstract 220), however, studied 190 at a lower body weight to restore prior loss, and it appears possible that with
nondiabetic persons (fasting glucose ⬍7 circulating concentrations, the energy ex- chronic weight gain the threshold may
mmol/l/l), finding the diabetes-associated penditure reduction was rectified, and the gradually increase. In animal studies with
(T) allele at rs7903146 of TCF7L2 was as- improved exercise efficiency also re- high-fat feeding to increase weight for
sociated with a 35– 44% reduction in in- turned to its prior level (27). Muscle bi- long periods followed by weight reduc-
sulin sensitivity rather than with impaired opsy studies showed that leptin increased tion, energy expenditure is reduced, sug-
insulin secretion. Hayes et al. (abstract phosphofructokinase and decreased cy- gesting that, in contrast to the effect of
187) found a polymorphism encoding cloxygenase, leading to reversal of the weight loss, weight gain may lead to a per-
threonine to isoleucine change in exon 4 fatty acid–preferring muscle metabolism sistently changed set-point. A number of
of the HNF4A gene to be associated with in individuals after weight loss (28). Lep- molecular effects might determine the
fetal size, particularly with head tin also led to reversal of the decrease in plasticity of this threshold: changes in
circumference. sympathetic tone seen in the weight loss gene transcription, in neuronal connec-
state, with increased epinephrine excre- tivity, or in growth of new neuronal cell
Obesity tion, and there was low T3 and T4 in the bodies or in migration of circulating
Rudolph Leibel (New York, NY) dis- weight-reduced state, which also was nor- monocytes to form new glial elements. In
cussed leptin biology in the context of malized by leptin. Thus, the bioenergetics vitro studies show leptin to increase arcu-
weight perturbation and its relevance to of reduced body weight are such that ate neuronal density. Thus, responses to
the treatment of obesity. In a study of weight loss reduces the caloric require- weight loss may involve endocrine/
body weight changes induced in rodents ment for weight maintenance, and this is paracrine change, while weight gain may
by under- or overfeeding, energy require- restored by leptin administration in these engender structural changes. There is a
ments deviated in a compensatory fashion studies. The reduction in energy expendi- great deal of resistance to weight loss, Lei-
(23). Leptin is a hormone secreted by ad- ture with weight loss does not appear to bel summarized, which leads to develop-



ment of a hypometabolic, physiologically ciated with modest weight loss, but the Hammarstedt et al. (abstract 148) de-
stressed state, whereas the goal should be combination clearly leads to greater ef- scribed in vitro studies of WISP-2, se-
the restoration of normal physiology. fect. Intent-to-treat analyses, however, creted by adipose tissue with increased
Louis J. Aronne (New York, NY) re- show less effect, as some 40 –50% of pa- expression in obesity and associated with
viewed obesity pharmacotherapy, focus- tients drop out, leading Arone to suggest decreased insulin action. WISP-2 pre-
ing on combination therapy approaches. that completer analyses are preferable in vents differentiation of preadipocytes into
He extended the discussion of “why it is understanding the clinical effects of adipocytes by maintaining Wnt-signaling
so hard to lose weight,” noting the large weight loss medications. Similar effects pathway activation and inhibiting perox-
number of central factors stimulating were seen with the combination of the an- isome proliferator–activated receptor
food intake (NPY, AgRP, galanin, ticonvulsant zonisamide with bupropion. (PPAR)-␥ in a fashion counteracted by
orexin-A, dynorphin, and endocannabi- With the combination of the anticonvul- PPAR-␥ ligands. WISP-2 induced prolif-
noids), as well as those reducing food in- sant topiramate and phentermine (the lat- eration, inflammation, and expression of
take (␣-MSH, CRH, GLP-1, CART, ter approved in 1959) in doses one- macrophage attractants in preadipocytes,
norepinephrine, and 5-HT), with myriad quarter to one-half of those typically used and increased adhesion of monocytes to
afferent signals from the gut and liver with both agents, weight loss again was endothelial cells, suggesting a role in adi-
(ghrelin, GLP-1, CCK, vagal input), the seen, with acceptable although definite pocyte dysfunction in obesity, as well as a
pancreas (amylin, insulin), the adipocyte side effects, including paresthesia in 16 – potential therapeutic target.
(leptin), and the adrenal cortex, and with 23% vs. 3% of those on placebo and dry Campos et al. (abstract 34) compared
CNS signals having a variety of effects me- mouth in 13 and 19% versus none on pla- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, gastric band-
diated by the autonomic nervous system cebo. An increase in depression and other ing, and calorie restriction without sur-
in changing food intake and energy ex- psychiatric issues were not reported, al- gery in 18 patients with a mean BMI 48.8
penditure (32,33). This appears to ex- though there was insomnia in 10 –12% kg/m2. Fasting insulin and the glucose in-
plain the plateauing phenomenon caused vs. 6%. In a 24-week study, 3% weight fusion rate during a euglycemic insulin
by lack of leptin, which leads to a reduc- loss was seen with pramlintide alone, but clamp were comparable in the two
tion in energy expenditure and an in- 11% weight loss was seen when given in groups, although there was greater insu-
crease in hunger seen with buproprion, combination with either sibutramine or lin clearance in the bypass group. Post-
sibutramine, phentermine, and the ma- phentermine; increased blood pressure prandial insulin and GLP-1 levels
jority of pharmacologic approaches to re- was seen with sibutramine and, to a lesser increased in the bypass group, but not
duction in appetite. Similarly, in the extent, with phentermine, and both were with caloric restriction. Salehi et al. (ab-
Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) Study, associated with tachycardia, insomnia, stract 150) compared 11 individuals who
with a variety of bariatric surgery ap- and dry mouth, leading Aronne to suggest had hypoglycemia after gastric bypass
proaches, there was a rather abrupt cessa- that further studies are needed with even with 10 individuals who did not. The re-
tion in weight loss once a certain level had lower doses of the agents. Animal models searchers showed a similar insulin secre-
been reached (34). show that the combination of leptin and tion in response to parenteral glucose, as
How, Aronne asked, may one over- amylin increases weight loss. A human well as an enhanced incretin effect of in-
come this? It is surely incorrect to blame study of the combination of pramlintide sulin secretion in response to a liquid
the patient and to say, “You do not want to (in a 360 ␮g twice daily dose, exceeding mixed meal; there was a similar reduction
lose weight!” Patients prefer banding pro- the 15–120 ␮g three times daily usually in this effect by ⬃50% with the GLP-1
cedures, which involve lesser surgery, used in diabetes) and meterleptin 5 mg antagonist exendin (9-39) in both groups
leading Aronne to wonder whether com- twice daily showed that the agents alone in comparison to nonsurgical control
binations of surgery with pharmacother- result in a 7% weight loss, but the combi- subjects. Gastric bypass does then in-
apy might allow greater weight reduction nation of the two results in a 13% weight crease incretin response, with GLP-1 ac-
with such approaches. In an animal loss in completers at 20 weeks (36). In an counting for half of this effect, but
study, the combination of sibutramine animal model, peptide YY (3–36), leptin, hypoglycemia appeared to have no rela-
with replacement-dose leptin led to and amylin led to weight loss comparable tionship to these changes. McEwen et al.
greater weight loss than with either agent to that seen with Roux-en-Y bypass sur- (abstract 179) calculated cost-utility of
alone (35), suggesting such a synergistic gery. “This is the future,” Aronne con- bariatric surgery at approximately
approach. Although such results have not cluded, looking ahead to a better $15,000 per quality-adjusted life-year
been seen consistently seen in humans, it understanding of appropriate targets, gained among 221 persons having proce-
may be that the correct doses and forms of treatments using rational combinations of dures between 2001 and 2005; BMI de-
administration of leptin and other agents drugs, and effective combinations of creased from 51 to 31 kg/m2 in women
have not yet been studied. drugs with surgery. and from 59 to 35 kg/m2 in men. Sensi-
A number of novel combination obe- A number of studies at the ADA meet- tivity analyses showed it to be more cost-
sity treatments are being investigated in ing addressed further aspects of obesity effective in older patients, women,
clinical trials: phentermine plus topira- and its treatment. Prabhakar et al. (ab- whites, more obese patients, nondiabetic
mate (Qnexa) by Vivus, bupropion plus stract 33) studied polymorphisms of per- patients, and when performed
naltrexone (Contrave) and bupropion ilipin, which controls lipid storage and laparoscopically.
plus zonisamide (Empatic) from Orexi- metabolism in adipocytes and steroid- Wadden et al. (abstracts 37 and
gen, and pramlintide plus leptin from producing cells, finding that different 1,731) and Klein et al. (abstract 1,730)
Amylin. Naltrexone, which is used in the variants were associated with greater or administered naltrexone 32 mg plus bu-
treatment of alcoholism, is not associated lesser weight loss on high– or low– propion 360 mg daily versus placebo to
with weight loss, and buproprion is asso- glycemic load calorie-restricted diets. 793 overweight persons. Fifty-eight per- DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 5, MAY 2010 e63

Perspectives on the News

cent of the participants completed the tion, in keeping with short-loop feedback duction in diabetes development over
56-week study; those administered nal- inhibition by insulin of ␤-cell function. that in those not consuming alcohol, ad-
trexone plus bupropion experienced a Ruiz-White et al. (abstract 556) adminis- justed for age, BMI, fasting plasma glu-
9.3% weight loss, as compared to 5.1% tered the PTP-1B inhibitor trodusquemine cose, cigarette smoking, family history of
weight loss among those on placebo. Side in a rodent model, finding improvement in diabetes, walking to work, and regular lei-
effects were nausea in 34% vs. 11%, head- glycemia in association with weight loss. sure-time physical activity. The protective
ache in 24% vs. 18%, constipation in 24% Ellis et al. (abstract 35) studied prev- association was not seen among those
vs. 14%, insomnia in 9% vs. 6%, and anx- alence and effects of obesity in a clinic consuming alcohol ⬍3 days weekly.
iety in 5% vs. 4%. Depression occurred in seeing ⬎1,000 type 1 diabetic patients Wang et al. studied diet characteris-
2% vs. 4%, the lower level in the active annually. From 2000 to 2005, the preva- tics among 146 Indian Americans living
arm concordant with the known antide- lence of BMI ⬎30 kg/m2 increased from in the U.S., 28% of who had type 2 dia-
pressant effect of bupropion, and con- 10.4% to 15.7%. Systolic blood pressure betes. Comparing tertiles of protein in-
firmed with a standardized depression was 119 mmHg in nonobese versus 130 take adjusted for dietary calories, age, sex,
score instrument. Two patients devel- mmHg in obese persons, although A1C hypertension, and waist circumference,
oped cholecystitis during rapid weight was similar at 8.4% vs. 8.1%. those in the middle and highest tertiles
loss. Aronne et al. (abstract 119) admin- were 3.0- and 4.2-fold more likely to have
istered placebo versus phentermine plus Diet diabetes than those in the lowest tertile.
topiramate to 756 nondiabetic persons for 6 Powers et al. (abstract 179) performed
months, showing ⬃2% vs. 9% weight loss. continuous glucose monitoring in 14 type
Smith et al. (abstract 96-LB) administered 2 diabetic persons treated with metformin References
the 5-hydroxytriptophan2C antagonist during two moderate and two high- 1. HAPO Study Cooperative Research
lorcaserin 10 mg twice daily versus pla- carbohydrate lunches, showing a higher Group, Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Dyer AR,
cebo to 3,182 persons. Of these, 54% vs. 4-h area under the glucose curve, mean Trimble ER, Chaovarindr U, Coustan DR,
45% completed 1 year, and of these, 74% glucose, peak glucose, and longer time to Hadden DR, McCance DR, Hod M, McIn-
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