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a. Verbal Simple Present (Simple Present yang menggunakan kata kerja)

+ Subject + Verb 1 + Object

I speak English.
She speaks English.

- Subject + DON'T / DOESN'T + Verb 1 + Object

I don't speak English.
She doesn't speak English.

? DO / DOES + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?

Do you speak English?
Does she speak English?

? Question Word + DO/ DOES + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?

Why do you speak English everyday?

b. Nominal Simple Present (Simple Present yang tidak mempunyai kata


+ Subject + To be + Non Verb / Object

You are a teacher.
She is a teacher.

- Subject + To be + NOT + Non Verb / Object

You are not a teacher.
She is not a teacher.

? To be + Subject + Non Verb / Object?

Are you a teacher?
Is she a teacher?

? Question Word + To be + Subject + Non Verb / Object?

What are you?
Where is your sister?

 Penggunaan

A. Sesuatu yang dilakukan berulang-ulang. Contoh:

I play football.
B. Fakta atau sesuatu yang umum. Contoh:
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia..
C. Kegiatan yang sudah direncanakan. Contoh:
The plane arrives tonight at 9 P.M..
D. Sesuatu yang terjadi sekarang. Contoh:
I am a Junior High School student.

 Kata keterangan waktu untuk Simple Present Tense:

Every hour, every minute, every morning, everyday, in the morning, once a week, on
Sunday, at five o’clock and so on.


Change into negative and interrogative form!

1. (+) I read a mystery novel now.

(- )

2. (+) A bus to Bogor leaves at 9 o’clock today.


3. (+) My family exercises together every Sunday.


4. (+) The phone rings several times.


5. (+) My sister and I go to the mountain this holiday.


6. (+) My grandfather plants some vegetables in his garden.


7. (+) My husband likes coffee for breakfast.

8. (+) I know this area very well.

9. (+) We watch a play at the theater.


10. (+) Gary works ten hours a day.


 Write the correct form of the auxiliary verb "To be" in present tense.

Example: I (be)_____ am _______ happy.

11. I (be) _____________________tired.

12. I (be) _____________________ late!
13. He (be) _________________________cool.
14. She (be) ___________________________pretty.
15. It (be) ____________________________fast.
16. You (be) ______________________________nice.
17. They (be) _____________________________funny.
18. Tiffany and Uma (be) __________________________my friends.
19. Salwa (be) ___________________________kind.
20. The test (be) ______________________________hard.

 Underline the correct words in the brackets.

21. Della (love, loves) candy.

22. The girls (dance, dances) well.
23. The teacher (teach, teaches) us grammar.
24. The baby (cry, cries).
25. The shop (open, opens) at 9 o’clock.
26. They (grow, grows) fruit plants.
27. We (enjoy, enjoys) playing games.
28. Banu (write, writes) short stories online.
29. Birds (fly, flies) in the sky.
30. The cow (eat, eats) grass.

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