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Transient Stability (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc PROPRIETARY 5. CONFIDENTIAL Topics Jetap ¢ What is Transient Stability (TS) « What Causes System Unstable ¢ Effects When System Is Instable ¢ Transient Stability Definition ¢ Modeling and Data Preparation « ETAP TS Study Outputs « Power System TS Studies ¢ Solutions to Stability Problems What is Transient Stability Yetap ¢ TS is also called Rotor Angle Stability >» Something between mechanical system and electrical system — energy conversion * It is a Electromechanical Phenomenon >Time frame in milliseconds ¢ All Synchronous Machines Must Remain in Synchronism with One Another >» Synchronous generators and motors >This is what system stable or unstable means Introduction (cont’d) Qotap « System protection requires consideration of: >Critical Fault Clearing Time (CFCT) >Critical Separation Time (CST) > Fast load transferring >Load Shedding >... What Causes System Unstable Toran * In real operation > Short-circuit > Loss of excitation >Prime mover failure >Loss of utility connections >Loss of a portion of in-plant generation > Starting of a large motor > Switching operations > Impact loading on motors > Sudden large change in load and generation (© 1996-2008 Operation Technology, Inc. - Workshop Notes: Transient Stability Slice Effects When System Is Instable Qotap ¢ Synchronous machine slip poles — generator tripping ¢ Power swing ¢ Misoperation of protective devices ¢ Interruption of critical loads * Low-voltage conditions — motor drop-offs *« Damage to equipment « Area wide blackout Synchronous Machines Setap ¢ Torque Equation (generator case) T = mechanical torque P =number of poles dair = ait-gap flux F,, = rotor field MMF o =rotor angle (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Synchronous Machines Qotap (cont’d) * Swing Equation oi s d“é dé a a ss 2 +1 mech Flee M = inertia constant D = damping constant Pmech = input mechanical power Peg = Output electrical power Rotor Angle Responses Jetap Rotor angle & 0 05 10 15 720 25 30 Time in seconds + Case 1: Steady-state stable + Case 2: Transient stable * Case 3: Small-signal unstable + Case 4: First swing unstable (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Power and Rotor Angle ® (Classical 2-Machine Yefap Example) 6 | Line " Xe XL Xu ae ome P Ey 25 Power and Rotor Angle Veta (cont’d) = #1aP Power and Rotor Angle a (Parallel Lines) Both Lines In Service Setap a P. with both circuits I/S Pah Pout 0 5,5, 90 180° © 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL One Line Out of Service Jetap P P, with one circuit O/S Pig-t+— Piao" o 88,8, 90 180° (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Sle 14 Equal Area Criterion Jetap P, = P,,,,sind (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Equal Area Criterion J P, - pre-fault P. ~ post-fault ; f P. - during fault getap t(s) (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Equal Area - Stable Jetap J P. ~ pre-fault P, - post-fault P, - during fault (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Equal Area — Unstable Jetap Pe ~ pre-fault P, - post-fault P., - during fault t(s) (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Equal Area - Unstable Jetap P, ~ pre-fault P, - post-fault P. - during fault (b) t(s) (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Power System Stability Limit * Steady-State Stability Limit 4 getap > After small disturbance, the synchronous generator reaches a steady state operating condition identical or close to the pre- disturbance > Limit: 6 < 90° Power System Stability Limit (con’d) ¢ Transient and Dynamic Stability Limit 4 getap > After a severe disturbance, the synchronous generator reaches a steady-state operating condition without a prolonged loss of synchronism > Limit: 6< 180° during swing > Machine > Exciter and AVR > Prime Mover and Governor / Load Torque > Power System Stabilizer (PSS) (Generator) Slide 22 Modeling and Data Preparation , TEES ay Tl cai T set nag oe feo Ornat —Ormis Cate om ae SS) Cm) a[e] v6(@) eC] smear] [a8] woe) Ce a =) C0] mS] wre] em] one] "Ce Ce o] Ce we 7 — Ch emer esas AW Ie osag= aw Sle “eT ae oat [neta enna mw Ete Le fee Tia aT tntsfise feet oe Ta re ac i) (ae) (ie) (fh (See to ry a) (ot) fame) oC 8 CE) Gea a= Bae Die) asag~ aR Ges (© 1996-2008 Operation Technology, Inc. - Workshop Notes: Transient Stabity Slide 23 Modeling and Data Preparation * Typical synchronous machine data © 1996-2009 Operation Technology Parameters Hydraulic Unit | Thermal Unit Synchronous Xd 06-15 1.0-2.3 Reactance xq [04-10 10-23 Transient Xd" 02-05 0.15 -0.4 Reactance xq’ 02-05 0.3-1.0 ‘Subtransient xe [o1s-035 [012-025 Reactance xq” 0.2-0.45 0.12 - 0.25 Transient Open Circuit Tdo’ |1.5-9.0 3.0- 10.0 Time Constant Tao’ [15-90 05-20 Subtransient Open Circuit |Tdo” [001-008 | 0.02-0.05 Time Constant Tqo” | 0.01 - 0.09 0.02 - 0.05 Stator Leakage Inductance |x! [01-02 01-02 ‘Stator Resistance Ra |0.002-0.02 [0.0018 - 0.005 Note: R and X in pu on machine base, Tin sec. Workshop Notes: Transient Stability Slide 24 Modeling and Data Preparation Toran ¢ Induction Machine > Machine > Load Torque BEB gw “a es || BEB Be “2 Se Modeling and Data Preparation Toran ¢ Power Grid > Short-Circuit Capability » Fixed internal voltage and infinite inertia OOO @) es) (© 1996-2008 Operation Technology, Inc. - Workshop Notes: Transient Stability Slide 26 Modeling and Data Preparation Toran ¢ Load > Voltage dependency > Frequency dependency Perera [inte [Waneniae | shat cheat | gr Med Reltiy| Rena | Commer lo [ Noes | Shut Cheat | yn Mad ely | Rena | Conmert [SSW SE [eithae OFSae) [Sew SEW [aeNas STG TFC fas SS) | (mw he hw (3s) [ams] ie] os] foes] Wr EF xe 4 (am (1) (as | [ ma0e | [rez | o Cae) as] fuer] Ce ]faan]|) | tS [as] om ]ovm][ em |[ ame] conuni (HS ] x J es Cans in| =D) 6 sar GS8 Gu DB) OR) lex (© 1996-2008 Operation Technology, Inc. - Workshop Notes: Transient Stability Slide 27 Modeling and Data Preparation Toran ¢ Load io RB nl ai Pats | Cet rH Set pM By S| et ie [P| err Oty Ge Tama Fema ioe aS “5 we oo a] Oe] Ce bor Sie ee aloe | | meee S| = a GSS gee 8 W2 Cle) | | Gels Bow B88 CIE || | gee Gon 2aR Fes PRT b+ eye) PeRlal’ +p,7+2s|i+k ye) Pe BilFro * Poe * Pa] 0-O,I7) b+ Kya] O- Oba? +aF +a, h+ Kye) Prony = PT + pa + Py a? Pan = PAP) + Kyu) mH Pan ~ PsP) (+ Kyat?) (© 1996-2008 Operation Technology, Inc. - Workshop Notes: Transient Stabity Slide 28 Modeling and Data Preparation etap ¢ Events and Actions fee Events etn Fox Evert [Event Aatie Device. Devel Aston Se. Se Bos Sub 3 PhaveFa, Action Editor iE} Event 0 Event Ave Device Type DeveeIO etce Tine(o=2) Bust ©) (BFhave Feat) [croutresker ISPST Swich Foe \cortacor Seldon Parte Teal Smision Tne [5 —] Second Simiston Tie Step | 00m | Plt Tee Step | 20 | A ts ¥ 1996-2009 Operation Technology, Inc. - Workshop Notes: Transient Stability Slide 29 Factors Influencing TS Setap * Post-Disturbance Reactance seen from generator. Reactance / Pmax J * Duration of the fault clearing time. Fault time T Rotor Acceleration T Kinetic Energy t Dissipation Time during deceleration T * Generator Inertia. Inertia T Rate of change of Angle \ Kinetic Energy 1 + Generator Internal Voltage Internal Voltage 4 Pmax + (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Factors Influencing TS Setap * Generator Loading Prior To Disturbance Loading t Closer to Pmax. Unstable during acceleration * Generator Internal Reactance Reactance J Peak Power T Initial Rotor Angle 1 Dissipation Time during deceleration T * Generator Output During Fault Function of Fault Location and Type of Fault (© 2011 Operation Technology, Inc. PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL Solution to Stability Problems « Improve system design > Increase synchronizing power ¢ Design and selection of rotating equipment > Use of induction machines > Increase moment of inertia >» Reduce transient reactance > Improve voltage regulator and exciter characteristics ® getap Solution to Stability Qotap Problems ¢ Reduction of Transmission System Reactance * High Speed Fault Clearing ¢« Dynamic Braking * Regulate Shunt Compensation ¢ Steam Turbine Fast Valving * Generator Tripping « Adjustable Speed Synchronous Machines Solution to Stability ® getap Problems ¢ Application of Power System Stabilizer (PSS) « Add system protections > Fast fault clearance > Load Shedding > System separation

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