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TYPE DESIGNS FOR INTERSECTIONS ON NATIONAL HIGHWAYS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI Price: Rs. 360.00 1995 (Piss packing & postage charges) FOREWORD coped a ta ae taf over te years, proper design ofintersecions has assumed ugency Highway engineers have been repartee’ 30 fart adopt subi interesecion designs fr want of proper guidlines and aarard necnn ‘Recognising this ‘explained in the notes preceding the type drawings. innovative assignment and the contribution made by the Consuitansisgratefuly especially the inputs by Dr. LR. Kaciyall himsel, rene a cat wi rove useful and contibute to enhanced safety onthe National Highways. The Minis would welcome ‘07 comments and observations on the type designs, 20 thatthe publication ean be improved'n kare Ow New Dei RP. Skea) {9 November 1962 Add, Director Goneral Roads) ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERSECTIONS, ENDIX ITO WV ‘TYPE DESIGNS DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING Cross Road intersection of Fourlane NH with NH/SH/ Arterial in UrbanSemi-urban Area (Signaised) * Cross Road intersection of Fourlane NH with NH/SH/Areral in Urban’Som-urban Area (Non-Signalsed) ‘Tinirsacton involving a Four lane NH and a Four lane NSH Rotary intersection involving two Fou lane NH/SH in Urbany ‘Semi-urban area Rotary Intersection involving two Fourlane NH/SH in Urban’ Som-urban area (Cross-road intersection invlving Four lane NH with a Two lane NH/SH _THintersection involving Four lane NH and a Two lane NH/SH ‘-Intarscton involving Four lane NH and a Two ane NH/SH Fltary intersection involving Four lane vided NH and Two lane NHSH (Cross Road Intersection involving Fourlane NH with a Single lane SHIMOR. ‘TIntersection involving a Four lane NH and a Single lane ‘SHIMOR Y-Intersection involving Four ane NH and a Single lane SH/MOR LLefyRight Staggered Intersection of a Four lane NH with @ ‘Single lane SHMOR, Fight. Staggered Intersection of a Four lane NH with @ Single lane SHIMOR. tay o PAGE No, 10 " 12 “4 DRAWING No. 18. 16. 17. 1, 8 3, DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING Layout for Rotary Intarsocton involving Four lane NH and ‘Single lane SH Cross Road Intersection voting a Four lane NH and a lightly traticked SH/MDR “Tntersecdon involving a Fourlane NH and alight tratcked SHMOR ‘Intersection invaving a Four lane NH and alight tratfcked SHIMOR Gross Road Intersection involving a Four lane NH and a ‘Single lane ORR ‘Tntersecton involving a Four lane NH and Sing lane ooRWA ‘Intersection involving Four lane NH and a Single lane opRWA (Cross road intersection involving Two lane NH and a Two lane NHSH intersection invotving a Two lane NH and a Two lane HUSH Five-am Rotary ntrsacton ivcvng Two lane NH ard a SH ‘Cross Road Intersection involving a Two lane NH and a Single lane SHOR ‘Tintorsection iavotving Two lane NH and a Single lane ‘SHMDR Yeintarsaction involving Two lane NH and a Single lane SHMDR Fight/Lot Staggered Intasacton of a Two lane NH with @ Single ane SHMOR ‘Cross Road Intersection of Two lane NH and ight talcked Singlo lane SHMOR “Intersection involving a Two lane NH and alight tracked ‘Single lane SHAOR Y-Intersection involving Two lane NH and light tracked SHIMOR Cress Road Intersection invoving a Two lane NH and a Single ane ODA PAGE No. 5 38 3t 32 2 a4 9, 51 DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING THintersection involving Two lane NH and a Single lane ooRWA ¥-Intarsection involving Two lane NH and a Single ane ‘ODRWR '-Intersection involving Four lane NH and a Single Lano NH ‘Y-lotarsection involving Single lane NH and a Two lane NHISH Cross Road intersection involving a Single lane NH ard @ light tracked SH/MDR ‘Hintersecton invaWing a Single lane NH and a lighty tralfcked SHIMOR, -lntersecion involving Single lane NH and alight tracked SHMOR Cross Rad Intersection inveWving a Single lane NH and lighty tracked ODRWR Tintersecton involving a Single lane NH and a lightly trafficked ODRVR: Y-Intersection involving a Single lane NH and a Single lane opRWwR: Details of intersection at Bypass Take-off involving a Four ane NH (30 degree Take-off angle) and Two lane road to CtyrTown Details of intersection at Bypass Take-ol involving a Four ‘ane NH (30 degree Take-off angle) and Two lane road to CityrTown Details of intersection at Bypass Take-off involving a Four lane NH (45 degree Take-off angle) and Two lane road to CiyrTown Details of intersection at Bypass Take off invohing a Four ane NH (60 degree Take-ot! angle) and a Two lane road to Cty/Town, Details of intersection at Bypass Take-ot involving a Four ane NH (80 degree Take-of! angle) and a Two lane road to Cty/Town Details of intersection at Bypass Take-off involving a Two lane NH (30 degree Take-off angle) and a Two lane City? Town Foad Lay out of a Diamond Interchange « PAGE No. 35 37 38 28 40 4 2 4s 6s a ry ry DRAWING No. 288 6. 2, 65, 66, 7 DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING Diamond interchange - Deals of X' referred in Org No. 51 Diamond interchange - Details of "retarted in Org No. 51 General layout of NH Fly-over with At-grade Four-armed ‘Signalised Ineresction Detais of speed change lanes and Entry Points of Grade ‘Separated Fiy-over with At-grade Intersacion Gereral layout and Longitucinal profilaCross-sections of ‘Trumpet Interchange Trumpet Interchange - Details at X. ¥ and Z in Deawing No. 56 and Trae Signs Layout of NH Fy-over with At-grade Rotary Intersection [NH Fly-over with Atgrade Rotary Intersection - Longitudinal Profile, Cross-sections and Locations of Tetic Signe Road Signs Drawing showing Pavement Markings for Intersections Drawing showing Pavement Markings for Intersections Details of Directional islands and kerbs, Drainage Plan forthe cross road intersection (Refer ORG No. 65 and 66 also) Drawing showing required Vertical Algnment and Cross ‘Sections of Pmary Road for Drainage of surtace run-off Drawing showing required Verical Alignment and Cross Sections of Secondary Road for Drainage of surface runof! Drainage Arrangements fora Rotary Intersection and Inot Dotais FENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF i: APPROPRIATE TYPE DESIGNS FOR ‘a ROAD INTERSECTIONS fi evolved fora wide varoty of intersection types, road wicths and trafic ows. are ilustrative in nature and can be fed into most situations with minor Complicated intersections would, however, need to be specially designed signs presented cover at-grade intersections of 4-4ane/2anelsingle- al Highways (NH) wit 4dana/2danesingle dane intersecting roads which could category of National Highway (NH), State Highway (SH), Major District Road 9f District Road (ODA) or Vilage Road (VR), Intersection types covered could be modified onthe basis of Y-intersecton designs, The designs could sed for the state roads with appropriate modications. ‘SEPARATED INTERSECTIONS (NTERCHANGES) Qur types of interchanges have been covered viz. Diamond, Trumpet, At : Bary and Atgrade controlled intersection with NH fying ove. FIGICE OF APPROPRIATE STANDARD DESIGN : choice of intersection design is govemed essential by trate volume and ber lanes on each ofthe intersecting roads and the angles of crossing. Tables to IV gives a matrix ofthe various types of intersections presented which fbe used as a guide to select the appropriate design (e) fr a given situation. Reference number of each crawing aso inicats the situation to which a partoular ertains. For example, in the Drawing Number below, ” INH 4 ingicates that the main highway is a 4-ane National Highway and SHMDA 1 incicates that crossing highway is either a single ane State Highway or @ MDR and ‘the Drawing in question is rinth in the series. X-3 indicates that the intersection is a ‘Square 4-armed crossing and itis third inthe series of type design for eross-oad type of intersections. 3. DESIGN STANDARDS : ‘3.1 Designs are based generally on the IRC Draft standard for Design of At-Gravia Intersections (under fralsaion) Principal design elements adopted are summarised below. 32 TRAFFIC ‘Traffic figures wherever incicated are the average daly traffic (ADT) volume i, PPCUs at the end ofthe design period (generally 10 year). Peak hour tratic has been ‘assumed as 8 per cent of ADT. 33 DESIGN veNICLE Designs developed are suitable for plying of single unit rucksfous chassis and for somitralles upto wheel base of 12 m. 14 DESIGN SPEED Design speed adopted fr design of auxiliary lanes is 60 percent of ha highway ‘peed in open areas. However, turing speed for right angle turns at intersections is. restricted 10 20 Kmph and loft tums to a maximum of 30 Kmph, 38 TURNING RADIUS ‘A minimum turing radius of 15 m has been adopted for right tums which wil Permit a tuming speed of 20 Kmph. Maximum radius for left tums is 30 m which wil Permit a tuming speed of 20 Kmph. However, fo lower category of roads Ike Vilage FRoads, a tuming radius of 15 m has been adopted which will also hold good for any Permited aocess connections to acjacent properties. junctions with greater proportion Cleft turning heavy vohicies, three-centred compound curves (45-15-45 m racius) have been used to reduce isk of vehicles swinging out oftheir lane and keeping paved area of the intersection tothe minimum, {6 LANE WIDTH AND NUMBER OF LANES ‘A minimum lane width of 3.5 m has been provided. The number of lanes to be Provided atthe intersection wil be governed by peak hour atic volume in each direction Of travel. For single lane movements, a minimum with of 5:5 m is adopted to enable Vehicles to move past a stalled car. For two-lane roads between kerbs, a minimum 7.5 'm width is provided. Maximum capacty ofa lane is assumed ta be 1200 PCU/HR, ‘Widening of cantageway is achioved by a taper of not lass than 1 in 15 “ {47 LENGTH OF AUXIUARY LANES (Inclucing 50 m taper). fceleration lane is provided whan tuming tafe trom side read merging with INH traffc is more than 400 PCUsih. The maximum total length of acceleration lane. provided is 330 m (Including 80 m taper) which is sutable for 30 Kmph entrance cane 3.8. WOTH OF MEDIAN ISLAND ‘A minimum with of 1.5 m has been adopted where these are introduced in the absence of @ continuous median. Minimum length of mecian iiand is kept as @ re Maximum length will be determined by site requirements; 19 CHANNELING ISLANDS Ghannelsing islands have been provided depending on the volume of turning Uralfe and importance o! the road. The minimum size of crecional sland provicea £:520.m. Th islandis ose rom normal vaticle path by 0.3100.6 m, Where ansiand '& Provided, the intrsection area is reduced by use of compound curves. Th islend S7aR85 shown nthe type designs have bean checkod with whee path tu ing clagramne ot Gaston vehicles to ensure that they can nogotiate the curve safely and clear ot re istang 2110 KeRas ‘Al Kerbs at conta and directional islands are of sem-barier type. 311 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FRoad signs are provided as per IRC : 67-1977 and markings as per IRC : 35- 120, Under Revision. Trafic signals may be added i cated by wartants gen in IRC : 93-1986. 4. INTERSECTION TYPE AND SELECTED GEOMETRY 441 CROSS-NTERSECTIONS, In ths type of intarsection, treatment is given to prevent high speed crossing ‘movements by imiting the crossing speed and by requiting the minor rad tthe ive way and alowing major road traffc to proceed through the intersecto: Ditferent treatments of intersection reas have been developed to take ca essing road situations in rural areas. Stations covered vary from sit

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