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The Measure of Intelligent is the Ability to change.

-Albert Einstein

It is absolutely true one’s ability to change describes one’s intelligent level. Change is a great
quality. If you can adapt, you can achieve. One really has to change to be successful. Have
you seen a river? How meandering and winding is its course! Dou you know why? Well,
Rivers are the greatest example of change. Whenever any obstacle comes in its way, it either
makes its course round or flows over it. And finally reaches its destination, the sea.
Similarly, if a man wishes to be successful, he must adapt himself to the challenges he faces.
He must not stop making efforts. He must change his strategies and be successful. Sometimes
it is wiser to go round an obstacle than be deterred by its formidable height. Even in the
evolutionary process only those animals survived that were quick to adapt; big animals such
as dinosaurs under whose thuds shook the earth were wiped out. On the contrary small
animals like platypuses, cockroaches, bees, turtles, etc. could survive because they adapted to
the changes.
All great men and women achieved success following the principle of change. Intelligence
may help us in life, but change definitely helps us much more. So learn to change yourself
according to the situation.
The quoted text is given from one of the greatest scientist Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein
believed that one who is having the ability to change is intelligent as the person can tackle
situations by bringing changes. One cannot tackle hard situations if no changes are brought.
One can only can tackle the situations only he or she the capability to apply new techniques
in order to get out of there situations.
There are even inevitable situations in human life such as Birth, Death, Sickness, etc. If a
person has desire to achieve a goal then he or she must know how and when to make changes
in order to reach the target.
For example, A school student does not get Jobs in IT sector so he is to change the track and
take higher degree course like Engineering.
So Mr. Albert Einstein wants to say that life does not go in one way there is always a
requirement of changes in life in order to reach your expectations and Goals.
Change is inevitable so we must face it courageously
When you consider that change is inevitable, it’s clear that everyone must become proficient
at navigating change, or PROBLEMS will become as inevitable as change itself. It’s
impossible to escape change even if it’s your great desire to do so. Here are just a few
examples of changes that are inevitable for every human being.

• Birth
• Death
• Transition from infancy to childhood
• Sickness
• Transition from childhood to adulthood
• Injuries
• Transition from adulthood to middle age
• Struggle
• Transition from middle age to old age
• Loss
• Growth
• Illness and disease
• Decreased strength and energy
• Weather
• Seasons
• Weariness
• Sorrow
• Grief
• Joy
• Disappointment

Efforts By :-
Samar Oza.

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