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2020 Graduation Commencement Speech

Graduate School
Master’s in Business Administration
University of Cebu - Main

Thank you so much for that eloquent introduction and thank you all for allowing me to steal a few
minutes of your time before we get to the important business of the day – Our graduation. That’s right
everyone, can you believe it? More than a year of hard work and long days have finally paid off and today
I am so happy to say that we are graduating. So, I should begin by saying congratulations. Graduating from
a prestigious school like the University of Cebu is a feat that few can undertake and complete, so please
take some time to take it all in. I mean, just think of who we are and where we were in our lives when we
began this program and compare it to who we are today. What amazing transformation we’ve all
undergone. All of you are absolute rock stars and I am very proud to know you.

I’m very happy to be speaking to you today, not because I love the sound of my voice, which of
course I do, but because I get to see all of your wonderful faces shining with creativity and potential. I am
fortunate because I get to see the people who will be responsible for changing our world and so proud of
what we have already accomplished and what we have yet to accomplish.

One of the profound things I’ve experienced throughout my time in the Master’s program has
been the intense emphasis on teamwork, on togetherness, and shared experience. What I love about the
program is that it forces you to go out and trust in the process. We all have been uncomfortable or upset
at times, but in those times, we have risen and become a better version of ourselves.

Now if it’s alright, I would like to tell a brief story about strength and perseverance. So here it

There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who got together to arrange a competition to reach the top
of the highest tower in town. The news was spread everywhere and crowd in large numbers gathered
around the tower to see this interesting competition and cheer on the contestants. The crowd did not
believe any of these little frogs were going to make it to the top of the tower. Yet they were curious. The
competition began, the frogs quickly started to ascend and the crowd cheered! As a few moments passed,
someone from the crowd shouted, “Not a chance that they will succeed! The tower is too high!” some of
the frogs began falling. One by one…tired…exhausted…but the race continued…as those who still had the
fight left, passionately continued to climb higher and higher… In the excitement and anxiety, the crowd
yelled, “It is too difficult. No one will make it!” More frogs got tired and gave up until one little frog remains.
This one wouldn’t give up! He made it! He got the glory! After the competition they ask the winner frog
what’s the secret, it turned out that the winner was deaf. The point is, be deaf when people tell you that
you cannot fulfill your dreams and goals.

Winners never pay attention to what other people’s opinions are when it comes to their dream
and goal. Focus on your goal and march in confidence. People who are not playing with you, people who
are not helping you reach your destination, will always have opinions and generally – a negative one. Do
not pay attention to them. Shake it off!
Now after today, it’s show time. But don’t let that scare you. Go out there and live life! Long live
all the wall we crashed through, all the magic we made – and celebrate each moment with joy.

We have the whole world in front of us and I can’t wait to see what we can do with it.

Congratulations everyone. Thank you!

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