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THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 530 : 508È524, 2000 February 10

( 2000. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


Osservatorio Astronomico, Via Ranzani 1, 40127 Bologna, Italy ;
Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienza dello Spazio, Largo Enrico Fermi 5, 50125, Firenze, Italy ;
Received 1999 April 30 ; accepted 1999 September 29

A general method for constructing high-order upwind schemes for multidimensional magnetohydro-
dynamics (MHD), having as a main built-in condition the divergence-free constraint $ Æ B \ 0 for the
magnetic Ðeld vector B, is proposed. The suggested procedure is based on consistency arguments, by
taking into account the speciÐc operator structure of MHD equations with respect to the reference Euler
equations of gasdynamics. This approach leads in a natural way to a staggered representation of the B
Ðeld numerical data in which the divergence-free condition in the cell-averaged form, corresponding to
second-order accurate numerical derivatives, is exactly fulÐlled. To extend this property to higher order
schemes, we then give general prescriptions to satisfy a (r ] 1)th order accurate $ Æ B \ 0 relation for
any numerical B Ðeld having a rth order interpolation accuracy. Consistency arguments lead also to a
proper formulation of the upwind procedures needed to integrate the induction equations, assuring the
exact conservation in time of the divergence-free condition and the related continuity properties for the
B vector components. As an application, a third-order code to simulate multidimensional MHD Ñows of
astrophysical interest is developed using essentially nonoscillatoryÈbased reconstruction algorithms.
Several test problems to illustrate and validate the proposed approach are Ðnally presented.
Subject heading : methods : numerical È MHD

MHD system has been addressed by introducing proper
Many astrophysical plasmas, such as stellar (or galactic) regularity factors to renormalize the eigenvectors and
atmospheres and winds, accretion disks, and jets, can be assure their linear independence. The related problem of
described by the set of compressible magnetohydrodynamic constructing the Roe linearized matrix for MHD case has
(MHD) equations with dissipative terms neglected, since also been solved (Cargo & Gallice 1997 ; Balsara 1998a).
kinetic e†ects of astrophysical plasmas are quite small on Based on these achievements, second-order upwind codes
dominant macroscopic scales. In these physical regimes, using either GodunovÏs or RoeÏs method have then been
dynamical e†ects give rise to complex time-dependent Ñows constructed and tested, mainly for one-dimensional MHD
in which localized sharp modes like shocks and current problems (e.g., Ryu & Jones 1995 ; Zachary, Malagoli, &
sheets couple with distributed nonlinear waves. It is there- Colella 1994 ; Balsara 1998b ; Dai & Woodward 1998, and
fore a main challenge to computational astrophysics to take references therein).
properly into account both dynamical components. SpeciÐc new problems and limitations have to be con-
Centered Ðnite di†erences or spectral schemes are well sidered in going to higher order and multidimensional
suited for smooth Ðelds and can support discontinuities MHD case. Upwind schemes are usually constructed by
only by introducing enough viscous/resistive dissipation. In Ðrst projecting Ñuid variables at each grid point on the
this way Ðeld discontinuities are represented with poor space of characteristic variables. The decomposition pro-
resolution, and artiÐcial heating takes place. On the other cedure allows to achieve a better resolution since inter-
hand, upwind schemes achieve shock capturing and local- acting discontinuities of Ñuid variables become uncoupled
ized high resolution in a natural way. When discontinuous in the space of characteristic variables. This technique is
solutions are of main interest, second-order (in time and usually adopted in existing MHD codes, too, but there is no
space) schemes are usually adopted, since they reconcile clear evidence that it can work even for higher order
resolution with efficiency and stability needs. However, in schemes (Barmin, Kulikovskiy, & Pogorelov 1996). More-
the general case, in which coherent sharp Ðeld structures are over, the computational cost of projecting Ðeld variables
embedded in a turbulent background, second-order accu- onto the MHD seven-component characteristic space may
racy is no longer the optimal one, since the (implicit) become prohibitive when moving to higher order and
numerical viscosity is still too high to resolve properly higher dimensional schemes. Therefore, as already experi-
small-scale motions. There are therefore compelling compu- enced in the context of numerical gasdynamics, a search for
tational and physical reasons to develop higher order high-order shock-capturing schemes in which no character-
upwind schemes for MHD Ñows. istic decomposition is needed and in which attention is
In recent years progress has been made in extending shifted more to a vanishing viscosity entropy satisfying
Godunov-type schemes developed for the Euler system of model equations, rather than on approximate Riemann
gasdynamics to MHD, with main emphasis on the wave solvers, appears to be more promising.
characteristic structure. In Brio & Wu (1988), and Roe & A second important issue in multidimensional MHD
Balsara (1996), the problem of nonstrict hyperbolicity of the schemes comes from the need to satisfy the divergence-free

condition of the magnetic Ðeld vector. This property is a terms of the staggered Ðelds, conservation in time of the
crucial one for two main reasons (Balsara & Spicer 1999) : divergence-free property is also assured.
In the cited works, however, some main questions are still
the conservation form of MHD equations for energy and left open. These are essentially related to a persisting duality
momenta is based on the implicit $ Æ B \ 0 condition, and between staggered magnetic components evolving in the
all the topological aspects of magnetic Ðeld lines that are induction equations and the same components, now collo-
relevant to critical MHD phenomena, like reconnection, cated at node points (or cell centers) as other Ñuid variables,
heavily rely on this condition. entering the Riemann solver procedures. Several recipes
On the other hand, this speciÐc property has no easy repre- based on interpolation have been suggested to relate cell
sentation in a numerical framework, like one-dimensional centered and staggered Ðelds. However, as extensively dis-
(1D) Godunov-type schemes, designed to handle compres- cussed in the Dai & Woodward (1998) paper, the cell cen-
sive modes and shocks. This long-standing problem has tered Ðeld components do not preserve, in general, the
been addressed by many authors, and several recipes have original divergence-free property, unphysical magnetic
been proposed and experimented so far. Depending on the monopoles still arise, and their sizes seem to depend on the
adopted methodology, these works can be broadly classiÐed adopted interpolation schemes.
into three main categories : A related question concerns how upwind Ñuxes in the
induction equations have to be formulated, since 1D
1. Many MHD codes are constructed by simply extend- Riemann solvers for density, momentum, and energy equa-
ing to higher dimensions 1D Riemann solvers using a direc- tions have no straightforward extension to them, when stag-
tional splitting technique, as in the Euler system (for gering is adopted. Again, many di†erent empirical solutions
second-order Godunov-type schemes : Zachary et al. 1994 ; have been proposed, which hardly can be compared and
Ryu, Jones, & Frank 1995 ; Balsara 1998b ; for Ðfth-order evaluated as long as only qualitative numerical tests are at
weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) scheme : Jiang disposal.
& Wu 1999). In this approach the $ Æ B \ 0 condition
In the present paper we propose some general answers to
breaks down, of course, and some correction step has then
these questions, by showing that consistency arguments are
to be applied. Following Brackbill & Barnes (1980), a clean-
sufficient to envisage the main rules to adapt upwind
ing procedure is usually carried out by solving a Poisson
schemes designed for Euler equations to the MHD case.
equation, which is equivalent to adding a new (elliptic)
Consistency requires that the speciÐc operator structure of
equation to the original hyperbolic MHD system. As an
the MHD system and the related magnetic Ðeld properties
empirical recipe, this method is by no means optimal and
have to be preserved by discretized equations and upwind
may lead to inconsistencies. In particular, the numerical
procedures. In this way, di†erent schemes and their high-
derivatives appearing in Poisson equation have no clear
order extensions can be designed, all assuring a numerical
relation with the upwind derivatives of the base MHD
divergence-free condition as well as the related uniqueness
system and the boundary conditions become indeterminate
and regularity of magnetic Ðeld lines. On the same ground,
for nontrivial boundary-value problems.
existing MHD codes and published numerical results can
2. The Powell (1994) approach Ðrst pointed out the
be evaluated on a more appropriate framework.
formal difficulty of applying 1D Riemann solvers to the
The plan of the paper is as follows. In ° 2 the general
multidimensional case, since the 1D MHD mode eigen-
formulation to discretize Euler and MHD equations in con-
space, having seven components, is not of full rank of the
servation form is reviewed, with emphasis on the di†erences
two-dimensional (2D) case, in which an eight-component
in space operator structures and on the related numerical
state vector is involved. Therefore, variations of magnetic
representation. In ° 3, the kinematical properties of discon-
Ðeld components appearing in the $ Æ B operator cannot be
tinuous, divergence-free magnetic Ðelds are Ðrst analyzed
represented by Riemann solvers based on the 1D eigen-
and then used to construct appropriate upwind Ñux formu-
space. This undoubtedly correct premise led the author to
las (or approximate Riemann solvers) for the MHD equa-
propose a modiÐcation of the MHD equations by adding a
tions. The proposed formulation is then also compared to
““ $ Æ B mode,ÏÏ propagating with the local Ñow speed. In this
recently published schemes. In ° 4 a code for 2D systems,
way the hyperbolic character of the MHD system is surely
based on third-order essentially nonoscillatory (ENO)Ètype
retained, at the price of suppressing the divergence-free pro-
reconstruction procedures and on the simple Lax-
perty. This approach appears to be highly questionable, of
Friedrichs Ñux upwinding, is presented. Section 5 is devoted
course, since important physical properties of the MHD
to numerical test problems to add conÐdence and vali-
equations, and especially magnetic Ðeld topologies, are
dation about the proposed approach, and concluding
clearly lost.
remarks are brieÑy given in ° 6.
3. In the present work we have taken as a main starting
point all those references attempting to design upwind
schemes in which a numerical divergence-free condition
works as a build-in property (Evans & Hawley 1988 ; To underline di†erences between the Euler and MHD
DeVore 1991 ; Stone & Norman 1992 ; Dai & Woodward systems relevant to numerical discretization, we Ðrst brieÑy
1998 ; Ryu et al. 1998 ; Balsara & Spicer 1999, among review some of the main points characterizing upwind
others). In all these works, the introduction of the magnetic schemes for the Euler equations. As a general framework,
vector potential or the equivalent conservative formulation we consider here the Ñux vector splitting (FVS) formalism
of StokeÏs theorem lead to represent magnetic Ðeld com- (van Leer 1982 ; Chen & LeÑoch 1995) and the high-order
ponents at staggered collocation points, and a numerical reconstruction techniques based on polynomials (Shu 1997).
$ Æ B \ 0 relation follows as an algebraic identity. More- For ease of presentation we treat only the 2D case in Carte-
over, when induction equations are properly formulated in sian geometry, the three-dimensional (3D) case and the

curvilinear geometries both being just straightforward 1. a reconstruction phase to recover variable values at
extensions. grid points where Ñux derivatives have to be computed ; and
2. an upwind phase, in which the Godunov method for a
2.1. Upwind Schemes for Euler Equations
scalar conservation law in one dimension is extended to the
The equations of gasdynamics in two spatial dimensions m [ 1 components system in higher dimensions.
constitute a system of m \ 5 conservation laws :
As far as item 1 is concerned, we review here some basic
L u ] L [ f (u)] ] L [g(u)] \ 0 , (1) points relevant to the following sections and to the actual
t x y
where u \ [o, q, e]T is the state vector of conservative vari- code structure, to be presented in ° 4.
ables and Any one-dimensional piecewise smooth function w(x),
deÐned by cell-averaged data
f \ [q , v q ] p, v q , v q , v (e ] p)]T ,
x x x x y x z x
g \ [q , v q , v q ] p, v q , v (e ] p)]T ,
y y x y y y z y w \
1 xj`1@2P w(x) dx ,
j h
are the corresponding Ñux vector functions. Here o is the x xj~1@2
mass density, q \ o¿ the momentum associated with the can be approximated by uniform (r [ 1)th order piecewise
Ñow velocity ¿, e the total energy per unit volume, and polynomials P (x ;w), which must have the conservative pro-
p \ (c [ 1)[e [ q Æ ¿/2] the gas pressure for a c-law equa- perty P \ w . Likewise, a w(x) function deÐned by grid-
j j
tion of state. point data Mw \ w(x )N can be approximated by
j j
A basic property of the Euler system is that each Jaco- interpolation polynomials P (x ; w) deÐned as P (x ; w) \
j ;w] (or R[x ; w]) thej j corre-
bian matrix, A (u) \ L f (u) and A (u) \ L g(u), has a set of w . Here we denote with R[x
x u j
m real eigenvalues Mjs(u)N (s \ 1,y 2, . . . , um) and a corre- sponding polynomials set MP N to reconstruct w(x) at any x
sponding complete sets of right MR (u)N and left MR~1(u)N point.
s s At points of discontinuity, R[x ; Æ ] has to satisfy deÐnite
eigenvectors at every point u (hyperbolicity properties).
Physically relevant solutions to system (1) are selected by nonoscillatory constraints, for accuracy and stability pur-
imposing the admissibility condition poses. Standard references are provided by linear poly-
nomials based on min-mod limiters to preserve
L [oF(s)] ] $ Æ [oF(s)¿] ¹ 0 , (2) monotonicity of data (the monotone upwind scheme for
where F(s) is any smooth function of the speciÐc entropy conservation law [MUSCL] scheme : van Leer 1979 ; total
s(p, o) (Harten et al. 1998). variation diminishing [TVD] scheme : Harten 1983) or by
Numerical schemes for system (1) use the following con- higher r [ 2 order polynomials based on ENO procedures
sistency conditions as general guidelines (Tadmor 1988). (Harten et al. 1987 ; Shu & Osher 1989) having weaker
(essentially nonoscillatory) monotonicity properties.
The conservation form, assuring that numerical solutions Piecewise polynomials approximate the w(x) function at
capture correctly weak solutions. any cell boundary point x by a two-point left-right
The entropy inequality, to be preserved by the discretized j`1@2
(w(L), w(R)) value, where
entropy functions. Upwind schemes are then designed to
have (implicit) numerical viscosity compatible with relation (w(L)) \ P (x ) \ w(x~ ) ] O(hr )
j`1@2 j j`1@2 j`1@2 x
In the semidiscrete formulation, appropriate for higher
r [ 2 order schemes, space operators are approximated (for (w(R)) \ P (x ) \ w(x` ) ] O(hr ) ,
j`1@2 j`1 j`1@2 j`1@2 x
a Ðxed time t) on a N ] N dimensional grid with node for smooth functions. For w(x) having a discontinuous kth
x y
points N 4 (x , y ), where x \ h j ( j \ 0, 1, . . . , N [ 1) derivative in the x \ x \ x range, with k \ r, the accu-
and y \ h k (k \ 0, 1, . . . , N j [ 1)x; here h and h are
j,k j k x the
k y y x y racy order becomesj O(hk`1).j`1
constant grid sizes along each direction. The point values x
The reconstruction procedures can be extended to the 2D
formulation based on Mu N data leads then to the conserva- functions in equation (1) by assuming that the scalar com-
tive scheme j,k
ponents u(x, y) (and hence f [u(x, y)] and g[u(x, y)]) are
du (t) 1 piecewise smooth along each coordinate. In this way,
j,k \ [ (fü [ fü ) calling C the 2D cell centered at the node point N ,
dt h j`1@2,k j~1@2,k j,k j,k
x the functions u(x, y) can be reconstructed at the cell
1 edges (x , y ) and (x , y ) by using, respectively,
the 1D j`1@2
[ (gü [ gü ) , (3) operators R[x ;j u ]k`1@2and R[y ; u ]. The same
h j,k`1@2 j,k~1@2 k
y functions may also be reconstructed at a cellj corner P 4
where fü and gü denote the numerical Ñux-vector (x ,y ) by using the 2D compound operators
needed toj,k`1@2 R[x j`1@2 k`1@2
; R[y ; u]]. Actually, space discretization in
functions approximate the corresponding Ñux
j`1@2 (1) involves
k`1@2 only 1D reconstructions, one for each
derivatives to a given order r. A numerical approximation is equation
then characterized essentially by the way fü and direction. In fact, fü is deÐned at the point x \ x ,
are evaluated for a given set of Mu (t)Nj`1@2,k
j`1@2,k the argument variables have j`1@2
gü data. Time for Ðxed y \ y , where the
j,k`1@2 j,k two-state x-wisek reconstructed values (u(L,), u(R,)) ; likewise,
integration can then be performed by appropriate Runge-
k x\x ,
Kutta or equivalent stable discretization schemes (Shu & gü is deÐned at the point y \ y , for Ðxed
j,k`1@2 k`1@2 j
Osher 1988). where the argument variables have the two-state y-wise
Modern higher order shock-capturing schemes generalize reconstructed values (u(,L), u(,R)) .
Ðrst-order Godunov scheme by following two main steps Let us now turn our attention to item 2. In the FVS
(Harten et al. 1987) : formalism, to represent a Ñux variation, say, in the x coordi-

nate, the vector f (u) is decomposed as The construction of upwind Ñuxes in equations (4) and (6),
based on the A matrix eigenspace at the point (x ,y)
f (u) \ 1 ( f (`) ] f (~)), f (B) \ f (u) ^ D (u8 ) Æ u , x j`1@2 k
2 x and on the A matrix eigenspace at the point (x , y ), is
y j k`1@2
for states u around a given reference (constant) state u8 . The usually referred to as a ““ directional splitting ÏÏ setting. This
Ñux vectors f (B) have Jacobian matrices A (u8 ) ^ D (u8 ) with procedure is consistent with the divergence form of space
x x operators in equation (1) and implies that the space deriv-
only positive/negative eigenvalues. The matrix D is then
x atives are obtained by summing the two Ñux di†erences
required to be real (symmetrizable) and positive, D (u8 ) º
x computed both at the same time t. In the Strang-type for-
o A (u8 ) o , where
x malism, which is widely adopted in the numerical astro-
o A (u8 ) o \ ; (R o j o R~1) . physics community, a splitting procedure is also applied to
x s s s u8
s the time evolution operators, by constructing the updated
For given u \ u(L,), u \ u(R,) reconstructed values at the solution of a 2D problem as a sequel of independent 1D
1 2 problems, one for each direction, in turn. In the Euler
point x and for Ðxed k index, Ñux splitting allows one
j`1@2 system directional splitting or time splitting procedures give
to deÐne the numerical Ñux
(formally) equivalent results, at least for second-order
f (u , u ) \ 1 [ f (u ) ] f (u ) schemes. In the MHD case, however, this formal equiva-
1 2 j`1@2,k 2 1 2
[ D (u8 ) Æ (u [ u )] , (4) lence is deÐnitely lost, as will be discussed in the following.
x 2 1 j`1@2,k
which has upwind properties : namely, it is a two-point 2.2. T he T wo-dimensional MHD System
vector function nonincreasing in the Ðrst argument and The set of MHD conservation laws cannot be considered
nondecreasing in the second argument. The reference state u8 as a simple extension of the Euler system, with just a higher
is given by the Roe average or by the simpler u8 \ number of state variables. Actually, while the conservation
(u ] u )/2 arithmetic average, in a way to assure consis- form, the entropy law, and the general hyperbolic properties
1 f (u,
tency 2 u) \ f (u) and continuous dependence on data. are maintained, some speciÐc di†erences related to the
Standard references for the scheme in equation (4) are structure of the space operators have to be considered.
given by either the approximate Riemann solvers of Roe- In fact, the MHD system can be viewed as composed by
type or of Godunov-type , in which the corresponding two coupled subsystems, the Ðrst one containing space
matrix D has the formal property operators in the divergence form as in equation (1) evolving
x density, energy, and momenta, and the second one, speciÐc
D (u8 ) \ o A (u8 ) o ] O( o u(L,) [ u(R,) o ) , to the magnetic Ðeld evolution, containing space operators
x x
entailing a minimum of numerical viscosity compatible with in the curl form. In both subsystems the $ Æ B \ 0 property
the entropy law. On the other hand, a maximum of numeri- of the vector magnetic Ðeld enters in a substantial way and
cal viscosity is achieved by the (global) Lax-Friedrichs (LF) has then to be considered as a new consistency condition for
Ñux, in which the D matrix reduces to the simple diagonal numerical discretization.
form x By specializing again to 2D systems, the MHD equations
are given by
D (u8 ) \ aI, a \ max (max o j (u8 ) o ) ,
x u8 s s L u ] L [ f (w)] ] L [g(w)] \ 0 , (8)
t x y
and in which Riemann characteristic informations are aver- for the six-component state vector u \ [o, q, e, B ]T,
aged out. Note that the Ñux formula equation (4) can be z
coupled with the induction equations
interpreted either as an approximate Riemann solver based
on local linearization or as a discrete approximation of the [ L B ] L )(w) \ 0, L B ] L )(w) \ 0 , (9)
t x y t y x
associated viscosity model equation. In fact, a Ðrst-order
for the (poloidal) vector Ðeld B \ [B , B ]T. We denote the
approximation of the Ñux splitting is the discretized repre- x asy w \ [u, B]T. The
overall eight-component state vector
sentation of the viscous Ñux
Ñux vectors in equation (8) are given by
f (u) \ f (u) [ h D Æ L u , (5) f (w) \ [q , F , F , F , E , G ]T ,
v x x x x x,x x,y x,z x x,z
which provides a link between the entropy condition and g(w) \ [q , F , F , F , E , G ]T ,
the numerical viscosity associated to the dissipation matrix y y,x y,y y,z y y,z
h D . where, for indices i, j \ x, y, z,
x Inx2D problems, the semidiscrete formulation of equation
F \ v q [ B B ] %d , E \ v (e ] %) [ B (v B ) ,
(3) and the independence of the Jacobian matrices (A , A ), i,j i j i j i,j i i i j j
allow one to represent the numerical Ñuxes fü (forx Ðxed
y G \v B [v B ,
j`1@2,k i,j i j j i
y ) and gü (for Ðxed x ) through independent upwind in which the relations F 4 F and G 4 [G clearly
k j,k`1@2 j
hold. Here % \ p ] (B i,j
procedures, constructed with the matrices D and D , j,i p \ (ci,j[ 1)[e [
j,i (q v )/2
x B )/2 and
respectively. In this way, the Ñux formula for g is given by y i i
[ (B B )/2] are, respectively, the total and the gas pressures.
i i
i i
g(u , u ) \ 1 [g(u ) ] g(u ) The common Ñux function of equation (9) is deÐned as
1 2 j,k`1@2 2 1 2 ) \ G 4 [G \ v B [ v B .
[ D (u8 ) Æ (u [ u )]
y 2 1 j,k`1@2
, (6) For x,y y,x thex subsystem
given B Ðeld, y y x (8) is in Euler form, with
where u \ u(,L) and u \ u(,R) are the reconstructed values independent Jacobian matrices of full m \ 6 rank, so the
at y \ y1 for Ðxed2x \ x . The corresponding viscosity upwinding procedures based on directional splitting of the
form of the numerical Ñux g isj given by
k`1@2 previous section can be extended. Di†erences arise,
however, for the induction equations. In fact, subsystem (9)
g (u) \ g(u) [ h D Æ L u . (7) is generated by a unique Ñux function and has then only a
v y y y

one-dimensional eigenspace. This formal property is clearly the Euler system (3), for the Ðeld B it is necessary to take
related to the $ Æ B \ 0 condition, as can be better evi- into account the $ Æ B \ 0 condition as a new kinematical
denced by introducing a vector potential representation of constraint. For general piecewise smooth Ðelds this condi-
the (poloidal) B components (here A 4 A ) tion is expressed in integral form by
B \ L A , B \ [L A .
x y y x
(10) PB dl \ 0 (12)
For given smooth (B , B ) Ðelds, A(x, y) always exists as a n
x y ‹C
one-valued di†erentiable function. For discontinuous Ðelds, for any cell C, where B \ B Æ n and n is the unit vector
equation (10) still holds in weak form, implying that A(x, y) n
normal to the boundary line LC. By Ðrst choosing a Carte-
is at least (Lipschitz) continuous along each coordinate. On sian cell with sides (2v, h ), one Ðnds the following contin-
the other hand, for given A(x, y, t), the system given by y
uity condition for the y-averaged B (x) component at any
equation (9) is fully equivalent to the one-component evolu- x
point x :
tion equation
B (x ] v) [ B (x [ v) \ O(v) .
L A [ )(w) \ 0 , (11) x x
t The same argument leads to the continuity of the
coupled with equation (10). x-averaged B (y) Ðeld at any point y.
In a formal setting, for given state variables u, equation y
If equation (12) is then integrated over a computational
(11) is a Hamilton-Jacobi equation (Jin & Xin 1998), and cell C , one has
equation (9) represent the associated hyperbolic system. An j,k
important property of equation (11) is that A(x, y, t) is con- h [B (x ) [ B (x )]
y x j`1@2 x j~1@2 k
tinuous at all times and only discontinuities in its Ðrst deriv- ] h [B (y ) [ B (y )] \ 0 , (13)
atives may develop. Therefore, Ðeld lines deÐned by the x y k`1@2 y k~1@2 j
isocontours A(x, y) \ const are allowed to have corners, where (B ) is the y average on the vertical cell side centered
on y and x k(B ) the corresponding x average over the hori-
but not jumps. k y jcentered on x .
The overall MHD system can then be viewed as a zontal cell side
Continuity conditions and j equation (13) are thus the
coupled system of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation and of a set
of conservation laws in the Euler form. One consequence is main ingredients to construct at any point a divergence-free
that the Jacobian matrix A corresponding to the [f, )]T numerical Ðeld. In particular, the continuity condition
vector Ñux is only of m \ 7 xrank and can represent charac- B (x`) \ B (x~) allows one to locate the [B (x)] Ðeld at
x boundary x points Mx x kvariables
teristic modes of variables w \ [u(x,), B (x,)]T, while the cell N, where all the other
x y the [g, [ )]T j`1@2
independent matrix A , corresponding to [w (x )] are represented by reconstructed two-state
y x j`1@2 values.
(left-right) k This property can be expressed in a
vector Ñux, can represent variables w \ [u(, y), B (, y)]T. It
is evident that the missing degrees y of x freedom formal way by setting (B(L,)) \ (B(R,)) . Corre-
spondingly, B (y) can be located x j`1@2,kat cell xboundary
j`1@2,k points
[B (x,), B (, y)] are not evolutionary and cannot have a
x y
characteristic-based representation. My N andy point values can be interpreted as
A numerical scheme preserving these general properties (B(,L)) \ (B(,R)) .
yThek`1@2 y k`1@2
must then be characterized by the following points. reconstruction step for the (B , B ) Ðelds along the
respective transverse coordinates leadsx to ythe point values
1. A numerical $ Æ B \ 0 condition and its conservation
in time imply that the induction equation (9) have to be [B (y)] \ R[y ; B ] , [B (x)] \ R[x ; B ] ,
x j`1@2 x y k`1@2 y
discretized using a unique Ñux function )(w) located at which have relevance for upwind computations. In fact, at
common points. This entails necessarily a staggered collo- the y \ y point, B (y ) \ (B(,R), B(,L)) is a two-state
cation of the magnetic Ðeld scalar components. k`1@2 x k`1@2 x x
variable and can have only a transverse discontinuity line
2. A divergence-free magnetic Ðeld is fully equivalent to with a d B \ (B(,R) [ B(,L)) jump. Similar arguments apply
its representation via a numerical vector potential and like- y x x x B (x
to the reconstructed values ) \ (B(R,), B(L,)) at the
wise the evolution equation (9), discretized as in item 1, can y j`1@2 only for y a transverse
x\x boundary point, allowing
always be integrated via the scalar equation (11). j`1@2
discontinuity d B \ (B(R,) [ B(L,)).
3. Relevant to the reconstruction and upwind steps is x y y Evansy & Hawley (1988), a main
As already noticed by
that the magnetic Ðeld components are at least continuous property related to condition (13) is that the numerical data
along the respective longitudinal coordinates, while discon- MB ,B N allow one to construct a unique (continuous)
tinuities, to be related to the MHD characteristic modes, x y
numerical vector potential A(x ,y ), located at the
can occur only along the respective orthogonal coordinates j`1@2 k`1@2 condition also
cell corners P . It is evident that the reverse
(see below). holds true if j,k
one Ðrst introduces a numerical continuous
3. $ Æ B \ 0 PRESERVING UPWIND SCHEMES FOR MHD function A(x ,y ) and then deÐnes the averaged
magnetic Ðeldj`1@2
k`1@2 through equation (10) :
EQUATIONS components
In this section we concentrate on the correct collocation 1
and reconstruction step for the numerical magnetic Ðeld [B (x )] \ [* A(x )] ,
x j`1@2 k h y j`1@2 k
data, and then on the upwind Ñux formulation for the y
induction equations, in order to preserve the peculiar fea- 1
[B (y )] \ [ [* A(y )] , (14)
tures of the MHD system as outlined just above. y k`1@2 j h x k`1@2 j
3.1. T he Reconstruction Step where (* , * ) denote the usual (undivided) centered Ðnite
While for given data Mu N of u variables in equation (8) x ony the Ðrst and second coordinate indexes,
i,j follow the same lines as in
the reconstruction procedures respectively. In this way the divergence-free condition,

equation (13), is identically satisÐed by the commutativity of where on the left-hand sides appear the primitives, and
the * and * linear operators, whereas the continuity con- hence the derivatives, deÐned in terms of the (unknown)
ditionsx followy from the continuity of A(x, y). These argu-
Ðeld point values, while on the right-hand sides are the
ments show, in particular, that the staggered collocation for source terms (BΠ, BΠ), given by equation (15). The numerical
x y
MB ,B N data is by no means a numerical trick but arises in a Ðelds (B , B ) deÐned by these equations and the corre-
x y x y
consistent way from equation (13) or equation (14). sponding (longitudinal) derivatives are third-order approx-
Equation (13) gives the cell average of the $ Æ B \ 0 con- imations but satisfy the divergence-free condition exactly.
dition, and thus it is an exact law for second-order accurate In practice one can solve equation (16) by some explicit
schemes since B \ B ] O(h2) at any point (x , y ) and iterative algorithm, since each operator (1 [ c D(2)) is
x x y j`1@2 k 1
B \ B ] O(h2) at the corresponding staggered point. clearly invertible, and a fourth-order accurate, at least,
y y x
Now, if higher order approximation of point-valued B and $ Æ B \ O(h4, h4) condition can then be easily satisÐed (see °
x x y
B Ðelds were recovered using independent reconstruction 4).
steps based on B and B data, a numerical $ Æ B of any size This completes the main proof for the reconstruction
could arise, in general, ysince 1D reconstruction operators
step, needed to represent magnetic Ðeld point values in the
do not commute. To overcome this main difficulty, a di†er- momentum and energy equations, in which longitudinal
ent strategy has to be adopted, by Ðrst reconstructing accu- derivatives and hence a $ Æ B \ 0 condition has to be satis-
rate Ðrst derivatives based on the vector potential Ðed to avoid numerical monopoles. Moreover, for given
representation and having a numerical $ Æ B \ 0 relation as (B ) and (B ) data it is possible to get inter-
a build-in property. As an illustration, in the following we x j`1@2,k y j,k`1@2
polated values at other collocation points, where these Ðeld
consider third-order interpolations, but extensions to components act as independent variables and no
higher order can be easily pursued. divergence-free condition is then required.
We Ðrst notice that cell averaged w and point values w
data of a given w(x) function are related by w \ w ]j
j a non-
j 3.2. T he Upwind Procedures
c D(2)(w) ] O(h3), where c \ 1/24 and D(2) denotes
1 x j 1 x Let us now consider the Ðrst set of MHD equation (8)
oscillatory numerical second derivative along the x coordi-
nate. To the same accuracy, the inverse relation w \ discretized as in equation (3) :
w [ c D(2)(w) approximates point values using averaged du (t) 1 1
j 1 x j j,k \ [ (fü
data. This algorithm, now applied to the values w at [fü ) [ (gü [gü ),
j`1@2the dt h j`1@2,k j~1@2,k h j,k`1@2 j,k~1@2
cell interfaces, wü \ [w [ c D(2)(w)] , gives x y
j`1@2 function x
1 whose j`1@2
numerical wü (x) primitive two-point di†er- (17)
ence (* wü ) /h constitutes a third-order approximation of
x jÐrst
x derivative at x . Let then apply this recon- where now the Ñux functions [f (w), g(w)] depend on the
the L w(x)
struction step to approximate jthe primitive AΠof the mag-
x eight-component vector w \ [u, B]. The upwind Ñux based
netic potential A(x ,y ). In the 2D (x, y) plane we on the A characteristic eigenspace has the form (consult eq.
j`1@2 k`1@2 x
have [4])

(AΠ) \ [A [ c (D(2) ] D(2))A] , [ f(w , B )] \ 1 [ f (w(R,), B ) ] f (w(L,), B )

j`1@2,k`1@2 1 x y j`1@2,k`1@2 x x j`1@2,k 2 x x x x
[ D(1~6)(w8 ) Æ (w(R,) [ w(L,))] , (18)
and the numerical magnetic Ðeld components are x x x j`1@2,k
where now upwind properties involve only the variables
1 w \ (u, B ). In the same way, the upwind Ñux based on the
Ax characteristic
(BΠ) \ (* AΠ) , (BΠ)
x j`1@2,k h y j`1@2,k y j,k`1@2 eigenspace has the form (consult eq. [6])
y y
1 [g(w , B )] \ 1 [g(w(,R), B ) ] g(w(,L), B )
\ [ (* AΠ) . (15) y y j,k`1@2 2 y y y y
h x j,k`1@2 [ D(1~6)(w8 ) Æ (w(,R) [ w(,L))] , (19)
x y y y j,k`1@2
By deÐnition, the di†erence (* BŒ )/h gives a third-order where this time the upwind properties involve only the vari-
x x derivative
x ables w \ (u, B ).
approximation of the L B Ðrst at the node y x
x x To second-order approximation, the numerical Ñuxes
(x , y ) point, and (* BΠ)/h gives the corresponding
j k
of the L yB y derivative
y needed to compute space derivatives in equation (17) are
approximation with the same accu-
y y given by the Ñux values of equations (18) and (19), whose
racy and at the same point. We notice that no left or right
derivatives are deÐned along the longitudinal coordinates ; arguments w and w are second-order interpolated vari-
thus these numerical approximations are unique. Moreover, ables. In particular By \ B in the f(w , B ) Ñux and B \
B in the g(w , B ) Ñux.x
x x x y
one easily veriÐes that $ Æ B \ 0, now in the point-valued yOn the other
y hand,
form, is exactly fulÐlled because of the commutativity of the in classical second-order schemes for
* * operator. The key point here is that to higher orders the Euler equations, the numerical Ñux fü is expressed using
x y the primitives [BΠ(x,), BΠ(, y)] can be reconstructed cell-centered variables as
x y
directly using a common magnetic potential function fü \ 1 [f (w ) ] f (w )]
AΠ(x, y), but not the (B , B ) functions themselves (those j`1@2,k
2 j`1,k j,k
x divergence-free
y [ 1 [D(1~6)(w8 ) Æ (w(R,) [ w(L,))]
entering the Ñuxes, where Ðelds are actually
2 x x x j`1@2,k
needed). To achieve this, one needs a further computational
step, that is, to solve the (now implicit) relations and in a similar way for the g Ñux. However, this Ñux repre-
sentation cannot be extended to the MHD case since cell-
(B [ c D(2) B ) \ (BŒ ) , centered (B , B ) Ðelds are not related by a divergence-free
(Bx [ c1 Dx(2) Bx)j`1@2,k \ (BΠx) j`1@2,k , (16) x ysame remark applies to higher r [ 2 order
condition. The
y 1 y y j,k`1@2 y j,k`1@2

schemes in which the numerical Ñux reconstruction is based that the upwind formula (22) can be derived from the Ñux
on cell-centered values (Shu & Osher 1989). splitting introduced in ° 2.1, in the form
A second consequence of MHD structure in the evolution
)(B,) \ )(w) ^ D(7)(w8 ) Æ w , (23)
equation (17) is that the u state vector has to be integrated x x
in time by summing Ñux derivatives evaluated at the same which is equivalent to a local linearization of the )(w(x))
time t, when the implicit $ Æ B \ 0 condition holds. In those Ñux around the x \ x point.
schemes in which time integration is performed by a Strang- j`1@2
2. For a discontinuity front perpendicular to the y direc-
type splitting procedure, Ñux derivatives and hence terms tion, where now w(L,) \ w(R,), the approximate Riemann
containing L B and L B are necessarily summed at di†er- solver reduces to
x x y y
ent time steps and the required L B ] L B cancellation
x x y y [) (x)] \ 1 [)(w(,R)) ] )(w(,L))
never occurs. y k`1@2 2
To summarize, higher order upwind schemes developed ] D(7)(w8 ) Æ d w ](x) , (24)
for Euler equations can be extended to the MHD subsystem y y y k`1@2
(17), with the provisos that where D(7) denotes the seventh row vector component of
the D ymatrix and d w \ (w(,R) [ w(,L)). The x range
1. Ñux derivatives have to be computed using Ñux values y y y y y
involved is now x ¹ x ¹ x , where the variables w(,b)(x),
and hence B Ðeld data directly collocated at staggered (i.e., j j`1
b \ L , R are continuous. Again, the upwind formula equa-
cell boundary centered) points and not at the cell centered tion (24) may be derived from the splitting
points, and
2. the same derivatives along the two directions have to )(,B) \ )(w) < D(7)(w8 ) Æ w , (25)
y y
be computed at the same time, thus avoiding time-splitting which represents a local linearization around the y \ y
techniques. k`1@2
As already anticipated, the second set of MHD equa-
tions, given by the induction equation (9) for the magnetic In the general case in which a discontinuity front crosses
poloidal Ðeld components, needs a particular treatment. In the computational cell centered on P, an approximate
the proper, divergence-free preserving discretized form, Riemann solver can be obtained by introducing a 2D Ñux
these equations are given by splitting. For that purpose, we decompose each )(B,) com-
ponent in equation (23) along the y direction, with the
d 1 requirement to have the same form of the symmetric
[B (t)] \ [ [* )(w )] , decomposition of the )(B,) components in equation (23)
dt y j,k`1@2 h x P
x along the x direction. This compound Ñux splitting, when
d 1 interpreted as an approximate Riemann solver with local
[B (t)] \ [* )(w )] , (20) linearization [thus implying neglect of O(d w d w ) terms],
dt x j`1@2,k h y P x x y y
y results in the four-state Ñux formula
where now w \ [v , v , B , B ]T denotes only the variables
that are argumentsx of y). In
x a fully
y 1
equivalent form using the
)(w ) \ [)(w(R,R)) ] )(w(R,L)) ] )(w(L,R)) ] )(w(L,L))]
vector potential representation, one has P 4 P
d 1
[A(t)] \ )(w ) , (21) w88 ) Æ d w8 [ D(7)(w
[ [D(7)(w w88 ) Æ d w8 ] , (26)
dt P P 2 x x x y y y P
to be coupled with equation (14). In both formulations a where (a, b \ R, L ) :
common Ñux function )(w), located at the cell corner point
P \ (x ,y ), has to be evaluated. w8 (a,) \ 1 (w(a,R) ] w(a,L)), w8 (,b) \ 1 (w(R,b) ] w(L,b)) ,
j`1@2to single
k`1@2 out a consistent numerical Ñux function x 2 x x y 2 y y
In order and w88 \ (w(R,R) ] w(R,L) ] w(L,R) ] w(L,L))/4. The )(w)
in equation (21), one has to take into account that )(w ) is numerical Ñux given in equation (26) has now all the desired
now a four-state function formal upwind properties both along the x and y directions
)(a,b) \ )(w(a,b)) , a, b \ R, L , and reduces correctly to the 1D limiting cases equations (22)
and (24). The composition rule used here cannot be inter-
and upwind rules involve necessarily both A (w8 ) and A (w8 ) preted as a simple arithmetic average of independent 1D
matrix eigenspaces evaluated at a common reference y
state Riemann solvers. In fact, for a discontinuity front with arbi-
[w8 ] . To construct a proper 2D Riemann Ñux formula, we trary slope angle around P, the 1D Ñux formula, say equa-
ÐrstPconsider the two limiting cases in which a propagating tion (22), still applies and gives the upwind contribution
discontinuity may be described by a 1D Riemann Ñux along the x characteristic modes. Near the y \ y point,
formula. k`1@2 and
)(,b) (b \ L , R) is now a two-state Ñux function
1. For a discontinuity front perpendicular to the x direc- upwinding has to be completed by taking into account also
tion, where w(,L) \ w(,R), one has the [A characteristic modes along the orthogonal y direc-
tion. Byy applying then 1D Ñux upwinding as in equation
[) (y)] \ 1 [)(w(R,)) ] )(w(L,)) (24) to the Ñux )(w) \ ) (w) and by discarding quadratic
x j`1@2 2 x
[ D(7)(w8 ) Æ d w ](y) , (22) terms, one recovers equation (26). This composition pro-
x x x j`1@2 cedure taken in reverse order, starting now from equation
where D(7) denotes the seventh row vector component of D (24), yields an identical result under the essential assump-
x d w \ (w(R,) [ w(L,)). The Ñux in equation (22)x
matrix and tion of linearization.
is extended tox the
x range
x y ¹xy ¹ y
where the variables Finally, it is worth noticing that the viscous (resistive)
w(a,)(y), a \ L , R are continuous. Wek`1 remind the reader here model equation for the numerical Ñux function ), consis-

tent with equation (26), has the form have shown that these staggered, divergence-free variables,
when used in momentum and energy equations, avoid the
) (w) \ )(w) [ 1 [h D (w) Æ L w [ h D (w) Æ L w ] ,
v 2 x x x x y y y y e†ects of numerical monopoles. On the contrary, in all the
showing how the dissipative term generalizes the classical cited works, while evolving in time the staggered (b , b )
x y
gJ \ g$ ] B term in OhmÏs law of resistive plasmas. magnetic Ðeld, interpolation and upwinding procedures are
Having now completed the construction of the )(w) still based on cell-centered (B , B ) variables, and
x y j,k
upwind Ñux for the induction equations, it is possible to unwanted compressive $ Æ B terms are then necessarily set
design the overall numerical procedure to integrate the up. Moreover, this ““ duality ÏÏ in the magnetic Ðeld represen-
MHD system. We summarize here the main computational tation is considered to be unavoidable in the Godunov-type
steps. Riemann solvers formalism. For that reason, in the DW and
BS papers in particular, much attention has been devoted to
1. At each stage of the Runge-Kutta cycle, for given compare the di†erent results produced by schemes advanc-
(u, A)(t) data at time t, the averaged (B , B ) staggered Ðelds ing in time only the (b , b ) staggered variables, where
x y x y
are evaluated Ðrst by equation (14). (B , B ) work as interpolated variables, and schemes in
2. Using then the [u, B , B ]T data, all variables x y
x y which the (B , B ) cell-centered components, also, are
[u, B , B ]T needed to compute the Ñuxes deÐned in equa- x y
x y (independently) evolved (as for standard Godunov pro-
tion (18) are reconstructed at each cell boundary point cedures for Euler equations). Conclusions are mainly drawn
(x , y ), and conservative x-derivatives of the f Ñux can at a qualitative level, and only in the DW paper are some
then k
be evaluated. numerical results on the $ Æ B variable constructed with the
3. The complementary procedure, now to reconstruct all (B , B ) data presented, showing the onset of signiÐcant,
variables [u, B , B ]T for the Ñuxes deÐned in equation (19) x ofy O(1) size, residuals.
at each (x , yx y ) point, gives the conservative y- In the present approach, we have demonstrated by ana-
derivatives ofj the
g Ñux. lytical arguments that the compressive components arise
4. A Ðnal reconstruction to the (x ,y ) corner either in cases in which cell-centered Ðelds are evolved in
j`1@2 k`1@2
point is needed to compute the )(w) numerical Ñux in equa- time or they are simply given by interpolation. In fact, at the
tion (26). This allows the integration in time the vector leading second-order interpolation used in the cited papers,
magnetic potential A(t) by equation (21).
The explicit representation of a divergence-free magnetic (B ) \ 1 [(b ) ] (b ) ],
x j,k 2 x j`1@2,k x j~1@2,k
Ðeld via a vector potential has, among others, the advantage (B ) \ 1 [(b ) ] (b ) ],
of an easy extension to three-dimensional conÐgurations. In y j,k 2 y j,k`1@2 y j,k~1@2
fact, in this case one has to discretize the constitutive rela- one gets O(h2) (for smooth Ðelds) residual when the $ Æ B
tions variable is evaluated by centered Ðrst derivatives. This com-
pressive component associated to the (B , B ) Ðelds cannot
B \ $ ] A, B \ [B , B , B ]T be considered to be small (of the same order x y of the trunca-
x y z
in weak form to generalize equation (14). The A , i \ x, y, z tion error), since it is easy to show that even for higher order
i (r [ 2) interpolation the leading $ Æ B \ O(h2) term never
components and the corresponding Ñux functions )\
i cancels out.
(¿ ] B) are now located at the 3D cell edge points P , each
i i Our analysis shows that cell-centered Ðelds are not really
centered along the corresponding ith coordinate but stag-
gered with respect to the remaining two directions. The needed in upwind di†erentiation, even for Godunov-type
evolution equation (eq. [21]) readily generalizes to schemes. In fact, the MHD system structure relies on two
di†erent kinds of magnetic Ðeld variables, depending on
d[A (t)] di†erentiation coordinates. The Ðrst set, given by the
i Pi \ ) (w ) ,
dt i Pi [b (x,), b (, y)] variables, which are continuous in the indi-
x coordinates,
cated satisÐes the divergence-free condition
and the consistency arguments introduced in 2D case can and does not have a characteristic representation. The
be applied to deÐne the composition rules for each ) \ second one, given by [B (, y), B (x,)], enters the character-
) (w) scalar function since only two upwind directions,i in istic space and can thenx have (transverse)
i are now involved (i.e. each ) involves a 2D Riemann
turn, The former quantities are advanced in time as staggered
solver). Ðeld data, while the latter can be reconstructed by inter-
polation either at a cell boundary or at a cell corner point.
3.3. Comments and Discussion As a last point, we comment here on the way the Ñux for
Some remarks are due in order to underline di†erences the induction equations is derived. In the DW and BS
and analogies with other proposed MHD schemes, in par- schemes, the ) Ñuxes (or electric Ðelds components) are
ticular those presented by Dai & Woodward (1998, here- constructed by simple arithmetic averages in space and for
after DW), by Ryu et al. (1998, hereafter RY), and by each 1D upwind Ñux. This approach, which seems reason-
Balsara & Spicer (1999, hereafter BS), all claiming to have able for second-order accuracy, is not consistent since it
““ divergence-free preserving properties.ÏÏ These works are does not reduce to the original 1D Ñuxes when the discon-
based on second-order either Godunov or Roe-type tinuity front propagates along one of the coordinate axes.
schemes, and a staggered discretization for the induction This drawback led BS to introduce a rather empirical
equation of the form of our equation (20) is used. switch to select the dominant direction of front propaga-
At a second-order level the averaged variables (B ) tion. On the other hand, RY derives a formally correct Ñux,
x j`1@2,k
and (B ) can be interpreted as point-valued variables of the same form as our equation (26), by splitting the Ñux
y j,k`1@2
at the same cell boundary points [which we label ““ (b , b ) ÏÏ ) \ v B [ v B into two independent components (v B
Ðelds, to conform to the DW and RY notation]. In x° 3 ywe and v xB y), andy 1D
x independent upwindings along the x xandy
y x

y direction, respectively, have then been applied. However, modes, locally at each grid point. In the CENO method a
this computational trick has no physical support, since the higher order interpolation is maintained only at smooth
two characteristics spaces, spanned by the A and A , in the regions while Ðrst-order polynomials are used at the func-
x y
original MHD equations, are both based on the complete ) tion jumps, with neither case requiring a characteristic
Ñux. decomposition.For third-order reconstruction, in particu-
lar, one has at oneÏs disposal three quadratic interpolants in
j~1@2 j`1@2
We consider the 2D MHD system in Cartesian (x, y) Q(k)(x) \ w ] [(*w) ] (*w) ]
j i 2 i i~1
coordinates, in the conservation form given by equation
(17), to integrate the density, momenta, and energy vari- (x [ x ) 1 (x [ x )2
] i ] (*(2)w) i ,
ables, and by equation (21) to integrate the vector potential. h 2 i h2
The updated, line-averaged, magnetic Ðelds (B ,B ) are x x
x y where (*(2)) \ (* [ * ) and centering refers to the index
deÐned, at each time step, by the geometrical relations of
i i i~1
equation (14). i \ j ] k for k \ [1, 0, 1. The CENO selection procedure
We specify the general procedure outlined in the previous allows to construct the unique nonoscillatory interpolant
° 3 by choosing high-order reconstruction algorithms based
on convex-ENO (CENO) method, a local Lax-Friedrichs 1 (x [ x ) 1 (x [ x )2
Q3 (x) \ w ] (D(1)w) j ] (D(2)w) j ,
(LLF) Ñux splitting for upwinding, and a time integration j j 2 j h 2 j h2
step using a third-order TVD Runge-Kutta scheme. x x
All the indicated numerical ingredients are well docu- which is closest to the TVD lower order interpolant L3 (w).
This is obtained by computing the three di†erences j
mented and tested in problems described by the Euler
system of gasdynamics (for time integration : Shu & Osher
d(k) \ Q(k) [ L3 , k \ [1, 0, 1
1988 ; for general ENO reconstruction : Shu 1997 ; for the j j j
CENO method : Liu & Osher 1998). It is then sufficient to at the x \ x or x \ x boundary point. In a
smooth rangej~1@2
detail here the speciÐc procedures allowing to extend j`1@2indicators have the same
all these distance
CENO schemes to the MHD system and having relevance sign, and one can then select
to the divergence-free properties of the magnetic Ðelds.
Q3 \ Q(k0) , o d(k0) o \ min o d(k) o .
1. Among high-order reconstruction algorithms, the j j k
recently proposed CENO method has the main computa- Only at a discontinuity point at least one indicator changes
tional advantage of avoiding the time-consuming character- sign and in this case one takes Q3 \ L3 \ w since
istic decomposition of state variables, which is usually j j
D(1) \ D(2) \ 0, clipping to a Ðrst-order interpolation.j
adopted in upwind schemes.To achieve this property, one 2. We apply then this reconstruction procedure, Ðrst to
consider Ðrst a TVD (monotone) second-order accurate each u scalar component of the u state vector, to recover
interpolant for the scalar variable w(x) with data Mw N, j,k values
the point
where w denotes any component of the state vector w. In the
x ¹x¹x range, three-point linear polynomials (u(L)) \ Q3 (u)(x ,y),
j~1@2 j`1@2 j`1@2,k j j`1@2 k
have the form
(u(R)) \ Q3 (u)(x ,y),
j`1@2 j`1 j`1@2 k
L (k)(x) \ w ] (*w) (x [ x ) , k \ 0, 1 , needed to compute the f (w , B ) Ñux , and in a similar way
j j h j`k j x x needed to compute the
x to recover the u values
where (*w) \ w [ w . In classical TVD schemes a g(w , B ) Ñux.
3.y The
i i`1L3 (x) i\ w ] (1/h )(D(1)w) (x [ x ) with y deÐnition of (B , B ) point values introduced in ° 3
unique interpolant
slope (D(1)w) is chosen
j using jmin-mod
x (““ mmj ÏÏ) limiters
to requires the speciÐcationx of ythe nonoscillatory D(2) second
j derivative. In the CENO framework one simply takes
assure nonoscillatory properties
(D(1)w) \ mm [(*w) ,(*w) ] . D(2) \ mm (*(2) , *(2), *(2) ) ,
j j~1 j x j~1 j j`1
The mm (a, b) function is deÐned, as usual, by D(2) \ mm (*(2) , *(2), *(2) ) .
y k~1 k k`1
mm (a, b) \ sign (a) min ( o a o , o b o ) for ab [ 0 We notice that this procedure returns the smoothest among
and mm (a, b) \ 0 otherwise.Using the selected L3 (w) poly- the indicated three second numerical derivatives if the
j stencil of the involved Ðrst di†erences (* , . . . , * ) is
nomial, the interpolated values at the cell boundaries are j~2 has aj`1
then given by (w(L)) \ L3 (x ), (w(R)) \ monotone, while D(2) \ 0 if the Ðrst derivative jump
).At any pointj`1@2
j j`1@2 as wellj`1@2 or a smooth extremum.For given (BΠ) , the reconstruc-
L3 (x of discontinuity at any
j`1 j`1@2
smooth extrema of w(x) where the Ðrst di†erences change tion of the related divergence-free (Bx j`1@2,k
) point values is
x j`1@2,k
sign, the TVD polynomial reduces to the constant state given by the implicit deÐnition in equation (16)
L (x) \ w . Clipping to Ðrst-order accuracy at a function
j j (B [ c D(2) B ) \ (BΠ) , c \ 1/24 ,
jump is unavoidable in any polynomial-based reconstruc- x 1 x x j`1@2,k x j`1@2,k 1
tion, while higher (r º 2) accuracy in smooth ranges can which we solve by using an explicit iteration procedure. By
always be achieved by enforced TVD or ENO procedures. setting B(0) \ BΠ, at each (x , y ) point, the sequence
This improvement, however, usually requires a preliminary x x j`1@2 k
decomposition of the *w di†erences into characteristic B(n) \ BŒ ] c D(2)(B(n~1)) , n \ 1, 2, . . . , (27)
x x 1 x x

is clearly rapidly convergent since D(2) is at most an O(h )

x x
quantity. In a similar way, we compute (B ) by iter-
ating y j,k`1@2

B(n) \ BΠ] c D(2)(B(n~1)) , B(0) \ BΠ. (28)

y y 1 y y y y
In practical computations, for all the test problems present-
ed in the next section, we found that n \ 5 is sufficient to
assure $ Æ B \ 0 to within machine accuracy both in the
maximum and in the L norm.The computed (B )
1 x j`1@2,k
point values computed in equation (27) enter now the
f(w , B ) Ñux as they stand, while the (B ) component
x x y j`1@2,k
of the w state vector needs further interpolation. Using
then (B ) derived by equation (28), the cell-centered
y j,k`1@2
(B ) Ðeld is Ðrst reconstructed by taking
y j,k
(B ) \ 1 [(B3 ) ] (B3 ) ],
y j,k 2 y j,k~1@2 y j,k`1@2
(B3 ) \ (B ) [ 1 (D(2) B ) ,
y j,k`1@2 y j,k`1@2 8 y y j,k`1@2
FIG. 1.ÈIndicated variables at time t \ 0.08 for the 1D Riemann
to be Ðnally interpolated at the (x , y ) cell boundary
point like the other u componentsj`1@2 of thek w state vector.
problem RJ1, using N \ 400 grid points.
j,k the cell-centered (B x) values do
It is worth noticing that
not have divergence-free properties since the f(w y j,k, B ) di†er- has
entiation involves only the x coordinate.Byx symmetric
)(w ) \ 1 [)(w(R,R)) ] )(w(R,L)) ] )(w(L,R)) ] )(w(L,L))]
arguments, the (B ) Ðeld enters the g(w , B ) Ñux as it P 4 P
stands, while (B )y j,k`1@2now has to be interpolated y y using [ 1 [a (ww88 )d B [ a (w w88 )d B ] , (31)
x j`1@2,k
the cell-centered values 2 x x y y y x P
where all the arguments (v , v , B , B ) are Ðrst interpolated
, xy y )xpoint.
(B ) \ 1 [(B3 ) ] (B3 ) ], at a common P \ (x
x j,k 2 x y j`1@2,k j`1@2 k`1@2
7. Finally, for time integration, a three-step Runge-Kutta
(B3 ) \ (B ) [ 1 (D(2) B ) . algorithm provides the overall third-order accuracy of the
x j`1@2,k x j`1@2,k 8 x x j`1@2,k
LF-CENO scheme.
4. The interpolated (w ) or (w ) are rep-
x j`1@2,k y j,k`1@2 5. NUMERICAL RESULTS
resented as two-point left-right values along the relevant x
or y coordinate, and an approximate Riemann solver has The proposed numerical problems are mainly concerned
then to be speciÐed to compute upwind Ñuxes. We have with the divergence-free property, which on numerical side
chosen the simple LLF Ñux composition, deÐned by entails two main aspects :
f (w , B ) \ 1 [ f (wL,, B ) ] f (wR,, B )] [ 1 a (w8 )(uR,[uL,) 1. the existence of a vector potential A(x ,y , t)
x x 2 x x x x 2 x x j`1@2 k`1@2
as a continuous function at all times, assuring regular Ðeld
(29) lines topology (only corners are allowed), and
2. a vanishing D 4 ($ Æ B) , where Ðeld derivatives are
and B same Ðeldj,k components and the same
computed using the
g(w , B ) \ 1 [g(w,L, B ) ] g(w,R, B )] [ 1 a (w8 )(u,R[u,L) . di†erence algorithms as in dynamical Ñux calculations.
y y 2 y y y y 2 y y
(30) Since this form of validation has no counterpart in other
proposed numerical works, comparisons with published
The scalar variable a (w8 ) is given at each (x , y ) point
x matrix
eigenvalues jj`1@2
k w8 is
by the largest of the A (w8 ), and
x s x
the arithmetic average of the w left-right states. In practice x
a \ o v o ] c , where c is the fast wave speed along the x
x x Correspondingly,
fx fx
direction. a (w8 ) \ o v o ] c gives the
y y basedy on the fy arithmetic
largest eigenvalue of the A matrix
average of the left-right states of w at the (x , y ) point.
y in equations
j k`1@2(29) and
5. Di†erences of Ñux values given
(30) provide only second-order accurate derivatives, even if
the reconstructed Ñux arguments share a higher accuracy
order. To keep third-order in derivative approximations, we
construct the primitives
fü \ ( f [ c D(2)f ) , gü
j`1@2,k 1 x j`1@2,k j,k`1@2
\ (g [ c D(2) g) ,
1 y j,k`1@2
thus completing the integration scheme of equation (17) for
the six-component state vector u .
j,k a proper upwinding pro-
6. The )(w) Ñux variable needs FIG. 2.ÈIndicated variables at time t \ 0.2 for the 1D Riemann
cedure, as shown in equation (26). In an LLF scheme one problem RJ2, using N \ 400 grid points.

FIG. 3.ÈIndicated variables at time t \ 0.1 for the 1D Riemann FIG. 5.ÈSame shock-tube problem as in Fig. 2, now along the main
problem RJ3, using N \ 400 grid points. diagonal m of a 2D square computational box with 256 ] 256 grid points.

““ RJ1,ÏÏ ““ RJ2,ÏÏ and ““ RJ3,ÏÏ respectively. In all the indicated

data will cover necessarily rather qualitative aspects. Beside cases a uniform grid with N \ 400 grid points, a grid size
the divergence-free condition, the numerical results give L \ 1, an adiabatic index x c \ 5/3, and a Courant-
also indications on the resolution properties, as well as x
Friedrichs-Levy (CFL) number c \ 0.8, are used. In all
on the stability and reliability of the MHD code described numerical tests presented here, the parameters c and c will
in ° 4. always retain the same values.
Finally, we remark that in our code the A(x, y) vector In RJ1, the initial conditions for the state vector
potential refers only to the nonuniform (B , B ) Ðelds, since w(x) \ [o, v , v , v , B , B , p]T are deÐned by
x y x y z y z
constant initial components are trivially preserved in time.
Therefore, for problems having constant components wL \ [1, 10, 0, 0, 5B , 0, 20]T ,
(B , B ), the evolved A(t) Ðeld is now deÐned by wR \ [1, [10, 0, 0, 5B , 0, 1]T ,
0x 0y 0
B \B ]L A , B \B [L A , and by a constant B \ 5B . Here left states refer to
x 0x y y 0y x
replacing the original equation (10) of ° 2. x \ 0.5 and right states0xto x [00.5. The unit magnetic Ðeld
is B \ (4n)~1@2. In Figure 1 the evolved variables (o, p,
5.1. Shock-T ube T ests B , v0 ) are shown at time t \ 0.08, as in Ryu & Jones (1995).
yIn xthe RJ2 test initial conditions are deÐned by
We Ðrst consider 1D Riemann problems (using a full 2D
grid) to check for resolution properties of the proposed wL \ [1.08, 1.2, 0.01, 0.5, 3.6B , 2B , 0.95]T ,
scheme. To that purpose, it is necessary to take into account 0 0
that high-order schemes are not well suited for shock-tube wR \ [1, 0, 0, 0, 4B , 2B , 1]T ,
0 0
problems in which lower order characteristic-based and the constant magnetic Ðeld is now B \ 2B . The
schemes are optimal, instead. 0x t \ 0.2
0 are
evolved variables (o, p, B , v , B , v ) at time
We consider three problems documented by Ryu & Jones y y z z
shown in Figure 2.
(1995) in their Figures 1a, 2a, and 5a, which we here label Finally, the RJ3 problem, with initial data
wL \ [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]T ,
wR \ [0.125, 0, 0, 0, [1, 0, 0.1]T ,
and B \ 0.75, is illustrated in the Figure 3, for t \ 0.1.
This is0xalready considered a classical test, related to the
presence of a compound wave (Brio & Wu 1988).
As can be seen, the plotted results reproduce well all the
main expected features and compare with the correspond-
ing results obtained with higher grid resolutions and more
elaborate Riemann solvers (Ryu & Jones 1995 ; Jiang & Wu
1999). Postshock oscillations, which are always produced in
any shock-capturing scheme (Arora & Roe 1996), appear
here with vanishing amplitudes behind the fast-moving
shocks but have signiÐcant sizes near the slow shocks and
near the expansion wave on the right-hand side of Figure 3.
At present, to our knowledge, no general cure has been
envisaged to suppress entirely this unphysical wave noise,
which can then be reduced only by adding numerical vis-
FIG. 4.ÈSame shock-tube problem as in Fig. 1, now along the main cosity. In this sense, the observed oscillations allow to esti-
diagonal m of a 2D square computational box with 256 ] 256 grid points. mate the implicit numerical viscosity of our CENO-LF

FIG. 6a FIG. 6b
FIG. 6.È(a) m derivative of the B Ðeld in the 2D shock-tube problem of Fig. 5. (b) Corresponding isocontours of the magnetic potential A, which clearly
show the g-invariance. m

scheme to be somehow intermediate between the lower dinate m \ x cos a ] y sin a, with B \ B now being con-
m 0mby imposing the
order TVD code of Ryu & Jones (1995) and the Weno-LLF stant. Boundary conditions are speciÐed
MHD code of Jiang & Wu (1999). Other limiters have also continuity of all variables along the traverse direction
been tested (van Leer, SUPERBEE, etc.), with no signiÐcant g \ y cos a [ x sin a, extended to the x \ 0, x [ L and to
x grid
improvements. In any case, we want to stress again the the y \ 0, y [ L sides. We used N \ N \ 256
y x y
point that high-order schemes not based on characteristics points, and we found that this grid spacing is hardly suffi-
decomposition, like our code, are not particularly designed cient to recover the main Ñow structures.
to handle Riemann problems, in which a lower order The evolved variables w(m) are shown in Figure 4 for the
scheme may be a better choice. rotated 1D Riemann problem of Figure 1 and in Figure 5
To test the code for 2D cases, we have run the previous for the rotated 1D Riemann problem of Figure 2, at corre-
Riemann problems RJ1 and RJ2 with structures propagat- sponding times. The plotted results are comparable to the
ing along the main diagonal of a computational box with ones presented by Ryu et al. (1998) for the same Riemann
sizes L \ cos a, L \ sin a, where a \ n/4. In this way the problems. The fact that the small oscillations observed in
x has a unity size L \ 1, and h \ 1/N is the size of
diagonal the corresponding 1D cases are now less apparent is due to
the cell diagonals. Initial conditions are then assigned to the the higher numerical dissipation produced by the lower
state vector w(m) \ [o, v , v , v , B , B , p]T along the coor- resolution.
m g z g z
In a 2D shock-tube problem, the divergence-free condi-
tion can be simply expressed by a constant B Ðeld, i.e., by
the dB /dm \ 0 relation along both the m and gm coordinates.
However, if B is constructed using the cell centered
(B , B ) Ðelds,m this conservation law is poorly veriÐed, as
x bey j,k
can seen in Figure 6a, where the numerical derivative
* B /h for the RJ2 test is plotted. On the other hand, using
m vector
the potential, point values of the B Ðeld are properly
deÐned by
B \B ]
m 0m Lg
and the divergence-free condition results if A (as well as the
other dynamical variables) do not depend on the g coordi-
nate. This is documented by the 2D structure shown in
Figure 6b. The corresponding numerical derivative
1 * * A
* B \ m g
FIG. 7.ÈIndicated variables for the 2D slow wave problem, along the m h m m h2
coordinate and at time t \ 1. The slope angle is a \ n/6, and the computa-
tional box has 192 ] 192 grid points. has now a maximum size of ^10~5.

FIG. 8.È(L eft panel) Pressure and (right panel) magnetic potential isocontours for the slow wave problem of Fig. 7 at the same time t \ 1

5.2. Slow W ave Steepening and Shock Formation signiÐcant for high-order schemes, whose small numerical
Nonlinear wave steepening from continuous initial data dissipation may model weakly resistive plasmas. Reference
is a main feature of compressible Ñows. In the MHD case results are given by Wu (1987) for physical setting in
this problem has also interesting astrophysical aspects for resistive MHD and by Dai & Woodward (1998) and Jiang
the study of intermediate shocks (shocks coupled to expan- & Wu (1999) for numerical testing.
sion waves), already encountered in the previous shock-tube Here we consider initial data deÐned by a (smooth) slow
test RJ3. On the computational side, wave steepening is wave front propagating along the transverse m axis, with a

FIG. 9a

FIG. 9b
FIG. 9.È(a) Surface plot of $ Æ B for the slow wave problem at time t \ 1. (b) Numerical derivative of the B Ðeld, computed with cell centered (B , B )
data. m x y

FIG. 10.È(L eft panel) Pressure and (right panel) magnetic potential A distribution in the Orszag-Tang problem at time t \ 0.5. The unit square
computational box has 192 ] 192 grid points.

slope angle a \ n/6 with respect to the x axis. The initial The corresponding 2D plots of the pressure p(x, y) and of
conditions are deÐned by the characteristic di†erential the vector potential A(x, y) are also shown in the Figure 8,
equations (the prime here denoting a m derivative) to check for accurate g independence of the Ñow variables.
As for the previous shock-tube test of Figure 6, a vanishing
B B@ c c numerical $ Æ B comes from the L A ^ 0 condition. In
o@ \ [ g g , p@ \ a2o@ , q@ \ s o@ , q@ \ f B@ , g D is also shown,
(a2 [ c2) m o g aJo g Figure 9a a surface plot of the variable
s B
giving a value o D o ^ 10~4 for the residual numerical
relating (o, p, q , q ) to the B Ðeld along the m coordinate. B max
monopoles, while the B component based on (B , B )
The variables a,m c , gc denote gthe sound, slow, and fast wave m
values shows a much higher derivative O(10~1), asxcany be
s fWe choose as the initial proÐle B (m) \
speeds, respectively. seen in Figure 9b.
sin (2nm) and a Cartesian box with L \ 1/cos a andg L \
1/sin a, so that periodic boundaryx conditions can y be
applied along the x and y Cartesian coordinates.
In Figure 7 the m proÐles of the variables (o, p, B , v ) are
shown at time t \ 1, when a shock train is alreadygformed.

FIG. 11.È1D pressure distribution for the same problem as in Fig. 10

along a cut (upper panel) at y \ 0.4277 and (lower panel) at y \ 0.3125 FIG. 12.ÈMagnetic potential A distribution for the same problem as in
(where a proper normalized pressure is shown, to compare with the Jiang Fig. 10 at a later time t \ 3. The reconnected central magnetic island is
& Wu 1999 data). clearly shown.

FIG. 13.ÈIndicated variables at time t \ 0.02 for the blast wave problem. A unit computational box is used with 192 ] 192 grid points.

5.3. T he Orszag-T ang MHD V ortex Problem where B \ (4n)~1@2 and b \ 2c for the usual c \ 5/3 value.
0 Ñow is the given by a velocity vortex superim-
A well-known model problem to study the transition to The initial
MHD turbulence is provided by the so-called Orszag-Tang posed to a magnetic vortex, with a common (singular)
vortex, which has been extensively studied in its compress- X-point, but with a di†erent modal structure. This conÐgu-
ible version (for low Mach numbers) by many authors using ration is strongly unstable, giving rise to a wide spectrum of
spectral methods. For initial Mach numbers M º 1 this is propagating MHD modes and shock waves (here the initial
also a valuable test for upwind codes, and it has been used Mach number is M \ 1) and to the transformation of the
for almost all the latest schemes (Zachary et al. 1994 ; Dai & initial X-point to a current-sheet triggering the reconnec-
Woodward 1998 ; Ryu et al. 1998 ; Jiang & Wu 1999). The tion process.
referenced Orszag-Tang system is deÐned by the initial con- For this test we have chosen a unit grid L \ L \ 1 with
x 10 we
y present
ditions N \ N \ 192 collocation points. In Figure
x y
the pressure p and potential A isocontours at t \ 0.5,
v \ B /B \ [sin 2ny , v \ sin 2nx , showing the good qualitative agreement with the other
x x 0 y published works. In particular, 1D proÐles of the p(x) vari-
B \ B sin 4nx , p \ (b/2)B2 , o \ cp , able (upper panel) at y \ 0.4277 and (lower panel) at
y 0 0

FIG. 14.ÈIndicated variables at time t \ 0.18 in the rotor problem. A unit computational box with 240 ] 240 grid points is used.

y \ 0.3125 are shown in Figure 11 for a more detailed com- of the computed divergence-free magnetic Ðeld allows to
parison with the corresponding plots given, respectively, by reproduce typical magnetic phenomena, like the topology
Ryu et al. (1998) and Jiang & Wu (1999). The latter refer- change induced by a vanishing resistivity (here modeled by
ence also contains some quantitative estimate of how sig- a low numerical di†usivity). In fact, by comparing the latter
niÐcant magnetic monopoles may a†ect the computed A distribution with the former shown in Figure 10, one sees
solutions, thus producing numerical instabilities in a long how the initial magnetic islands around the X-point merge
time evolution. by reconnection.
The monopole distribution D (not shown) show only a
few enhanced values ^10~5, thus B assuring vanishing $ Æ B 5.4. Strong Blast W ave in Free Space
condition. in the long time computations we found no evi- The following two numerical tests concern the formation
dence of negative pressure nor other unphysical behaviors. and propagation of strong MHD discontinuities in a 2D
To check this point in more detail, we plot the magnetic domain. These model problems are representative of many
Ðeld lines at t \ 3 in Figure 12, showing how the regularity astrophysical phenomena in which the magnetic energy has
of Ðeld lines is well preserved in time. This essential feature relevant dynamical e†ects. In numerical schemes having

poor divergence-free properties, the (possible) onset of spu- representing as in Figure 13 the space distribution of the
rious solutions and of a negative gas pressure is clearly density o, the magnetic potential A, the magnetic pressure
enhanced in these physical regimes, since the magnitude of (B2 ] B2)/2, and the solenoidal variable D , which remains
numerical monopoles increases along with the background x 4 y] 10~4 everywhere. Even if a lowerB resolution than
magnetic pressure. This problem has been discussed, in par- in the referenced paper is adopted here, and no smoothing is
ticular, by Balsara & Spicer (1999), where some quantitative applied to the initial density and rotation velocity discon-
estimate of the numerical $ Æ B produced by Godunov tinuities, the numerical results give convincing evidence
schemes has also been documented. about how a higher order scheme provides accurate and
The Ðrst test problem concerns the explosion of a circular well-resolved proÐles even when strong discontinuities
dense cloud in a magnetized, initially static region. Here we develop.
take again a square domain with N \ N \ 192 grid
x y
points. Initial conditions are speciÐed by Ðlling a circular 6. CONCLUSIONS
region located at the center and radius r \ 0.125 with a hot
gas having p \ 100. The background static 0 Ñuid is charac- We have introduced a general method to adapt upwind
terized by o \ p \ 1 and B \ 10. schemes developed for Euler system to the corresponding
In Figure 13 we show the 0x density o, the magnetic poten- MHD system in order to assure the divergence-free condi-
tial A, the magnetic pressure (B2 ] B2)/2, and the solenoidal tion. The proposed approach can be applied to existing
x y MHD codes as well as to any higher order extensions.
variable D distributions at time t \ 0.02, which is already
B The use of a staggered collocation for the magnetic Ðeld
representative of the generated complex Ñow structure. In
particular, the plotted results show the well-preserved initial components entering the $ Æ B variable and of the related
axial symmetries (around both the y \ 0.5 and the x \ 0.5 magnetic potential A are well-known general premises to
axis) as well as the regularity of magnetic Ðeld lines. As we represent a numerical divergence-free magnetic Ðeld at the
can see, the resulting numerical D variable has an isolated second-order accuracy level. We have thus introduced
B proper algorithms to extend this representation to higher
peak with magnitude 10~3 and otherwise vanishing sizes
\10~5. orders and to formulate upwind Ñux derivatives using only
the divergence-free variables, in order to avoid the onset of
5.5. T he Fast Rotor Problem numerical monopoles in the momentum and energy equa-
In Balsara & Spicer (1999), a model problem to study the tions. Moreover, by taking into account consistency argu-
onset and propagation of strong torsional Alfven waves, ments, we have proposed a new formulation for the upwind
relevant for star formation, was presented and analyzed. Ñux for the induction equations.
Following this reference, we have run the same problem As an application, we have constructed a simple and effi-
using a square unit computational box and N \ N \ 240 cient third-order LF-CENO based MHD code running in
x y
grid points. For propagating structures not intersecting the multidimensional systems. This code appears to be well
box boundaries, periodic conditions can be applied. Initial suited for many astrophysical problems in which, beside
conditions are speciÐed by a rapidly rotating cylinder (the strong shocks, reconnection phenomena, complex wave
rotor) with center at the x \ 0.5, y \ 0.5 point and radius patterns, and turbulence develop, as conÐrmed by the
r \ 0.1. The rotor has (initial) density o \ 10 and angular several numerical tests presented here.
velocity u \ 20, and it is embedded in a static and uniform
Ñuid with o \ p \ 1 and B \ 2.5n~1@2. The authors would like to thank Marco Velli for many
The evolved Ñow pattern 0xat time t \ 0.18 (just before the helpful discussions and for his support in completing this
shocked Ñow reaches the boundaries) is shown in Figure 14, work.

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