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Unit 1 : Simple Present Tenses (1)

Is, Am, Are

Am noun/ adjective
Are (名词、 形容词在后)

full form short form
Is I am I'm
Are you You're
we are We're
they They're

he he's
she is she's
it it's

full form short form
Is not I am not I'm not
Am not
Are not you you aren't
we are not we aren't
they the aren't

he he isn't
she is not she isn't
it it isn't
page 1

A) Put in is, am or are

1. I ________ happy today.

2. She ________ not at home now.

3. I think you ________ tired.

4. Her parents ________ in America now.

5. My mother ________ a doctor. She ________ forty years old.

6. It ________ cold and dark, and we ________ tired.

7. Lunch ________ OK and the vegetables ________ very good.

Dictionery 字典 :
happy 快乐 cold and dark 寒冷和黑暗
tired 累 vegetables 蔬菜
parents 父母亲 very good 非常好

B) Write sentences in question form

1. She is a teacher.

2. You are thirsty.


3. They are from England.


4. It is raining.

5. They are at home now.


Dictionery 字典 :
thirsty 口渴 rain 下雨
from 来自 is raining (正在)下雨

page 2

Unit 2 : Simple Present Tenses (2)

Do, Does

past regulary/ now future

(过去) (平时/ 现在正在) (未来)

you + verb 1 ---> eat (平时吃)
we (动词1) ---> go (平时去)

he ---> eats (平时吃)

she + verb "s" ---> goes (平时去)
it (动词 + s)

Read and understand

1. I walk to school, she goes to school by bus.

我 (平时) 步行去上学, 她(平时)搭乘巴士去上学。

2. Do you watch TV every day ?

你 (平时) 每天观看电视吗 ?

3. Does your sister watch TV every day ?

你的姐姐 (平时) 每天观看电视吗 ?

4. I like football.
Alice doesn't like football, she likes gardening.
我 (平时) 喜欢踢足球。
但是爱丽丝 (平时) 不喜欢踢足球。 她 (平时) 喜欢园艺 (这活动)。
Dictionery 字典 :
does't (does not) 不
gardening (garden) 园艺 (这活动)

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A) Write the he/ she/ it form

1. do 6. rain

2. cook 7. carry

3. pass 8. teach

4. wash 9. go

5. fly 10. have

B) Make question and answer - do/ does

1. Where / she live ?

Answer :

2. What / you eat every morning ?

Answer :

3. How much / the ticket cost ?

Answer :

4. How much / those shoes cost ?

Answer :

5. / she / her homework every night ?

Answer :
page 2
C) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verb
1. I (get up) _______________ late on Saturdays.

2. Tom and Tammy always (play) _______________ tennis at weekends.

3. My mother often (speak) _______________ English at home.

4. The sun (rise) __________ in the east and (set) __________ in the west.

5. They are thirsty. They (need) _______________ something to drink.

D) Look at the table, and write five sentences

Example : Ann plays tennis, but she doesn't play football.





tennis football swimming gardening
Ann X X X
John X X
Nicolas X X X
Bryan X

page 3
E) Look at the table, and write five sentences

Uncle Bryan is a doctor. He works in hospital.

Uncle Bryan




Tom and Jerry



Ann & John

page 4

Unit 3 : Present Continuous 1

be + ing

past regulary/ now future

(过去) (平时/ 现在正在) (未来)

I am eating rice now.

we are eating rice now.
they verb + ing
(动词 + ing)
she is eating rice now.


A) Add -ing to the verbs.

1. play 6. win

2. has 7. shop

3. sing 8. dance

4. stay 9. shine

5. live 10. write

Dictionery 字典 :
play 玩 live 居住 dance 跳舞
has 有/ 得到 win 赢/ 成功 shine 发光/ 照射
sing 唱歌 shop 购物 (名词=商店)
stay 逗留 write 写

page 1
B) Make present continuous sentences
1. It / rain now.

2. The cat / sleep.

3. Chris / read / the newspaper.

4. He / has lunch / at the moment.

5. Your coffee / get / cold.

6. We / have / a good time now.

C) Look at the picture and say what Helen is doing


brush brush think get up go listen open read read wash

● She is getting up. 5. the newspaper.

1. he face. 6. her hair.

2. her teeth. 7. letters.

3. to the radio. 8. the door.

4. coffee. 9. to work.
Unit 4 : Present Continuous 2
be + ing
Revision : Simple Present Tenses (1) Date :


A) Write a short form

1. I am 6. he is not

2. you are 7. they are not

3. It is 8. I am not

4. We are 9. It is not

5. She is 10. We are mot

B) Translate to Chinese
1. my 6. his

2. mine 7. cold and dark

3. you 8. hungry

4. your 9. weather

5. her 10. thirsty

C) Put in - is, am or are

1. You __________ late.

2. My sister __________ a doctor.

3. Paul and Ann __________ in America.

4. Our house __________ very small.

5. Her brother __________ a teacher.

D) Tick ( ) the correct answer
1. Now is summer, it is hot.

Now are summer, it is hot.

2. She is play.

She is playful.

3. The shops is closed on Mondays.

The shops are closed on Mondays.

4. This book is not mine.

This books is not mine.

5. The weather are cold, I'm hungry.

The weather is cold, I'm hungry.

E) Make question
1. I am fine.

2. My name is Jordan.

3. I am from London.

4. It is raining.

5. It is raining cats and dogs.

6. Her father is hungry.

7. The weather is cold and dark.

8. She is my sister.

9. My parents are hungry and tired.

tennis football swimming gardening
Ann X X X
John X X
Nicolas X X X
Bryan X

page 3
E) Look at the table, and write five sentences

Uncle Bryan is a doctor. He works in hospital.

Uncle Bryan




Tom and Jerry



Ann & John


page 4

Unit 3 : Present Continuous 1

be + ing

past regulary/ now future

(过去) (平时/ 现在正在) (未来)

I am eating rice now.

we are eating rice now.
they verb + ing
(动词 + ing)
she is eating rice now.


A) Add -ing to the verbs.

1. play 6. win

2. has 7. shop

3. sing 8. dance

4. stay 9. shine

5. live 10. write

Dictionery 字典 :
play 玩 live 居住 dance 跳舞
has 有/ 得到 win 赢/ 成功 shine 发光/ 照射
sing 唱歌 shop 购物 (名词=商店)
stay 逗留 write 写

page 1
B) Make present continuous sentences
1. It / rain now.

2. The cat / sleep.

3. Chris / read / the newspaper.

4. He / has lunch / at the moment.

5. Your coffee / get / cold.

6. We / have / a good time now.

C) Look at the picture and say what Helen is doing


brush brush think get up go listen open read read wash

● She is getting up. 5. the newspaper.

1. he face. 6. her hair.

2. her teeth. 7. letters.

3. to the radi 8. the door.

4. coffee. 9. to work.
Unit 4 : Present Continuous 2
be + ing
Unit 3 : Simple Past Tenses

past regulary/ now future

(过去) (平时/ 现在正在) (未来)

year 2017 now example :

1. We were in USA last year,
but now, we are watching
TV at home.

A) Read and understand

simple present simple past past participle present continuous

(平时) (...了) (已经...了) (正在)
am was was am
are were were are
begin began begun beginning
buy bought bought buying
come came come coming
eat ate eaten eating
hear heard heard hearing
has had had having
have had had having
make made made making
stop stopped stopped stopping
take took taken taking
try tried tired trying
watch watched watched watcing
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