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Resource sheet 1:

Voting Matters
(tick the box you think is correct)

Name: Date:

Container Solid? Liquid? Gas?

Icing sugar
Elastic bands

How would you describe solids/liquids/gases? Draw or write your thoughts below:
Solids are:

Liquids are:

Gases are:

I had trouble describing…………………………………………………..because…………………………………..

Resource Sheet 2:

Runny Races

Name: Date:

What are you investigating? What do you predict will happen?

(try and write it as a question?)

To make this investigation fair what things (variables) are you going to:
Change? Measure? Keep the same?
(change 1 thing) (what will the change affect?) (what variables can you control?)

The Investigation:
What are you going to do? (use dot points) What happened? (was your prediction correct?)
Resource Sheet 3:

Send-a-problem Instructions

You will need:

 3 X paper bags or folders
 Scrap paper
 Pens

1) On each bag write either Solid, Liquid, or Gas

2) Fill each bag with scrap paper for brainstorming
3) Have students in 3 groups
4) Each group starts with one of the bags and discusses their topic for a minute
5) Once discussed, give students a few minutes to write down on the scrap paper all
their most important points
6) Hand the bag to the next group
7) Repeat until the bags are back with their original group
8) Each group reads and discusses all the contributions and then orders them from
most relevant to least relevant
9) Nominate a speaker from each group to share the best points with the class

Example Checklist

LIQUIDS: Observe the properties of the samples provided and tick the boxes if they fit each
Resource Sheet 4:

Making Claims

Name: Date:

Here are some sentence starters to help you get your thinking caps on!

1) I think slime is a………………………..because…………..

2) M&Ms melt in…………………………….but not my hands because……………..

3) Materials change state when……………….

4) Heat makes water………………….

Resource Sheet 5:

Balloon Investigation
Name: Other team members: Date:

What are you trying to find out?

What are you investigating? What do you predict will happen? Why?
(try and write this as a question)

To make this investigation fair what things (variables) are you going to:
Change? Measure/Observe? Keep the same?

The Investigation:
What are you going to do? What happened?
(use dot points) (record your results)

Was your prediction correct?

Primary Connections Resource sheet 7 – example and template

Resource sheet 6:

Reflection Sheet sentence starters and questions:

 What did you think about solids/liquids/gases at the start of the unit?
 What did we want to find out about the weight of gases?
 What have you learned about materials changing state?
 What did you find about slime/psyllium?
 What activity did you enjoy most of all? Why?
 What activity did you find the most challenging? Why?
 What are you still wondering about?

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