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Definition stroke

Stroke is the sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen, caused by blockage of
blood flow or rupture of an artery to the brain. Sudden loss of speech, weakness, or paralysis
of one side of the body can be symptoms. A suspected stroke may be confirmed by scanning
the brain with special X-ray tests, such as CAT scans. The death rate and level of disability
resulting from strokes can be dramatically reduced by immediate and appropriate medical
care. Prevention involves minimizing risk factors, such as controlling high blood
pressure and diabetes. Abbreviated CVA. Also known as cerebrovascular accident.

B. Cause Stroke

1. Ischaemic strokes

Ischaemic strokes are the most common type of stroke. They occur when a blood clot blocks
the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. These blood clots typically form in areas where the
arteries have been narrowed or blocked over time by fatty deposits known as plaques. This
process is known as atherosclerosis. As you get older, the arteries can naturally narrow, but
certain things can dangerously accelerate the process. These include: smoking, high blood
pressure (hypertension), obesity , high cholesterol levels, diabetes, excessive alcohol intake

Another possible cause of ischaemic stroke is a type of irregular heartbeat called atrial
fibrillation. This can cause blood clots in the heart that break up and escape from the heart,
and become lodged in the blood vessels supplying the brain.

2. Haemorrhagic stroke

Haemorrhagic strokes (also known as cerebral haemorrhages or intracranial haemorrhages)

are less common than ischaemic strokes. They occur when a blood vessel within the skull
bursts and bleeds into and around the brain. The main cause of haemorrhagic stroke is high
blood pressure, which can weaken the arteries in the brain and make them prone to split or
rupture. Things that increase the risk of high blood pressure include: being overweight or
obese, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol smoking a lack of exercise stress, which may
cause a temporary rise in blood pressure. Haemorrhagic strokes can also occur as the result of
the rupture of a balloon-like expansion of a blood vessel (brain aneurysm) or abnormally
formed blood vessels in the brain. Reducing the risk of a stroke. It's not possible to completely
prevent strokes because some things that increase your risk of the condition cannot be
changed. These include: age, family history, ethnicity, your medical history.

But it's possible to significantly reduce your risk of having a stroke by making lifestyle changes
to avoid problems such as atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. You should also seek
medical advice if you think you may have an irregular heartbeat. This can be a sign of atrial
fibrillation, which increases the risk of a stroke
C. Symptoms

D. jjkkk

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