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The hospital in Rennes, France, to which six people were taken after suffering adverse effects in a phase I clinical trial.


Scientists in the dark after

fatal French clinical trial
Knowledge about the drug’s structure would help researchers understand what happened.
B Y D E C L A N B U T L E R & E W E N C A L L A W AY Medicines and Health Products Safety (ANSM). Massachusetts. This includes how the par-

She adds that French investigations into other ticipants’ injuries came about — magnetic-
ne person died, and five others were medical accidents have often been opaque. resonance-imaging scans showed dying
hospitalized, after a clinical trial of The trial was a ‘first-in-human’ phase I trial to and bleeding tissue deep in the brain — and
an experimental drug in France went test the drug’s safety in healthy people (see ‘Basic whether the trials were conducted properly.
tragically wrong. But days after the first public facts’). The Portuguese company Bial produced
acknowledgement of the incidents on 15 Janu- the drug, which was aimed at treating anxiety BRAIN ENZYME
ary, a lack of official information has left out- and motor disorders associated with Parkin- In particular, neither the French authori-
side experts and the public largely in the dark son’s disease, and chronic pain in people with ties nor Biotrial has disclosed the identity of
as to what happened. cancer and other conditions. Biotrial, a French the molecule administered in the trials. Bial
“The French authorities have not been very contract-research organization, conducted the did say that the drug was an FAAH (fatty
rapid nor transparent in their response,” says trial at its facilities in Rennes. acid amide hydrolase) inhibitor; FAAH is an
Catherine Hill, a specialist in clinical-trial But many key questions remain un­answered, enzyme produced in the brain and elsewhere
design and a former member of the scientific says Marc Rodwin, a biomedical-law special- in the body that breaks down neurotrans-
advisory board of France’s National Agency for ist at Suffolk University Law School in Boston, mitters known as endocannabinoids. By

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The lack of transparency is typical of French

FATA L DR U G T R I A L investigations, which tend to favour secrecy
until firm conclusions are established, says a
Basic facts French health-law specialist who requested
anonymity. He notes that the country’s rules
●●The trial recruited 128 healthy volunteers on 17 January. governing research on human subjects are
aged 18–55, who were paid €1,900 ●●Biotrial halted the trial on 11 January; the strong and guarantee substantial protection of
(US$2,060) each. other five affected people were hospitalized trial participants. He adds that safety incidents
●●Ninety people received different doses of in the days that followed. in clinical trials are almost unheard of in the
the drug, and the remainder a placebo. ●●One of these patients has since been country, with the price often being delays in
●●The trial had tested escalating single discharged, and the condition of the other the approval of trial applications.
doses of the drug without observing any four is judged to be serious but stable. In recent years, there have been two major
serious adverse side effects. ●●Authorities are contacting the 84 other changes to French laws affecting the approval
●●The six participants who fell ill were the people who received the drug at lower doses of drugs in clinical trials. France strengthened
first to receive repeat higher doses over the to arrange medical check-ups; none of the its medical-safety laws following the 2009 with-
course of several days. 18 given neurological check-ups over the drawal of a diabetes drug that was suspected
●●The first participant to fall ill experienced weekend showed any of the symptoms seen of causing hundreds of deaths: a 2011 law, in
adverse symptoms on 10 January and died in the hospitalized people. particular, tightened rules on conflicts of inter-
est for people involved in the country’s drug-
approval process, as well as giving authorities
blocking these enzymes, FAAH inhibitors weekend, Southan adds. He also says that there more power to demand safety tests of medica-
cause endocannabinoids — which activate the seems to be no entry for the trial in clinical- tions after they are approved. Then, in 2012,
same neural receptors as the active chemical in trial registries. the government passed a separate law intended
cannabis, and might have painkilling proper- Numerous companies have developed to streamline the rules for research involving
ties — to accumulate in the body. FAAH inhibitors. There is none on the mar- humans, to speed up therapeutic progress and
Some scientists scrambled over the week- ket, because most clinical trials have shown to make France a more attractive place for com-
end to try to establish the identity of the drug. them to be ineffective — but the ones that were panies to carry out clinical trials.
Among them were Steve Alexander, a molecular previously tested in people proved safe. One possible safety issue in the trial of
pharmacologist at the University of Nottingham BIA 10-2474, notes trial-design specialist Hill,
Medical School, UK, who has worked on FAAH OFF-TARGET ACTION is that all six participants seem to have been
for 15 years, and his colleague Christopher Many researchers believe that BIA 10-2474 is administered the doses simultaneously, rather
Southan, a curator for the Guide to Pharmacol- acting ‘off target’ — in other words, inhibiting than one receiving a test dose and being checked
ogy database at the University of Edinburgh, a protein other than an FAAH. To investigate, for adverse effects before others were given it.
UK. Together, the pair examined an online list researchers could radioactively label the com- Simultaneous rather than sequential
of drugs in Bial’s research pipeline. pound and test it on brain tissue from cadavers administration was identified as problematic
The search revealed just two molecules in to ‘fish out’ the proteins it binds to. in a disastrous UK clinical trial in 2006 that
phase I trials, one of which fitted the therapeu- Knowing the drug’s molecular structure caused multiple organ failure in six partici-
tic profile mentioned by Bial, although it was would also enable pants. “From the 2006 catastrophe in London, I
referred to only by a codename, BIA 10-2474. scientists to run “They declare had concluded that treating several individuals
A French newspaper also published a recruit- computer predic- codenames of with the same dose on the same day in a phase I
ment form given to a volunteer in the trial that tions of this and other candidates in trial was a big mistake,” says Hill.
mentioned a drug with the same codename. “As mechanisms that development Jean-Marc Gandon, the president and
best as we can make out, this compound has not might result in toxic- and hide the chief executive of Biotrial, says that he cannot
been described in the [scientific] literature,” says ity. “There’s a whole structure.” immediately respond to queries from Nature,
Alexander. “So we’re working in the dark.” gamut of sophisti- that he is focused on trying to save the patients
It is common in the pharmaceutical industry cated computation analysis to predict anything and that the company will respond later.
not to reveal the structure of a molecule this you like,” says Southan. Bial spokeswoman Susana Vasconcelos says
early in development — although the prac- Other researchers studying the FAAH that the trial had been conducted “in accord-
tice has been criticized by researchers. “They pathway will probably look more closely at ance with all the good international practices
declare codenames of candidates in develop- the potential for inhibitors to strike other pro- guidelines, with the completion of tests and
ment and hide the structure,” says Southan. teins, Alexander says. “I think it’s very likely preclinical trials” and that the company “is
“I think it’s time they stopped.” That lack of that both private industry and academic insti- committed to determine thoroughly and
information left researchers trying to guess the tutions will be looking very hard as to what this exhaustively the causes which are at the origin
structure from published Bial patents over the off-target affect might be.” of this situation”. ■


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