Api 5L Specifiaction For Line Pipe (April 1,1995) PDF

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Date of Issue: December 15, 1997 Affected Publication: API Specification SL, Specification for Line Pipe, Forty-First Edition, April 1, 1995, ERRATA This errata corrects editorial errors in the Forty-First Edition of API Specification St. Page 1, Par 2.1. Add the following reference under “API” RPSA3_ Thread Compounds for Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Page 2, Par 3.9b. Change the tite ofthis paragraph to: 'b. Welded without filler metal: Page 6, Table 2. Make the following changes: ‘Move the designations “Seamless” and “Welded” from Column 3 to Column 1 ‘In Column 2, for Seamless, Nonexpanded, change X42 10 X42’ In Column 6, move the reference 10 Note b from the first row to the second row; and delete the reference to Note bin the third row from the bottom (for Welded X65 pipe) In Note b, change “See 1.2" 10 "See 1.6". Pages 7 and 8, Par 6.2.2. Add the following note at the end of the paragraph: ‘Note: Forthe purpose of mechanical tsting ofthe weld of elec welded pipe of won ies 2 and lamer the weld extends toa distance of Vn, (12.7 mm) on eter ie ofthe fusion line. Fo pipe smaller ‘tha nominal size 2 the weld extends ta distance of in. (635 mam on either side of he fasion ie Page 8 Par 6.2.5. Add the following note at the end ofthe paragraph Not: Forte prose of mesh eng of he weld elei-welded pipe of roi ses 2 and larer. he weld extends adn of; (127 mun) onesie fhe son ne Fo pp mallet tha oma se 2 the wed eens 3 dae in (635 mon eit side ofthe fon ine Page 8, Par 6.2.5b, Change 0.025 in. (6.35 mm) to 0.25 in. (6.35 mm). Page 8, Column 2. In the table for Minimum DWTT Shear Area, change “Average of Three Specimens” ro “Average of Two Specimens.” Page 9, Par 7.2, line 6. Change L to Ly Page 11, Par. 78.11. ‘In Par. a line 2, change 2, percent to 12/, percent. ‘Below Par. b, add Par number c infront of the “undercutting” requirement and renum- ber the subsequent paragraphs a follows: ¢. Undercuttng in excess of Item a above shall be considered a defect. Disposition shall be as follows: 1. Undercut defects not exceeding ‘Vin. (0.79 mm) in depth and not exceeding 12% percent of the specified wall thickness shall be removed by grinding in accor- dance with, item a, 2. Disposition of undercuts greater in depth than "in, (0:79 mm) or 12, percent ‘of the specified wall thickness shall be in accordance with, lem b,c, ord 10.8" 1079.4". Page 12, Par 7.9.1, line 3. Change“ Page 12, Par 7.9.2, line 16. Change “API Bulletin SA2" to “API RP SA3”, Page 12, Par 7.93, line 1. Change “orde ted” to “ordered.” Page 15, Table 6A. For size 1/8 XS plain end line pipe, change the wall thickness in Column 53 from 0.695 in. t0 0.095 in. Page 17, Table 6B. For size 4 Std. plain end line pipe, change the minimum test pressure in Column 7 for Grade A from 2930 psi to 2030 psi. Page 26, Table 6C. For size 30, 128.32 weight plain end ln pipe, change the minimum test pressure in Column 8 for Grade B, Std. from $90 psi to 570 psi Page 35, Table 11. In the ttle ofthe table, change “Tolerences” to “Tolerances”. Page 37, Par, line 16. Change 1'/ in. (25.4 mm) t0 1" in, (38.1 min) Page 38, Table 13. In Column 4, delete the dash lines above and below the words: “One per heat on all sizes except for Grade A25." Page 40, Figure 4G, Round Bar Specimen. In line 2 of the note at the top left side of the fig ure, change pie to pipe. Page 41, Par. 9.4.3. At the end of the frst paragraph in Column 2, change the last sentence 10 read: ‘When computed pressures are not an exact multiple of 10 psi (100 kPa), they shall be rounded to the nearest 10 psi (100 kPa) Page 49, Section 9.8. Renumber paragraphs as follows: Below Par. 98.1, insert: 9.8.2 Tensile Test Change 98.1.1 1098.21, Change Change 9.8.2 09.8.3 Page 50, Figure 1. Revise the table of strain values to read as follows: ia ana) eGR = 067s forGrdeB = 01375 forGradeX42 = 0457S forGradeX46 = 04325 for Grae X52 0.1250 forGradeXS6 = 4175, for Grade X60 = 01125, for Grade X65 1100 forGrade X70 = 0.4025, forGrade X80 = 00800 Page 52, Par. 10.3.4, line 3. Change “(column 4)” to “(column 1)” Page 60, Par. B4.3, op of Column 2. Change S°F (10°C) to 50°F (10°C). Page 61, Par. C.2.1b.3. Change the formula for CE to read as follows: Mn Ee = c+ CE= C+ Cr+Mo+V , Ni+Cu 35 15 Page 62, Figure C-2, notation “See Para B-2” change to “See Para C.2.2.3"" Page 63, Table C-1, Change Note 1 to See Figure C-3. Page 66, Table D-1. In Column 9, change the elongation for the Grade X52, 0.66 sq, in. ten sile test specimen from 26.6 t0 265. Page 91, Figure F-3, Change ttle Charpy V-Notch and Drop Weight Tear Test Specimen Locations Page 92, Par. SRSB.Sc. Change the example mark from SRSAB-213-0°C to SRSAB-271-0C. Page 93, SR-14, change “gag” to “gauge” Page 95, Par. SRI8.1. Change the formula for CE to read as follows Cr+Mo+V , Ni+Cu CE 5 15 Page 102, Table G-1, For Size26, .500 wall thickness, XSI, change 132.1 t0 111.8 mm Page 116, Par 13.8. Line 2. Change “(Tables 4 and 5)" to “(Tables 4, 5, 6A. 6B, and 6C)."

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