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Danbryan E.

Go 11A

Dream of the Rood analysis


1. The Dreamer- The Dreamer witnesses the crucifixion and the burial of Jesus. He
also sees the cross when it is mounted and when it is resurrected. He also
experiences similar pain to what Jesus felt on the cross.
2. The Fiends- They cut down the “Healer’s tree” to make a cross. They mock the
3. The Warriors- They die by getting wounded with arrows. They are present in the
4. The Healer’s Tree- It tells the Dreamer of how it was cut down to make the
cross. It is adorned with gold and silver.
5. Jesus- The Christ who was nailed on the cross


- On the hill where the crucifixion took place, and on the tomb of Jesus


- First Person Point of View


1. The story starts with the dreamer observing the cross and how it was decorated
with gold, silver and blood.
2. The Healer’s Tree tells the dreamer of how it was cut down to construct the
3. The Fiends nail and mock the Dreamer and Jesus, and the Dreamer sees Jesus
4. The warriors around the cross die by arrows, and Jesus is buried in a tomb while
people sing to Jesus.
5. The cross resurrects and is adorned once more, and commands the Dreamer to
tell everyone of what he saw.


Hope- When after pain and suffering, even after death the cross and Jesus return to
restore faith and hope giving the Dreamer a sense of light and goodness.

Sacrifice- When Jesus sacrifices himself on the cross.

Resurrection- When the cross comes back and becomes adorned once more, as well as
Jesus rising from the dead.

Number of Lines:


Figures of Speech:

Personification- When the Tree talked to the Dreamer, “All creation wept”

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