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Nama : Ragil Hardiyanti

NIM : 1721703802
Prodi : D3-Kebidanan Tingkat 1

Experience When My Sister Using Injectable KB, KB Pills and


After my sister got married when I was in elementary school 6th grade around
2010, she had a wish to have more than two children, that was the plan. But, it
seems he should consider again. Remember, he had two births by way of SC, and has
entered the age of 40 years. And FYI, the distance after delivery of the SC is at least 2
years because the inner stomach takes time to recover. Therefore he became
somewhat parno with medical activities like SC, would not want him to choose to
use KB. There was our neighbor whose first child was 6 months old, she was already
pregnant for a month. And the first child was born SC. There are several types of
family planning that he used like Kb injection 3 months, Kb injections 1 month and
Kb pills. Little I share stories about experiences that happen to mom.

1. KB 3 Month Injections
My sister used this family of injections a month after giving birth to my nephew
Zakya's first child five years ago. From the beginning, he was advised by my older
siblings to use non-hormonal KB, one of them is an IUD. After discussing with her
husband, she prefers to use hormonal contraceptives only. Moreover, because he
was afraid of medical-related affairs, including IUD pairs. Because the real fear was
not the reason, finally my sister dared to KB inject. Actually, the injection itself also
wants to inject itself but trembling deg-deg-an.

KB injection 3 months was suggested by the midwife maria coincidence not far
from our house when she first expressed chose KB injection. According to midwife
maria, KB is indeed prevent the termination of breast milk that many occur as the
effect of the emergence of injecting contraception. And the use of this KB is
recommended only lasts for a maximum of two years, until our baby passes milk 2
years. At that time my sister was given a control card by the midwife maria, but I do
not know what the card is for :D
2. KB Injection 1 Month
After my sister stopped feeding Zakya at the age of approximately that time as I
remember 24 months because my sister had had an accident, mother midwife maria
suggested to switch to KB injection for 1 month. KB is indeed recommended for
mothers who have not undergone breast-feeding process because it has side effects,
one of which is to stop the production of breast milk.

But it turns out my sister had new problems again, that time my sister was
exposed to cyst, he was taken to the hospital of Islam samarinda because he often
complained that his stomach hurts. After learning that my sister had a cyst, her
husband and my older siblings asked for my sister to undergo the examination but at
that time I did not know the exact process and I forgot to ask: D

3. KB Pills
After that my sister switching using KB pills, actually he said he had advised my
older siblings who had previously had children to use birth control pill. But, because
my sister is a civil servant and including a super busy person and a forgetful person
and he did not choose not to use this contraceptive. And he went to consult a doctor
about what KB is good for programming, his doctor suggested using a pill pill
because that time my sister's body condition had problems when using KB injection.

He said my sister used the KB pill, a little special. Because according to the
pharmacist at the pharmacy subscriptions are usually my own who ordered to buy,
the pill should be drunk at the same hour every day. If it is too late, its tolerance is
one hour later. If it exceeds one hour, the recommended test pack is for fear of
pregnancy. If the test result is negative, just buy a new pill and start with a new cycle.
Because my sister was a very forgetful person, he had time to put an alarm on the
phone at the same time every day, and maybe the birth control pills that he bwa
where where he does not forget to drink it.

Maybe that's just an experience that I can share with Mrs. Heni, I apologize for the
lack of events that I experienced so little experience that I have. And I also
remember less about events that can be my experience.

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