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I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. wisely B. definitely C. versatile D. lighthouse
2. A. aloof B. hook C. food D. noodle
3. A. poultry B. compound C. boundary D. mountainous
4. A. submarine B. platinum C. patent D. invalid
5. A. fabric B. subject C. combing D. backbone
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
the primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. acupuncture B. passionately C. complicated D. psychology
7. A. vulnerable B. relationship C. naturally D. rollerblading
8. A. vacuum B. recommend C. carbonate D. memorise
9. A. convergence B. imitate C. homemaker D. interact
10. A. martyr B. laptop C. release D. cover
III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. Parents should start teaching them how to manage more complicated duties ____ children graduate from
toddlerhood and move toward preschool.
A. yet B. when C. and D. so
12. V-pop's style ____ by the intersection of domestic and Western media in the lives of many young
A. is influenced B. influencing C. has influenced D. are influenced
13. Keeping fit involves ____ your body in activities that maintain it in good condition in terms of health as well
as physical appearance.
A. engaging B. to engage C. to engaging D. engage
14. The music scene in Vietnam is dominated by pop music and ____ ballads.
A. sentiment B. sentimentally C. sentimentalist D. sentimental
15. Since he was small, he ____ how to be independent. He believes that a man should know how to cook and
clean just as much as how to fix a car.
A. has taught B. was taught C. has been taught D. has been teaching
16. After moving to India, Alice ____ to do something different and started teaching blind children in the age
group of two to five years.
A. has decided B. decided C. decides D. will decide
17. Youngsters ____ more interested in the community development. They participate in many non-profit
organizations and do a lot of charity work.
A. have become B. are becoming C. became D. are going to become
18. Bill Gates gave away $4.6 billion in Microsoft shares in June ____ his personal charity, the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation.
A. on B. for C. to D. at
19. - 'I have two days off this week. Let's help at the orphanage then.'
- ‘____’
A. Not really. I have classes on those days. B. That sounds great! I can't wait to go there.
C. Oh. I see you have a heart of gold. D. Thanks for suggesting us.
20. We ____ home from the shopping mall when we a loud bang.
A. has driven – heard B. were driving - heard
C. drove - were hearing D. were driving - were hearing
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
21. Some researchers believe that other types of wireless technology may also be dangerous to human health,
includes cordless phones.
22. The early forms of R&B are loud and lively and mostly played on drums, bass, double and electric guitar.
23. The popularity of artists is usually measured by the amount of singles and albums they sell, and sales are
listed in the music charts.
24. It is believed that in the near future more robots will be used to doing household chores.
25. Computerized robots can save human labor, so people will have freer time to do creative work or enjoy life.
V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.
Twenty years ago, the typical extended family was 'wide'. It usually consisted of two or three
generations, with several children in each ‘nuclear family. People had lots of aunts and uncles but often didn't
know their grandparents. However, according to a new study by the British research group Mintel, the British
family is changing shape. The family groups of the future will be 'long and thin', with three or four 'small’
generations in. Below are some of their predictions:
1. Most children will know their great-grandparents and even great-great grandparents) because people
are living longer.
2. Very few children will have brothers or sisters, and it will be common to be an only child. As a result,
future generations will not have many cousins either.
3. Many children will grow up isolated from other children and young adults. This will make them more
selfish and introverted.
4. More couples will divorce and re-marry, some more than once. They may have children with their
new partners; so many children will have a stepmother or stepfather and half-brothers or sisters
5. There will be many 'boomerang children'. These are children who leave home to get married, but then
divorce and return to live with their parents.
6. There will be more single-parent families.
7. Because houses are now expensive, different generations may decide to live together, so parents,
grandparents, and adult children may co-own their houses, and many couples will have to live with their
26. The main idea of the passage is ____.
A. the typical extended British family was 'wide'
B. what the typical British families will be like
C. there will be more generations in the future British family
D. many British couples will have to live with their in-laws
27. Which of the following sentences is not true about the future British family?
A. The 'nuclear family' may consist of a father, a mother and an only child.
B. The extended family is changing shape, from 'wide' to 'long and thin'.
C. When divorced, people will certainly return to live with their parents.
D. There may be more than three generations in some families.
28. Single-parent families are probably ____.
A. typical British families of the future
B. families consisting of one or two generations only
C. families with only children, who don't have any brothers or sisters
D. families where the mother or father is bringing up the children on his/her own
29. 'Many children will have half-brothers or sisters'. Half-brother probably means ____.
A. your uncle's or aunt's son
B. your sister's or brother's son
C. a boy who has, for example, the same father as you but a different mother
D. a boy who was, for example, born from a Vietnamese mother and a Chinese father
30. 'Many couples will have to live with their in-laws'. The word "In-laws" in this sentence probably means
A. the family of your husband or wife B. the mother or father-in-law
C. the brother or sister-in-law D. the marriage laws
VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The study of speech is a fascinating topic for research. Scientists (31) ____ to unravel the workings of
the human brain have discovered for the first time how it picks out speech from (32) ____ noises and works out
(33) ____ just the meanings of words. As Britain's research councils launch a push to understand exactly (34)
____ makes humans master communicators, the results so far are startling.
What has puzzled researchers over the years is how we are so good (35) ____ language and are able to
convey and (36) information not just by using words, but with more subtle devices (37) ____ as intonation and
rhythm. Among the big guns rolled out by researchers to crack the mystery of human language is the brain
scanning technique called fMRI. Able to take snapshots of brain activity, fMRI gives a fascinating insight (38)
____ the inner workings of the brain. Using fMRI, Dr Sophie Scott, an expert in speech neurobiology, has (39)
____ that the brain takes speech and separates it into words and melody'. Her studies suggest that words are then
moved over to the left temporal lobe for processing, (40) ____ the melody is channeled to the right side of the
brain, a region more stimulated by music.
31. A. trying B. try C. tried D. to try
32. A. another B. other C. others D. the other
33. A. as much as B. most of C. more than D. more
34. A. whether B. that C. what D. which
35. A. in B. at C. for D. on
36. A. notice B. perceive C. present D. illustrate
37. A. such B. so C. similar D. like
38. A. around B. over C. into D. at
39. A. known B. discovered C. invented D. found
40. A. since B. during C. while D. although
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
41. My family decorated our house for to celebrate Christmas. A friend of mine dropped in.
A. While my family was decorating our house for to celebrate Christmas, a friend of mine was dropping
B. When my family was decorating our house for Christmas, a friend of mine dropped in.
C. When family decorated our house for to celebrate Christmas, a friend of mine was dropping in.
D. While decorated our house for to celebrate Christmas, a friend of mine dropped in.
42. Taking regular exercise is very challenging in such cold weather. We all realize that.
A. We all realize how challenging in such cold weather is taking regular exercise.
B. How the coming university entrance examination is challenging is realized by all of us.
C. We all realize how challenging taking regular exercise in such cold weather is.
D. Such cold weather makes us realize that taking regular exercise is very challenging.
43. Many artists still collect antique musical instruments. It is difficult to maintain them in good condition.
A. Because it's difficult to maintain musical instruments in good condition, many artists collect antique
B. Many artists still collect antique musical instruments although it's difficult to maintain them in good
C. But for the difficulties in maintaining antique musical instruments in good condition, many artists
would not have collected them.
D. The difficulties in maintaining antique musical instruments in good condition discourages many
artists from collecting them.
44. The ethnic minority people make wine to enjoy themselves. It is wine that has bad effects on their mental
and physical health.
A. Despite making wine to enjoy themselves, it is wine that has bad effects on ethnic minority people's
mental and physical health.
B. In spite of having bad effects on their mental and physical health, ethnic minority people make wine
to enjoy themselves.
C. Even though ethnic minority people make wine to enjoy themselves, it has bad effects on their mental
and physical health.
D. Both A & C are correct.
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
45. The volunteers could not get access to the remote area because of the heavy rain.
A. The heavy rain stopped them getting access to the remote area.
B. The heavy rain made it possible for them to get access to the remote area.
C. The heavy rain encouraged them to get access to the remote area.
D. They were able to get access to the remote area thanks to the heavy rain.
46. I'd prefer to donate old clothes rather than throw them away.
A. Donating old clothes is more generous than throwing them away.
B. I like donating old clothes instead of throwing them away.
C. I would like to donate old clothes and throw them away.
D. Throwing old clothes away is better than donating in my opinion.
47. No one has used that learning method for twenty years.
A. That learning method has not been used for twenty years.
B. That learning method has been not used for twenty years.
C. That learning method has been used by none of them for twenty years.
D. That learning method wasn't used for twenty years.
48. They ordered all the programmers to practise harder before taking part in the competition last week.
A. All the programmers are ordered to practise harder before taking part in the competition last week.
B. All the programmers were made to practise harder before taking part in the competition last week.
C. All the programmers are made to practise harder before taking part in the competition last week.
D. All the programmers were ordered practising harder before taking part in the competition last week.
49. The singer performed the traditional song beautifully but she didn't pass the audition.
A. The singer's performance of a traditional song was too traditional to pass the audition.
B. The singer performed the traditional song beautifully, yet she didn't pass the audition.
C. The singer performed the traditional song beautifully enough to pass the audition.
D. The traditional song she performed was so beautiful that she did not pass the audition.
50. You should take in more fruits and vegetables instead of eating too much fast food.
A. Eating too much fast food day and taking in more fruits and vegetables are advisable.
B. Don't take in more fruits and vegetables, just eat too much fast food instead.
C. Eating too much fast food helps you take in more fruits and vegetables.
D. Taking in more fruits and vegetables is better than eating too much fast food.

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