Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines Kaligtasan National High School

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Republic of the Philippines


Directions: Read each statement carefully and comprehensibly. Choose the letter of the correct

1. What is the first thing you do in research- report writing?

a. Mulling over a research problem c. drawing conclusions
b. Collecting and analyzing data d. Obtaining background knowledge
2. What is the final stage of writing research study?
a. Drawing conclusions c. making recommendations
b. Formulating research questions d. Presentation of research output
3. Which part of the study gives information and descriptions of the things focused by
research study?
a. Abstract c. conclusions
b. Title d. Introduction
4. This part of the research paper explains the procedure in collecting and analyzing data
a. Results and findings c. appendices
b. Methodology d. recommendations
5. In this part, you must get information from any books, magazines and newspapers.
a. Research design c. conceptual framework
b. Definitions of terms d. review of related literature and studies
6. It defines as a brief summary of your thesis.
a. Dedication c. acknowledgement
b. Abstract d. title page
7. What section may summarize the major (dependent and independent )variable of your
a. Statement of the problem c. significance of the study
b. Research instruments d. scope and delimitations
8. Describes the instruments and what it will measure
a. Validation of the procedure c. research instruments
b. Population of sample d. validation of the procedure
9. In what page focused on expressing gratitude to organizations or agencies have aided in
finishing the thesis?
a. Dedication c. abstract
b. Acknowledgement d. approval sheet
10. It means choosing from a large population of the respondents?
a. Sampling c. techniques
b. Probability d. statistical
11. It is a technical term in research which means big group of people.
a. Frame c. sample
b. Population d. unit
12. The term referring to every individual in the population.
a. Sample c. unit
b. Population d. frame
13. What kind of sampling method that makes you base your selection on pure chance?
a. Sampling methods c. statistical techniques
b. Probability sampling d. non-probability sampling
14. What sampling techniques are not chosen randomly, but purposively?
a. Sampling methods c. statistical techniques
b. Probability sampling d. non-probability sampling
15. It refers to the appropriateness of the content of an instrument.
a. Content validity c. external validity
b. Reliability d. validity
16. It is the extent to which an instrument measures what is supposed to measure.
a. External validity c. Internal validity
b. Content validity d. Validity
17. It is directly related to the validity of the measure.
a. Reliability c. consistency
b. Validity d. usability
18. It is the consistency of a measure evaluated over time
a. Inter-rater reliability c. test-retest reliability
b. Parallel-forms reliability d. internal consistency
19. The degree to which different raters/observers give consistent answer or estimate.
a. Inter-rater reliability c. test-retest reliability
b. Parallel-forms reliability d. internal consistency
20. We refer this as data- gathering technique that makes you obtain facts/information’s
trough data gathering instruments.
a. Observation c. survey
b. Experiment d. content analysis
21. A paper containing series of questions formulated for an individual answering.
a. Interview c. observation
b. Survey d. questionnaire
22. A generic term that researchers use for a measurement device
a. Researcher-completed c. subject-completed
b. Research instruments d. ratings scale
23. What type of experiment that takes place in a natural “ on field” environment?
a. Laboratory experiment c. natural experiments
b. Field experiment d. Experiment
24. These methods involve manipulation of an independent variable.
a. Quantitave observation c. quantitave interview
b. Experiments d. quantitave survey
25. All of the following are structured in collecting quantitative data, except
a. Quantitave Survey c. quantitave interview
b. Quantitave observation d. Quantitative research
26. If I conduct an experiment, and choose for my sample whoever walks by in the
mall, that is an example of which of the answer choice?
a. Convenience sampling c. purposive sampling
b. Snowball sampling d. systematic sampling
27. If a researcher conducts an experiment, and chooses for a sample all the members of
psychology class, because he thinks they will make the best subjects, that is an example
a. Convenience sampling c. purposive sampling
b. Snowball sampling d. systematic sampling
28. An instrument hat identifies how individuals relate to peers is called
a. Interpretive exercise c. graphic rating scale
b. Personality inventory d. sociometric device
29. Which of the following is one type of subject-completed instrument used in educational
a. Tally sheets c. performance test
b. Interview scales d. performance checklist
30. Which of the following is not one of the five types of research-completed instruments
used in educational research?
a. Rating scales c. tally sheets
b. Personality or character inventory d. flow charts
31. The background includes the following EXCEPT:
a. Discussion of the problem in general
b. Concept and ideas related to the problem
c. Specific questions which are to be answered in the study
d. Discussion of the existing or present conditions and what is aimed to be in the
32. The specific questions which are to be answered in the study and are all in question
form are called
a. Research purpose c. research background
b. Research objectives d. Research problems
33. These are specific topical questions that one must resolve to achieve research objective
a. Research questions c. objectives of the study
b. HOTS question d. Research problem
34. The followings are found in the writing of the methodology EXCEPT:
a. Problem c. instruments
b. Participants d. research design and procedure
35. This is the basic difficulty, the issue , the area of concern the circumstances which exist,
then how they ought to be
a. Objective of the study c. statement of the problem
b. Background of the study d. significance of the study
36. Qualification questions may include all of the following except
a. Age/ sex categories c. feelings toward a brand
b. Brand usage d. security issues
37. Which of the following type of items is not a selection item?
a. True-false c. multiple choice
b. Matching d. short answer
38. The followings are quantitave data gathering strategies EXCEPT:
a. Administrative surveys with open-ended questions
b. Experiments/clinical trials
c. Observing and recording well-defined events
d. Obtaining relevant data from management information system
39. Performace instruments are used to measure
a. Behavior and attitudes c. cognitive achievement
b. Interest and aptitude d. success on task
40. An instrument that could be used to grade pottery that students created in a visual arts
calss is a (n)
a. Product rating scale c. flowchart
b. Performance checklist d. achievement test
41. If a researcher wanted to study the driving habits of teenagers vs. senior citizens, which
of the answer choice might he or she visit to recruit a sample?
a. High school and retirement home c. museum and rock concert
b. Preschool and daycare center d. university and elementary school
42. The writing of research reports is best regarded as
a. A skill c. an unnecessary chore
b. Just like writing an essay d. something that most students find easy
43. The abstract is:
a. A list of references c. an explanation of the statistical analysis
b. Only the most relevant tables and diagrams d. none of these
44. Normally, where in a research report are the hypotheses justified to the reader?
a. In the conclusions c. in the discussion
b. In the introduction d. none of these
45. The five types of research-completed instruments used in educational research are
a. Rating scales, tally sheets, flowcharts, performance checklist, interview schedule
b. Questionnaires, tally sheets, flowcharts, performance checklist, interview
c. Rating scales, tally sheets, inventory, performance checklist, interview schedules
d. Ratings scales, tally sheets,flowcharts, performance checklist, personality
46. A good questionnaires should accomplish all of the following except:
a. Contextualize the information collected
b. Create harmony and rapport with the respondents
c. Express the study objectives in question forms
d. Provide a surplus questions to ensure all objectives are met
47. If a researcher interviews a principal about the characteristics of the district
superintendent, the principal is a (an)
a. Unobtrusive observer c. research assistant
b. Informant d. objective rater
48. The followings are examples of research data Except:
a. Documents , spread sheets c. laboratory notebooks, diaries
b. Data base contents( video, audio, text images ) d. paintings and drawings
49. A scale on which opposing adjectives are presented is called
a. Likert scale c. flowchart
b. Sociometric device d. semantic differential
50. The six types of subject-completed instruments are used in educational research are
a. Rating scales, achievement test, projective devices, sociometric devices,
questionnaires, self-checklist
b. Anecdotal records, projective devices, sociometric devices, questionnaires, self-
checklists, attitude scales
c. Time -and -motion logs, achievement test, projective devices, sociometric
devices, questionnaires, attitude scales
d. Achievement test, projective devices, sociometric devices, questionaires, self-
checklist, attitude scales

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