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VOL. 71. PP. 973-982 JULY 1960



Volcanic breccias are grouped into three major categories based upon process of frag-
mentation: cmtoclastic, pyroclastic, and epiclastic. Autoclastic volcanic breccias result
from internal processes acting during movement of semisolid or solid lava; they include
flow breccia and intrusion breccia. Pyroclastic breccia is produced by volcanic explosion
and includes vulcanian breccia, pyroclastic flow breccia, and hydrovolcanic breccia. Epi-
clastic volcanic breccias result from transportation of loose volcanic material by epi-
gene geomorphic agents, or by gravity, and include laharic breccia, water-laid volcanic
breccia, and volcanic talus breccia. Other volcanic breccia terms are discussed.
The rock types mentioned heretofore may also be designated by prefixing composi-
tional terms as in basaltic block breccia and andesitic vulcanian breccia. The term vol-
canic breccia is used as a general term applying to all coarse-grained rocks composed
of angular volcanic fragments.

Page Vulcanian breccia 976
Introduction 973 Pyroclastic flow breccia.... 976
Acknowledgments 974 Hydrovolcanic breccia 977
Proposed classification 974 Miscellaneous types 977
Discussion 974 Epiclastic volcanic breccia. . . 978
Autoclastic volcanic breccia 974 General statement 978
General statement 974 Laharic breccia . 978
Flow breccia 974 Water-laid volcanic breccia. . 978
Volcanic intrusion breccia 975 Volcanic talus breccia 979
Pyroclastic breccia 976 Miscellaneous types 979
General statement 976 References cited 979

INTRODUCTION cannot be considered only as pyroclastic

rocks. Wentworth and Williams (1932, p.
The classification proposed herein is intended 30-33) define volcanic breccia as a pyroclastic
as a classificatory guide; as a systematic collec- rock composed of volcanic fragments which
tion of terms needed to relate volcanic breccias are solidified before aerial flight and deposi-
genetically; and as an attempt to bring to- tion. This definition narrowly restricts volcanic
gether the ever-growing body of information breccia in meaning; therefore the present
about volcanic breccias. It should be regarded author defined it as "... a rock composed
as a progress report subject to addition, predominantly of angular volcanic fragments
subtraction, or partial or complete rejection, greater than 2 mm in size set in a subordinate
depending upon its usefulness as information matrix of any composition and texture, or
continues to accumulate. with no matrix: or of fragments other than
Volcanic breccias originate in different ways. volcanic set in a volcanic matrix (Fisher, 1958,
They may form on the surface or beneath the p. 1072)." Thus origin is not a factor in the defi-
surface. Fragments may form during volcanic nition.
explosion or during movement of a lava flow, Many terms for volcanic breccia are in
or they may be formed by epigene geomorphic general use, for example, water-laid breccia
agents acting upon unconsolidated volcanic (C. E. Stearns, 1953, p. 467), explosion breccia
debris as well as upon solid lava, and all the (H. T. Stearns and Macdonald, 1942, p. 23),
types may be mixed together. explosive breccia (Rouse, 1937, p. 1267),
Since there is such diversity, volcanic breccias welded breccia (Erickson, 1953, p. 1370),

autobreccia (Shelton, 1955), vent breccia Pyroclastic

(H. T. Stearns and Macdonald, 1942, p. 24), Vulcanian breccia
throat breccia (Gilluly, 1946, p. 46-47), vent Pyroclastic flow breccia
agglomerate (Appledorn and Wright, 1957, Hydrovolcanic breccia
p. 458). The proposed classification attempts Epiclastic
to systematize such terms. Laharic breccia
The review of pyroclastic classifications Water-laid volcanic breccia
given by Wentworth and Williams (1932) Volcanic talus breccia
shows that volcanologists are, in general, These types can further be designated ac-
interested in classifying pyroclastic ejecta and cording to rock composition. Thus there are
their mode of origin rather than the resultant basaltic block breccias, andesitic laharic
rocks and their characteristics, as is attempted breccias, etc. The term volcanic breccia may
in the present paper. The reader is referred to be applied to any of the types given heretofore
Wentworth and Williams for a review of pre- if they are being referred to in a general way
vious classifications. or if their specific origin is unknown.
Papers reporting volcanic breccias are nu-
merous, therefore references cited in this paper DISCUSSION
are for the most part limited to papers which
discuss origin, nomenclature, or criteria. Autoclastic Volcanic Breccia

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS General statement.—Autoclastic volcanic brec-

cia forms by fragmentation of semisolid and/or
The writer greatly appreciates the helpful solid lava during confinement beneath the sur-
discussions of volcanic breccias with his col- face or by relatively slow movement of un-
leagues Robert W. Webb and Bruce O. Nolf. confined lava flows, rather than by explosive
Special thanks are due Ray E. Wilcox for long disruption. Grouped here are flow breccia and
and instructive discussions on the general field volcanic intrusion breccia.
of pyroclastic rocks. G. O. Macdonald and H. Flow breccia.—Flow breccia forms by frag-
T. Stearns critically reviewed the manuscript mentation of an advancing and congealing
and offered appreciated advice. lava flow. Two types of flow breccia are recog-
nized in active volcanic regions: aa and block
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION (Finch, 1933; Jones, 1943) which are defini-
tively discussed by Macdonald (1953). Aa
The volcanic breccias are divided into three flows are characterized by jagged and spinose
major types according to the mechanism of surfaces which may be covered with loose frag-
fragmentation: autoclastic, pyroclastic, and ments. A a breccia is proposed for breccia formed
epidastic. Autoclastic volcanic breccias con- by aa lava flows. Block lava flows are charac-
tain fragments broken and incorporated terized by generally smooth polyhedral blocks.
during movement of liquid, semisolid, and/or Block breccia is proposed for breccia formed
solid lava, such as flow and volcanic intrusion from block lava.
breccias. Pyroclastic breccias contain frag- Breccias similar to those produced by flow
ments explosively produced, transported, and form by collapse or sinking of crusts in a lava
deposited. Epiclastic volcanic breccias con- lake (H. T. Stearns and Macdonald, 1947, p.
tain fragments produced by any process of 20-21) and if recognized could be termed
rock fragmentation and transported by any "collapse breccia."
epigene geomorphic agent such as mudflows, Several accounts of ancient flow breccia
running water, glaciers, and sea waves or by appear in the literature (Dings and Robinson,
gravity (mass wasting). 1957, p. 32; Kelley, 1946, p. 299; Rouse, 1937,
Volcanic breccias are grouped here primarily p. 1281; Shelton, 1955, p. 55). Williams (1932b)
on the basis of the type of fragmentation; describes lavas of "block type" from Lassen
secondary bases depend upon general usage. Volcanic National Park, and Wells (1956)
Volcanic breccias to be discussed are classified states that "blocky flow breccias" occur in the
as follows: Roxy formation in southern Oregon. H. T.
Autoclastic Stearns reports aa breccia on Tutuila, Samoan
Flow breccia Islands (1944, p. 1289 and PI. 2, fig. 1), and
Volcanic intrusion breccia H. T. Stearns, Macdonald, and Swartz (1940,
Peperite breccia p. 40) report an aa breccia dike on the Island
Friction breccia of Lanai.

Huffington (1943, p. 1028) has applied the Gates concludes that the breccia pipes de-
term flow conglomerate to volcanic flows scribed by him originated by a complex proc-
which have incorporated rounded sedimentary ess involving streaming gases, rock bursts,
and/or volcanic rocks. But what if the in- and collapse stoping, along with abrasion,
corporated fragments are angular? Flow brec- attrition, and wedging, perhaps with many
cia, the logical counterpart of flow conglomer- repeated episodes, which formed a complex
ate, cannot be used for such a rock; therefore association of intrusion phenomena.
this writer recommends that the term flow D. L. Reynolds (1954) described fluidization,
conglomerate be abandoned. Alvir (1929) uses a process causing brecciation and rounding of
the term volglomerate. However, to nomen- fragments by streaming gases. She discusses
claturally separate flows with incorporated breccias (both volcanic and nonvolcanic)
foreign fragments from those which contain formed by this process, such as the Swabian
autoclastic fragments, this author suggests the tuff pipes (Cloos, 1941), the breccias of Sud-
terms xenolithic flow breccia or xenolithic flow bury (Yates, 1938; Fairbairn and Robson,
conglomerate. Xenolithic flow breccias are 1942), and the Tertiary agglomerate vents of
reported by H. T. Stearns and Macdonald Northern Ireland (Richey, 1932; D. L. Rey-
(1946, p. 147; 1942, p. 303). nolds, 1951).
Volcanic intrusion breccia.—Volcanic intru- There are many reports of intrusion breccias
sion breccia forms by movement of liquid, (Appledorn and Wright, 1957; Curtis, 1954;
semisolid, or solid lava under confinement Durrell, 1944; Hay, 1954; Klepper, Weeks,
within the lithosphere by (1) internal breccia- and Ruppel, 1957; Rouse, 1937; Williams,
tion within a moving solid or semisolid ig- 1936; Eckel et al., 1949; Gregory, 1951; Lover-
neous mass, (2) brecciation along the solidified ing and Tweto, 1953, and others).
flanks of an intrusion by friction, (3) breccia- The formation of intrusion breccia is gener-
tion and commingling with the material which ally ascribed to violent explosions, although
the lava intrudes, (4) explosions caused by Curtis (1954) has described a mechanism for
ground water coming in contact with magma, quiet brecciation (autobrecciation) where
or (5) possibly by the process of fluidization (D. breccia formed beneath the surface, flowed
L. Reynolds, 1954). onto the surface, and grades into epiclastic
Volcanic intrusion breccia is a special type of volcanic breccias. Likewise, Hay (1954) indi-
intrusion breccia. Intrusion breccias formed by cates that intrusive volcanic breccia in the
plutonic intrusions are excluded from the pres- Absaroka volcanic field may be the result of
ent discussion, although all transitions from quiet intrusion.
"plutonic" to "volcanic" phenomena may Peperite breccia (peperite) results from shal-
exist. A nomenclatural problem is also en- low intrusion of fluid magma into unconsoli-
countered where volcanic processes cause dated or poorly consolidated sediments or
brecciation of nonvolcanic basement rock as rocks. Peperite breccia has been described
in the case of carbonatite pipes of Mbeya from Marysville Buttes, California (Williams,
(Pick and van der Heyde, 1959), the Bell- 1929, p. 166-175), and from near Los Angeles,
Domingo breccia (Gabelman, 1953; Peters, California (Macdonald, 1939). Intrusion brec-
1953), and others, although just what con- cia similar to peperite is described by Klepper
stitutes a "volcanic process" might be de- et al. (1957) in the Elkhorn Mountains vol-
bated. Here, a volcanic process is considered canic rocks of Montana.
to be a process related to near-surface igneous Friction breccia forms within differentially
activity within vents which reach the earth's rising solid or semisolid magma or between a
surface. body of magma and its wall rock. It may be
Volcanic intrusion breccia can apply to any composed entirely of solidified magma frag-
volcanic breccia which shows crosscutting ments or of admixed solidified magma frag-
relationships, although the special types, ments and wall-rock fragments and may have a
peperite breccia (peperite), and friction breccia matrix of dense-textured congealed magma
may or may not show such features. and/or fragmental material formed by attri-
Various ideas on the origin of breccia pipes tion.
are given by Gates (1959), including accounts H. T. Stearns and Macdonald (1947, p. 20)
by Thompson (1950), Locke (1926), Burbank use the term friction breccia for volcanic rocks
(1941), Tyrrell (1928), E. B. Bailey et al. breccia ted by faulting; such breccias should be
(1924), Richey (1932; 1940), Levering and termed volcanic fault breccia to distinguish
Goddard (1950), Rust (1937), Anderson, between brecciation by primary movement of
Scholz, and Strobell (1955), and Tweto (1951). magma and secondary movement of faulting.

Friction breccia may be caused by the rise (2) In the table of pyroclastic rock names
of plug domes. Lacroix (1904) has described the (p. 51), they use agglomerate as follows (not
plug dome of Mont Pelge. Williams (1932a) a direct quote): Fragments (greater than 32
gives a general account of domes including plug mm) are of material chiefly plastic at the time
domes. of eruption and have forms, surface markings,
Autobrecciation as described by Curtis (1954) or internal structures assumed in response to
is a brecciation process which may occur in vol- forces acting during flight (bombs of any
canic pipes; the material may be extruded onto variety), or to forces acting at the time of de-
the surface and move outward as a viscous tachment, or after landing (driblets). The
brecciating flow. This type of extrusion may lithified material is termed agglomerate. In the
cause dry avalanches similar to the extrusion first sense it is broadly defined to include any
at Semeru, Java, in 1885 where lava rose to the fragment (regardless of composition or degree
edge of the crater without explosion, spilled of original plasticity) rounded by volcanic
over the edge, and caused an avalanche. If a action. In the second sense it is narrowly re-
crater is filled with water, lahars may result. stricted, mainly to particles which were plastic
Hay (1954, p. 611) describes small, irregular at the time of eruption. Since a term is needed
breccia dikes that terminate upward into fine- for pyroclastic rocks composed of large,
grained bedded layers but do not extend down- rounded (in distinction to angular) explosion
ward into underlying "tuff-breccia". These debris, the first definition is preferred. Agglom-
might be termed "volcanic clastic dikes". H. T. erate is used in this broad sense by Fick and
Stearns (1944, p. 1291 and Fig. 3, p. 1293) de- van der Heyde (1959, p. 859-861) where ag-
scribes a clastic dike composed of tuff formed glomerate fragments are altered basement
by infilling of ash. gneiss. Agglutinate (G. W. Tyrrell in Went-
Vent breccia (H. T. Stearns and Macdonald, worth and Williams, 1932, p. 26) may be con-
1942, p. 24) should be used only if a vent can sidered as a special type of agglomerate.
be recognized. The term throat breccia has also Vulcanian explosions and the class of ex-
been used to describe breccia within the central plosions which includes nuees ardentes produce
core of an intrusive plug (Gilluly, 1946, p. 47- angular accidental and accessory as well as
48; Stearns, Macdonald, and Swartz, 1940, liquid essential fragments. Lithified pyroclastic
p. 46-47). deposits composed dominantly of large angular
fragments are pyroclastic breccias; if the dom-
Pyroclastic Breccia inant fragments are large and rounded, the rock
is agglomerate.
General statement.—Pyroclastic breccias are Vulcanian breccia.—Vulcanian breccia is
formed by explosions and ejection of liquid composed of angular, accessory, essential, or ac-
and/or solid fragments from volcanic sources, cidental blocks greater than 32 mm produced
and may be divided into three main types: by vulcanian (or ultravulcanian) explosion.
vulcanian breccia, Pyroclastic flow breccia, and Tuff breccia (Norton, 1917, p. 170) is a
hydrovolcanic breccia. widely used term but is commonly used as a
The terms explosion breccia (H. T. Stearns substitute for volcanic breccia as defined by
and Macdonald, 1946, p. 16) and explosive Wentworth and Williams; this use is not recom-
breccia (Rouse, 1937, p. 1267) are both in use mended because tuff breccia implies a pyro-
but are more general than pyroclastic breccia, clastic origin. Volcanic breccia as defined by
which is preferred by this author. Fisher (1958) is a more suitable general name
Wentworth and Williams (1932, p. 25-26) for breccias of unknown origin. Lapilli-breccia
have defined the term agglomerate in two has been used for mixtures of lapilli and larger-
ways: grained fragments (Appledorn and Wright,
(1) In their list of suggested usage, definition 1957, p. 457).
of terms (p. 45), they define it as follows: Pyroclastic flow breccia.—Grouped here are
Agglomerate.—Contemporaneous pyroclastic rocks breccias produced by extrusions of solid-
containing a predominance of rounded or subangular liquid-gas mixtures. Williams (1956) recognizes
fragments greater than 32 mm. in diameter, lying in
an ash or tuff matrix and usually localized within three major types: (1) PeUan type, which may
volcanic necks . . . or at a short distance therefrom. result from explosions through flanks of a dome
The form of the fragments is in no way determined (nuees ardentes d'explosion dirigee of Lacroix),
by the action of running water, as in volcanic
conglomerates, but is a primary feature determined or by the collapse of a dome without attendent
during actual eruption. explosion (nu&e ardente d'avalanche of Lacroix);

(2) Krakatoan type, initiated by vertical low- flowing from land into water, from non-ice
pressure explosions through craters (nuees areas onto or against ice, or from lava extruded
ardenles a'explosions vulcaniennes of Lacroix); beneath water or ice.
and (3) fissure type, initiated by low-pressure Primary structural features of lava flowing
upwelling of effervescing magma through into water are described by Fuller (1931) and
fissures. The fissure type is most widespread and by Hoffman (1933).
develops typical textures and structures of Peacock (1926) has ascribed the origin of
"welded tuff" deposits. Williams uses the term palagonite-breccia and pillow basalt ("globular
glowing avalanche for these types, but descrip- basalt") of ViSey, Iceland, to subglacial ac-
tions of such phenomena show that not all tivity. Subglacial eruptions are a known
"flows" glow, nor are they necessarily aval- phenomenon (Earth, 1950; Nielson, 1937).
anches. A suitable term in place of glowing Noe-Nygaard (1940) postulates that the
avalanche is pyroclastic flow (Williams, 1941, Palagonite-System of Iceland was partly
p. 379). If, in some cases, the material is formed beneath or in the immediate vicinity of
transported by avalanche, it may be termed ice caps.
pyroclastic avalanche. By suffixing breccia, Mathews (1952b, p. 553-554) divides vol-
lapilli, or tuff, as in pyroclastic flow breccia, canic products into four classes dependent
pyroclastic flow tuff, etc., one indicates the upon position with regard to glacial ice as
general origin and grade-size limits. If recog- follows: (1) volcanic products laid down
nizable, specific types may be given specific beneath the ice (subglacial); (2) volcanic
names, such as "Pelean breccia" (Mathews, products surrounded on all sides, but not
1952a). covered by ice at the time of eruption (intra-
The term ignimbrite (Marshall, 1935) was glacial); (3) volcanic products deposited partly
first used to describe acidic rocks of supposed or entirely on the surface of the ice (supra-
nuee ardente origin, although the term welded glacial); and (4) volcanic products deposited
tuff (Iddings, 1909, p. 331) has precedence against the margin of the ice. Mathews also
and is most commonly used in the United gives criteria suggesting proximity of ice
States for rocks of the same type. during extrusion (p. 553).
Use of the term welded tuff, however, is not Greenwood (1956, p. 167-177) discusses
without difficulty, as noted by Mathews evidence for a Cretaceous submarine eruption
(1952a). The "welded tuffs" described by him causing a local laharic breccia.
were too coarse-grained to be tuff and were not Phreatovolcanic breccia is used here for brec-
welded, so he proposed the terms Pelean tuff- cia formed by contact of hot lava or magma
breccia or glowing-avalanche debris. Both with ground water or by contact of hot lava
these terms, however, are restricted only to the with surface water which has seeped under-
types produced by nuee ardente. ground. Williams (1941, p. 380) calls attention
Erickson (1953) has described a rock he to three types caused by (1) sudden access of
considers to be welded breccia. The argument surface water to "hot rocks" at depth (Soeoh,
against this term is the same as for welded Sumatra, Stehn, 1934), (2) influx of ground
tuff, i.e., breccia formed by pyroclastic flow water into central conduits following drainage
may not be welded. of lava below the water table (Kilauea, 1924,
The literature on pyroclastic flows is ex- H. T. Stearns and Clark, 1930; Jaggar, 1947),
tensive (Anderson and Flett, 1903; Enlows, and (3) absorption of ground water and conse-
1955; Escher, 1933; Gilbert, 1938; Lacroix, quent crystallization of magmas (Lassen Peak,
1904; 1930; Ferret, 1937; Williams, 1956; and 1914-1917, Day and Allen, 1925).
many others). Williams (1956, p. 59-65) gives Miscellaneous types.—Vent agglomerate is ag-
a brief resume of the various types as well as glomerate located within a vent (Williams,
criteria for the recognition of their products, 1926, p. 234-235) and is a pyroclastic rock.
and Enlows (1955) gives a detailed review of Vent breccia is composed of angular debris in
criteria for their recognition. vents but is not necessarily pyroclastic in
Hydrovolcanic breccia.—Hydrovolcanic brec- origin, for, as pointed out by H. T. Stearns
cias originate by steam explosions as the result and Macdonald (1942, p. 23, 167-170), vents
of hot lava coming in contact with water or ice, may be filled by volcanic debris derived from
as in phreatic explosions (H. T. Stearns and the sides of vents by collapse, explosion, land-
Macdonald, 1946, p. 16-17; Williams, 1941, p. slide, or washing by water.
380) and steam explosions resulting from lava An unusual pyroclastic deposit is described

by H. T. Stearns, Bryan, and Crandall (1939, Lahars have been studied in detail by Kem-
p. 34-35); the clasts are chiefly river gravel, merling (1921). Crandall and Waldron (1956)
and consequently the deposit looks water-laid. have described a Recent volcanic mudflow from
The deposit was apparently formed by phreatic the slopes of Mt. Rainier, Washington. Fisher
explosions through gravel and sand. (1960) has discussed criteria for the recognition
Pseudoagglomerate or pseudobreccia are ap- of laharic breccias.
propriate terms for rocks superficially re- Laharic breccia is proposed for volcanic
sembling agglomerate or breccia. Williams breccias formed by lahars, regardless of initial
(1932b) describes solfatarized andesite which cause.
resembles coarse agglomerate. Weathered Water-laid volcanic breccia.—Water-laid vol-
block lavas may be agglomeratelike in ap- canic breccia is composed of angular to sub-
pearance where chemical action has altered the angular volcanic rocks that originate from any
blocks along their interstices. Goodspeed and volcanic region undergoing rapid erosion. The
Coombs (1937) describe a pseudobreccia which source material may be pyroclastic debris;
resembles dacite flow breccia, but they believe fragments may originate from volcanic flows
on the basis of microscopic evidence that the undergoing weathering and erosion. Water-laid
breccia originated by recrystallization replace- volcanic breccias may therefore originate in
ment of a sandy shale. Incomplete replacement either active or nonactive volcanic regions and
left remnants of the clastic rock in the form of may be transported and deposited in stream
fragments. channels or deposited in any standing body of
water, continental or marine. Such volcanic
Epidastic Volcanic Breccia breccias are true sedimentary rocks.
General statement.—Epiclastic volcanic brec- Many examples of water-laid volcanic breccia
cia contains fragments produced by any type are found in the literature, although many of
of rock fragmentation which are transported the deposits are referred to as pyroclastic de-
by epigene geomorphic agents or by gravity posits—a use not recommended. Coarse-grained
transfer. marine "pyroclastic" rocks interbedded with
Laharic breccia.—The word lahar comes from limestone are reported from the Lesser Antilles
the Indonesian word for volcanic materials by Christman (1953, p. 71). "Sedimentary
transported by water and is defined by Van breccia" composed of rocks and minerals de-
Bemmelen (1949, p. 191) as "a mudflow, con- rived from lava flows, graywacke, and shale in
taining debris and angular blocks of chiefly Alaska is described by Cady et al. (1955, p. 47).
volcanic origin. . . ." "Water-laid breccia" (volcanic breccia) is used
Laharic breccias may form by mudflow by C. E. Stearns (1953) for detrital volcanic
carrying, dispersing, and depositing coarse- and material deposited by streams on ancient
fine-grained volcanic particles and/or admixed coalesced alluvial fans. A well-bedded fan-
nonvolcanic material. Mudflows grade from ex- glomerate deposit from the Island of Hawaii is
tremely viscous to fluid; therefore there are all reported by H. T. Stearns and Macdonald
gradations between laharic and water-laid (1946, p. 166). Wells (1956) reports water-laid
volcanic breccias. volcanic rocks in the southern Cascades of
Volcanic mudflows may originate, according Oregon.
to C. A. Anderson (1933, p. 252-258), as a re- Flood deposits may be initiated by subglacial
sult of (1) eruptions through crater lakes, extrusions that generate great quantities of
causing the melting of ice and snow, following water. In Iceland these floods are known as
heavy rains or accompanied by heavy rains, and jokulhlaup. Earth (1950, p. 10) reported dis-
(2) without eruptions with the collapse of the charge rates as high as 50,000 m3/sec. for these
dam of a crater lake, by heavy rains falling on floods (as compared with a discharge rate of
unconsolidated ejecta, and by the rapid melting 10,000 m3/sec. for the Amazon River).
of ice and snow. Also, they may form when The fragments of water-laid volcanic breccia,
nuees ardentes enter streams (Williams, 1956, depending upon the length of transportation,
p. 61-62). Lacroix (1906, p. 668) believes that either in a stream, lake, or ocean, may show
the unstable condition of loose material on a the effects of wear. Thus there is every grada-
steep volcanic cone and the consequent rapid tion between volcanic breccia and conglomer-
denudation is more important than eruptions as ate. Also, where pyroclastic flows issue into
a cause of lahars. Greenwood (1956, p. 167- streams, lahars may result, and, with increasing
177) reports a submarine laharic breccia. distance of transportation, will grade into

volcanic gravels, sands, silts, and clays REFERENCES CITED

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