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Ste ee ae Key Issues The constructic ject will require development of the design and working methods to ution for ies from an early stage, and develc method staten articutarly that th stating access requiren fe effect on the si unding properties ed these key issues within this initial appraisal sss a&aa_'—'X'°-—" ZZTTZS[ METHOD STATEMENT | Pre-construction Phase ‘Once appointed as the successful contractor for the Middlesex Hospital project our initial pre- construction proposals will focus on assembling the whole Durkan project team, including any proposals for any first tier supply-chain subcontractors and suppliers. We will instigate an initial internal meeting to discuss the scheme in detail, review our proposals and set out a strategy with which to consider all outstanding aspects of design, construction and maintenance. Known as the ‘Preliminary Buildability Meeting’ it will set out the procedures and processes required to agree the fundamental building strategy for the project to meet the required key dates. Our Community Liaison Manager, Paul McCrea, and Contracts Manager Alan Ledger, will be charged with arranging site visits and meetings with Circle Anglia representatives, immediate neighbours, highways officers, and any other stakeholders to agree how to best integrate our construction site into the local area. We envisage that these discussions will continue for the duration of the design development period or until all parties are satisfied that all eventualities have been considered and satisfactory resolutions agreed. From these initial meetings we will prepare and develop a project risk register to highlight all problems and issues raised through the project review. As the project risk register evolves we will work with the appointed design team representatives to seek resolution of the issues raised through established routes of ‘communication between all project partners — we may need to consider using alternative designs or components to assist achieving the demands imposed upon us by the tight access and site constraints. Our Design Co-ordinator, Rory McCormick, will instigate design development programmes that suit the proposed procurement routes to enable key package information to be assembled and issued to our selected supply chain partners. Regular design team meetings will be held to check design progress and will also incorporate value engineering exercises, sustainability reviews and ‘buildabilty’ issue resolutions for all aspects of the construction work. METHOD STATEMENT We will encourage all designers and subcontractors to integrate not only their individual design knowledge but also their details on manufacturing periods and delivery restrictions so that detailed construction programmes can be prepared that accurately reflect the chosen construction methodology. Every effort to utilise value management techniques to increase productivity, reduce programme times and prevent disruption to the local neighbourhood will be employed with regular project team reviews of where items can be improved and sustainability requirements can be met. Our project surveyor and buyer will prepare the package information, issue the correct documentation and seek timely returns from all key supply-chain partners. We have reviewed and produced programmes as part of our tender documents and recognise that there are specific difficulties with delivery and access that will need developing with the client team, the hospital authority and adjacent owners.. We will develop and agree an overall design! procurement strategy and a project timetable in conjunction with the client team. Once these have been agreed, we will resource and monitor the management of all associated activity in line with these requirements, The dedicated pre-construction period will be a relatively hectic time with a wealth of information being prepared, reviewed an ssued by all parties. As constructor we intend to take a lead role in monitoring and controlling the flow of information to ensure that we meet the key construction and handover dates for each element of the project. Current Design/ Construction Method ‘The current design has been well developed in respect to construction level information. We will, however, need to develop this design to meet our own expectations along with our own team and in collaboration with the client and their representitives. We have made ial reviews of the scheme in conjunction with our supply-chain partners, and internal construction and planning departments. Our tender proposals generally follow the design developed to date, but we note that there will be a need for further detailed design appraisals and incorporation of some changes into the design including the introduction of MMC via a LGSF solution. Our finalised design will reflect our most economic solution for the scheme. METHOD STATEMENT Enabling Works During the enabling works we will work with the client, design team and our supply chain partners to produce: ‘* Agreed construction issue drawings and specifications ‘* Clearance of relevant planning conditions * Submitted building regulations and other statutory applications + Supply-chain partners with finalised production information ‘+ Relevant approval to our proposed working methodologies ‘© Client design ‘sign-off ‘+ Anagreed method statement ‘+ Anagreed strategy / protoco! for liaison with the hospital / neighbouring community * Confirmation that all existing (or affected) services have been cut-off / isolated. ‘* Construction of the piling mat. Our construction team will prepare detailed method statements and risk assessments for the construction phase health and safety plan / together with formal programmes indicating actual construction periods for each element of the works. The method statements will ees be based on the initial outline plans included within the tender documentation and these will be finalised and confirmed in meetings with supply-chain partners, client representatives and designers. Issues for consideration within the method statements for the actual on-site enabling works will include items that will need to be integrated with the existing community environment. We will seek to commence and enabling works at the earliest date, once we were satisfied that consultations and detailed designs are concluded and all items on the risk register pertaining to the enabling works had been successfully signed-off by all parties. Construction Phase We have reviewed the existing site conditions specifically and believe that the current designs and proposed construction will need further detailed consideration to fully establish a site logistics plan that minimises disruption to the local area and traffic flow on the adjacent roads. As part of our review, we have provided the following draft proposals and options based on our initial site visit and evaluation. Please refer also to the attached sketch logistics layout. 4 METHOD STATEMENT Access/ Traffic! Deliveries ‘Safe pedestrian access routes on and around our site will be made for our workforce, site visitors and the general public using agreed, dedicated entrances and access routes. The access to the site will need agreement with both the hospital and industrial estate operators. It is essential that relationships are built with the affected users, and that our methods of working minimise the effect on them. The safe passage of delivery vehicles to the site will require temporary restrictions to the access road We note particularly that we will need to restrict parking as indicated on our logistics plan at positions for turning points and off-loading materials. Some areas immediately outside the site would benefit from temporary parking restrictions to enable safe passage of long vehicles, and to prevent the potential damage to local residents’ cars. The main site access point will be from the existing eastern access road. As required for safety reasons we will erect protective walkways, scaffold fans or debris netting on scaffold elevations to protect the public on adjacent footpaths. Subject to relevant approvals, we propose temporary closure of the main footpaths on the immediate boundaries to the site... Once the basement structure is formed, lorries will also need to access the site via the basement ramp! entrance. In all cases, we will utilise ‘banksmen’ to guide vehicles safely and supervise the off loading of materials. A detailed project-specific traffic management pian will be developed for the Middlesex Hospital project and all delivery vehicles will be directed to the agreed routes/ specified off-loading points. All delivery drivers will be advised of the strict time limits for site deliveries and we will set procedures in place to avoid any vehicles in congested times. Stout, secure access gates will be provided to the vehicle access points and these will be monitored throughout the working day to prevent unauthorised access. Bale Reis Se Adjoining Bui gs - Access The site abuts several buildings locally, and this may affect access (including emergency). We will contact the adjoining owners and gain a full understanding of their requirements. We will agree suitable access at all times of the construction programme. Oxygen Tanks We have noted the safety requirements for the oxygen tanks adjacent to the site. We will provide suitable measures including an exclusion zone and protective hoardings to suit. We will develop our method statement in detail, and seek relevant approval from the hospital / safety representi Security We will erect secure, safe hoardings to the site in accordance with the agreed construction programmes. CCTV, security lighting, or security guarding will be utilised where required, and the requirements will be continually assessed and adjusted as the works proceed. Signage We will erect detailed signage to direct personnel and vehicle deliveries to the site entrances and to warn others of our construction works. Project notice boards and signs will be erected. We will have to ensure that all existing access/ traffic routes around the site are maintained and approved by the local highways department and minimise the impact on neighbours. Parking Inconsiderate parking by our operatives will not be allowed on site or on adjacent roads. If feasible we will seek to locate areas for contractors staff near by. Our workforce will be encouraged to use public transport wherever possible. Existing Services Prior to commencement, we will check that all existing services routes and supplies have been disconnected to the site, and that those adjacent to our site areas are protected as appropriate. Wheel wash fac We will install suitable facilities on site to prevent mud and debris leaving the site and creating a nuisance on nearby roads. Ever vehicle will be stop at the gate and be inspected. Each wheel will be inspected and washed by high pressure jetting before being allowed to leave site. We also have at our disposal and as a last resort, road sweeper who will be at hand to sweep the roads. 6 m@ METHOD STATEMEN Welfare We will set up our offices, stores, rest rooms and any other site facilities that are required by legislation within agreed areas. We have indicated initial proposed positions for site offices and compounds in areas on our sketch layout. Once the basement structure is fully constructed and all temporary props and affected scaffolding is removed, we will utilise this area for both storage of materials and further location of site ‘accommodation. Temporary Services We will arrange for temporary services connections to our site accommodation. Site Materials Storage Space on the site is minimal, and accordingly will require careful management and planning. We will utilise available storage areas within the courtyards, with additional areas being utilised at basement and roof slabs as works progress. The imposed loading of stored materials will need ‘ongoing consideration due to the required curing periods of the concrete structure, and the load capabilities of the structural design Materials Distribution/ Handling Our proposals include the use a small forklift within the basement and compound areas to move materials horizontally, and tower cranes for the vertical lifting. The cranes will provide the main source of lifting for the erection of the structures, with the additional use of concrete pumps for the main concrete pours. At the latter stages we will erect goods passenger hoists to enable distribution of the finishing materials. fm METHOD STATEMENT Construction & Completion: As Associate Members, we will register the project under the Considerate Constructors Scheme and publish the results of all inspection reports to enable framework KPI scores to be tabulated. ER aS We will instigate local labour initiatives and encourage our supply chain to seek trainees and apprentices for all trades. We will arrange talks with local schools about the dangers of building sites. Our contracts manager will prepare a project quality plan to monitor the construction and refurbishment works and our supply-chain partners and subcontractors will be charged with producing comprehensive risk assessments and robust method statements to ensure that all sections of the proposed construction and refurbishment works are completed safely in accordance with the initial health and safety plan. Detailed programmes will be produced for each element of the works and the progress of each trade will be measured weekly against predicted completion dates. The works on site will follow the agreed logical sequences set out in our design development and programme meetings and as soon as our site set up and enabling works are in place we will commence the main construction works. ‘We will ensure that the correct health and safety strategies, quality plans, method statements and programmes are in place to allow us to commence work as soon as the site is vacant and services fully isolated As the works are in close proximity to existing buildings there may be risk of undermining or affecting the existing buildings and accordingly we will need to develop a safe working methodology with our structural engineers and the party wall surveyor. Building log books and operating and maintenance (O&M) manuals will be made available to the client at the completion of the project and training days will be arranged for all staff and maintenance operatives on the various technologies and items of new equipment. Our qualified staff will remain on site after handover of the building to ensure that client's staff and management teams have one-to-one instruction on the use and upkeep of their building a ee ee 6 ee es METHOD STATEMENT The methodology required to complete all works to the Middlesex Hospital project will require dedicated commitment from all parties. Further method statements for each individual area and phase of the works will be prepared once we have detailed designs and input from our supply- chain partners. The actual constru n works are not in themselves complicated, they just need e controlled and monitored carefully to ensure that we meet the required consideration and safety standards and achieve key completion dates for the client.

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