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What is STD What activities can put me

at risk for both STDs and

Are Sexually Transmitted Disease,
Infections that are passed from one HIV?
person to another during vaginal, anal,  Having anal, vaginal, or
and oral sex. STDs are caused by oral sex without a condom
bacteria, parasites, and viruses.  Having multiple sex
 Having Anonymous sex
 Having sex while under the
influence of drugs or
What is HIV alcohol can lower
inhibitions and results in
HIV is a Virus spread through certain
greater sexual risk-taking
body fluids that attacks the body’s
immune system

How to prevent STD and

What is the difference between
HIV and STD?
Always avoid sex with anyone
HIV is an STD. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, who has genital sores, a rash,
Human papillomavirus (HPV) discharge, or other symptoms
Cajipe Mark Christian I. infection, and syphilis are examples of
other STDs.  Use latex condoms
Costillas, Marvin
 Avoid sharing towels of
Having an STD can make it easier to
Alminana, Michael Vincent underclothing
get HIV for example, and STD can
 Wash before and after
cause a sore or a break in the skin
which can make it easier for HIV to
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