English Department Visi:: Education Dan Mampu Memberdayakan Potensi Budaya Lokal Kalimantan Selatan Pada Tahun 2022

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Sebagai Program Studi penghasil tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan yang berorientasi placed-based
education dan mampu memberdayakan potensi budaya lokal Kalimantan Selatan pada tahun 2022



1. Course : Research in Teaching English

2. Code : BENG 561
3. Credit : 3 credits
4. Semester : VI
5. Pre-requisite : Writing II (BENG 344)


By the end of the course, students:

1. Understand the concept of doing a research by explaining it

2. Apply the steps of doing a research
3. Choose the right methodology for a certain research problem
4. Develop research design in a group

1. This courses stands for local curriculum and discusses the basic concept of research
especially the concept of English language teaching and education research.
2. This course is designed to provide knowledge, and skills in carrying out the steps of
research in English Language Teaching in two approaches, i.e quantitative and
qualitative approach.
3. Mainly, this course includes the topic about constructing research questions and
hypothesis, research instruments, computing quantitative data analysis, testing
hypothesis, and drawing conclusion.
4. The practice of developing research proposal will also be discussed.

1. Lecturing
2. The students will choose one research book in-group.
3. The students will make paper related to every step of research based on the book
they choose.
Sebagai Program Studi penghasil tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan yang berorientasi placed-based
education dan mampu memberdayakan potensi budaya lokal Kalimantan Selatan pada tahun 2022

4. The students will have a presentation related to step of research

5. The students will have a class discussion for every step of research
6. The students will practice every step of research
7. The students will make a research design in a group


Session Topics Sources

1 Introduction to Research in Teaching Syllabus

English Syllabus

2 The definition of research Focus on the Language

Classroom (Dick Allwright and
Kathleen M. Bailey)

3 Second Language Research Second Language Research:

Methodology and Design (Alison
Mackey and Susan M.Gass)

4 Research Stages Second Language Research:

Methodology and Design (Alison
Mackey and Susan M.Gass)

5 Identifying a problem Focus on the Language

Classroom (Dick Allwright and
Kathleen M. Bailey)

6 Identifying a problem Focus on the Language

Classroom (Dick Allwright and
Kathleen M. Bailey)

7 Developing theoretical background Related Sources

8 Developing theoretical background Related Sources

9 Mid-term test

10 Designing research methodology Second Language Research:

Methodology and Design (Alison
Mackey and Susan M.Gass)
Sebagai Program Studi penghasil tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan yang berorientasi placed-based
education dan mampu memberdayakan potensi budaya lokal Kalimantan Selatan pada tahun 2022

11 Designing research methodology Second Language Research:

Methodology and Design (Alison
Mackey and Susan M.Gass)

12 Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting Second Language Research:

data Methodology and Design (Alison
Mackey and Susan M.Gass)

13 Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting Second Language Research:

data Methodology and Design (Alison
Mackey and Susan M.Gass)

14 Practicing making research problem

15 Practicing making research problem

16 Final test


1. The scoring system applies classroom assessment approach. It means the main
assessment is done in the process of teaching- learning in the classroom.
2. The components of score are in three parts; daily performance (participation and
assignment), middle test, and final test (making research design).
3. Daily performance consists of:
a. Assignment
b. Participation in classroom discussion
4. Middle test in the form of presentation
5. Final test, which is in the form of making research design


Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

Allwright, Dick and Bailey, Kathleen M. (2004). Focus on the Language Classroom.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Burns, Anne. (2010). Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide
for Practitioner. New York: Routledge
Furchan, Arief. 1983. Pengantar Penelitian dalam Pendidikan. Surabaya: Usaha
Sebagai Program Studi penghasil tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan yang berorientasi placed-based
education dan mampu memberdayakan potensi budaya lokal Kalimantan Selatan pada tahun 2022

Mackey, Alison and Gass, Susan M. (2005). Second Language Research: Methodology
and Design. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Mahsun. 2005. Metode Penelitian Bahasa: tahapan strategi, metode dan tekniknya.
Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Perkasa.
Yin, Robert K. 2011. Qualitative Research from Start to Finish. London: The Guilford
Sebagai Program Studi penghasil tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan yang berorientasi placed-based
education dan mampu memberdayakan potensi budaya lokal Kalimantan Selatan pada tahun 2022

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