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INTRODUCTION This article entitled Peer Assessment of Oral

Presentation Skills written by De. Grez,
(January 8 2010). The study showed how
peer assessment helped in oral presentations
which also play an important role in teaching
and learning nowadays.
BACKGROUND OF STUDY This study first tries to provide answers about
the reliability and validity of peer
assessments of oral presentations. Most
available assessment instruments used in the
field of oral presentations can be structured
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM This study first tried to provide answers
about the reliability and validity of peer
assessments of oral presentations.
SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDIES An individual learns the basics of oral
communication right at home. The school
environment takes this learning a notch
higher by teaching the student how to interact
with peers and teachers alike. The quality of
communication in student life will define
professional communication later in life.
Good communication enables students to
assimilate more from the learning process by
empowering them to ask relevant questions
and discuss doubts. Effective verbal
communication nurtures the process of
socialization by facilitating new friendships
and these in turn aid the learning process.
Productive communication is a boost to
career development. An ability to convey
thoughts in a clear and precise manner would
help a student to make a favorable
impression at an interview and get the job
that he deserves. Communication skills
inculcate professionalism in speaking styles,
ways of self-expression and attitudes towards
others, and these traits would hold students
in good stead in their professional lives.
METHODOLOGY The sample of respondents in the article is
adopted from 75 Engineering students and
carried out in six small groups. The article is
using rubric with 9 criteria (three content
related criteria, five delivery related criteria
and one overall criterion) to assess each of
the students. The research also carried out by
open ended questionnaire regarding the
factor structure and the reliability of content
and delivery. The last method that used in
this article is one-way analysis of variance
and computed the amount of explained
variance in the evaluation scores accounted
for by the factors ‘assessee’, ‘assessor’ and
‘group’ to find out which characteristics of
the assessor are responsible for assessor bias.

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