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‘THE SODERBERG ELECTRODE SYSTEM RECENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT NEW CHALLENGES Reider aver them Guten RAD POBox 40 VigsbyB se Kasansaad S, Norway SUMMARY Ever since the Saderterysmelngelecuode was invented, in extmsve research td developmeat efor bat been ‘iried ot in our company. The wer has been focused en Improvements of pblens to prevent break soe be maa cre in cicero option Bxamples of recent actives ae: High temperature ‘ete on cinode mais Pere ‘ons on operating clecoses, computer consoled dle ‘od ipa. and nw bade enon Doe increasing requirements othe leeds, the poss ily a esi he Saber ysem ine oar ing Aiscosted. Unsolved problems ae summarized, and out ‘resent wok on theta sock vesance, microcracks, Eejeguad paste, elacwode consrspon an eectre ip Boulton the parporet inves some of fem. Ou Smcuson is tht be Seerberg sym also ia he nxt ‘ade wil mii i soag pesos INTRODUCTION ‘The starry operation ofa smeing fumace depends on & proper lecubieperermance: Therefor, evr tne the Invetion of he Sarde sing sleewas i 1919, a9 ‘sive RAD efor has en cae ot. ‘A high cua dnsy is normaly wedi he Sadertesy ei eng tet moe fhe win St Secesay for baking of te carn pase: However ie tess of fea I wanspored away othe elec de Soe [1 (Curent variations, as during furnace shut-downs, ae in ‘nary cass mot dangerous forte operation Tempers dens oct, developing igh thermal eset in the ike carbon materals A good electrode operation can tly bs ebained the enpeatrs ae ue Como Tit oa ean hats continous orale eles oper tion matt be munsined. In aison to «dese concn ‘Someta corolla eecede sipping tn smal clecwode tnovencis ne unas should see 216 However, from time fo ie hs lcs ae expo ‘vere snfisons in te ferme If sn secre arabe ‘ihsund the high cunts iad tempertres, then ‘Seton, svepulclippng chemical and mechanical wea ‘eproblemt wil ae, te men serous oe, eakage of ‘he decose, wl affect the wie frmace operation Or ‘Wade her ttetore been conemed th watanp sing ‘bles in conneedon wih czoode breakages “Tae present paper comprises mninly the RAD activities a onoteon wih selingsecevs cated et by lke ‘Stin Nonny. Te Eke Carn RD ie oat eae ‘ltaa Caton plata mor peducer of lectode. ‘tthe se ste he a Sueteg system was deve ‘lowover, workin so-opernor with Crblndanstal vids tell cove a wie gece, he paper il oly core iy senna ome amie Oso ronan ‘Grol i well ar erode den and open, wil be ‘of pecil interest 3. ‘Changesin te lacus equiement and the possiiiy of ‘Sie Sore te fate a ang i ‘used Example of RADacttes not eternal, or ‘lane ater work re sort posed. References ‘bewanowe sie ae nladed RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. ELECTRODE MATERIALS Seacal “The elctrde pastes been whos! fondue changes ‘oughut tha yeart Of couse we hae tte, both oe [abortry an fli sae farsa hangs inthe gas ion and onc opermonal corcnons in he paste ‘Als, various type of exon aw ave bees teed. Than ar carly sled to ensure te et lee tfde guy, andthe mumufaceing of te paseo Uroogh s uiaber of analyses, as previously, however ie Ssderbergelecwode pute ie normally produced fom Seved factions of lea calcined enact, wsed as thei ry material apd med wih col epic se Teron ml nun vy sme. canara sosee ct co Seeiaea cain tamara ALS elec eae ee Eoecaceg Sioned ae ca Sgro area cee ‘Binder “he apt binder shall mals the paste plastic st mode- isi elevate tempers i he Upper pa oft ces ode, As the temperate incase Gowns the ln tof he volaics inthe in expelled anvil pene teste don into the a bed eto he cole, nie tia, the crbonind baer wil firmly coment ie pales ofthe ey agree ogee. ‘To spcity the bade, oa nbtoy will measure some rmeierThe socal content as cea ‘een ensued in oder to acbleve aa onl conta rebod. Mesopbas it define as large planar macomele- ‘Sie at form spherical, ansowone Iu eysas of he ema type searing fom te there oop Bich thae the mesophase coment Is usually estimated y Countog such spberie! parle, alg a polarstion ieroscope atl aw, the mesophs octet has not been intded in ‘ur Binge spectfions, the mporane of the phase ‘Shits inaeoce onthe aking ows andthe srctre ‘ofthe baked cartons being vest. Deseret By "dy aggregate is wdestood amin of two or mare ‘Rot benny il aly orig the bins, ln mou csc, the aggre teas calcd a ‘che. using elena in lial sa uaces thr i wide ‘Sabon of heat eae inthe mater, ‘mai eso 00 cy OOP nh ce, {oui te ntrate praea wil be expose to eer” fies toe de papain epee: Dun og Septem yh emperors and 300°C th calemaion and grpheaton ec: ions poced Inthe binder coke and pays he ante Atepepate ie vious tat oth each of he pri and he ‘Ggrezne fet mare possess properties in rae fl sift requemnts othe mited paste when aed inthe ‘leone One of tes sa misnum conte to te {trinage ding baking sod low thernul exparson at empertues. “Therefore, dry antec gai are being sie (3) ‘eT js ee rom enemies Sipe pains of ace filer Themenswrenars woe Defoned ina grape essance furnaces heating te BERS he teal expansion geen of he Teint inthe cuca Fig ows oe opeot ‘Stic: Oder mw materi tive give difenc ral, ‘vhchare alae aqui evan. A de as well at take led pte were nclaed inte same IS Te eal ena iene mac wad futon baked OOSC) mete of ntrae fines 100 iintndmepe, Also the pase supe of te enioned (pala sad Slnder ge role apd tet min [Enpeatre of IODC. The singe fhe binder atric ‘Nu toe pronosneed a acen frm Pipl, The effet on Ufecompote deetods mera s dscased tow. keds ‘Concluding from measures und caleuations, we have ound that he tall sei of carbo eeeode i of ‘andaventl portance ero rest heal ses, ‘Gis effort fu teefre teen mde o mtr spo ‘ety. 0 000°C, eel emperor the opering, ‘ostode gud ard reatnges, Be, br aeaat) se Sefton ‘cope ot 1K. Th ema ese et ut See ee ee a Seseuraendtatmran tse See ae re a et ee Sespee vas anh new wed Seine strength 9 (ime?) a | . KI oa |_| oA Derg oan on “or ee, — eee, 500 1000 1800 ace ‘Temperature (°C) Fig 1. Themal Expansion vs, Temperature of Carbon Mer ar © 800 1000 1500 2000 ‘Temperature (°C) Fig. 2, Tensile Snengh ve, Temperate of Two Bleode Marie As shown in Fig 2, both the materials have a maxims Soap eh (GAP vcs deen overs i.e diagram ico hows the sagt vation Sosa hey he owing ec ‘The tele szengih depends on both he west wmpeatre td the masses lt tentnesttoperaaces Above d00°C some carbon mails show ap ireversile ‘engi edueon, iy seibed to tack foration the pelypanuat tral Cased by singe of te der ‘matic Gg) Senet vaaon during oolng und re= eng tre 1500 and 2001, repel, i reverie fe, itn cen Lk, npendent of he cooling se I eee of ase lense ty diterences fn coerce of themmal expansion of de fier cokes ‘The gest ifrnce in quality between the two materiale cami plied erent ee [Coepaed to Medal, e we of Maeda would be of ‘peat sdvanage regarding srength, On the ober hg 8 ‘elie the wll orally fa nese of ie es, ponom seelely gh modula cay, Ts ery important tength property may therefore Be Iss frou tek tc, tional ropes wile Collected fo argues complete plete of he materia, (hem Shoat sans sae) Webave made an effort to measure most of mal ‘salt levatedterpertcee Toy, ep ‘esse Gnu tempers given in fe paves) = Deny 1 Bisel contuivay — doaorc) 2 Thema cenduesary — ore) Shenkge ain GOOC) 2 Rate Seng Goore) = Ganges — GORC) Bending engi 5 Modulus ofeasicty 000°C) ‘As bey sated the aa ae use for secon and onl ‘Azhar projet, based on lmageapaasis, also seeks eter neege ofthe gute of bad products, bot Bee ia reli to suength Paste baked at 1OO0%C were Used ole tes tne trope desorbed hove As formerly sated, te valves decrease Wi (reg beat eet eerie Siar sample dak of 10mm height were propre at Polished blocks for determination ofthe pare Pctte Parameters ee metalic cokes an empirical eeogth - sractare ‘inton of scr ppb has bee Seed Usag ‘hs equa cloalated enaleroengy, Stas), were fines and x plot of tee ue remind dae Scxp pea a Fig ela we fom sever elecoode spl wa tsk eiecrial and gas Sse meres eee Seer ae tere care Spree cspeone means Eee choracnn ens = coanfcasieat aust RHEOLOGY OF GREEN PASTE ‘iscsi Measuemenis fet iting roasts pases comid {thn aint ecm ‘Ser crng ote ip of cece mens "owever in order fo gtan even beter and, mos ofa, 2 ‘more Tpid contol of the tesloleal properus of the Pt, is parsalar during the mining proces, © new ‘Ppa us needed. Ast ms ot commercial val ‘Bie tem Carton RAD te Seveaped sme Bigs se of sole visoudes Fan ple conning prices of tes upto aout tun. the iasrment i supevieed by am integrated Iniefoprocessor that reduces human interaction fo 8 Inlmum, contol he Bjdrulcally powered plac, aad les Craused opus. The meaurng ing of the {hsrument covers the wide visety range ef 10 ders of agutde. Scene See ES eee Sees Soop tei intercept sz, wal iereept sz, athe value porosity. Yb dar eee Semen ‘variations in tensile strength. Poston sersar = : — a | 4 = (Nim?) ts nee ——— Le = : ae Le write eerie eet ce a

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