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Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A

Basis Toward its Improvement



Background of the Study

Health is an essential factor for human to live in, and it is a responsibility to take

good care of it. Having a good lifestyle promotes a good well-being and a regular visit to

a doctor can help too. But the problem is, some of us do not afford to visit a doctor. In

result, they were not able to inform about their health status. This is the primary reason

why health care centers are established, to provide basic health care services to everyone.

Basic health care services are the minimum degree of health care considered to be

necessary to maintain adequate health and protection from disease. (Elsevier, 2009) Basic

health care services shall also mean limited treatment of mental illness and substance abuse

in accordance with minimum standards prescribed by the state health commission and it

shall not exceed the level of services mandated for insurance carriers. (Ramsey, 2016)

Health services include all services dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of

disease, or the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health. They include personal

and non-personal health services. Basic health care services shall also mean limited

treatment of mental illness and substance abuse in accordance with minimum standards

prescribed by the state health commission and it shall not exceed the level of services

mandated for insurance carriers. Health centers primarily offers this kind of basic health

care services. (World Health Organization, 2017)

Community Health Centers (CHCs) are non-profit organizations that provide

primary health care for individuals, families and communities. It has health professionals

such as doctors, nurses, and nurse practitioners on staff. (Ontario, 2015)

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

CHCs operate across the state and aim to provide a broad range of services and

health promotion activities to local populations, particularly those who have or are at risk

of the poorest health and have the greatest economic and social needs. Community health

services focus on health promotion, and disease prevention and management, which are

designed to improve the health and wellbeing of local residents. CHSs offer affordable

health care, particularly for people on low incomes. Services are available to all local

residents, regardless of income, although fees apply. These fees are charged for services

according to the client’s ability to pay, and can be negotiated or waived if payment is

difficult. (State of Victoria, 2011)

Primary health care (PHC) is essential health care made universally accessible to

individuals. (Mona, 2016) It covers a broad range of health services, including diagnosis

and treatment, health education, counselling, disease prevention and screening. According

to the World Health Organization (2017), the goal of Primary Health Care is beneficial for

all. It aims to reduce health exclusion and social disparities. It helps in organizing health

services according to people’s needs and expectations. It gives high importance to

education, nutrition, preventive medicine and treatment of the most common diseases and

injuries. It is considered as a practical means of giving any form of health care for

increasing populations in poor economies.

The Rural Health Unit (RHU) program is intended to increase access to primary

care services for Medicaid and Medicare patients in rural communities. RHUs can be

public, nonprofit, or for-profit healthcare facilities, however, they must be located in rural,

underserved areas. They are required to use a team approach of physicians working with

non-physician practitioners such as nurse practitioners (NP), physician assistants (PA), and
Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

certified nurse midwives (CNM) to provide services. The clinic must be staffed at least

50% of the time with a NP, PA, or CNM. RHCs are required to provide outpatient primary

care services and basic laboratory services. The main advantage of RHC status is enhanced

reimbursement rates for providing Medicaid and Medicare services. (Rural Health

Information Hub, 2015).

Drugs, medical supplies and equipment account for a high proportion of health care

costs. Health services in developing countries need to choose appropriate supplies,

equipment and drugs, in order to meet priority health needs and to avoid wasting limited

resources. Making sure that health facilities have adequate supplies, equipment and drugs

is also essential if people are to have confidence in health services and health workers.

(Kaur and Hall, 2001).

Medical Services provides routine and urgent medical care, travel medicine,

immunizations, as well as sexual health services, reproductive and gynecological services.

The Emergency Medical Services aims to provide the help a person or many people need

while stuck in an unpleasant or unprecedented event. Such services if provided efficiently

are greatly valued and those providing the service are held in great respect. The most

common cases where immediate medical attention is required are main road or highway

mishaps, epileptic convulsions, cardiovascular seizures and major mass scale accidents.

Immediate medical help is to be provided to the victim or victims and by trained

professionals only favorably paramedics. A basic first aid is to be provided to the patient

and it can be done so effectively if a well-trained technician is there. (Crisis on Call, 2009).

The healthcare system in the Philippines can be considered to be of a good standard,

despite the fact that the facilities may not be as impressive as those found in high-end US
Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

or European hospitals. Healthcare system in the Philippines is a mixed public-private

system. Public health care is organized in 2 tiers: Primary care is delivered through public

health and primary health care centers linked to peripheral barangay health centers (BHCs)

or health out posts. Private healthcare services are well-established and growing in

Philippines through specialist clinics and private hospitals. It is structured according to the

North American model organized around independent free-standing hospitals, individual

medical offices and private clinics, dependent on fee-for service payments. (Philippine

Health Care System, 2016)

In its current decentralized setting, the Philippine health system has the Department

of Health (DOH) serving as the governing agency, and both local government units (LGUs)

and the private sector providing services to communities and individuals. The DOH is

mandated to provide national policy direction and develop national plans, technical

standards and guidelines on health. Under the Local Government Code of 1991, LGUs

were granted autonomy and responsibility for their own health services, but were to receive

guidance from the DOH through the Centres for Health Development (CHDs). Provincial

governments are mandated to provide secondary hospital care, while city and municipal

administrations are charged with providing primary care, including maternal and child care,

nutrition services, and direct service functions. Rural health units (RHUs) were created for

every municipality in the country in the 1950s to improve access to health care. (World

Health Organization, 2013)

The municipalities are responsible for providing reasonable, high-quality health

care and social services to everyone in need of them, regardless of age or diagnosis. The

state is responsible for ensuring equal framework conditions through legislation and

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

financial frameworks. In addition, the state carries the responsibility of exercising

supervision and control (Paulsen and Keus, 2007)

Since municipalities are responsible for providing reasonable, high-quality health

care and social services to everyone who need of them, it is important that the Rural Health

Units are actively supporting the needs of the people and properly playing their roles to

give necessary health care services. It is also important that these health care units like

barangay health center are providing primary health care to the residents. The satisfaction

of patients will reflect on the services that the Rural Health Units can provide. It will

absolutely show if their services satisfy the needs of their patients or not.

The Local Government Code of the Philippines declared that local government

units shall be given more powers, authorities, responsibilities, and resources. The process

of decentralization shall proceed from the national government to the local government

units. The Code shall apply to all provinces, cities, municipalities, Barangays, and other

political subdivisions as may be created by law, and, to the extent herein provided, to

officials, offices, or agencies of the national government. (R.A.7160) In the Philippines,

the national government only allocated 11.563 billion pesos for health services or 25

centavos per Filipino. (Department of Budget and Management, 2008)

According to the DOH, (2007) “In the Philippines, the major objective of health

regulation reforms is to assure access to quality and affordable health goods and services,

especially those commonly used by the poor. On the supply side, the strategic approach is

the harmonization of systems and processes for licensing, accreditation or certification of

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

health products, devices, facilities and services to make health regulation rational, simple

and client-responsive”.

The access to health services for the population depends on their supply, the access

conditions, and the degree to which the benefits provided by public programs are adequate

to meet people’s needs. The distribution and coverage of health services’ supply largely

determines the real possibilities the citizens have to gain timely access to health facilities

and human resources. As in most developing countries, the general pattern in the

Philippines is the concentration of health services in relatively affluent urban areas

(Mariano, 2012).

Health being one of the important aspects of human development, healthcare

services should essentially be accessible to all. However, many people, especially the poor

are often unable to access these services due to various reasons such as financial

constraints, lack of quality infrastructure and equipment geographical barriers, and many

other problems. (Terosa and Belandres, 2013)

Given that such a situation prevails in the Philippines, President Benigno Aquino

III developed an agenda to address the health-related problems of Filipinos in terms of

access to healthcare services. The Aquino Health Agenda (implementation from 2012 to

2016) is focused on three strategic areas of action: to upgrade the healthcare facilities, to

expand health insurance coverage to the poor, and to achieve the health-related Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs). (Terosa and Belandres, 2013)

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Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the study of Pollack (2008) in his SERVQUAL model

expectations statement related to the service level and patients believe that they should get

the service from health care providers. The most popular conceptualization of service

quality SERVQUAL features of five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness,

empathy and assurance (Parasuraman et al., 2007). According to the model, service quality

can be considered by comparing the service expectations of patients with their perceptions

of actual performance by health care providers. The physical service aspects such as

appearance of employees, equipment and facilities are classified as tangibles. Reliability

refers to accurate, dependable and consistent performance of the service (Service outcome).

The remaining three represent aspects of interaction quality: responsiveness means being

prompt and willing to serve the customer, empathy involves caring and personalized

attention as well as understanding customer needs and convenient access to the service.

Lastly the dimension of assurance comprises the competence, courtesy and credibility of

staff which generate customer trust and confidence.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Satisfaction of the patients in

terms of the services offered in
the Rural Health Unit including:

o RHU provides information

o physical service aspects of
PROFILE OF THE o facilities and availability of
o medical services






Figure 1: Research Paradigm

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Statement of the Problem

This research was carried out to determine the effectiveness of the services offered

by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga in Nueva Ecija.

Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:

1. The respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 gender

1.3 occupation

1.4 civil status

1.5 educational attainment

2. How does the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga in Nueva Ecija satisfy the

residents in terms of the following?

2.1 RHU provides information

2.2 physical service aspects of employees

2.3 facilities and availability of equipment

2.4 medical services

3. Is there a significant relationship between the patient’s profile and their

assessment towards the health care services provided by the Rural Health


Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Significance of the Study

This section will provide brief description on the various significances of this study

in different sectors.

Residents. Primarily this study will be beneficial to residents, as this will provide

them additional knowledge about the health care services offered by the Health Care Unit

in their municipal that they might need.

Health care workers. This study may help them to find out the feedbacks that their

patients are giving them regarding their services. It will help them to be aware about the

satisfaction of their patients, if they are lacking in skills or if they need some improvements

with regards in their performance.

Local Government Unit. This study will be significant to the local government.

This piece of work will give them the information they might need. They will be aware of

what may the health care services needs to improve and if there’s a lack of equipment,

medicines or anything that are necessary to satisfy the needs of the patients.

Future researchers. Finally, this study can serve as a good source of first-hand

information and a baseline for the future researchers to pursue other studies related with


Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Hypothesis of the Study

In line with the identified problems, the study testing the following null hypothesis:

1. There is no significant relationship between patient’s profile and their assessment

towards the health care services provided by the Rural Health Unit.

2. There is no significant relationship between the male and female respondents and

their assessment towards the health care services provided by the Rural Health Unit.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study covers only the satisfaction of an individual towards the health care

services provided by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija, as well as the

effectiveness of each services stated.

Only fifty-two (52) patients who used the services offered in the Rural Health Unit

of Aliaga form January up to October 2017 were involved in the study. This research study

was conducted only in the Municipality of Aliaga. The said health care unit was located at

Sto. Rosario, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija.

Different perception of the patients about the services offered by the Rural Health

Unit are expected to arise through the use of survey.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this research study are operationally and conceptually

defined as follows:

Health care services include all services dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of

disease, or the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health.

Health care workers are commonly the nurses, medtech, midwives, dentist, barangay

health workers who are trained by DOH and the likes who works on RHU.

Health Service is a public service providing medical care.

Laboratory/Diagnostic Services are organized services for the purpose of providing

diagnosis to promote and maintain health.

Medical Services/Health Service includes all the services dealing with the diagnosis and

treatment of disease, or the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health, they include

personal and non-personal health services.

Municipal Health Care Unit is an official health agency established by a group of urban

and rural municipalities to provide a more efficient community health program, carried out

by full-time, especially qualified staff.

Patient is a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.

Patient satisfaction is the degree of congruency between a patient's expectations of ideal

care and his/her perception of the real care that he/she receives.

Primary Health Care is the basic level of health care that includes programs directed at

the promotion of health, early diagnosis of disease or disability, and prevention of disease.

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Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


This section contains the method used in this study as well as the process involved

in undertaking the study.

Research Method

The researchers utilized the descriptive method design of research since this study

was dealt in describing the level of satisfaction of the patients regarding the services

provided by the Rural Health Unit in Aliaga, Nueva Ecija. According to Manuel and Medel

(2014), descriptive research involves the description, recording, analysis, and

interpretation of the present nature, composition or processes of phenomena.

Research Locale

The town of Aliaga was originally called “Pulong Bibit” because it was a dumping

place for human skeletons. Upon its establishment as a town in February 8, 1849 it was

named after Aliaga, a town in Spain and the birth place of its first governadorcillo, Don

Aniceto Ferry. With Ilocanos as its first inhabitants, Aliaga was one of the most beautiful

and progressive town in Nueva Ecija during Spanish regime.

The town of Zaragoza, Quezon, and Licab were formerly barrios of Ali aga, It had

fine roads, long lines of bazaars, an imposing Catholic Church, a beautiful public plaza etc.

For this reason, it earns the name “Maynilang Munti” (little Manila).

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

But in 1873, during the administration of Governadorcillo Don Anastacio

Dimaliwat, there occurred an unusual strong typhoon followed by a big flood that wrought

to building, roads, bridges, and farm crops. In 1878, Don Alejandro Santiago was then the

Governadorcillo, the river which served as drainage of town was closed by frequent floods.

As a sad result, the water changed its course. It flooded the town year in and out because

of the annual floods. Aliaga came to be known as “Venice of Nueva Ecija”.

This research study was conducted at Aliaga, Nueva Ecija. Residents in the twenty-

six (26) barangays of Aliaga who already used and experienced the services offered in their

respective Rural Health Center were the respondents of this study.

 Barangay
Rural Health Uit of
Aliaga,Nueva Ecija

Figure 2: Location Map of Barangays in Aliaga

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Sample and Sampling Procedure

The researchers applied purposive sampling techniques in this study to search out

for the respondents. According to Maxwell (2002), purposive is a type of non-probability

sampling in which particular settings, person, or events are deliberately selected for the

important information they can provide that cannot be found from other choices.

Fifty-two (52) respondents participated to gather the data needed in accomplishing

this study. Researchers assumed that the given number of population can provide enough

information in this research.

The sources of data in this study came from the local residents of Aliaga, Nueva

Ecija who already experienced and used the services provided by their respective Rural

Health Unit. Data were gathered through the use questionnaires to find out reliable and

first-handed source of information.

The town of Aliaga is composed of twenty-six (26) barangays including; Betes,

Bibiclat, Bucot, La Purisima, Macabucod, Magsaysay, Pantoc, Poblacion Centro,

Poblacion East I, Poblacion East II, Poblacion West III, Poblacion West IV, San Carlos,

San Emiliano, San Eustacio, San Felipe (B), San Felipe (M), San Juan, San Pablo (B), San

Pablo (M) Santa Monica, Santiago, Santo Rosario, Santo Tomas, Sunson, Umangan.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents

Barangay Male Female Total

Betes 1 1 2
Bibiclat 1 1 2
Bucot 1 1 2
La Purisima 1 1 2
Macabucod 1 1 2
Magsaysay 1 1 2
Pantoc 1 1 2
Poblacion Centro 1 1 2
Poblacion East I 1 1 2
Poblacion East II 1 1 2
Poblacion West III 1 1 2
Poblacion West IV 1 1 2
San Carlos 1 1 2
San Emiliano 1 1 2
San Eustacio 1 1 2
San Felipe (B) 1 1 2
San Felipe (M) 1 1 2
San Juan 1 1 2
San Pablo (B) 1 1 2
San Pablo (M) 1 1 2
Santa Monica 1 1 2
Santiago 1 1 2
Santo Rosario 1 1 2
Santo Tomas 1 1 2
Sunson 1 1 2
Umangan 1 1 2

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Construction of the Instrument

The instrument used in this study consists of 40 item-statements. It was constructed

by the researchers based on various references from the internet such as, SERVQUAL, and QuestionPro.

Validation of the Instrument

The researchers followed relevant procedures in conducting this study. The

prepared questionnaire was tested by distributing to the respondents which are not included

in the study. The questionnaire was validated through a dry-run, involving the residents

from Quezon, Nueva Ecija which are not the target respondents of the study. After the dry-

run, the questionnaire was revised according to the suggestions collected during the try-

out. After editing and improving, the final questionnaire was administered to the concerned

and target respondents. Distributed questionnaire were returned back after being filled up

by the respondents.

The Research Instrument

Researchers used questionnaire to gather significant data needed in the study. The

respondent’s views were drawn through a planned set of questions intended to acquire

specific information to meet the desired need about the research topic.

The questionnaire has the following parts. The part 1 involves the demographic

profile of the respondents including their age, gender, occupation, civil status, and

educational attainment. The part 2 includes the services offered by the respective Rural
Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Health Unit including medical services, physical service aspects of the employees, facilities

and equipment, and RHU provides information.

The researchers used the 4 point Likert Scale with the following statistical scale

range and verbal description in describing the result of this study. The computed weighted

mean of Likert scale for all respondents were given an equivalent verbal interpretation.

These are the following:

Table 2: Statistical Description

Scale Computed weighted mean Verbal description

4 3.50 – 4.49 Very Satisfactory

3 2.50 – 3.49 Satisfactory

2 1.50 – 2.49 Poor

1 1.00 – 1.49 Fair

Data Gathering Procedure

The collection and gathering of data is the primary source of information of the

researchers in coming up for conclusion. The researchers aided a questionnaire that served

as the source of information.

The researchers sent a letter to the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija to ask

permission in allowing them to conduct a survey and to request for the list of the residents

who already used and who usually use the services offered in the said health unit.

Before conducting the survey, the researchers first made an orientation to the

respondents to clearly explain the contents of the questionnaire and in order to get their

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

cooperation fully. After having an orientation, the researchers personally administered the

questionnaires to the respondents coming from the different barangays in Aliaga.

Statistical Treatment

The subsequent procedures were employed in order to gather the data

needed by the researchers. The mean weighted average was utilized to arrive at verbal

description of each the items scales checklist, the formula is as follow:


Where: WM -Weighted Mean

TWF- Total Weighted frequency
N- Total Number of the Respondents
To determine the percentage of the respondents’ age, gender, occupation, civil
status and educational attainment, the formula used was: 𝑁 x 100

P- percentage
F- frequency
N- total number of the respondents

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement



This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data gathered

from the respondents through questionnaire to assess their satisfaction regarding the

services offered in the Rural Heal Unit.

1. Profile of the Respondents

This section describes the respondents’ profile such as age, gender, occupation,

civil status and educational attainment.

1.1 Age
Table 3
Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percent

19-25 5 9.62
26-40 21 40.38
40 and above 26 50
Total 52 100
Regarding the age as shown in Table 3, out of 52 respondents, 5 (9.62%) are in the

range of 19-25 years old. 21 (40.38%) of the respondents are in the range of 26-40 years

old and half of the respondents’ total number, 26 (50%) are in the range of 40 years old

and above.

Age is not an important matter most especially when using health services. Every

individual, disregarding each age has the needs when it comes to health. That is why there

is no age limit and there are no requirements when using any health services available at

any health care unit.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

1.2 Gender

Table 4
Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 26 50

Female 26 50

Total 52 100

Table 4 shows the equal number of male and female respondents involved in the

study, wherein, 26 (50%) of the respondents were female and the remaining 26 (50%) were


It is shown in the table above that the gender of the respondents is equally selected.

Equal number of male and female respondents from different barangays in Aliaga were

purposefully chosen to know if there is a difference between their assessment regarding the

services that is offered in RHU.

2.3 Occupation
Table 5
Occupation of the Respondents

Occupation Frequency Percent

Employed 23 44.23
Unemployed 29 55.77
Total 52 100

The results on the occupation of the respondents show that 23 (44.23%) were

employed and the remaining 29 (55.7%) were unemployed.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

It is indicated in the table that the number of unemployed respondents are higher

than employed. Mostly, residents inside the community who does not have a stable job are

most prone to use the services that is available in their respective rural health unit. The

reason why is that because, RHU provides affordable and sometimes free services that is

likely in need of most residents.

2.4 Civil Status

Table 6
Civil Status of the Respondents

Civil Status Frequency Percent

Single 6 11.54

Married 45 86.54

Separated 1 1.92

Widow 0 0.00

Total 52 100

The table above shows that majority of the respondents were married with a

frequency of 45 (86.54%). On the other hand, there were only 6 (11.54%) which are single

and only 1 (1.92%) of the respondents was separated.

It is indicated in the table that the number of married respondents are higher than

the single and separated. Having children who is need of primary health services such as

check-up and immunization is the reason why most of the respondents of this research

study is married.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

2.5 Educational Attainment

Table 7
Educational Attainment of the Respondents
Educational attainment Frequency Percent

Elementary Level 4 7.69

Elementary Graduate 13 25
Secondary Level 1 1.92
Secondary Graduate 8 15.38
Vocational 4 7.69
College Level 19 36.54
College Graduate 3 5.77
Post Graduate 0 0

Total 52 100

Table 7 shows the result concerning the educational attainment of the respondents.

Result shows that out of 52 respondents, only 3 (5.77%) are college graduate. 19 (36.54%)

attain college level, 4 (7.69%) are vocational, 8 (15.38%) are secondary graduate, only 1

(1.92%) of the respondents attain secondary level, 13 (25%) are elementary graduate and

4 (7.69%) attain elementary level.

According to the table, there are only 3 (5.77%) out of 52 respondents who are

college graduate. This indicates that most of the respondents do not attain higher degree of

education which affect their career jobs. This shows the relativity between the respondents’

educational attainment and occupation, in which residents who has a lower income are

most inclined to use the services that is available in the RHU of their municipality than

those who attain higher degree of education and has a stable job and higher income.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

2. Areas of Services offered in Rural Health Unit

Table 8
Rural Health Unit provides information
Statement WM VD Rank
1.1 Promotes free training for first aid treatment. 2.87 S 8
House to house orientation about dengue, malaria,
1.2 2.69 S 10
and other deadly diseases.
1.3 Updated news and information from DOH. 3.02 S 3.5
Operates monthly orientation to provide current
1.4 2.77 S 9
information about health.
Implementing seminars to provide health
1.5 2.94 S 5.5
Advance campaign awareness for the upcoming
1.6 2.88 S 7
Immediate dissemination of all information about
1.7 3.15 S 1
the diseases.
Connecting to people by all possible ways to
1.8 3.06 S 2
inform all.
Employees of RHU give clear and complete
1.9 3.02 S 3.5
information to the residents within the community.
1.10 Providing preventive measures about the disease 2.94 S 5.5
Average Weighted Mean 2.93 S
Legend – VS (Very Satisfactory), S (Satisfactory), F (Fair), P (Poor)

The responses of the respondents on the table above shows that the first in the

ranking is the statement item 1.7 which states, “Immediate dissemination of all information

about the diseases” with a mean of 3.25 verbally interpreted as “Satisfactory”. The lowest

in the ranking which is the statement item 1.2 which states, “House to house orientation

about dengue, malaria, and other deadly diseases” with a mean of 2.69 verbally interpreted

also as “Satisfactory”.

Based from the information drawn from the table, the average weighted mean for

this area of services is 2.93 which is verbally described as “Satisfactory”.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Providing necessary information to the residents inside the community is an

important role of any Rural Health Unit. According to the table 8, RHU in Aliga is

immediately disseminating all information about the latest disease and it is therefore

important that the residents are aware and have enough knowledge about it to become

prepared and make prevention of the said disease.

Table 9
Physical Services Aspects of the Employees
Statement WM VD Rank
2.1 Employees are well-organized. 2.96 S 9
2.2 Employees are wearing their proper uniform. 3.31 S 1
2.3 Employees are approachable. 3.21 S 3
They are well-skilled in terms of providing
2.4 3.13 S 6
Employees are always ready and prepared when
2.5 3.19 S 4
patient needs them.
2.6 Employees are all in action. 3.15 S 5

2.7 Employees provide the needs of the patients. 3.08 S 8

Employees care for the health and safety of their
2.8 3.23 S 2
Employees are lack of information about their
2.9 2.27 F 10
patients condition.
2.10 Employees are properly doing their jobs. 3.1 S 7
Average Weighted Mean 3.06 S
Legend – VS (Very Satisfactory), S (Satisfactory), F (Fair), P (Poor)

The table above reveals that the respondents rated statement item 2.2 which states

that “Employees are wearing their proper uniform” as first in the ranking with a mean of

3.31 verbally described as “Satisfactory”. On the other hand, respondents rated item 2.9

which states that “Employees are lack of information about their patients’ condition” as the

lowest in ranking with a mean of 2.27 and also verbally described as “Satisfactory”.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

The average weighted mean for this area of services which is Physical services

aspects of the employees is 3.06 verbally described as “Satisfactory”.

Employees play an important role in Rural Health Unit. They are one of the reasons

why RHU is functioning. It is important that the physical services aspects of the employees

are well-presentable. According to the table 9, mostly of the respondents agreed that the

employees in the Rural Health Center are wearing their proper uniform which means that

they are obeying the rules of the center and for them to be presentable and good looking

when facing a patient. However, some of the respondents do not agreed that the Rural

Health Center employees are lack of information about their patient’s condition because

they are knowledgeable enough to provide information that the patients needed.

Table 10
Facilities and Equipment
Statement WM VD Rank
3.1 Clean and comfortable health center. 3.25 S 3
3.2 Modern and advanced work equipment. 3.06 S 5
3.3 It has visually appealing physical facilities. 2.83 S 10
3.4 Enough space to accommodate patients. 3.31 S 2
3.5 All equipment are properly working. 3 S 6
3.6 Sufficient medical laboratory equipment for testing. 2.87 S 9

3.7 Equipment’s are always available. 2.92 S 8

Hospital beds, wheelchairs or anything that is
3.8 2.96 S 7
needed to admit a patient is not limited.
Complete supply of medicines that is necessary for
3.9 3.08 S 4
3.10 Ambulance are in good condition. 3.42 S 1
Average Weighted Mean 3.07 S
Legend – VS (Very Satisfactory), S (Satisfactory), F (Fair), P (Poor)

As indicated in the table 10, the respondents rated item 3.10 which states that

“Ambulance are in good condition” received the highest mean of 3.42 with verbally
Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

described “Satisfactory”. On the other hand, item 3.3 “It has visually appealing physical

facilities” got the lowest mean of 2.83 and also described as “Satisfactory”. The

respondents rated Equipment and Facilities with an average weighted mean of 3.07 which

is verbally described as “Satisfactory”.

The primary function of Rural Health Unit is to provide facilities and equipment

that gives satisfiable services to the residents. It is important that RHU has modern facilities

and advanced work equipment to easily detect the condition of the patients. It is also

important that the equipment is always available and properly working. Ambulance is one

of the basic and necessary needs of RHU, it must be always in good condition in case of

having serious situations and emergencies that RHU cannot handle.

Based on the result of the survey, the physical look of the facilities got the lowest

rank. Having a visually appealing physical facilities is somehow important to attract an

individual and also to simply uphold the looks to make it visually appealing and


Table 11
Medical Services
Statement WM VD Rank
Promotion of Immunization (bakuna) in all
4.1 3.65 VS 1
Nutrition education, monitoring and feeding are well
4.2 3.35 S 5
4.3 Assisting family planning services. 3.1 S 8
4.4 Availability of the doctor for medical services. 3.25 S 6
4.5 Delivers free medicine. 3.48 S 3
4.6 Provides confidential HIV testing. 3.37 S 4
4.7 Provides free check-up. 3.62 VS 2
4.8 Monthly schedule for pre-natal check-up. 3.15 S 7
4.9 Operates monthly medical mission. 2.83 S 9

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

4.10 Provides free minor surgery. 2.81 S 10

Average Weighted Mean 3.26 S
Legend – VS (Very Satisfactory), S (Satisfactory), F (Fair), P (Poor)

The Table 11 shows that the respondents rated the item 4.1 which states “Promotion

of Immunization (bakuna) in all barangays” obtained the highest mean of 3.65 and

described as “Very Satisfactory”. However, item 4.10 which states “Provides free minor

surgery” has the lowest mean of 2.81 and described as “Satisfactory”.

The table shows that the responses for the Medical Services got the average

weighted mean of 3.26 and verbally described as “Satisfactory”.

Medical services are the urgent needs of every individual to function properly by

facilitating accordingly to meet the satisfaction of the people. Assessing medical services

required a great precision to be appropriate and fill the needs of the patients. According to

the table 11, the respondents agreed that the Rural Health Center has the Promotion of

Immunization (bakuna) in all barangays which means that the center achieve the needs of

the respondents to know more about when it comes to vaccination to prevent infection from

any diseases. However, some of the respondents are not satisfy enough about the RHU in

providing free minor surgery and the reason why is that because, the center has the lack of

medical equipment to use for minor surgery according to the respondents.

Table 12
Summary of the Assessment regarding the services rendered by the RHU
WM VD Rank
RHU Provides Information 2.93 S 4
Physical Services aspects of the
3.06 S 3
Facilities and Equipment 3.07 S 2
Medical Services 3.26 S 1
Legend – VS (Very Satisfactory), S (Satisfactory), F (Fair), P (Poor)

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

The summary of the respondents’ assessment towards the services rendered by the

Rural Health Unit is shown in the table 12. RHU provides information, Physical Services

aspects of the Employees, Facilities and Equipment and Medical Services are the four areas

of services that the respondents assessed.

The table shows that the Medical Services got the highest mean of 3.26 which is

verbally described as “Satisfactory”. Facilities and Equipment attain the mean of 3.07

which is second in the ranking and is verbally described as “Satisfactory” also. On the other

hand, Physical Services aspects of the Employees obtained the weighted mean of 3.06

which is verbally interpreted as “Satisfactory. Lastly, RHU provides information received

the lowest weighted mean of 2.93 which is described as “Satisfactory”.

3. Result of Correlation Analysis

Table 13
Result of Correlation Analysis between Profile of the Respondents and their
Assessment towards the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit
Profile Correlation
Correlation Coefficient P-value Decision
Variables interpretation
Age -0.05 Negative Very Low 0.587 Accept Ho
Gender 0.08 Very Low 0.705 Accept Ho
Occupation 0.04 Very Low 0.755 Accept Ho
Civil Status -0.00 Negative No 0.676 Accept Ho
0.14 Very Low 0.329 Accept Ho

As seen from the Table 13, the result of correlation analysis reveals that none of the

profile variables’ correlation coefficient resulted to a significance less than 0.05. This only

means that there is no sufficient evidence found to reject the null hypothesis of the study.

Therefore, there is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and

their assessment towards the services that is rendered by the Rural Health Unit.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

For this reason, the profile variables of the respondents are not significantly related

to their assessment.

Table 14
Result of Correlation Analysis between Male and Female Respondents and their
Assessment towards the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit

Areas WM Variance T-computed value T-critical Decision

Male 3.1125 0.335813
0.145 4.034 Accept Ho
Female 3.050962 0.342474
Legend: WM (Weighted Mean)

Table 14 reveals that since the T-computed value is not less than 0.05, then the

null hypothesis is accepted, there is no significant difference between the assessment of

the male and female respondents towards the services that is rendered by the Rural Health


Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement



This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusions drawn from the

findings and the recommendation of the study.

Summary of Findings

This study focused on the assessment of the respondents regarding the services

offered in Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija which relies on four areas; RHU

provides information, Physical Services Aspects of the Employees, Facilities and

Equipment and Medical Services.

The research was conducted in Aliaga, Nueva Ecija including all of its barangays.

These are Betes, Bibiclat, Bucot, La Purisima, Macabucod, Magsaysay, Pantoc, Poblacion

Centro, Poblacion East I, Poblacion East II, Poblacion West III, Poblacion West IV, San

Carlos, San Emiliano, San Eustacio, San Felipe (B), San Felipe (M), San Juan, San Pablo

(B), San Pablo (M) Santa Monica, Santiago, Santo Rosario, Santo Tomas, Sunson and


Only fifty-two (52) residents coming from different barangays in Aliaga who used

the services offered in the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga form January up to October 2017

were involved.

In order to aid this study, the descriptive survey research method was employed.

Necessary data were gathered through the use of questionnaire. Overall, the fifty-two (52)
Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

respondents who participated in this study was distributed equally to all twenty-six (26)

barangays of Aliaga.

Specifically, this study searched out into the personal profile of the respondents and

the areas of services rendered by the Rural Health Unit to test if there is a significant

relationship between the profile of the respondents and their assessment towards the

services that is offered in RHU; and finding suggestions to improve its services.

Summary of Findings

1. Profile of the Respondents


5 (9.62%) out of 52 respondents are in the range of 19-25 years old. 21 (40.38%)

of the respondents are in the range of 26-40 years old and half of the respondents’ total

number, 26 (50%) are in the range of 40 years old and above.


Equal number of male and female respondents were involved in the study, wherein,

26 (50%) of the respondents were female and the remaining 26 (50%) were male.


The results on the occupation of the respondents show that 23 (44.23%) were

employed and the remaining 29 (55.77%) were unemployed.

Civil Status

Majority of the respondents were married with a frequency of 45 (86.54%). On the

other hand, there were only 6 (11.54%) which are single and only 1 (1.92%) of the

respondents was separated.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Educational Attainment

Out of fifty-two (52) respondents, 3 (5.77%) are college graduate. 19 (36.54%)

attain college level, 4 (7.69%) are vocational, 8 (15.38%) are secondary graduate, only 1

(1.92%) of the respondents attain secondary level, 13 (25%) are elementary graduate and

4 (7.69%) attain elementary level.

2. Areas of Services Offered in the Rural Health Unit

Rural Health Unit provides information

The responses of the respondents reveal that the first in the ranking is the statement

item 1.7 which states, “Immediate dissemination of all information about the diseases” with

a mean of 3.25 verbally interpreted as “Satisfactory”. The lowest in the ranking which is

the statement item 1.2 which states, “House to house orientation about dengue, malaria,

and other deadly diseases” with a mean of 2.69 verbally interpreted also as “Satisfactory”.

Based from the information drawn, the average weighted mean for this area of services is

2.93 which is verbally described as “Satisfactory”.

Physical Services Aspects of the Employees

The respondents rated statement item 2.2 which states that “Employees are wearing

their proper uniform” as first in the ranking with a mean of 3.31 verbally described as

“Satisfactory”. On the other hand, respondents rated item 2.9 which states that “Employees

are lack of information about their patients’ condition” as the lowest in ranking with a mean

of 2.27 and also verbally described as “Satisfactory”. The average weighted mean for this

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

area of services which is Physical services aspects of the employees is 3.06 verbally

described as “Satisfactory”.

Facilities and Equipment

Respondents rated item 3.10 which states that “Ambulance are in good condition”

received the highest mean of 3.42 with verbally described “Satisfactory”. On the other

hand, item 3.3 “It has visually appealing physical facilities” got the lowest mean of 2.83

and also described as “Satisfactory”. The respondents rated Equipment and Facilities with

an average weighted mean of 3.07 which is verbally described as “Satisfactory”. The

respondents rated Equipment and Facilities with an average weighted mean of 3.07 which

is verbally described as “Satisfactory”.

Medical Services

The respondents rated the item 4.1 which states “Promotion of Immunization

(bakuna) in all barangays” obtained the highest mean of 3.65 and described as “Very

Satisfactory”. However, item 4.10 which states “Provides free minor surgery” has the

lowest mean of 2.81 and described as “Satisfactory”. The responses for the Medical

Services got the average weighted mean of 3.26 and verbally described as “Satisfactory”.


The following conclusions are drawn from the findings:

1. Most of the respondents’ age are in the range of 20-46 years old. The gender involves in

this study consist of equal distribution of number of male and female respondents. Based

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

on the result, the number of unemployed respondents are higher than the employed.

Majority of the respondents’ civil status are married.

2. The areas of services that the respondents assessed show that; all the areas; Rural Health

Unit provides information, Physical Services Aspects of the Employees, Facilities and

Equipment and Medical services were all classified as “Satisfactory”.

3. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and their

assessment towards the services that is rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva



Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are drawn:

1. Since the lowest in the overall ranking is the area in which RHU provides information,

it is highly recommended that RHU improve the way how they give information to the

residents, it is important that they make a house to house visit to inform the public about

the serious and deadly diseases;

2. It is also important that the RHU improves their monthly operation to orient the public

about the current information regarding health issues;

3. Employees should also improve their services, not only to do their jobs and responsibility

but also to satisfy the needs of those who offer them their services;

4. According to the result of the survey, employees should organize their designated area

of responsibilities to make an organize service for the public;

5. It is recommended that the RHU must provide and owned sufficient medical laboratory

equipment to meet the needs of the residents when it comes to laboratory testing;

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

6. It is also recommended based on the result of this study to improve the physical facilities

of RHU in Aliaga, Nueva Ecija to make it more visually appealing;

7. Based on the result of this study, it is recommended that the RHU must exercise and

operates monthly medical mission for those residents who aren’t visiting any health center

but is in need to receive medical services;

8. Lastly, it is also recommended for the RHU in Aliaga, Nueva Ecija to offer free and

minor surgery since it got the lowest ranking in the area of medical services.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

List of References

Abbreviations, Diagnostic Services STANDS4 LLC. (2017)
Aliaga Municipality, History of Aliaga.
Basic Health Care Services Law and Legal Definition. (2016).
Better Health Channel, Community Health Centres. State Government of Victoria,
Australia. (2017).
centres retrieved on August 15, 2017
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Community Health Center Strengthening.
Clifton Road Atlanta, USA. (2016).

Crisis on Call. (2009). Importance of Emergency Medical Care.
Elsevier. (2009). Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th edition.

Hauora, M. (2017). Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health.

Kaur, M. and Hall, S. (2001). ECHO International Health Services Ltd, Medical supplies
and equipment for primary health care.
Khamis, K. and Njau, B. (2014). BMC Health Services Research.
Littlewood, B. (2003). The Philippine Health Care Delivery.
Llewellyn, R. J. (2017). Rural Health Information Hub.
McLeod, P. (2008). Simply Psychology, Likert Scale.
Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Mona, M. (2017). Key Elements of Primary Health Care (PHC).
Non-Probability Sampling. (2008)

Ontario (2017).,Community Health Centres. Canada.

Or. Rev. (2007).

Organization and Governance. (2006).

Paulsen, A. and Keus, A.,Municipal Health and Care Services.

Sta, Agueda, J. P. (2009). Chapter 1, Family Planning.

Stiftung, F.E. (2013). Health Care in the Philippines. Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1600
Terosa, C.L. and Belandres, R.L (2013). Global Development Network. Center for
Research and Communication, Philippines.
World Health Organizations. (2017).

World Health Organization, Primary Health Care. (2010).



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Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


“Letter to the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga”

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Nueva Ecija
Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

October 05, 2017

Aliaga Municipal Health Center

We, the students of Aliaga National High School are presently conducting a research study
a partial fulfillment of the requirements in our subject, Research II.
In connection of this, we are humbly asking from your good office to provide us the names
and addresses of the residents who used the medical services from your respected Rural Health
Unit. In addition, please allow us to conduct our research in your municipality and administer the
questionnaires to those patients.
God bless and thank you very much!
Respectfully Yours,




Aliaga Municipal Health Center

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


“Letter to the Respondents”

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Nueva Ecija
Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Letter to the Respondent

We, the students of Aliaga National High School are presently conducting a
IMPROVEMENTS”. In connection with this, we would like to ask your help to answer
the questions listed. Be assured that your answers will be strictly confidential and will
be used for the sole purpose of this research.
God bless and thank you very much!

Respectfully Yours,



Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement





Name: (Optional): _________________________
Age: _____
Gender: Male
Occupation: ________________________
Civil Status: Single
Educational attainment:
Elementary level
Elementary graduate
High school level
High school graduate
College level
College graduate
Post Graduate

II. Satisfaction of the patients in services offered by the Rural Health Center
Direction: Put a check ( √ ) on the box and use the following numbers to determine your
responses to the following questions.
1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Satisfactory 4 – Very Satisfactory

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

1. Rural Health Center provides information

Statements 4 3 2 1
1.1 Promotes free training for first aid treatment.
House to house orientation about dengue, malaria, and
other deadly diseases.
1.3 Updated news and information from DOH.
Operates monthly orientation to provide current
information about health.
1.5 Implementing seminars to provide health information.
1.6 Advance campaign awareness for the upcoming diseases.
Immediate dissemination of all information about the
1.8 Connecting to people by all possible ways to inform all.
Employees of RHU give clear and complete information to
the residents within the community.
1.10 Providing preventive measures about the disease.

2. Physical Service Aspects of Employees

Statements 4 3 2 1
2.1 Employees are well-organized.
2.2 Employees are wearing their proper uniform.
2.3 Employees are approachable.
2.4 They are well-skilled in terms of providing information.
Employees are always ready and prepared when patient
needs them.
2.6 Employees are all in action.
2.7 Employees provide the needs of the patients.
2.8 Employees care for the health and safety of their patients.
Employees are lack of information about their patients
2.10 Employees are properly doing their jobs.
Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

3. Facilities and Equipment

Statements 4 3 2 1
3.1 Clean and comfortable health center.
3.2 Modern and advanced work equipment.
3.3 It has visually appealing physical facilities.
3.4 Enough space to accommodate patients.
3.5 All equipment are properly working.
3.6 Sufficient medical laboratory equipment for testing.
3.7 Equipment’s are always available.
Hospital beds, wheelchairs or anything that is needed to
admit a patient is not limited.
3.9 Complete supply of medicines that is necessary for patients.
3.10 Ambulance are in good condition.

4. Medical Services

Statements 4 3 2 1
4.1 Promotion of Immunization (bakuna) in all barangays.
Nutrition education, monitoring and feeding are well
4.3 Assisting family planning services.
4.4 Availability of the doctor for medical services.
4.5 Delivers free medicine.
4.6 Provides confidential HIV testing.
4.7 Provides free check-up.
4.8 Monthly schedule for pre-natal check-up.
4.9 Operates monthly medical mission.
4.10 Provides free minor surgery.

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Asking for the assistance from the staffs of RHU in Aliga

Conducting the survey

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Conducting the survey inside the RHU of Aliaga

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement

Conducting survey at different barangays in Aliaga

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


Personal Data

Name : Saira D. Mallari

Age : 17
Address : East I, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija
Religion : Roman Catholic
Birthdate : December 15, 1999
Mother’s Name : Rosita D. Mallari
Father’s Name : Armando M. Mallari

Educational Background
Elementary : Aliaga Central School
Poblacion Centro, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Junior High School : Aliaga National High School

Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Senior High School : Aliaga National High School

Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


Personal Data

Name : Gisselle L. Valdez

Age : 17
Address : Magsaysay, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija
Religion : Methodist
Birthdate : April 11, 2000
Mother’s Name : Dolores L. Valdez
Father’s Name : Reynaldo E. Valdez

Educational Background
Elementary : Sto. Rosario Elementary School
Sto. Rosario, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Junior High School : Aliaga National High School

Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Senior High School : Aliaga National High School

Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District
Assessment on the Services Rendered by the Rural Health Unit of Aliaga, Nueva Ecija: A
Basis Toward its Improvement


Personal Data

Name : Blessed Galellee S. Villareal

Age : 17
Address : Poblacion West III, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija
Religion : Christian
Birthdate : February 11, 2000
Mother’s Name : Marina S. Villareal
Father’s Name : Percival M. Villareal

Educational Background
Elementary : Aliaga Central School
Poblacion Centro, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Junior High School : Aliaga National High School

Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Senior High School : Aliaga National High School

Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Aliaga National High School, Aliaga District

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