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Bài mẫu:
Mothers should be greatly encouraged to work outside the home. First, working mothers contribute
to household income. They help their husbands pay household expenses and satisfy their children's growing
needs. Life is getting more and more expensive, so women's salaries are becoming important to their
household budgets. Second, working mothers are good educators for their children. Experiences at work
widen their knowledge and gradually mature them. Through working they discover their strengths and
weaknesses, become more knowledgeable and can find good ways to educate their children. Finally,
working mothers set good examples for their children. When children see how their parents work hard to
support the families and share domestic responsibilities they will learn from them. Such family values as
hard work, responsibilities and love are likely to pass down from generation to generation. Clearly, mothers
should be strongly supported to work outside the home.

Bài mẫu 1:
There are three / several reasons why mothers should be strongly discouraged from working
outside the home. First, women have traditional roles as housewives and housekeepers. They should
stay at home, doing housework and looking after their husbands and children. Second, working
mothers do not have enough time. Men’s work finish at the office, but women’s work is extended to
their households. After an eight-hour working day, these exhausted women have to do household
chores, take care of their husbands and children without having any time to relax. Finally, working
mothers cannot be good workers. Tiring and boring chores at home negatively affect women’s tasks in
their working place. They cannot concentrate or work as effectively as those who do not have to worry
about taking kids to school, picking them up after school and doing housework. Clearly, mothers
should not be supported to work outside the home.

Bài mẫu 2:

Besides benefits, being a working mother brings about some disadvantages. Firstly, these mothers
don’t spend enough time with children and family, which extend the distance between mothers and their
children. As a result, children get freedom in excess when they don’t see mothers around to stop them from
vices. This way they may fall in bad company and inculcate vices in them. Not only this, they might feel
alone and find for company as mothers are not available for kids due to work.. Secondly, despite working to
earn money, they still have to take care of families, which makes them even more tired and depressed with
such a heavy burden. After working for 8 hours continuously in office creates fatigue and tiredness. The
activeness vanishes the moment mother reaches home. But their housework’s still undone, and they are the
ones who finish them. Although husband may share with their wives, but in most families, wives are still
people who do all the chores. Finally, working mothers can meet inequality in workplace, they may be paid
fewer though they do the same work with men. Nowadays, harassment is a quite threatening problem in
offices, which affects their work’s quality. Clearly, mothers should consider choosing working or staying at

1. What are the natural / traditional roles of women? (Vai trò tự nhiên / truyền thống của phụ nữ là gì?)
I think women have traditional roles as housewives and housekeepers
2. Do you think the women should stay at home, doing housework and looking after their husband and
children?(Bạn có nghĩ phụ nữ nên ở nhà, làm công việc nhà và chm8 soc chồng và con của họ không?)
- Yes, I do. I think they should stay at home, do housework and look after their husband and children.
OR: - No, I don’t. I think they should go out to work and contribute to the family finances.

3. What are the advantages of being working women? Give explanation to them. (Thuận lợi của người mẹ đi
làm là gì? Giải thích)
There are many advantages of being working women. First, working mothers contribute to household
income. Second, working mothers are good educators for their children. Finally, working mothers set good
examples for their children.
(Phần giải thích xem thêm trong bài mẫu THUẬN LỢI)

4. Does their experience at work help widen their knowledge? (Có phải kinh nghiệm của họ tại nơi làm việc
góp phẩn mở rộng kiến thức của họ không?)
Yes, is does.

5. If women have to go out to work, do they have time for relaxation?(Nếu phụ nữ phải đi làm, họ có thời
gian cho giải trí không?)
If women have to go out to work, they will have lillte time for relaxation.

6. Do tiring household chores affect their work at the office?(Có phải công việc nhà chan chường ảnh hưởng
đến công việc của họ tại văn phòng không?)
Yes, they do.

7. Will they be exhausted if they have to do 2 jobs: at work and at home?(Họ sẽ mệt mỏi nếu họ phải làm hai
jobs không?)
Yes, of course. Women will be exhausted if they have to do 2 jobs.

8. Do you think men should share household tasks with their wives?(Bạn có nghĩ đàn ông nên chia sẻ công
việc nhà với vợ của họ không?)
Yes, I think so. Men should share household tasks with their wives so that their wives can have more free
time and their family will be happier.

9. Should men join hands to take care of their family? (Đàn ông có nên giúp chăm sóc gia đình của họ
Yes, they do. Men should join hands to take care of their family.

10. Are women responsible for the family finances?(Có phải phụ nữ chịu trách nhiệm về tài chính trong gia
đình không?)
No, I think in most families men, NOT WOMEN are responsible for the family finances.

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