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- the three key elements of motivation

 Intensity : the amount of effort put forth to meet the goal

 Direction : effort are channeled toward organization goals
 Persistence : how long the effort is maintained

- Identify early theories of motivation and evaluate their applicability today

 Maslow Hierarchy

Harga Diri

 Douglas McGregor Theory X & Theory Y

Inherent dislike for work & will attempt to avoid it
(Kalo dia gasuka, dia gabakal ngelakuin)
Must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with punisment
(harus dipaksa, dikontrol, atau dihukum biar ngelakuin apa yg disuruh)

View work as being as natural as rest/play

(Pasrah aja mau diarahin kemanapun, karna gaakan banyak hal yg berubah walau dia
lakukan hal tersebut)
Contohnya orang yg kuliahnya karna teman-temannya kuliah juga atau karna orang tua
Will exercise self-direction & self control if commited to objectives

(Orang ini akan membuat pemakluman ke diri sendiri atas kepasrahan dia)
Contohnya orang yg kuliah tersebut beralasan kalo dia seharusnya bersyukur karna a semua
orang bisa kuliah seperti dia

 Hertzberg Two-Factor Theory

Not Dissatisfied Satisfied

 Quality of supervision  Promotional opportunities
 Pay  Opportunities for personal growth
 Company policies  Responsibility
 Physical working conditions  Work itself
 Relationships  Recognition
 Job security  Achievement

Dissatisfied Not Satisfied

- McClelland’s Theory of Needs

 Three needs :
 Need for achievement (nAch) is the drive to excel, to achieve in relationship to a set
of standards.
 Need for power (nPow) is the need to make others behave in a way they would not
have otherwise.
 Need for affiliation (nAff) is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal

 McClelland high achievers :

 High achievers prefer job with personal responsibillity, feedback, and intermediate
degree of risk (50:50)
 High achieves aren’t necessarily good ,amagers
 High nPow & low nAff is related to managerial success

- Self Determination
 Perasaan punya kontrol terhadap sesuatu bikin kita excited
 Untuk beberapa orang ada yang tidak ingin mendapatkan reward uang. Ada yang ingin
reward pengakuan, ada yang tidak suka diatur, ada yang tidak suka dikritik

- job engagement
The investment of an employee’s physical, cognitive, and emotional energies into job performance.

- Goal Setting Theory

 Goals increase perfomance when goals :
 spesific
 difficult, but employee accepted
 accompanied by feedback

 contingencies in goal setting theory :

 goal commitment – public goals better
 task characteristics – simple & familiar better
 national culture – western culture suits better

- Reinforcement Theory → Management by objectives

 Converts overall organizational objectives into spesific objectives for work until &
 Common ingredients :
 Goal specificity
 Explicit time period
 Performance feedback
 Participation in decision making

- Self Efficacy / Social Learning Theory

 Individual belief that he/she capable of performing task
 Self efficacy increased by :
 Enactive mastery – gain experience
 Vicarious modelling – see someone else do the task
 Verbal persuassion – someone convinces you that you have skills
 Arousal – get energized

- Equity Theory
 Employees weigh what they put into a job situation (input) against what they get from it
 They compare their input-outcome ratio with the input-outcome ratio of relevant others
My output = ur output
My input ur input

- Equity Theory and Reactions to Inequitable Pay

Employee reactions in comparison to equitably-paid employees
Employees are Paid by
Piece Time
Over rewarded Will produce fewer, but Will produce more
higher quality units
Under rewarded Produce large number of low Produce less output or output
quality units of poorer quality

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