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Name: Franz Kayl V. Akgarme Subject: G.

E 1
Schedule: MWF 7:30 – 8:30 Title: Understanding the Self

A Week of Optimism
(Positive things that happen to me during July 1-7, 2019)

Hellen Keller once said that “a bend in the road is not the end of the road unless
you fail to make the turn”. This definitely means that, life is not a straight path, it is full
of obstacles in the forms of problems, misery and challenges that pulls you down or
out of plan. A turn means adaptation, adapting to the situations and facing the
obstacles straightforwardly. One thing is for sure, we can make every turns of our life
if we take all things positively and religiously.

These past seven days are the second week of my life as a college student.
Well then, as expected, comforming to the environment such as the social structure of
the students and teachers, the teaching methods, the schedules, and etc. will not be
easy but then let’s see how optimistic it goes At first, I was being hesitant to interact
with other students in the school, definitely not my usual self but as days gone by, I
started talking to people and going out of my own shell thinking that something positive
may happen and not the opposite way around. Day after day, I started being
acquainted to more and more persons, which is a good thing so that I could be more
confident going around. I have gained friends, people that I could talk to whenever I
am in school.

For the teachers and their methods of teaching, I am glad that there are
teachers assigned to our class that have pleasing personalities which attracts
motivation to students, giving the class sessions a positive ambiance inviting the
interest in learning. But on the other hand, there are also teachers that has a negative
approach from what we have heared and what we have slightly experienced but as a
response to it, I chose not to be afraid or terrorized by it rather, I chose to be challenged
and evenly eager to perform more than what I can offer for today. At the end of the
week, we are already done with the introduction of our teachers and subjects, meaning
I could already adjust to the environment and execute a game plan on how to climb
up to the top beating whats weak and negative in me.
To be specific, as days pass by in school, I have already faced different
challenges that tries to break me down. First, I have a broken schedule for my classes
which leaves me for about 2 – 5 hours of vacant times wherein I am spending upto 12
hours a day away from home. To settle this problem, I have compromised myself to
stay at the library, if I do not have something important to do outside the school, where
I have learned to be productive of my time. There, I started doing my homeworks so
that when I got home, I won’t be sleeping late because of it.

Another, things goes very differently in college and in high school. Quizzes and
assignments are somewhat difficult and abrupt. Knowing this made me realize that
things are getting worse and I don’t need myself to slack off as I usually do in my
previous years. This time, I need to be prepared ahead of time, which is a good
discipline to practice especially as a college student, I need to prepare myself in
engaging to professional industry.

This week was entirely awesome because, setting aside the challenges that I
have faced, it gives way to new knowledge and more importantly to self reflection. In
my secondary years, I always used to belong on the top with pertains to my intellect
and various skills but here in college, I learned to be open for learning, I learned to
humble myself and start from the scratch as to where I have started before. It’s not
easy to show off where everyone seems to be competent and it’s not easy to gain the
trust and apporval of anybody so, I learned to respect each and everyones strengths
and differences.

What is optimistic to you may not be the same for others but through
acceptance and learning we can achieve positivity. The ability to make sad and ugly
times happy and beautiful. Where we can celebrate in sorrow and see the true beauty
of a disaster. I am Franz Kayl V. Algarme, a first year, Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy student of Notre Dame of Dadiangas University. This is a journal of my
optimistic week, I hope you also learned and reflected through my words.

I hope you’ll have a good day! Thank you for reading 

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