Model of CB and Consumer Decsion Making Process PDF

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Consumer Behaviour

Mr. Mayank Agrawal

Assistant Professor
Buyers Decision Process

Buying Buying
Roles Behavior
Buying Roles

• Initiator : Daughter
• Influencer: Mother
• Decider: Father
• Buyer: Son/Brother
• User : Daughter
Buying Behavior (Hennery Aassel)
Complex Buying Behaviour:

High Involvement and significant differences

Customers who display complex buying behaviour

patterns will get very involved in the purchase of the
item or service and the difference between brands is a
high priority.

So the company marketing the product should establish

belief in the brand, provide plenty of information and
ensure that their product is different from others.
Dissonance reducing buying behaviour:

High Involvement and Low Differences

The problem with this behaviour pattern is that customer

will become dissatisfied after purchasing a problem and
this is very difficult to change.
Variety seeking buying behaviour:
Low Involvement and Significant Differences

When this happens, the company marketing the product

should take following steps:
1. They should try to get customers to continue to buy their
2. Make Sure that the product is always available for the
3. Smaller companies should use sales promotion
techniques to gain more customers.
Habitual buying behaviour:

Low Involvement and Low Differences

In this situation the following methods should be tried :

1. Lower price and offer sales promotions to try to make
people want to buy.
2. In advertisements, make sure that more visuals are used
than text.
3. Television is a great way of promoting this kind of
Consumer Decision Making Process......

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