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Planters performance during a very Short Rotation

Coppice planting

Marco Manzone*, Paolo Balsari

University of Turin, Via Leonardo da Vinci, 44, 10095 Grugliasco, Torino, Italy

article info abstract

Article history: Very Short Rotation Coppice (vSRC) cultivation can become a good economy source for
Received 28 February 2014 farmers, in addition to producing substantial amount of wood and benefits to society. Over
Received in revised form the years, improved cropping and harvesting systems have been developed, which offer a
15 April 2014 good energy balance and acceptable economic results. Little research has been done in
Accepted 18 April 2014 planting operations, where the mechanization is again at experimental level. The goal of
Available online the study is to evaluate the working rate and the working quality of 6 planters used for
vSRC planting with different forestry species (poplar, willow and black locust). The results
Keywords: showed that, the working rate of the planters is low (about 0.6 ha h1) independently by the
Very Short Rotation Coppice planter type used, and forestry species chosen. Furthermore, it was highlighted the ne-
Planters cessity of setting up a specific planting machine equipped with automatic feed devices and
Time consumption a large surface for propagation material storages, in order to increase the working rate of
Working rate vSRC planting operations.
Working quality ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

been developed, which offer a good energy balance [6] and

1. Introduction acceptable economic results [7]. Little has been done in
planting operations, where the mechanization is again at
In recent years, it has been recorded increasingly a greater experimental level.
attention to the use of biomass as a fuel for the production of Depending on by species use for SRC plantation, we can have
electrical and thermal energy [1]. New ambitious targets have different starting material. In poplar and willow vSRC, it is
been set for the use of biomass, increasing the demand for possible to use cuttings and rods, while in black locust vSRC only
wood fuel [2]. Wood biomass is available in many forms and in rooting plants. The various “forms” of the propagation material
all parts of the world, by enabling the deployment of bioenergy required different machines for its planting. In fact, vSRC
almost everywhere, once the main sources have been identi- planting can be performed with various types of machines.
fied and evaluated [3]. Most part of these machines are not specifically designed for
Very Short Rotation Coppice (vSRC) cultivation can become this crop, but are “imported” from other agricultural sectors
a good economy source for farmers, in addition to producing (horticultural and nursery sector) or only prototypes [8,9].
substantial amount of wood and benefits to society [4,5]. Over The goal of this study is to evaluate time consumption,
the years, improved cropping and harvesting systems have working rate and work quality for 6 SRC planters.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Manzone), (P. Balsari).
0961-9534/ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 8 e1 9 2 189

at least 3 ha and were collocated on flat country. All plots had

2. Materials a similar physical soil characteristic. The lands chosen had a
rectangular form and a length at of least 200 m. These areas
In this work, we have tested the main planters used in Italy for were closed in Po valley (Piedmont region) near the towns
the vSRC planting. In detail, the trials were carried out with a Alessandria and Cuneo in Italy, because in this geographic
“rod planter” (a machine that work with only rods), three area there are good climate conditions for SRC cultivation.
“cutting planters” (machines that work only cuttings) and two Besides the trials during three days only, all tests were carried
“universal planters” (machines that can be working with out in same moisture soil (10e12%) and climate conditions
cuttings and rooting plants) (Table 1). (temperature 9e11  C, and relative humidity 69e73%). For this
All planters tested were of “mounted type” and they were reason, machines were plot allocated with random methods.
different mainly by plantation device. In detail, the plantation A starting density of plants of about 6700 per hectare and a
device of Rotor planter is made up by a caterpillar on which 3.00 m  0.50 m spacing were considered. Before the trials, the
track shoes is fixed a vertical cylinder. Into each cylinder scrolls soil had been prepared with a plowing of 0.40 m of depth and
a steel piston. When the track shoe is in upper position, the an harrowing intervention.
piston scroll down to gravity force and the operator can insert All “cutting planters” have worked with poplar and willow
the cutting in the cylinder. Successively, the caterpillar rotates cuttings of 9e25 mm diameter and 200e220 mm length, while
due to forward effect and the truck shoe is linked to the soil. At the “universal planters”, besides having worked with poplar
this point, the piston scroll down thanks a mechanic device and willow cuttings similar to those of “cuttings planters”,
inserting the cutting into the soil. The plantation device of have worked with black locust rooting plants of 0.60 height.
Berto planter is composed by a steel wheel on which circum- Cuttings with a diameter higher of 9 mm were used,
ference are fixed of pliers a regular intervals. Also in this case, because this is the minimum size to ensure an adequate
the wheel rotates to forward effect and plants held by pliers carbohydrate reserve to sustain the cutting before establish-
comes puts into the furrow previously opened by a furrower. ment [10]. The max diameter used in the trials was 25 mm
Successively, the furrow is closed by two steel wheel of small because it is the limit of the planting system of the Rotor
diameter. Similar plantation device is mounted on Spapperi machine.
TTP 200 and Allasia T2 planters. Differently from Berto planter, For the “rod machines”, poplar and willow rods of
cuttings are not positioned in a furrow, but they come inserted 20e40 mm diameter and about 3.00 m length, were used.
into the soil by a hydraulic piston (Spapperi TTP 200) or a me- Before the planting operation, all propagation material
chanic piston (Allasia T2). Easier design is the planter Allasia were immersed in water for 48 h so as to hydrate it as much as
R1. This planter is made up of a furrower and a photocells possible in order to facilitate rooting and to preserve by an
system. This later warn to operator by a green light, the correct eventual drying for many days after the planting.
position to insert plants into the furrow. After which, the For each machine, working times and manpower require-
furrow is closed by two steel wheel. Salix Maskiner Step planter ment were recorded on the field, according to CIOSTA (Comité
is the only one that works with rods. Rods come put in plan- International d’Organisation Scientificue du Travail en Agri-
tation device by operator with manual method. Successively, colture) methodology, on at least 5000 m2 surface areas and
during the forward machine, rods come into the soil using a for periods not shorter than 2 h [11]. In particular, the tests
belt transmission, and they are cut automatically by specific were carried out considering a period of 3 h for each planter.
knifes at the desired length. Forward speed has been measured with two couples of pho-
tocells (ZOOM Z2E) positioned at the distances of 50 m. The
photocells were collocated at the distance from headland
3. Methods boundaries of at least 50 m. All distances have been measured
by a flexible ruler (LUX) with accuracy of 2 mm. The travel
Trials were carried out in March 2011 considering a very Short time and the different working time element were recorded
Rotation Coppice plantation of a hybrid poplar (Populus x can- with a centesimal digital stopwatch (Hanhart PROFIL 5).
adensis), a willow (Salix) and a black locust (Robinia pseudoaca- Working rate has been estimated with an analytic method
cia) because these are the main species used for the considering the worked surface in the unit time. In this study,
afforestation of North Italian farmland and can be considered this parameter has been expressed in ha h1.
representative of planters testing. The manpower requirement was determined considering
All planters worked on one type of alluvial soil only (sandy the minimum number of operators necessary to the planter
soil). The plots of land used for the plant had an extension of and the working time spent to unit surface (hectare).

Table 1 e Technical characteristics of the planters used in the trials.

Rotor Allasia T2 Spapp. TTP 200 Allasia R1 Berto Salix Maskiner Step
Type Cutting Cutting Cutting Universal Universal Rod
Rows (no) 2 2 2 1 1 2
Plant distance (m) variable variable 0.5 variable 0.5 variable
Workers (no) 3 3 3 2 2 3
Mass (kg) 1400 780 1150 350 650 580
Power tractor (kW) 52 65 62 44 44 65
190 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 8 e1 9 2

Table 2 e Working times of different planters tested.

Rotor Allasia T2 Sapperi TTP A 200 Allasia R1 Berto Salix Maskiner Step
Total woking times (%) Unproductive time 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.9 2.8
Working time 83.2 81.3 82.4 85.9 85.8 80.6
Turning time 7.4 8.1 7.8 4.1 3.9 9.0
Planter refilling time 5.8 6.5 5.8 6.1 6.4 7.6
Plant time (s) 2.9 2.8 2.8 5.8 5.6 1.3
Forward speed (km h1) 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 4.0
Manpower (h ha1) 5.36 5.20 5.26 7.06 6.98 2.49

Work quality of each machine tested was determined In general, all machines have been guaranteed a good work
evaluating the percentage of cutting engraftment and quality with cutting/plant engraftment more than 97%, except
measuring the distance from plants. Cutting engraftment has Salix Maskiner Step, which showed a low engraftment (92%)
been determined, on sample areas of 120 m2 large, 90 days after (Table 6).
plantation. Sample areas positions into Short Rotation Coppice Statistical analysis showed significant different perfor-
plant were carried out by a random method, but considering a mances only between the rod planter and other planters,
minimum distance of 6 m (2 rows) from the sidelines. We took because the difference between universal and cutting planters
this precaution in order to avoid any influence on the site is significantly small (Table 5).
conditions, typical of the sideline (drought, not perfect soil The results of error distance between the plants positioned
preparation, effects due to adjacent crops, etc.). on the same row were under 2%, while the error distances
On each vSRC, we have considered three different sample between the rows were max 3%.
areas (3 replications).
All data collected were processed with Microsoft Excel
Software and analyzed with the SSPS 20 (2013). The statistical 5. Discussion
significance of the eventual differences between planters was
tested with REGW test, because it has a higher statistically Working times obtained during a vSRC plantation were
power with this data distribution. similar to those obtained in harvesting operations showed in
other works [12e14]. In general, the manpower required for
the vSRC planting have an incidence of 13.6%, which is 2.1
4. Results percentage points higher than harvesting and transport op-
erations [6].
During the trials all planters have guaranteed a good level of Between the cutting planters and universal planters there
efficiency showing a high productive working time (>80%). are not any differences regarding working rate and time
Unproductive time, mainly due to workers’ break, were consumption. In fact, considering a working width of 6 m for
reduced (<4.1%) (Table 2). all machines, the productivity values are similar. Better re-
The higher working rate has been obtained by Salix sults, in terms of productivity work, have been obtained with
Maskiner Step with values about 1.21 ha per working hour. using the rod planter because with this machine it is possible
The working rate of other planters was much lower and al- to operate with higher forward speed (4.0 km h1).
ways below 0.58 ha per hour (Table 3). The low forward speed (1.2 km h1) showed by cutting and
Statistical analysis showed significant different perfor- universal planters is linked to its feeding manual operation. In
mances only between planter categories and not between the fact, these machines could work with a speed of
machines included in each category (Table 4). 3.0e4.0 km h1, but the operator would not be able to keep
Regarding the manpower requirements, the planter that pace. The operator have to take a cutting/plant from the
operated with rods obtained a values of 2.46 h ha1. This value storage box, place the apex of the gems upwards and put it in
is lower than 64% of Universal planters and 52% of Cutting planting elements. All these operations required an average
planters (Table 2). time of 5 s which limited the forward speed of the planter.

Table 3 e Working rate (ha hL1) of different planters tested with different starting materials.
Poplar Willow Black locust
Cuttings planters Rotor 0.56 0.01 0.010 0.56 0.01 0.005 e e e
Allasia T2 0.57 0.01 0.005 0.57 0.01 0.005 e e e
Spapperi TTP A 200 0.57 0.01 0.010 0.57 0.01 0.005 e e e
Universal planters Allasia R1 0.28 0.01 0.005 0.28 0.01 0.005 0.29 0.01 0.005
Berto 0.29 0.01 0.005 0.27 0.01 0.010 0.28 0.01 0.005
Rods planter Salix Maskiner Step 1.20 0.01 0.005 1.22 0.01 0.005 e e e

Notes: SD ¼ standard deviation; IQR ¼ interquartile range.

b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 8 e1 9 2 191

Table 4 e Working rate: significant difference between Table 6 e Plant engraftment: significant difference
planters tested. between planters tested.
Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch Fa Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch Fa
N 1 2 3 N 1 2 3
Universal planters Allasia R1 9 0.277 Rods planter Salix Maskiner Step 6 91.67
Berto 9 0.284 Universal planters Allasia R1 9 97.56
Cuttings planters Rotor 6 0.561 Berto 9 97.89 97.89
Spapperi TTP A 200 6 0.568 Cuttings planters Spapperi TTP A 200 6 98.00 98.00
Allasia T2 6 0.575 Allasia T2 6 98.17 98.17
Rods planter Salix Maskiner Step 5 1.212 Rotor 6 98.50
Sig. 0.150 0.295 1.000 Sig. 1.00 0.29 0.31

Alfa ¼ 0.05. Alfa ¼ 0.05.

a a
Exist more test REGW F. Exist more test REGW F.

device able to feed planters automatically. The realization of

The working rate of the planters is low not only because this specific prototype could increase the working rate and
the forward speed is low, but also because it is necessary to reduce manpower requirements of the planting operations.
upload frequently the planters. In fact, the material used to In the forestry planting, the setup of specific planting de-
plant is bulky and the planters do not have a large storage vices allowed to obtain good results in term of work pro-
surface. This problem is big when the rows have a long length ductivity and cost efficiency [18,19]. Also, regress studies
(>200 m). In fact, in order to reduce the possibility to stop in showed that it is possible to maintain good performances of
the middle of the field, planting machines must be reloaded work quality until forward speed of 8.0 km h1 [20,21].
every time it is in headland. Furthermore, if the planters had a higher working produc-
Low engraftment (92%) showed by Salix Maskiner Step is tivity, it would be easier to plan the vSRC planting because
linked to operative problems: the breaking of some buds during the optimal time to perform this operation is short
the conveyance of the rod towards the planting system and (MarcheApril) [6].
rods are cut randomly (sometimes there are no vital buds). The distance error between the cuttings/plants on the row
In order to guarantee a better condition for the starting is very low (<2%) because this distance is guaranteed by the
material (homogenous sizes and number of vital buds), cut- placing between the planting elements fixed to the planters.
tings must be prepared by operator. The use of cutting or The only exception is the Allasia R1 planter, where the correct
rooting plants do not show differences in engraftment quality. distance of planting is signalized to an operator by a green
For this reason, the choice of starting material typology can be light. In this case, the operator puts the plant directly in a grow
provided only in function of the characteristics of forestry which is opened and, successively, closed by planting device
species planted. of the planter.
In general, the planters have a big mass (about 600e700 kg) The distance error between the rows (3%) is higher than
and require a little power (15e20 kw). For this reason, the tractor between the plants of the same row (2%). The error is higher
must be chosen in function of the planter mass and not for the because that distance is identified at sight by the tractor
power required because it must be able to lift up the planting driver. These values are similar to those obtained in other
machine during headland turning. In fact, in order to carry out works carried out on the precision seed drills [20].
all maneuvers in safety conditions it is necessary to use tractors The research has still highlighted that, by characteristics of
with nominal power of 40e60 kW. This situation is common also planting system of tested planters (the cuttings are pushed
in other agricultural sectors, where the implements are heavy mechanically into the soil), it is necessary to prepare the soil
and the tractor is chosen for its mass to guarantee the longitu- with deep plowing (350e450 mm). In a compact soil it is
dinal stability during the maneuvers [15e17]. impossible to insert the cuttings without breaking them.
At present, it does not exist an automatic system to feed Furthermore, previous crop residues could cause a not work-
planters, but it could be interesting developing a specific ing properly of the planting system because these planters

Table 5 e Plant engraftment (%) using different planters and stating materials.
Poplar Willow Black locust
Cuttings planters Rotor 98.3 0.5 0.5 98.7 0.5 0.5 e e e
Allasia T2 98.7 0.5 0.5 97.5 0.5 0.5 e e e
Spapperi TTP A 200 97.3 0.5 0.5 98.7 0.5 0.5 e e e
Universal planters Allasia R1 97.3 0.5 0.5 97.3 0.5 0.5 97.2 0.5 0.5
Berto 98.3 0.5 0.5 98.0 0.5 0.5 98.0 0.5 0.5
Rods planter Salix Maskiner Step 91.7 0.5 0.5 91.7 0.5 0.5 e e e

Notes: SD ¼ standard deviation; IQR ¼ interquartile range.

192 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 8 e1 9 2

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