Operating Sytem

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NAME: ________________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________

OPERATING SYTEM : __________________________
Poor Fair Good Excellent TOTAL
5 pts 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Information is substantially Information presented is difficult Information presented is logical and Information presented is logical,
incomplete. Student failed to to follow or lacks content, and easy to follow, but does not present interesting, and easy to follow. The
Organization of Content present any case for or against the speaker failed to present a a convincing case for or against student presented a convincing for or
purchase of the assigned product. case for or against purchasing the purchasing the product. against purchasing the product.
Student does not present Student is uncomfortable with Student is at ease with the content Student demonstrates knowledge of the
information appropriate to the presenting information, fails to but fails to include some basic, O.S.; addresses basic, relevant content
Delivery assignment or demonstrates a include significant content, or relevant material. Or, student and is able to answer questions or
total lack of effort. includes inappropriate content or presents in an unprofessional elaborate in a professional manner.
behaves inappropriately. manner by showing off/acting up.
Student failed to include a Student included handouts for Student included handouts for the Student included handouts for the class
handout for the class, or failed to the class, but content was class, but content was limited, or with relevant content. Visuals were spell-
Visuals/Presentation present the assignment. inappropriate or significantly somewhat incomplete. Visuals had 3 checked and proofed for errors.
incomplete. Visuals had 6 or to 5 errors.
more errors.
Student had no knowledge of their Student was able to speak Student was able to speak Student was able to speak knowledgeably
assigned operating system, or knowledgeably about their knowledgeably about their assigned about their assigned operating system for
Timing spoke about their assigned assigned operating system for at operating system for at least 3.5 five or more minutes.
operating system for less than 2.5 least 2.5 minutes, but less than minutes, but less than the required
minutes. 3.5 minutes. five minutes.
Student met none of the following Student met one of the following Student met two of the following Student met all of the following criteria:
criteria: Introduced himself, made criteria: Introduced himself, criteria: introduced himself, made introduced himself, made eye contact
Verbal Delivery eye contact with the audience and made eye contact with the eye contact with the audience and with the audience and spoke in a tone
spoke in a tone that was easy to audience and spoke in a tone spoke in a tone that was easy to that was easy to hear.
hear. that was easy to hear. hear.

NAME: ________________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________
OPERATING SYTEM : __________________________
Poor Fair Good TOTAL
7 pts 13 pts 20 pts
Steps involved in configuring the Virtual Steps involved in configuring the Virtual Steps involved in configuring the Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine Configuration Machine prior to OS installation were not Machine prior to OS installation were prior to OS installation were identified clearly.
identified clearly. demonstrated sufficiently.
Evidence of steps involved in mounting ISO Steps involved in mounting ISO onto the Steps involved in mounting ISO onto the Virtual
Demo on Mounting ISO or IMG onto the Virtual Machine was not shown. Virtual Machine were shown but somewhat Machine were clearly shown.
Client computer is not suitable for setting up Client computer is sufficient enough to run the Client computer is suitable for setting up Virtual
Compatibility of Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine. Virtual Machine. Machine.
Installation steps are unclear and inconsistent. Installation steps are unclear but manageable. Very detailed installation steps. Clear and easy to
Installation Guides
Student was unable to successfully install an Student was able to successfully install the Student was able to successfully install the
Operating System Installation Operating System and identify and install the Operating System on the PC but was unable to Operating System and identify and install the
drivers on the PC. identify and install drivers on the PC. drivers on the PC.


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