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Credit: Deco Bike (Miami)

Credit: Boulder B-Cycle

Credit: Nice Ride (MN)

Proposal to November 9, 2012

City of Cleveland 12:00 PM EST


Executive Summary............................................................................................................. b.2
Management Team............................................................................................................... b.4

Exceptions to the RFP.........................................................................................................c.2
Team Qualifications............................................................................................................. d.2
Team’s Experience Providing these Services................................................................. d.4
Disclosure of Terminated Contracts............................................................................... d.5
Related Experience............................................................................................................. d.6
Client References............................................................................................................. d.16

Team Organization.............................................................................................................. e.2
Resumes of Key Personnel................................................................................................ e.3
Project Understanding...................................................................................................... e.11
Scope of Work................................................................................................................... e.12
Trouble Shooting and Protocols..................................................................................... e.17
Project Management Tools............................................................................................... e.18
Timeline and Deliverables............................................................................................... e.19
Environmental Sustainability Plan................................................................................... e.20

Proposal Affidavit................................................................................................................. h.2
September 7, 2012

City of Cleveland
Jenita McGowan, Chief of Sustainability
Office of the Mayor
601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 227
Cleveland, OH 44114

RE: Bike Share Fesibility Study and Implementation Plan

Dear Ms. McGowan and Members of the Selection Committee:

Toole Design Group (TDG), in collaboration with Brown Flynn (a certified CSB), and Transystems is pleased to submit this
proposal for the Bike Share Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan for the City of Cleveland. We have reviewed
your request for proposals and have assembled a team to provide a crafted a practical approach to conducting an assessment of the
feasibility of developing a bike share program in the City of Cleveland. We commend the City for leading this effort independent of any
contract negotiations with a potential bike share vendor, as our Team is convinced that providing an objective and unbiased assessment
of the feasibility for and implementation of a bike share program is in the best interest of the City and the general public.

TDG is a recognized national expert in the evaluation of bicycle share programs. Accompanying our submission is a copy of the
recently published report we authored with the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center for the Federal Highway Administration
on best practices in bike share around the U.S. Bike Sharing in the U.S.: State of the Practice and Guide to Implementation is the result
of over 12 months of analysis of existing bike share programs of all sizes and business structures across the country. We have a
detailed understanding of the different factors that have contributed to the success of some of the country’s biggest, as well as
some of the country’s smallest bike sharing programs. Furthermore, we have a full understanding of the range of business models,
funding practices and implementation programs of different communities around the United States.

We have used this national expertise in bike share to assist municipalities of all sizes in assessing the feasibility of establishing
their bike share programs, and helping them figure out where the greatest opportunities exist for program success. On a local
level, our staff has been involved in many important aspects of bike share and will bring these skills to the Cleveland study. Project
manager, Lucas Cruse, AICP, EIT has helped the City of Alexandria,Virginia launch and implement their bike share program.
Lucas performed everything from evaluating the feasibility of bringing bike share to Alexandria, to representing the City in contract
negotiations with the vendor and potential sponsors., as well as identifying the service area and developing station site plans, and
overseeing station installation and program launch. Lucas will be assisted by Mauricio Hernandez, who was a lead researcher
and author on the FHWA Bike Share Study, and who brings a wealth of experience helping to manage the highly successful Capital
Bikeshare program for the District of Columbia Department of Transportation. Mauricio’s expertise is in data management and
analysis, using this expertise to develop a data management platform for tracking the success of Capital Bikeshare. TDG’s Director
of Planning, RJ Eldridge will serve as Principal in Charge and provide project oversight and lead QA/QC.

We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with Andrew Watterson, Margie Flynn and BrownFlynn on this project.
With his experience serving as Sustainability Officer for the City of Cleveland, Andrew brings unparalleled understanding of the
current and planned activities integral to the success of a bike share program. The firm also has excellent connections with key
stakeholders who should be engaged in this project in both the feasibility and ultimately the implementation planning phases. This
will allow the TDG Team to expedite key aspects of this project.

TDG will continue its successful collaboration with TranSystems. Our two firms have a strong working relationship on projects
related to active transportation. David Shipps, Jen Spinosi and other TranSystems staff will assist with existing conditions
assessment, stakeholder engagement, and other activities that will leverage their local presence and experience.

Our Team’s knowledge of bike share is complemented by nationally-recognized expertise in bicycle and pedestrian planning and
engineering. We have the skills and tools to quickly assess existing and planned bicycle infrastructure that is important to supporting
bike share, as well as knowledge of the myriad of planning and economic development initiatives underway in the study area.

Toole Design Group is a woman-owned limited liability corporation located at:

8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 800, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910

Federal ID number: 05-0545429
p. 301.927.1900 f. 301.927.2800

Toole Design Group is registered with the Ohio Secretary of State as a Foreign for Profit LLC (no. 2121062).

TranSystems is an engineering and planning firm with national expertise in multimodal transportation issues. Toole Design
Group and TranSystems have collaborated on projects nationwide, including developing a nationally-recognized methodology for
developing Safe Routes to Schools plans for large urban school districts. On this project, the Toole Design Group team will leverage
TranSystems local presence to assist with existing conditions assessment, as well as support stakeholder engagement.

Brown Flynn is a certified Cleveland Small Business (CSB) with a broad range of public and private sector clients throughout
Ohio. On this project, Brown Flynn will utilize their connections with business and community leaders to facilitate conversations
with organizations and businesses that may be potential partners or sponsors of a new bike share program. On this project, the
firm will receive approximately 22% of the total project fee.

In conclusion, we would like to thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal to the City of Cleveland and the members
of the project team. Toole Design Group is keenly aware of the City’s desire to conduct an objective, and realistic assessment of the
feasibility of implementing bike share in Cleveland and we are ready to assist immediately in this effort. We are confident in our ability
to commit our staff and resources to this effort, and we are eager to begin work on this exciting endeavor. The scope of work and
costs included in our proposal shall remain firm until January 31, 2013, and we would be willing to negotiate further extensions.

Thank you for your consideration of our team.


Jennifer L. Toole, AICP, ASLA


Toole Design Group is a 100% Woman-Owned Business and a registered DBE over 25 state and local departments of transportation. TDG is
also recognized as a Bicycle-Friendly Business by the League of American Bicyclists.
Credit: Capital Bike share (Washington, DC)

Executive Summary
Toole Design Group, LLC and construction plans for hundreds of miles of
TDG works on projects of all sizes across the bike lanes, paths and trails, shared lane markings
B country and has a national reputation in pedestrian and signed routes. We are adept at identifying
and bicycle planning, design and research, feasibility practical solutions that are compatible to the
study transportation master planning, traffic wider transportation context, and in identifying
Executive Summary

calming, signage and wayfinding, trail planning and funding sources and implementation strategies
design, transit accessibility, Safe Routes to School that move projects forward.
planning and design, and a variety of other related
area. Of particular relevance to this project is As a recognized Bicycle-Friendly Business by the
our recently completed national report on best League of American Bicyclists, we are proud of our
practices for bike share for the Federal Highway reputation for being green: approximately 80% of
Administration and the Pedestrian and Bicycle our staff use transit, bicycle and/or walk to work
Information Center ( on a regular basis. Toole Design Group is a 100%
bikeshare). Toole Design Group collaborated with Woman-Owned Business.
municipal bike share systems around the country
to document strategies for success in programs of
all sizes and at various stages of implementation. Bike Sharing in
the United States:
At TDG, we pride ourselves on professionalism State of the Practice an
and objectivity. Since we are not in the business of Guide to Implementatio d
operating bike share systems, we are able to bring n
an unbiased lens to bike share system evaluation.
September 2012
We have helped several communities explore the Prepared by Toole Design Group
and the Pedestrian and Bicycle Infor
mation Center
feasibility of bike share, as well as expand existing for USDOT Federal Highway Adm
systems. For instance, we have helped communities Pedestrian and Bicycle
Information Center

identify potential areas of demand and locate

stations, assess funding sources and review
operating contracts, with program operators and
vendors and develop design drawings for station
installation and system wayfinding. In each case, we
are committed to supporting the best interests of
our municipal clients. CREDIT: CAPITAL BIKESHARE

Toole Design Group offers a diverse, experienced

team of professionals in the fields of planning, BrownFlynn
civil engineering, landscape architecture, public Founded in January 1996, BrownFlynn is an award-
involvement, GIS mapping, and graphic design. winning corporate responsibility and sustainability
In addition to our work on bike share, our consulting firm based in Northeast Ohio. The
staff has assessed tens of thousands of miles firm advises companies on how to integrate
of roadways throughout the United States to responsible practices into their business strategies
develop networks of bicycle and pedestrian- and how to communicate these practices
friendly streets. We have also developed design internally and externally for bottom-line impact.

b.2 Toole Design Group

BrownFlynn partners with corporate clients to communities are vibrant, livable and sustainable.
develop and communicate social and environmental Their experience includes providing services
initiatives that enhance corporate profitability, to communities throughout Ohio under three
reputation and longevity. Working with Fortune consecutive ODOT two-year Safe Routes to
1000 companies such as Energizer, KeyCorp, Forest School (SRTS) task order contracts to promote a
City Enterprises, and Cliffs Natural Resources healthier lifestyle for children.
as well as industry innovators such as Fairmount
Minerals and Case Western Reserve University’s TranSystems began operating in Ohio in 1999. B
Fowler Center for Sustainable Value, BrownFlynn Since then, their Ohio team has grown to

Executive Summary
applies corporate strategy and communications 80 staff members in four locations, including
to design and help launch strategic, world- Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Youngstown.
class sustainability and community initiatives. TranSystems has provided engineering and
BrownFlynn’s relationships with major regional planning services for the numerous municipalities
businesses and organizations will be invaluable in and counties around the state, transit authorities,
helping the project team connect with potential and the Ohio Department of Transportation
partners in implementing a bike share program. (ODOT). Across the country, TranSystems
employs over 1,000 professionals in 40 offices.
BrownFlynn is a certified Cleveland Small As an indicator of our success and dedication
Business (CSB), and is a certified training to the transportation industry, we are listed in
partner for the Global Reporting Initiative. Engineering News Record as one of the country’s
top 13 transportation firms.
BrownFlynn is experienced working in Cleveland on
a variety of stakeholder engagement projects and is TranSystems has served the City of Cleveland on
keenly aware of the local opportunities and obstacles many projects including:
that dot the landscape.They are actively engaged on a • Euclid Creek Tunnel
wide range of civic initiatives that support creating a • Voinovich Park Pedestrian Bridge
vibrant and sustainable community. • West 3rd St. Lift Bridge Rehabilitation
• East 93rd Street Bridge over GCRTA & NSRR
• Movable Bridge Design Services
TranSystems • Remote Bridge Feasibility Study
TranSystems understands that modern • CUY-Center & Willow Construction
transportation involves more than just cars, Engineering
trucks and rail. It is a diverse network built to • Bessemer Ave Noise Study
accommodate a wide variety of people and • Lake to Lakes Trail Extension
needs. They work with clients to ensure balanced • Prospect Avenue Deck Rehabilitation
transportation solutions by providing a wide
array of services, keeping in mind that a balanced In addition, TranSystems is a trusted service
transportation system includes a mixture of provider to the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit
facilities for all users. Regardless of size or location, Authority (GCRTA).TranSystems has successfully
every community can benefit by emphasizing completed over 10 major projects for the GCRTA,
non-motorized transportation. In a world of air which were all completed on time and within
pollution, climate change and increasing health budget. Projects include:
concerns, communities can promote walking • Seven Grade Crossings Replacement
and bicycling as healthy, low-cost transportation • Rehabilitation of the S-Curve
options that have zero emissions. TranSystems’s • Mayfield Transit Station & Track Bridge
bicycle and pedestrian planning team ensures that • Rehabilitation of Transit Track Bridges

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan b.3

• Rehabilitation of Two Truss Bridges Lucas will be supported by Mauricio Hernandez, a
• Four Grade Crossings on the Light Rail System Transportation Planner whose professional efforts
• Airport Tunnel Inspection and have been focused on bike share studies. He served
Recommendations as the program lead for the execution of the Capital
• Kingsbury Tunnel Junction Design Bike share data dashboard and helped with various
• Right-of-Way Acquisition for the Euclid bicycle infrastructure planning initiatives during his
Corridor Transportation Project tenure at the District of Columbia Department
B of Transportation. He was the lead researcher for
a team representing the Pedestrian and Bicycle
Executive Summary

MANAGEMENT TEAM Information Center (PBIC) and Federal Highway

Administration (FHWA) on a comprehensive
RJ Eldridge will be the Principal-in-Charge of this national analysis on bike sharing implementation in
project. RJ has over ten years of work experience cities across the U.S.
in a range of research and applied multimodal
transportation projects. RJ is a proven leader and Benjamin Sigrist will fulfill the Toole Design Group
manager of complex, interdisciplinary project Team’s GIS needs. Ben has a keen attention to
teams. He has experience with public and detail and has led GIS development in many large
stakeholder facilitation, regional, corridor, and bicycle master plan projects for the cities of
small area planning, multi-modal transit access Cincinnati, Wichita, Denver, Boston, and numerous
planning, demand forecasting, grant proposals, other communities around the country. Ben’s
and streetscape planning/design. RJ Eldridge experience allows him to be able to see beyond
was the Principal Investigator for the FHWA the abstract data and understand the larger picture
Bike Sharing in the US study, and has worked of bicycle and pedestrian projects.
on several multimodal transportation planning
projects that emphasize improving conditions for
bicycling. His experience includes bicycle network
development, facility recommendations, policy
assessment and development, training, and bicycle
level of service analysis.

As Project Manager, Lucas Cruse, AICP, will be

the City’s main point of contact for this contract.
Lucas has coordinated transportation and land-use
planning projects in the public and private sectors.
He is currently assisting the City of Alexandria,
VA with the launch of their bike share program,
and is responsible for station siting, negotiations
with the vendor, assessing funding needs and
identifying funding sources (federal, city, private), and
developing supportive wayfinding programs.

b.4 Toole Design Group

Credit: Nice Ride (Minneapolis, MN)

The Toole Design Group Team has fully reviewed
the Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study and
Implementation Plan request for proposals
document and has no exceptions to the
presented scope and requirements, as clarified by
the response to our submitted questions.

c.2 Toole Design Group

Credit: Denver Bikes (Denver, CO)

TDG is a recognized national expert in the
Toole Design Group has an outstanding reputation evaluation of bicycle share programs. Through our
for results-oriented planning. Our plans identify work we have gained detailed understanding of
specific locations for improvements, set priorities the different factors may contribute to the success
matched to community goals, and provide clear of some of the country’s biggest, as well as some
roadmaps for implementation. More importantly, of the country’s smallest bike sharing programs.
our planning process builds momentum among city Furthermore, we have a full understanding of the
and elected officials, stakeholders and the general various business models, funding practices and
public to ensure projects and programs move implementation programs of different communities
forward immediately upon completion, and often around the United States.
D even before the plan is completed. Our focus is in
multi-modal transportation – developing cost- We have used this national expertise in bike share
effective, practical transportation solutions that to assist municipalities of all sizes in assessing

move people efficiently, while improving the health the feasibility of establishing their bike share
and quality of life of the community. programs, and helping them figure out where the
greatest opportunities exist for program success.
TDG offers a diverse, experienced team of Our expertise includes work helping jurisdictions
45 professionals in the fields of planning, civil launch, implement and evaluate their bike share
engineering, landscape architecture, public health program. On a local level, our staff has been
and GIS mapping. We are proud of our reputation involved in many important aspects of bike share
for being green: approximately 80% of our staff use and will bring these skills to the Cleveland study.
transit, bicycle and walk to work on a regular basis. In particular our staff has:

Public and stakeholder engagement is a • helped identify the service area and develop
cornerstone of our project success. Because station site plans
many of our projects involve modifications to • represented jurisdictions through contract
the transportation system, we understand the negotiations with the vendor
importance of educating the community and • overseen station installation;
decision makers on the types of improvements • helped finalize a business plan and marketing
we are recommending, as well as the benefits and alternatives for program promotion
impacts for all users. • analyze bike share data for program
By providing preeminent technical skills in multi- • evaluate public sentiment about the program
modal planning and design, TDG has delivered • helped identify best practices for integration
successful projects for a wide variety of clients with transit.
throughout the U.S. Our work includes national • Manage daily operations and identify
best practices, bicycle and pedestrian demand performance indicators for program
modeling, evaluation of new technologies, bicycle optimization
and pedestrian master plans, transit access and
bicycle parking planning and design, multimodal
facility design, and policy development.

d.2 Toole Design Group

Sound and Innovative Approach to design, integrating public art, plaza design, signage
Multi-modal Challenges design and landscape design. TDG has experience
At TDG we use a proven multi-modal approach coordinating and collaborating with public artists
to every project that begins with effective and public art consultants. TDG can also develop
transportation planning and often culminates in ornamental planting plans, restorative landscape
detailed design. Our staff understand how guidelines, plantings in disturbed areas, Complete Streetscape
standards, and best practices interrelate and affect plans and other related landscape design projects.
all modes of transportation. We emphasize listening
before we start our work- which increases project Mapping and Exhibits
efficiency and client/stakeholder buy-in. Our TDG has extensive experience using GIS and
approach emphasizes paring planners with engineers other mapping tools to develop bike maps to
to create solutions that meet project goals while support project work and for public distribution.
balancing the desires of advocates and government TDG uses the latest versions of ESRI GIS software
agencies. Through our work on national, state and analytical tools. TDG also has experience using
and local research and guidelines (e.g. AASHTO interactive online mapping to collect information
Design Guides) and service on committees (e.g. from the public on problem areas, desired routes
NCUTCD, TRB), we understand flexibilities in these and major destinations. The firm is skilled in D
and associated guidelines, and how to use those preparing photo renderings to depict before and

flexibilities to deliver innovative solutions. after design treatments, and developing artist
renderings and design visualizations.
Planning Studies
TDG has managed numerous transportation master Public and Stakeholder Involvement
planning and concept development projects that Effective public outreach is the cornerstone of
range from corridor, trail and neighborhood, to TDG’s planning and design approach. Public
city, regional and statewide areas. We embrace involvement processes are tailored to the needs
a collaborative approach with team members of each individual community and project. Our
and client staff to effectively meet the needs of a multi-disciplinary staff are both highly skilled in
project. The firm’s past work includes pedestrian technical matters and articulate communicators
planning studies, bicycle route planning, trail master with citizens and elected officials. We specialize in
planning studies, traffic calming analysis and concept translating “transportation-speak” into common
development, transit access studies, bicycle or English, and excel at finding ways to bring the
pedestrian level of service assessments, multimodal public’s concerns to the table in a constructive
street classification, and grant applications. manner that moves projects forward.

Conceptual and Final Design of Bicycle and Even the most well-publicized community
Pedestrian Facilities meeting process does not reach all stakeholders.
TDG’s experience includes design of city The TDG Team has supplemented conventional
streets, roads and public space with multi-modal public outreach efforts with user-friendly online
transportation facilities such as bicycle lanes, interactive websites and surveys where people
shared use trails, on-road continuations of off-road can provide detailed information about specific
trails, bicycle parking, traffic calming treatments, issues such as desired routes, challenging
special intersection treatments such as curb intersections or road segments, important
extensions, mid-block crossing design, and other destinations and other concerns. TDG has
related transportation facilities. used this approach with great success on past
projects, partnering with city staff, local bicycling
TDG also has particular expertise in the areas organizations and other groups to promote the
of bicycle parking, transit access, streetscape online mapping tool and encourage participation.

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.3

TDG has a proven track record working to TEAM’S EXPERIENCE
develop public participation work plans, lead
public presentations, lead diverse stakeholder and
Toole Design Group (TDG) is a 45-person firm
technical working groups, prepare materials for
headquartered in Washington, DC with offices
use at public meetings, and arm project managers
in Madison, WI, Seattle, WA, and Boston, MA. We
with effective PowerPoint presentations, maps,
have the staff capacity and expertise to undertake
photo displays, photo simulations, and other large
this project in the given timeframe.
scale color graphics. We also are accustomed
to managing mailing lists and preparing meeting
The staff who will primarily work on this contract
notices, forming project advisory committees,
will be based out of our Washington, DC office.
interviewing stakeholders, scheduling and
facilitating public meetings and developing
websites to gather public comments and display
draft plans and project visuals. Comparable Clients
Engagements and clients comparable to Cleveland
Additional Experience – Analysis, Training, the Toole Design Group Team has provided similar
D Research and Guidelines services to in the past five years:
TDG has a unique expertise in statistical analyses

and database development, managing large amounts City of Cincinnati, OH

of data to complete pedestrian and bicycle level of Cincinnati Bicycle Plan
service analyses, and travel demand forecasting to City of Aurora, CO
estimate latent demand for bicycling and walking. Aurora Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
TDG staff translates this quantitative analysis into
City of Denver, CO
maps and graphics that clearly convey complex
Denver Moves (Denver Multi-Modal Access Plans)
information to clients and the public.
City of St. Louis, MO
TDG staff have developed and implemented St. Louis Bicycle Master Plan (Gateway Bike Plan)
numerous training courses over the years, including City of Charlotte, NC
Complete Streets courses, Pedestrian Facility Charlotte Bicycle Master Plan,
Design courses, Bicycle Design Courses and Safe Charlotte Connectivity Study
Routes to Schools training courses. TDG has Charlotte Pedestrian Master Plan
extensive experience researching and developing
San Antonio-Bexar County, TX
best practices for a variety of clients from ITE
San Antonio-Bexar County
and federal agencies to state DOTs, MPOs and
Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
local governments. TDG’s continuing work on
research projects and guidelines keeps us abreast City of San Antonio, TX
of the latest bicycle and pedestrian planning and San Antonio Bicycle Master Plan
design approaches, and innovative solutions being City of Pittsburgh, PA
implemented around the U.S. and the world. Pittsburgh Bicycle Route Plan
City of Wilmington, NC
Wilmington North Carolina
Pedestrian Master Plan
ter Cleveland RTA, OH
Greater Cleveland RTA Stakeholder Engagement
Great Lakes Energy Task Force,

d.4 Toole Design Group

JW Great Lakes Wind/ juwi GmbH
City of Kansas City, MO The Toole Design Group Team has not had any
Missouri Livable Streets Manual contracts terminated, canceled or suspended
from completion in the past five years.
Other similar projects:
City of Alexandria, VA
Alexandria Bikeshare:
The City of Alexandria, Virginia
Bike Sharing in The United States: State of the
Practice and Guide to Implementation (2012),
Federal Highway Administration
Howard County, MD
Howard County Bikeshare: Market Assessment
District Dept. of Transportation, Washington, DC
Bicycle Master Plan & Implementation, Bike D
share, and Signed Bike Routes


Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.5

Federal Highway Administration
Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center
Bike Share in the United States: State of Practice & Guide to Implementation

Toole Design Group (TDG), in collaboration is a classification and detailed description of the
with the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information different business models and funding schemes
Center (PBIC) conducted an independent currently in use, including considerations for

study of current bike sharing programs in the each approach.

United States, on behalf of the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). The purpose of the To gather the information, TDG staff conducted
report ( is to detailed interviews with operators and mangers
increase the likelihood of success by providing of bike share programs across the U.S. Programs
communities contemplating bike share with evaluated ranged in size from 2 stations and 20
answers to common questions, guidance on bikes to 500 stations and 1,500 bikes. TDG staff
conducting feasibility studies and ultimately also interviewed bike program coordinators
starting a program. The study reviewed the in cities currently contemplating bike share
evolution of bike sharing in the U.S., defined to better understand their questions and
success factors, analyzed, and explained informational needs.
demographic and geographic trends affecting
the implementation of programs. Finally, the
study recommended a step-by-step approach
for evaluation, and potentially implementation, Bike Shari
in cities in the start-up phase and will discuss the United S ng in
measures to increase demand and expansion of e of the
Guide to Imp Practice and
existing programs. A key outcome of the study lementation
September 2012
Prepared by Toole
and the Pedestrian Design Group
and Bicycle Informa
for USDOT Federal tion Center
Highway Administ
Client ration

Federal Highway Administration

Pedestrian and
Bicycle Information

Office of Human Environment

Gabe Rousseau, Acting Director
200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590 CREDIT: CAPITAL


d.6 Toole Design Group

Capital Bikeshare Pilot Implementation

The City of Alexandria,Virginia is joining the property owners and City boards. Site preparation
consortium of communities in the Washington, included design and installation of concrete pads
DC region that participate in the Capital Bikeshare where needed or pavement markings and flexible

system. As part of a professional services on-call delineators for on-street stations.
task, Toole Design Group (TDG) staff are helping
implement the expansion of Capital Bikeshare into To support the site installations, TDG staff are
the City through identification and preparation of preparing bike route and station location mapping
the pilot station sites. The eight pilot locations are updates and coordinating marketing materials. Staff
located in historic Old Town Alexandria to connect are also helping to establish the relationships with
the Metrorail stations to the waterfront along the the partner jurisdictions and manage the various
King Street corridor. The individual site selection funding sources. The next steps include monitoring
included consideration of the likely demand, operations, coordinating bike route improvements
availability of public land, bike route access and to support Capital Bikeshare, and planning for
visibility, solar access for station charging, GIS site system expansion.
mapping to ensure clear dock access and avoidance
of utilities and other obstructions, identifying
truck loading space for bike maintenance and Client
system balancing, and coordination with adjacent
City of Alexandria
Carrie Sanders, AICP
421 King Street, Suite 300
Alexandria,VA 22314

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.7

Howard County, MD
Countywide Bike-share Market Assessment

Toole Design Group (TDG) performed a

preliminary bike-share market assessment for
Howard County, Maryland. To perform the
analysis, TDG evaluated the existing conditions
conducive to increased bicycling activity and
performed a GIS appraisal of the county’s existing
bicycle infrastructure. TDG gathered demographic,
housing and employment data at the Census tract
and transportation analysis zone (TAZ) level. TDG
used GIS site mapping to determine the most
appropriate sites for deployment of bike sharing
stations based on existing bicycle infrastructure,
geographic features, bike route access as well as
demographic and housing characteristics of the


TDG also worked with County officials on the

preparation of winning a grant proposal which will
fund the development for an implementing strategy
of a county-wide bike share program. Finally, TDG
helped county officials complete an inventory
of factors conducive for bicycling which could
influence the phasing of a bike share program.

Howard County
David Cookson, Transportation Planner
3430 Court House Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21043

d.8 Toole Design Group

AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities
2012 Edition

Toole Design Group (TDG) served as the prime consultant

for the 2012 edition of AASHTO Guide for the Development
of Bicycle Facilities. This project included consultation with
transportation professionals throughout the U.S. to ensure
the Guide reflects current and accepted planning and design
practices, and comprehensive review of bicycle-related
research that has been done in the past decade. The new
Guide covers many more topics than previous editions of
the Guide, including extensive guidance on signal design
to accommodate bicycles, greatly expanded guidance on
designing intersections between roadways and shared-use
paths, and guidelines for designing bicycle boulevards. The
new Guide also provides guidance on new configurations
of bike lanes and buffered bike lanes that acknowledge the

many differences in street cross sections, among many
other topics.

The Planning Chapter contains extensive guidance on

how to prioritize bicycle networks, and measures for
implementing bikeway retrofits that include road diets,
lane diets, and shared streets. The new Guide contains
extensive design drawings of various lane configurations,
sign treatments, intersection layouts, and design details.

Transportation Research Board
Christopher Hedges, Senior Program Officer

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.9

Washington, DC
Bicycle Master Plan & Implementation,
Bikeshare, and Signed Bike Routes

Capital Bikeshare (e.g. Pennsylvania Avenue between the White

Operations and Expansion House and the Capitol) in the downtown core
TDG staff (M. Hernandez) helped the District which has required parking and travel lane removal,
of Columbia plan and implement the expansion coordination with valet, loading, and transit
of Capital Bikeshare throughout the District. operations, and extensive public outreach to build
This included the design and development support. TDG is also leading an effort to evaluate
of a data interface and console to display bicycle boxes and bicycle signals as part of a
statistics on the DC Capital Bikeshare program FHWA experimentation process.
(, the development
and implementation of a comprehensive survey of District of Columbia Signed Bike Routes
members throughout the metropolitan area, and TDG assisted DDOT with signed bike route
the development of a sponsorship and advertising installation throughout Washington, DC. During
proposal for increased funding for the program. 2011-2012, TDG planned, designed and managed
installation for 20 miles of signed route at nearly

250 locations as part of a unique design/build

arrangement with a local sign manufacturer. These
routes now provide wayfinding along roadways
connecting five major trail systems including the
interim route of the East Coast Greenway through
the District.

TDG reviewed existing bike routes for feasibility

and safety, recommended route modifications for
more effective navigation, and made extensive use
of special guide signs to help cyclists with transition
District of Columbia movements between streets, crosswalks, sidewalks,
Bicycle Master Plan and Implementation and trails. The TDG team identified neighborhood-
Toole Design Group (TDG) developed the first specific destinations, regionally-significant termini,
bicycle master plan for Washington, DC (2005) and crossing bicycle facilities to effectively guide
and is currently providing On-Call Services cyclists to various places in the city. TDG staff also
to the District of Columbia’s Department of provided oversight of the sign contractor’s field
Transportation (DDOT) to design bicycle facilities. crews, ensuring proper installation at several unique,
Since 2003, TDG has developed construction challenging locations ensuring the wayfinding system
drawings to retrofit approximately 40 miles of was installed as intended.
District streets to add dedicated bicycle facilities.

The retrofits have involved traffic analysis to

remove travel lanes and reconfigure intersection Client
operations, narrowing of travel lanes, and addition
District Department of Transportation
of new markings and signs. TDG has worked
James R. Sebastian, Bicycle Program Manager
closely with the leadership of the Department of
Transportation to develop a cycle track system

d.10 Toole Design Group

Cleveland, OH
Greater Cleveland Area Regional Transit Authority
Stakeholder Engagement
Between 2007 and present, BrownFlynn has worked For each of these projects, BrownFlynn provided
as a subcontractor on two separate stakeholder strategic communications and stakeholder
engagement projects for Greater Cleveland engagement consultation, drafted and edited
RTA. The first involved leading the community/ materials, and managed all direct stakeholder
stakeholder engagement portion of the URS communications, as well as participated in all
redesign and reconstruction of the Cedar-University stakeholder meetings. BrownFlynn also is currently
Rapid Transit Station. The second involves managing involved as a subcontractor on the Blue Line corridor
community/stakeholder engagement for GCRTA’s project, providing community engagement services in
strategic planning process through a subcontractor support of the public involvement process.
relationship with Parsons Brinckerhoff. In both
cases, BrownFlynn has supported its contractor
partners in devising engagement strategies and
tactics that include:

• Identifying, engaging and managing key
• Creating effective communication materials to
support all stakeholder meetings, including:
• Drafting/printing meeting invitations and
managing RSVPs
• Strategically reviewing PowerPoint
presentations, handouts, and Q&As;
• Writing and producing a concise and
sophisticated executive summary of findings;
• Supporting ongoing communications with
external audiences; and
• Supporting facilitation of public meetings Greater Cleveland Area Regional Transit Authority
(note: at this time, public meetings have only Maribeth Feke, Director of Programming and
been conducted for the URS project, although Planning
BrownFlynn will provide similar support in 1240 West 6th Street
the future for the Parsons strategic planning Cleveland, OH 44113
project) 216.566.5160

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.11

Cuyahoga County, OH
JW Great Lakes Wind/ juwi GmbH

In August 2006, the Great Lakes Energy to be used in public forum, including key messages
Development Task Force, chaired by Cuyahoga and an elevator speech. Advising the messaging and
County Prosecutor Bill Mason, began a research media strategy around the release of preliminary
effort to explore the factors affecting the reports, BrownFlynn provided counsel to members
development of advanced energy resources in of the Task Force and coordinated the release with a
Northeast Ohio, specifically wind energy. Gaining media coffee, inviting local media outlets and helping
national and international recognition for its to secure local, national and international news
groundbreaking determination, the Great Lakes media coverage. Our Firm also coordinated and
Energy Development Task Force is striving to build oversaw all aspects of communications (including
the world’s first offshore wind turbine in a true engaging the broad public) for the media conference
fresh water environment and become a center for at which juwi and the Task Force unveiled the final
wind innovation. results of the feasibility study.
Partnering with JW Great Lakes Wind (a wholly-

owned subsidiary of German renewable energy

developer juwi GmbH) and the Task Force,
BrownFlynn was hired to identify key stakeholder
groups and manage stakeholder expectations and
the message of the initiative over time, and provide Client
strategic consultation. Tasked with creating clear,
succinct and consistent messaging, BrownFlynn Great Lakes Energy Task Force
developed a tactical community stakeholder Steve Dever, Director
engagement plan, including a strategy and platform 323 Lakeside Road, Suite 410
for managing a variety of stakeholder expectations Cleveland, OH 44113
and providing transparent and meaningful responses 216.443.7817

d.12 Toole Design Group

Education Pay$ -- Get Yours: A Social Media
Marketing Campaign from PolicyBridge

PolicyBridge is a public policy think tank with a Results of the campaign proved highly successful,
regional focus that provides research, analysis based on survey results. Although the project
and proactive initiatives focusing on urban and was intended to target young men from 10-13
minority community issues. In 2007, PolicyBridge years old, youth of both genders, all ages, races,
released a report discussing the education gap and ethnicities were exposed to the message due
between young African-American males and to the variety of venues where the project was
their counterparts and the role that negative presented. The message conveyed was positively
media messages play with this target audience. received within the larger community and generally
Between 2007 and 2008, BrownFlynn worked with understood—particularly by youth. For example,
PolicyBridge to devise a strategy for community on-line exposure generated through the Cleveland.
engagement and next steps in response to the com website exceeded expectations of the provider.
overwhelming support the report received. In 2008, reported that the number of clicks
the organization hired BrownFlynn to create its started to do well as the campaign ended with 2.2
“Education Pay$ - Get Yours” campaign—a social million ads delivered and 1,418 clicks on those ads.

media marketing initiative designed to show young,
African-American boys that opportunity, stability, Much goodwill and optimism resulting, propelling
hope, happiness and success are attainable through the project forward, and community support for
education. BrownFlynn has managed strategy and Education Pays resulted in a high level of return for
implementation of all messaging and marketing the dollars spent on advertising and marketing.
materials for the nine-month campaign pilot in three
Cleveland neighborhoods (Central, Mt. Pleasant and
Slavic Village). Specific tactics include billboards,
radio ads, direct mail, transit signage, posters, guerilla
marketing tactics and text messaging services to
implement the campaign.

Policy Bridge
Randell McShepard
Co-Founder and Board Chairman
850 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1100
Cleveland, OH 44114

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.13

Kansas City, MO
Missouri Livable Streets Manual

Representing a state-wide stakeholder group, the University

of Missouri and MoDOT hired TranSystems to prepare a
Livable Streets Manual to be used and referenced by any
municipality in Missouri to assist them in creating their own
Livable Streets Policy.

Livable Streets, also known as Complete Streets, signify

a transportation system that considers the needs of all
transportation within a street corridor. Pedestrians, bicyclists,
and motorized vehicles all use the same corridor, but in the
past motorized vehicles have been given priority, impacting
the usability of the corridor to the other users. By integrating
all of the transportation modes, the streets are more
functional and present a healthy, sustainable street.

University of Missouri at Columbia

d.14 Toole Design Group

Various Locations, OH
Safe Routes to School General
Engineering Services Task Order Contrcts
TranSystems was selected by ODOT on two in documenting the School Travel Plan. General
consecutive two-year task order contracts as a capabilities on this project include: non-complex
prime and is currently working on a third as a roadway design, basic traffic signal design, traffic
major subconsultant to provide assistance to local signal system design, environmental document
communities on the components of the Safe Routes preparation, safety studies, traffic counts, basic
to School (SRTS) program. The SRTS program is mapping, and walkability/bikeability studies.
funded by the FHWA and administered by ODOT
with the goal to make walking and bicycling to To date, the team has worked on SRTS projects for
school safer for children and to increase the the following Ohio communities and/or schools:
number of children who choose to walk and bicycle. Amherst, Antwerp, Ashtabula, Baltimore, Bexley,
Caldwell, Cincinnati, Creston, Deshler, Fayetteville-
In Ohio, the School Travel Plan (STP) is the guiding Perry, Galion, Grandview Heights, Granville, Hudson,
document to incorporate SRTS into a community Lowell, Maumee, Montpelier, Oberlin, Shaker
and is a requirement for further funding requests. Heights, Stow, Streetsboro,Valleyview (Columbus)

ODOT’s new STP guidelines and process were and West Lafayette.
developed with TranSystems assistance and a future
large district process will be unveiled later in 2012. Due to TranSystems’ extensive knowledge on SRTS
TranSystems’ responsibilities include coordination and ODOT’s STP we are one of the only firms
with local officials on barriers to walking/biking within Ohio to help communities from start to
to school for children in grades K-8, conducting finish.
walkability studies, recommending engineering
and non-engineering solutions to those barriers,
providing cost estimates, and providing assistance

Ohio Department of Transportation
Julie Walcoff

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.15

The Toole Design Group Team encourages the Multiple Projects for GCRTA
City of Cleveland to contact our references GCRTA Director of Engineering & Program
regarding our previous work. Development
Joseph Shaffer, P.E.
Toole Design Group

Bike Share in the U.S.: State of Practice & Multiple Projects for the City of Cleveland
Guide to Implementation Federal Highway City of Cleveland Division of Engineering and
Administration Construction
Office of Human Environment Richard Switalski, P.E.
Gabe Rousseau, Acting Director Administation Bureau Manager
202.366.8044 216.664.2381

Capital Bikeshare Pilot Implementation BrownFlynn

City of Alexandria
Carrie Sanders, AICP GCRTA Stakeholder Engagement
703.746.4088 Greater Cleveland RTA Maribeth Feke, Director, Programming and Planning
Annapolis Bicycle Master Plan
City of Annapolis JW Great Lakes Wind/juwi GmbH
Iain J. Banks, PTP Great Lakes Energy Task Force
Personal Transporation & Parking Specialist Steve Dever
Department of Planning and Zoning 216.443.7817
Annapolis, MD 21401
410.263.7964 x6004
Education Pay$ — Get Yours: A Social Media
Marketing Campaign from PolicyBridge
TranSystems Policy Bridge
Randell McShepard, Co-Founder and Board
SRTS Large School District School Travel Plan Chairman
Research, Ohio Department of Transportation* 216.344.4600
Ohio Department of Transportation
Julie Walcoff, Program Manager
* this project was a collaboration between TranSystems
and Toole Design Group

d.16 Toole Design Group



Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.17


d.18 Toole Design Group



Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan d.19

Credit: Capital Bike share (Washington, DC)

Proposed Services


The following chart illustrates our proposed team their existing contacts with key stakeholders, including
structure for the City of Cleveland Bike Share potential sponsors of a bike share program. Staff from
Feasibility Study. The TDG Team will be managed by Transystem’s offices in Cleveland and Columbus will
Lucas Cruse, AICP, EIT. Lucas will lead all day to day assist with existing conditions analysis and planning
activities on this project and will be the primary document research.
point of contact with the City’s Project Manager.
Andrew Watterson and his colleagues at Brown
Flynn (certified CSB) will be integrally involved in
stakeholder engagement. This will allow us to leverage

City of Cleveland

Principal In Charge
RJ Eldridge

Project Manager
Lucas Cruse, AICP
Proposed Services

Business Development and

Existing Conditions Stakeholder Engagement Feasibility Study
Implementation Plan

Mauricio Hernendez Lucas Cruse, AICP Lucas Cruse, AICP Lucas Cruse, AICP
Lucas Cruse, AICP Mauricio Hernendez Mauricio Hernendez Mauricio Hernendez
Jen Spinosi (TS) Andrew Watterson (BF) RJ Eldridge RJ Eldridge
David Shipps, AICP (TS) Margie Floyd (BF) Andrew Watterson (BF) Andrew Watterson (BF)

Project team staff are with Toole Design Group, except

as noted with the following symbols:

BF - Brown Flynn
TS - TranSystems

e.2 Toole Design Group

RJ Eldridge
RJ Eldridge has over 15 years of experience in a range of transportation and land-use projects. With Toole Design Group, RJ has been
involved in policy analysis and development, streetscape and urban design guidelines and zoning recommendations, existing conditions
assessment and infrastructure recommendations, and travel demand modeling. RJ has the ability to craft innovative and practical solutions
for growth management issues ranging from urban infill to suburb stabilization to rural preservation. He is a proven leader and manager
of complex, interdisciplinary project teams. RJ has experience with public facilitation, regional, corridor, and small area planning, creation of
land development ordinances, demand forecasting, and long-range infrastructure and utility planning..

Selected Project Experience Professional Highlights

▪▪ Bikesharing in the US: State of the Practice and Guide to Implementation ▪▪ Toole Design Group:
RJ is served as Investigator for the first comprehensive assessment of existing bike share 2007-Present
programs in the US on behalf of PBIC and FHWA.This report documents best practices ▪▪ Land Design, Inc: 2006-2007
at existing and emerging bike share programs that and provide recommendations for ▪▪ Duncan Associates: 2002-2006
communities considering bike share.The final report provides guidance in the realm of ▪▪ Loomis Austin, Inc: 2001-2002
selecting business models, funding source, operations and ownership, service area, and liability. ▪▪ Spectra Consulting Engineers:
▪▪ ODOT Safe Routes to School 2000-01
RJ is oversaw TDG’s work on three different projects for Ohio DOT’s SRTS program. RJ ▪▪ HDR Engineering: 1997-2000
was the project manager for TDG’s work on a school travel plan for the Canal-Fulton ▪▪ MD National Resources
School District in central Ohio. He lead TDG’s work on creating a new process for Conservation Service: 1996-1997
developing School Travel Plans for multiple schools (over 10) at once in large urban
school districts. Lastly, he oversaw the creation of a School Travel Plan development
▪▪ Master’s of Science, Community
process for small school districts (under 4 schools).
and Regional Planning, University E
▪▪ Howard County Bike Share Market Analysis, Howard County, MD
of Texas at Austin: 2003
RJ managed a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the market potential for a bike share

Proposed Services
▪▪ Bachelor of Arts, Latin American
program in Howard County. RJ’s primary role was developing the analysis strategy and
Studies, Washington College: 1993
criteria used for evaluation. He was also responsible for QA/QC of all deliverables
▪▪ San Antonio Bicycle Master Plan, San Antonio,TX
RJ is serving as TDG’s Project Principal for this comprehensive update to San Antonio’s
▪▪ Councilmember, Cheverly, MD:
Bicycle Master Plan. RJ’s responsibilities include policy analysis and recommendations,
development of enforcement, education and encouragement program concepts and
▪▪ Planning Board Vice Chair,
overall quality assurance for the project
Cheverly, MD: 2005-
▪▪ Philadelphia Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, Philadelphia, PA
RJ oversaw the update to the City’s 1999 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. He
provided guidance on community engagement, including both on-line and in-person Appointments/Affiliations
meetings, workshops and interviews. RJ also assisted with identifying relative levels of ▪▪ Association of Pedestrian and
demand for pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout the city and worked on the Bicycle Professionals (APBP)
prioritization of the recommendations. ▪▪ Guest Instructor, Texas Leadership
▪▪ Annapolis Bicycle Master Plan, Annapolis, MD Institute: 2002
RJ served as the project principal for the first official bicycle master plan for Annapolis, ▪▪ President, Community & Regional
MD. The plan includes extensive infrastructure and programmatic elements, and is Planning Student Organization:
oriented towards both commuting and recreational bicyclists. RJ oversaw project team 2001-2002
coordination and contributed to project strategy, plan development and was responsible ▪▪ Jack H. Morgan Scholarship in
for QA/QC. Architecture and Planning: 2002

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.3

Lucas Cruse, AICP
Project Manager
Lucas Cruse, AICP has coordinated transportation and land-use planning projects in the public and private sectors. With a background in both
planning and engineering, he has experience selecting and applying diverse tools ranging from public involvement programs and conceptual
alternatives development through detailed design. Lucas’s experience includes bicycle plans, Safe Routes to School plans, roadway and trail
design, development review case management, transit-oriented development studies, bikeways and trails mapping, MPO program coordination,
corridor plans, and establishing access to a new National Park Service unit as a former National Park Transportation Scholar.

Selected Project Experience Professional Highlights

▪▪ Capital Bikeshare Expansion to Alexandria,VA ▪▪ Toole Design Group:
As an on-site contractor serving as Alexandria’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Program Manager, 2009-Present
Lucas has coordinated the expansion of Capital Bikeshare into Alexandria including ▪▪ City of Santa Fe, NM: 2007-2009
both administration and the installation of stations. In this role, he has also managed ▪▪ Otak, Inc: 2004-2006
relationships with neighboring jurisdictions and various funding sources. ▪▪ National Park Transportation
▪▪ Cincinnati Bicycle Plan, Cincinnati, OH Scholar: 2003-2004
Lucas assisted with developing the study network of proposed bicycle facilities for
Cincinnati’s Bicycle Plan. He then helped arrange and facilitate public meetings, collect field Education/ Certification
data, and make refinements to the proposed bicycle network. ▪▪ American Institute of Certified
▪▪ St. Louis Bicycle Master Plan, St. Louis, MO Planners (AICP), 022965
Lucas was responsible for developing the field data collection sheets and process, training the ▪▪ Engineer in Training (EIT)
field data collectors, and conducting field evaluation of city streets to recommend a network Certification, State of Illinois,
of on-street bicycle facilities. Lucas completed hundreds of miles of field work during the data 061029858
collection phase of the plan and collaborated on developing preliminary recommendations for ▪▪ Master’s of Urban and Regional
E the streets.The final plan includes over 800 miles of recommended on-street facilities. Planning, University of Illinois: 2003
▪▪ Wichita Bicycle Master Plan, Wichita, KS ▪▪ Bachelor’s of Science, Civil
Proposed Services

Lucas coordinated and conducted extensive field evaluation of city streets to Enginering, University of Illinois: 2001
recommend a network of on-street bicycle facilities, led agency stakeholder field review
of recommendations, and performed quality control to ensure consistency across Appointments/Affiliations
the entire network of recommendations. Lucas completed hundreds of miles of field ▪▪ American Planning Association
work during the data collection phase of the plan and collaborated on developing
▪▪ NMDOT - Bicycle, Pedestrian and
preliminary recommendations for the streets. The final plan includes hundreds of miles of
Equestrian Advisory Committee:
recommended on-street facilities.
▪▪ Annapolis Bicycle Master Plan, Annapolis, MD
Lucas was the Project Manager for the development of a Bicycle Master Plan for the City
of Annapolis. Based on public workshops, an online interactive map, focus group interviews,
▪▪ Thru-hiked the entire Appalachian
and extensive field work covering the entire city, the Master Plan established a network
Trail from Georgia to Maine: 2006
of proposed bicycle facilities, programs, and policies to improve the condition of bicycling
in the City. The Plan recommendations were accompanied by an implementation strategy
including prioritization and potential funding sources for a five-year implementation time
frame, in coordination with ongoing maintenance and new capital projects.
▪▪ San Antonio Bicycle Master Plan Update, San Antonio,TX
Lucas led the development of a network of prioritized bicycle facilities based on
extensive field analysis, public sector meetings and input received via an interactive
online map. Lucas coordinated the development of the updated plan document including
recommendations for infrastructure prioritization as well as policies and programs
needed to achieve the plan vision.

e.4 Toole Design Group

Mauricio Hernandez
Transportation Planner
Mauricio Hernandez has a background working in policy issues as well as different alternative transportation initiatives, data analysis and
program implementation. Originally from Colombia, Mauricio is fluent in both Spanish and English and is skilled at communicating planning
ideas to both Spanish and English speakers. He served as the program lead for the execution of the Capital Bikeshare data dashboard and
helped with various bicycle infrastructure planning initiatives during his tenure at the District of Columbia Department of Transportation. He
was the lead researcher for a team representing the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) and Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) on a comprehensive national analysis on bike sharing implementation in cities across the U.S.

Selected Project Experience Professional Highlights

▪▪ Bikesharing in the US: State of the Practice and Guide to Implementation ▪▪ Toole Design Group:
Mauricio served as lead coordinator of a multi-agency team performing an in-depth analysis 2011-Present
of the current conditions of bike-sharing implementation in the United States. Through ▪▪ District Department of
this study, Mauricio analyzed the existing models of implementation, funding mechanisms, Transportation: 2010-2011
demographic and geographic trends, social equity issues as well as expansion strategies ▪▪ National Council of la Raza
affecting the successful implementation of a bike-share program. Based on the findings of 2006-2010
the study Mauricio has been able to make policy and programmatic recommendations for
deployment approaches for cities considering implementation of bike sharing programs. Education/Certification
▪▪ Capital Bikeshare Implementation, Washington, DC ▪▪ Master’s of Community Planning,
While working for the District of Columbia DOT (DDOT), Mauricio helped the city plan University of Maryland, 2012
and implement the expansion of Capital Bikeshare throughout the District. This included ▪▪ Bachelor’s of Art, Geography and
the design and development of a data interface and console to display statistics on the DC International Relations, Florida
Bikeshare Program (, the development and implementation of a International University, 2005
complete assessment of members throughout the metropolitan area, and the development ▪▪ Latin American Studies Certificate,
of a sponsorship and advertising proposal for increased funding for the program. Florida International University,

Proposed Services
▪▪ Howard County Bike-Share Feasibility Analysis, Howard County, MD 2005
Mauricio used GIS data to perform a bike share market potential analysis to help
determine the best suitable locations for implementing a bike sharing program throughout Appointments/Affiliations
Howard County, MD. Through this analysis Mauricio assessed demographics, employment, ▪▪ Student Planning Association,
existing infrastructure and geographic features conducive the successful implementation of University of Maryland
a bike share program. ▪▪ National Capital Region
▪▪ M Street Existing Conditions Assessment, Washington, DC Transportation Planning Board
Mauricio is working on documenting all of the existing conditions and projects around the Citizen Advisory Committee.
M Street Corridor. In this assessment, Mauricio was able to catalogue existing conditions ▪▪ Student Representative, National
in the near Southeast and Southwest waterfront areas, which affect bicycle and pedestrian Capital Area Chapter, American
connectivity to other parts of the city. Additionally, Mauricio is providing an assessment of Planning Association
proposed and existing projects in the area. ▪▪ American Planning Association
▪▪ Fairfax County Bicycle Master Plan, Fairfax County,VA
Mauricio provided technical support to the planning work group providing revisions to
the Bicycle Transportation Master Plan for Fairfax County,VA and he provided technical
assistance in the implementation of policy recommendations.

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.5

Ben Sigrist
GIS Coordinator
Benjamin Sigrist is an experienced GIS Coordinator and Technologist with over five years in the field. Before working at Toole Design Group,
he worked for a regional GIS co-operative and in an academic research environment where projects ranged from hydrologic modeling to
advanced cartography to geospatial web programming. Ben is highly skilled with the ESRI suite of GIS products and their use in analysis, high
quality cartography, and field data collection. He has a keen attention to detail and has led GIS development in many large bicycle master plan
projects for the cities of Wichita, Denver, Boston, Aurora, CO, and numerous other communities around the country. Ben’s experience allows
him to be able to see beyond the abstract data and understand the larger picture of bicycle and pedestrian projects.

Selected Project Experience Professional Highlights

▪▪ Cincinnati Bike Plan, Cincinnati, OH ▪▪ Toole Design Group:
Ben analyzed bike facilities and action recommendations as well as cost estimates to total 2010-Present
up the bike plan cost. This project involved extensive field work, street cross-section and ▪▪ Eastern Shore Regional GIS
operations analysis, facilitation of numerous public meetings, managing web-based public Cooperative: 2008
input methods and development of a city-wide Bicycle Network in GIS. This network ▪▪ USC Department of Geography:
included preliminary facility recommendations for over 300 miles of roadway, and action 2009-2010
recommendations for achieving each facility. ▪▪ National Science Foundation,
▪▪ Pittsburgh Bicycle Route Plan, Pittsburgh, PA Research Experience for
Ben used field data and the publicly volunteered information to analyze and update maps.The Undergraduates: 2007
maps demonstrated popular destinations, good and not good routes, as well as other crucial ▪▪ Omni Technology Professionals:
bike/pedestrian information.These maps were used to plan signed routes through the City. 2006-2008
▪▪ WMATA Station Access Study, Washington, DC
Ben created a field data collection application to collect bike infrastructure information Education/Certification
E from 86 stations. He was a principal analyst of this data; preparing maps, tables, ▪▪ Master’s of Science, Geography
photographs for use in disseminating information to the client. (GIS), University of South
Proposed Services

▪▪ Annapolis Bicycle Master Plan, Annapolis, MD Carolina: 2010

Ben created and used a digital data collection application in the City of Annapolis to map ▪▪ Bachelor’s of Science, Geography
out existing conditions and recommend improvements. (GIS), Salisbury University: 2007
▪▪ Aurora Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
Ben set up a field data collection unit for the Aurora Bike Ped Plan data collection team and
facilitated the transition of the data to map products post fieldwork. He developed several info
graphic maps that helped to illustrate the existing network and first action recommendations in
the city.
▪▪ Wichita Bicycle Master Plan, Wichita, KS
Ben was involved in all parts of the Wichita Bicycle Master Plan Project, from the data
preparation, to spending significant time in the field working with existing conditions and
making recommendations with the fieldwork team, to collecting those recommendations
post fieldwork and displaying them on maps for community and stakeholder feedback. He
assisted with recommendation phasing, cost estimates, and final deliverables.
▪▪ Boston Bicycle Network, Boston, MA
Ben prepared existing and proposed data for use at public meeting maps. He also used the
city’s existing linear referencing system in the field data collection effort.
▪▪ Denver Moves, Denver, CO
Ben digitized and geolocated the collected field data. He then produced maps illustrating
existing and proposed on-street facilities and actions. Ben organized the Q/A of cross-
section data collected in the field.

e.6 Toole Design Group

Margaret (Margie) Pigott Flynn
Margie shares her deeply ingrained passion for the community and belief in “doing well by doing good” as Principal and Co-owner of
BrownFlynn , an award-winning corporate responsibility and sustainability consulting firm based in Cleveland, OH. Founded in January 1996,
BrownFlynn is the first U.S.-certified training organization to the Global Reporting Initiative and is a Silver Consultancy Partner to the Carbon
Disclosure Project.

Margie speaks the language of triple bottom-line impact and has been instrumental in shaping a variety of responsible practices for regional,
national and global corporations and organizations. Her strong commitment to ethical business practices and eye on global impact also make
Margie a dynamic speaker and trusted advisor for clients who seek to improve their business practices while catalyzing positive change. She
is a guest lecturer for numerous local and national conferences, venues and colleges/universities, and is author of several published articles
regarding sustainability and entrepreneurship in local and national publications.

Honors Professional Highlights

▪▪ Great Blue Heron Award by the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes (2012) ▪▪ BrownFlynn, Ltd.: 1996-Present
▪▪ 100 Entrepreneurs Project, Walter Reed Veterans Hospital (2010-Present) ▪▪ National City Corporation:
▪▪ Champions of Sustainability, Winner, by Entrepreneurs for Sustainability (2008) Vice President and Manager of
▪▪ World Class Customer Service Award by Smart Business Magazine (2008) Corporate Communications:
▪▪ Medical Mutual Pillar Award for Community Service (2006) 1984-1995
▪▪ Honored as a Rainmaker by Northern Ohio Live magazine (2006) ▪▪ Isquick, Grossman & Associates:
▪▪ Smart Business Network and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s “Innovation in Business” Director of Marketing
▪▪ Visionary Award (2005) ▪▪ Cincinnati Enquirer: String
▪▪ Distinguished Marketing and Sales Award, Sales and Marketing Executives of Cleveland (2005) Reporter
▪▪ Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE) Top “Ten Under 10” Winning Northeast Ohio
Company (2005) Education/Certification

Proposed Services
▪▪ Four-time Weatherhead 100 Small Business Winner (2007, 2005, 2002 & 2001) ▪▪ Bachelor’s of Science, Public
▪▪ National Association of Women Business Owners “Top Ten Women Business Owners of Relations/ Communications,
▪▪ Northeast Ohio” (2002) Miami University, Oxford, OH,
▪▪ Inside Business magazine “Cleveland Business Women of the Year” (2002) 1981
▪▪ Distinguished Alumnae, Beaumont School (2002)
Community Engagement
▪▪ Leadership Cleveland, 2004, graduate and president of the class; board member, Leadership
▪▪ Cleveland Alumni Association
▪▪ In Counsel With Women, member
▪▪ Corporate Sustainability Network, steering committee member
▪▪ Member, City of Cleveland Mayor’s Sustainability Council
▪▪ Chair of the Board, American Red Cross Blood Services of Northern Ohio
▪▪ Industrial Minerals Association of North America, member, sustainability committee
▪▪ National Sand, Stone & Gravel Association, member, environmental/health & safety
committee, sustainability committee and community relations committee
▪▪ Cleveland Carbon Fund, advisory committee member
▪▪ GreenCityBlueLake Institute, advisory board member
▪▪ University Circle, Inc., Joseph D. Pigott Leadership Award selection committee
▪▪ PRSA’s Counselor’s Academy, member

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.7

Andrew C. Watterson
Senior Consultant
Andrew joined BrownFlynn in October 2011. Andrew applies his expertise in organizational change to advance sustainability within
organizations large and small. Prior to joining BrownFlynn, Andrew served in the Office of Sustainability for the City of Cleveland for
six years, most recently as the City’s first Chief of Sustainability. Andrew made his mark by leading the coordination of the Sustainable
Cleveland 2019 initiative, an action plan established by the City to create an economic engine to empower a green city on a blue lake.
Through Andrew’s focused efforts and leadership, the Office of Sustainability was successful at saving the City money while reducing the
City’s ecological footprint.

Prior to working for the City, Andrew worked in real estate development, focusing on historic restoration and green building projects such as
the Van Roy Coffee Building and the Cleveland Environmental Center. Andrew has a Masters of Positive Organization Development (MPOD)
from Case Western Reserve University, his B.A. in Environmental Policy and Economics from Bates College and is a LEED-Accredited
Professional in the U.S. Green Building Council.

Leadership and Community Experience Professional Highlights

▪▪ Member Board of Trustees, Cleveland Public Theatre – Cleveland, OH ▪▪ BrownFlynn, Ltd.: 2011-Present
▪▪ Founding Member of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network and Planning ▪▪ City of Cleveland - Office of he
Committee Mayor, Chief of Sustainability:
▪▪ Member of the Steering Committee for the Star Community Index, - ICLEI / CAP / 2009-2011
USGBC ▪▪ City of Cleveland - Office of
▪▪ Active Member of the Entrepreneurs for Sustainability— Cleveland, OH Sustainability, Program Director:
▪▪ Advisory Council Member, The Green City Blue Lake Institute 2005-2009
E ▪▪ U.S. Green Building Council LEED accreditation ▪▪ The Chesler Group, Inc.:
▪▪ Founding Member, Urban Sustainability Directors Network 2003-2004
Proposed Services

▪▪ Entrepreneurs for Sustainability ▪▪ Sustainable Solutions, LLC:

▪▪ Board Member, Gordon Square Arts District 2002-2005
▪▪ Leadership Cleveland Class of 2011 ▪▪ EcoTrust - Natural Capital
Center: 2001-2002

▪▪ Master’s of Positive Organization
Development (MPOD), Case
Western Reserve University,
Weatherhead School of
Management 2011
▪▪ Bachelor’s of Arts in
Environmental Policy, Bates
College, Lewiston, ME 2000

e.8 Toole Design Group

David F. Shipps, AICP
Senior Planner
David is a Senior Planner with experience in managing transportation planning studies, public involvement, environmental documentation,
and GIS analysis. He is a skilled project manager who has led significant multi-discipline projects. David’s management expertise enables
him to deliver projects within budget and accelerated schedules to meet client expectations. David has cultivated a strong and diverse
technical background through his key roles as both project manager and project planner in major transportation projects for Departments
of Transportation, local municipalities, and freight rail companies. The diversity of his background makes him exceptionally competent to lead
public involvement activities, which include working with local groups and stakeholders in order to provide technical solutions for community
problems. He is an excellent public speaker, facilitator, and hands-on project manager. David relies on his communication skills to ensure active
management of technical staff and thorough reporting to project sponsors.

Selected Project Experience Education/Certification

▪▪ Cleveland Innerbelt, CUY-90/71/77, Ohio Department of Transportation ▪▪ Master’s of City and Regional
District 12, Cleveland, OH Planning, The Ohio State
Project planner responsible for assisting in of the Conceptual Alternatives Study University, 2002
and preparation of the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements for major ▪▪ Bachelor’s of Arts, Georgraphy,
reconstruction of I-90 in Cleveland. ODOT requested TranSystems’ involvement to assist Ohio, Wesleyan University, 1999
in negotiating completion and approval of these documents among their consulting team, ▪▪ American Institute of Certified
ODOT staff, and the Federal Highway Administration. Co-authored the updated Purpose Planners, 2005
and Need Statement and the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS/FEIS). ▪▪ National Safe Routes to School
▪▪ Fulton Road Bridge Replacement, Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, OH Instructor, 2011
Planner assisting in environmental documentation and public involvement for replacement of
the 1600-ft concrete spandrel arch bridge on Fulton Road over the Cleveland Metro Parks Training
Zoo, Brookside Park, Big Creek and CSX Rail line. This project involves coordination with ▪▪ ADA Curb Ramp Training/Design E
stakeholders from all agencies that desired to provide input into the new structure type, Seminar – City of Columbus,

Proposed Services
aesthetics and impacts of the project, including the City of Cleveland Planning, Engineering 2007
& Construction, Traffic, Bridges, Landmarks Commission, the Cleveland Metroparks, the ▪▪ ArcGIS I Training Course – Esri,
Cuyahoga County Engineer, ODOT, FHWA, City councilpersons and interested community 2002
groups. Co-authored the Section 4(f) documentation for the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. ▪▪ ArcGIS II Training Course – Esri,
▪▪ Hilltop Community Mobility Plan, City of Columbus, OH 2002
The Hilltop Community Mobility Plan included detailed traffic analysis for West Broad ▪▪ NEPA Training Course – ODOT,
Street, the area’s primary arterial and the “National Road.” The plan’s recommendation 2007
for a road diet on West Broad Street, with a reduction of travel lanes and the creation ▪▪ ODOT Project Development
of bicycle lanes, was implemented in 2010. These bike lanes are the first in Columbus to Process – ODOT, 2005
extend under a highway interchange. Recommendations for the other 12 square miles of ▪▪ Purpose and Need Training –
the community included improvements such as bicycle boulevards, sidewalks, traffic circles, ODOT, 2005
chicanes, and curb extensions. David was responsible public involvement, GIS mapping, and ▪▪ Safe Routes to School National
for the coordination and completion of a School Travel Plan for the Valleyview Elementary Course Instructor Training – 2011
and Westmoor Middle Schools as a component of the Hilltop Community Mobility Plan. ▪▪ PedNet’s Walking School Bus
▪▪ SCI-823-0.00 Portsmouth Bypass, Ohio Department of Transportation District Program Training – 2011
9, Scioto County, OH
Project planner responsible for data collection, analysis of agricultural, social, economic
and environmental resources and production of GIS-based mapping and documentation. In
particular, the creation of a GIS-based database presenting the influence of the proposed
sections of road on various land uses.

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.9

Jennifer N. Spinosi
Project Planner
Jennifer serves as project planner on projects throughout Ohio. While at TranSystems, she has worked many Safe Routes to School projects
with the Ohio Department of Transportation, including the development of a large-district School Travel Plan template, an adult crossing
guard training program, and various School Travel Plans for smaller communities around the state. She has prepared Conceptual Alternatives
Study reports, conducted walk audits, and participated in public involvement meetings. She has also been responsible for organizing displays,
handouts, and comment sheets for public involvement meetings. While attending OSU, she participated in one studio course that created a
redevelopment plan for the East Franklinton neighborhood of Columbus and another studio that helped Harrison County, Mississippi, rebuild
their zoning codes after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the area. Jen is proficient in a variety of software, including ArcGIS and InDesign.

Selected Project Experience Education/Certification

▪▪ Multimodal Transit Center Study, Kent State University, Kent, OH ▪▪ Master’s of Community and
Project planner for a proposed multimodal transit center study. Kent State University, the Regional Planning, City and
City of Kent, and the Portage Area Regional Transit Authority (PARTA) teamed to develop Regional Planning, The Ohio State
a new transit-oriented community which will link the university campus with the city’s University, 2009
downtown. The multimodal center will be the centerpiece of the community and will ▪▪ Bachelor’s of Arts, Urban
encourage people to use alternate modes of transportation such as buses, bikes, and walking. and Regional Planning, and
The first phase of the project concluded in 2008 with a final feasibility. Jen participated in Georgraphy Miami University of
public meetings, performed traffic counts, and used ArcGIS to help with analyses. Ohio, 2006
▪▪ Hilltop Community Mobility Plan, Columbus, OH
Jen was project planner for this transportation study. It is the City of Columbus’ goal to Training
create livable communities that are safe and enjoyable for all citizens, whether they walk, ▪▪ Purpose and Need Training –
ride, or drive. This project aimed to decrease the number of pedestrian crashes, increase ODOT, 2011
bicycle mobility, and change roadways to foster economic development and create vibrant ▪▪ Categorical Exclusion Training –
neighborhoods. Jen participated in public outreach in the diverse Hilltop community, ODOT, 2011
Proposed Services

which included: walk audits throughout the neighborhood with residents; presentations;
and encouraged the public to fill out online and paper questionnaires. Appointments/Affiliations
▪▪ Safe Routes to School GES Task Order, Ohio Department of Transportation, ▪▪ American Planning Association
Various Locations, OH
Project planner responsible for the coordination and completion of various engineering tasks
related to the completion of School Travel Plans in various communities throughout the State
of Ohio. Responsibilities include meeting with local officials to discuss barriers to walking/
biking to school for children in grades K-8, conducting walkability studies, recommending
engineering and non-engineering solutions to those barriers, creating maps showing barriers
to walking/biking and proposed recommendations, providing cost estimates, and providing
assistance in documenting the School Travel Plan. Approved School Travel Plans are the guiding
document to incorporate Safe Routes to Schools into a community and is a requirement for
further funding requests. Moreover, it is the written document that outlines a community’s
intentions for enabling students to engage in active transportation.
▪▪ Uptown Access Study/HAM-71-3.50, Cincinnati, OH
TranSystems is developing alternatives and identification of a preferred solution that will improve
access between I-71 and the Uptown area of Cincinnati. Jen’s responsibilities include putting
together the Conceptual Alternatives Study, helping create and organize public involvement
materials, attending public meetings, maintaining mailing lists and mailing meeting notices, creating
maps for use at public meetings, and maintaining GIS data and subsequent map files.

e.10 Toole Design Group

PROJECT UNDERSTANDING damage or theft of a bicycle. The TDG team will
look at emerging strategies to address this issue.
A successful bike share program has the potential
to provide a highly visible, affordable, and easy- If it is determined that bike share is feasible, we
to-access mobility option for residents and will evaluate implementation models and funding
visitors alike. Such a program may also enhance mechanisms that may engage key partners in the
existing transportation and revitalization community to help with program sponsorship,
efforts by serving as a catalyst for change and day to day operations, marketing and promotions.
economic development, and helping increase More specifically, the team will evaluate the
enthusiasm around bicycling. At the same time, following conditions:
an unsuccessful bike share program may have the
potential to deter investments in other aspects Capital expenditures and program management:
of bicycling infrastructure. With these potential The costs of starting a bike share program can
scenarios in mind, we commend the City of be significant and will vary depending on the
Cleveland for proceeding deliberately into this implementation model selected, the hours of
new arena. We recognize that it is important operation of the system, the needs of the local
to go into this project objectively and with a community and the size/density of the bike
clear and impartial approach to planning and share program. Our team will consider program
implementation of the project, and that the Office start-up and operations costs and will provide
of Sustainability has intentionally laid out a two projections on how much funding will be needed
phase process that first asks “is this even a good to implement and manage a program in the City
idea?” before delving into the funding details to of Cleveland.
make it work.
Bike share business models and funding: The
This project will utilize a data driven approach appropriate business model for a new bike share
based on stakeholder participation and population program depends on the institutional capacity
trends, and will evaluate the preparedness of the of the lead agency, funding sources, the political
City of Cleveland and identify the most suitable context, and regulatory constraints. Nationally,
areas for bike sharing and any obstacles that could there are three general business models:
impact success. The study will also build on and be jurisdiction owned and managed, non-profit, and E
informed by previous planning and revitalization for profit. The business model selected impacts

Proposed Services
efforts, including the Cleveland Downtown level of involvement and control a jurisdiction
Lakefront Plan, the Connecting Cleveland will have in its bike-share program, as well as a
Citywide Plan, the Cleveland Bikeway Master Plan, community’s overall goals for the program. We
the Cleveland Regional Transportation Plan and will work with the project team to identify the
numerous others. Additionally, the project will appropriate model for the City of Cleveland.
present experience from bike sharing programs in
the U.S., and will identify key system parameters Bike share service area and station siting: As
that can be presented to decision makers, with any new program or major infrastructure
potential partners, and key stakeholders. investment, it is critical that the initial
implementation be successful. This study will
Through this project, the TDG Team will also explore the various issues that may have an
identify key issues related to accessibility and effect on system, and which also may support
affordability of a potential bike share program future expansion. Our team will use GIS analysis
in the City of Cleveland. While bike sharing and stakeholder input to identify areas that are
can be one of the most affordable forms of most likely to generate ridership and excitement
public transportation, jurisdictions with existing around the new program. We will also look for
programs have struggled with promoting its use opportunities for bike share to extend the reach of
within minority and low-income communities. transit for commuters, students, visitors and others.
Service accessibility by low-income and minority
communities has been limited in part due to
the relatively high upfront costs, and the near-
universal requirement for a credit card to access
the program, check out a bicycle and cover

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.11

SCOPE OF WORK Task 1 Deliverables:
• Finalized work-plan, project scope and
Bike sharing is an innovative transportation schedule.
program, ideal for short distance point-to-point • (4) Bike Share Taskforce meetings
trips providing users the ability to pick up a bicycle facilitation, agendas, and notes
at any self-serve bike station and return it to any
bike station located within the system’s service TASK 2: Existing Conditions Inventory
area. As with any new transportation service, bike Provide a community profile for the City of
sharing requires an assessment of feasibility and an Cleveland. The TDG Team will begin the study
up-front planning prior to launching service. The by developing a community profile for Cleveland
project will consist of the following specific phases: which will include an analysis of demographic,
employment and land use data, future land use
• Phase A - Determine the feasibility for plans, as well as physical and existing conditions
implementing a bike sharing system in the for bicycling to identify the potential market for
City of Cleveland bike sharing in the study area. The resulting GIS-
• Phase B - Provide an implementation roadmap based analysis will identify the activity centers
for a bike sharing system in the City of and supporting transportation network that
Cleveland (i.e. implementation business model, would be conducive for the implementation of a
funding mechanisms, and operations plan) bike sharing program in the short term, as well
as opportunities for phasing in future expansions.

PHASE A – FEASIBILITY STUDY Data sought to complete the community profile

The Team will determine the viability of will include:
implementing a bike sharing system in the City • People – population trends, household
of Cleveland by performing a qualitative and types, age groups, education levels,
E resident and college student populations.
quantitative assessment of existing and future
conditions that would affect the implementation • Economy and jobs – daytime population,
Proposed Services

of a bike share program. Specifically TDG will income, workers commuting to work.
complete the following study tasks with the • Housing – housing trends, ownership,
associated deliverables: vacancy, movement into the area.
• Transportation – roads, transportation
TASK 1: Project Coordination/Kick-off Meeting to work, commute time, planned
The initial meeting with the Bike Share projects, corridor studies.
Taskforce will set the stage for the development
of the project. At this meeting, key issues
regarding standards for the bike share
Credit: Capital Bike share (Washington, DC)

feasibility study and implementation plan will

be identified and discussed. The project scope
and schedule will be reviewed, project tasks
will be delineated, and the planning process
will be reviewed. The existing conditions to be
collected in Task 2 will be discussed in detail. In
addition to the Kick-off Meeting, this task will
also include up to three additional Bike Share
Taskforce meetings, some of which may be
completed via phone and web conference.

e.12 Toole Design Group

Credit: Hubway (Boston, MA)

• Physical conditions - Topographic and TASK 3: Stakeholder Engagement

climatic conditions of the City The TDG Team will develop online tools for
• Recreation/entertainment – location of gauging the interest of a bike share program,
existing and planned recreation facilities, including a project website to educate the general
parks, museums, tourist destinations, public about bike sharing, a crowd-sourcing map
entertainment and nightlife centers. where the public can identify possible locations
• Retail – location and concentrations of for bike share stations, and a survey.
existing and planned retail, retail types.
In addition to using social media, the TDG
Review existing and future plans which may have team will spend a few focused days meeting
an influence on bicycling. TDG will examine with members of the public and stakeholders
existing and future bicycle infrastructure, and to better understand attitudes and perceptions E
related policies that influence bicycle use such about the potential for implementing a bike

Proposed Services
as land use regulations. Additionally, TDG share program. These meetings will be tailored
will review and summarize various planning to their respective audiences as detailed below.
documents pertaining to bicycle infrastructure It is anticipated that the City of Cleveland will
and economic development in the City of provide primary support for invitations and
Cleveland including, but not limited to: location logistics for all meetings.

• The Cleveland Downtown Lakefront Plan TDG will conduct a day-long public open house
• The Connecting Cleveland Citywide Plan reaching out to both potential users (i.e. commuters,
• The Cleveland Bikeway Master Plan residents, workers, students, and visitors) and
• The Cleveland Regional Transportation Plan implementing stakeholders (i.e. city planning staff,
operations, city officials, Downtown Cleveland
Task 2 Deliverables: Alliance, University Circle, Cleveland Plus and
• Assembled data and map-based demand Positively Cleveland, Bike Cleveland,RTA and
analysis for bike sharing other Bike Share Taskforce member agencies). The
• Outline of current conditions, planning meetings will include but will not be limited to the
documents, and policies following topic areas:
• Preliminary feasibility for a bike share
program • Impacts (e.g., potential positive and/or
negative implications for the community

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.13

Credit: Nice Ride (Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

of specific siting options) To address these questions the TDG Team will
• Safety (e.g., crime statistics, safety hold the four following implementation focus
perceptions, etc.) groups meetings:
• Traffic Patterns (e.g., weekday and
weekend pedestrian, vehicular, and 1. Economic Development – this is a rather
public transport commuter patterns) large group that is focused on enhancing
• Barriers (e.g., physical, cultural, social, the image and the economic vitality of
economic factors that may influence the project area. It is comprised of the
utilization) bike share’s potential business partners.
• Convenience (e.g., proximity to existing The focus of discussion with this group
public transit, employment, tourist, to evaluate at how well various bike
E recreation, community, commercial share alternatives meet the objectives of
centers, and other hot spots, etc.) furthering economic growth in the area.
Proposed Services

We also envision reaching out to four 2. Potential Funders/Financers – this is rather

implementation-oriented focus groups to ensure a small group and the discussions may be
successful outcome to the project – they are listed handled in one-on-one meetings. It would
below. While there might be some overlap between include senior representatives of the private
the groups they have been organized thematically organizations that may be likely to support
based on the focus of the discussion. The focus the bike share program financially (i.e.
groups will each address the following questions: The Cleveland Foundation, George Gund
Foundation, NOACA, St. Lukes Foundation,
• How well do the various bike share The Cleveland Clinic and other pontential
models meet the economic and image institutional sponsors). The goal would be to
objectives? create settings where the participants would
• Are these models financially feasible? feel comfortable speaking freely off the
• Are all parties who will play a role record regarding what aspects they are most
in implementation of the bike share interested in funding/financing and what
program in agreement on the goals, as would be a reasonable ‘ask.’
well as the concept for implementation?
• Who will run the show, how will it be 3. Coordination and Oversight – these are
promoted and will this have any negative the agencies and organizations who will
impacts on existing businesses? likely have some jurisdiction over the

e.14 Toole Design Group

implementation and/or management of the and risk, as well as business plan implications
system (i.e. City operations, RTA, Downtown that govern implementation of existing U.S. bike
Cleveland Alliance and other agencies). sharing systems. Our analysis will include cities
Issues this group will address include siting, with comparable characteristics (e.g. climate,
maintenance, coordination with transit, etc. topography, size, development character/density,
extent of bicycle facilities, etc.) to Cleveland, such
4. Implementing Partners and Advocates – as Madison, WI, Minneapolis, MN, Chattanooga,
these are the organizations that may have TN, Boston, MA, and Kansas City, MO.
a hand in managing and/or promoting the Particular emphasis will be placed on identifying
system or that have a stake in how the the characteristics of markets/areas that are
system is managed. Issues this group will supportive of bike share and comparable areas in
address are coordination/competition Cleveland. The task will include a summary of best
issues with existing bike rental and repair practices and profiles for at least two existing bike
organizations and how the bike share can be sharing programs in comparable cities and a GIS
used to further their organizations missions. analysis of their service area and station spacing
(i.e. system design).
We have a great deal of experience facilitating
discussions among stakeholders and ensuring that Provide a projection for the potential size,
all parties are given a chance to air their ideas scale, and phasing of a bike sharing system in
and concerns. We will structure the discussions Cleveland. Based on the demand analysis and
so that outcomes and decisions made during lessons learned from comparable systems, the
the meeting are confirmed and summarized at TDG Team will identify areas within the City
the end. We will also follow up with meeting of Cleveland that have the potential to serve
summaries as necessary to convey the outcomes. asprime locations for implementing a bike share
program including scale and phasing parameters,
Task 3 Deliverables: an estimated number of stations/bikes to be E
• Project website, crowdsourcing map, included in the program, and an estimate of the

Proposed Services
and online survey projected ridership.
• Meeting facilitation and summary of
comments received. Identify any initial implementation considerations
for bike sharing in Cleveland. The TDG
Team will perform a preliminary assessment
TASK 4: Bike Share Feasibility Study of considerations that may affect the
Through this task, TDG will summarize the implementation of a bike share program. The
overarching goals for a bike share system in Team will also present strategies for mitigating
Cleveland. the effects of each challenge or barrier identified,
including approaches to financing, health and
Provide a comparative analysis of bike sharing social equity issues, and local legislation.
systems in similarly situated cities, including
service area modeling methods and system Review recommendations with Bike Share
design. TDG has already developed a substantial Taskforce. The TDG Team will review and confirm
inventory of bike share programs across the the analysis and findings, and draft recommendations
U.S. through our work on the FHWA study. with the Bike Share Taskforce. The core piece of
We will draw from this analysis to provide a the analysis will focus on the feasibility of bike share
complete account of current best practices in Cleveland, with an assessment of the general
regarding policies, locations, success factors, implementation path (if it is determined to be

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.15

feasible). Refining the implementation program will the program) and operation (i.e. day-to-day
be the principal effort in Phase B. activities including rebalancing and maintenance
of bicycles, among others) for implementing the
Task 4 Deliverable: Bike Share Feasibility Study program. Additionally TDG will estimate the
Draft document cost recovery/profitability of the system based
on different pricing and phasing scenarios. TDG
Upon completion of Phase A, the Toole Design will also review the possible pricing scales which
Group Team will produce and deliver a summary will be determined by demand and ridership.
document addressing each of the elements outlined
in Tasks 1 through 4. Based on this analysis, the A wide variety of funding sources are currently
Team will provide a final recommendation on being used to support bike share programs
whether Cleveland could reasonably implement including Federal, state and private sources.
and sustain a bike sharing system. TDG will provide a summary of possible funding
sources that the managing organization might be
Overall Phase A Deliverable: Bike Share Feasibility able to access depending on the implementation
Study Draft and Final document business model selected.

The TDG Team will identify and address a range of

PHASE B – IMPLEMENTATION PLAN implementation considerations to help inform the
In this phase, TDG will complete analysis and program roll-out, including:
recommendations for the implementation of • Performance standards and evaluation
a bike share program in Cleveland. This will criteria tied to the overall system goals
include recommendations for the business • Desired technological options, including:
model to pursue, system implementation kiosks, dock configurations, bicycle designs
timeline, fundraising strategy, and detailed and features, and system power supply and
E implementation considerations. communications networks
• An approach to credit card requirements that
Proposed Services

TASK 5: Business Plan Development minimizes barriers to usage

The appropriate implementation business model • Promotion of safe riding practices
for bike sharing in Cleveland will depend on • An overview of liability considerations and
the institutional capacity of the lead agency and options
jurisdictional regulatory framework. To this end, • Right of way permitting requirements and
TDG will examine various ownership and operation templates, including advertising
models and the associated potential funding • How to handle reinvestment of profits,
mechanisms (government, transportation agency, particularly in a system with multiple lead
university, non-profit, or for-profit). Further, as agencies
each model’s characteristics will determine how the
program will be implemented, how it will be financed Finally, TDG will provide an overview and
and who will undertake day-to-day operations, TDG guidance on the installation factors that may
will make recommendations for a model appropriate impact the placement of individual stations,
for Cleveland. including space availability (sidewalk crowding
and available right of way), outdoor advertising
TDG will provide an estimate of projected start- regulations, property ownership, historic districts,
up costs (i.e. procurement of equipment and solar exposure (if solar powered), underground
installation costs), marketing (i.e. costs related utility access and conflicts, available right of way,
to the promotion/advertising and outreach for use of on-street parking spaces, among others.

e.16 Toole Design Group

Task 5 Deliverable: Draft Bike Share addressing all implementation considerations and
Implementation Plan will present its findings in an open house meeting
to include different stakeholders and city officials
including the City Planning Commission and
TASK 6: Finalize Plan and Near Term potential Business partners.
Implementation Strategy
Upon completion of Phase 2, the Toole Design Overall Phase B Deliverable: Final Bike Share
Group Team will produce a summary document Implementation Plan
Credit: Capital Bike share (Washington, DC)

TROUBLE SHOOTING AND of performance from our sub-consultants, and

Proposed Services
their work is thoroughly reviewed by our senior
FOLLOW-UP PROTOCOLS staff before being submitted to the client.

TDG is a quality-oriented firm with a history

TDG’s QA/QC policy first describes the objective
of outstanding performance on multi-modal
and intent of the QA/QC program. Quality
planning and design projects throughout the US.
Control is a methodology of production to ensure
TDG staff is highly qualified, and our projects
the product conforms to requirements. Quality
have received accolades from state, regional
Assurance is a methodology of independent
and local clients across the country. TDG
overview and guidance to assure the quality of our
employs a rigorous quality assurance/quality
work meets expectations. The QA/QC Program
control program to ensure that our work and
is based on the philosophy that:
the work of our sub-consultants exceeds client
expectations. TDG would be happy to share
Quality is achieved by adequate planning,
the full quality assurance/quality control (QA/
coordination, supervision, and technical
QC) policy if the City desires. However, the
direction; proper definition of project
program can be summed up simply – no report,
requirements and procedures; the use
drawing, or product of any kind leaves our office
of appropriately skilled personnel; and
without being reviewed by senior staff and/or the
by individuals performing work functions
Principal-in-Charge. We demand the same level
carefully, accurately and completely.

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.17

Quality is controlled through checking, PROJECT MANAGEMENT
reviewing and surveillance of work activities
with documentation by individuals who are not
directly responsible for performing the work.
Project managers at Toole Design Group employ a
number of management techniques to effectively
Quality is verified by having a manager
track project progress. All project managers are
perform QA functions consisting of
expected to undertake regular bi-weekly (or
surveillance and auditing of the work and
monthly, depending upon the project) review
the procedures followed when performing
of project schedule, costs, and subcontractor
the work.
performance and make adjustments accordingly.
Our accounting system is capable of producing
Quality is assured through independent
up-to-date project time and expense reports,
reviews by a qualified staff of the processes,
which enables project managers to stay on budget.
procedures, documentation, supervision,
technical direction, and staffing associated
As mentioned in this proposal, the TDG
with the project development.
Team project manager, Lucas Cruse, AICP has
coordinated transportation and land-use planning
The quality of our work is further enhanced by
projects in the public and private sectors. With
our multi-disciplined and collaborative approach
a background in both planning and engineering,
to all projects. Having multiple engineers,
he has experience selecting and applying diverse
planners and landscape architects on staff
tools ranging from public involvement programs
encourages each to collaborate and validate
and conceptual alternatives development through
project work with their peers. The culture at
detailed design. If desired, we can set up a project
TDG encourages discussion: communication
tracking database in Microsoft Project that
is one of our great strengths. This translates
E can be shared with the client project manager.
into solutions that have been tested, that are
At minimum, we will submit monthly progress
the culmination of experience from countless
Proposed Services

reports to our clients that provide a detailed

other projects, and that will be best suited to
accounting of work that has been completed in
the City of Cleveland’s needs. We encourage the
the previous period, work anticipated for the
proposal review team to contact our references
coming period, and any problems and solutions
and project contacts to hear more about their
that have been identified.
work experience with Toole Design Group.

Effective communication is a vital aspect of

Toole Design Group has an outstanding record
project management. At TDG, we approach our
of meeting tight timeframes within constrained
clients as partners and will work closely with
project budgets. We encourage the City
City staff throughout this project. However, we
to contact our past clients to confirm our
are also keenly aware that staff time is a finite
adherence to project schedules and deadlines.
commodity – we are confident in separating the
We use a number of techniques to keep projects
issues that can be easily solved in-house from
on schedule, including managing staff workloads
those that require staff input, so that we are
with a centralized project management database
able to use staff’s time most efficiently. Having
that allows us to track tasks, identify key
expertise in multiple disciplines on the TDG
milestones, and monitor progress in real time.
Team requires each member to collaborate
Work products adhere to internal project
and validate project work with their peers. This
deadlines to ensure adequate time for quality
translates into solutions that have been tested,
assurance/quality control (QA/QC).
that draw on our combined experience from

e.18 Toole Design Group

countless other projects, and that will be best TIMELINE AND DELIVERABLES
suited to the City’s needs.
Toole Design Group staff is always flexible when it
As a full-service planning and engineering firm, comes to scheduling project meetings and delivery
TDG maintains an array of communication dates. We recognize that timing is essential for
techniques to facilitate project management planning projects, and often we need to move
and data transfers. We have very high quality quickly in order to enable the client to take
computer hardware, including super work advantage of grant opportunities, to ensure that
stations, DVD writers, GPS enabled digital project recommendations can be incorporated
still and digital video cameras, scanners, high into other planning and design projects, and for
speed color plotters, laser printers, and laptop various other reasons. Again, we encourage the
computers. TDG has a centralized e-mail system City to contact our former clients with regards to
with high-speed internet access and regularly our flexibility and willingness to either speed up, or
uses video conferencing to facilitate interoffice slow down the planning process, depending upon
communications. TDG also maintains a secure the specific needs of a community.
FTP site, as well as Dropbox and Evernote
accounts that facilitate rapid data transfers The following chart outlines our proposed
between our offices, sub-consultants and clients. schedule for this project. We anticipate Phase A to
The TDG Team also maintains a myriad of survey, be substantially complete within three months of
design and analysis tools and software to promote Notice to Proceed, and Phase B to be complete
efficient work and meet the needs of our clients two and a half months later. We look forward to
including: AutoCAD Civil 3D, MicroStation, refining this schedule in collaboration with the
GeoPak, AutoTurn, Guidsign, ArcGIS Desktop, City’s project manager and the Taskforce.
Microsoft Office products, among others.

Proposed Services

Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Project Coordination/Kick-off Meeting T T T T

Phase A 2 Existing Conditions Inventory

Feasibility Study 3 Stakeholder Engagement M

4 Bike Share Feasibility Study D F

Phase 2 5 Business Plan Development
6 Finalize Plan and Near Term Implementation Strategy D F

T Taskforce Meetings
M Public/Focus Group Meetings
D Task Deliverable (Draft)
F Task Deliverable (Final)

Cleveland Bike Share Feasibility Study + Implementation Plan e.19

ENVIRONMENTAL Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
We limit our printing to the essentials. We use
SUSTAINABILITY PLAN recycled paper and print double-sided unless
otherwise necessary. We use electronic formats
Toole Design Group is heavily invested in
for deliverables and financial transactions, non-
sustainable solutions. Toole Design Group is a
disposable kitchen items, water filters (not
certified Bicycle Friendly Business and over 75%
bottled water), recycling programs for aluminum,
of our staff regularly walk or bicycle to work on
plastic, and electronics.
a regular basis. We strive to significantly minimize
the environmental impacts associated with
employee transportation, waste production, and
We have motion-sensitive lights, and shut down
energy consumption by empowering employees
computers at night, set copier sleep mode and
to choose among a series of measures that are
computer screensavers to their most energy
proven-effective and economically viable. Our
efficient setting, install energy-saving window
efforts can be categorized in three ways which
treatments, purchase Energy Star computers for
include among other measures the following:
all new computers, and select laptops whenever
possible (not towers).
We provide incentives for walking, biking or using
transit for work-related travel (commuting and
other). These include an awards program for
walking and bicycling, transit reimbursement, and
free car-share membership for employees. We
also encourage telecommuting when practical to
minimize transportation costs and reduce our
E traffic congestion impacts.
Proposed Services

e.20 Toole Design Group

Credit: Capital Bike share (Washington, DC)

Proposers Affadavit

Neither Toole Design Group nor its team

members, nor any other party acting for it has
paid or agreed to pay, directly or indirectly,
any person, firm or corporation any money or
valuable consideration for assistance in procuring
or attempting to procure the contract proposed
to result from its proposal and further agreeing
that no such money or reward will be paid.

Proposers Affidavit

h.2 Toole Design Group

8484 Ge orgia Ave , Suite 800
Silve r Spring, MD 20910
p 301.927.1900
www.toole d e s
Credit: Hubway (Boston, MA)

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