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LAHORA v. DAYANGHIRANG 1. Spouses Lahora petitioned to CFI Davao for the registrat
parcels of land located in Manay, Davao, half of which ha
30 Jan 1971| Reyes, JBL,J. | Patent | Angel acquired by Moralizon allegedly by inheritance, and the o
purchase and by continuous, open, public and adverse po
r: Spouses Francisco Lahora and Toribia Moralizon
in the concept of owner. One of the said parcels of land i
ent: Emilio Dayanghirang, Jr. and Director of Lands
as lot No. 2228.
ady: 2. The petition was opposed by Dayanghirang, who alleged
ses Lahora and Moralizon applied for the registration of 9 parcels belonging to him and his wife were included in the applic
ne of which was Lot 2228. This was opposed by Dayanghirang, registration, mentioning specifically Lot No. 2228 which
ed that lands belonging to him and his wife were included in the be already covered by an Original Certificate Title in the n
on for registration, specifically Lot No. 2228 which was already Dayanghirang’s wife. The Director of Lands also led an o
d and has an OCT int he name of his wife. The Spouses to the petition, contending that the applicants or their pre
ently appealed the decision of CFI Davao dismissing their petition in-interest never had sufficient title over the parcels of la
ect to Lot No. 2228 on the ground of previous registration. They to be registered, nor have they been in open, continuous,
hat that the question of the validity of a certi ficate of title based notorious possession thereof for at least 30 years.
nt allegedly obtained by fraud can be raised by them in a land 3. CFI Davao: Lot No. 2228 was the subject of a public land
on proceeding, contrary to the ruling of CFI Davao. The Court ruled favor of the Dayanghirang’s wife, and by virtue of which g
Spouses’ petition for registration of the same parcel of land on the patent Original Certificate of Title No. P-6053 was issued
hat the first certificate of title covering the said property is a name.
n no longer prosper. Assuming arguendo, that there indeed exists 4. Spouses Lahora: patent issued to Dayanghirang’s wife w
case for cancellation of the patent for intrinsic fraud the action for procured by fraud, because appellants, the alleged actua
the decree should have been led before the one year period had of the land, were not notified of the application for paten
Thereafter, the proper party to bring the action would only be the and of its adjudication. Thus, according to appellants, sin
ejudiced by the alleged fraudulent act — the owner and grantor, were the actual occupants of the property, the governme
nother applicant or claimant. Further, upon expiration of one year not have awarded it to Dayanghirang’s wife, and the pate
ssuance, the certificate of titlebased on a patent shall become to the latter, as well as the original certificate of title sub
le and indefeasible like a certificate issued in a registration obtained by her, were null and void.
g public land patents and the character of the certificate of title WON a certificate of title based on a patent allegedly obtained by
be issued by virtue thereof, is that where land is granted by the be raised by them in a land registration proceeding – NO.
ent to a private individual, the corresponding patent therefor is
and the certificate of title is issued to the grantee; thereafter, the RATIO:
utomatically brought within the operation of the Land Registration 1. Regarding public land patents and the character of the c
ning, upon expiration of one year from its issuance, the certificate title that may be issued by virtue thereof, is that where la
all become irrevocable and indefeasible like a certificate issued in granted by the government to a private individual, the
tion proceeding. corresponding patent therefor is recorded, and the certifi
is issued to the grantee; thereafter, the land is automatic
brought within the operation of the Land Registration Ac
n expiration of one year from its issuance, the certificate of title
ll become irrevocable and indefeasible like a certificate issued in
gistration proceeding.
he present case, Lot No. 2228 was registered and titled in the
me of Dayanghirang’s wife 9 years earlier. Clearly, Spouses’
tion for registration of the same parcel of land on the ground
t the first certificate of title covering the said property is a nullity,
no longer prosper.
cadastral case the court has no jurisdiction to decree again the
stration of land already decreed in an earlier case; and that a
ond decree for the same land would be null and void.
uming arguendo, that there indeed exists a proper case for
cellation of the patent for intrinsic fraud the action for review of
decree should have been led before the one year period had
psed. Thereafter, the proper party to bring the action would only
he person prejudiced by the alleged fraudulent act — the owner
grantor, and not another applicant or claimant.

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