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EED 213 MWF 4:30-5:30PM

Submitted to:
Ms. Deryl Falcon

Submitted by:
Leidi Lymel L. Luchavez

August 23, 2019

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

By: Leidi Lymel L. Luchavez

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

a. identify the verbs in the present progressive tense;

b. define the present progressive tense of the verb;

c. express appreciation about emphasizing the importance of using one’s role and time wisely;

d. write a story using verbs in the present progressive tense

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Verbs: The Present Progressive Tense

Reference: English This Way Third Edition 4

Wilma P. Gonzales and Cecilia B. Corsino pp. 163-172

Materials: Pictures, Visual Aid

Value: Emphasizing

Skills: identifying, defining, contrasting, expressing

Method: Inductive Method

Technique: Direct Method

III. Procedure

A. Introduction

1. Prayer

 The teacher will let the students stand and assign one student to lead the prayer.

2. Setting of house rules

 The teacher will set rules for the pupils to follow inside the classroom.
 Classroom rules:
 When the teacher is talking, everybody must listen and be quiet.
 Raise your hands if you want to talk or go outside.
 Always keep the room clean. Throw your garbage properly.
 Respect and love your teacher and classmates.

3. Review

 The teacher will ask the students about their previous discussion. The teacher will test
the students if they have remembered what you have tackled last meeting.

4. Motivation

 The teacher will group her students into three. There would be ten members each
group. Each group must assign one leader.
 The teacher will tell the students that they will be playing charades.
 The teacher will give instruction as to how to play the game.
 The teacher will let the Group 1 play first, next is the Group 2, and lastly, the Group 3.
 The teacher will tell her students that the group who’ll get the highest points will win.
 The teacher will let the leader pick a paper from the box, and let him/her do what is
written in the paper, example;
 Dancing
 Planting
 Crying

B. Presentation

 The teacher will acknowledge the efforts of each group.

 The teacher will ask of they have enjoyed the game.
 The teacher will ask what they felt and their observations while playing the game.
 The teacher will post in the board the action words that they made actions during the game.
 The teacher will ask as to what are the words posted in the board.
 The teacher will introduce the topic which is The Present Progressive Tense.

C. Discussion

1. Lower Q&A

 The teacher will tell the students that the words they are seeing in the blackboard are
verbs in the present progressive tense. The teacher will ask the following questions:

:What do you notice in them?

:When do we use verbs in the present progressive tense?

 The teacher will tell the students that present progressive tense of the verb is used to
express an action going on at the time of speaking (ex. Please be quiet. The baby is
 The teacher will tell the students that present progressive tense can also be used to
indicate an action happening over a period of time, which includes the present (ex. My
father is working in a candy factory).
 The teacher will tell the students that present progressive tense is sometimes used to
indicate ongoing, developing, or future action. Example;
Ongoing: Do not talk while your teacher is discussing.
Developing: I am starting to enjoy Math 4.
Future: The clowns are arriving in an hour.

D. Comparison and Abstraction

1. Higher Question and Answer

:How are verbs in the present progressive tense formed?

 The ing form of the verb preceded by be forms, such as am, is, or are expresses the
present progressive tense of the verb.

2. Value Integration

 The teacher will ask the students if what is his/her role in the family.
 The teacher will ask the students if they have been helping their parents or any
member/s of the family in doing the household chores.
 The teacher will ask the students if they have been using their time well, not just in
school but also at home.
 The teacher will let the students realize the importance of individuals’ role and using
their time wisely.

F. Application

 The teacher will let the students prepare the assignment the teacher has given, which is
the short bond paper and ballpen.
 The teacher will instruct the students to write a story about themselves. After they
write the story, the teacher will let the students underline the present progressive tense
found in the story.
 The teacher will give them 30 minutes to do the activity.

G. Evaluation

A. Write the present progressive tense of the verb to complete the sentence.

Example: request The group is requesting for a change.

Come 1. They __________ early.

Return 2. The two boys __________ the bikes now.

Speak 3. She __________ slowly.

Write 4. I _______________ poetry.

Visit 5. He _______________ the old woman.

Eat 6. The dogs __________________ bones.

Visit 7. The tourists _____________ Boracay.

Go 8. They ____________ by boat.

Pray 9. I ________________ at the moment.

Tell 10. Grandmother _____________________ us fairy tales.

B. Complete the sentence with an appropriate an appropriate verb in the present progressive tense.

1. Alan and Bill _______________ baseball now.

2. Alan __________________ the ball.

3. Dan has a bat. He ___________ the ball.

4. Paul ________________ to the goal.

5. He _______________ soccer right now.

H. Assignment

Take 2-3 photos of themselves that will show actions (ex. Dancing, washing of plates) and print it
on a short bond paper. Make one sentence each picture and underline the present progressive tense. Be
creative. Submit on next meeting.

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