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Department of Education

Region-VI Western Visayas

City of Kabankalan
MAPEH Grade 7 –1st half of 4th Quarter Examination
Instruction: Read carefully and analyze. In Circle the letter of your answer.
1.A festival celebrated in the Island of Marinduque.
a. Ati-atihan c. Moriones
b. kadayawan d. Panagbenga
2. A festival in Davao that celebrates the good harvest with street dancing and
colorful tribal costumes.
a. Ibalong or Ibalon c. Kadayawan
b. Moriones d. Panagbenga
3. A festival were the participants shout “Hala Bira”.
a. Masskara c. Sinulog
b. Dinagyang d. Sublian
4. A festival in Batangas that features street dancing, harana indigenous Filipino
games, Lupakan singing and dancing.
a. Kadayawan c. Manggahan
b. Pintados d. None of the above
5. A festival in Bicol that celebrates the epic stories of three heroes Baltog,
Handyong, and Bantog.
a. Sublian c. Kadayawan
b. Ibalong or Ibalon d. Moriones

6. A Philippine theater form that portrays the day to day struggles and triumph of
common Filipinos.
a. Komedya c. Bodabil
b. Moro-moro d. Sarsuela
7. A stage performance that portrays the clash between Christians and Muslims.
a. Komedya c. sarsuela
b. Bodabil d. Moro-moro
8. A Philippine theater form that originated from Spain and was made popular in
the Philippines in 1800’s.
a. Sarsuela c. Bodabil
b. Moro-moro d. Tibag or Arakyo
9. A religious komedya that portrays the life and suffering of Jesus on the
a. Moro-moro c. Bodabil
b. Senakulo d. Sarsuela
10. Which of the following is not a Bodabil star.
a. Dolphy c. Leopoldo Salcedo
b. Mar Roxas d. Rogelio De la Rosa

11. You would like to test your agility. Which of these should you do?
a. dodge running c. jumping jack (10x)
b. sit-up d. sit and reach
12. Rody is actively engaged in physical fitness activities. Which of these could
be his reason of doing it?
a. to keep himself healthy and strong c. to live a longer life
b. to be physically fit d. all of these
13. One of your classmates has flexibility problems. What activity could be
performed to address it?
a. running c. dancing
b. crab walk c. partner tag
14. To improve cardio-respiratory endurance which activity is the best way to do
at least 30 min. a day?
a. jogging c. dancing
b. cycling d. all of these
15. Which of these dances is performed as a tribute to the earthquake victims of
Baguio City.
a. Bangus festival c. Masskara Festival
b. Dinagyang Festival d. Panagbenga Festival
16. Sinulog is a festival found in Cebu City. Which of these locomotor skills are
part of their dance steps?
a. running c. walking
b. leaping d. All of the above

Prepared by: Gilvann Ray P. Diaz SST-I Mapeh Teacher

17. In P.E. class, the teacher requires his students to monitor periodically
their progress towards the fitness goals. Which of these should be done by
the students before and after an activity?
a. warm-up and cool down activities c. Physical Check up
b. monitor pulse rate d. weight monitoring
18. What would be the best way to do to address cramps?
a. Get the person out of the sun and into a shady or air condition location.
b. Lay the person down and elevate the legs and feet slightly.
c. Loosen or remove the persons clothing
d. Apply RICE
19. Which of these are effects of exercise and Physical activity on fitness?
a. Reduces the risk of early death, heart disease, stroke, colon and breast
b. Helps in the prevention of weight gain
c. Helps in weight loose when combined with diet
d. All of these
20. Which of the following behaviors are most appropriate to do when you lost in
a contest?
a. Accept defeat by graciously acknowledging the victory of the opponent
b. Aspire to win next time by strengthening the weaknesses encountered
c. Develop a positive perspective in joining a contest
d. Arrive at a common goal agreed by the whole team
e. Blame yourself and the rest of the group for the failures
f. Establish rapport with other teams to benchmark best practices
a. a,b,c,d,f c. a,b,c,d,e
b. c,d,e,f d. a,b,d,e

21. Which is a non-communicable disease?
a. influenza c. cancer
b. dengue fever d. Tuberculosis
22. Which of the following statements does NOT describe non-communicable diseases
a. Caused by pathogen
b. consequence of unhealthy lifestyle
c. cannot be transmitted from one person to another
d. consequence of behavioral and hereditary factors
23. What is the most common cancer in women?
a. lung cancer b. breast cancer c. colon cancer d. bone marrow
24. Laura woke up with rashes and itchy swellings of her face. She remembered
that she attended a birthday party of her friend and ate foods causing
allergic reaction. What do you think is she experiencing?
a. hives b. asthma c. hay fever d. allergic eczema
25. Your friend is asthmatic; what do you think he/she should do to prevent an
a. exercise c. manage stress
b. eat a balance diet d. all of the above

26. This treatment of cancer involves attacking the cancer cells with the X-
a. surgery b. chemotherapy c. drug therapy d. radiation therapy
27. Which is not a causative factor for non-communicable disease?
a. virus b. poor diet c. stress d. environmental Hazard
28. Health centers are designed to render medical services nationwide. The
following are the health services provided by the department of health
a. Physical therapy c. Center for cancer control
b. Nutrition Services d. Health Education and Manpower Services
29. You notice that your grandmother is experiencing sudden weight loss,
excessive thirst and lack of energy. What type of disease do you think is
a. arthritis b. Hypertension c. Diabetes d. renal failure
30.Why do we need to correct myths and misconceptions about non-communicable
a. we don’t want to be labeled s backward or uneducated.
b. Following myths and misconceptions can endanger our health.
c. We need to change our beliefs to keep pace with the changing time.
d. Our medical practitioners well get mad if we don’t follow their advice.

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet”.

Prepared by: Gilvann Ray P. Diaz SST-I Mapeh Teacher

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