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Women in the Elizabethan Era were expected to stay at home.

bubonic plague a widespread plague that killed thousands.

primogeniture The right of the first-born man in a family to inherit the family money and

four types of social classes found in the Elizabethan Era

Royalty, Nobility, Gentry, Peasants

Queen Elizabeth I ruler of England during the Elizabethan Era

Elizabethan Era lasted from_________. 1558-1603


A mutual agreement between two people to get married

ordained minister (or church leader) performed a marriage ceremony

goal of a renaissance wedding

join two families

business or status purposes

played female roles in plays young men whose voices have not changed

skills useful for being a good actor

A loud strong voice, fencing (pretend sword fighting) and dramatic gestures and movements

Richard Burbage famous actor and theatre owner

Peasants usually view the play from a _____. dirt-packed floor in front of the stage

time of day performances took place In the afternoon so they could use the natural light.

Globe Theater one of the most famous theaters in London

Shakespeare was born in _______. Stratford-upon-Avon

We read Shakespeare's works today because _______. themes and topics are still
relevant today

Shakespeare was married to ______. Anne Hathaway

Some people believe Shakespeare to be a fraud because ________.

He is just a front-man for someone else who didn't want their identity known.

His name was spelled in many different ways in his signatures on his works.

They think his level of education is too low.

Henry VIII

Elizabeth's father, King________, had broken from the Roman Catholic church

unlike Mary I, Elizabeth was a ________


frequently in summer Queen Elizabeth I and her court left London on journeys called ___

Bess, Virgin, Gloriana

Elizabeth I was known as good queen ____, the ______ queen and ___________

Drake, world

Francis _____________ left home for the voyage of his life-a trip around the _____

Spain, Portugal, and riches

He took every opportunity to attack ships of ________ and __________ and to seize their

surprise, Spanish, England

After Sir Francis Drake led a _______ attack that destroyed ships in a ______ harbor, Phillip began
plans to invade __________ and conquer it once and for all

slowly, weight

They advanced "very ___________, though with full sails, as if the wind were tired of carrying them,
and the ocean groaning under the ___________ of them."

England, sea

England's greatest foreign enemy had been defeated, opening the way for _________ to become a
great _____________power

James Stuart, James I

Queen Elizabeth named her closest relative _________ _________ to be her successor. In England
he would be called _____________

English, Virginia, Jamestown

In 1607, a group of ______ colonists settled in __________ and named their colony _____

prayer book

King Charles ordered Presbyterians in Scotland to use a _________ ___________ based on one used
in the Church of England

riots What broke out because of the prayer books?

England a Scottish army marched into _____________

Cavaliers The nobles or royalist that supported the king were called ____________

roundheads Those who supported Parliament were called _________________

Oliver Cromwell
A commander on Parliament's side with a talent for leadership was _______ __________

executed In January 1649 Charles I was _____________


The return of the Monarch was called the _________________


Charles II was known as the ________ monarch


The English people worried that if James had a boy a long line of _________ rulers would begin


The Immortal Seven invited William, a _____ prince to invade England

abandoned the throne

Parliament decided that James II had ____


Parliament declared the throne ________

William and Mary

The crown was offered to __________ and ___________


The transfer of power from James II to William and Mary became known as the
_________Revolution or the Bloodless Revolution.


Leaders of ____________ had chosen a ruler based on what they thought was best for the country


In 1689, Parliament passed one of the most important acts in the history of England; the
___________ of Rights.

Monarch, Parliament

It put limits on the power of the ________ and gave important powers to _________.


the ceremony or act of crowning a ruler


to hurt or harass a group of people for religion or other beliefs


the national legislative body of nobles and elected representatives in England

aristocrat a member of the upper or noble class

galleon a large Spanish sailing vessel, used as a warship or a trader

armada a fleet of warships or military aircraft

divine right of kings

the belief that kings and queens have a God-given right to rule, and that rebellion against them is a


puritans who supported Parliament


royalists who supported the King


people who own land and have high social standing but not titles of nobility


the crime of betraying one's own country


the historical period during which the monarchy of England was returned to England under Charles II


any protestant who refused to belong to the Church and England

bubonic plague a deadly disease spread by flees on infected rats

democracy a system of government in which power is "vested" or put in control of the people

American Bill of Rights

lists and protects the rights of individual citizens

English Bill of Rights

states the rights of Parliament(wealthy landowners) in relation to the king and queen


Henry VIII

Elizabeth's father who broke from the Catholic Church.

Unlike Mary I, Elizabeth was a



Journeys that Queen Elizabeth and her court would go on during the summers

What were 3 other names for Elizabeth I?

Good Queen Bess, the Virgin Queen, and Gloriana

Francis Drake

He left home for a trip around the world.

Francis Drake liked to attach whose ships?

The Ships of Spain and Potugal. He would take their riches.

What happened after Francis Drake led a surprise attack that destroyed all of
the ships in the Spanish harbor?

Philip began plans to invade Englad and conquer it.

Spain was building warships called what?

The Armada

How did the Armada advance on England?

Very slowly as if the wind couldn't carry them.

After England defeated the Armada, what did it open way for England to

A great Sea Power

Whom did Queen Elizabeth name as her successor?

Her closest friend, James Stewart

In England, James Stewart became known as

James I

In 1607, a group of English colonists settled where?


What did the colonists who settled in Virginia name their colony?


King Charles ordered the Presbyterians of Scotland to use a prayer book based
on what religion?

The Chruch of England

Where did the Scottish Army march into? England

Oliver Cromwell A commander on Parliament's side with a talent for leadership.

Restoration The return of the monarch

Charles II was know as this

the Mary Monarch

Why did the English people worry about James having a baby boy?

They worried because then a long line of Catholic rulers would begin.

Whom did the Immortal Seven invite to invade England? William, a Dutch prince.

What did Parliament decide about James II?

That he had abandoned the throne.

What did Parliament declare about the throne after James II left it?

They determined it was vacant.

To whom was the vacant throne offered?

William and Mary

The transfer of power from James II to William and Mary was known as what?

The Glorious Revolution or the Bloodless Revolution

How had parliament chosen the leaders?

They had chosen rulers based on what they thought was best for the country.

What was one of the most important acts passed by English Parliament and what
year was it passed?

the Bill of Rights in 1689

What did the bill of rights do?

It put limits on the monarchy and gave important powers to the Parliament.

How were the Roundheads and the Cavaliers alike?

Soldiers on both sides lived in crowded, dirty conditions that caused disease.

How were the Roundheads and Cavalier different?

Roundheads supported Parliament. They were puritans who favored short, simple haircuts. They had
more money and outnumbered the Cavaliers.
Cavaliers supported the King. They were well-dressed. They were aggressive young nobles. They
were loyal and scared of the land owners


the ceremony or act of crowning a ruler

to hurt or harass a group of people, in this case for their religion


the national legislative body of nobles and elected representatives in England


a member of the upper, or noble class


Elizabeth took the throne November 17, 1558 when she was

25 years old

_____ had the throne before Elizabeth and what happened.

Mary Tudor, Elizabeth's older half sister, and she died on November 17, 1558

Who are Elizabeth's parents

father was King Henry VIII and mother was Anne Boleyn

What happened to Elizabeth's mother

father, King Henry VIII, beheaded her

Elizabeth's half sister, Mary Tudor, had the nickname ____? Why?

Bloody Mary because she killed Protestants and many were burned on a stake

What religion was Elizabeth


What was a difficult task Elizabeth faced

Elizabeth had to keep peace between the Catholics and the Protestants

Did Elizabeth have a husband and children? Why or why not?

No, she thought marriage would distract her from her duties. She believed the town was her husband
and the town's people were her children

Queen Elizabeth and her court left London on journeys called


Why did they leave London on journeys

Elizabeth had to get away from the hot dirty and smelly city.

How did Elizabeth reestablish the Church of England

Elizabeth combined the practices of the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church when she
reestablished the Church of England

3 nicknames for Queen Elizabeth Good Queen Bess, Virgin Queen, Gloriana
How long did Elizabeth rule 45 years from 1558 to 1603.

Elizabeth's era is remembered as the Elizabethan Age

a large Spanish sailing vessel, used as a warship or a trader galleon

To English people and Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Drake was a

brave and skilled sea commander.

To the Spanish Drake was a pirate

Describe Drakes trip around the world in 1577

down west coast of Africa, across Atlantic ocean, around Americas

The Spanish ambassador to London called Drake and why?

the master thief of the unknown world because he attached Spanish and Portuguese shipped and
seized their riches

Where did the Spanish have colonies in North America

Mexico, Florida, California, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona

The pope offered King Philip of Spain ___ if he would conquer England

a million in gold

Spain was building a fleet of warships called the armada

Describe what the English did if the lookouts spotted an invading ship

coast guards would light a beacon and the next person would light the next beacon until everyone
knows invaders are there

Describe the Spanish Armada

130 large ships, sailed in tight formation "floating fortress", very slow, carried 30,000 people, horses,
and weapons

Describe the English Fleet

1500 men, small nimble ships, sailors knew the currents, darted around edges of Spanish fleet

How did the English fleet defeat the Spanish Armada

English set empty ships on fire and let the tide carry them toward the armada, forcing them to break
formation. Also storm that blew them into the rocks. 1/2 the men died

the belief that kings and queens have a God-given right to rule and that rebellion
against them is a sin divine right of kings

King James I was appointed by Elizabeth. He was the son of Mary Queen of Scots

King James religion was Protestant

Catholics and Protestants agreed on the new bible called King James Versions
1607 colonists settled in ____________ the first permanent colony in North

Jamestown, Virginia

Puritans wanted to _________ the Church of England purify

1620 Puritans (Pilgrims) settled in ____ Plymouth, Massachusetts

King James I died in ____ and who took the throne

1625, and his son Charles I took the throne

Charles I married daughter of ___, and why?

King of France, to form alliance so the countries wouldn't go to war

Who distrusted Charles I Parliament distrusted him and started civil war in 1642

Cavaliers (Royalists) supported ____ King, most were nobles

Roundheads supported Parliament

Civil war ended in what year 1646. 1 in 5 people killed by war or diseases

people who own land and have high social standing but no titles of nobility


the crimes of betraying one's country treason

Puritan, member of Parliament, wasn't happy with King Charles and led a fight
against him Oliver Cromwell

1626 - Cavaliers (support King) surrendered to New Model Army so who won
the war? Parliament

What happened to Charles charged with treason and beheaded in 1649

Cromwell refused the crown so he was given what title? Lord Protector.

Who was "king in all but name" and ruled for 5 years Cromwell

Cromwell's methods helped move England to a more _____ system


Cromwell was remembered as a _____ King killer and dictator

the historical period during which the monarchy was returned to England under
Charles II Restoration

any Protestant who refused to belong to the Church of England Dissenter

a deadly disease spread by fleas on infected rats Bubonic plague

government under Cromwell was call ____ because the army controlled it

sword rule
who took over after Cromwell died in 1658. Was he a strong ruler.

Son took over and he wasn't a strong leader

1660 Parliament invited ____ back to England to be King

Charles II

1650 Charles II, son of Charles I, led Scots against ____ and _____ (won or lost)

Cromwell and lost

What was it called in 1660 when Charles II returned to be king Restoration

Charles II supported _____ as it reestablished the Church of England and

disbanded the army Parliament

Why was Charles II known as the Merry Monarch

he loved the pleasures the Puritans tried to outlaw; gambling, horse racing, theatre

Charles II would have liked to let to let people practice any religion but why
couldn't he

Parliament didn't trust catholics or Puritans

Trouble under Charles II Kingdom running out of Money,

small wars with Holland over trade routes,
bubonic plague,
Fire of London,
King and queen no children, next in line is Catholic brother, James

took throne in 1685 and was unfriendly and humorless, began to lose mind

James II

People of England were worried that there would be a long line of Catholic
leaders. Who were the 7 leaders of Parliament called to help

Immortal 7

Who was William and Mary

prince from Holland and grandson of King Charles I, Mary was his wife

1688, ____ sent William an invitation to bring an army to England to dethrone

James II and they would support him

Immortal 7

What was the problem with William coming to dethrone James II?

James II was ally with France and if William sailed to England France might attack Holland

Did William come to England and if so what happened?

William came to England and James fled to France, William won

What was it called when William won Glorious Revolution or Bloodless Revolution
Since William was not in line for the throne, who received the crown

Parliament offered to both William and Mary since she was daughter of James II

William and Mary promise to uphold laws of

Parliament and Protestant religion

limits power of monarchy and gives important power to Parliament

Bill of Rights

Why was mary queen of scots executed Treason : plotted with philip 2 to take her position

Who was going to punish elizabeth for this , how Phillip 2 of Spain, starting a holy war

Why did Elizabeth think that she was going to be punished

She killed gods appointed queen

What was the role of Duke of Parma in the upcoming battle

Leads army of 15,000 in France against England

How does the queen react when she finds out that one of her ladies in waiting is

She is furious, hits her, makes her leave = no longer had the protection of the queen

In what ways were signals sent to warm about the approaching armada

Fire and torches

Who does the queen release for the upcoming battles Prisoners and Raleigh

How does the queen inspire her troops Meets them before battle in uniform And gives a

What idea does drake have, what happens when the Spanish drop anchor

To send fire ships and attack, they are destroyed

Drake is an English pirate

❗️❗️What happens to the Spanish Armada

How ? They lose
1 fire ships
2 English ships are smaller, faster , deck mounted cannons in swivels ( could fire in any direction,
the Spanish would have to turn their entire ship to shoot in a certain direction)
3 the Spanish were to slow and big = could not fit through funnel like English Channel
4 weather

Queen Elizabeth asks Raleigh about what dream Shinning city in new world

Elizabeth may be a virgin, but she is mother to Her people

What were the results of the defeat of the Spanish Armada Spain no longer controlled
the seas

Phillips boats were named after ---- and blessed by ---- Saints, pope
The stewards are in Scotland

The Tudors are in England

Queen of Scotland, claim to English throne because she is Henry's niece , plotted
with Philip to take the English crown form Elizabeth Mary Queen of scots

Ruler of England but bastard, Protestant Elizabeth

Why did Phillip want to take down Elizabeth

Because she was a bastard people thought Mary would be better, she is Protestant , she would not
marry him

Henry VIII made the church of England reject the Pope and break from
England. Why?

He made it so he could devorce his wife and remarry. He did so because his wife wasn't producing

Identify the event that (possibly) triggered the English civil war.

Charles I ordered prybysterians to use a Church of England prayer book.

Identify the two sides of the English civil war. Parliament and King Charles I

Name the people that supported Charles I. Cavaliers

Name the people who supported Parliament. Roundheads

How did Queen Elizabeth get the nick name Gloriana?

There was a poem written about her that portray her as a goddess named Gloriana.

During Elizabeth's reign, there was a lot of conflict between England and Spain.
What were the two reasons for this conflict?

Both wanted settlements and riches in North and South America and Spain wanted to rule England
and keep it catholic

The English defeated the Spanish Armada and Shakespeare wrote some of his
plays during this ruler's reign. Who was king/queen during this time?

Queen Elizabeth I

List at least 4 things that sir Francis was known for.

Hero that claimed land for England, a pirate of Spanish treasure, 2nd to sail around the world, and
planned the surprise attack against Spain.

Why was King Charles I executed? How did the English people react to this?

Parliament accused him of treason because he made a secret agreement with the Scott. They were
shocked because they have never executed a king before.

Charles II had the niche name of Merry Monarch. List 3 reasons why.

He let women be in plays for the first time, he liked to gamble and go to horse races, and was fun
Oliver Cromwell (lord protector) played a major role in the English civil war.
List 4 things/ideas that apply to Cromwell.

He was in parliament, he was a Puritan, a military leader of the Roundheads, a member of the gentry,
and helped convince others to behead Charles I.

Charles I became king during a period of England history (around 1660) known
as... the Restoration.

What was unusual about king Mary II's coronation?

She and her husband, Willian of Orange, were both crowned King&Queen. They ruled together
equally and promised to uphold the laws of parliament.

What did the English bill of rights do for England?

It put limits on the power of Monarch and gave parliament power.

This revolution in England was named the Glorious Revolution. Why?

There was no war or battle when William invaded England. It was an important step to democracy.

Not all of North and South America is colonized by the Spanish; Spain no longer
controls the seas What were the results of the defeat of the Armada?

They were destroyed

What happens to the Armada

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